For project managers

© 2004-2015 Kilgray Technologies. All rights reserved. www.memoQ.com Quick start guide for project managers


Contents ...... 1 1 Introduction ...... 4 1.1 Projects ...... 4 1.2 The PM Dashboard ...... 4 2 Creating a project ...... 8 2.1 Creating an online project ...... 8 2.1.1 Creating an online project from a template ...... 14 2.1.2 Creating an online project as a member of a light-weight PM group ...... 16 2.2 Assigning users to an online project...... 18 2.2.1 A project on autopilot ...... 22 2.2.2 Assigning a subvendor to an online project ...... 23 2.3 Using the Group Assignment features: FirstAccept, GroupSourcing, Slicing ...... 24 2.3.1 FirstAccept ...... 24 2.3.2 GroupSourcing ...... 27 2.3.3 Slicing ...... 28 2.3.4 Distribute documents evenly ...... 29 2.4 License assignment ...... 30 2.4.1 Setting up ELM licenses ...... 31 Assigning an ELM license to a project manager ...... 32 Updating the credential of your memoQ server ...... 33 2.4.3 Setting up CAL licensing ...... 33 CAL settings ...... 35 2.5 Creating a local project ...... 36 2.6 Assigning users in local projects ...... 39 2.7 Creating a handoff ...... 40 2.8 Creating a content-connected project on a memoQ server (if you have purchased the content connectors) ...... 43 2.9 Creating a package from an online project ...... 45 2.10 Project synchronization ...... 47 3. Running statistics ...... 49 3.1 Impacts on statistics results ...... 52 3.1.1 Post-Translation-Analysis ...... 52 3.1.2 Homogeneity and repetitions ...... 53 3.1.3 Editing distance statistics ...... 54 3.1.4 Double context matches ...... 56 3.1.5 X-translation ...... 57 4. Update Workflow ...... 61 4.1 Bilingual document update workflow ...... 61 4.1.1 MQXLIFF ...... 62 4.2 Project Update Workflow ...... 63 5. Finishing the project ...... 65 5.1 Finishing an online project ...... 65 5.2 Finishing a local project ...... 67 6. Miscellaneous topics ...... 68

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6.1 Using resources in projects ...... 68 6.2 Using QA ...... 68 6.2.2 Using the LQA models ...... 69 6.3 Using the bilingual document formats ...... 71 6.3.1 Export options ...... 71 6.4 Using views ...... 76 6.5 Using the communication feature ...... 79 6.5.1 Using the Discussion feature ...... 80 6.6 Using the confidentiality mode ...... 82 6.7 Monolingual review ...... 83 7 Web Project management (Web PM) ...... 85 Appendix ...... 86

This guide covers memoQ 2015, project manager edition. It contains text items from the English user interface of the program. These items are under constant verification and are subject to change without prior notification.

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1 Introduction

memoQ is an advanced translation environment. To learn how to translate, see the quick start guide, available here. This document explains how to set up online and local projects, assign translators and proofreaders, subvendors as well as how to assign CAL or ELM licenses to external resources.

Further information can also be found in the Subvendor Workflow guide here and in the Knowledge Base: kb.kilgray.com. This guide focuses on the project manager view using the memoQ server for the project creation. However, sections are marked which can also be used by a project manager having a project man- ager license but no memoQ server. A summary of the differences for a translator pro and a project manager edition can be found here: https://www.memoq.com/translation-products/versions-and- pricing.

1.1 Projects

In memoQ, translation jobs are organized into projects. A translation project consists of the following items:

1. Translation documents (unlimited number – practically up to a few hundred) 2. LiveDocs corpora, consisting of bilingual documents, source-target document pairs, monolingual documents, and binary files (unlimited number, remote or local – practically one or two) 3. Translation memories (unlimited number, remote or local – practically up to five or six) 4. Term bases (unlimited number, remote or local – practically up to five or six) 5. Settings and light resources: segmentation rules, auto-translation rules, set- tings, quality assurance settings etc. Resources such as translation memories, term bases, segmentation rules, auto-translation rules etc. can be stored locally on your computer or they can be available over the network from a memoQ server. You can assign these resources to multiple projects. memoQ registers translation memories, term bases, and other resources stored on the computer, which can be used in any project – even in multiple projects at the same time. Note: Muses are local resources only.

1.2 The PM Dashboard

When you open memoQ, the Dashboard is displayed. You can customize the information in the Dashboard that you would like to see. This makes it easy for you to find a specific project, e.g. when a deadline is approaching. Use the search and sorting options in the Dashboard. Display details for a project. Get alerts. The latter two are only available for online projects.

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The following screenshots show possible Dashboard views:

Project list view, connected to a memoQ server (Details and Alerts buttons visible)

Two-row project list view Change the Dashboard view to show more project information or to hide information. When you are in the Project list view, click the Two rows view button ( ) to display the source and target language(s) for your projects. The meta-information (Project, Client, Domain, Subject) are also displayed. Use the Sort by drop-down list to sort the Dashboard based on e.g. domains.

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Dashboard information

 Alert column: This column shows a triangle icon if there is an alert for your project, e.g. missed deadline.

 Type column: This column shows the project type (local, online, checked out project, pack- age, LT).

 Name column: This column shows the project name.

 Size column: This column shows the size of a project. The size can be based on words, seg- ments or characters. You can choose in right clicking in the Dashboard, and then choose Base progress on, and select Chars, Segments or Words. The selected option is applied for all pro- jects.

 Status column: This column shows the project status. For online projects, the workflow status is shown (Not started, Translation not started, Translation in progress, Review 1 not started, Review 1 in progress, Review 2 not started, Review 2 in progress, Completed). If you are work- ing in a local project, the progress-based status is shown.

 Export column: The Export icon ( ) is visible if the project contains documents to export (e.g. the workflow status for this project is set to Completed). You can also click the Details button for this project, and see which documents are ready for export. See the memoQ Help for further information on the Alerts and Details panes.

 Progress column: This column shows the project progress. Gray is not started (no progress). Darker green means Translation started or completed. Hover over the progress bar for a pro- ject to see the progress percentage. Light green means Review 1 started or completed. Hover over the progress bar for a project to see the progress percentage. A completed project gets a full light green color. When you hover over the progress bar, all roles will show 100%. The Status column then also indicates a double check mark. If only the Translation phase is fin- ished, then the Status column shows only one check mark. If translation is in progress, the Status bar shows an editing icon. A question mark icon in the Status bar indicates that the project has not been started yet, no workflow phase was reached. See Dashboard icons here.

 Deadline column: This column shows the final deadline for a project. If for example only the Translator role was assigned and no Reviewer role, then the translation deadline is the over- all deadline.

 Languages column: This column shows the source language listed as first language, followed by the target languages (listed in alphabetical order) for a project.

 Created column: This column shows the creation date of a project.

 Last accessed column: This column shows the date when a project was last accessed. memoQ will remember the last opened project when you reopen memoQ and will have it selected in the Dashboard.

 When you are in the two-row view, you also see the project meta-information: Project, Cli- ent, Subject, Domain.

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 Commands column:

Local project: Online project:

Open project Manage project

Back up project Check out project

Rename project Wrap up project

Archive project Archive project

When you hover over a project, you can choose a command from the Commands column. Double click a project name to open the project. Note: memoQ, by default, restricts the projects shown to those which are no older than 30 days. This is defined by the last deadline for any document in the project. In order to show older projects you need to choose Show all from the [common filters]. If you choose Active pro- jects, then older projects are not shown in the project list.

Learn more on the Dashboard searching, filtering and sorting options in the memoQ Help.

Click a project name once to select this project. When you click the Details or Alerts buttons (in an online project in the project manager edition of memoQ), then you see further project information.

Navigate with the keyboard: Press Enter to open a selected project. Use the up and down arrows on your keyboard to navigate up and down the project list. Enter a letter in the search field, and then press Enter on the keyboard to jump to the first project starting with this letter (only if the project list is sorted by project name).

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2 Creating a project

Sections 2.1 to 2.4 and 2.8 are not applicable if you only have a project manager license and no memoQ server. The creation of online projects, the workflow features (FirstAccept, GroupSourcing, Slicing), and assigning ELM licenses can only be used together with a memoQ server. When you use CAL licenses, you either need a memoQ server or a standalone CAL server. With a single project manager license, you can access and use a memoQ server. For instance, when a customer provides access to his memoQ server for a project to you as project manager, you can then use these features.

2.1 Creating an online project

When you start memoQ, it displays the Dashboard. In the Dashboard, you see a list of your projects, information on your current memoQ license, and frequently used commands to manage projects. Here is where you start creating a new project.

To create an online project, follow the steps below: 1. Start memoQ. In theManage projects dialog, select in the box for the Server URL the memoQ server you want to create the project on and then click the Create online project link. Alternative- ly, click the New project command on the Project ribbon tab. The first page of the Create new online project wizard appears. 2. Enter the name of the project. It is also recommended to fill in the Project, Domain, Client and Subject text boxes. You can also create the project with version control (tracked changes) by checking the Record version history for translation documents check box. With this option ena- bled, all documents are imported with a version history. This allows you later on to compare dif- ferent stages of the same document. After entering these details, click Next.

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Note: If you have purchased the additional content connectors module, you can check the check box Connect to a content source. This allows you to connect to FTP and SVN to import your source files from these locations and to update them. Further information can be found in the memoQ Content Connector Help and in Setting up a Content Connector for projects in memoQ guide for server users, available on the Kilgray website. Note: Check the Create Language Terminal entry for this project check box to also create a project record in Language Terminal. 3. In the second step of the wizard, you specify the source and target language(s). Choose from the drop-down list Source language your source language. Select your target languages from the se- lection box and click Add selected to move your selection to the list on the Target languages side (you can also remove them from the target languages list in selecting a language, and click Re- move selected). Note: memoQ lists your preferred languages on top of the language list for source and target languages. You can set your preferred languages in the memoQ application menu: Options > Options > Miscellaneous > Languages. Note: In online projects, you cannot delete target languages after the project was created. After you finished selecting the target languages for your project, click Next.

4. In the next step, choose the workflow settings for your project. If you have purchased memoQWebTrans, it is enabled automatically for your online project.

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Check the Users cannot deliver documents with QA errors to prevent the translator to deliver documents that contain errors. Decide which confidentiality measures you want to use for your online project. You can disable plugins. Check the check boxes for the plugins you want to disable:  Disable plugins  Disable terminology plugins  Disable translation memory plugins When the assigned users check out the online project, a message will be displayed with the plugins you have disabled for the project. The users cannot use them. Note: When you create an online project, you can specify the checkout options for the memoQ user roles (translator, reviewer 1, and reviewer 2) when they check out the project assigned to them. When the user checks out a project, he/she accepts the tasks and the assigned project be- comes visible in his/her dashboard and can be accessed for translation and/or review. A link be- tween memoQ and the memoQ server, where the project is stored, is established in the check- out process. Choose your workflow: allow packages to create packages from online projects or to allow over- lapping workflow phases (simultaneous translation and review). Only when you choose Allow package creation, the package options are displayed in the next step:

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When working with packages for online projects, choose an option for the resource treatment in the packages: create and include project TM and TB, include copies of the entire TMs, TBs and Li- veDocs corpora or to include a link to the remote TMs, TBs and LiveDocs corpora. If you want to enable the communication, check the Project participants can communicate when online. You can also later on enable or disable it in the Settings pane > Communication. If you choose the overlapping workflow phases, the next step in the wizard looks as the follow- ing:

For documents, the following options are available (same as for packages):  Create offline copies of TMs and TBs at checkout: If this check box is checked, the remote translation memories and term bases in the project are downloaded as a local copy when the project is being checked out.

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 Users can join and split segments: If this check box is checked, you allow the splitting and joining of segments during translation.  Include skeleton for final export in local copy of documents: If you check this check box, you allow the export of the documents in the source format. This might be helpful to test the export of the imported documents before kicking off the project to ensure a correct export of all documents. This might also be useful for translators and reviewers to proof- read their work in the source format.  Include preview files in local copy of documents: If this check box is checked, the files in the checked out project include a preview, i.e. the translator and reviewer have an in- stant preview of the document while they are working on it. Note: Preview is available for the following file formats: MS Office (*.doc, *.docx, *.xls, *.xlsx, *.ppt; *.pptx), TTX, XML (*.xml), TXT (*.txt) and HTML formats (*.htm, *.). Note: If you use MS Office 2013, there is no preview for PPTX files available. If you want to enable the communication, check the Project participants can communicate when online. You can also later on enable or disable it in the Settings pane > Communication. Click Finish to finish the project creation. 5. Now you can add documents to translate. Open the newly created project from the dashboard (by double clicking on the project name, or right click and select Manage). Click Import or Import with options below the empty document list. An Open dialog box appears. Browse for the files you want to add to the project and select them. You can select multiple files even with different file types at the same time. After selecting the files, click Open. You can also click the Import or Import with options command links again to add more files to the project. Note: The Import with options command link to import documents brings up the Document import options dialog. Here you can also specify document import settings (click the Change filter and configuration command link). You can also choose a previously created filter to im- port the files (further information on how to configure and create file filters can be found in the memoQ Help). Note: If you have specific segmentation rules, you need to assign them to your project in Set- tings > Segmentation rules first, before you import your documents. The same applies for LQA models; LQA models need to be assigned to the project before you import the documents. The screenshot on the next page shows an MS Excel import filter setting as an example. Depend- ing on the file format you want to import, this filter dialog differs. memoQ detects and suggests the filter according to the file extension of the file(s) you want to import.

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Important: When you have more than one target language, you can specify whether the documents are to be imported for all languages, or only for the selected one. In order to only import in one spe- cific language, choose the language from the Target language drop-down list in the upper right corner of the window. 6. After importing the document(s), you can select translation memories for your project. Click the Translation memories icon and choose a target language to display a list of all available translation memories in the language pair of the project. If you have an English-German project, memoQ will not list English-Polish translation memories. Specify one translation memory as your working one. Note: The translation memory set as working and/or master is always listed in bold. When you are writing your translation, and you confirm the translation of a segment row, the trans- lation unit (source-translation segment pair) is saved into the working translation memory. memoQ uses the other translation memories for reference only. You can select another working translation memory any time after creating the project.

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To add one or more translation memories to the project, check the check box before the name of each translation memory. Translation memories you select this way move to the top of the list. Note: Translation memories are by default created with reversible lookup, i.e. in a German- French translation memory list, you will also find French-German translation memories listed (in italics to indicate the reversible lookup). This feature allows you to benefit from already existing TMs in the reversible language combination to assign to a project and to leverage from it. TMs with reverse language combinations cannot be working TMs in the project.

You can also create a new translation memory by clicking Create/use new. If you want to import TMX content into the translation memory, create a new TM, and click Import from TMX/CSV. 7. In the navigation pane, go to Term bases. memoQ lists all available term bases that support the languages of your project. To add one or more term bases to the project, check the check box be- fore the name of each one. You can also create a new term base by clicking Create/use new. 8. You can assign further resources to a project by clicking LiveDocs. Here you can assign corpora to a project the same way as you assign translation memories and term bases. Further information on LiveDocs can be found in the memoQ Help. 9. Muses are local resources only and cannot be assigned in an online project. Therefore, they are not available in online projects. 10. In the navigation pane, go to Settings, here you can select further resources such as QA settings, Non-translatable lists, etc. to assign to the project. For further information on these settings, see memoQ Help.

2.1.1 Creating an online project from a template

You can create a project from a project template. Project templates are light resources. Create a new project template in the Resource Console > Project templates. Click the Create new link to create a new project template. Or select a template, and click the Edit link to make changes to an existing template. In a project template, you can specify the naming convention of projects, metadata such as client, subject, domain, resources (translation memories, term bases, QA settings, segmentation rules, etc.) and automated actions. For example, after you created your project, the pre-translation and running statistics is automatically performed. You find information on the template settings in the Overview pane of your project. memoQ also provides default local templates. Please read the memoQ project templates guide, available here. If you are an advanced user, you can also configure automated scripts before import and after export of your documents. Read the memoQ server 2015 installation guide and the memoQ project tem- plate guide on how to configure templates to run scripts. You can only choose a template before you create the project, and only if you specifically intended to create the project from a template in clicking the Create local project from template or Create online project from template link.

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1. From the Dashboard, click the Create local project from template command link for a local project, or click the Create online project from template link for an online project (this link is only available when you are connected to a memoQ server). The Create new project from template dialog appears:

1. Add your documents form your local computer or a content connector (if you use Kilgray's content connectors). Click the Add link to add documents to your project. If you have config- ured filters in the template, the filters are applied on import. The documents are displayed in the Documents list. You can also select a document from the Documents list, and then click the bin icon to remove the document from the list. 2. Click the Add folder structure link to import documents from a folder structure. Click Next > to continue. 3. On the second page, select the project template from the Project template drop-down list:

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The project name below is automatically selected: the name is the same as the project tem- plate name. Click the Custom name link to type in another name in the Project name field. If defined in the template, the client, project, subject and domain fields are pre-filled. Note: If you have set predefined values, you must choose meta-information values from the drop-down lists. You cannot enter free text. The source language is automatically detected. You can choose a different source language from the Source language drop-down list. The target languages are also pre-filled from the template. You can change your target languages in clicking the Change... link below the Tar- get languages list. 4. Click the Review settings link to review your template settings. 5. Click OK to create the project. Click Cancel to return to the Dashboard without creating a pro- ject. Click the Help button to open the context-sensitive memoQ Help for further infor- mation.

Note: You can skip to add documents on the first page of the wizard. You need to define then in the template to also perform automated actions after document import and not only after the project is created. Otherwise, no automated actions are performed on document import.

2.1.2 Creating an online project as a member of a light-weight PM group

Create an online project as a member of a light-weight PM group. When you are a member of a light- weight PM group, you can create online projects or projects from a template - depending on the set- tings made in the Group properties. You can use project templates that you have permission to. The goal is that you can combine multiple things, including: the ability to launch projects; to create and edit users; and to have full control over resources (TMs, TBs etc.). This prevents organizations from

memoQ integrated translation environment Page 16 of 86 Quick start guide for project managers partitioning project management. As an organization you can define groups of project managers that all have access to their own resources and projects but not those of PMs from a different group.

To create a light-weight PM group, go to the Server administrator, click the Group management cate- gory. In the list of groups, click the Add button to add a new group. You cannot modify an existing group to make this group a light-weight PM group. If you have only permission for template based projects, then the commands for non-template based are disabled. Project creation fails when you use a template with resources you have no permissions for. If you create an online project from a template, you need to have at least lookup permission for the resources specified in the template. You cannot use TMs as working or master when you not have Update permission. After you created an online project as member of a light-weight PM group, you can see your projects in the Dashboard. However, you cannot see projects from other's projects unless you were explicitly added as project managers in a particular project. When assigned to a project as project manager, you can open and manage the project.

Note: If you are a member of the Administrators group, you have full access to projects created by light-weight PMs. If you are a member of the Project managers group, you will not automat- ically have access to these projects. Assign users to roles and documents in your project. You can assign users who are members of an "assigned group" of the project-enabled custom group and to other light-weight PM group users who are members of the same project-enabled custom group. Resource handling

Similar to project creation, you also have explicit permission to create resources. You have adminis- trative permissions for the resources you create as light-weight PM group member. As member of a light-weight PM group, you can also create a term base in qTerm (Kilgray's browser-based terminolo- gy add-on for memoQ server). Note: If the resource creator is removed from the light-weight PM group, or the light-weight PM group has no longer the project-enabled attribute, still all existing permissions are pre- served. You have the same privileges as you would be member of the Publishers group.

If you have no explicit permission for a resource, this resource is not listed for you in the Resource Console. You cannot use these resources unless you are granted explicit permission for it. If you are granted only Lookup permission, you can add this resource to your projects as reference TM, but not as working or master TM.

During the project your permissions for resources may change, e.g. you have an Update permission for a resource (for example to a TM), then you can add this TM to your project as working or master TM. This update permission might be revoked and you are only granted Lookup permission, then this will not affect the project. Your master TM will remain the master TM. You are still a project member and are able to update the TM even after you lost the Update permission.

If for some reasons the Group properties are changed, i.e. the check box for Members can start pro- jects is unchecked, which means to lose the project-enabled attribute as group, then projects that

memoQ integrated translation environment Page 17 of 86 Quick start guide for project managers were created by its members preserve their permissions. As member of this group, you can no longer start projects, but you can still access already created projects - projects, that you created as your group membership still granted you to create online projects.

2.2 Assigning users to an online project

After you created an online project, you need to allocate translators and reviewers to each docu- ment. You can assign the same user in several roles. The role affects behavior in all ways it does e.g., what the user can edit; what status segments get upon pressing Ctrl+Enter to confirm a segment; re- cording commit info; conflict handling etc. In the translation process, a translator translates, and then the workflow moves on to the reviewer roles. A reviewer may need to return the document(s) to the translator to implement the comments from the reviewer. Assigning the same user in different roles may come in handy: translator > re- viewer > translator where the translator is in the Translator and Reviewer 2 role.

The following assignment scenarios are possible:

Document’s workflow status

User’s role(s) Translator Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2

Translator Translator Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2

Reviewer1 Translator Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2

Reviewer2 Translator Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2

Translator + Translator Reviewer 1 Reviewer 1 Reviewer1

Translator + Translator Translator Reviewer 2 Reviewer2

Reviewer1 + Reviewer 1 Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Reviewer2

Translator + Translator Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Reviewer1 + Reviewer2

If a user is assigned in the reviewer (REV) and translator (TRA) roles, where TRA is beyond REV, and the document’s workflow status is X, then:  User is editing as REV if X < TRA  User is editing as TRA if X >= TRA In the cases where the role is in italics in the table above, the "Active user is different – The workflow status of the documents you are trying to open is different from your role." dialog is displayed when the user opens the document.

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Auto-assignment: The auto-assignment of documents does not support the assignment of the same user in multiple roles. Important: memoQWeb and Language Terminal also support the user assignment in different roles in the same project. Follow the steps below to assign users to an online project:

1. Open the online project (if not already open), go to People, and navigate to the Project users tab. Click the Add user button to add users to the project. The Add users to project dialog appears dis- playing all available users on the memoQ server and in Language Terminal:

2. Select a user or several or a user group, and click OK. Go to the Languages and roles tab, and choose a role for automatic assignment. The user is then automatically assigned to e.g. the Trans- lator role if you clone an online project, or click the Auto-assign link to use the automatic assign- ment.

In the Show users from... section, check the memoQ server check box to only display the users on the memoQ server. Click the Create new user link to create a new user on the memoQ server. Check the Language Terminal check box to display the users registered with Language Terminal. Click the Manage Language Terminal account link to open your Language Terminal account. Use the Filter users section to filter users either by project language or by text. If you search by text, enter text in the text field below the check box. Note: A Language Terminal user does not need to be a memoQ user. When you assign such a Language Terminal user, then this user also gets a notification email with a link to check out the project but also a link to memoQWebTrans. He can then choose to work in memoQWebTrans. He can use the Language Terminal login details to log on to your memoQ server. memoQ server supports Single Sign On. The user is now assigned to the project, but not yet in a memoQ user role. Note: You can only create a user who has less permission than you, for example: you cannot cre- ate a new user who also has project manager rights, only translator, terminologists, publisher

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rights. If you are in the Administrators group, then you can also create a new user as project manager.

3. You can also make a user a project manager of the project. Check the Project manager check box on the Project users tab:

4. Go to the Languages and roles tab. If you have more than one target language, choose the target language from the Target language drop-down list. Click in a column for a memoQ user role row. This field turns gray. The Set user for dialog appears:

Choose a workflow for the translator and reviewer roles:

 Select Users to select individual users and groups, or

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 FirstAccept to select users for bidding. Then several users get the offer to take this job. The first user who accepts, wins and gets assigned to the documents. If you choose FirstAccept, you need to indicate an expected response time. Choose the working hours from the working hours drop-down list for each role you choose the FirstAccept work- flow.

Choose the reviewer role for a user: Reviewer 1, or Reviewer 2. Check the Languages check box to automatically assign a user based on his language pair. This only works if there is only one user for this language pair in the project. If there are several suitable users, then there is no language pair automatic assignment.

You can also set a Language Terminal user to review documents. If the Language Terminal user is also using memoQ, he can check out the project, or download the package (if you use the pack- age workflow), or work in memoQWebTrans. You can also send him a Two-column RTF to work outside of memoQ.

5. On the Reports pane, you can generate different types of reports. Here you can generate a pro- gress report on your current project status and also find the Post-translation-analysis. The post- translation analysis is a powerful feature that offers an accurate analysis of the specific savings achieved on different TM match rates after the translation is complete. For more information, see memoQ Help.

6. After assigning users to the project, you can also manually assign them to the translator and re- viewer roles if you do not use the automatic assignment, or if you want to use a different work- flow like GroupSourcing. Navigate to the Translations pane, choose a target language from the Target language drop-down list, and assign the users for the different roles. Assign a deadline as well. This has to be done for each target language.

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Note: You can also assign several documents in a batch process to a user. For this, select all documents or several (to select all documents at once, press Ctrl+A), and click Assign on the right under the Translations window.

Important: You cannot assign the same user to the same document in multiple roles, e.g. the user Mads cannot be assigned as translator and as reviewer 1 or 2 to the same document in the same project. If the same translator needs to correct the review made by reviewer, con- sider passing back the document in the workflow – the reviewer can decide upon delivery to send the document back to the previous user in the workflow rather than forward it to the next.

7. Now you can launch the project by clicking on the icon left to the text Click to launch project. All participants of the projects are now notified by email if email sending is enabled and an SMTP server is configured. Once the project is launched, participants will receive further notifications depending on the settings you made in Settings > Communication (see also 6.5 Using the commu- nication feature).

2.2.1 A project on autopilot

You can also download a local copy of the project by clicking on the icon left to the text Check out lo- cal copy. This icon is not visible when you use project templates.

When you use a project template to create an online project, you have the Autopilot icon available:

. When you as the project manager set up an online project, you choose the resources such as the TMs and term bases, and you import the translatable documents in an online project, you manage the en- tire life of each document in the Translations pane of the memoQ online project. When a project is on autopilot, resources and options are hidden. You only see the Overview, Trans- lations, People, Packages (if it is a package based project), History and Reports panes. The following tasks are automated through templates:  Confirm and update rows  Asia online  Statistics  LQA statistics (it is only visible when it is not included as an automation task in the project template)  Pre-translate  X-translate

Note: If you have a content-connected project, then these tasks are also not visible when you use a project template. When you go to the Overview pane, and the project is an autopilot project, then you can press the Show settings button to display the complete list of resources and settings of the project.

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2.2.2 Assigning a subvendor to an online project

A special case of assigning a group of people to one or more documents is to outsource the work to another organization (a subvendor).

Subvendor group: The subvendor uses the same memoQ server as the main contractor (most likely the customer). There is a special group for the subvendor (the subvendor group). The documents are assigned to the subvendor group, and members of the subvendor group (subvendor group manag- ers) can access portions of the project as project managers and then further assign documents to subvendor group users managed by the subvendor group manager. If you are a project manager of the master memoQ server, you need to launch the project. The launching initializes an e-mail notification to the subvendor group manager, i.e. allows the subvendor to check out the project (the subvendor checkout). If you are a project manager of such a subvendor, you can now check out the project, assign users to documents, and manage the projects the usual way. The subvendor memoQ server acts like the memoQ desktop application: checking out the project, connecting to the resources and synchroniz- ing the project contents with the master server on a regular basis.

Note: You can go ahead and have your own workflow for the checked out project. Your users are invisible for the master server. Only your subvendor account is visible on the master server.

Important: As a subvendor checking out the project from the master server, you have some restrictions: you cannot add, reimport, or remove documents from the project. The version control settings are the same ones as in the master project on the master server. This also applies for the splitting and joining settings for segments. Important: If you are the project manager of the master memoQ server and you use the package workflow for your online project, you cannot use the subvendor workflow.

Note: Subvendor users and subvendor managers cannot receive ELM licenses from the mas- ter memoQ server, even if the general rule for the project is to grant a license to assigned us- ers. This restriction might be eliminated at some point.

User assignment in a subvendor workflow You can assign documents to different subvendors. A subvendor being assigned to a role in a docu- ment while a user is assigned to the other two (or any other combination) roles is still possible.

To learn about the subvendor workflow, see the memoQ subvendor workflow guide, available from here. No subvendor assignment for sliced documents: If a project contains sliced documents, the doc- ument slices cannot be assigned to subvendors.

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2.3 Using the Group Assignment features: FirstAccept, GroupSourcing, Slicing

You can now assign multiple users (including groups, but not LT users) to documents in online pro- jects. You as project manager can select multiple users when assigning the document(s). Groups also appear on the list, and you can select a mix of users and groups. There are three scenarios, some of them interconnected, of assigning multiple users to projects: Single User, FirstAccept, GroupSourcing and Slicing.

2.3.1 FirstAccept

Multiple users can be assigned to a single document. Users can bid for the document, and one user wins the bid. All other users are automatically notified that they lost the bidding. The user, who won the FirstAccept, is now assigned to the documents in the translator role. To use FirstAccept in an online project, follow the steps below: 1. Create an online project. 2. Assign users to the project. Go to the People pane. Click the Add user button. Select the users or a group, and then click OK. The users are now listed on the Project users tab. 3. Assign multiple users to a document. Go to the Translations pane; select a document, then right-click the document, select Assign. The Assign selected documents to users dialog ap- pears. 4. Make sure that you have the Assign to users per workflow step radio button enabled. Choose Assign to a user of this organization.

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5. The Change assigned translator check box must be checked. Then choose a Deadline. Click the calendar icon, and click a date to choose a deadline. The given deadline will appear in the drop-down list as selected. 6. Below the Deadline section, choose FirstAccept. 7. Select the users for this document. If you choose a group, then all members of this group are added to your project. Specify a deadline for accepting or declining the document from the Respond until drop-down list.

Note: The Use calculated deadlines is disabled for FirstAccecpt. 8. In the Show these users section, check the memoQ server check box to only display the users on the memoQ server. Click the Create new user link to open the User properties dialog to create a new user on the memoQ server. Check the Language Terminal check box to display users from your Language Terminal account. This check box is disabled if you have not regis- tered in Language Terminal. Use the Filter users section to filter users either by project source language and its target lan- guages as language pair (sublanguages included, except for Chinese) or by text. If you search by text, enter text in the text field below the check box. memoQ searches not only the user name, but also the full name, the description of the users/groups.

Note: Click the Sort selected items to top link to list the selected users on top. Click the Clear selection link to remove the user selection for the document. Click the Project users radio button to see only the users assigned to the project. 9. Go to the Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2 tab to assign the Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2 roles for the project. The reviewer tabs have the same options as the translator tab. Choose the work- flow for the users and assign them to the roles. After you assigned the reviewer roles, specify a deadline from the Deadline drop-down list. 10. Click OK to assign the users to the document. Click Cancel to cancel the user assignment.

Note: You need to launch the project to start the bidding process. Go to the Translations pane, and click the Launch project icon to launch the project.

The users now receive a notification e-mail that there are documents up for FirstAccept. The user now can check out the online project and view the documents. He has read-only rights for the documents. When the user decides to accept the documents, he accepts the docu- ment and is automatically assigned as the only person to the documents. Note: FirstAccept cannot be used for a subvendor group. You as a project manager can always track the FirstAccept status, either by receiving e-mail notifica- tions and/or right-clicking the document, and then select the bidding option. Click the Status... link. The FirstAccept status dialog appears, and you can check the status for each bidder. To use FirstAccept in a content-connected online project with WebTrans, follow the steps below:

1. Create a content-connected online project with web translation.

2. In Project home, click the Settings icon. In the Settings pane, click the Content source icon which is the third one.

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3. In the Workflow section, you can put up your document for FirstAccept. Choose the Put doc- ument up for FirstAccept option. Choose a FirstAccept deadline from the drop-down list. By default, it is set to 8 hours.

4. You can also define your Pre-translation and X-translation settings, E-mail notifications and the Reporting. Check the Attach analysis to notification e-mails check box to attach an analysis (HTML format) to the notification e-mail after automatic user assignment or FirstAccept as- signment. This option is only enabled when the Calculate analysis when content changes check box is checked. Check the Calculate post-translation analysis before documents are re- turned or removed check box to create a new post-translation analysis report when a docu- ment is finished and sent to the content source, or when a document is removed from the project because it was deleted from the content source. Similarly to the options in the Over- view pane, you can specify how many words and characters a formatting or an inline tag is worth: use the Tag weight boxes to set these values. 5. The users now receive a notification e-mail that there are documents up for FirstAccept. He can now log in to memoQWebTrans. He will see the project and the document in the docu- ment list. He can open the document in read-only mode and decide whether to accept or to decline it. The same FirstAccept dialogs are displayed as in memoQ itself. FirstAccept assignment to the same user in different roles FirstAccept can interact with double assignment in two ways: when both assignments are through FirstAccept, and when one is a direct assignment. Accepting a document in more roles: 1. User is among the FirstAccept users in all 3 roles. 2. Check out the project. 3. Right-click on a document, FirstAccept… -> dialog says Your role: Translator. Accept. 4. Right-click on a document, FirstAccept … -> dialog says Your role: Reviewer 1. Accept. 5. Right-click on a document, FirstAccept … -> dialog says Your role: Reviewer 2. Accept. 6. Now the same user is present in all 3 roles. 7. Open the document, translate, deliver (-> workflow status becomes Review 1 (not started)). 8. Review (results in Reviewer 1 confirmed segments), deliver (-> workflow status becomes Review 2 (not started)). 9. Review, deliver -> file is finished. Accepting a document that is already assigned to me directly: When such a user checks out an online project, the FirsAccept message is displayed. But for the documents, only the role(s) he is directly assigned to are valid. The other role(s) come into effect only if the document is accepted in these roles; then they work the same as direct assignments. For example: 1. A user is among the ones chosen for FirstAccept in the Translator role, and he is directly assigned in the Reviewer 1 role.

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a. When he checks out the online project, he is in effect in role R1, but the FirstAccept message is displayed. b. If he right-clicks and accepts the document, he will become TRA and REV1 at the same time, at that moment functioning as translator (TRA role). c. If he does not accept the document or declines it, he will remain in the REV1 role. (He cannot work yet, as the workflow status is still Translation.) 2. A user is among the ones chosen for FirstAccept in the Reviewer 1 role, and he is directly assigned in the Translator role. a. When he checks out the onle project, he is in effect in the Translator role, but the FirstAccept message is displayed. b. If he right-clicks and accepts the document, he will become TRA and REV1 at the same time, at that moment functioning as translator (TRA role).

Note: If the user does not accept the document or declines it, he will remain in the Translator role only.

2.3.2 GroupSourcing

In this scenario, you can assign multiple users to a single document. All users can access the docu- ment simultaneously, and the document is translated with the joint effort of all assigned users. There are rules defined to determine what happens when a segment is translated by multiple users. To use GroupSourcing in an online project, follow the steps below: 1. Create an online project. 2. Assign users to the project. Go to the People pane. Click the Add user button. Select the users or a group, and then click OK. The users are now listed on the Project users tab. 3. Assign multiple users to a document. Go to the Translations pane; select a document, then right-click the document, select Assign. The Assign selected documents to users dialog ap- pears. 4. Make sure that you have the Assign to users per workflow step radio button enabled. Choose Assign to a user of this organization. 5. The Change assigned translator check box must be checked. Then choose a Deadline. Click the calendar icon, and click a date to choose a deadline. The given deadline will appear in the drop-down list as selected. 6. Below the Deadline section, choose GroupSourcing. 7. Select the users for this document. 8. Click the Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2 tabs to assign the Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2 roles for the project. After you assigned the reviewer, specify a Deadline. Click the calendar icon, and click a date to choose a deadline. The given deadline will appear under the assigned user in the drop-down list. You can also use FirstAccept and GroupSourcing for the Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2 roles. 9. Click OK to assign the users to the document. Click Cancel to cancel the user assignment. The document is now assigned to a set of users, and the document immediately enters the proper workflow state with all users assigned to the document.

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All assigned users can check out the document, modify any part of it, and confirm any segment. The document is not formally divided between the users. The principle is that a segment can only be con- firmed by one user in a workflow role. In GroupSourcing, individual users can deliver an incomplete document. This means that the user no longer intends to work on these documents. If all users in- volved deliver the document, but not all segments are confirmed, the document remains in the pro- gress state and does not advance to the next workflow status. The document also becomes unas- signed, and you receive a warning to assign the document again in order to complete the work on it.

2.3.3 Slicing

A large document can be divided into several portions called document ranges. All portions can be assigned separately (as if they were separate documents), although the ‘portions’ are no more than references to a specific segment range of the master document. Document ranges can be assigned to specific users only (no group assignment).

No subvendor assignment for sliced documents: If a project contains sliced documents, the doc- ument parts cannot be assigned to subvendors. To use Slicing in an online project, follow the steps below: 1. Create an online project. 2. Assign users to the project. Go to the People pane. Click the Add user button. Select the users or a group, and then click OK. The users are now listed on the Project users tab. 3. Go to the Translations pane, select a document, then right-click the selected document you want to divide, and select Slice. The Slice document dialog appears where you can choose how to measure the content in the document's parts. Choose from the options: Words, Char- acters or Segments. You can also enter a number in how many parts memoQ should divide the document. Click the Calculate ranges button. memoQ now divides the document into equal parts, the docu- ment split is displayed in the Document ranges section. For further information on the divide a document options, see the memoQ Help.

4. Click OK to split up the document. Click Cancel to cancel the document splitting. 5. Assign users to the divided document parts. Right-click the document splits, select Assign, and assign the users to the document parts. Note: You cannot use FirstAccept and GroupSourcing to assign the document parts.

Note: When a document is divided, its parts as a unit of assignment are only references to the main document, marking the first and last segment in the part to work on. Users checking out the project will receive the entire document. The segments that do not belong to the particular document range are read-only. Important: When a document is divided, the document parts become the units of assignment. If the entire document was previously assigned to users, those assignments are disabled, and the docu- ment as a whole can no longer be checked out. Master reviewers and project managers are an ex- ception: they can check out and view the document, but even they cannot commit changes to the

memoQ integrated translation environment Page 28 of 86 Quick start guide for project managers master copy on the server. Two non-contiguous parts of the same master document cannot be as- signed to the same user. To use Slicing in an online project with WebTrans, follow the steps below: 1. Create an online project. 2. Assign users to the project. Go to the People pane. On the Project users tab, click the Add us- er button. Select the users or a group, and then click OK. The users are now listed on the Pro- ject users tab. 3. Go to the Translations pane, select a document, then right-click the selected document you want to divide, and select Slice. The Slice document dialog appears where you can choose how to measure the content in the document's parts. Choose from the options: Words, Char- acters or Segments. You can also enter a number in how many parts memoQ should divide the document. Click the Calculate ranges button. memoQ now divides the document into equal parts, the docu- ment split is displayed in the Document ranges section. For further information on the divide a document options, see the memoQ Help.

4. Click OK to split up the document. Click Cancel to cancel the document splitting. 5. Assign users to the divided document parts. Right-click the document splits, select Assign, and assign the users to the document parts.

Note: You cannot use FirstAccept, GroupSourcing, or subvendor assignment to assign the document parts. 6. The assigned users can log in to memoQWebTrans. In the document list, he will see the sliced documents and in parenthesis the segments he is assigned to in the sliced document. 7. The user can only work in the assigned part of the document; the other parts are read-only as in memoQ itself.

2.3.4 Distribute documents evenly

Distribute documents evenly among your translators and reviewers. If you have many documents and several translators, use the Distribute documents radio button to have memoQ calculating the statistics and suggesting an even distribution, i.e., all translators will get the same work load. Use the auto-assign to users function in your project. The deadline calculation and file distribution options make it also possible to add automated assign tasks to your project templates. The docu- ment distribution only happens after you assigned users, and clicked OK. Follow the steps below for an even document distribution: 1. Create an online project. 2. Assign users to the project. Go to the People pane. Click the Add user button. Select the users or a group, and then click OK. The users are now listed in the People pane on the Project us- ers tab.

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3. Assign multiple users to a document. Go to the Translations pane; select a document, then right-click the document, select Assign. The Assign selected documents to users dialog ap- pears. 4. Choose Assign to users of this organization. 5. The Change assigned translator check box must be checked. Then choose a Deadline. Click the calendar icon, and click a date to choose a deadline. The given deadline will appear in the drop-down list as selected. Or check the Use calculated deadline check box, and then click the Calculation method... link. Depending on the hours you choose from the Translator, Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2 drop- down lists, memoQ calculates automatically deadlines. 6. Choose Distribute documents. Here you can also use the weighted word count. Check the Use weighted word counts, if available check box. The weighted word counts can be used to cal- culate the distribution of documents between users, and when calculating deadlines from daily capacity.

Note: Click the Sort selected items to top link to list the selected users on top. Click the Clear se- lection link to remove the user selection for the document. Click the Show only project users check box to see all users and not only the users assigned to the project. Note: To assign reviewers to the project, first you need to add the users to the online project. To do this, you need to use the People pane of the memoQ online project window.

7. Use the Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2 tabs to assign the reviewers to your project. 8. Click OK to assign the users to the document. Click Cancel to cancel the user assignment. 9. After you clicked OK and if there are several suitable translators for a role in a language, then  memoQ distributes them as equally as it can among the suitable users by assigning them to the relevant roles  deadline by daily capacity are calculated from all the files assigned to a user The file size is calculated by the weighted word count if it is available (when an analysis report has been generated for the document).

Important: The distribute document only takes the selected documents into account. It is not project-wide equally, only equally for the selected documents.

2.4 License assignment

You can use 3 types of licenses:  Fixed licenses (the license you bought which can be a translator pro or project manager one)  ELM (Enterprise License Management) licenses  CAL (Concurrent Access Licensing) licenses Depending on your workflow or the company, you work for; you can claim a CAL or ELM license. CAL licenses are used for Terminal Servers, and for Cloud hosted memoQ servers by Kilgray. CAL and ELM are suitable when you want to differentiate your memoQ server access for internal and external access. You can set an URL for accessing from outside your company network, and for your Intranet. You can use CAL licensing together with your memoQ server, but you can also configure a standalone

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CAL server. For CAL, the user needs a permanent Internet connection. When the user closes memoQ, the CAL license is automatically returned to your license pool. ELM licenses are mobile licenses and valid for a limit period of time. You need to have a memoQ server to use ELM licensing. For ELM, the user does not need a permanent Internet connection. Once the ELM license is claimed, it is valid for the given time period.

2.4.1 Setting up ELM licenses

You can give an ELM license to a translator who does not have her own memoQ license. The transla- tor can use memoQ with this license for a limited period of time, for example, until the deadline of the project expires. Create users and configure licenses: click the Server Administrator button ( ) in the Quick Access Toolbar or on the Project ribbon tab. After you create users, you can set up ELM licenses in Server administrator > ELM licenses.

Note: In the Configuration and logging category, you can set the licensing mode. You can switch from CAL to ELM and vice versa. It requires a memoQ server restart to take effect. Depending on your licensing mode, you see either ELM licenses or CAL licenses in the Category pane.

Depending on the project, the amount of licenses and the permissions, there are three ways to as- sign ELM licenses:

 On the Licenses tab, you can assign a license to a user. To claim an ELM license, the user starts her copy of memoQ, clicks the memoQ application menu ribbon tab ( ), then chooses My memoQ > Activation, and clicks Take ELM license. It is also possible to take an ELM license from the Activation wizard, available in the memoQ application menu > My memoQ of the memoQ desktop application. For more information on claiming, updating, and returning ELM licenses, see the ELM guide for LSPs, available on the Kilgray website.

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Note: If you want to see all ELM licenses that are in use, uncheck the Only manual assignments check box. Otherwise, you only see the ELM licenses that were manually assigned.  On the Permissions tab, you can grant permission to users to take ELM licenses outside a project. The user (or also a user group) can borrow ELM licenses and return them at any time.  On the Project permissions tab, you can view the list of users who use ELM licenses through online projects. You can assign such licenses when you set up an online project, and assign users to the memoQ user roles. The user has only a valid license for certain projects. When you assign a user in a user role in a project, the user gets project permission. Project permissions are independent of the licensing mode: a user with her own memoQ license also gets project permission when she is assigned as user to the online project. See also the following Knowledge Base article: http://kb.kilgray.com/article/AA-00456/0/TM- user-permission-in-online-projects.html

 On the Overview tab, you can view the available license pools as well as the licenses in use. On the Settings tab, you can specify the notification settings. Example: who should receive an email when there is only one free license left.

Important: With ELM licenses, it is your memoQ server that activates the licenses of the users. This is no longer possible if you change the IP address or the URL of your memoQ server. The stat- ic IP address or domain name is linked to the activation server. As a result of changing the memoQ server IP or URL, the ELM licenses become invalid. When this happens, you need to contact Kil- gray to reset the credential of your memoQ server. Assigning an ELM license to a project manager

You can lend two types of ELM licenses: a translator pro and a project manager one. The following steps explain how to lend an ELM license to project managers. Follow the steps below: 1. Start memoQ.

2. Click the Server Administrator button ( ) in the Quick Access Toolbar or on the Project ribbon tab. In the Server Administrator, click ELM licenses, and go to the Licenses tab. 3. In the Product drop-down list, choose memoQ (project manager). If you want to lend a translator pro license, simply select memoQ (translator pro) instead. 4. In the Licenses section, you see the total amount of licenses in blue. The green number indicates how many licenses are available. 5. Click the Assign command link. A Select user window appears. Select a user. 6. Specify an expiration date, and then click OK. Note: This will assign a license to the selected user. The steps to assign an ELM license are the same for the Licenses and Permissions tabs. See 4.1 Setting up ELM licenses for the differences.

memoQ integrated translation environment Page 32 of 86 Quick start guide for project managers Updating the credential of your memoQ server

Occasionally, your memoQ server needs a new credential, so that it can continue activating ELM li- censes. This happens if you move the memoQ server on a different computer, replace components in the server computer, or you change the public IP address or URL of the server. In addition, the cre- dential of your server might become invalid if your server is not connected to the Internet over an extended period.

Important: When you need to change the name or the IP of the memoQ server, please contact Kilgray Support before you make any changes to your system. Note: Before you update the credential, make sure you configure a proper IP address or URL as your server’s client connect address. (Using a friendly URL is highly recommended.) See Section 2.4 for more instructions.

Follow the steps below: 1. Start memoQ (with a project manager license) on a computer that has a network connection to

your memoQ server. Click the Server Administrator button ( ) in the Quick Access Toolbar or on the Project ribbon tab, and connect to the server as a user who has administrative privileges. 2. In Server administrator, navigate to the ELM licenses category, click the Settings tab, and, in the Credential section, click Update credential. 3. On the Settings tab, you can also check if the update is successful: it will show the date until which the credential is signed, and the server URL that Kilgray’s central activation server knows of.

Important: If this URL is not the same as the client connect address of your server (see section 2.4), click Update credential – and if it becomes invalid then, contact Kilgray support. Then, when Support’s response arrives, update the credential again. If you don’t do this, the credential might become invalid without prior notice, and you will have to troubleshoot why your server stopped distributing ELM licenses.

2.4.3 Setting up CAL licensing

In some usage scenarios, it is not possible to use ELM (Enterprise License Management) licenses. Such a scenario can be firewall issues with the memoQ server activation and ELM credential updat- ing, or you are using a Terminal Server, or you host your memoQ server in the Cloud. Instead of using ELM licenses, use CAL licensing instead. Set up CAL licenses in Server administrator > CAL licenses. The steps below explain how to grant us- ers/groups or computers a CAL license when you use CAL together with a memoQ server. If you use a standalone CAL server, please read the corresponding CAL guides, available on the Kilgray website. You can lend two types of CAL licenses: a translator pro and a project manager. The following steps explain how to lend a CAL license. Follow the steps below: 1. Start memoQ. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 33 of 86 Quick start guide for project managers

2. Click the Server Administrator button ( ) in the Quick Access Toolbar or on the Project rib- bon tab. In the Server Administrator, click CAL licenses, and go to the Licenses in use tab. Here you can see the licenses being currently in use.

You can grant a CAL license to users/groups, to computers, and for projects only. On the Grant to users/groups tab, choose a user or a group from the User/group drop-down list. Select the edition in clicking the translator pro or project manager radio button. Click the Select multiple… link to choose multiple users or groups from the drop-down list. Choose an expiration date from the Expiration drop-down list. Check the Allow multiple copies check box to allow a user to claim a license from different memoQ clients at the same time. This allows you as a project manager to become multi-tasking: you can work on different computers and/or memoQWebTrans, or if a generic project manager login is shared between several people. If you are an administrator, this option is also useful for you to access the server as admin user from several locations. Click the Grant button to grant a CAL license to the selected user/group. 3. On the Grant to computers tab, you can grant a CAL license to computers directly. Computers are identified either by the computer name or by a fingerprint. A fingerprint is a part of the serial number of a user. The serial number identifies a user, and a fingerprint grants a license, without giving out a user's full serial number. The fingerprint includes the serial number extension, which is specific to a memoQ client installation. It can be useful to grant access to computers which are physically located in your office, and are shared by several people in your office. Granting CAL to computers means that licenses are not tied to users; any user who starts memoQ on a computer can get a license, even if these users switch logins to the server. Enter a fingerprint (you can find the fingerprint in the memoQ activa- tion dialog) or a computer name in the Computer/#fingerprint text field. If you enter "*", then you grant access for each computer. Choose an expiration date from the Expiration drop-down list. Choose which edition the CAL license should be granted: choose the translator pro or project manager radio button. Click the Grant button to grant a CAL license for a computer.

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4. On the Project permissions tab, you can see a list of users who have project permission. The user has only a valid license for the projects he is a member of. Check the Show only latest deadline for each user check box to only show the latest deadline for each user in the Project permissions list. If you uncheck this check box, then you see an entry for each project for a user and whose deadline has not yet expired. The Project permissions list shows the user, the project he is assigned to and the expiry date. On the Refused requests tab, you see the Refused licenses in the last week list showing a list of re- fused license requests of the last week. The list shows the time of the refusal, the computer, the fin- gerprint, the user name and the reason for the license refusal (e.g. connection lost, no permission, revoked). CAL settings

On the CAL settings tab, set up the notification settings, and update your credential.

In the Notifications settings section, configure the following notifications:  Send e-mail when a pool's license usage exceeds: Enter a percentage of when you want to get notified. By default, it is set to 90%, i.e. 90% of your licenses are granted, you get a notifica- tion e-mail.  Send e-mail when only one license remains in a pool: Check this check box to get notified when only one license is left in your license pool.  Send e-mail when a user is refused a license: Check this check box to get notified when a user was refused a license request.  Send e-mail when credential expires in less than 4 days: Enter a valid e-mail address in the E- mail address field to get notified when your credential expires in less than 4 days. In the Credential section, you see until when your credential is signed. If this is the first time you ac- cess the CAL server, it will contact Kilgray’s central activation server to create a public/private key pair to sign the licenses issued.

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Click Update credential online to update your credential. Make sure that you entered a valid URL in the Client connect address 1 field on the Configuration and logging tab. Click the Retrieve file for offline authorization to update your credential when you have no Internet connection. Click the Enter au- thorization received from Kilgray link to enter the authorization data which you received from Kilgray.

You can sign a server URL 1 and a server URL 2. If you need a secondary URL, enter the URL in the In- tranet address (optional) field on the Configuration and logging tab. A secondary URL is optional. You need a primary URL and optional you can set a secondary URL, when you for instance need one URL for access outside your organization; and one URL for access within your organization (Intranet). A li- cense is granted to a memoQ client inside or outside your organization. A signed credential includes the URL which only accepts the memoQ client.

For more information on claiming, updating and returning ELM licenses, see the memoQ Enterprise License Management guide, available from the Kilgray website.

Since memoQ 2013 R2 (6.8.50), you can also use CAL licenses. Further information on using, granting and returning CAL licenses, you can find here.

2.5 Creating a local project

Local projects are created on your local computer. You can publish them later on the memoQ server. In online projects, you cannot open the documents for translation without checking out the project. In local projects, you import the files and can directly open them, check them. When you have for in- stance XML files and you created a specific filter, you might want to check if they imported correctly. You create a local project, import these files, and check them and when all is correct; you can publish the local project to your memoQ server.

To create a local project, follow the steps below:

1. Open memoQ and on the Project ribbon tab, click the lower part of the New Project button. If you click the upper part of the icon, and you have not selected a memoQ server in the Server URL box, memoQ opens the project from template wizard. Otherwise, the first page of the New memoQ project wizard appears. 2. Enter the name of the project, and choose a source and a target language. You can also fill in the Project, Domain, Client and Subject text boxes. After entering these details, click Next.

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Note: You can also enable the recording of version history for translation documents in local pro- jects. You can add target languages once the project is created.

3. In the second step, you can add documents to translate. Click the Import or Import with options command link below the empty document list. An Open dialog box appears. Browse for the files you want to add to the project and select them. You can select multiple files even with different file types at the same time. In using Import with options to import the documents, the document import options become available. After selecting the files, click Open.

You can click the Import or Import with options command link again to add more files to the pro- ject. After adding the documents, click Next.

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4. In the third step, choose translation memories for your project. This wizard page lists all available translation memories in the language pair of the project. If you have an English-German project, memoQ will not list English-Polish translation memories. To add one or more translation memories to the project, check the check box before the name of each translation memory. Translation memories you select this way move to the top of the list.

The translation memories you use in the current project are displayed at the top of the list. The working translation memory is always listed in bold, and marked as working. When you are writ- ing your translation, and you confirm the translation of a segment, the resulting translation unit (source-translation segment pair) will be saved into the working translation memory. In memoQ, you need a working TM where memoQ stores all segments when you confirm them. But you may also have a master TM where you store all translations once the projects is finished and delivered. Your master TM contains the final and approved translations. memoQ allows you to differentiate between a working and a master TM in your project. In the project templates, configure automated steps to delete your working TM and automatically con- firm and update your master TM. Your master TM can also be your working TM at the same time. memoQ uses the other translation memories for reference only. TMs in italic are TMs with the vice versa language combination. memoQ allows you to use TMs reversible, create an ENG-GER TM and use it as reference TM in a GER-ENG project. After adding translation memories to the project, click Next. 5. In the next step, you can select term bases for the project. memoQ lists all available term bases that support the languages of your project. If you have an English-German project, memoQ will not list term bases that have another language. To add one or more term bases to the project, check the check box before the name of each one. You can also create a new term base by clicking Create/use new. After creating a new term base, you can import content from TMX and CSV files in selecting Import terminology.

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If you use several term bases in your project, you can rank them. Click the Raise rank link or Lower rank link to move up or down term bases in their ranking. Depending on the ranking, the term base hits are displayed in the Translations results pane. You can set one term base to add the new terms to as default. Select this term base, then click the Set as target for new terms link. After add- ing the term bases, click Finish. memoQ now creates the project and displays the contents of the project in Project home.

Note: In the New memoQ project wizard, you can click Finish as early as in the first page, after filling in the project name and the source and target language. Then you can use the Project home to add translation documents, translation memories and term bases, just like in the wiz- ard’s dialogs.

Note: After the project is created, open the project. In Project home, you can now assign further resources to the project such as LiveDocs or QA settings.

6. You can also publish your created local project on your memoQ server. Select your local project in the Dashboard, and then click the Publish on server command link. Follow the wizard. Your project is now published as an online project on your memoQ server.

Note: In the wizard, you can also keep the local project as a copy if needed.

2.6 Assigning users in local projects

In local projects, you can assign users to documents in various roles. This is important when you want to create handoffs. In order to do so, open the local project you want to create handoffs from. In Pro- ject home, go to the People pane, click the Add user button on the Project users tab and enter the us- er names in the roles you want to assign them to. The memoQ user roles are the following:

Translator The person who will translate the document.

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Reviewer 1 The person who will review the document and give feedback to the translator. The translator has the final word. Reviewer 2 The person who will review and make changes to the document. The translator cannot make changes anymore. No assignment The person is not assigned to any role. To check if all users are assigned for handoffs, follow the steps below:

1. Assign all documents and all tasks to users. In a multilingual project, repeat this process for every target language.

Note: You cannot assign documents in the All languages mode.

2. Go to Overview, and on the General tab, click Check project now. memoQ now checks if all docu- ments are assigned and if there are any conflicts.

2.7 Creating a handoff

After you created a local project, assigned all users to their memoQ user roles, you can create handoffs. A handoff is a package containing the translatable documents, translation memories, term bases and LiveDocs.

1. Go to the Handoff/delivery tab, click Create new handoff package. Alternatively, you can click Cre- ate new handoff on the General tab.

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The memoQ handoff wizard opens with the following options:  Role: Select the role for the project (Translator, Reviewer 1, and Reviewer 2), for which you want to create the handoff.  Deadline: Set a deadline for the task being handed off.  Languages to include in handoff: Check the check box for each target language where you want the task carried out. By default, all target languages are selected.  Users to include in handoff: Check the check box for each user for whom you want to create a handoff package. memoQ creates one handoff package per user and per target language. (If a user translates into two languages, she will receive two handoff packages.) By default, all users are selected.

Click Next to proceed. 2. In the second step, you can specify further options for the handoff:

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 Package path: This is the location and name of the folder where the handoff packages will be created. You cannot change this folder.  Base package name: All handoff packages have a project name. By default, the base package name contains the abbreviation of the task and the original project name. When creating an actual package, memoQ appends the language code, the name of the user, and the date.  Allow joining and splitting segments...: If this check box is checked, you allow the users to join and split segments in their work. However, if you want to keep the segments in sync for va- rious target languages, do not check this check box.  Include local TMs and TBs check box: If this check box is checked, the package will contain a TMX export of all local translation memories, and a CSV export of all local term bases, so that the same local resources will be available to the user who receives the handoff. If the project uses online resources, the handoff package will contain references to the online resources.

Important: When you add a local translation memory or term base to a handoff package, the whole resource is sent to the translator in the package. No extraction is performed. If you add an online TM or TB, the package will contain a reference only, and the translator will use that online TM or TB directly. The delivery (*.mqback) does not contain any TM or TB content, just the documents.

 Include local corpora: If this check box is checked, the package will include the local LiveDocs corpora used in the project. The corpora are included in a binary internal format, and also as XLIFF files so that they can be loaded into other tools. memoQ will use the binary files.  Include preview files: If this check box is checked, the package will contain preview files so that the translator will see a real-time preview of the document she is translating. Uncheck this if you want a smaller package.  Include skeletons for final export: If this check box is checked, the translator receiving the package will be able to export the formatted translation from the project. Uncheck this if you want a smaller package.

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3. In the last step, you get a summary of the handoffs, which lists all files, the handoff package path where the packages will be created and the selected options for the handoffs. You can check he- re if all settings are correct. If not, click Back, and change the settings. If the settings are correct, click Next. memoQ will create the handoff packages.

memoQ’s handoff packages are .zip compressed files with the *.mqout extension. If you need to pro- cess them in a different translation tool, change the file extension to *.zip by renaming the file, then unzip the file. Now you can access the XLIFF, TMX, and CSV files in the package.

Note: You can assign the same user in different handoff packages in local projects. For further information, see the memoQ package guide, available here.

2.8 Creating a content-connected project on a memoQ server (if you have purchased the content connectors)

On a memoQ server, you can set up server documents that take the source-language materials from a content source. In such projects, you do not import source-language documents manually. Instead, the memoQ server connects to the content source, and automatically adds new or updated docu- ments to the project. In addition, the memoQ server regularly checks the content source for changes, and imports new and updated documents. 1. As a first step, you need to set up the content connector service on a computer within the network reach of your memoQ server. You can install the content connector service on the memoQ server

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itself. The following steps assume that you are installing the content connector service on your memoQ server. 2. Download and install the memoQ content connector service on your memoQ server. For instructions to install the content connector service, see the memoQ Help.

3. Log on to the memoQ server using Remote desktop or any other screen sharing service, start the memoQ Content Provider Client program, and set up a connection for the folder you want to watch.

4. Start memoQ on your computer, and select your memoQ server from the Server URL drop-down list. Click Select to display the list of online projects on the server. 5. On the Projects ribbon tab, click the lower part of the New Project button. Choose New Online Pro- ject. The Create new online project wizard starts. 6. In the first page of the wizard, type a name for the project. Optionally, specify meta-information, and type a description for your project. 7. Still in the first page, check the Connect to a content source check box. Note that the Record version history for translation documents check box is also checked. 8. Click Next. The Content source wizard page appears: In the Connector address text box, between http:// and :8080, type the address of the computer where the content connector service is running. If you installed the content connector service on the same computer where memoQ server is running, the address will be 'localhost'. 9. In the Authentication ID text box, type or paste the authorization ID you noted down when you created the content connection in the memoQ content provider client. Click Connect. 10. The Create new online project wizard lists the connections available at the specified address, and under the specified authorization code. Click the connection that corresponds to the folder you want memoQ server to watch. 11. Check the Import initial content when the wizard completes check box, and choose a polling frequency. In the Polling frequency (hours) text box, you can enter the number of hours that tells memoQ server how often it must check for changes in the content source. For example, if you specify 4, memoQ will check for changes every 4 hours. After specifying this number, click Next. 12. On the third and fourth wizard page, you can set up how memoQ server stores the project documents, and the workflow settings. For more information on these, see the How-to page on creating online projects. 13. Click Finish to create the project. If you checked the Import initial content when the wizard com- pletes check box, memoQ server connects to the content source immediately, and imports any documents it finds there. Once this is finished, memoQ displays the memoQ online project window with the Translations pane open. Note: After creating the online project, you still need to assign users to the project as a whole and to each document. You also need to choose translation memories, term bases, and LiveDocs corpora to use with the project. Do not click the Launch project icon before all this is set up.

14. After the project is created, memoQ regularly checks the content source for changes. When there are new or updated documents, memoQ server imports, analyzes, and pre-translates (X-translates) them, and then sends an e-mail to the project manager. To see what e-mail notifications are sent, open the project for management in the memoQ online project window, and navigate to the Content source tab of the Settings pane. In this tab, you can also customize the pre-translation and

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X-translation settings, if a document should be put up for FirstAccept and if you wish to send an analysis file together with the e-mail notification. Note: You can also check the content source for changes manually. Open the project for management in the memoQ online project window, navigate to the Translations pane, and click the Get changes from content source link below the list of documents.

Note: To open an online project for management, choose Manage projects on the Project ribbon tab, select your memoQ server, click the name of the project, and then click the Manage link below the list. By default, memoQ server automatically sends back those documents that have gone through the entire workflow (that is, all assigned users delivered them). However, if this setting is turned off, or you want to make sure that documents are returned, you send documents back to the content source manually, by following the steps below: 1. Open the online project from the Dashboard. 2. Navigate to the Translations pane of the memoQ online project window, if it is not displayed automatically. 3. In the Translations pane, select the documents you want to deliver, and click the Send translation to source link below the list. 4. memoQ asks you to confirm if you want to send the selected documents only. Click Yes to continue.

Note: If you click No, memoQ server will send all completed documents to the content source. A completed document is delivered by the project manager.

Note: You can also export the documents normally: click Export (dialog) below the document list to export the documents.

2.9 Creating a package from an online project

You can also create packages from an online project:

1. When you create your online project, you need to check the Allow package creation check box in the Create new online project wizard to enable package creation for this online project. If you do not check this check box on project creation, the Packages pane will not be availa- ble. You cannot enable packages after project creation if you did not check the Allow package creation check box in the first place. 2. After you created the online project, added the translatable documents and resources, click the People pane, then go to the Project users tab. Select and add the users for your project. Before you can create packages, you need to assign the users to the documents in the Trans- lations pane. The package stores the role of the user. You can assign the same user twice. If for example the same user is Translator and Reviewer 1 for the same file, then the following happens: o The package is created for the user as Translator. o The user opens the package, translates, delivers. o The Translator package is processed, the REV1 package is created.

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o The user opens the REV1 package (this creates another project in his memoQ desktop application), reviews, delivers.

3. Then launch the project. Click the Click to launch project icon. The packages are now created. Then the packages are displayed in the Package overview of the Packages pane:

4. Click the Download icon ( ) to download a package. Specify a location to save the package. The package is a *.mqout file. It contains the files as MQXLZ files, and the resources accord- ing to your settings (project TM and TB or copy of all TMs and TBs or links to TMs, TBs and corpora). Click the Download all packages link to download all packages at once.

5. Click the arrow icons to show or hide package details. In the Package overview, you can see package details: files in the package, assigned role and deadline. In the Deliver overview de- tails, you can see the delivered file names and the whether the delivery was accepted or not. 6. If you allow the users access to your memoQ server, you do not need to download the pack- ages. The user can directly check out the package on the Project ribbon tab > Check Out From Server. Note: In a package-based workflow for online projects, you cannot assign a subvendor group. If you want to assign a subvendor, then this vendor needs to have one user account on the memoQ server. Note: When you work with packages for online projects, you cannot assign documents to a sub- vendor group. You can use FirstAccept and GroupSourcing for packages when the user is allowed to check out the project as a synchronized copy. Further information on package download, delivery and update packages can be found in the the Package guide for project managers on the Kilgray website, and the memoQ Help.

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2.10 Project synchronization memoQ synchronizes your project copy automatically with the project on the memoQ server. The synchronization is continuously when you are online, and when you are offline, then the docu- ment behaves as desktop document. On the Documents ribbon tab, click the Synchronization Behavior button. This section on the ribbon tab is not visible in local projects. Turn on or off the automatic synchronization:

Select Auto Save On Server to automatically synchronize your project. Select Manual Synchronization to manually synchronize your project. Continuous synchronization is turned on by default. If you have no Internet connection, you can turn it off and synchronize manually when you are back online. Resources synchronization. The list of resources is not synchronized when a single row edit is saved on the memoQ server. Synchronization of the resource list is performed when the entire project is synchronized. The Synchronize Project toolbar button ( ) synchronizes new documents and other project metadata, along with the resource list.

Asynchronous synchronization. When you change a row in the translation grid, and you move to the next row, the content is automatically saved on the memoQ server. This save (synchronization) is performed asynchronously. You can continue working with memoQ (including typing into the next segment). Limitations: While synchronization is in progress, a new synchronization cannot begin; split/join is synchronized right away; batch operations must wait for all asynchronous synchroniza- tions.

Undo/redo. Project synchronization clears the undo/redo list after synchronization. During the con- tinuous synchronization, the undo/redo is not cleared. If you synchronize the local copy of your project and then close the project, memoQ checks if there are local pending changes, and checks if the server has updates. it is stored in the local copy of your project if there are pending changes. It is stored on the server for every document the last changed date. The memoQ desktop application checks with the memoQ server if any document has been changed since the last known status (the memoQ desktop application also stores the last edit time of the document). If there are no changes locally or on the server, the Do you want to synchronize... dialog appears to synchronize manually:

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Caution: When your documents are synchronized, some of your work might be overwritten by changes coming from the server. For example, a reviewer can make a change that takes prece- dence over your version. memoQ will use change marks to indicate that the segment comes from the server, and it no longer contains your text. For more information, see the memoQ Help.

Troubleshooting: You might be unable to join or split segments during translation. The project manager who creates or publishes the project on the server has a setting to disable joining and splitting. Similar settings may prevent you from seeing the preview or exporting the documents in the final translated format.

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3. Running statistics

Using the Statistics dialog, you can calculate counts and analysis on the active project at any time. Although the dialog is always the same, the preset values depend on the location from which you open the dialog.

1. Open an online project, go to Translations, select a target language and navigate to the Statistics option. Or select All languages to run statistics for all languages at once.

2. In selecting Statistics, the Statistics window opens, where you can specify further statistics op- tions:

a) Choose a scope in the Scope section:  Project: Select this option to analyse the whole project.  Selected documents: Select this option to analyse only the documents you selected in the Translations pane of Project home.  Open documents: Select this option to analyse only those documents that are currently open  Active document: Select this option to analyse only the active document.  From cursor: Select this option to analyse only the active document downwards from the cursor. This option is only available if you start the dialog with a translation document open and active in memoQ.  Selection: Select this option to analyse only the selected segments of the active docu- ment. This option is only available if you start the dialog with a translation document open and active in memoQ.  Work on views: Check this checkbox to process the views too.

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 Show results for each file: Check this check box to get detailed information on every sing- le file, not only aggregate information.

b) Settings in the Counts section:  Show counts: Check this check box to display the number of source segments, source words and source characters and the source-word count based percentage for all translatable segments, repetition and, if the check box Include locked rows is checked, all locked segments within the given scope.

Note: If the Show counts check box is checked and the Status report check box is unchecked, you will also see the number of source segments, source words and source characters and the source-word count based percentage for segments not started, segments pre-translated, segments where fragment search yielded a result, segments edited, and segments confirmed within the given scope.

 Include target counts: Check this check box to show the number of source segments, so- urce words and source characters and the source-word count based percentage for the target side too.  Status report: Check this check box to also display the number of source segments, sour- ce words and source characters and the source-word count based percentage for seg- ments not started, segments pre-translated, segments where fragment search yielded a result, segments edited, and segments confirmed within the given scope.

Note: If the check box Show counts is checked and the Status report check box is unchecked, you will only see the number of source segments, source words and source characters and the source-word count based percentage for all translatable segments, repetition and, if the check box Include locked rows is checked, all locked segments within the given scope.

c) Choose whether you want to run the analysis according to memoQ or Trados Word counts:  memoQ: Select this option to display memoQ word counts. Note: In memoQ, similarly to Microsoft® Excel®, every character sequence that is between whitespaces is counted as a word. In memoQ mode, you always count numbers as a single word, and hyphenated words like in-bound are also considered to be a single word.

 TRADOS-like: Select this option to display Trados-like word counts. SDL Trados® is anot- her CAT tool on the market that handles word counts differently.

Note: In Trados, numbers are only counted as words when they are within a segment, and a number of other rules apply. In Trados®, segmentation is a factor in word count, i.e. you can get a different word count if the same text appears in one or two lines. Trados® segmentati- on rules are not public, therefore there is usually a small discrepancy between the word counts of Trados® and Trados-mode memoQ. In most of the cases, this discrepancy does not exceed 1.5%. We suggest that you only use Trados-like word counts if your client explicitly requires you to do so.

d) Choose settings in the Analysis section:  Project TMs and corpora: Check this check box to compare the text against the translation memories and LiveDocs corpora of the project.

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 Details by source: Check this check box to see the contribution of each translation me- mory or LiveDocs corpus of the project to the translation. Note: Checking this check box can result in very long lists of statistical data.

 Homogeneity: The analysis against the segments within the selected scope is called ho- mogeneity analysis. Check this check box to emulate building a translation memory du- ring translation, and see the savings that will result from the internal similarities within the project. Using homogeneity, you are able to see the benefits of your future contribu- tion – i.e. the contribution while you will be translating – to the translation memory. You are also able to give a much better estimation of your resources to be spent on translation than without homogeneity. If you use the analysis to give a quotation, always look for the aggregate results as they reflect the real productivity gain through using memoQ.  Create project TM: Check this check box if you want memoQ to collect all segments from the translation memories and LiveDocs corpora that give a result during translation, regardless of the quality. Project TMs are subsets of large TMs that are relevant to translation projects. Note: This feature is only available after checking out an online project and running statistics first.

 Include locked rows: Check this check box to display the number of source segments, so- urce words and source characters and the source-word count based percentage for the locked segments within the given scope, if any.  Include spaces in the character count: memoQ can count characters either with or wit- hout whitespace. Check this check box if you want to see the character count with spaces; disable it if you want to see it without the spaces.

e) Choose to count tags as words in the Tags in word and character counts section: Inserting and checking formatting tags takes time, and you may want to take this into ac- count in pricing.  Tag weight in words and character counts: Enter a weight that should be added to the word/character count based on the Tag statistics. Tags are counted anyway, but if you enter a number here, the word or character count will be increased by that number for each and every tag. Important: Enter 0 for excluding tags from the word count. 3. Run the analysis and export the report:  Calculate: Click this button to analyse the contents of the project using the specified settings. When the analysis is done, the statistics appears in the lower pane. Depending on the number and size of resources, calculation of the statistics can take several minutes.  Export: Click this button to invoke the Export statistics results dialog, where you can save the result into two common file formats, HTML or Comma-Separated Values to open it in other application like Microsoft® Excel® or send it to your client.

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Note: You can invoke the Statistics dialog as described here or also in clicking the Statistics button on the Documents ribbon tab.

3.1 Impacts on statistics results memoQ calculates the word count different from SDL Trados or MS Word. This has to do with a diffe- rent tagging of text, including/excluding of whitespaces, numbers. The way you specify a tag weight might also influence your analysis result. Another scenario can be that you use cascading filters, e.g. you have an Excel file containing HTML code. memoQ offers you to use a cascading filter to exclude this HTML code on import. You choose first the Excel filter and then the HTML for the document import. memoQ now filters out the HTML code. This code is now also excluded from your analysis. Other tools might not be able to exclude such tags and may count it in as characters in the analysis. Sometimes the word count can also differ when you import the same document once as DOCX and once as RTF. memoQ uses a different import filter for both file formats. This can result in a different word count. memoQ’s filter functionality allows you to specify what and what not to import from files for translation. Being able to exclude XML attributes from translation, excluding code thanks to the Regex text filter or cascading filters or excluding text that is not for translation helps you to cut down translation costs. See also: Word counts and match rates guide, available here.

3.1.1 Post-Translation-Analysis memoQ allows you to perform a so-called post-translation analysis. With 'traditional' analysis meth- ods, a translator or a translation organization can 'predict' or estimate how much will be saved on translation memory matches. Post-translation analysis lets you know the actual savings. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 52 of 86 Quick start guide for project managers memoQ calculates the same match rates (101%, 100%, 95-99%, 85-94%, 75-84%, 50-74%, No match) as the default statistics and uses the same format. The only difference is that memoQ does not look up the segments in the translation memories. Instead, it takes the match rate numbers from the segments in the documents. Note: Post-translation analysis is available in the project manager edition of memoQ, and works only if you received the current project in a handoff package, or you are the project manager of a project – and you receive delivery packages, or work on an online project. To perform a post-translation analysis, follow the steps below: 1. Start memoQ, and open a project. 2. Navigate to the Overview pane, and then click on the Reports tab. 3. If the post-translation analysis is not shown, go to the General tab. Click on the Create new report command link.

Important: In local projects, post-translation analysis works only if there is at least one doc- ument that was delivered by a translator in a delivery package. Note: The post-translation analysis is calculated by user, i.e. you have information on the TM savings for each translator in your project. This might affect your pricing, e.g. when you pay your translators according to the amount they translated or to evaluate the hours they worked on a project. Such a scenario could be when several in-house translators work to- gether on a project, they are given the project manager permission for the project, so they can assign the documents to themselves. You as the project manager can see in retrospect how translated what and how much in using post-translation analysis.

3.1.2 Homogeneity and repetitions

Homogeneity is about internal similarities of documents within a project. If there are two similar segments after each other, memoQ will simulate what will happen if the two segments are translat- ed after each other in real life. For statistics, it means that the second segment is 80% similar to the first; the second segment will be put in the 75-84% match category in statistics. Within a project with several translatable documents and several users, you cannot know which of the translators will translate which of the two segments first. It could be either way. The same applies for repetitions: The repetition numbers will be wrong if you run statistics on two or more documents first and then assign the documents to the translators. A repetition may appear in the first document first or in the second document, i.e. the second occurrence of the repetition will be counted as repetition instead of a new translation. In both scenarios, there can be injustice. In order to prevent this, you can do the following:  Use post-translation analysis. This feature allows you to pay the translators based on exactly what they translated and the matches they got from the translation memories and corpora. Note: If you use this report, instruct the translators not to add and use their own TMs to the project.

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 Extract the repetitions as a preparatory step when you set up your project. Then translate the repetitions into the project TM. Use this pre-step to eliminate injustice in payment for repetitions.  Run statistics per user. After you created the project, imported the translatable documents, and assigned the user to the memoQ user roles, select all the documents you assigned to us- er 1, and run statistics. Pay user 1 accordingly. Then select all the documents assigned to user 2, and run statistics. Pay user 2 accordingly. Proceed this way for all users and for all target languages in the project. This way, homogeneity and repetition matches are counted per us- er.

Note: See also the Knowledge Base for further information.

3.1.3 Editing distance statistics

You can use the Edit distance feature to measure the quality of Machine Translation, after post- editing. Or for instance, the reviewer not only marks but also corrects target segments in memoQ, you can use Edit distance statistics to measure the amount of work the reviewer had. The edit distance is calculated whenever a segment is confirmed. The match value is stored in the row. The edit distance statistics for inserted matches is always calculated between the currently stored segment text and the inserted match. If there is no inserted match, it is assumed as a new transla- tion, and in these cases the edit distance is not applicable (in effect, it is 100%). Edit distance is also displayed in the translation grid, next to the display of view document name. The following information is stored: whether it is a fuzzy or MT match, source and target segment, source of the match (e.g. from TM).

The Edit Distance dialog can be invoked on the Documents ribbon tab (you can also invoke the Edit distance statistics from the Overview tab > Reports):

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Click the Calculate button to calculate project-wide statistics in a project. When you click the Show results for each file option, you will get an individual table for each file.

Note: Locked segments are excluded from the edit distance statistics. The statistics result shows the type (100%, fuzzies, etc.), the segments and words, how many seg- ments were edited and absolute and normalized edit distance:

 An absolute edit distance is basically a sum of added and deleted characters over a text (document, project, etc.). This gives you a single absolute number that tells you how much editing someone did overall. It can be anything up from 0.

 A normalized edit distance is a number between 0 and 1 that says, segment A is identical to segment B (one end of the scale is 0 as in “no changes”) or that the two segments are infi- nitely different (one segment is empty, the other has an infinite number of characters; this is 100).

You can also invoke the Edit distance statistics from History/Reports, select two versions of a docu- ment, and then click Calculate edit distance. The Edit distance statistics dialog appears:

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Here you can compare two document versions: edited segments or if segments were split or joined.

You can export the report. Click the Export button in the dialog to export the report in HTML format. Click Close to close the Edit distance statistics dialog.

3.1.4 Double context matches memoQ offers context (101%) matches for:  the text flow: when the previous and the following segment are the same for the surround- ing source segment, stored in the TM entry.  for ID-based context: when an associated string ID (e.g. a resource identifier in software code) is the same in the current document s in the TM entry.

Double context matches are 102% matches. Such matches are where the ID-based context and the text flow context are both identical. You get double context matches, when you have a flowing text, which can be one or more para- graphs long, and every text chunk has an ID coming from a Content Management System (CMS). This is when text flow and ID-based context are both identical. memoQ's translation memories store the ID-based context and the text flow context for every segment.

Double context matches are ranked higher than context (101%) matches. There is no extra match range in the pre-translation dialog. The XLT match rate is used for double context matches, and dis- played under x-translated in the Statistics dialog. The XLT match rate is also used for x-translating your document. Double context matches are displayed as XLT (102%) in the segment, after you pre- translated your document. If you have a TM with double context matches and the context ID is null in the TM and in the seg- ment to look up, you get a 101% match, if the preceding and the following segments both match. If you have a TM with double context and the context ID is equal in the TM and in the segment to look up, but the text flow context is different, you also get a 101% match.

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3.1.5 X-translation

The purpose of X-translation is to reuse translations you have already done, but not from a transla- tion memory, but the previous state of the document, before you reimport it. For example, you re- ceive an updated version of the source document while translating, or after you have finished trans- lating the original document version. memoQ identifies the differences and the identical segments in the two document versions. memoQ compares the import results - the lists of source segments pro- duced by the previous import and the latest reimported document version. There is a list of source segments from the original/previous import, and another list of source segments from the reimport. Changes can be of four types: modification, addition, deletion, and moving. memoQ shows differences between segments. If a source differs, then the differences are not ana- lyzed further, memoQ treats the new version as different. Think of the two document versions as if they were a column of cells in Excel, with an original version of that column, and a new one that you created by editing the original. Each cell contains a segment. Basically, any segment (cell) that was not modified, added, or moved, is considered unmodified, and will be X-translated if the other criteria are met (according to your options when you X-translated).

There are 2 scenarios for x-translation: When you finished your project and your customer sends you the files again with some modifications. Or your customer sends an update, and you are only half- way through the translation, you can apply the translated segments to the new document without having to go through the translation memory. Another scenario could be a new revision of an al- ready finished translation. These two scenarios are reflected in x-translate as Mid-project update and New revision of finished translation.

X-translation options can be found here.

Invoke x-translation in selecting one or more documents with a version status on the Translations pane of Project home, and click X-Translate on the Documents ribbon tab.

Note: You need to have versioning enabled for your imported documents to use x-translate. When you import an updated source document, the versioning moves to e.g. 2.0, a major ver- sion. Now you can use x-translate to x-translate your document.

To see what memoQ considered identical, click Versions > History/reports on the Documents ribbon tab, and choose to export the differences of the two major versions (click Export difference as change-tracked Word file).

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Example case: Start with a text file that contains the letters of the English alphabet, each of them on separate lines: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r

Modify it a bit: move C, D, and E, modify H to something else, add X somewhere, and delete Q. a b f g h-modified i j c d e k l m x-added n o p r The result is that every other character was considered unchanged by memoQ. And if you fully trans- late the original version before document reimport, then it is all X-translated. Differences of the two versions:

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Purple means deleted, blue means added and white means unchanged. For the modified segment (the letter H), memoQ says the original was deleted and a new one was added, rather than telling you it was changed.

Look at the X-translation result (after translating all the letters in the original, to themselves, then re- importing the modified alphabet file, and X-translating):

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All the letters/segments that were not deleted, moved, added, or modified got X-translated. That is 13 out of 18, or 72%. If instead of X-translation, you confirm all the segments of the original docu- ment version into a TM with context matching turned on, and then pre-translate, the reimported document version with that, only a handful of the segments receive a 101% match. This is because for a segment to be considered an in-context match, the preceding and succeeding segments to be the same in the two versions.

If you have a previous final translated version of a document and you receive an update, it’s always better to X-translate it as a first step, rather than pre-translate. In the example case, assuming that the previously finished translation was reliable, X-translation gives 13 reliable translations that we can trust and lock, and probably do not need to touch or even check. Pre-translation with context TM would give us only 4 translations. There is a single thing that pre-translation with context TM does better: when there are three or more segments moved together to another place in the document, like C, D, and E in the example case, then X-translation will consider all of them changed. Context TM, on the other hand, will give you a 101% match for all of them except for the first one and the last one. Therefore, it is recom- mended to X-translate first, and then to pre-translate. In the example case, that gives 14 segments filled with reliable matches out of 18, which is 78 %, up from 22 % which is what you get if you only use context TM.

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4. Update Workflow

4.1 Bilingual document update workflow

The following scenario describes how to work with bilingual formats (6.3 Using the bilingual docu- ment formats) to update the files in your memoQ project. Suppose you set up a project (offline or online), and assign users to user roles. One user, e.g. Review- er 2 is not using memoQ. This user needs to receive a file format he/she can work on outside of memoQ. You can use the two-column RTF format: For online projects: 1. Start memoQ, connect to your memoQ server. 2. Open the project, click the Manage command link or use right-click and Manage (for local pro- jects, click Open instead). 3. Select a target language if you have several target languages in the project. 4. In the Translations pane, select the documents you want to export as bilingual (using Ctrl+A se- lects all documents at once). 5. On the Documents ribbon tab, click the lower part of the Export button, then select Export Bilin- gual. 6. Choose Two-column RTF, and click Next.

7. Specify the export options:

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Note: When you have selected more than one document, the option to export all documents as one single RTF file becomes available.

8. Click Export. A Save as window appears. Specify the export location. Click Save. 9. You can now send the two-column RTF file(s) to the assigned user who can open this file in a Word processor, review, make changes, and send you the file back. 10. When you received the file(s) back, start memoQ, open this project, go to the Translations pane, and on the Documents ribbon tab, click the lower part of the Import button, then select Import With Options. Navigate to the location where you saved the two-column RTF you received. Select the file and click Open. The Document import options dialog appears. memoQ now automatically detects the bilingual format and selects Update in the Action drop-down list. Click the OK button to import. 11. The existing files of your project are now updated with the two-column RTF file. The files in your project for this target language now contain all the information from the two-column RTF file.

Note: You need to update your TM to reflect the changes there as well. In your project, go to the Preparation ribbon tab, then select Confirm And Update. Use the confirm command from here to update your master TM. If you use the Confirm commands on the Translation and Re- view ribbon tabs, you only update the working TM of your project. Check the check boxes of the operations you want to perform to update your TM, and then click OK. Your master TM is now being updated.

Important: Perform the same steps for memoQ XLIFF and TRADOS-compatible bilingual DOC. The export options may differ. For further information, see the memoQ help.


Since memoQ 6.0, you can export bilingual memoQ XLIFF files. You have 2 export options available which allow you to process XLIFF files outside of memoQ:

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 mqxliff: This file format is generated when you choose not to have a version history, skeleton and preview. memoQ exports now the documents with the *.mqxliff extension. These files can be renamed to *.xlf and then be imported into other CAT tools such as SDL Trados Stu- dio. When the documents are translated outside of memoQ and come back to you as a pro- ject manager, change the file extension back to *.mqxliff. Then import the document back in- to the memoQ project where you exported the file from. Use the Import with options on the Documents ribbon tab. memoQ will detect this, and you will see in the Document import dia- log the Update document as action. Click OK to start the import. memoQ will update the documents in your project, although it was renamed and translated outside of memoQ.

 mqxlz: This is a compressed file format. Choosing this memoQ XLIFF export format allows you to include the versioning, the skeleton and the preview of the document. Check the Save a compressed filed (mqxlz) check box in the Export bilingual dialog on the Documents ribbon tab. Exporting MQXLZ files allow another person to export the source file format since it in- cludes the skeleton. The project manager can also use the versioning feature in memoQ to track the document stages during the translation process and can compare different versions with each other. Both memoQ XLIFF formats enable you to import and export from and into memoQ projects as well as to use the documents outside of memoQ.

4.2 Project Update Workflow

In projects you created, source documents may change during the translation process. The customer sends updated or changed documents. One possibility is to use content connectors where memoQ watches the import folder and automatically updates your project, but if you are not using this addi- tional program Kilgray offers, you need to update your project manually. In an online project with new documents to be added, follow the steps below: 1. Start memoQ, and open the project you want to update. 2. The translation and review process may already have started. The TM may also have changed compared to your original analysis. In 5.1.1 Resource Management, you find further information on how you can use TMs and other resources in projects. Go to Overview > Reports and create a Progress report to see the progress of the project already started. You can also export the report as CSV format, for that, click export. 3. In the Translations pane, import the new documents. Use the Import command link, or the Im- port with options command link. 4. The new documents are imported and can be pre-translated and analyzed. Select the new docu- ments, select a target language (if your project has more than one target language), and click the Statistics command link. Here, the Selected documents option is pre-selected. Click the Calculate button. The analysis is now performed only for the new documents. To export the analysis, click Export, specify the export format, and then click the Export button. 5. Assign the documents to users to their assigned user role for this project.

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6. If you have the communication and notification feature enabled, the participants are automati- cally informed of the new documents and assignments (see 6.5 Using the communication fea- ture).

In an online project with changed documents to be added, follow the steps below: 1. Follow the steps 1 and 2 as described in how to add new documents in an online project. On the Documents ribbon tab, import the changed documents. Use the Reimport command. Note: Reimport also works in the All language mode. You can reimport a document into all your target languages at once. 2. The changed documents are imported. As in 2.1 Creating an online project advised to create pro- jects with version history, now you can see the newly imported documents imported as version 2.0. 3. X-translate (source text based pre-translation) the changed documents. You can see the changes of the two document versions in comparing them. In the Translations pane, select the changed documents, then click the Versions button on the Documents ribbon tab, and select Histo- ry/reports or alternatively right-click and choose History/Reports. Select the two document ver- sions in Major versions of document and compare them in a two-column HTML export if you want to see the changes. 4. Note: X-translate also works in the All language mode. You can x-translate your documents into all your target languages at once. 5. Click the Statistics command link and run the analysis. In the category Type, you see a match range X-translated. This match range shows the source document based pre-translation. Depend- ing on the price model you have to charge x-translated segments, inform your project partici- pants on the new analysis. 6. Follow steps 5 and 6 of online projects with new documents.

Important: The analysis and the user assignment have to be done for every target language. In a local project with new documents to be added, follow the steps below: 1. Follow the steps 1 to 5 from the description of adding documents to an online project. Instead of clicking the Import with options command link, go to the Documents ribbon tab, and then click the lower part of the Import button and select Import With Options. 2. Instead of the communication feature, you have to update the handoffs. Go to Project home > Overview > General. Click Check project now. 3. Create a handoff with the new files (see 2.7 Creating a handoff). 4. Send the new handoff in an e-mail or notify the participants to download the handoff package from e.g. a FTP you are using.

Important: You can create new handoffs for more than one target language. Note: Check the Package guide for PMs on how to handle update packages and package de- livery for your project. This guide is available from the Kilgray website.

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5. Finishing the project

5.1 Finishing an online project

When all the documents are translated and reviewed, the project is finished.

5.1.1 Resource Management Since the translation memories and term bases (as well as possible other resources) assigned to the project are remote resources and remain on the memoQ server after the project is finished, they need no manual update. However, if your workflow includes a working and a Master TM, and the working TM is not the Master TM at the same time in the project, you can set up in the project tem- plates to have the working TM automatically deleted after the project is wrapped up. And you can configure in the templates that your master TM is automatically updated with the final translations. You can also manually update your master TM. Go to the Translations pane in the memoQ online project window, then click the Confirm and update rows command link. When you are in the checked out local copy of your online project, go to the Preparation ribbon tab, and choose Confirm And Up- date. Using this operation confirms all segments to your Master TM. Specify the scope and the seg- ment status of what you want to send to the Master TM. Click OK to start the Master TM update. Now you have all the latest translations in your Master TM for the next projects available.

5.1.2 Workflow Status

Users you assigned to documents in different roles (translator, reviewer 1, and reviewer 2) log on to your memoQ server with the credentials you provide and check out their assigned tasks. After the assigned users check out the project in their assigned user roles, e.g. Mads in the translator role, and start working on the files, you can see how the workflow status of the documents change. When you move the mouse over the icons, the document status is displayed.

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Note: You can manually set the workflow status in clicking on the Change workflow status option below the Translations pane. A window opens where you can manually change the status of se- lected documents:

When the project is finished, the workflow status should be set to Completed. However, you can manually force this status as well.

5.1.3 Exporting the translated documents After the Master TM is updated (or if you have only worked with one TM), you need to export the documents to generate the source file format containing the translations. Follow the steps below: 1. Open the online project (if not already open). 2. Go to Translations in the memoQ online project window, and select a target language from the Target language drop-down list (at the top right corner). 3. Select the documents you wish to export, then click on Export (dialog) or Export (stored path). You can use the stored path if you are exporting the documents on the same computer where you imported them. It will overwrite the originally source files being imported into memoQ.

Important: You cannot export documents when the Target language drop-down list is set to All languages – you can export documents in a specific target language only.

Note: You can export bilingual files (memoQ-XLIFF, Two-column RTF, Trados Bilingual Docu- ment) from the project at any stage for e.g. an external reviewer not using memoQ, also to guarantee a full interoperability in case you need to assign a task outside of memoQ and re- importing the translation back (with the Import with options command). Note: memoQ exports the documents according to the export path rules. An export path rule set is always assigned to the project as a resource. In an online project, make sure you use a relative export path rules, or make sure that all target folders exist on your computer.

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When exporting the documents, memoQ first downloads the bilingual documents from the server, then exports the translated documents in the source file formats locally.

5.2 Finishing a local project

In local projects, you were most likely working with handoff packages. In this case, you will receive delivery files. The name of these ends in *.mqback. Open the local project, navigate to Project home > Overview > Handoff / delivery, and click Receive delivery. You will be prompted to browse for the *.mqback files you received from the project participants. Select this file, and click Open. Your documents are now updated. Important: The delivery file does not contain translation memories or term bases; it contains the translated/reviewed documents only. You will need to update your resources manually. For more information on exporting your documents, see the Exporting the translated documents sec- tion in this document.

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6. Miscellaneous topics

6.1 Using resources in projects memoQ uses the concept of resources, and distinguishes between heavy resources (translation memories, term bases, LiveDocs, Muses) and so-called light resources (QA settings, project tem- plates, segmentation rules, etc.). Resources can be stored remotely on a memoQ server, or locally on your own computer. You can use multiple heavy resources in the same project, i.e. several translation memories and term bases. For TMs, you usually set a working TM to confirm segments to, and you have a Master TM to confirm and update rows when the project is finished, and the quality assurance is done. For term bases, you can rank them, and depending on their rank, the TB hits appear in the Translation results pane accordingly. You can also set a term base to be the one where automatically all new terms are saved to. To add a translation memory or term base to your project, check the check box in the first column of the resource list, or select the row and click Use in project / Remove from project (among the links below the list). The row of the selected resource will jump to the top of the list. In general, the resources currently being used in the project are at the top of the list. You can also remove a re- source by clearing the check box. You can also assign light resources to the same project. For more information on light resources, see memoQ Help.

6.2 Using QA

The aim of automatic quality assurance in memoQ is to spot and mark possible mistakes in translation documents and translation memories. Quality assurance is a collection of automated checks for different types of potential problems (numbers, terminology, consistency, punctuation). You can either use the default settings for a language pair, or you can define your own QA settings. For this, go to Project home, navigate to Settings, and click QA Settings (this is the third icon):

A list of QA profiles appear. You can clone a profile, or you modify an existing one. You cannot make changes to the Default profile: you need to clone it first, and edit the copy. Click Edit: the Edit QA set- tings dialog appears. Now you can configure all checks.

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When finished, assign the QA profile to the online or local project the same way you assign translation memories and term bases. Note: If you assign QA settings to an online project, make sure that the selected QA profile is a remote resource, so that the project participants can access and use the QA settings. The quality assurance module processes each segment pair in the documents, and indicates war- nings. The QA process can be invoked on the Preparation and Review ribbon tab: click the lower part of the Quality Assurance button, then select Run QA. The Run QA dialog appears, where you can spe- cify if you only want to check selected documents, all documents or a TM. Select your check range, and click OK. memoQ processes the documents, and displays the Resolve errors and warnings tab as a central location for viewing and correcting the collection of all warnings and errors. Here you can go through the errors and warnings listed and validate them. You can group the warnings by category so that you can deal with one kind of warning in one pass. You can also generate a report and export it as HTML to be viewed in a browser.

6.2.2 Using the LQA models

LQA stands for Linguistic Quality Assurance and is a light resource in memoQ. The LQA process is a manual one, performed by the reviewer. With this feature, the reviewer can document the translation quality in detail (e.g. accuracy, omission, etc.), and he can categorize the errors as major, medium or minor. You can also define a pass/fail criteria. memoQ comes with 4 pre-defined models: LISA, J2450, TAUS and the memoQ QA model.

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The LQA settings contains 2 sections:  the actual LQA model defining the specific error categories, subcategories and severities  the threshold of when a review fails or passes

Open the Resource console (click the icon in the Quick Access Toolbar), and click the LQA settings icon to the left. In the list, create a new model or select the LQA model you want to edit, then click the Edit link below the list. You can also right-click the LQA model, and, from the popup menu, choose Edit.

To edit or create a LQA model you wish to use in your project, do the following:

1. Open the project, and, in Project home, click the Settings icon. The Settings pane appears.

2. In the Settings pane, click the LQA model icon.

3. The list of LQA models appears. The list is similar to a list of translation memories. memoQ lists the LQA models available. These will be the LQA models available on your computer, and on the server you are currently connected to, language independent. Check the check box for one of the LQA models that you want to use. You can also clone an existing model. In this example, the LISA model was cloned and is used to adjust an existing LQA model according to your needs. You can also create your own LQA model from scratch.

4. Click the Edit link to open a LQA model for editing. The dialog has three tabs where you can make your configurations.

5. On the QA Model tab, delete a category, or add a new category. Enter the category name in the text field below the last category entry, then type a subcategory. You can select values from 0, 1, 5 or 10 for all three severity levels (minor, major, critical). You can also add a new error severity like medium.

6. On the QA mappings tab, you can select a memoQ QA error type and map it to a LQA error. Open the Automatic QA type drop-down list, and choose your QA error type. Then open the LQA error category drop-down list, and choose from the list which error category should match the QA error.

7. On the Pass/Fail criteria tab, you can change the penalty points per word, the normalized score (which will also appear in the LQA statistics), and you can check the Count multiple oc- currences for the same error as one check box. When the same error occurs several times, it is considered as one error. Here you can adjust the fail/pass criteria to the criteria your custo- mer may use. You can ensure that your translation will pass the QA process of your custo- mer. You can also create a LQA statistics report for your project or individual files. You can invoke the LQA Reports dialog by choosing LQA Reports on the Documents ribbon tab. On the Statistics tab, you can generate and export this report and send it to the translator to correct his translation. You can also generate and export a report on rejected segments. Go to the Error lists tab in the LQA reports dialog. The error report lists for the selected documents: the memoQ user roles (Translator, Reviewer), the used LQA model and the pass Pass/fail status. The table contains the row number of the rejected segment, the source segment, the target segment, the correction, a comment (if en- tered), the error type and the translator comment (if it was passed back to the translator). In the tar- get segment column, each rejected word, expression or marked text is highlighted in red.

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For more information on the bilingual file formats, see memoQ Help and the LQA guide, available at the Kilgray website.

6.3 Using the bilingual document formats

Bilingual documents are specific to the field of translation and localization. They contain translatable source text and its (complete or partial) translation in pairs of segments. A typical way to create a bi- lingual document in memoQ and other translation tools is this: the user first imports the original so- urce language document into a translation tool, optionally translates all or part of it, and uses the saving or exporting features of the translation tool to produce a bilingual document. In the bilingual form, the translation document can be passed on to other users, enabling common workflows inc- luding those in which a document is first translated by one user, then edited or proofread by some other user, and verified and finalized by a project manager. To enable users to take on almost any translation job, and to prove flexible in an environment where several translation tools are used, memoQ provides extensive support for all the important bilingual document formats. It can be used to translate bilingual DOC/RTF files, XLIFF files, and two-column RTF files (a table format not only with the source and target columns but also containing comment, segment status and percentage for the TM match) for users of other translation tools or tools such as MS Word. Export bilingual formats from memoQ in clicking the Export bilingual link in the Translations pane of the memoQ online project window or on the Documents ribbon tab (Export > Export Bilingual). Choose a bilingual format (memoQ XLIFF, Trados bilingual doc, two-column RTF) and follow the ex- port wizard. The two-column RTF format can be opened in MS Word or any other program that can open RTF formats like Open Office. This format is a table format, contains source and target column, a comment column and the segment status (e.g. confirmed, not started, pre-translated). The re- viewer can make corrections, saving the RTF and sending the file back to you. You can then update your existing file in your project with the RTF file you received from the reviewer.

6.3.1 Export options

Using the Export Bilingual dialog, you can export one or more translation documents in a bilingual document. memoQ supports three types of bilingual documents: the memoQ XLIFF format, the TRADOS-compatible bilingual Word files, and a two-column RTF format.

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1. In the Translations pane of Project home – either on the Documents or the Views tab –, select one or more documents or views, and click the Export bilingual button on the Project ribbon tab. Alternatively, you can right-click the selected documents or views, and choose Export bi- lingual from the popup menu. 2. Select the memoQ XLIFF, TRADOS-compatible bilingual DOC or the Two-column RTF option for the desired bilingual document format. Then, use the check boxes (where applicable) to fine-tune the export. 3. When you selected the document format, and adjusted the options, click Export. Then you will be able to select the location and name of the file to export the document into. memoQ XLIFF settings: XLIFF is a standard bilingual document format based on the XML language. In memoQ, XLIFF is tre- ated as a native bilingual document format. XLIFF files can be edited in third-party tools outside me- moQ.

When exporting a document to XLIFF, you can set the following options:  Include skeleton and preview check box: When checked, memoQ exports the formatting in- formation into the memoQ XLIFF file along with the translation units. If another user imports the resulting XLIFF file in her copy of memoQ, she will be able to export the formatted translation. If you do not include the skeleton, this is not possible. Use this option when the XLIFF file will be processed in another copy of memoQ. Uncheck this check box if you plan to transfer the document to a different tool because the formatting skeleton is memoQ- specific, and no other tool can restore the formatted translation from it.  Include major version history check box: This includes the version history of the documents in the export.  Save a compressed file check box: For smaller file size, check this check box. memoQ creates XLIFF files (*.mqxlz). MQXLZ cannot be imported into other tools. You need to export as *.mqxliff. In order to do this, click the [Plain XLIFF for other tools] link. This will automatically

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deactivate all check boxes that are needed for a MQXLZ export and will generate MQXLIFF fi- les. TRADOS-compatible bilingual DOC settings: Trados-compatible bilingual DOC files are legacy bilingual Word documents using special styles, hidden text and text protection. These files are created by SDL Trados versions 2007 or earlier. This document type was abandoned in SDL Trados Studio 2009, but in many organizations, this type of DOC file is still a standard way of transferring bilingual documents. memoQ can save fully formatted bilingual Word documents if the source document was a pre- segmented Trados-compatible bilingual Word document. From documents of other formats, memoQ can save an unformatted bilingual Word document, which is useful if the document needs to be re- viewed in Word, and then returned to memoQ. Important: To export your work in a fully formatted bilingual Word document, the original doc- ument must be a pre-segmented Trados-compatible bilingual Word document. With Trados-compatible bilingual documents, you can set the following options:  Export context matches as 100% check box: SDL Trados 2007 and earlier versions do not sup- port context matches similar to the 101% matches is memoQ. If the exported bilingual document will be transferred to Trados, check this check box. When indicating the match ra- te in the document, memoQ will use 100% wherever 101% occurs.  Export markup for empty translations check box: If checked, memoQ will export necessary hidden tags for segments that were not translated. If you uncheck this check box, memoQ will export untranslated source segments without any Trados-style Word markups.  Simple formatting check box: When checked, memoQ exports the document contents wit- hout the original formatting. This is the only option if the source document is a DOC or RTF fi- le and is converted to DOCX on import into your local memoQ project.

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How to: 1. Import your DOC or RTF file using the DOCX option. The files will be converted to DOCX on import. 2. Export the imported file as Trados-compatible bilingual DOC file. This might be the case to send the file to your colleague who still uses Trados 2007. On the Documents ribbon tab, choose Export > Export Bilingual. Choose the TRADOS-compatible bilingual DOC radio button. This way, you ensure that you are able to update your document when you receive back the translated or reviewed Trados bilingual DOC from your colleague. 3. To import the translated Trados bilingual DOC file, go to the Documents ribbon tab, choose Import > Import With Options. memoQ recognized the file and automatically chooses the Up- date action to update the file in your project. Behavior in projects with multiple target languages: When you work in a multilingual project, and the language selector in the Translations pane of Pro- ject home is set to All languages, the Bilingual export wizard and behaves a little different. The dialog for choosing the format and adjusting the options becomes the first page of a two-page wizard. After you make your selections, you need to click Next instead of Export. Then a second wi- zard page appears:

The document will be exported into a separate file for each target language. In this wizard page, you can choose whether you want to export all files into a single folder, and have the language code in the file names (Append language code to file name radio button), or export all fi- les into separate folders, where the folders are named after the language code (Create subfolders for each language radio button). It is best to choose the first radio button if you are exporting a single document, and the second one if you are exporting multiple documents. After you make your selection, click Export. Then you will be able to select the location and name of the file to export the document into. Important: memoQ does not display the second wizard page if you select one of the target lan- guages in the language selector of Project home. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 74 of 86 Quick start guide for project managers

Important: To set up multilingual projects, you need the memoQ project manager edition. Multi- lingual projects are not available in the translator pro edition. Two-column RTF settings: If you choose the two-column RTF format, the second page of the wizard looks like this:

Through this wizard page, you can control how memoQ creates the two-column RTF document.

Layout section:  Export comments check box: If you tick this, memoQ creates an extra column in the table with the comments exported from the selected document. This option is turned on by defa- ult.  Export segment status check box: If you tick this, memoQ creates an extra column in the table that shows the segment status: both the colors and the match rate. This option is turned on by default.  Two target columns in table check box: If you tick this, memoQ exports the target column twice. In the word processor, the reviewer should leave the first target column intact, and modify the second target column. If this option is turned on, the Leave second target column empty check box is also active, where you can instruct memoQ to omit the text from the second target column. Both options are turned off by default.

Format section:  Format tags with the "mqInternal" style check box: If this is ticked, all characters belonging to formatting tags will be formatted with the "mqInternal" style. Documents exported in this fashion are easier for memoQ to import or update, and it is also easier to spot any formatting errors in the bilingual RTF table. This option is turned on by default.  Export the full text of inline tags check box: If this is ticked, memoQ exports all text in all inline tags. This might make the document extremely difficult to read. On the other hand, the contents of inline tags reveal a lot of information about the formatting of the document. This option is turned off by default.

Miscellaneous section:

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 Export all selected documents in a single RTF file check box: memoQ can include multiple documents in a single multi-column RTF document. This check box is available if you select more than one document. If you tick this check box, memoQ will create a single RTF docu- ment, holding the contents of all selected documents. The table has multiple headers to pro- vide for identifying each document. This option is turned off by default.  Include locked segments in export check box: memoQ can omit locked segments from the ex- ported RTF document. This prevents the reviewer from accidentally changing text that should be left unchanged. On the other hand, reviewing the text can become difficult if some parts are missing. This option is turned off by default.

Click Cancel to leave the wizard without exporting any documents. In the second wizard page, click Back to return to the first page and select the bilingual document format again. If you click Export, memoQ exports the selected document(s) in the chosen bilingual format, then closes the wizard.

6.4 Using views

From the imported translation documents into a local project, you can create views, i.e. segment collections assembled from the selected translation documents using filtering and sorting options. These views are like normal translation documents that appear in the translation grid. The difference is that the views contain only certain types of segments in your choice of ordering, from one or more translation documents.

Note: Views can have a preview if the documents, they are created from, do have a preview. Note: You can join/split segments in a view only when these segments belong to the same document and are not filtered.

In Project home, go to Translations, above the list view, you can choose between two tabs:  Documents tab, in which you can manage the translation documents added to the project. This is the default setting  Views tab, in which you can manage the views created from one or more translation documents in the project.

On the Documents tab, click Create View on the Documents ribbon tab. The Create view dialog ap- pears, where you can specifiy the criteria for creating the new view (included segments, etc.). You can also specify if you want to glue documents together into one view or if you want to split docu- ments, e.g. a very large document into several smaller parts. When ready, click OK. The view is cre- ated.

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6.4.1 Importing/updating a view

If you use the Import with options command to import a memoQ XLIFF document from an original document or view present in your current project, memoQ automatically detects the document im- port filter and the action to perform. It will update the respective segments of all the original docu- ments and views involved with the changes made. You can import views and original documents on either the Documents tab or the Views tab of the Translations pane of Project home with the same results.

6.4.2 Exporting a view

Once created, views can be exported as memoQ XLIFF documents or as bilingual DOC files. These bi- lingual files can be imported on another computer as translation documents. When the translation is finished, these translation documents can be exported into the original format only on the computer on which the views were created, while on the other computers these translation documents can on- ly be exported into bilingual files. Exporting views as memoQ XLIFF documents or as bilingual DOC files can be helpful when a large file should be split up into smaller pieces to be assigned to more than one translator. You can also use Views in online projects: 1. Create a local memoQ project. 2. Import your source-language documents. 3. In the Translations pane, under the Documents list, click the Create view command link.

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4. In the Translations pane, under the Documents list, click Export bilingual, choose memoQ XLIFF. Check the check box Include major version history (if present) to import these XLIFF files into another memoQ project with the versioning from this project. 5. Import these XLIFF files in an online project. Assign the files to users (see 2.1 Creating an online project). 6. When the translation is finished, export the XLIFF files from the online project. Use the Export bi- lingual command again. 7. Open the local project where you created the XLIFF files from. 8. In the Translation pane, go to the Views tab, then click the Import command link. The original views are now updated. The translatable documents are also updated with the update of the views. 9. To export the translated documents in their original format, click the Export (dialog) or Export (stored path) command link.

6.4.3 Views and translation documents Segments in the original translation documents that are included in one or more views become locked, and they are not available for unlocking while the view exists. Therefore these segments can- not be joined or split. Translation documents and their views cannot be opened at the same time. Even views that have a segment referring to the same segment of a translation document cannot be opened at the same time. This way memoQ can guarantee that the modification of the segments is implemented in every corresponding translation document and view. Tip: Auto-propagation only works within one document. Auto-propagation is a way to enforce the consistency of identical segments on the fly. In the translation grid, and when auto- propagation is enabled, memoQ checks if the current segment is a repetition. When you confirm the translation of a segment that has repetitions in the document, the confirmed translation is automatically copied to the repetitions, too. If you want to run auto-propagation across several documents, create a view from these documents. Summary table:

View created from Several documents One document Documents Filtered documents Filtered Split glued together (e.g. only documents (e.g. document Repetitions, rows only Repetitions, s with a specific rows with a status such as specific status Locked) such as Locked) Preview Yes No Yes Yes Join/split Yes No No No Export document Yes (for all files) No No No

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6.5 Using the communication feature

With an online project, all aspects of the project are stored on a server. This central location lets pro- ject managers closely monitor project progress: as translators and reviewers edit the documents, they are immediately updated on the server too. 1. Start memoQ (if it is not already open). Connect to your memoQ server. 2. Double-click the name of your online project from the Dashboard. 3. Navigate to the Settings pane. 4. Click the Communication icon. The Communication category of the Settings pane appears:

5. In the Communication section, check the Project participants can communicate when online check box to enable the chat and discussion features for the online project. 6. In the E-mail notifications section, you can specify several settings. Click the arrow icons to open the individual settings. Check the check boxes according to the changes that you want to learn about (either document or project status changes or both) and on which actions you want to be notified. Check the check boxes of the actions to receive e-mails from memoQ server and which ones you want to send out by memoQ server: a. To notify a new active user when a document is delivered or returned; b. To notify a user when the deadline of a document changes; c. To notify participants when a document is assigned or re-assigned; d. To send an e-mail to the project manager in CC. Important: This can result in a lot of e-mails for the project manager if you have many docu- ments in many languages.

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Note: To enable e-mail notifications, you need to set up an e-mail server (SMTP). Go to the Server administrator > Configuration and logging > E-mail settings. Enter the SMTP details and send a test e-mail to check the settings.

7. After you specify what notification to receive, click the Click to launch project icon. This starts the communication and notification chain you set up (and sends the initial e-mails informing transla- tors that they can start working).

6.5.1 Using the Discussion feature

When you prepare a project for team translation, some questions may remain unanswered. memoQ offers a transparent way to communicate with other team members using instant messaging and dis- cussions. memoQ's communication features, Discussions, replace e-mail communication and can be archived. memoQ allows you to start a discussion in an online project, for the project, documents and on seg- ment level. This enables you to chat and communicate with other project participants to exchange knowledge or ask questions. Note: These features are also available in memoQWeb. Please read the memoQWeb help for fur- ther information on how the features work in memoQwebTrans and qTerm. You can start a discussion:  from within the Communication tab which are project topics,  on a document level: click the Discussions icon next to a document in the Translations pane > Documents,  or on segment level: click the Discussions icon in the segment. Using the Communication tab

To use Discussions, you need to open the Communication tab by choosing Open Communication Win- dow from the Project menu. The tab opens automatically if you open an online project. The tab con- sists of two sections: Chat window and Discussions window. Creating project topics: 1. Click the Start topic button to open the Start a discussion dialog, and enter a summary text in the Summary field. State the problem in the Problem field. Give a suggestion in the Sugges- tion / answer field. Assign it to a person from the Assigned to drop-down list. 2. Click OK to create the project topic. Click Cancel to cancel the topic creation. 3. Click the Refresh button to see the most recent topics. If you have a lot of topics, not all are displayed. Enter a keyword in the Search box, then click Refresh to refresh the list of topics with your search results.

Note: When you create a topic from within the Communication tab, the topic is always related to the project as a whole. Note: The permission for a topic is derived from the online project via membership. When you create a topic, you get admin permission for this newly created topic. memoQ integrated translation environment Page 80 of 86 Quick start guide for project managers

Important: What you cannot do with topics from the memoQ client: o change permissions, o view change history, o editing an existing topic or an existing note (you can only edit the Suggestion / answer field), o setting the topic to close, o deleting individual notes (only entire topics). Using Comments on document and segment level You can also comment / discuss issues on document and segment level. Go to Project home > Translations > Documents tab, double click the bubble icon to invoke the Notes dialog. Enter a comment on document level here. Open the document and double click the bubble icon in a segment to add a comment or several on segment level. The Notes dialog appears:

You can enter a comment for each segment in double-clicking the bubble icon (or by pressing Ctrl+M) in each segment. Define the category: Information, Warning, Error, Other. You can also filter your translation document in the translation grid for commented segments in clicking the funnel icon, then go to the Status tab, and select the Comments option.

Note: Bilingual files such as memoQ XLIFF or XLIFF:doc or SDLXLIFF, which you import in your project, can also contain comments.

When a document or segment has a comment, the Discussion icon looks like this: When a document or segment has a discussion, the Discussion icon looks like this:

When a document or segment has no comment, the Discussion icon looks like this: The Notes dialog has two tabs: Notes and Discussion:

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1. Click the Start topic button to open the Start a discussion dialog. Enter a summary text in the Summary field. State the problem in the Problem field. Give a suggestion in the Suggestion / answer field. Assign it to a person from the Assigned to drop-down list. Note: The Discussion tab is only visible in checked out online projects, not for local projects. 2. Click OK to create the discussion. Click Cancel to cancel the creation of a discussion. Topics on segment level can be searched and created like project topics.

6.6 Using the confidentiality mode

When you publish a local project or when you create an online project, you can define a confidential- ity mode. In the Confidentiality measures section, disable the plugins for this project:

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If you check all 3 check boxes, the user is not allowed to use any plugin for this project. A message will be displayed when he checks out the project, that he is not allowed to use the specified plugins.

6.7 Monolingual review

You may want to send your client a monolingual document to review. The monolingual review works for all monolingual file formats. This document could be the translated DOCX file which you export using Export (dialog) or Export (stored path). Then you send this document to the client. The client may give it to a reviewer. The reviewer can be a lawyer, a product manager in the corporation of your client or other people like a designer. The reviewer reviews the document in its original format and makes changes to the document, then the client sends the document back to you to implement the changes. The changes can be minor but also much more drastically. Therefore, the effort to implement those changes can be minor or rather time consuming. Use then the Import reviewed document link in the Translations pane of the online project window, and in a local project, go to the Documents ribbon tab: select Monolingual Review > Import Reviewed Document to import the reviewed document. memoQ uses its integrated alignment to check the changes and to align the original translated segments with the changed segments.

Note: The update only affects the target side segments. The source side segments are not affect- ed by the corrections of the reviewer. memoQ aligns the translated and reviewed content in the alignment grid. You can refine the result, and manually change links. You can:  create synchro and cross links,  remove a link and re-align,  join or split segments only on the review side on the right. Note: You cannot perform a concordance search nor have terminology functions available as in a LiveDocs corpus alignment. After you checked the alignment, and you might have made changes, click the Apply review and close link. memoQ applies the changes to the target side segments of your document. If there is no review translation associated to the original translation in the target cell, the target cell is cleared in the original document. If the review segment is not linked to and translated cell during the alignment process, then this segment of the review is lost. It will not appear in the original document.

Important: If the reviewer did join sentences in the monolingual document you sent him, and then you import the document using Import reviewed document, it can happen that only the first part of a joint segment is aligned. When you click the Apply review and close link, the chang- es are applied and a message is displayed. If this message contains a number of skipped seg- ments, it is advised to go to the Preparation ribbon tab: select Changes And Conflicts > Review changes and conflicts. All segments that were affected/updated by the monolingual review get a change mark. Review the segments with the change marks. Consider that the following segment might need your attention too due to joining or splitting done by the reviewer in the monolingual document.

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After you applied the changes to the document, the translations are updated. You save time and effort implementing the changes from your client. To see the changes from your clients' reviewer, open the document in memoQ after you applied the review. Then you have 2 possibilities: 1. Click the funnel icon to open the Specify segment status dialog. On the Conflicts and changes tab, check the Modified after check box, then select a date from the drop-down list next to this check box. The document is now filtered for all modifications after the entered date. The date is most likely the date you send the document to the reviewer. 2. Turn on Track changes: Last Delivered or Custom. The changes are now visible in the segments. You can filter for track changes. Click the funnel icon to open the Specify segment status dialog. On the 2nd tab, check the Change tracked check box to filter for segments containing track changes.

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7 Web Project management (Web PM)

When you use memoQWeb, you can use the Web Project management to create online projects from a template. After you logged in to memoQWebTrans, you see the home screen. In the home screen, you see a document list which lists all documents you are involved in (project manager, translator, reviewer). Click the Project management tab. The project dashboard is displayed. Here you can manage your memoQ online projects: assign users, import documents, run statistics, get reports and also create projects (template based and non-template based).

Note: You cannot access the Resource Console.

Note: Package based projects can only be managed to some extent. The Packages pane is not available in the Web PM.

In order to use the Web PM, you need to have a project manager license. A PM license is taken from the license pool when you navigate to this tab. A user is considered using a PM license as long as the project management tab is open in the browser. When this page is closed, the license is automatical- ly returned to the license pool. If you open several project management pages, then for each page a PM license is taken from your license pool. However, multiple tabs in the same browser instance use the same license.

Note: In order to use the Web PM tab, you need to be a member of the Project managers or the Administrators group. Check the memoQWeb Help here to learn how to create and manage an online project in the Web PM interface in your web browser.

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This table gives you an overview of the main project management features available for a standalone project manager license.

Feature PM standalone li- PM license and cense (without memoQ server memoQ server) Assigning ELM licenses no yes Granting CAL licenses no yes FirstAccept no yes GroupSourcing no yes Slicing no yes Creating online projects no yes Creating multilingual local projects yes yes Creating Handoff packages yes yes Post-translation analysis yes yes Statistics for all languages yes yes Accessing a memoQ server (when per- yes yes mission granted) and performing pro- ject management tasks Track changes and version control yes yes Project templates yes yes Automatic email notifications and no yes (emails are sent communication features by the memoQ serv- er)

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