The Tallahassee Bus Protest
FIELD REPORTS ON DESEGREGATION IN THE SOUTH THE TALLAHASSEE BUS PROTEST by CHARLES U. SMITH Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University and LEWIS M. KILLIAN Florida State University Published by the ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF B'NAI B'RITH with the cooperation of THE COMMITTEE ON INTERGROUP RELATIONS THE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS ; י/ r February, 1958 Published by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith 515 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. Officers: HENRY EDWARD SCHULTZ, chairman; MEIER STEINBRINK, honorary chairman; BARNEY BALABAN, A. G. BALLENGER, HERBERT H. LEHMAN, LEON LOWENSTEIN, WILLIAM SACHS, BENJAMIN SAMUELS, MELVIN H. SCHLESINGER, JESSE STEINHART, honorary vice-chairmen; JOSEPH COHEN, JEFFERSON E. PEYSER, MAX J. SCHNEIDER, vice-chairmen; BENJAMIN GREENBERG, treasurer; HERBERT LEVY, secretary; BENJAMIN R. EPSTEIN, national director; BERNARD NATH, chairman, executive committee; PAUL H. SAMPLINER, vice-chairman, executive committee; PHILIP M. KLUTZNICK, president, B'nai B'rith; MAURICE BISGYER, executive vice-president, B'nai B'rith. Staff Directors: NATHAN C, BELTH, press relations; OSCAR COHEN, program; ARNOLD FORSTER, civil rights; ALEXANDER F. MILLER, community service; J. HAROLD SAKS, administration; LESTER J. WALDMAN, executive assistant. Series Editor: OSCAR COHEN, national director, program division. THE TALLAHASSEE BUS PROTEST Community Background Tallahassee is a small city (population 27,237 in 1950) in a state which con- tains some of the most rapidly growing urban areas in the southeast. It is not an important industrial center. Its chief importance lies in the fact that it is the state capital. Perhaps its next most important characteristic is that it is the seat of two of the state's institutions of higher learning: Florida State University (white) and Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (Negro).
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