From: Brian Cox (The Editor) <
[email protected]> These are the lines used by the Sacramento, CA cast, Absent Friends. We tend to have a politically literate audience, so you will find a number of lines which reflect that, and change with each passing administration.] Shamless self-promotion: We perform at the Birdcage Walk Cinemas on Friday and Saturday nights in Citrus Heights, CA (Sacramento). Movie starts at 12:30-12:45, but the show starts at midnight. Visiting casts are welcome, and if you would like to perform just give me some notice and we can probably arrange it. The Rocky Horror Picture Show ============================= General Information: Audience instructions are in square brackets. Text in quotes is to be shouted. The instruction 'Echo' indicates that the following line is to be shouted in unison with the film. SCIENCE FICTION/DOUBLE FEATURE [at opening bars of music, "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, God said, 'Let there be Lips', and they were. And they were good."] Usherette : Michael Rennie was ill The Day the Earth Stood still But he told us where we stand. ["On our feet! On your knees!"] And Flash Gordon was there In silver [echo: "crochless"] underwear, ["Pervert!"] Claude Rains was the Invisible Man. ["How do you know?" I felt for him."] Then something went wrong For Fay Wray and King Kong; They got caught in a celluloid [echo: "sexual"] jam. Then at a deadly pace It Came From... ["where?"] Outer Space. ["Thank you!"] And this is how the message ran: ["Freeze, Lips!"] Chorus: Science fiction, double feature Doctor X will build a creature.