T E R M S R E F E R E N C E D I N E P I S O D E The (Part 3)

Ep. 121

P I N Y I N / T E R M C H I N E S E E N G L I S H / M E A N I N G

Anhui 安徽 Province in China

Chang Jiang 长江 The Yangzi River

Changchun 长春 Capital of Jilin province in

Chen Cheng 陈诚 NRA General

Chen Cheng 陈诚 NRA General

Chen Mingren 陈明仁 NRA General

Chen Yi 陈毅 PLA General and future foreign minister

Chen Yun 陈云 One of Mao’s earliest political allies

Dabie Mountains 大别山 Mountain chain just northeast of in Hubei province

Du Yuming 杜聿明 Nationalist General

Fenghua 奉化 City and county in , near

Fu Zuoyi 傅作义 Nationalist General

Fujian 福建 Province in China

Gao Gang 高岗 PLA leader who served closely with

Geng Biao 耿彪 PLA leader

Guangdong 广东 Province in China Guangxi 广西 Province in China

Han Gaozu 汉高祖 Bang, founder of the Han Dynasty

Hu Zongnan 胡宗南 Nationalist General

Huabei 华北 Northern China

Huaihai 淮海 Civil War Campaign in 1948

Huang Wei 黄伟 Nationalist General

Hubei 湖北 Province in China

Jiangsu 江苏 Province in China

another military region of the Communists covering parts of Shanxi, Inner Jin-Cha-Ji 晋察冀 Mongolia and

Jinzhou 锦州 City in Liaoning province

Ming Dynasty loyalist who fought on against the Qing from his base. Koxinga 郑成功 Also known as Cheng Ch’eng-kung

Li Fuchun 李富春 PLA General

Li Zongren 李宗仁 Nationalist General

Liaoning 辽宁 Province in Manchuria

Liaoshen 辽沈 Civil War Campaign in 1948

Lin Biao 林彪 PLA General in Manchuria and northern China

Liu Bocheng 刘伯承 PLA General ( partner in civil war)

Liu Shaoqi 刘少奇 Communist leader (and later Cultural Revolution main target)

Liu Zhi 刘峙 Nationalist General

Ma Yingjiu 马英九 Current president and chairman of the KMT

Manchukuo 满洲国 Japanese puppet state in Manchuria, capital was at Changchun Nie Rongzhen 聂荣臻 NRA General

Peng Dehuai 彭德怀 PLA General

Pingjin 平津 Civil War Campaign in 1948

Shaan-Gan-Ning Bianqu 陕甘宁边区 The military region that covered parts of , Gansu and Ningxia

Shanhaiguan 山海关 Located on the Hebei coast, this is the city where the Great Wall begins

Siping 四平 Site, in Jilin Province, of a major civil war campaign

Xi Zhongxun 习仲勋 Father of China’s current President and CCP Chairman

Xibaipo 西柏坡 Sit of Mao’s military headquarters after he was pushed out of Yan’an

Xikou 溪口 Town in Fenghua county, birthplace of Chiang Kai-shek

Xinbao’an 新保安 City located in between Zhangjiakou and Beijing in Hebei province

Xing Zhong Hui 兴中会 The Revive China Society, forerunner to the KMT

Xuzhou 徐州 City in Jiangsu province

Yang Shangkun 杨尚昆 Longtime

Zhang Wentian 张闻天 One of the 28 Bolsheviks who switched allegiance to Mao

Zhangjiakou 张家口 Strategic city in Hebei near Beijing where Mao headed to after Yan’an fell

Zhejiang 浙江 Province in China

Zhu De 朱德 PLA General