the Strikers
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. 5 , a r VOL LIV.-- NO. 32 NORWICH, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1912 PRICE TWO CENTS The Bulletin's Circulation in Norwich is Double That of Any Other Paper, and Its Total Circulation is the Largest in Connecticut in 'v portion to the City's Population NorVich Men Representing Finance, Commerce, THREE TO DEATH the Lawi ICE FLOE BEARS Double Suicide Manufacturing, and Other Interests. Votes to Aid Robbed Bank Ends Romance the Strikers For 32 Years Great Ice Bridge at Niagara Falls is Loosened From Its Moorings. MR. AND MRS. NOBLE CAREFULLY LAWRENCE CENTRAL LABOR UN- EVIDENCE OF DEFALCATIONS 1Y PLANNED DEATH. ION TAKES ACTION. DEAD TREA8UREft. "' CANADIAN SIDE FOUR ESCAPED TO ALL GAS COCKS FOUND OPEN AFFILIATED WITH A. F. OF L LOSS WILL REACH $150,000 Organization Toronto Woman Falls and Her Husband and Cleveland Youth No Note of Explanation Left Behind Rival of Industrial Work- Expert at Windsor Locks Find Evi- Woman Deserted Hus- ers Ready to Sanction AssUt Her, thereby Losing Their Lives Millionaire Strike if Called dence of Stealing ai Far Beck ar Remain Behind to Upon band to Marry a Young Plumber. Pauperism at Lawrence. 1879 No Trial Balances Ever Taken. Ropes Dropped from Bridge and Youth Made Frantic 4. Lawrence. Mass., Feb. 4. Cen- Husband New York, Feb. Double suicide The Windsor Conn..' oa,t Efforts to Cling to It, but Strength Gave Out tral union city, Look. Kfls. ended the sensational romance of the labor of this which is A. W. Converse, treasurer ot fne Wind- former wife of Walter L. Suydam, affiliated with the American Federation sor Locks Savings of Labor, tight bank from its in- and Wife in Final Embrace in Face of Death. and Frederick Noble, the yourig. plum- will ent'T into the for ception in 1871 to 1911. re- the success of the strike of the more wlien he ber, for the love of whom Mrs. Suydam signed on accmin of a.ffe. had been ran away from her millionaire hus- than l.",000 textile mill operatives stealing constantly which has been on for nearly from the bank since band and married. Tle bodies of No- a month 1S79. has been disclosed by an examin- Niagara Fails. N. T, Feb. 4. The flo. In his course there dangled one ble and his bride of a month were under the direction of a rival organ ation of the toward ization, books which has been 8t-- bridge ha choked the rope, and a second was moved found in their New York apartments the Industrial Workers of the brought up 18SU. ice that World. to How hwga tie de- river channel between the cataract anil him. He caught that held by Officer today, asphyxiated. This action was decided upon falcation will be Kelly of Ontario police force lain today at a closed meeting of the cannot be determin- th upper steel arch bridge below the Pat the Many Sensational Features. ed until the book have been exam- falls for the lest three weeks broke and a company of about 20 railroad executive committee ot: the Central ined up to the. jumped free of the The mutual agreement to commit Labor union and representatives of n time of his reaignatlon, from Its shoring Jimt at noon today and men caught it and but it is stated that the deal- river, taking with It to Ice. suicide, the discovery of its results dozen of the skilled classes of mill ings actual went down the by Mrs. John White Washington, operatives, and the interest which that mon- their death a man and woman, said to Battered by Floating lea. of when it was decided to have ey would have drawn, ' D. C, mother of the former Mrs. Suy-fia- the C. L. V. try to bring about a set- and which the he Mr. and Mrs. Eldrlduo Stanton of The sag of the rope at that great bank has been paying, will amount to Toronto, and BurreU Heaevek, 17 yeans drop 200 feet let him into the chilly and other features of the case tlement of the existing differences in $ir,n,000 or more. of Cleveland, O. up to his waist, and before he were sensational. favor of the operatives. fid. water Trial Balance Never Taken. Reached Shore Safely. was clear of it he was frightfully bat- Found All Doors Barricaded. Will Conduct the Strike. Four by successive floes of Jut- Attention to the bank, which is now Ice tered three llrs. White, who has an apartment In the event of failure to bring about Four other perron were on the ting ioe. on (Vntra.1 in the hands of thw stat banking com- managed to get ashore Lexington avenue, had her daugh- a favorable settlement, the mission, at the time, but Tried to Climb Hand Over Hand. ter with her night and she sup- Labor union is to cuter actively Into was first brought to the atten- In safety. The bridge waa considered Iat tion of the commission when a bank week great Not content with the efforts of the posed the daughter waa staying over the conduct of the strike and muke entirely safe. For the night with her. the iifjlit for the demands indefinitely. examiner found that there had never men above to dra w him up, he triad to When Mrs. White . fields of Ice had been coming down the been a trial balance of the bo-- Even - un- hand over hand. The awoke late this morning she found her It wits said after the meeting that the river, piling- up against the barrier assist himself when C. K. Cleveland, who succeeded RO 1.10 hour or daughter had fled the house ar..I to American Federation of Labor stands til It was from 80 to feet thick, and time was o'clock and the Comerse. took charge, no trial balance, aero It more that the boy had been on the ice learn the reason she hurried to her rer.dy to respond upon cull with a for- under The influence of weather mal of other than a dally one, was taken, he had lirmJy anchored to the and the effects of the ley ducking had deushlers home on Wes: Twelfth sanction the strike and active lwtn stopped try- street ir. her automobile. She was support. slating that as one had never heen eh ore. sapped his strength. He taken, and the daily nalances proving, Attracted Many Sightseers. ing to pull himself up and hung limp alarmed, when there was no anpver to No Immediate General Strike. repeated knocks on he did not sec any reason for making wag 1,000 In on the rope, which spun him around the door, so she While a movement ill favor of a gen- change The jam about feet men pulled summoned two policemen, who forced in the old order of thliwja. length and In some a quarter of like a top. Kelly and his eral strike in all the mills of the Tills of affairs steadily. Ten feet, ail, 25, 30 feet, up an cinrance, when they fouiirt the door stale led to the securi- a mile In breadth. For two week it American Woolen company is being ng: of a restraining order by the courts passage hardy, he came. The great crowd on the barricaded with chairs and tables. The considered in places where that liad offered safe to the doors Jtli and the taking in charge of the batik excursion-lut- e bridges cheered those that were not of the rooms oi the large poratton lias mills, there will be no and today, a great crowd of apHrtmeul ere by the banking commission on Janu- of weeping. also locked and barri- immediate attempt on the part of the 27. cnnwta view the winter wonder caded and by time th partv WILLIAM R. STEVENS, ary rlv-- . accident happened Lost His Grip, Plunges Into Stream. the had leaders ot the strike here to extend it ihe Hd the reuched the dining room whea the Converse Accidentally Shot Himself. nn houT later hundreds would have lost Grimly boy hung cn, trying al- beyond this city. the of s was The Main Street Photographer. l moving first detoctel Mrs. This was the statement today f Wil- Not lon;r prior to the discovery f heir live, fnr the crowd waa ways to get one leg wou:id about the White was hysterical. uown Into Proapeot park in 1he ele- rope. Then his hands began' to slip. liam Yatos of New Bedford, who has the condition of the booklsee7ing''o the vators which run down the cliff to go He sought to get hold of 1he rope with Clasped In Eaoh Other's Arms. taken up the direction of th strike bank. Converse, v. ho was postmaster, out upon the Ice. his teeth, but could not. Finally, Just On breaking through following the arrewt of Joseph .T. Et- - shot himself with a revolver which had the next doer Cabled Paragraphs Condensed tor. Air. a been Died in Effort to Save Wife. he was about 60 feet clear of the into the kitchen, the party found Noble Telegrams lesterduy lates said that awarded him as the most popular water, his head fell back. He was ut- and his wife on meeting of the executive committee of man in town. At that time he stated Somewhere deep In the great whirl- dead th! fioor, part'y the of World the shooting terly spent. He lost his grip and undressed and clasped in each Berlin, Feb.