New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 077, No 72, 1/18/1974." 77, 72 (1974)

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New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 077, No 72, 1/18/1974. University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1974 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 1-18-1974 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 077, No 72, 1/ 18/1974 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 077, No 72, 1/18/1974." 77, 72 (1974). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1974 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' < ~ ,:!? Ne\N Me·xico c: u(I) c: (I) DAILY t- Friday, January 18, 1974 What Are You Doing Here? What do you want from this university? ·Who did the most to a. a meaningful learning experience put New Mexico on b. two meaningful learning experiences the map? c.. a degree, and to hell with the above a. Joc Montoya d. out b. Albet Falls c. Billy the Kid d. Bo Did.dley How can this university be improved? •: ) yes __ no __ ' Which Map? -~t ' ...J~bJ The Student Senate Is: Ross Perkn1-------s in private. a. the legislative branch of the Ferre.l Heady's beard looks like the Dickens. Associated Students of New Mexico, consisting of 20 sena­ True False __ tors elected at large b. a zoo What does a college degree mean to you? Imagine, for a moment, that everything in I todays world .had gone sour-there's an energy I i I i crisis, corruption in government at all levels, rl a. it means that upon gradua­ oppressiQn of minority groups, poverty, hunger r\; tion I .can get a good job il b. it means that after I graduate arid despair of the spirit throughout the country. I can then go to TVI and get What would you, as an intelligent student and . J a good job potential leader of tomorrow, propose as a c. it means I've paid my debt to society solution? d. it means I'll get a kiss from my momma and a wristwatch from Sears when I graduate (Three words or less.)·---- ------------------------------------------~------------------------~r-----~-~~--===·=--== The University Community Forum is: How well do you know your university? Match the following: a. A ruin in G(ecce b. no one Ferrel Heady pHysical plant man·of-the-month ) c. really ~- Norm Ellenberger UNM assistant mah-jong coach 'd. cares Chester Travelstead an alternative to Amtrak Apathy is: Rudy Feldman living proof that a college a. an infection of the inner ear education guarantees a good job b. a policy in South Africa that A "radical" is: s~parates black people from a. a kind of tire made by Goodyear white people b. someone who throws marshmallows at Strom Thurmond ~. i c. don't know and don't care. 1 c. a passe concept, like "commitment," 1'irtvolvement,' and I The New Mexico Daily lOBO is: "concern for your fellow human being." a. the campus newspaper, published daily every regular week of the university year; edited and managed by students under the supervision of the Student Publications Board comprised of both students and faculty members. b. the sixth largest daily rag in New Mexico c. free The biggest disap- d. overpriced pointment of 1973 was: a. Richard Nixon b. Kohoutek c. Wendy Berlowitz' bubs Mario Torrez is from Waukegan, Illinois. True True __ What do you read in the LOBO: The Chapparals should be: I ,. a. the classifieds • a. funded ". bl&<the.-;date f.~.• .- v II ( 'l 4 I J vt 0 o· <t iJ l> ( li: Ci G v •' v If <tv.;, ~ • " ii 4 I • C. 11' ~ <. ~ <1 <1 ; It \. c > ~ b, ShOt ""' !!JIIIUIIIIIIIIIIII!Illllllllll!HIIn!llllllllllllllilllllllllllill!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllll~ilfflllffillillllillllllllllll:llllllllllllillll:lllr~ ;)' 'Americarr:Charged Witfr·sp yihfl ""11> BERLIN (UPI)- An American Department spokesman said. Summer Dates Set ·"" ~I Th z d. g citizen, who id<•ntifi<•d himself as Calvin Williums, 57, was T~e spokesman smd no cha.rgcs u ndorgraduate applications and z The dates for the 19 7 4 UNM 11> ~~ e o 1man1ac~ a reporlel' for a New York City arreslrd Nov. 23 . Authorities kept h ~v.< been. br?Uilh.t. agn1nst ~ - S11mmer Session ha¥c been credentials for summer school or . newspaper, has b<'Oil Hrl'osted on the Ul'l'est Sl'Crel llniil !.he Bild rll,hnmsi but said ~lllmm.s ~as appointment request is June 1 at . By STARA GAZING suspicion of bcin[i u spy for East Zeilung Newspaper CUI'I'ied a ·lre·rng >eld undo!' uwesilgatrve changed by the Registrar's office ~ " ~ "11> ~" because classes were originally set noon. ~ ' ' ARIES-Your life-style is about to take German)•, n West Berlin Justice dispatch Mond~y. .uest. '•. .. to begin a week before tbe close The graduate deadline for I;' 0 a dramatic step. Change your typewritt't applications is April 15. 0 ",.,. of many Now Mexico public t;j :§ .. ribbon. schools. The summer session will ond ~ The new schedule for summer Aug, 2, q .. TAURUS-The friendships of the world ~"' are oft confederacies of vice, or leagues of Why does classes was decided by the ------- 1=1 Calendar Committee. Registration The largest popcon1 plant is s0' pleasure. Watch that tie that binds. will be June 8 and instruction Clarks Cereal Products, Ltc. of p .§ GEMINI-It's time to start trimming a college student starts June 10. Dagcnham, Essex, England ;- X :?:" lo'<':·1.. '-awa.v at your habits. Your hair, your Helen Jackson of the (instituted in 1933 ), which in " smoking and your watermelon plant are need life insurance? Registrar's office said "the impact 1971.-71 produced an unrivaled "l!l ~ on public school teachers and 21,000,000 packets of "Butter ~ z good places to start. Ont• good n•,hon-·11 dt•mtm;lr.1lt'' lm<lrH ial students wanting to attend .... Kist." 00 .; CANCER-You will win second place f/!:. ~· n•,porl"billly. ·\ gro\\lllg rHJil1il<'J ol Pmploypr; summer school" had fotccd tho ------- .... in the Guggenheim chip tossing~.~~.' .H(' lookrng lor lhl' t hur,H ll'ri,llt 111 prmpt•t livt• change, In London, in 1970, a "'§:, .., tournament. Pack your bags for Salinas t( ·•,, (llllplo\ (I Pl.,. She added that the dates in the 6 2-year·old grandmother, after ..."' ~ University bullcUn arc now flunking 40 tcsls, finally won for the final bake-off. 1hr•H• Mt' 111<111\ otlwr 1111pon.m1 rl'<l'"ll' incorrect but all the schools in the her drivcr 1 S license. LEO-The bounds of a man's Th<'l 'n• <ill< O\('rl'd 111.1 'il''' 1.11 booklt•l: "Wh\' slate ha¥e been notified of tho Unfortunately after spending f&• :;A,}, knowled~e are easily concea~ed but you've present summer schedule. 1 $700 on lessons, she said she ( ollt•).\l' ~tud<'f1!' .H<' llu1 111g lit(' il1'ur.uH <'."for The last date for the receipt of couldn't afford to buy a car. 2k· :i":i.\ been domg too good of a JOb. Doff that - pointed cap. d IH'I' < opy ,IIIlo llhilg,11JOI1, Wrlll' Of< <Jil. VIRGO-Ignore the dirty forks at Bert Atkins restaurants. It makes your friends 120 Va"ar DriVP, SJ.. uncomfortable. AllHlqut•rquP, N.M !l710h your Volkswagen --;:(i¥-·· LIBRA-You have much to accomplish 'j()'i/2'i5· lhll pointed FREE! ·. ·.~~ ' :·.. in the next few days. It may behoove you --~..F'-. to get the 67-hour flu. Sout/1westorn Ufl~ lJ SCORPIO-Your talents should be~ Happiness IS wl1nt wo soli exercised. They are just itching to get out ' "' -~.. into the open air . 'rfl-'-"----·-·-~ -- (Photos by Michael Gandert) SAGITTARIUS-Hold your nose and . ......................................................................................................................................................... ~ The new 'information center in the SUB. count to 23, turn around twice and : Tom Hogg someone you hoped you'd never see again will be waiting in the wings. !: CAPRICORN-You impress many often, but not for long. Give up trying to hide the real you behind closed doors. Student Information Center AQUARIUS-Your strutting only . ITALIAN I: serves to hide your pent up perfection'ist : i tendencies. Slouch along with the rest of ~ i Now Open in Student Union creation. PISCES-Everyone is watching you You can 'earn easy money, every rnonth during school, I Submarine Sandwiches I aiding the student. "Instead of running all over the carefully, my friend. Tell them to • '. for doing nearly nothing. Beetleboards of America will By MICHAEL TARASOFF : , I campus in search of an individual or department and off an_d then if you want, go ahead and paint your car FREE, in Incredible fashion, and pay you A new student information center, designed to '• for driving It around as usual. That's practically all there provide students with information concerning occasionally having one's head snapped off by an drink prune juice. ~ is to it. For the full story, Write immediately to; university policies, deadlines, geographic directions irate secretary, the student will be able to obtain or Beetle boards of America, Inc. Or call and maps and events around the university, was friendly, concise directions to appropriate campus YOUR BIRTHDAY TODA Y-Qpen the doors, let it i 7785 Sunset Blvd. (213) 876-7517 opened Jan. 16 in the SUB. offices, organizations, and officials," Hogg said. all hang out. Enjoy the two days of freedom you have Los Angeles, California 90046 Colle,ct The center, manned by work-study program The center is located just inside the east entrance left.
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