
Amon 66, 312, 313 258 47, 141, 162, 171, 259, 44, 221 n.6, 251n.64 260, 343, 358, 359 Seth 32, 99, 199, 202–205, 240, Aphrodite 67, 70 243, 313, 336, 436 9, 44, 46, 49, 343, 364, 411 Sokar 19, 260, 443 Asclepius 84 Thoeris 343 Aton 40, 334 46, 141, 260, 313, 343 334, 353 Zeus 439 40, 114 47, 71, 364 Rulers and members of their Cerberus 364 closest family Dionysus 70, 363, 364, 340 Great God 260 Akhenaton 16, 40, 44 Harendotes 203 (= Alexander 70, 193, 251, 251 n.65, of Macedon) 17, 45, 66, 71, 290, 298, 300, 303, 312, 401 204, 204 n.44, 206, 331, 338, 443 363–365, 406, 434, 437 32, 32 n.13, 46, 57, 199, Al-Ma’mun 48 200, 202, 203, 203 n.41–42, Amasis 16, 267 204–206, 204 n.44, 243, 281, Amenhotep III 44, 315 284, 290, 313, 336, 354, 360, 28 364, 436 Ankhesenpepi II 38 41, 46, 66, 70, 203, 206, 226, 16, 267 290, 354, 436 Cheops 15, 38, 101 334 Chephren 15, 38 439 VII 17, 47, 338 132, 354, 356, 360 Dewen 15, 26 141, 260 (= Isesi) 15, 37 439 25, 209 354 (= Netjerikhet) 15, 28, 29, (= Nefertum) 186, 259, 30, 41, 112, 200, 201, 205 298, 303, 306 n.4 16, 39, 55, 77, 82–87, 110, 334, 341, 353, 354 312, 313 n.16 Onuris 364 Aha 15, 25 22–23, 66, 70, 99, 141, 16, 39, 41 152, 171–217 Hor-netjerikhet (Pepi I’s son) 38 22, 41, 42, 44, 46, 132, 258, 15, 26 265, 298, 306, 365, 406 -nofret 41, 42, 406 Ptah-Sokar-Osiris 341, 342, 343, Isma’il Pasha 51 358, 360, 391 Justinian 48 Re 66, 156, 334, 433 Khaemweset 41, 106, 406

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Khasekhemwy 26, 27 15, 30, 31, 33 Marc Anthony 47 15, 33, 36, 157, 158, II 82 161, 163, 168, 245, 415 Merenre I 37 27 Mykerinos 15, 38 Napoleon Bonaparte 50 16, 43, 361 Ancient people (‘private’) Nectanebo II 16, 364 Ankhmahor 226 41, 55, 406 Aper-El 40 Niuserre 15, 35 43 Nubnefer 27 Debeheni 237, 238, 241 15, 26, 27 Diogenes 363 Pepi I 15, 32, 33, 36–37, 38, 153, Djawy (Temi’s son) 314 157, 161, 300, 415 Djesti 251 Pepi II 15, 37, 38, 193, 210, 301 Fafa 249 Peribsen (= Sekhemib) 26, Fefi (= Merefnebef = -) 203, 204 [senior] 123, 132–133, 140, 142, , 6, 43 153, 155, 160, 161, 260–262, 265 I 69, 204 n.44, 363, 365 Fefi (= Merefnebef) (Fefi Senior’s Ptolemy II 69 younger son) [junior] 161, 164, Ptolemy III 69 262, 303, 311, 378 Ptolemy IV 69, 363 Hemi (Fefi Junior’s wife) 159, 378 Ptolemy V 69 Heraclitus of Ephesus 294 Ptolemy VI 69, 70, 363 Herodotus 48 Ramesses II 41, 55, 66, 106, Hesi 161 204, 406 Hesiod 363 Said Pasha 51 Homer 363 15, 30 Hor (dream interpreter) 15 27 Hor-Sheri 356 Sesostris I 15, 267 Hui 40 Seti 9, 16, 204 Iakhi (dwarf) 299 Setnakht 16, 204 Idu 226 16, 42 Idu-iker 249 15, 37, 38 Ikhi (= Ikhi-Meri = Meri) Snofru 15, 30 [senior] 412–416, 419, 421 16, 64 Ikhi (= Ikhi-Meri = Meri) 15, 33, 35, 37, 40, 45, 61, [junior] 417, 423, 426, 428 132, 142, 156, 158, 163, 164, Ikhi-Meri (= Ikhi = Meri) 17, 200, 202, 206, 240, 245, [senior] 414–417, 419 300, 312, 315, 316, 361 Ikhi-Meri (= Ikhi = Meri) Thothmes III 55, 82–84 [junior] 423 16, 40, 54, 200 Ikhti 249 Unas 26, 27, 31, 33–35, 107, 132, 8, 28, 52, 84, 87, 142, 172, 206, 215, 260, 280, 106–107, 172, 206, 331, 344, 300, 328 392, 433

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Iret (Fefi Senior’s harpist wife) 138 Pepi-anch 36 Izi 61 Pindar 363 Khekeret 251 Plato 363 (Temi’s daughter) 298 Protagoras 363 Kheti 251 Ptahhotep 106, 306, 315 Maia 40 Ptahhoteps (family) 104 Manefer (Fefi Senior’s eldest Ptahshepses 35, 159 son) 133, 142, 161 Seankhuiptah 161 33 Seshem-nefer 240, 417 Metjen 240 Seshseshet (Fefi Senior’s Metjut (Fefi Senior’s harpist-wife) 138, 262, 289, 290 harpist-wife) 138 Seshseshet (Temi’s wife) 312 Metjut (Temi’s daughter) 298 48, 361 Merefnebef (= Fefi = Unas-ankh) Tales 363 [senior] 137, 142, 144, 149, Temi (offering bearer) 150, 152, 154, 159, 160, 168 Ti 134 Merefnebef (= Fefi) (Fefi Tjetji (Temi’s younger Senior’s younger son) son) 307, 314 [junior] 161–164, 378 Tjezet 132 Mereri (overseer of the Unas-ankh (= Merefnebef = Fefi) arsenal) 161 [senior] 142 Mereri (name given to Temi’s three Uni 36, 37 sons) 279, 308 356 Mereri ( – probably one of Temi’s three sons) 308 Chronological periods Mereruka 35–36, 149, 226 Arabic Era 58 Meri (= Ikhi-Meri = Ikhi) Archaic Period 28, 47, 400 [senior] 414–417, 419 Byzantine Era (= Byzantine Meri (= Ikhi-Meri = Ikhi) Period) 17, 55, 62, 69 [junior] 423 Byzantine Period (= Byzantine Meri-Teti 36 Era) 17, 55, 62, 69 27 Dynasty Meruka (Temi’s oldest son) 259, ––First Dynasty 25, 26 279, 289, 290, 293, 305, 307, ––Second Dynasty 26, 27, 203, 311, 314 400, 403, 404, 405, 407 (Fefi Senior’s ––Third Dynasty 23, 24, 27, 46, harpist-wife) 138 64, 94, 105, 216, 403 Nefer (priest) 314, 322 ––Fourth Dynasty 30, 31, 37, 38, Neferseshemre 240 159, 222, 231, 240, 311 Nyankhnefertum (= Temi) 257, ––Fifth Dynasty 26, 30, 31, 33, 258, 259, 298, 300, 303, 304, 34, 35, 94, 104, 132, 134, 142, 307, 319, 320, 437 159, 172, 215, 227, 229, 238, Ny-Pepi 401 280, 315, 334, 437 Pedenu 249 ––Sixth Dynasty 21, 32, 34–36, Pehenptah (= Pehi) 401 38, 60, 132, 142, 149, 153, 163,

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164, 171, 180, 184, 188, 189, Third Intermediate Period 16, 44, 192, 193, 199–202, 20, 209, 87, 138 210, 222, 223, 229, 230, 232, Thuthmoside period 82, 87 240, 244–246, 249, 250, 161, 262, 287, 301, 306, 311, 315, Researchers 361, 401, 437, 438 ––Tenth Dynasty 38 Afifi 123 ––Twelfth Dynasty 39 Allen James P. 33 ––Eighteenth Dynasty 39–41, 55, Altenmüller Hartwig 34, 34 77, 82, 312, 334, 396 n.7, 42 n.30, 15 n.3, 199 n.32, ––Nineteenth Dynasty 41, 281 n.46 204, 396 Andrzejewski Tadeusz 61 ––Twentieth Dynasty 41, 83, 204 Arnold Dorothea 97 n.1, 225, ––Twenty-Fifth Dynasty 42, 43, 225 n.16 44, 64, 83 Babraj Krzysztof 78, 78 n.42 ––Twenty-Sixth Dynasty 43 Barsanti Alessandro 27 ––Thirtieth Dynasty 45, 361 Błaszczuk Beata 351 First Intermediate Period 15, 38, Bourriau Janine 225 173, 192, 206, 437 Bresciani Edda 43, 43 n.31 Greek-Roman Era (= Greek- Burattini Tito Livio 49 Roman Period) 435 Champollion Jean François 43, Lagids (= ) 58 45, 50, 51, 63 Late Epoch (= Late Period) 16, 43, Chłodnicki Marek 89, 90 n.59, 93 46, 433 n.60, 178 n.11 75 Ciałowicz Krzysztof 89, 90 n.59, Middle Kingdom 15, 39, 82, 87, 93 n.60, 178 n.11, 187 267, 334, 395, 433 Czerniak Barbara 118 Neolith 88 Daszewski Wiktor Andrzej 66 New Kingdom 16, 40 n.26, 73, 75 n.39 Old Kingdom 15, 23, 31, Davies Sue 46 32, 33, 35 Dąbrowska Urszula 392, 417 n.33 Pre-Dynastic Period 15, 90, 228 Dąbrowski Jarosław 351, 388 Ptolemaic Dynasty (= Lagids) 58 Della Valle Pietro 49 Ptolemaic Era (= Ptolemaic Deslandes Bruno 29, 29 n.9 Period = Ptolemaic Times) 19, Dobrev Vassil 33 43, 44, 45, 65, 66, 67, 72, 84, 87, Dolińska Monika 83, 83 n.48 105, 109, 111, 113, 175, 239, Dreyer Günter 25, 25 n.2, 27, 27 249, 331, 333–338, 342–348, n.5, 28 n.8, 204 n.43, 400 n.10 355, 359, 360, 363, 391, 396, Dybich Mariusz 416 408–411, 408, 426, 437 El Saddik Wafaa 54 Ramesses 16, 39–41, 55, 63, 66, Emery Walter B. 25, 46, 106, 107 87, 106, 204 Firth Cecil M. 25, 29 Roman Era (= Roman Godlewski Włodzimierz 75, Period = Roman Times) 44, 49, 76 n.40, 81, 87 n.54, 98, 98 63, 64, 66, 76, 336, 411 n.4, 369

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Godziejewski Zbigniew 208 n.57, Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin 255 n.4, 266 n.30, 369 n.5, 370, Iwona 206 n.51, 207 n.52–55, 374 n.9–10, 375, 376 n.13, 377, 208 n.59–60, 351 380 n.19, 371 n.20, 382 n.25, Krzyżaniak Lech 88, 88 n.56 383 n.26–27, 384, 384 n.28–29. Kuraszkiewicz Kamil Omar 145 385 n.30, 385 n.32, 386 n.35, n.30, 15 n.4, 158 n.11, 171 387 n.36, 390 n.39, 390 n.41 n.1–2, 173 n.5, 175, 175 n.6, Goneim Zakaria 30 176 n.8, 178 n.12, 178 n.13, Górecki Tomasz 77, 77 n.41 179 n.14–15, 186 n.18–19, 208 Habachi Labib 62, 63 n.56–58, 209 n.61, 209 n.63, Hassan Selim 27 219 n.3, 220 n.4–5, 222 n.10, Hawass Zahi 25 n.2, 101, 101 223, 223 n.12–13, 224 n.14, n.8, 102, 107, 159 n.13, 200, 229 n.23, 249 n.58, 25 n.59, 221 n.8, 222 n.9, 262 n.19, 287 250 n.62, 251 n.63, 251 n.65, n.56, 321 253–302, 304–309 Herbich Tomasz 63 n.21, 69, Labrousse Audran 28 n.7, 32 102, 102 n.12, 104 n.13, 105 n.12, 33, 33 n.14 n.15–18 Laskowska-Kusztal Ewa 85, Ikram Salima 111 n.19, 199, 85 n.50 199 n.30, 202 n.37, 237, 237 Lauer Jean Philippe 29, 30, 99, n.39, 350 99 n.7, 362 n.52 Iwaszczuk Jadwiga 87, 87 n.53 Leclant Jean 33 Jacquet-Gordon Helen 225 Lepsius Karl Richard 37, Jakobielski Stefan 57n.3, 43, 50 80n.44, 81 Lipińska Jadwiga 55 n.2, 70 Jéquier Gustave 32, 37, 193 n.26 n.33, 83 Kaczmarek Maria 45 n.31, 145, Lucas Paul 49–50 206 n.51, 207 n.52–55, 208 Łajtar Adam 81 n.59–60, 331 n.1, 347 n.26, 350 Marciniak Marek 84, 84 n.49 n.36, 351, 351 n.37, 352 n.38– Mariette Auguste 32, 37, 44, 51, 39, 360 n.51 54, 361, 362, 362 n.52 Kanawati Naguib 34, 34 n.17–18, Martin Geoffrey 39, 39 35 n.19, 36 n.21, 149 n.1, 153 n.23, 97 n.1 n.9, 161 n.16, 246 n.53, 250 Maspero Gaston 32, 43 n.32, 51, n.60, 250 n.61 60, 362 n.52 Karkowski Janusz 86, 86 Mathieson Ian 27, 106, 106 n.21, n.51, 98 n.2 107 n.22 Kemp Barry 25 Michałowski Kazimierz 8, 9, Kircher Athanasius 49 31 n.11, 53–64, 53, 56, 57 Kołątaj Wojciech 55 n.3–4, 58 n.7, 71, 72, 75, 82, Kowalska Agnieszka 179 n.16, 98, 98n.3, 100–101, 107, 118, 186 n.19, 186 n.21, 191 n.22, 134 n.21 192 n.23, 209 n.62, 209 n.64, Morgan Jacques de 47 211 n.67–68, 215 n.71–72, 216 Nicholson Paul T. 46, 46 n.37–39, n.74, 343 n.14, 343 n.15, 350, 47 n.40 360 n.47–50, 391 n.42–44 Niebuhr Carsten 50

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Niwiński Andrzej 59 n.10, 60 Tarara Daria 388 n.12, 87, 102 n.12, 104 n.13, Trzciński Jerzy 24 n.1, 172 n.3, 105 n.15–18, 221 n.6 327 n.44, 407 Nur el-Din Abdel Halim 100–101 Tyszkiewicz Michał 59, 59 n.10 Parandowska Ewa 54, 124, Vansleb (Père) 49 369, 392 Walsem René van 39 Parandowski Piotr 392 Welc Fabian 24 n.1, , 30 n.10, Pawlicki Franciszek 86, 95 172 n.3, 18 n.17, 327 n.44, 396 Pietrzykowski Michał 45, 45 n.35, n.4–5, 398 n.9, 404 n.15, 407, 363 n.53–58, 364, 364 n.59–64 407 n.18, 418 n.38 Pococke Richard 46, 50 Wipszycka-Bravo Ewa 76, 98 Quibell James E. 25, 29, 47, Witkowski Maciej 95 48n.42–43 Wysocki Zygmunt 86 Radomska Małgorzata 169 n.25, Ziegler Christiane 43, 44 n.33 331 n.1, 332 n.2, 333 n.12, 341 Zieliński Jarosław 233 n.13, 350, 352 n.40, 353 n.41, Zivie Alain 40, 40 n.24 410 n.20–23, 411 n.24 Zych Iwona 65 n.26, 75 n.39, 80, Radziwiłł Mikołaj Krzysztof (“the 80 n.43 Orphan”) 49 Żurawski Bogdan 81, 81 n.45 Ragab Ragab Mohammed 265 Raven Maarten 39, 40 n.23, 42 Old Egyptian religious texts n.28, 97 n.1 The Book of Breathings 336 Rosellini Ippolito 43, 50 The 334, 336, Russmann Edna Ann 209, 353, 433 209 n.65 334 Ruszczyc Barbara 64 n.24, 65, ‘Monument of Memphite 65 n.24 theology’ (= ‘Shabaka Stone’) 42 Rzepka Sławomir 87, 87 n.55 Netherworld books 43 Rzeuska Teodozja 176 n.9–10, 31–33, 35, 38, 43, 201 n.35, 216 n.73, 219 n.1–2, 51, 60, 107, 130, 143, 144, 202, 224, 224 n.14–15, 226, 226 203, 205, 206, 221, 230, 243, n.18, 227 n.19–21, 228 n.22, 259, 265, 281, 334, 335, 383, 229 n.24, 230 n.25, 230 n.28, 433, 434, 436 231 n.30–31. 232 n.32, 232 Ramesseum E Papyrus 226, n.34, 233 n.35–37, 239 n.40– 237, 243 41, 240 n.42–43, 241 n.44, 242 n.45–66, 243 n.47, 244 n.48, Artefacts and structures 248 n.56–57, 266 n.29, 301 ah (palace) 164 n.82, 345 n.21, 396 n.3, 412 Anna, Saint (Faras fresco) 6, 57 n.27, 418 n.38 Anubieion 47, 361 Smith Harry S. 46 ‘Apries Gateway’ 267 Smoleński Tadeusz 60, 60 n.11 High Dam 55, 97 Stadelmann Rainer 27, 27 n.6 Bubasteion 40, 114 Szafrański Zbigniew 55 n.2, 86 ‘Dry Moat’ 20, 21, 29, 30, 172, Szymańska Hanna 78, 78 n.42 173, 174, 179, 194, 195, 201,

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206, 207, 216, 331, 346, 393, 8, 62–68, 71, 99, 202, 203 399, 407, 408, 409, 416, 417, Atrepe 99 421, 425, 428, 436 Atrib 8, 53, 62, 65–71, 99, 102, Gioconda (Leonardo da Vinci’s 114, 115, 120 painting) 57 Austria 8, 54, 59 Iseum (= ‘Mother of Apis Benha 62, 63 Catacombs’) 46 Berenike 80 ‘Joseph’s prison’ 48 435, 440 Lower () 255 Bulak 51 Lykhnaption 364 260 -Teti (temple), Meret temple Buto 38, 227 of King Teti 142 Cairo 19, 27, 48, 51–54, 57, 59, Monastery of St. Jeremiah 48 61, 66, 75, 93, 114, 117–119, Northern Necropolis (Cairo) 38 199, 350, 363, 387, 392 Office of the Saxon elector 49 Cardiff 47 Palace of Culture and Science Crete 367 (Warsaw) 436 Dahshur 50 ‘Ptolemaic exedra’ (= ‘Ptolemaic Deir el-Bahari 55, 77, 82–87, hemicycle’) 45, 363, 437 100, 312 ‘’ 51 24 9, 19, 42, 44, 45, 46, Dongola 9, 80 50, 51, 343, 361, 362, 363, 365, Dresden 49 366, 406, 411, 437, 439 Eastern Desert 414 Soma 366 9, 24, 53–95 South Tomb 30 7–9, 22–26, 26, 28, 53–66, ‘South House’ 29 71, 75, 76, 77, 78, 83, 86, 87, Upper Necropolis (Saqqara) 331, 89, 95, 100, 106, 118, 119, 146, 332, 338, 343, 344–349, 353, 160, 168, 200, 203–204, 215, 360, 366, 390, 391, 396, 224, 227, 244, 248, 306, 336, 409–411, 409, 426 338, 354, 364, 436 9, 24 Geographical names England 51 Abu Simbel 41, 55 Ephesus 294 Abusir 35, 61–62, 94, 151, 159 Europe 48, 367, 389, 435 Abydos 24–28, 36, 203–204, Faras 9, 53, 55, 56, 57, 60, 80, 98 356, 400 Fayum 75, 98, 101 Aphroditopolis 439 France 59, 63, 118 57, 60, 63, 80, 88, 88 233, 382 Germany 50 9, 48, 53, 55, 61, 71, Gisr el-Mudir 27 72, 73, 75, 78, 94, 98, 100, 365, 23, 31, 37, 38. 51, 93, 101, 366, 435 120, 237, 238, 241, 396 Apollinopolis Magna 57 Greater Poland 88 Asia 90, 392 Greece 70, 224, 364 Aswan 24, 118, 141, 281 Grenoble 63

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Hamburg 34 8, 19, 27, 23, 24, 28, Hawara 349 30, 31, 50 Heliopolis 28, 30, 334, 440 8, 18, 62, 63–64, Magna 443 69, 87, 88, 89, 93, 114, 187, Holy Land 48, 49, 171 205, 435 Hut-(ta)-heri-ib(et) (= Athribis, Nile Valley 9, 18, 53–95 Atrepe, Atrib) 62, 99 Nobadia 80 Israel 94 41, 50, 55, 58, 60, 63, 80 Italy 50 Nubian Lake (= Lake Nasser) 80 Jordan 65 Ombos 442 Kadero 88 Pe 132 315 Philippi 47 Khartoum 55, 57, 88 Poland 55, 58–60, 88, 102, 367 106, 118, 176, 364, 368, 370, Kom el-Dikka 55, 72 389, 407 Kom Sidi Yusuf (= Sidi Yusuf) 64 Poznań 88–89, 93, 351, 388 Kraków 76, 89, 388 Red 78, 107 Książęca (street, Warsaw) 389 Rome 224 Kush 42 Rosetta 51 Lake Nasser (= Nubian Lake) 80 Sahara 19 Leiden 39, 97 Sais 42, 227 London 34, 69 249, 345 18, 24, 26, 38, 39, Saqqara 8–9, 19–52, 53–95 42, 62, 63, 89, 161, 171, 227, Sepa 171 354, 364, 434, 345 Sidi Yusuf (= Kom Sidi Yusuf), hill 8, 24, 40, 114, 118 in Tell Atrib 64–66, 70 Madaba 65 South America 205 Madrid 97 Strasbourg 259 Makuria 80 9, 24, 43, 53, 55, 56, 57, Manchester 351 80, 81, 98 Marea 78, 79 Sydney 34 Marina el-Alamein 73, 76 9, 46 Meidum 242 Szczecin 233 Memphis 8, 22, 24–26, 29, 30, Świdnica 176 38–42, 44, 46, 60, 93, 147, 165, Tahrir (square, Cairo) 52 242, 249, 267, 306, 331, 334, 435 348, 360, 364, 365, 406, 412, Thebes 9, 24, 40, 41, 77, 78, 82, 426, 437, 439 82, 87, 88, 312, 405 40 Tell Atrib (= Athribis, Hut-(ta)- Miodowa (street, Warsaw) 108 heri-ib(et)) 8, 62–68, 71, 99, Naqloni 99 202, 203 Naqlun 53, 75, 77, 98, 99, 370 Tell Edfu (= Apollinopolis Near East. 382 Magna) 53, 57, 60 Netherlands 39, 97 Tell el-Amarna 40 New York 88, 97, 107 Tell el-Farkha 88–91, 93, 178

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Tell Rataba 87 Valley of the Queens 42, 406 Third Cataract 81 Wadi Hammamat 414 Titicaca 205 Warsaw 56–57, 61, 66, 93, 100, United Christian Kingdom of 102, 108, 122, 255, 303, 370, Nubia 80 382, 389, 407, 436 8, 9, 24, 25, 36, 50, Western Desert 171, 260 55, 57, 60, 62, 89, 203, 204, Western Thebes 77, 78, 82, 248, 354, 435 87, 405 United Kingdom 351 Woldenberg 101, 107 Valley of the Kings 40, 41, 85 Zawyet El-Aryan 93, 94

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Vol. 1 Maria Grazia Iodice / Mariusz Zagórski (eds.): Carminis Personae – Character in Roman Poetry. 2014. Vol. 2 Mieczysław Mejor / Katarzyna Jażdżewska / Anna Zajchowska (eds.): Glossae – Scholia – Commentarii. Studies on Commenting Texts in Antiquity and Middle Ages. 2014. Vol. 3 Małgorzata Budzowska / Jadwiga Czerwińska (eds.): Ancient Myths in the Making of Culture. 2014. Vol. 4 Julia Doroszewska: The Monstrous World. Corporeal Discourses in Phlegon of Tralles’ Mirabilia. 2016. Vol. 5 Juliusz Domański: Le texte comme présence. Contribution à l’histoire de la réflexion sur le texte et le livre. 2017.

Vol. 6 Iwona Wieżel: Legein ta legómena. Herodotusʼ Stories as Natural Narrative. 2018. Vol. 7 Dariusz Brodka: Narses. Politik, Krieg und Historiographie. 2018. Vol. 8 Karol Jan Myśliwiec: In the Shadow of Djoser’s Pyramid. Research of Polish Archaeologists in Saqqara. Translated by Miłosława Stępień. 2020.

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