Central Lincolnshire | Preliminary Draft Local Plan - October 2014 Inside Cover Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Preliminary Draft for Consultation October 2014 1 www.central-lincs.org.uk f centrallincolnshire t @talkplanning e
[email protected] p 01529 414155 Local Plans Team c/o Lincoln City Council, 5th Floor, City Hall, Beaumont Fee, Lincoln, LN1 1DD Central Lincolnshire | Preliminary Draft Local Plan - October 2014 Inside Cover 2 Central Lincolnshire | Preliminary Draft Local Plan - October 2014 Foreword Ensuring a flourishing future for Central Lincolnshire Central Lincolnshire is characterised by its diverse and enticing landscape. The magnificent city of Lincoln is embedded within our beautiful landscape and is surrounded by a network of picturesque towns and villages: these places, along with the social and economic opportunities in the area, make Central Lincolnshire a fantastic place to live, work and visit. But there is so much potential to make Central Lincolnshire an even better place. An even better place to live, with quality homes people can afford, easier access to shops, services and facilities, and new thriving communities, which are welcoming and safe. An even better place to work, where new facilities and infrastructure mean that businesses choose to expand or relocate here, bringing jobs and stimulating investment. An even better place to visit, a place where people choose to come to enjoy our nature, our history, our shops, our eateries and attractions, while at the same time significantly contributing to our rural and urban economies. A new Local Plan for Central Lincolnshire can do this. But we need your help to get it right.