3 They Are Wait- Ction: "Well It Ously, His Voice I ~?, ,K,~ Y White Nostrils ~, N I AM ~S~.N How Much All the Kings Men Owes to :The ~Y It Don T!
~~ h,,. ~p~ wnxxEN Robert Penn Warrea bit in the full- d to enjoy the othe`S from a ~sive climax of S.All the King's Men: n's o'n'es, and houseboy, who The Matrix of Experience :r, Duckfoot is it commitment 3 they are wait- ction: "Well it his voice iously, ~?, ,K,~N I AM ~s~.n white nostrils ~, how much All the Kings Men owes to :the y actual of ~y it don t! .. politics Louisiana in the 'go's, I can only be sure that p the pee out of if I had never gone #o live in Louisiana and if Huey bong had ool, a complete, ~'' not existed, the nove} would never have :been written.But this and you're here is far from,saying, that my "state" in AIZ the Kmg's is comfoik Men gent in ~° Louisiana or an ofsthe other fo fla the nostrils of r { Y rtj'-nine stars in our g), or id my i white-slick face #hat Willie Stark is the Iate Senator. What Louisiana and aside, which was Senator Long gave me was aline of thinking and feeling that ff his long white did eventuate ~ the.novel out Nhatever was In thesummer of 1434 I was offered a job—a much-needed.. cuzdling and and j, job—as assistant professor at the Louisiana State Unive~ity, in knew that every- Baton Rouge. It was.:"Huey Long's University," and definitely ever done or said L, on the make—with a sensational Football team and with money which.had been '` to spend even for assistant professors at a `time when assistant pride ass and his professors were being 5red, not hired—as I knew all too well.
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