Sunflower November 8, 1934

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Sunflower November 8, 1934 1. Heme'Cominf Htme-coliilf Edition SUNFLOWER Editioi OFFICIAL STUDFNT FVBUCATION OF THE UNtYEKSiTT OF WICHITA XL TWO SECTIONS W IC H IT A . K a n s a s . T h u r s d a y . No v e m b e r s . 1934 SIXTEEN PAGES H«.B vKnrsRsiTT aooKSToas T WeJ onrta pooraAu. snenas ixgta U any Alumni Board Names According to Mra. ifi’akofleld, ep- Barb Candidate For he) 13.1 erator of tlie' Unlvanity of Wien- ita*« Bookulore, there are plain fceted For Staff to Head now Iwing laid to diatribute the W. U. fmitball •tlrkera to ail alu- Home-coming Queen % wceI 'Hantii and all Alumni free of chhrge. wrg e l [imecoming *^35 Yearbook Thli offer la ohiy good during the llnmecomlnr week Aid and !■ vt. SoJ being done to add color to the day Chosen Over Greeks U Fankhouter To Editors PrepaHng To of feitivlty and to advortieo the achool when the old grad* return Wsihl ^ w n Queen At Start Work On to their reapcctive homee. After f Half Time Parnassus thit week end they will be on aale Doris Miller Fort J at a nominal coal. The hook itore alto offert to tha reral now frAturat for Meiiiliep* of the Ifl.'W Parnaa- atuHenta and graduatet of prevloua Chosen Queen F'Ooiiiinn will hrioir him Hill Ktaff. who were choaen by year* Univeraity pennanta and I of irrada back to the cam* the atiideni Hoard of Piibliea- Rag*, table runnera and pillowa to Soturdoy it the opin> thma laic taat week, will aoon match, football pillowa, and ttand covera at a big dltcount. Mra. Of Festivities ' Harold llalone. proaident ^muOtmrf FW.. take up tbeir diitiea of prepar* Wakefield ia endeavoring to cloar Alumni Htaocialion, who ing the Riiident year book. thit eloch, Barb Victory To Cau$e Lost Is Found! Leo W. Allman, board advlaer. So hero’a_____ _a ____ehanca _ to.. decorate reived letten from (trad VIrtiM of many *yWMT waa the famew* Jinx which Uieae cellete Greater Inlereit, located alt over thit »ee> voiced hb approval of tha ataff ae-iyour’our fraternitytratemily and lorartty houia Sheika of Seuibweaieni Celliae are weleemhiy heme. It wma bach In n a real Shocker fashion. More Spirit ' the country. Roamna for tSe “feed ole daya.** whew thk pletare waa awapptd. that the Jinx for the poelUon upon hla merlU and J waa fravneRUy le e t- rater interett thia year not by parUalily or favoritism. It la Rilling cloae tn (h« becU only with the utmoet confMenc* fformerly ia that the name the fm t barb vletory in tli<- nulhwratem brinna mem thet the Board of PubllcaUona te* Minisa Group ireted theee bullvlduala for upon history nf the University wiilt rivalr}’ extending back Jinx Born in 1912 Still them la traced the recponalbllUy ot the selection of ifiu Dori<t rara. creating an ouuUndliM Unlvertlty Gets Ovation Miller ts Ifome-eominff Queen. annual. fact la that fa* o( ttia Haunts Southwestern Game Greek letter organisations are have aver met the new Tbenat Ediler it. Dr. W. M. Jardlne, and Bdwin Thomaa, Pamaaiua editor* In Dodge City fumbling for a solution by are that opportunity ttila a v e the atudenU of the Univepslly of Wichita lout ln*chte(. and Olfford Booth. Jr.. which they may secure a ma* business manager, were chosen last.,,,,,, _ ^ • the nrei time tn yean, that college spirit that waa so prevalent on thla campua jority in the coming school elec* wUl be queen ot the Rome* H spring. Boui men have had cen*’W i l l Repeat Profram In tinns. feeUvtUee. In the daya of old Fairmount? Did our achodl spirit g o aiderabie_____ _ experience with printing | K a n ta a C ity , K an aaa, up in a puff of amoke with the burning down of Fairmount>and )oumaium work. With the choosing of Miss Miller, Pafa4c at lt:M a sophomort in the Collegt of Pine atartlni at Waco and Hall—or were the seeds of that enthusiasm planted sol 'rh«"“ *• a ’ juntor in the NoTember IS College of Liberal Arts, member of Arts. non-Greek students were riel* wUI be the tint feature ot deeply that a mere puff of smoke could not carry away this ed. for It was their Initial rieUw!-, Accordlna to Jimmie Lee. Alpha Gamma Gamma and Colo*' After firing a concert In Dodge Bchool “ rah” that we hear ao much of. and do so little about? phnn. honwary Joumallxm organt*'C1ly last Thureday. Mlnlaa Orchaa* of 391*333 Many are determined tl ot the pep committee, the riiall not be their last. 111 atan at 10:30 ajn. and One need* only to talk with lome ^eansd, there waa never a iplril nf aatlon. aaaoclate editor of 19M Par* tra and Dean Ueurance of the Col* of thoce who attended nur “ fair (ruction in mind. However. Mr. nasaus. editor of the sophomore teae of Fine Aita. received an ap* HesheU Lmder inatitutlon'' around 1901*1919 to be Carlton did state that they were edition of the Sunflower last tprlng, plause not equaled by any other Dena Heskett. berb leader, dc* Miller hat ehown Dena Inatilied with that aame enthuai* moat anxious to hack the spirit as and present member of tha Board audience for whom they have play* claree, “Tila haa been a big step lit aa her eacort for the aam and apirit which, making up a much as poaalblel And it waa with of Publications. ed during the past year. forward hi achool spirit. We are day funrtlona. Mr. loyal group of atudenta, formed an this in mind that extensive plana M r Booth is alao a Junim- in the The orchestra, under the dlrt^rtleni hoping for a better spirit on (he la the man that waa tn* equally loyal alumni. And It muat were made for a very thorough In* College of Liberal Arta, member of of Dean Lleuranec. played for thC; campus, and that haa bem sadly Bi leading the Barba not be forgotten that It waa thla vaaioti of Richardson Hall at Win* Alpha Gamma Gamma and Oolo* Dodge City high school students In needed for a good many years. 1 vtctory. Mlta MUIer haa alumni jmup who, harking back to Reid where the Jinx waa reported phon. He was advertising manager an afternoon concert and gave a feel this Is a start that will oen* aa her atten^ia, Mlaa their college daya, played a great to have been seen last. of the 1934 Pamaaeus. boainett program for the Kanaaa State ttnue and girt more volee In the Lou Ambnne, Mut Janice part In making our inititntlon a manager of the 1934*33 ctudent Teachen conrentlcm In an evening' government. The barbs are now MIM Mabel Hugh, Municipal Univeraity. IIR Fairmount group made up director!-, and member of the Btu- concert, which waa made up of finding out (hey are a real part of mneea Laffoon. Mlar In 1901 the Wheauhocktr team Tof these six or seven men ap- dent Council In his aophomore year. Dean Ucuranee's “IVaUa South* the student body." Still, and Mitt Maxine iSet the Moundbuitder team for the proache<l Southwestern In three Mr. Booth la a football i^yer andlwest," “Conquistador," and selee* Opinion, the basts of which may Theee altendanta wUI flrat game of football ever to have cars from three different direc­ recent winner of the fire prevention itons from "Mlnlsa." —CMrtSir TiM WIebIts Catts. be unsound, has been clreuiated to iheir own eKorta. been acheduled between the two tions. Everything was timed per* speech contest. The Dodge City high school aud* the fact that otKe again the two Miller la a aophomere In achoola. There were, no doubt! few foctly, ami signals were worked Sludenia selected last week for Itorlum. In which both concerts Queen To Be Honored |Oreek letter partite wlU unite Into of nne Art! and la at thi* lime who ever dreamed that out perfectly. Along with the men staff posiiioiu are: Jimmie Lee. u*l«ere given was crowded to capacity, Many eoarteriea and hewers w l|] be tendered MU* Deris MUIrr a stronger organised body to foil In the art department of was a Wichita locksmith, hired—t>r, toclato editor: Bernard Downing, art'wlth 1.300 people seated and 300 dariiif Ibe sreek'tnd when she will reign ss the 1934 Itotte-eoailng (he plana of any other faction to iu U. the riralry between the two eehoola control campua pities. ivaralty. She U alao a would become an intenae aa to Ilvt acquired—|i> mitigate, aleviate. anil’editor: Stanford Waddell, copy ed*l*tandmg. Queen of the L'nlverslly. She has chosen Dewe HesheU to act as her of the aophomore worn* to be .10 years old. otherwise make easier the entranceiher; Glaus Larwn, sports editor; A concert wui be glrtn In Kansas escort at the AD-L'nivenlly dinner tawMrrow evening, the football Jimmie Lee. Man of Webatm-. team and la a mem* Into Richardson Hall. Entrance wasiMargaret M. Hayes, organixatlons City November 13, In which both gam Ratorday. and (he Varsity Saturday night. Mlaa Miller la a fonner freshman class president and the Wotnen’i Athletic Aa* duly made, and there the Jinx—{editor: Looeta Brown, class editor; the Mlnlaa Orchestra and Chorus mphomore student In the CoUogo ed Fine Arts. member of the Caucus party, aa* H' and the Fairmount team con* wasn't!! To return home with no'Mary Katherine Gelbach. picture wtli partletpate. The group wlU serta, -*The result of the election Is tinued to be victorious, • ftellM of blood on their hands was Dnthink*jedtlor; Glen Bodersirnm faculty Journey to that city on the Banu f- » r * * 0 • t a vety fine thing as far aa the icbool Itself goes.
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