RESPONSE TO RFP# EQ-052920-03 Translation services for Education Service Center, Region 10 (“Region 10 ESC”) Submitted by: Idea Language Services, LLC (dba Idea Translations) 8719 Evangel Drive, Springfield, Virginia 22153, USA Attn: Sergio Atristain, Director
[email protected] (860) 781-6377 ATTACHMENT A: Requirements for Lead Agency Agreement To be administered by Equalis Group The following exhibits are used in evaluating and administering Lead Agency Agreements and are preferred by Equalis Group. Redlined copies of the exhibits should not be submitted with the response. Should a respondent be recommended for award, these exhibits will be negotiated and executed between Equalis Group and the respondent. Respondents must select one of the following options for submitting their response and submit this page only. X Respondent agrees to all terms and conditions outlined in each of the following exhibits Respondent wishes to negotiate directly with Equalis Group on terms and conditions outlined in each of the following exhibits. Negotiations will commence after sealed bids are opened and Region 10 has determined the respondent met all requirements in their response and may be eligible for award. • Equalis Group Exhibit A – EQUALIS GROUP RESPONSE FOR LEAD AGENCY AGREEMENT • Equalis Group Exhibit B – EQUALIS GROUP ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT • Equalis Group Exhibit C – EQUALIS GROUP MASTER INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT • Equalis Group Exhibit D – EQUALIS GROUP CONTRACT SALES REPORTING