118 NOTES AND QUERIES 2012 of the printer’s shop, he certainly achieved a economic distress of university library budgets, good view from a window. McKenzie, who into probably a shockingly small number of had spent several years editing the records of university libraries. If Ashgate wishes to pro- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/nq/article/59/1/118/1153871 by Florida State University user on 22 December 2020 December 22 on user University State Florida by https://academic.oup.com/nq/article/59/1/118/1153871 from Downloaded actual late seventeenth-century and early vide a real service to the study of Book eighteenth-century printers, pointed out that History, they will have to find some way to things did not work in the smooth and system- bring down the price of this volume and the atic way Hinman had posited. As with Pollard other volumes in this series. and the ‘bad’ and ‘good’ quartos or Bowers WILLIAM PROCTOR WILLIAMS and the ‘veil of print’, Hinman was drawing University of Akron human or social conclusions which the very doi:10.1093/notesj/gjr254 impressive physical evidence of his study did ß The Author (2012). Published by Oxford University Press. not, and could not, support. Although All rights reserved. For Permissions, McKenzie would go on to refine our under- please email:
[email protected] Advance Access publication 12 January, 2012 standings of the changed nature of biblio- graphical studies in Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts, ‘Printers of the Mind’ is the essay which, in the truest sense, is seminal.