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If so, you will receive investigational medication and study-related physical exams. For Information, call (202) 994-CARE. www.GWcare.org Design you. “Home & Shopping” can lead you to your look. Wednesdays. The George Washington University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. X017d 3x.5 %k4G?A4BBk % "! $k<>=30H


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$!-)!.$/6!2'!.%3!0 Betsy lost 40 pounds JoAnn lost 55 pounds BC8;;B>D=3B5D=:H5A4B7)+$!9 &-RADIO$**ULIO'ISHAPPYTOSPINOLD SCHOOLRAPASWELLASTHELATESTINHIP HOP

bgma^fZkd^mZg]ieZrlZ[hnmmak^^ abi&ahihkK ;he]b^lZgahnk' G^Zker^o^krnk[ZgkZ]bhlmZ& mbhgZkhng]ma^\hngmkr_^Zmnk^lZm e^Zlmhg^lh&\Zee^]he]l\ahhelahp' 7VX`^ci]Z :g]ma^g^ppZo^h_lZm^eebm^kZ]bh ^f[kZ\^]ma^he]pZo^h_abi&ahi The Executive MBA Program l^o^kZer^ZklZ`h'=ZgZ=Zg^Zg] Strategic Leadership in a Complex World Dnkmbl;ehpahlmZlahphgLbkbnlÍ Ê;Z\dlibgË\aZgg^e'Lghhi=h`` 9Vn>hCdl aZlZp^^derikh`kZf_^Zmnkbg` There’s only one thing that will require more strategic know- 2H2;4Bk:rhng`[hrZldl_hkma^ [rma^`^gk^ÍleZm^lmabml'Ma^[hhf& he]&l\ahhekZiZg]_ngdhgQF eZm^lm_khfEn]Z\kbl'Cngbhk_khf bg`%fZkd^m^k&_kb^g]erZn]b^g\^bg \aZgg^eÊMa^Karf^'Ë how than doing business today....Doing business tomorrow. LmZgmhgpZgmlmha^Zklhf^\eZllb\ bml+)lZg],)lbllmZkmbg`mh_bg] Ma^ikh`kZffbg`\hne]mZd^h__ ;hg^Man`l&G&AZkfhgr'KZg]rbl fhk^fZmnk^Zem^kgZmbo^lmhma^^o^k& ^el^pa^k^ZlZ]o^kmbl^klZg]kZ]bh With an Executive MBA from The George Washington aZgd^kbg`_hkihebmb\ZekZii^kIZkblÍ rhng`iZkmrZg]`Zg`lm^kkZimaZm ^q^\nmbo^lk^\h`gbs^ma^[nrbg` University, you can be ready for tomorrow, today. ]^\Z]^&he]Ê@n^kkbeeZ?ngd'Ë ihineZm^lma^\nkk^gm\aZkml' ihp^kh_Z`bg`abi&ahi_ZglZg]ma^ Bgma^lmn]bhlh_D=:R&?Fbg D=:Rblma^_bklmabi&ahihe]b^l lmZrbg`ihp^kh_ma^fnlb\`^g^kZeer% Ehl:g`^e^l%=CCnebh@bllnkikbl^] kZ]bhlmZmbhgbgma^Ngbm^]LmZm^l' lZb]=ZgZAZee%nk[ZgZg]karma& Don’t miss the last information Zg]ie^Zl^][rma^eZlmk^jn^lm' Bg:meZgmZ%P?HQieZrlÊma^[^lm fb\^]bmhk_hkKZ]bh K^\hk]l' session of the academic year: ÊPhp'BaZo^gÍma^Zk]maZmbg cZfsh_ma^Í1)l%Í2)lZg]ghpËÉ ÊBmÍlcnlmZfZmm^kh_mbf^%Ëla^ Zpabe^'MaZmÍlabi&ahi%Ëa^m^eel pbmaPah]bgb\eZllb\llZg]pb\a^] lZb]'ÊAbi&ahiaZldbg]h_ikho^g In DC: Please register online at ma^\Zee^k' [^mp^^gK'D^eerZg]Nla^k' bml^e_'BmÍlghm`hbg`ZpZr'BmpZlgÍm Thurs., June 16, 2005 at 6:30 PM www.emba.gwu.edu or GhlmZe`bZ_hk^ZkerkZibldb\dbg` G^pRhkdnk[ZglmZmbhgPPIK ebd^]bl\h%bmpZlgÍmebd^aZbk[Zg]l'Ë The George Washington University Club call 1-888-EMBA-GWU bgaZk]_hkehg`mbf^_Zgle^_m\he] !Ihp^k*).'*"blZfhg`ma^mhi&kZm^] AH0=?40AB>=0? 1918 F Street, NW, Washington, DC 20052 BnhiZgn>haVcYÉhHZXgZih 0UPZTFTQbXcT Pab\ablparBgm^kg^m_Zg[hZk]l Zk^[nssbg`Z[hnmma^lbm^Ílfrlm^kr R^]]TRcTSc^012½b bm^fl3Zgbgm^kZ\mbo^l^Zmbg`\aZkm ¼;^bc½hXT[SbR[dTb maZmihilnipa^gma^lahpÍlfrl& mb\Zegnf[^klÉ-%1%*.%*/%+,%-+ 50=5A4=IHk?Zglh_:;<ÍlÊEhlmË ÉZk^ien``^]bg':g]Zl\kbimiZ`^ aZo^[^^g%p^ee%ehlmlbg\^ma^ pbmaZl\^g^k^o^Zebg`ma^bleZg]Íl ]kZfZZ[hnmieZg^&\kZlalnkob& ^enlbo^fhglm^k%pbmama^aZg]&e^m& ohklhgZfZ]]^gbg`erfrlm^kb& m^k^]Z]fhgbmbhg3ÊGhGhGh

hnlbleZg]Zbk^]bml_bgZe_bklm&l^Z& !"# GhfZibg`nZkbGHMR>MÍÍ Full-time MBA and Part-time MBA options also available. GW is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution. lhg^iblh]^' !NSWERSTOTHEMYSTERIESOF/CEANIC :\\hk]bg`mhma^ehk^h_;kZsbeÍl ;nmmahl^bgl^Zk\ah_\en^l !IRFLIGHTMAYBEFOUNDONLINE :fZshgcng`e^%ZfZibg`nZkbblZ _hng]Zebo^hg^bgZ_e^^mbg`lahm lehma&ebd^\k^Zmnk^pbmaZm^kkb[e^ IT’S UNBOUND TO BE A GREAT WEEKEND h_Zihlm^k_hkma^_b\mbhgZeH\^Zgb\ :;<l^gbhkob\^ik^lb]^gmh_fZk& lf^ee%leZlabg`\eZplZg]ZgZ``k^l& :bk'Ma^lbm^%ppp'h\^Zgb\&Zbk'\hf% d^mbg`'ÊPbmamabllahp%^o^krmabg` lbo^]blbg\ebgZmbhg_hk[^bg`]bl& WeekendPass. Thursdays. pZl]^o^ehi^]pbmama^lahpÍl\k^& aZii^gl_hkZk^Zlhg%Zg]bmÍlma^ mnk[^]%^o^g[rab`aerkZm^]g^m& ZmhklZg]pkbm^kl%lZb]Fbd^;^glhg% lZf^pbmama^P^[lbm^'ÍÍ phkdlahpl';H==4;14A0? XX040 'k4G?A4BBk % "! $k<>=30H Washington 202.448.0099 find your local number 1.800.691.1000   4]cTacPX]\T]c FREE trial Use Code 4064 1-900-438-2400 $1.99/min. 18+ www.Vibeline.com

Vaccine Research Study Local doctors are conducting a medical research study to evaluate an investigational, second-generation vaccine for I]Z7adWI]Vi:VihI^bZ the prevention of anthrax. Cf^]Tf_dii[Tab blma^Insse^Fh]^%pa^k^ieZr& You may qualify if you are: ^klmZd^Zl^miZmm^kgh_mbe^lZg] _a^eXSTaTca^bch[T ^ebfbgZm^bmpbmahg^_^eelphhih_ • 18–55 years of age, and RWP[[T]VTbU^aVP\Tab rhnklmrenl' • Currently in good health Ma^ik^fbl^h_B`gbmbhg E834>60<4BkPaZmÍl`k^ZmZ[hnm >gm^kmZbgf^gmÍlÊF^k\nkrËaZl Qualified participants will receive a study-related medical insse^`Zf^lblmaZmma^k^Ílghk^Ze [^^g]hg^fZgrmbf^l3MZd^Zg evaluation and study vaccine at no cost. Participants will \hffbmf^gmZg]ghlmhkrebg^' h[c^\mZg]fZg^no^krhnkpZr not be exposed to anthrax as part of this study. ;nm[^pZk^h_ma^Z]]b\mbo^ makhn`ah[lmZ\e^lZg]fhobg`ieZm&

Reimbursement for time and travel will be provided. gZmnk^h_aZg]a^e]`Zf^lÉbmÍl )'.)4)/.%.4%24!).-%.4!0 _hkflmhk^Z\ama^^g]h_ma^e^o^e ^Zlrmhcnfibg%[nm`^mmbg`[Z\d B;8?B;838=60F0H))Nh-ERCURY v pbmahnm_Zeebg`h__ma^^]`^' To learn if you qualify to see one of Accelovance’s hnmblZghma^klmhkr':ehhdZmmph GAMERSGUIDEAMALLEABLESUBSTANCE ;nmebjnb]f^k\nkrblZehmaZk]^k study doctors in the Washington, DC area, please call: h_ma^eZm^lm3 mhfZg^no^kmaZgZlheb]fZk[e^' Pa^gbm\hf^lmhinsse^`Zf^l% mhmablinsse^'Nlbg`ZlmrenlZg] IeZr^klmbeme^o^elmhfho^ma^ ma^\hffhgmak^Z]ZepZrll^^fl ma^mhn\a&l^glbmbo^l\k^^g%ieZr^kl [eh[lmakhn`akZfil%fZs^l%ibe^& 1-888-788-3948 mh[^fZm\abg`'Pa^ma^kbmÍl\hehkl% _ebimbe^lmh^ebfbgZm^Zg^gmbk^khp% ]kbo^kl%f^k\nkr&fng\a^klZg] Study information by Quintiles iZmm^kgl%lrf[hel%_knbml%o^`^mZ[e^l \henfghk[eh\dh_mbe^l' hma^kh[lmZ\e^l'IeZr^klZelhaZo^ hkLghh]l%`^mmak^^hkfhk^bgZ Bg

Matinee price for all shows until 6 pm. Advanced Ticketing available at MovieWatcher.com or (816) 363-4AMC. R-Rating requires ID. Students and Seniors eligible for certain discounts with MovieWatcher Card F - Closed Captions · J - Descriptive Video · G - Open Caption

HOFFMANN CENTER 22 POTOMAC MILLS 18 COLUMBIA MALL 14 Eisenhower Ave and Telegraph Road in Alexandria 2700 Potomac Mills Circle, Ste 886 10300 Patuxent Parkway 703-998-4AMC 703-998-4262 410-423-0520

SHARK BOY AND LAVA GIRL IN 3D (PG) ✓ 12:00, 2:30, SHARK BOY AND LAVA GIRL IN 3D (PG) ✓ 12:50, 3:10, SHARK BOY AND LAVA GIRL IN 3D (PG) ✓ 12:05, 2:30, 5:00, 7:35, 10:10 5:30, 7:45, 9:55 5:15, 7:45, 10:15 HIGH TENSION (HAUTE TENSION) (R) 12:20, 2:45, 5:10, HIGH TENSION (HAUTE TENSION) (R) 1:15, 3:20, 5:35, THE HONEYMOONERS (PG13) ✓ 12:00, 2:20, 4:45, 7:30, 7:35, 9:55 8:05, 10:10 10:10 ✓ THE HONEYMOONERS (PG13) ✓ 1:00, 3:15, 5:45, 8:00, 10:15 THE HONEYMOONERS (PG13) 11:30, 1:45, 4:20, 7:00, MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG13) ✓ 12:00, 1:10, 2:40, 4:00, MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG13) ✓ 1:00, 2:05, 4:05, 5:00, 9:30 5:25, 7:00, 8:15, 9:50 7:00, 8:00, 10:00, 10:50 MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG13) ✓ 11:00, 12:15, 1:00, 1:50, CINDERELLA MAN (PG13) 12:10, 2:00, 3:40, 5:15, 6:45, 8:20, 9:45 CINDERELLA MAN (PG13) 12:15, 3:30, 6:45, 7:35, 9:55, 3:20, 4:05, 4:50, 6:30, 7:15, 8:00, 9:40, 10:25 LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG13) 1:10, 5:00, 7:40, 10:15 10:45 CINDERELLA MAN (PG13) 12:10, 1:10, 3:40, 4:40, 7:10, 8:10, THE SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) 10:30 1:05, 4:45, 7:25, 10:05 LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG13) 1:35, 4:35, 7:50, 10:40 CINDERELLA MAN (PG13) JF 12:10, 3:40, 7:10, THE LONGEST YARD (PG13) 12:40, 1:40, 3:25, 4:20, 5:50, THE SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) 7:05, 8:25, 9:40 1:10, 4:00, 7:20, 10:20 10:30 MADAGASCAR (PG) 12:30, 1:20, 2:00, 2:40, 3:30, 4:10, 5:40, LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG13) 1:30, 4:30, 7:25, 8:15, 10:20 6:30, 7:55, 8:45, 9:55 THE SISTERHOODF OF THE TRAVELING THE SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) MADAGASCAR (PG) JF 1:20, 3:30, 5:40, 7:55, 9:55 PANTS (PG) 1:10, 4:00, 7:20, 10:20 11:10, 1:15, 2:00, 4:15, 5:00, 8:00 STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG13) ✓ 12:20, 1:50, 3:20, THE LONGEST YARD (PG13) 1:45, 4:40, 7:40, 9:30, 10:30 THE LONGEST YARD (PG13) 11:00, 1:00, 1:50, 4:00, 4:45, 4:50, 5:20, 6:20, 7:50, 8:30, 9:35 MADAGASCAR (PG) 1:20, 2:00, 3:30, 4:30, 6:15, 7:15, 9:25 7:00, 7:45, 8:30, 10:00, 10:30 KICKING & SCREAMING (PG) 12:35, 2:50 MONSTER-IN-LAW (PG13) 1:30, 4:40, 7:10, 9:30 STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG13) ✓ 12:10, 3:15, 4:25, MADAGASCAR (PG) 11:10, 12:00, 12:45, 1:40, 2:25, 3:10, CRASH (R) 5:10, 7:30, 10:00 6:30, 10:05 4:10, 4:55, 5:40, 6:45, 7:30, 9:20, 10:05 KICKING & SCREAMING (PG) 12:05, 2:25, 4:50 STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG13) ✓ 11:20, 12:05, 12:50, 2:50, 3:35, 4:20, 6:15, 7:00, 7:45, 9:50, 10:30 MAZZA GALLERIE MONSTER-IN-LAW (PG13) 1:25, 8:05, 10:35 KICKING & SCREAMING (PG) 12:30, 3:00, 5:30 Jenifer and Wisconsin CRASH (R) 1:30, 4:55, 7:10, 9:50 MONSTER-IN-LAW (PG13) 11:45, 2:30, 5:20, 7:50, 10:25 202-537-9553 UNLEASHED (R) 10:15 PM HIGH TENSION (HAUTE TENSION) (R) 1:10, 3:25, 5:30, RIVERTOWNE 12 CRASH (R) 1:30, 4:30, 7:20, 10:00 7:30, 9:30 Exit 4A I-95, 1/2 mi. on Oxon Hill Rd. HOUSE OF WAX (R) 7:15 THE HONEYMOONERS (PG13) 1:15, 3:30, 5:35, 7:45, 10:00 ©Littlestar MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG13) 12:00, 12:30, 2:45, 3:15, 703-998-4AMC 5:25, 6:45, 8:10, 9:25 UNION STATION 9 LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG13) 2:00, 4:30 SHARK BOY AND LAVA GIRL IN 3D (PG) 5:30, 8:20 THE SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) HIGH TENSION (HAUTE TENSION) (R) 5:30, 7:40 Located at Union Station 1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 9:40 A mother. A daughter. 3 possible dads. 703-998-4AMC THE SISTERHOODF OF THE TRAVELING THE HONEYMOONERS (PG13) 5:20, 7:30 ✓ PANTS (PG) 1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 9:40 MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG13) 5:10, 5:40, 7:50, 8:20 SHARK BOY AND LAVA GIRL IN 3D (PG) 2:30, 5:30, MONSTER-IN-LAW (PG13) 7:50, 10:05 CINDERELLA MAN (PG13) 5:00, 8:00 And a trip down the aisle you’ll never forget! 7:45 HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY (PG) 12:45, THE HONEYMOONERS (PG13) ✓ 1:30, 4:45, 8:00 3:00, 5:20 THE SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG13) ✓ 2:15, 5:15, 8:30 5:10, 7:50 CINDERELLA MAN (PG13) 1:30, 4:45, 8:00 COURTHOUSE PLAZA 8 THE LONGEST YARD (PG13) 5:40, 8:10 CINDERELLA MAN (PG13) JF 1:30, 4:45, 8:00 Courthouse and Birch Rd. MADAGASCAR (PG) 6:00, 8:10 THE SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) 703-998-4AMC STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG13) 5:00, 8:00 2:30, 5:30, 8:30 MONSTER-IN-LAW (PG13) 6:00, 8:30 THE LONGEST YARD (PG13) 1:45, 5:00, 8:15 SHARK BOY AND LAVA GIRL IN 3D (PG) ✓ 5:15, 7:40, 9:50 NOW THRU JULY 2 HIGH TENSION (HAUTE TENSION) (R) ✓ 5:00, 7:30, 9:45 CRASH (R) 5:50, 8:30 MADAGASCAR (PG) 2:00, 4:30, 7:30 MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG13) ✓ 4:00, 4:40, 7:00, 8:00, 9:40 STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG13) ✓ 1:45, 5:00, 8:15 THE SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) MONSTER-IN-LAW (PG13) 2:00, 4:30, 7:30 4:15, 7:20, 9:55 SPRINGFIELD MALL 10 KICKING & SCREAMING (PG) 5:00 Loisdale and Franconia Road Call TELECHARGE.COM MONSTER-IN-LAW (PG13) 5:30, 7:45, 10:00 ACADEMY 8 KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (R) 7:00 703-971-3991 Beltway Plaza on Greenbelt Rd., Center Court HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY (PG) 4:00, 10:00 THE INTERPRETER (PG13) 7:15, 10:00 SHARK BOY AND LAVA GIRL IN 3D (PG) ✓ 1:45, 4:00, (800) 447-7400 703-998-4AMC 6:30, 8:45 THE HONEYMOONERS (PG13) ✓ 12:40, 3:00, 5:20, 7:50, COUNTRY CLUB MALL 6 THE HONEYMOONERS (PG13) ✓ 1:30, 5:00, 8:15 ( ) 10:10 Country Club Mall on Vocke Rd near Route 68. MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG13) ✓ 1:30, 4:30, 8:20 Groups 20 or more 202-628-6166 MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG13) ✓ 1:20, 4:20, 7:30, 10:30 CINDERELLA MAN (PG13) 1:00, 4:15, 8:00 CINDERELLA MAN (PG13) 1:00, 4:10, 7:10, 10:20 703-998-4AMC ✓ LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG13) 1:20, 4:45, 7:45 THE SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) THE HONEYMOONERS (PG13) 1:15, 4:30, 7:30, 9:45 THE SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) THE NATIONAL THEATRE 1:00, 4:30, 7:20, 10:00 MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG13) ✓ 1:00, 4:15, 7:15, 10:05 CINDERELLA MAN (PG13) ✓ 12:45, 4:00, 7:00, 10:05 1:40, 4:30, 7:30 GOLD CARD EVENTS THE LONGEST YARD (PG13) 1:10, 4:50, 7:40, 10:30 LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG13) ✓ 1:00, 4:15, 7:15, 9:55 THE LONGEST YARD (PG13) 1:50, 5:15, 8:45 PREFERRED SEATING MADAGASCAR (PG) 12:30, 2:40, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40 MADAGASCAR (PG) 12:30, 2:30, 4:45, 7:30, 9:45 MADAGASCAR (PG) 1:00, 2:00, 4:00, 4:40, 6:40, 7:50 STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG13) ✓ 12:50, 4:00, 7:00, STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG13) ✓ 12:45, 4:00, 7:00, 10:05 JF 10:10 STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG13) F ✓ 12:45, 4:00, MADAGASCAR (PG) 1:00, 4:00, 7:50 800-292-9465 www.mamma-mia.com CRASH (R) 1:30, 4:40, 7:30, 9:50 7:00, 10:05 STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG13) ✓ 1:10, 4:15, 8:00, 8:35 RESTRICTIONS APPLY MAMMA MIA! ORIGINAL CAST RECORDING AVAILABLE ON DECCA BROADWAY ✓-SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT – No passes or discount coupons please. Times for Monday, June 13, 2005 K MONDAY 6.13.2005 EXPRESS 19 (11:20 5 3 6/13/05 3 (12:00 1:20 2:40 (12:40 3:50)7:00 10:10 5 - (1:30 4:10)6:40 9:10 (12:30 2:50 5:10)7:30 9:50 (ON 2 SCREENS) (11:50 2:30 5:00)8:00 10:40 8 (11:30 1:00 1:50 3:30 4:30) 6:20 (11:00 2:10 5:20)8:30 8 (PG–13) 6:50 9:20 P.M. (ON 2 SCREENS) (PG–13) ™ Copyright 2005 (ON 2 SCREENS) 2 - (11:10 12:50 2:20 4:00 5:30)7:10 8:40 10:20 (PG–13) 0 (ON 2 SCREENS) 1 (R) 12:20 2:00 3:00 4:40 5:40) 7:20 8:20 10:00 11:00 3:40 4:50) 6:00 8:10 10:30 THE LONGEST YARD (PG–13) 4 410-288-5335 MR. & MRS. SMITH (PG–13) THE HONEYMOONERS "Batman Begins" Advance Tickets NOW available on: "Batman Begins" Advance Tickets CINDERELLA MAN FANDANGO.COM, 1-800-FANDANGO or at the Box Office FANDANGO.COM, 1-800-FANDANGO ★ STAR WARS: EPISODE III REVENGE OF THE SITH(PG–13) STAR WARS: EPISODE III REVENGE OF THE SITH(PG–13) (ON 2 SCREENS) ★ Rear Window Captioning THE SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) (12:10 3:10)6:30 9:30 MADAGASCAR (PG) MONSTER-IN-LAW (PG–13) 7:40 9:00 10:50 (11:30 3:00)6:30 10:00 CRASH LORDS OF DOGTOWN r • $50-$500 o or Bipolar disorder is a serious disorder of the brain that can cause and extreme shifts in mood, energy, functioning. Individuals with bipolar disorder usually suffer from cycles of mania/hypomania and depression. Bipolar depression symptoms may include persistent sadness or loss of interest emptiness, irritability, (PG) .ccraresearch.com 1 ax-A-Check $ F 7 www CALL FOR REQUIREMENTS CALL 1 (12:00 3:00)6:30 9:30 APPLY FROM ANY FAX MACHINE $ 7:10 7:50 9:50 7 (11:45 2:15 5:00)7:20 10:05 (11:15 1:50 4:30)7:10 10:00 7:00 8:00 9:55 - (11:30 3:30)6:40 9:40 7:30 9:40 For more information, please contact: IN A BIND? NEED A DIME? *ONE HOUR SERVICE FOR MOST MAJOR BANKS (PG–13) 6 bipolardepressionresearch.com (PG–13) (PG–13) CASH ADVANCES (12:30 2:40 4:50)6:50 9:00 1 GET FAST MONEY JUST IN TIME!! GET FAST Capital Clinical Research Associates Clinical Research Capital *SAME DAY SERVICE FOR SMALLER BANKS AND CREDIT UNIONS SERVICE FOR SMALLER *SAME DAY 3 - (12:15 2:50 5:10)7:40 9:50 bipolar Do you or 1 301-316-7171 301-770-7375 does someone you know have 0 of 18 and 65. For more information, please visit our Web site at IN ONE HOUR in previously enjoyed activities, or difficulty concentrating. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of depression and have been diagnosed with bipolar I or bipolar II you may be interested to learn about a clinical research disorder, study of an investigational medication for bipolar depression. MR. & MRS. SMITH THE ADVENTURES OF SHARKBOY AND LAVAGIRL IN 3D THE ADVENTURES OF SHARKBOY AND depression? We are looking for male and female participants between the ages "Batman Begins" Advance Tickets NOW available on: "Batman Begins" Advance Tickets 3 THE SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) (11:00 1:40 4:20)7:00 9:55 MADAGASCAR (PG) (10:50 1:00 3:10 5:20)7:30 9:25 CINDERELLA MAN (PG–13) STAR WARS: EPISODE III REVENGE OF THE SITH Rear Window Captioning HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE (PG) THE INTERPRETER (PG–13) BORN INTO BROTHELS (R) FANDANGO.COM, 1-800-FANDANGO or at the Box Office FANDANGO.COM, 1-800-FANDANGO THE LONGEST YARD ★ ★ CRASH (R) (PG) 930 1015 1000 1020 925 940 (PG–13) 730 955 800 1015 710 1020 745 1015 (450) 750 (330) 950 (150) 1030 (1215) 700 (430) 1030 # # # (1200 100 300 720 910 940 (1210 110 350) (1230 335) 635 (205 440) 705 (115 350) 645 (1245 115 145 (2:00 4:30)7:15 10:20 (130 415) 645 915 (130 430) 730 1030 # # (200 500) 745 1010 (200 500) 745 1000 (1215 245 515) 745 # # # (1230 320) 630 925 (1230 400) 715 950 (120 450) 720 950 (1220 330) 715 1020 (1240 350) 710 1010 (1245 400) 730 1005 (230 510) 740 1010 (PG) (1240 315) 740 1010 (1230 130 345 445) 700 (1200 230 500) 715 930 # # # # (100 315 530) 750 1020 (1145 210 435) 720 945 (2:10 5:00)7:20 9:40 (1:10 3:20 5:40)8:00 10:10 (1205 220 445) 750 1025 (1115 145 420) 735 1015 (1:30 4:10)7:10 9:50 (1:50 4:20)7:40 10:30 (1215 115 315 415) 630 915 (Stadium) (1220 210 240 430 500) 650 (12:50 4:00)7:00 10:00 (1:40)6:40 # 345 415) 645 715 745 930 1000 (1130 1150 255 315) 620 645 935 (1220 1250 340 400) 700 730 955 (1230 115 345 430) 715 815 1015 (1200 100 345 445) 700 815 1015 (1200 100 330 430) 645 800 1000 400 445) 615 700 745 920 1000 1045 (PG–13) # # (1120 1210 140 230 410 450) 715 945 (130 200 420 450) 700 730 945 1015 (1:00 3:00 5:20)7:30 9:45 (1135 1155 300 325) 615 650 940 1005 (12:10 2:20 4:50)6:50 9:10 BEWITCHED (PG-13) BATMAN BEGINS (PG-13) WAR OF THE WORLDS (PG-13) BEWITCHED (PG-13) ROCKIN' THE CORPS (NR) BEWITCHED (PG-13) BATMAN BEGINS (PG-13) WAR OF THE WORLDS (PG-13) BEWITCHED (PG-13) BATMAN BEGINS (PG-13) WAR OF THE WORLDS (PG-13) ROCKIN' THE CORPS (NR) (3:50)9:20 MR. & MRS. SMITH (PG–13) HIGH TENSION (R) THE HONEYMOONERS THE ADVENTURES OF SHARKBOY AND LAVAGIRL IN 3D "Batman Begins" Advance Tickets NOW available on: "Batman Begins" Advance Tickets THE SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS ★ ★ (12:20 2:30 4:40)6:45 9:00 CINDERELLA MAN (PG–13) LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG–13) MADAGASCAR (PG) THE LONGEST YARD (PG–13) (12:00 3:30)6:30 9:30 MONSTER-IN-LAW (PG–13) CRASH (R) FANDANGO.COM, 1-800-FANDANGO or at the Box Office FANDANGO.COM, 1-800-FANDANGO ★ STAR WARS: EPISODE III REVENGE OF THE SITH ★ Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale CINDERELLA MAN (PG-13) DIG (Stadium) LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG-13) DIG (Stadium) SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) DIG (Stadium) MADAGASCAR (PG) DIG (Stadium) THE LONGEST YARD (PG-13) DIG (Stadium) STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG-13) DIG (Stadium) MONSTER IN LAW (PG-13) DIG (Stadium) CRASH (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (Stadium) SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) MADAGASCAR (PG) THE LONGEST YARD (PG-13) STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG-13) MONSTER IN LAW (PG-13) CINDERELLA MAN (PG-13) LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG-13) ADVENTURES OF SHARK BOY (PG) HIGH TENSION (R) - IDHONEYMOONERS REQ'D (PG-13) CINDERELLA MAN (PG-13) LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG-13) SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTSMADAGASCAR (PG) (PG) THE LONGEST YARD (PG-13) STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG-13) CRASH (R) - ID REQ'D OPEN CAPTIONED: SISTERHOOD OF THEPANTS TRAVELING (PG) KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (R) -HITCHHIKER'S ID GUIDE REQ'D TO THE GALAXY (PG) HIGH TENSION (R) - IDHONEYMOONERS REQ'D (PG-13) DIG (Stadium) DIG (Stadium) MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG-13) DIG Adv. Tix on Sale ADVENTURES OF SHARK BOY (PG) HIGH TENSION (R) - IDHONEYMOONERS REQ'D (PG-13) MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG-13) Adv. Tix on Sale ADVENTURES OF SHARK BOY (PG) HIGH TENSION (R) - IDSISTERHOOD REQ'D OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) THE LONGEST YARD (PG-13) KICKING & SCREAMING (PG) UNLEASHED (R) - ID REQ'D Adv. Tix on Sale ADVENTURES OF SHARK BOY (PG) DIG (Stadium) Adv. Tix on Sale MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG-13) 945 1010 1005 1030 1020 1010 1040 (430) 925 (PG–13) 950 1040 (130 350) 700 915 710 940 (140) 740 630 720 945 # # # 815 1000 1030 (1200 115 315) (1245 345) 645 (1210 1245 140 (1140 210 430) 720 820 930 1030 (150 415) 640 910 (110 410) 720 950 (1150 120 310 350 (100 420) 725 1020 (120 420) 740 1020 # (1130 200 440) 730 (1240 330) 650 940 # # # (1240 340) 650 1000 (110 410) 720 1020 435) 635 755 920 950 (1220 240 510) 715 (1250 300 510) 805 (110 400 425) 640 920 (1:00 4:00)6:30 9:20 (1150 225 450) 720 955 (1230 300 515) 730 950 (1140 240 530) 750 1015 (1230 100 400) 710 1010 # # # (1155 220 445) 710 930 (1230 300 540) 810 1035 (1150 220 500) 745 1025 (1:50 4:10)6:50 9:30 (1250 130 305 520) 705 740 (1:15 3:50)6:30 9:00 (Stadium) (1145 250 550) 740 840 1045 (100 130 330 400 430) 700 730 (110 210 420 520) 630 730 830 (1:30 4:20)7:00 9:40 (1130 1215 145 245 440 515) (1:40 4:40)7:20 9:50 (12:30 3:35)6:35 9:35 (Stadium) (1200 100 200 310 410 510) 620 # (1240 130 350 500) 700 815 1010 300 335 500) 650 725 800 940 1010 # (1210 120 330 430) 610 700 800 930 # # (1:00 3:15 5:30)7:40 10:00 # (1:20 3:50)6:20 9:10 (1220 1250 140 230 320 400 450) 615 715 850 BEWITCHED (PG-13) BATMAN BEGINS (PG-13) WAR OF THE WORLDS (PG-13) BEWITCHED (PG-13) BATMAN BEGINS (PG-13) WAR OF THE WORLDS (PG-13) ROCKIN' THE CORPS (NR) BEWITCHED (PG-13) WAR OF THE WORLDS (PG-13) BATMAN BEGINS (PG-13) (1:10 2:00 3:30 4:30)6:10 7:10 9:00 10:00 (12:45 3:45)6:45 9:40 HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE (PG) LADIES IN LAVENDER (PG–13) MAD HOT BALLROOM (PG) LAYER CAKE (R) CRASH (R) THE INTERPRETER (PG–13) CINDERELLA MAN (PG–13) MADAGASCAR (PG) THE LONGEST YARD (PG–13) (12:30 3:30)6:30 9:30 CRASH (R) ★ STAR WARS: EPISODE III REVENGE OF THE SITH Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale CINDERELLA MAN (PG-13) DIG CINDERELLA MAN (PG-13) LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG-13) DIG (Stadium) SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) DIG (Stadium) MADAGASCAR (PG) DIG (Stadium) THE LONGEST YARD (PG-13) DIG (Stadium) STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG-13) DIG (Stadium) MONSTER IN LAW (PG-13) DIG (Stadium) CINDERELLA MAN (PG-13) LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG-13) SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) MADAGASCAR (PG) THE LONGEST YARD (PG-13) STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG-13) KICKING & SCREAMING (PG) MONSTER IN LAW (PG-13) CRASH (R) - ID REQ'D CRASH (R) - ID REQ'D MONSTER IN LAW (PG-13) MADAGASCAR (PG) THE LONGEST YARD (PG-13) STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG-13) SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG-13) movie showtimes HIGH TENSION (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (Stadium) HONEYMOONERS (PG-13) DIG (Stadium) MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG-13) DIG HONEYMOONERS (PG-13) MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG-13) HONEYMOONERS (PG-13) MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG-13) Adv. Tix on Sale OPEN CAPTIONED: LONGEST YARD (PG-13) ADVENTURES OF SHARK BOY (PG) Adv. Tix on Sale ADVENTURES OF SHARK BOY (PG) HIGH TENSION (R) - ID REQ'D Adv. Tix on Sale ADVENTURES OF SHARK BOY (PG) DIG (Stadium) 940 (PG) (PG) 1030 1010 1025 (145 (12:10 700 1015 630 945 700 925 (435) 945 (155) 720 (145) 705 (430) 950 500) 815 (1210 225 (1000 1250 (1135 245) 450) 705 925 350) 710 1010 # # # (1230 105 330 (445) 755 1035 (1230 345) 655 (100 415) 730 (1235 135 345) ©2005 630 720 930 1020 630 715 940 1020 (130 410) 655 935 (100 325 540) 800 (12:20 1:00 2:30 740 910 1010 1140 # # (1215 340) 710 950 (1200 320) 635 950 (1225 315) 630 930 (1215 310) 640 955 (130 410) 650 940 (12:40 3:10 5:40) # # # # (1200 235 505) 735 (1225 345) 700 1025 (1220 340) 705 1000 (1210 330) 645 1010 (1240 355) 715 1015 (1205 1250 320 400) (1235 320 550) 820 525) 645 715 900 930 (ON 2 SCREENS) (1140 210 430) 720 945 (1150 200 420) 710 935 (1225 245 510) 730 955 (1220 230 440) 650 910 (1000 1245 115 400) 715 (1010 100 415) 725 1015 (1130 155 425) 725 1005 (1015 1230 120 330 420) (1200 230 500) 730 1000 (1:20 3:50) # # # (1140 1230 250 345) 615 (1130 200 440) 710 935 9:20 P.M. (Stadium) (ON 2 SCREENS) (140 420) 725 730 1000 1005 (11:10 2:10 5:10)8:10 11:10 # # (1030 130 430) 705 750 955 1040 (1115 1210 140 240 410 510) 640 (11:40 2:25 4:50)7:10 9:40 # (11:50 2:20 3:20 5:20)7:50 8:20 10:20 415 445) 635 710 745 930 1005 1035 # (1100 1205 135 235 405 505) 735 1005 (1155 1225 1255 210 240 310 425 455 (ON 2 SCREENS) (PG–13) (1:50 4:10)7:00 9:40 (ON 2 SCREENS) (12:10 3:15)6:20 9:30 (1:40 4:40)7:40 10:40 (12:50 5:50)10:50 2:50 5:30) 8:00 8:30 10:30 11:20 (PG) (11:30 2:00 4:30)7:00 9:30 BEWITCHED (PG-13) WAR OF THE WORLDSBATMAN (PG-13) BEGINS (PG-13) STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG-13) DIG BEWITCHED (PG-13) BATMAN BEGINS (PG-13) WAR OF THE WORLDS (PG-13) BATMAN BEGINS (PG-13) ROCKIN' THE CORPS (NR) CINDERELLA MAN (PG-13) DIG BATMAN BEGINS (PG-13) WAR OF THE WORLDSROCKIN' (PG-13) THE CORPS (NR) BEWITCHED (PG-13) 3:10 4:30 5:15) 6:50 7:20 9:00 THE LONGEST YARD (PG–13) CRASH (R) THE INTERPRETER (PG–13) Free Family Film - Tomorrow 10AM (ON 2 SCREENS) THE LONGEST YARD (PG–13) (R) HIGH TENSION (R) THE HONEYMOONERS (PG–13) MR. & MRS. SMITH THE ADVENTURES OF SHARKBOY AND LAVAGIRL IN 3D THE ADVENTURES OF SHARKBOY AND LAVAGIRL IN 3D "Batman Begins" Advance Tickets NOW available on: "Batman Begins" Advance Tickets NOW available on: "Batman Begins" Advance Tickets CRASH FANDANGO.COM, 1-800-FANDANGO or at the Box Office FANDANGO.COM, 1-800-FANDANGO or at the Box Office FANDANGO.COM, 1-800-FANDANGO STAR WARS: EPISODE III REVENGE OF THE SITH (PG–13) (12:40 2:50 5:00)7:30 9:50 CINDERELLA MAN (PG–13) MADAGASCAR (PG) (11:20 1:50 4:20)6:50 9:20 CINDERELLA MAN (PG–13) Rear Window Captioning (12:30 3:50)7:20 11:00 MONSTER-IN-LAW (PG–13) ★ ★ (11:00 12:00 1:30 2:30 4:00 5:00)6:30 7:30 9:00 10:00 MADAGASCAR ★ ★ ★ Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale MADAGASCAR (PG) DIG STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG-13) DIG LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG-13) DIG ADVENTURES OF SHARK BOYCINDERELLA (PG) MAN (PG-13) THE LONGEST YARD (PG-13) MADAGASCAR (PG) SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG-13) LAYER CAKE (R) - ID REQ'D THE LONGEST YARD (PG-13) DIG CRASH (R) - IDSISTERHOOD REQ'D OF DIG THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) DIG MONSTER IN LAW (PG-13) DIG STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG-13) CRASH (R) - ID REQ'D ADVENTURES OF SHARK BOY (PG) DIG HONEYMOONERS (PG-13) DIG CINDERELLA MAN (PG-13) DIG Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale MONSTER IN LAW (PG-13) DIGUNLEASHED (Stadium) (R) - IDOPEN REQ'D DIG CAPTIONED: (Stadium) SISTERHOOD OFPANTS THE (PG) TRAVELING DIG (Stadium) LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG-13) DIG (Stadium) CINDERELLA MAN (PG-13) DIG (Stadium) SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS (PG) DIG (Stadium) MADAGASCAR (PG) DIG (Stadium) ADVENTURES OF SHARK BOY (PG) DIG (Stadium) THE LONGEST YARD (PG-13) DIG (Stadium) STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG-13) DIG (Stadium) HONEYMOONERS (PG-13) DIG (Stadium) HIGH TENSION (R) - ID REQ'D DIG (Stadium) Times For 6/13/05 LORDS OF DOGTOWN (PG-13) DIG MADAGASCAR (PG) DIG THE LONGEST YARD (PG-13) DIG CRASH (R) - ID REQ'D DIG CINDERELLA MAN (PG-13) DIG STAR WARS: EPISODE III (PG-13) DIG MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG-13) Adv. Tix on Sale Adv. Tix on Sale MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG-13) DIG Big Auditorium: Big Auditorium: Adv. Tix on Sale HONEYMOONERS (PG-13) DIG Adv. Tix on Sale MR. AND MRS. SMITH (PG-13) DIG ! k4G?A4BBk % "! $k<>=30H


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ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AUTO DETAILER FT. Bilingual a plus. Must have good computer skills AUTO SALES Stratford University has an immediate opening for a Growing Bethesda CPA firm seeks organized, Busy dealership looking for exper’d. Auto Detailer. detail-oriented indiv who will maintain files, distrib- & be able to multi-task. Good pay and benefits. Fax professional accountant for long term position in resume to 301-386-5809 Must know how to use buffer/polisher. Must have ute mail & handle A/P functions. Email resume to: Business Services Depart. preparing financial state- valid driver’s lic. & be dependable. Full co. benefits [email protected] ments, tax preparation, G/L, bank recs, payroll. Must Administrative Assistant incl. 401(K) pension, health insur., & vacation pay. work well under pressure. Family friendly environ- Contact: Terry Parker, 301-890-1800. ACCOUNTING Coalition for the Homeless is seeking a Looking to begin a career in a company you can ment. Sal $30K-$50K + benefits, incl. health ins., full-time Administrative Assistant to work in a paid parking, professional advancement. At Metro. grow with? DARCARS is the place for you! Due to Staff Accountant setting with single homeless males. The incumbent increased customer demand, we currently have Sullivan & Co. www.eSullivan.net. Fax resume to will work closely with the Program Director and 301-657-9055 or email to [email protected] AUTO MECH Centreville sales positions available at locations in MD & VA. International freight logistics service company must be computer literate. Please fax your letter of Experience is not necessary - we will train! We Accounting interest and resume to KAP at (202) 347-2652 or Exp’d. Must have own tools. Certified pref’d. Call located in Sterling near Dulles International Nick, 703-502-0516 or 703-980-0943. offer top pay plans and benefits including: Airport is seeking a full-time Staff Accountant. email • Health Insurance & 401K Accountants, 2 full-time in Arlington, and in [email protected] • Company Car The candidate will possess at minimum a Rockville. Growing company with great benefits. Bachelors in Accounting and have at least 3-5 ADVERTISING • Paid Vacation Metro accessible. E-mail resumes with salary req. to • Unlimited earning potential years experience in financial analysis, financial [email protected] or fax to 703-351-7560. closings, and financial statement preparation. • Rapid advancement into management Top ad agency seeking an ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AUTOMOTIVE Service or transportation business experience is a Administrative Technician to assist with meeting preparations and work flow of plus. We offer an excellent salary and benefit $42,732 - 53,412 the account department operations. Must be Apply in person, at DARCARS Toyota - 12210 package to the successful candidate. Please organized, detailed oriented and have strong time Cherry Hill Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904 (at the CPS Human Resource Services seeks technical corner of Rt. 29 and Cherry Hill Road). Contact email resume with salary requirements to administrative support staff for our DC office. Three management skills. Work in a fun, faced-paced [email protected]. EOE. environment with great benefits, free parking, and Shannon at 301-622-0300 or [email protected] years of increasingly responsible technical or admin for more information or to schedule an interview. support experience in HR, proposal development, unique company perks. Please send resume, cover ACTIVISM billing, and report writing. AA degree preferred. letter, and salary requirements to: [email protected] • Asst. Service Manager BANKING Apply online ARTS/BOX OFFICE • Automotive Technician DC credit union seeks Head Teller. Must have www.cps.ca.gov good communication skills, cash handling exper. SUMMER under job opportunities. and be member service-oriented. 1 yr. Teller/ Publick Playhouse in Cheverly, MD has Box Office • Automotive Technician Trainee position open, 30 hours/wk. Hrly rate based on Member Services exper. required. High School exper. FAX resume to: 301-277-8816 A rare opportunity exists for the right candidates. diploma or equivalent required. Competitive sal- Join the award-winning service team at Lexus of ary & benefits, close to Metro. To apply, fax JOBS ASSISTANT LEAD TEACHER Rockville. We are seeking experienced profes- resume to: 202-727-9717 or Email to: 4 yr old room, F/T 9:30-6:30. Small group sizes, sionals who possess excellent communication [email protected] ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION great ratios in NAEYC program, Old Town, Alex. skills, leadership abilities and world-class EOE Reqs: AA in ECE, B.S. pref’d + 2 yrs exper. customer service. We are currently constructing a BANKING $300-$500/Week ASSISTANT TEACHERS in infant toddler program. new state-of-the-art facility with 60 service bays. Administrative Ratio 1:3, group size 9. Reqs: CDA or 90 hrs Come work for one of the best companies in the HEAD TELLER • Stop air & water pollution ALEXANDRIA, VA certificate. Degree pref’d + 2 yrs exper. Paid vac., industry. We are part of a Fortune 500 company NY-based credit union with branch located in • Gain campaign exper. POLISHED PROFESSIONAL needed for front desk. sick & training leave & med. benefits. FAX resume: offering great pay, benefits and working Wash, DC seeks motivated individual with strong • Leadership positions available Phones, mail, greet visitors, log bids/RFPs. 2yrs 703-683-3321 or call 703-683-7114 conditions. We are an EOE and a drug-free leadership and interpersonal skills. Responsible admin/recept exp, clear speaking voice, environment. If you are one of the best in your for all branch functions, including member AUTO BODY TECHNICIANS career field, please contact: Downtown computer proficient. Prolog or construct exp a One of Loudoun’s largest collision facilities has services, cross selling and lending. Min 2 yrs exper Call Erin 202-682-9445. plus. Own transp req/Free pkg. Great pay, great Paul Saltzman or Rene Montes req’d. Email resume, and salary requirements to: immediate openings for exper’d., quality-minded (301) 762-9009 benes, great people! Send resume& cover letter Techs. Contact: Jim Bergin, 703-904-0082. [email protected], or fax: 202-973-1936. Activism w/desired salary to [email protected] Advertising Beauty SUMMER JOBS Growing Career College seeks Cosmo Instructor for For ADMINISTRATIVE clinic and salon! Must have 3 yrs. exp. in the industry COLLEGE STUDENTS Executive Assistant to the CEO—F/T position & a VA license. Call Felicia at (703) 532-5050 or fax requiring a min of an assoc degree. Primary duties resume to (703) 534-1142 or email resume to Change begins locally: Fight for healthcare, living [email protected]. wages, lower tuition. FT/PT Rapid advancement. are reading, researching, and routing correspon- dence; drafting letters and docs; maintaining appt BEAUTY/HAIR STYLISTS Best pay in the area schedule; booking travel; preparing materials for Lic’d Cosmotologist. FT/PT position avail. SuperCuts Near Beltway & Metro, call Evan at board meeting and taking mins at the board specializing in haircuts, styling, and color now hiring Progressive MD. 301-000-0000 meetings. Candidate must have strong oral and in DC, Dulles & Ashburn, VA locations. High hourly written communications and be highly organized wage. Management positions available. Paid with knowledge of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and JOIN OUR EXTRAORDINARY TEAM! med/dental, paid holidays/vacaion, and 401k, ad- ACTIVISM Outlook. vanced paid education, flex scheduling, product Hot off the press — Hanley Wood is growing and we are excited. Are you commission, fun and professional work environ- Accounting/Administrative Assistant—P/T po- ready to join a dynamic team on a mission? Growth + Hanley Wood = Dynamic ment. Please call Kathee 703-869-3472 sition req’g a min of a HS degree or equivalent. opportunities for YOU! Imagine yourself employed with the leading business-to business SUMMER Candidate will work directly with director of BEAUTY/LICENSED HAIRSTYLIST NEEDED finance processing A/P, C/R, reconciliation of media company serving the housing and construction industry. We are searching for the best Master Cuts now hiring in Manassas Mall. Best bank statements, development of spreadsheets candidates in the city, because the BEST is what we can offer you. compensation package available, including guaran- and general ledger entries. Admin duties will teed hourly, commission, vacation, medical, dental, JOBS include booking travel, answering phones and We are currently recruiting for the following positions: eye and 401K, ongoing education and much more. other duties as assigned. Should have knowledge AD TRAFFIC MANAGER For confidential interview, call Thomas at for the of Word, Excel, and Outlook. 888-888-9998 ext. 1572. ART DIRECTOR (BIG BUILDER) BEAUTY/NAIL TECH ENVIRONMENT Send cover letter and resume to jobs@ ASSOCIATE EDITOR, BUILDING PRODUCTS Exper’d. Good salary. Nr Metro. Downtown. Call canceradvocacy.org on or before June 23. Jobs 202-783-6565 located in Silver Spring, MD. BENEFITS SPECIALIST No phone calls please. BUSINESS SYSTEMS PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR (Part-Time) June-October CARPENTERS & CARPENTER HELPERS — Wanted $3000-5000/Summer INSIDE SALES ASSOCIATE for FT position in remodeling co. Must have min 3 yrs exp., hand tools, transp. Work in No. VA, DC, MD. Call ADMISSIONS/SALES REGIONAL SALES MANAGER Chris 703-543-8632 • Protect the Arctic Refuge RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (Field) • Work with great people Stratford University is seeking candidates that have CATERING - DELIVERY DRIVERS • Make a difference! sales exp in the educational field to enroll students SEMINAR COORDINATOR from Associates to Masters Degree levels. BS De- SEMINAR MANAGER F/T. Clean driving record. Good customer service Work with US PIRG on a campaign to protect the gree req’d. Email resume to: [email protected] SENIOR EDITOR, BUILDER MAGAZINE skills a must. Must be available weekends & some Arctic Wildlife Refuge. Career Opportunities and holidays. Fax resume 202-965-1635 or call M-F, benefits available. SENIOR STAFF ACCOUNTANT 12-5pm 202-298-6818 ADMINISTRATORS/ SENIOR SYSTEMS ENGINEER CHILDCARE—Live in or Live out. Cook. Main office Capitol Hill, DC SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR Call Kelly at 202-546-3965 OFFICE MANAGERS (2) Please call 703-606-7464. Dupont Circle Up to 90k for right person. Hands-on, full charge of SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR (Part-Time) June-October CHIRO ASST Call Terry 202-332-0243 cognitive development center in Foggy Bottom. Two JUNIOR C# DEVELOPER Assist doctor/front desk, FT/benefits, MWF 9:30- openings: (AM) 9-6, and (PM) 12-8. Computer exper- 7:30, Tues 9-6, Thur 8:30-1:30. SS 301-585-3200. Admin/Clerical tise required. Lots of people contact. Resumes only C# DEVELOPER EARN $12-$48 PER HOUR to VCD Center, 2440 Virginia Ave, NW, Ste D102, Apply on line at www.hanleywood.com for unlimited opportunities. Please include a cover letter CLEANING — Part-time pos. avail. for Cleaners, Medical/dental benefits, paid training. Local area. Washington, DC 20037. Supervisors and Area Manager. M-F. Benes. Arl., 800-320-9353 ext. 2427 and salary requirements with resume submittal for immediate consideration. Falls Church & Alex. locs. Call 703-813-5695 <>=30Hk % "! $k4G?A4BBk!" Classifieds

EDITORIAL Hotel - BANQUET SERVER — On Call. Must be able LEGAL SECRETARY CT TECHNOLOGIST to work evenings and weekends. Experience pre- JOBS New CAT Scan center opening in ferred. Near Courthouse Metro Station. Call 703 247 Well established Fairfax City law firm is searching for Greenbelt, MD. We are now seeking NEWS EDITOR 1002 for information on how to apply. two (2) experienced legal secretaries: 1. A secretary CLERICAL several outstanding employees. with a minimum of 3 years of recent litigation Express, The Washington Post Co.’s free HOTEL — Front Desk Clerk — Full time. Friendly, support experience to work with a senior partner in Financial co. is in need of typing & filing clerks, commuter daily, is seeking a versatile news editor customer service reps, data entry, mailroom clerks. Wanted: CT Technologist (Toshiba), out-going personality necessary. Hotel experi- his general civil litigation practice; and, 2. A secre- Front Desk/Appt Scheduler. Call to join its fast-paced newsroom. Ideal candidate ence a plus but we will train. Must be able to work tary with a minimum of 3 years of general legal Starting wage $9.80 up to $15.30, paid weekly, + will have at least three to five years’ experience benefits & credit union. Call 202-263-1104. 301-332-5958 flexible hours. Near Courthouse Metro station on secretarial experience to work in our family law and editing in a daily news environment, whether in Orange line. Call 703/247-1002 for information on wills, trusts, and estates practice areas; litigation print or online, and must demonstrate seasoned COLLECTIONS how to apply. experience a plus. Fax resume to Firm Administra- CUSTOMER SERVICE/ news judgment on a variety of topics - from tor at 703-691-3913. Delinquency Control Manager INSIDE SALES national, international and local news to pop Progressive credit union seeks a seasoned pro- culture. This position involves editing a high HOTEL LIBRARY ASSISTANT fessional to manage its Delinquency Control Dept. Distributor of construction products seeks volume of news content quickly and accurately Counter Person for for its Chantilly, VA location. DC Office of international law firm seeks bright, Responsible for the delinquency functions of the for busy readers who want to be both informed HOLIDAY INN GAITHERSBURG organized college grad to assist librarian with re- credit union including consumer loans, Visa credit Benefits after 3 mos. Exp. a plus. Please fax and entertained. Exceptional line editing and resume to: 703-802-0727. Seeking qualified applicants for search requests, inter-library loans, routing of library cards, bankruptcies & repossessions. Position headline writing skills and some page layout the following FT/PT positions: materials, filing/updating loose leaf services and reqs at least 3 yrs collection & supervisory exper. experience are essential. Send resume, letter, shelving books, periodicals and papers. Individual Salary to high $40’s. Excellent benefits. Nr King three writing samples and three editing samples • Front Office Manager must be highly motivated and dependable. Excellent Street Metro. Submit resume to: H.R. Dept, Trans- CUSTOMER SERVICE to [email protected] or to Express, P.O. • Banquet Manager salary and benefits. Beautiful offices near Metro. portation FCU, Box 70440, Washington, DC Box 17370, Arlington, VA 22216, Attn: Editor • Outlet Manager EOE. Send resume and salary history to Personnel, 20024-0440 FAX: 202-385-6094 or email to: LARGE LAW FIRM HAS search. No phone calls, please. • Asst. Executive Housekeeper 901 15th Street, NW, Suite 1100, Wash DC 20005; [email protected] CUSTOMER SERVICE REP Fax: 202-682-3580 POSITIONS AVAILABLE Education • Room Attendant Email: [email protected] COMMUNITY SERVICE • Laundry Attendant IMMEDIATELY IN OUR Leadership Coaches • Host/Hostess AM LOCKSMITH FIELD DIRECTOR FREDERICK, MD OFFICE! Baltimore City non-profit se- • Restaurant Server AM/PM eks leadership coaches for • Banquet Server PM/Weekends Liberty Lock & Security in Rockville, MD is looking The Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital is seeking a for a Locksmith. Min 3 yrs exper. Top pay, great Tired of working retail and standing on your feet its high school reform initia- • Banquet Houseperson Field Director, to work in the Leesburg, VA area. tive. Must have 4 years ex- benefits pkg. Friendly work environment. Call Rick all day???? If you are looking for a company that for confidential interview. 301-424-5625 ext 11. The position is responsible for recruiting/retaining girls offers good benefits and a great work perience as a principal with 2 Montgomery Village Ave and volunteers; for mastering membership develop- environment, look no further! Wolpoff & eveidence of quality instruc- Gaithersburg, MD 20879 MAILROOM ment skills and meeting council goals, and working Abramson, L.L.P. desires dependable energetic tion and student achieve- Phone: 240-238-1104 Fax: 240-238-1118 EOE with volunteers to promote Girl Scouting through candidates with the following skill set: ment; effective instructional DC Office of international law firm seeks mailroom community relations. Must demonstrate ability in plan- leadership skills, including HOTEL assistant for day shift. Applicants should be experi- ning, marketing, organizing, and developing commu- • 25 Wpm MANDATORY TYPING SKILLS team and culture building enced in operating copier equipment, fax/postage nity resources to meet membership goals. Skills in • Prior phone experience preferred capacity; and experience in Hospitaliy Temps Corp. Has work for experiencd: machines, sorting/distributing mail, arranging for volunteer development and leadership are essential. • Basic PC skills dynamic school improve- • Room Attendants courier services, setting up conference rooms for Please forward resume/cover letter to: GSCNC, 4301 ment, including ongoing • House Persons meetings, handling filings/document retrieval at Connecticut Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20008; fax to: WE OFFER: planning, implementation • Banquet Servers various government agencies and flexible for OT. 202 274-2161; email to: [email protected] EOE and assessment. For com- • Banquet Cooks Prior law firm experience a plus. Beautiful offices • Full time & Part time shifts available plete job description, see • Kitchen Utility Workers near Metro, excellent salary/benefits. EOE. Send • Overtime offered! www.ffee.org. Send cover Apply in person, Tuesday to Friday, (am to 2pm, with resume to HR Manager, 901 15th Street, NW, Suite COMMUNITY SERVICE • Professional work environment letter and resume by June 2 ID’s, references to 600 PA Ave, SE, Rm 105, WDC. 1100, Wash DC 20005 or email: LINGUISTIC OUTREACH SPECIALIST • $10.00/hr. to start 30 to: Lisa Wright, FFEE, 800 [email protected] (Bilingual Spanish/English required) • Full benefits package including: Health, Dental, N. Charles St. Ste. 400, HOTEL — Housekeepers — Full time. 392-room Baltimore, MD 21201 Maintenance Worker — Part-time. General Identifies potential resources in Spanish speaking Life, 401(k), STD, LTD, Paid Vacation & Holidays, hotel. Hours are 8:00am to 4:30pm. Hotel Referral Bonuses & more! maintenance and groundskeeping. Must be able communities and develops and initiates recruitment experience a plus but we will train. Must be able to work flexible hours. Near Courthouse Metro EDUCATION to work some weekends. Some lifting. Near efforts to secure leadership for Girl Scout programs, in Please submit resume to Dena Michel, station on Orange line. Call 703/247-1002 for Arlington/Alexandria, VA; Prince Georges County and Courthouse Metro station on Orange line. Call information on how to apply. [email protected], or fax (240) 386-3927. 703/247-1002 for information on how to apply. Southern Maryland areas. Organizes meetings, lan- Wolpoff & Abramson, L.L.P.is a drug-free Leary School of Virginia guage materials, and serves as cultural liaison. Can- workplace.EOE Leary School, MANAGEMENT didate should have experience in the human services HOTEL • Immed. Openings field and/or a community service agency, demon- Prince George’s County, Maryland Front Desk & Housekeeping. Will train right person. Convenience store seeking person to strated ability to manage people and projects as shown DANCERS—Wanted for Gentleman’s Club (PG One time reg. fee. Labor Jobs Now: 202-546-7415 by previous work with families and youth in the Latino County). $300-$500/night. No exp. needed. Private special education schools www.dclaborjobsnow.com handle cash register, reconciliation, community. Excellent interpersonal skills, communica- 240-286-3660 or 301-568-8500 for ED/LD students and phone contact w/ customers. tion and presentation skills and bi-lingual ability re- Excellent salary & benefits HOTEL VALET ATTENDANTS Resume to: Gene Meale Some ofc work. Friendship Heights. quired. Must have access to own transportation for DAYCARE AIDE All shifts avail. Good driving record req’d. Apply in extensive travel in the local geographic area is re- 6349 Lincolnia Road person: JW Marriott, Valet Dept., 1331 Pennsylvania Experience, initiative, & ability to svc Flex/hrs $7-9/hr. Must have car. Will train. Call Alexandria, VA 22312 quired. Send resume/cover letter to: GSCNC, 4301 703-992-9296 or fax 703-992-9289. Ave., NW, WDC 20004. customers. Good salary. Fax resume to Connecticut Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20008; fax to: FAX (703) 941-4237 301-984-0660 or call 240-508-0774 202 274-2161; email to: [email protected]. EOE DENTAL ASSISTANT— FT/PT asst. needed in Burke EOE HOUSEKEEPER office. 1 year experience. CALL 703-323-8200 Maryland State residential facility has an opening for Positions Available: 2 F/T contractual housekeeping positions. Duties Community Service Dental TEACHERS include: trash removal, vacuuming, washing/buf- MANAGEMENT Cert in Math, Science, English or Social Studies fing/waxing floors, cleaning bathrooms, dusting, FIELD ASSISTANTS Scheduling Coordinator BEHAVIOR SPECIALIST etc. Hours are: 6am-2pm, Mon-Fri. May require TRAINEE The Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital seeks Upscale, state of the art, computer-driven OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST some heavy lifting (supplies and furniture). If inter- part-time, Field Assistants to work in the District, orthodontic office in Friendship Heights seeks a SPEECH THERAPIST ested, fax resume to: Liz Benelli, 301-372-1906 $15/hr. Up To. No exp nec. Maryland and Virginia. These energetic, self-starters full-time front desk receptionist. Wed. and Fri. PT SPANISH TEACHER Human Resources will be assisting in recruiting/retaining girls and volun- afternoons off, with pay! Must be outgoing, FT/PT. Corp. expanding. teers, and in educating the community in Girl Scout friendly, professional and experienced. Computer EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT programs. skills a must and dental knowledge encouraged. HR Consultants Must be 18+. 301-486-1700. Must be able to work independently, possess excellent Fax resume to 202-244-5407. TO EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT/ $50,580 - $90,900 (DOE) organizational, communication and interpersonal CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER CPS Human Resource Services seeks HR Marketing—Part Time Hours, Full Time Pay! - skills. Must be able to maintain a flexible work sched- DOG GROOMER Consultants to support our DC office. Broad and Promote home products at shows & stores in NOVA ule, consisting of some evening and weekend activi- Part-Time. Experienced. Please call Sylvia, Searching for perfection!!! increasingly responsible public sector HR and/or & MD AND earn up to $25 per hr. Must be articulate ties. Must have own transportation, due to local travel. 301-977-1881 consultant experience required. Four year degree & have own transportation. Call 703-538-7185. OR - Please send resume to: GSCNC, 4301 Connecticut Parking Management Inc. (PMI) seeks a dynamic EA preferred. For appt setting position call 703-538-4792. Walk to Ave., N.W, Washington, DC 20008; fax to 202 274-2161; Driver/Delivery/WarehouseDistributor of con- in search of a challenging and stable career opportu- Metro. struction products seeks individual for its Chantilly, email to [email protected]. EOE nity. Excellent position for a seasoned EA who takes Apply online MASSAGE THERAPISTS LOOK HERE! VA location. Benefits after 3 mos. Please call pride in being a confidential and true ‘right hand‘. www.cps.ca.gov 703-802-7999 for more info. Career College in Falls Church looking for Massage Requires a bachelor’s degree, 3+ years tenure as an under job opportunities. Therapists who want to make a difference! Become COMMUNITY SERVICE DRIVER/LIMO CDL w/P Req’d EA to a high-level executive, exceptional computer a teacher! 3 yrs. exp. required. Will train to teach! YOUNG LEADERS COORDINATOR P/T Wknds/eves. VA/DC/MD. $14/hr to start proficiency, administrative savvy, and the finesse to Competitive salary, great benefits & positive atmo- 703-922-7600 communicate and be a liaison with individuals at all sphere. Contact Sarah at (703)532-5050. Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital seeks individual levels. The preferred candidate will be a perfection- Mechanic—Independent garage seeks exp. Tech. to train, recruit and support college students who will DRIVER— To collect gasoline station prices in the following counties: DC, Anne Arundel, Balt., Balt. ist who has superior organizational skills, Dicta- Lots of work. Modern equipment. 301-704-2037. deliver a six session Girl Scout Sampler to at-risk girls in phone expertise, vendor cost-benefit analysis prep- local elementary and middle schools in the District of City, Carroll, Cecil, Charles, Frederick, Hartford, EOE MED RECEPT Howard, Mont., PG, Queen Anne, Talbot, Arl., aration, and the mastery of performing virtual Columbia. Works in partnership with the Field Direc- updates on corporate websites. State-of-the-art med center in NW/DC is looking for tors; Training Specialists and Program Specialists to Fairfax, Fauquier, King George, Loudoun, Prince Wm. HVAC a bilingual (Spanish) Recept. M-F, day hrs. Nr Metro. insure smooth preparation and delivery of the girl & Stafford. Prices collected between 6am - 10am, If you are in search of a long-term career opportu- A/C SERVICE Excel. salary + full benes. Fax: 202-315-3560. Scout Samplers. Mon-Fri. $40-$80/day for 2-4 hrs work. Must be nity with a competitive salary, complete benefits MEDICAL ASSISTANT online. Leave name, phone, city, county & zip TECHPALOOZA! Cover letter/resume should be sent to: GSCNC, 4301 package and positive work-life balance, please reply 23 yr firm in Mont Co. pays Techs $30/hr. Tops in Experienced medical assistant needed for OB/GYN [email protected] or apply online at: in confidence to [email protected] or FAX office in NW DC, near Metro. FAX resume to Laverne: Connecticut Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20008; fax to: www.snurl. com/gasapp. benefits, a/c truck, bonuses. $10K signing bonus. 202 274-2161; email to: [email protected] 202-303-3676. Include job code EX2005 on the Now: 240-832-6010 202-659-0485. DRIVERS subject line. Previous applicants need not apply. MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICER CONSTRUCION $1000 SIGN-ON BONUS Principals only. EOE. Insurance FT or PT. We will train. 100 plus lenders. Great pay. DRY WALL FORMAN Dependable Class A CDL Drivers wanted for local Finance Large insurance agency seeking P&C licensed agent [email protected] Formans for DC, MD, VA area, 5 years exper., deliveries out of White Plains, MD. Must have 2 years for NoVA location. Great pay and benefits. of exper. & good driving record. Good pay with MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICERS bilingual a plus. 301-753-4445. Major stock brokerage firm in Alexandria looking for Call Toya at 301-490-9509. No VA ofc seeks min. 2 yrs exper. fully biling. benefits, incl. vacation & 401K. experienced Series 7 preferred sales assistant. Will Construction Call 1-800-811-0947, M-F,8am-5pm. INSURANCE SALES (Engl/Span.) LO. Full benes incl medical. Up to 50 asisst team of brokers with client services, and qualified leads/day. New players, old programs - FT position open for Test Boring Driller for account management. Must have excellent com- Looking for formber debit or final expense agents. DRIVERS/HELPERS FT & PT positions avail. CALL 410-726-8511. ABC, FHA, no docs. 703-319-9400 x111 FAX/email Baltimore area Geo Technical firm. Min. 5 yr. experi- Wanted. Apply today, start right away. Drivers need munication skills, and computer knowledge. Please resume: 703-319-9562 [email protected] ence in operating a drill rig. Salary commensurate regular license/clean NRV. FT/PT. Hourly. OT + tips. fax resume to Cindy at 703-683-5940. EEOC Em- w/experience. Range $20-$25/hr + full benefit pack- LEGAL NANNY Bkgrd check req’d. Starving Students Moving. Alex- ployer. Fun loving family looking to hire fun loving nanny for age. Fax resume to: 410-466-6867 or call andria branch: 703-751-5700. DC Branch: 410-367-1400. FINANCIAL SERVICES 2 boys ages 3 & 2. Full-time 7-6 Mon-Fri. Must speak 301-735-3700. BECOME AN OWNER/ English, drive, live-out and be flexible. Call after Construction DRIVERS & LABORERS — Contractors wanted. Start Part-Time 4pm. 301-774-7076 Geo Technical Engineering firm located in Balti- National Airport. 703-628-1100 Get paid helping others & begin building a financial NP/PA, PT/FT, MS req, family/peds more, MD has an opening for Construction service business. You may own, willing to train, high DRIVERS—Needed Thursdays only. VA & MD. earning potential. Call Mr. Burke 240-644-2256 or clin/resrch exp des, Fax CV to Inspectors to perform soil and concrete testing. 703-560-1301. Transportation and high school diploma required. Ms. Hood 202-744-0612 Evening Legal Secretary 202-865-7335 Salary commensurate w/experience. Excellent ben- DRYCLEANER FLOOR ESTIMATOR & INSTALLER efit package and competitive wages. Fax resume to: CLERK & TAGGER Beveridge & Diamond, P. C., a national law firm Nurse Practitioner 410-466-6867 or call 410-367-1400. In need of dependable & friendly customer service & Professional. Vinyl, ceramic & hardwood flrs. Exper. specializing in environmental law and litigation tagger. FT & PT, $8/hr, company benes. Alexandria req’d. Call 703-928-7857. needs an experienced evening legal secretary. Part time - 2 days a week Occup. Health Unit in Silver Spring CONSTRUCTION area. Please call 703-998-6464. The successful candidate will have at least 5 years experience, be proficient in MS Office, type at Please call Christine @ OMV Medical - 301.270.9212 Seeking handymen with home improvement ex- Drycleaners perience & prefer individuals who are multi tal- least 70 wpm, have initiative, excellent Pressers, customer service, new store opening. Will GRAPHIC ARTIST/ interpersonal, written and oral communication Nursing ented. $10-$15 an hour or per job subs. One or train qualified poeple. Call Bill: 202-363-4652. more trades needed carpentry (framing, decking, OFFICE HELP skills; be able to multi-task, work independently, NCLEX REVIEW COURSE etc.), drywall, electric, plumbing, concrete, paint, Editorial and work occasional OT. We offer an excellent July 18-22 or Aug 8-12. Holiday Inn Select, windows, roof, siding (installation), hvac, tile, Asst Editor Knowledgeable in Corel/Illustrator. Great cus- salary and benefits package, a location at Fred’brg VA.To register call MADISON NURSING landscaping. Contact 301-704-2272. tomer service and production skills a must. McPherson Square Metro, and hours from 2:00 REVIEW L.L.C. at (540)548-4101. FT-The Connection, award-winning weeklies. Layout PM to 10:00 PM. EOE. Please e-mail cover letter (Pagemaker), re-writes, community outreach. Email Knowledgeable in textile printing and embroidery a plus. Rockville area. ABC T-Shirt Company and resume in confidence to: Physical Therapy Asst. COURIERS—DRIVERS-GREAT PAY, BONUS FT/PT, connec [email protected] www.bdlaw.com cars, vans, trucks. Call tionresumes@ hotmail.com or fax resume to 301-881-8337 Seeking exp’d PTA in outpatient setting in Silver 301-652-2118 703-917-0997. Spring, MD. Phone: 301-562-1116. !#k4G?A4BBk % "! $k<>=30H Classifieds

Restaurant SALESPERSON/PARTS BDRM $ 7! pc Cherry slighbd set $555 New in Denny’s Restaurant, located 4445 Benning Rd NE, is MANAGER CAREER TRAINING AND box. Can del. 301-343-8630 JOBS hiring cooks and servers, Qualified applicants will be Large equipment dealer in No. VA. Call CARPET OVERSTOCK - $1.50sf. Hardwood $5.99sf. hired on the spot. Apply at location. 703-207-2000, ask for Kent. EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Price Includes Quick Installation. 301-341-2499 PLUMBER — Est. Rockville plumbing co. seeks RESTAURANT KITCHEN MGR A+ INFOTECH INSTITUTE-Learn Admin Asst, PC CHAIRS/ERGONOMIC—DISCONTINUED SHOW- experienced local service, remodeling, and new Casual Dup Cir rest. hiring a culinary prof’l for menu Security Officers Repair, A+, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Networking, ROOM SAMPLES, new & used, $75-$175. Rockville. construction plumbers. 5 yrs exp req’d. Fill out upscaling & staff supervision. FT/PT. Salary: $35K+. Metro One LPSG Quickbooks. $40+ weekly payment. Job placement. 301-385-7917 applications at RV Carey’s Plumbing 14650-C Call 703-405-7262 Is now hiring Free brochure. Near Wheaton Metro. 301-942-8724. CLOTHING — Ladies Designer Gently Worn Clothes, Rothgeb Dr. Rockville, MD 20850. SECURITY OFFICERS Size 10 & Shoes, Size 8-8½. Call 301-871-4485. RESTAURANT SERVERS STORE DETECTIVES CITY FEDERAL JOBS PLUMBER’S HELPER w/exper. RAKU, Bethesda, MD. 301-718-8680 DC area. Hiring. Paid training. $19.95 flat rate/call. FURN — Futon, Sofa-bed, Black w/Gray base, hardly With 2-3 yrs. rough-in exper. Own tools. Good driving RESTAURANT/SOUS CHEF WANTED For retail locations in Call 202-976-9000 OR 703-326-4326, 24 hrs/7 days. used, $250/obo.; Contemp. Ital. Blk lthr Sofa - record. No criminal background. Verifiable refs. Cook for prestigious restaurant in Montgomery Co. DC, MD, and VA Also available on public websites. sleeper, excel cond. $400/obo. Will Deliver. Call Immed. opening. 703-928-1341. Major holidays closed. Benefits. Call 301-908-2040. • Reliable transport. a must 301-871-4485. PORTER—Experienced turnovers and other • Sec. License preferred, but not required FURNITURE—Always buying good used furniture. cleaning, minor maintenance knowledge a plus. Sil RETAIL SALES MODELS Same day service. We pick up. Call 301-336-2988. • Must pass drug test and crim background check. Seeking children from 2 yrs. old thru adults, all ages. Sprg. FAX resumes 301-890-2248 or CALL • Experience preferred. GOLF CARTS (2) ’01 Club Cars—Electric w/char- 301-890-7222. Benson’s Jewelers is looking for F/T Catalogs, commercials, TV. No exper. necessary. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Selections at: 5 or 7 pm, Wed, June 15th, Hilton ges, canopies, great cond, $2650 ea 202-832-9156; PRACTICE MANAGER exp’d sales help. Computer and people Tues, Wed, Thurs 10a-3p Gaithersburg (I-270, exit 11). 1-570-558-7925, x415 202-957-5704 skills a must. 202-628-1838 3000 Connecticut Ave, # 104 www.highlite.com/gaith GRANITE COUNTERTOP SALE Excellent opportunity for an exper’d. manager Washington D.C., NW 20008 $24/Sq Ft. Sat 6/18. 301-627-7630 with a busy orthopedic surgery practice in Silver ROOFING MECHANIC—Able to do all types of roof repair. Spgfld, VA. 703-451-5151 or (Across from National Zoo) Hot Tub—Hot Springs Sovereign Seats 6. Exc cond Spring. Salary negot., excellent benes., FREE Call (202) 299-1287 POSITIONS WANTED parking. Fax resume: SALES $750 obo. You haul. (703) 645-0250 eves or lv msg MATTRESS SALE—large selection, all sizes in plas- Human Resources A RARE OPPORTUNITY Security — Will train right person. 1 time reg. fee. 301-681-1494 tic, $80-$280/Basic, Serta & Sealy. Make offer. Credit Labor Jobs Now: 202-546-7415 SPANISH TUTOR cards accepted. Warr. DC/MD/VA Delivery avail. Call PRESCHOOL ASSISTANT TEACHER Prosperous NoVA/MD Company in the home im- www.dclaborjobsnow.com Do you need to learn Spanish? A.J. 301-674-2843. [email protected] Excellent school in Landmark area looking for exp’d provement industry is expanding. Prior industry [email protected] staff. Great sal/benefits/fun place to work. Fax experience not necessary but welcome. Profes- RECORDS WANTED resume 703-256-8272. Call 703-256-7990. sional training program provided. Someone who Survey Manager BUSINESS AND Dates bef. 1979 in categories Jazz, Soul, R&R, R&B. REGISTRAR needs at least $65,000 per year with the potential of DB Consulting Group, Inc. is seeking a Survey C&W. Cash paid. 703-648-9191 Stratford University has an immediate opening for a six figures. Commission, Incentive and bonus. Car Manager for our Silver Spring location. Candidate FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES SHOWCASES, Gondolas, racks, Mannequins, Registrar. Min 1 yr Registrar exp. req’d. Will maintain, Required. No overnight travel. Call Brian Quick must have a BA/BS & at least 2 yrs research exp or props., etc 301-881-1733 manage & process all student academic records. between 9am and 3pm @ 301-560-1420 4yrs reseach/professional exp. Must have highly A COKE/M&M ROUTE Great loc’s Earn BIG $$ Sofa/Lvst/chr(microfbr)New in boxes. Must sell! B.A. Degree preferred. Email resume to: Sales/Acct Mgmt effective verbal & written communication skills, $650. 301-343-8630 [email protected] Base Salary 40K + Bonus + Commiss. be adept at conducting Internet & library research $0 Down finc. 1-800-367-6709 X 4321 24 hrs Promotional products co. located in Alexandria, VA & able to multi-task. Must be proficient in MS Research Interviewer is looking for sales professionals to sell to member Office Suite, including Project & PowerPoint, & Avon is looking for someone just like YOU. See your TICKETS profits in just 2 wks! To buy or sell Avon call Mamie: DB Consulting Group, Inc. is seeking French- organizations, corporations, associations, non-prof- SPSS. Candidate will direct & manage survey its & govt agencies. Earn good money while helping process, supervise interviewers, track productiv- 301-574-2658 Creole, Spanish, Vietnamese & Russian speaking Home-Based Business REDSKINS SEASON TKTS/LOGE SEATS telephone interviewers. Morning, afternoon, the nation’s largest charity. Some travel. PC literate. ity, collect data & perform low level analysis 3 yrs.+ sales exp. medical, dental, vision, 401K, paid procedures. Afternoon/Evening hours. If inter- Home Business Opportu- Covered-Heat & AC, sect L419, row 3, seats 11-12 evening & weekend shifts available. Must have at (end seats) w/purple parking. $7900. 561-632-4568. least 2yrs of interview experience&aHSdiploma. vac. 1st year. Fax resume to: 703-212-6319 or email: ested, please email your resume to jobs@dbconsultinggroup. com. EOE nity. Investment $45-$300 Must be bi-lingual & fluent in English. If interested, [email protected]. Increase Your Family’s Finan- please email your resume to SALES cial Future. Full Training. Call PETS [email protected]. EOE TEACHER Denise at 202-368-3203. RESTAURANT To work with 3’s & 4’s. ECE/CDA + exper. Must know IN A LAWSUIT? NEED MONEY? WAIT STAFF - EXPERIENCED how to plan creative & energetic daily lessons. Pay Only if You Win. GERMAN SHEPPERD PUPS—Top Euro Bloodlines, for busy Adams Morgan Rest. Apply after 6 Mon-Sat: Please call 202-686-3570 MatchOne Funding Can Help Now! Bred for Intelligence & Gentle Temps. $1200. Call Today (301) 588-2466 540-955-2970 2440 18th St, NW. Change your life- TELEMARKETER/ADMIN YOGURT STORE/GREENBELT—Fully eqpd, 600sqft, Labrador—Yellow 10 mo. old Labrador w/ papers, RESTAURANT not just your job! TEMPLE HILLS, MD update with shots, and obedience training. Needs Join us now, get trained & make $6,000 per month. ready to go, in busy Beltway Plaza Mall, Greenbelt, EARN $200-$1,000 Comm! MD. Call 301-657-9900 x127 loving home. Call 240/994-2709. SOUS CHEF/KITCHEN MANAGER Cold calling. 301-423-9348 Pomeranian Pup—red sable, F, 10 wks to PW/ For upscale Sculpture Garden Pavilion Cafe at the It’s people like you that make our business successful No.Va. home only. interview, home ck & vet refer- that’s why we: National Gallery of Art Must be sanitation certi- TELEMARKETING STUFF ence req’d $750.00 lv msg (703) 580-5082 (Wood- fied, a good team leader and highly organized. Will • Offer a weekly salary bridge) be in charge of production. Salary based on Earn up to $25/hr. NOVO1 is looking for highly • Promote from within skilled, exper’d inside sales reps to market for Yorkshire Terrier—Tea cup male/female pups, experience. Full benefits. Email resume to broo- BD $150/Queen Dbl (new in plastic) pillowtop champion bloodline. $1200. 202-257-9345 • Pay for your training Fortune 100 co. FT/PT. Great working environment, set Can del 301-399-7870 [email protected] Fax to: (202) 289-3359 • Offer a full benefit package or call Claude at (202) 289-3360 EXT 102. Laurel, MD. Call 301-361-1111, ask for Mark. BD $170/Queen Dbl pillowtop set new in plastic. Can del 301-399-7870 RENTALS Restaurant If you’re looking for stability, very good pay and the TELEMARKETING/CANVASSERS ability to put your ideas to work, we’re the company for BD $255 King dbl plush pllwtop set New in you! $25/hr. Local mrktg firm seeking highly motivated plasticCan del 301-399-7870 indiv. to help grow mrktg dept. Don 703-898-8283 ABLE TO AFFORD-Yet Got Denied? BD $255 King dbl plush pllwtop set New in Don’t despair! Places MD/DC/VA Candidates must: plasticCan del 301-399-7870 Call: The Right Place 888-813-5689 Have a Valid Drivers License Must have a neat appear- WAREHOUSE ance NOW HIRING BD 1 Memory foam matt set, new in plastic. ADAMS MORGAN—Stunning 1 BR, hdwd, W/D, Have very good communication skills Moving and storage co. has immediate openings for Worth $1200+. Take $350. 240-372-6691 CAC, fpl, pkg avail. $1350+utils. MCM, Inc. Clyde’s of Chevy Chase all positions- kitchen, dining 202-966-2110 room & office. Monday-Friday from 10am-7pm, Be able to follow directions shipping & receiving clerks, forklift operators, out- Be able to work flexible hours bound order processors, dispatchers & inventory ADELPHI—lg 6BR, nr. metro/Univ. MD, $2095 Saturday & Sunday 11am-6pm. Re-opening late JOBS 301-384-2441 June. 5441 Wisconsin Ave, Friendship Heights control. We offer hourly wages $10.65-$14.95 + Call us today for an interview benefits. Call 202-263-1152. ALEX—3BR, 3½BA end-unit TH, gar, in Kingstowne, Metro. 301-951-9600. Apply online at Pohanka Automotive Group-Temple Hills, Maryland. vry spac & light filled, lge deck, lge EIK. $2300. www.clydes.com E.O.E. 301-423-1100 Re/Max Allegance. 703-622-2306. RESTAURANT Agent related to owner. BISTRO 123 TYSONS SALES/WELLNESS BANQUET SALES & SERVERS ALEX/DEL RAY/AUBURN VILL—1BR, great loc, Exper’d only. Call 703-938-4379 ready to go. $900. Call Meg, Bluestone Realty, Forget the suit and the commute. $1 trillion well- 703-383-3454 RETAIL ness industry, 60 countries. Independent Sales ASSISTANT MANAGER Reps. Free company presentation. 800-520-0013, ALEX/DEL RAY— N/S, no pets. 1BR, CAC, OSP. 4MoneyToBurn.com. $1150 utils incl. Avl 6/30. 703-836-6855 or DC car wash is seeking Assistant Manager. Respon- 703-517-1648 sible, hardworking and energetic with ability to SALESPERSON EQUIPMENT ALEX—Duke St., Lrg 1 BR, Avail 7/1. $975 incl utils. service customers. Good salary. Please Fax resume Large equip. dealer in No. VA. 703-733-0916 to (301) 984-0660 or Call (240) 508-0774 Call 703-207-2000, ask for Kent. ALEX/Ft. Belvoir— 4 BR TH, 3 BA. $2000.Call 703-408-4910 MARKETING ALEX/KINGSTOWN/Nr Metro—3BR 3½BA. fpl. new applcs. deck. fncd. Avl immed. $1975. 703-660-6752 Alex/Landmark- Product Manager Large 1BR Garden Condo. Secure Builing. Pool. $1150 Utilities Included. Available Now. 703-751-7562 The Washington Post Advertising Department is in search of an experienced Product Manager to ALEX/LANDMARK MALL—Lg 2BR, 2BA condo, ap- lead the development of the next generation of a sophisticated web product for our advertising prox 1400 s.f. in hi rise. 5300 Holmes Run Pkwy. customers. This Manager’s primary responsibility will be developing and maintaining the product $1500/mo incl utils. 202-787-3819 roadmap, driving decisions and development around features and functionality, managing the life ALEX/Landmark—1BR w/den. hdwd flrs., balc, cycle and tracking results from inception through implementation, including analysis, $1100 703-978-9444 requirements, prioritization and business case. Follow-on work will include setting priorities for ALEX/OLD TOWN—RM FOR RENT, nr. 2 subway and implementing continual product and platform enhancements as well as developing new stops, $275/every other wk. 703-683-2204 ALEX/OLD TOWN—1 BR, No pets, oak flrs, products for our marketplace as needs change and develop. W/D, $1050. 703-850-2313 ALEX/ON GW PKWY BIKE PATH/1 mile from Old While a Master’s degree is preferred, qualified applicants will have a Bachelor’s degree with a Town—2BR w/sep. ofc.1BA. Renov. kit. 5 mins from focus in computer science, engineering, business, mathematics or other analytical field and a Metro. $1550/mo. Call 703-655-1448 minimum 4-7 years demonstrated experience in product management, which must include Alex/OT/New Const./Nvr lived in, gated, 3k sf.3 lvl multiple large-scale projects. Four years of system development and a proven ability to resolve brk TH 2 lrg BR Grnd MBR 3.5BA 2 car gar hdwd main business problems are also required. lvl, unique flr. plan vault ceil, lg w/o bsmt, granite ct/SS apl frpl trees/frnt/bck. $2950. 703-283-9725 The successful candidate will have a proven track record of strong leadership, project management ALEX—Updated 2BR, 2BA condo, great amens. and organizational skills, the ability to negotiate and gain consensus, and a solid history of $1450. Avail now. 703-937-0339 Re/Max Xecutex delivering on time in on budget. www.johnwpurvisjr.com ALEXANDRIA—Big 3BR,3.5BA TH 395 & Seminary, We offer a stimulating work environment and an opportunity for growth along with a competitive w/d, fpl, rec room, patio $1840 703-869-0919 salary and benefits package. Qualified candidates should send a cover letter, resume and salary ARL/BALLSTON—Metro at door.Luxury 1BR, all requirements to: amens. Fantastic view. $1595 Total 703-528-3298 ARL-Columbia Pike $975—1 BR/1 BA, CAC, d/w, patio, coin-op laundry rm. N/s, no pets. 816 S. Arl. Mill Dr. 12 mo. lease. (703) 998-5451. ARL - FAIRLINGTON—2/3 BR, 2BA, 3 lvl TH, pool/ tennis, bus, 10mins to DC. $1650 ph 703-772-6818 ARL N/COLONIAL VILLAGE—Bright 2BR. Steps to Attn: Human Resources/Product Mgr/LB Courthouse Metro. No pets. $1545/mo. 1150 15th Street, NW 703-534-6430 Washington, DC 20071 ARL—Newly renov. 1BR & 2BR. Open Mon-Sat. Pls Fax: (202) 912-3677 call rental ofce at 703-528-7751 or visit ofce at [email protected] 204 N. Thomas St. apt B3. We are committed to diversity in the workplace and ARL. NO —4BR, 2BA on big park, Fla rm, rec rm, 1-c promote a drug-free work environment. gar, all amens, avl mid July. $2700, all offers wel- come! 703-243.9719; 314.402.6832. <>=30Hk % "! $k4G?A4BBk!$ Classifieds

BETH/Dwntwn— 2 BR, 1½ BA. Nr Barnes & Nobles. BF06 Silver Spring $1600 BUILD YOUR CREDIT... CAP HILL—2MBR, 2½BA condo, covered prkg. RENTALS $2,500. 301-704-1070 Condo 1450sqft, W/D, pool, close to Metro, RFK, Linc Pk. BETH, N/GROSV—2BR, 1 BA, avail. 6/20, hwd fl, S/S A newly large renovated condo Avail 7/1. $2200. 310-686-8632 appls, gran. c-tops, fitness rm, gar, pool/tennis. • 2 bedroom and 2 full bath spacious Liv. Rm WHILE YOU RENT! CAP HILL—316 K St NE, Lge 1BR furn bsmt apt, w/d, ARLINGTON EHO $1550 utils/cable incl. 301-538-9007 • washer and dryer, pool, lawn tenis. close to Wanna buy someday? New program allows your full kit, tile. $1000 incl utls cabl & web. shopping complexes rent payments to count toward your credit score. 202-744-9536. 1/2 Month Free Beth/NIH $1250 3812 Bel Pre Road # 7 on select Floorplans Beautiful Huge 1BR Call Today for details CAP HTS— Spacious Bsmt apt in hse. Nr Metro All Utilities Included! 301-365-6299; 240-277-6889 BRENTWOOD—2BR end unit, hdwd flrs, updated WASHINGTON ESCROW SERVICES $650+ utls. 240-441-7007 Free Parking! ba, lots of light & yard space. $750. Call 301 CAPITOL HGTS—2 BD/1 BA, SFH. CAC, $900+ util, BETH/Sumner Village—Close in, newly renov 2BR/ 613-8766. Sec. 8 welcome. 301-890-1921 Studios From $795* 2BA, patio, gar. Avl immed, $2100. 301-229-1342 Call 301-661-7694 Brookland/NE $200/mth BURKE— TH 3BR, 1.5BA, new kit, new BA’s, cls to 1BR at $955 BETH— Unique 2BR 2BA 2000 sq ft apt, lg LR/DR, CENTREVL—2BR, 2 lvl TH, w/d, pool, prkg, nr 66/28 Near CUA, On Red Line. 4BRs, 2BA; LR/DR/Kitchen VRE. Clse to shops. $1500/mo. 703-928-0757. $1200 703-856-1436 703-979-4500 w/w, cac, sauna, hot tub on lg deck, Japanese grdn, w/pocket drs; FP, W/D, DW, Yard. 4 blks to Metro, CAP HGTS & FORESTVILLE—Rms avl. C-202-330- 333 S. Glebe Rd. nr NIH & Metro. $2575/mo/incls gas/wtr. Call 6blks to CUA. Call 860 672 2315 7265/Ofc-301-336-9257 CHANTILLY $1050 240-997-0204. www.chuckmoran.com/house BETH—Delux contemp home, 5BR, 3½BA w/ super BROOKLAND/NE— Newly renovated 4 BR, 2 BA, CAP HILL/1533 C ST S.E.— Lge 2 BR, schls, Walt Whitman, Pyle & Bannocburn, Cath ceil., Bethesda, Conv. to Downtown—Charming, CAC, hdwd flrs, new appls, detached fncd in rear 1 BA w/modern appls, w/.w carp thru-out, pvt rear 1BR lux condo. 703-855-9440 wrap around deck, Ride-On. Avail. July. $3,700. 4+RMs, 3 1/2 BA, Gar, Porch, Patio! 1 Yr. Lse, Avail. yard. $2100. 202-365-8751 fncd in yard. $1350/mo Thomas D. Walsh Realtors COLLEGE PARK—5BR 3 full BA SFH. $2900/mo + Contact 301-983-3893. Immed. $2875+ Util. 202-473-7291 utils. 240-535-0083 BURKE $1650 202-237-8488 BETH, N/Garrett Pk—1 BR bsmt apt, pvt entr, BETHESDA PARKSIDE—Lovely fully renovated 2 GREAT LOCATION NEAR VRE CAP HILL/1621 MASS AVE—Lrg 1 BR, w/hdwd flrs, College Park—Hi-rise large efficiency w/ full TV/CATV. Utils, linen, monthly cleaning incl. $1,275. br/1ba, patio, park view $1475 incl utils Nice 3BR, 2.5BA, 3Lvl TH very quiet area, avail 7/1 Coin op laun on premise, $800 mo. inc heat/hot kitchen and bathroom.All util. incl. $895. 301-946-0843 301-775-2585 703-785-9314 water. Thomas D Walsh Inc. 202-237-8488 443-745-5446. CAP HILL—1BR apts avl. immed., w/w crpt, con- COLUMBIA HGTS-3BR$1000,Sec8ok trolled access. $99 security deposit. 1 mo. free rent Reneau Real Estate 202-797-0852 JOBS JOBS JOBS to applicants with good credit. CONGRESS HGT/SW— 4BR apts, new kitc, w/w Call Linda, 202-635-4900 carpt, lovely back yd. $1795/mo +utls. Section 8 OK. CAP HILL/216 2ND ST S.E.— new renovt of historic 202-494-5338 property. 3BR 2BA w/ full bsmt apt unit w/own bath CONN AVE 4700/PENTHOUSE—1BR, $1500/mo. (can be rented separately), all modern appls, state of 301-365-5737. the art, rear encl newly landscaped garden. Thomas D. Walsh Realtors 202-237-8488 DC Washington Communities CAP HILL—renovated 2br,$1100. a month,sec 8 ok, 1 BR N.W. $775; 1 Effcy N.W. $625 ; 1BR N.E. $750 all 240-375-1436. utils. Call 703-255-3884 CAREER TRAINING AND CAREER TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES EMPLOYMENT SERVICES !%k4G?A4BBk % "! $k<>=30H Classifieds

FALLS CHURCH/ARL/ON RTE 50.—2BR 1BA. Very KENSINGTON—6 BR, 2 BA hse, $2150. SE-CASCADE PARK APTS MANASSAS—Female needed to share 3BR TH. conv. great neighb. 5 mins to DC & Baileys Cross 571-221-6293. Fairfax Rlty $950. Call 703-330-1929. RENTALS Roads. Walk to 7 Corners. $1300 incl utils/pkg/pool/ Kensington $1865 4256 4th St, SE. 5 Bldg, 132 Unit Community. OLNEY—F to shr contemp fully furn TH. W/D, pvt sauna/gym. w/d on flr. 24 hr security. 571-228-0842 STEP TO ROCK CREEK PARK Extensive renov underway. New Mgmt. Immed BA, pool, CATV. $700/mo. utls incld. Avl now. DC/LUXURY/Washington DC, Northwest FOGGY BOTTOM—1BR condo, superb loc, immed Charming 2 bed, 1 bath house. Hardwood flrs, occupancy. 2 BR $795; 4BR, $1295; renovated kitch, 301-213-1179 URBAN LIVING AT IT’S BEST! occup, $1400/mo, ref req’d, 301-599-6181 for appt. completely renovated. Lots of light. Great schools, new applncs, wood & carpeted flrs, ac, on-site ROCK/BETH N—NIH 355/270 Prv ent/BA Lg. rms. FOGGY BOTTOM parks. W/D, Central Air/Heat. Near Grosvenor Metro. laundry rm, ample prkg, on-site mgmt. Sh. SF,avl immed. W/D. Metro/bus,shp. Residences at Gallery Place 777 7th St. NW 2nd flr w/ private entrance & parking. 202-494-5749 www.novodev.com. 301-299-1191 2 BR TH, CAC, W/D, fpl, patio, 1 yr lse. Avl now. 11 202-562-1600 SE—Prof to shr condo, metro shpg, fully furn, newly Luxury Living in the Heart of DC. Snows Ct N.W. $2250+U; Open 1-4. 301-654-8472 LARGO—Spac 1BR, 1FB, full size W/D, lge balc, close to Metro, shpg, College. $1100+utils. 301-350-4742 SHAW—Florida & R st, 1 BR, D/W, CAC and Heating, renov w/jacuzzi, catv, w/d, sec bldg, must see 2805 LARGE 2 BEDROOM/2 BATH. AMENITIES in- FRIENDSHIPS HTS/4108 Garrison St. —1 Blk fr hdwd flrs, W/D on site, nr. metro, $900. Jasper St. all utils. $175-300/wk. 202-678-1101. Metro. Newly renov. 3BR, 4BA avail 6/1. $3900. LEESBURG/P STA—3 lvl, Beaut. TH! 2 Car Gar, cluded: Hardwood floors, full kitchen, Washer/ Reneau Real Estate 202-797-0852 SIL SPG—Shr apt, 2 BRs avail, $650 and $550, incl all Ken Maher 301-536-3847 gourmet kitc, $1990. 703-481-8013 Dryer, Secured Building Entry, 24 hour Security, SIL SPG— 1BR $895, free utils. HW flrs, cls Metro, amens & utils. 240-472-4310 or 240-601-4846 Fitness Facilities, Resident Lounge & Cyber Cafe, GALLERY PLACE/MCI CENTER—New 1BR, 1BA LOGAN/SHAW METRO—1537 8th NW. Sunny 1-BR, on-site pkng. Roof Terrace, Garage Parking provided. Direct condo with extra amenities above Gallery Place $895. 202-387-2691 Monterrey Apts. 301 588-3413 Access to: Gallery Place/Chinatown Metro, MCI Metro. $1950 mo. N/S. N/P. Owner Agent LORTON $2600 ENJOY 703-273-7735 SIL SPG/ASPEN HILL— New 2 lvl. 2BR 1½BA TH. CONDOS FOR SALE events, 14 Screen Movie Theaters, Elegant and 202-298-1224 A new SFH, loaded w/ many upgrades. 2 mi to VRE gourmet kitchen. security sys. Avail 7/1/05. Casual Dining Restaurants and Cafes. GEO’TOWN—2530 Q st, Lrg 2 BR, 1 BA, Hdwd, Coin train station. See besthomeagent.com. Click on $1800/mo + utils. Call 301-346-4949 Op Laundry on premise, Close to Dupont metro and rent Multi year lease avail. OLREA No. Va. Homes. SIL SPG—Condo 1 BR all utils & laundry incl. CAC, ADAMS MORGAN 2633 Adams Mill Rd N.W. #202 Desire nonsmoker with no pets. Rent includes: Downtown. $1650 incl heat and hot water. Thomas LORTON—Beaut crnr 3BR 2½BA 3 lvl TH, gourmet hwdflrs, sep kit, d/w, pkg, $1050/mo. 443-812-2410 —3BR, 1½BA, renov. w/granite cntr tops, SS appls, Garage Parking, Water and Sewer, Trash, and D Walsh Realty 202-237-8488 kit, new crpt/flooring/paint, Cath ceiling, FP, sunken SIL SPG—Large 3 BR, 2 FBA. Great neighborhood. new paint, carpet & more. Must see! Secure Bldg. Concierge Service. For Rent: $2700 monthly.Fur- GEORGETOWN—1BR, new w/w caprt & d/w, micro- grdn tub, pool, clubhse, new D/W, 2 reserv prkg Call 240-508-9993 Avail immed. 301-449-7979 Susie Moore Assoc. ther info: 703-622-2712 wav, balc, rf deck. Avail now. $1300. 240-644-7499. spaces, 1mi frm I95. $1575. 571-332-8366 SILVER SPRING—Live in the heart of Silver Spring! ARL/Annandale METRO DUP CIR—1909 19th. Bright 1BR $1500; 2BR $2000 GEORGETOWN RESERVOIR AREA MACARTHUR BLVD— 2BR, $1200. all utilities in- Large 1 Bedroom apt, bright and sunny historic 5 GREAT BUYS Easy parking Sunny, spac., 2-BR, 2 lvls, lg deck 301-442-5066. cluded. Reneau Real Estate 202-797-0852 building within walking distance to Silver Spring $155,000. Lge effcy, 2 blks to Rosslyn Metro. DUPONT CIR 1821 19th St—Modern 1BR, cls to overlooking reservoir & private garden, great Bar-B- Mclean—4 BR 2.5 BA lrg rec room 2 FP beaut yd Metro, directly across from DC line, windows in shops & transp. $1200+gas & elec. Thomas D Walsh Que complete kitchen, security system, great clos- Mclean schools Walk to Mclean shopping, park, every room. Central A/C, Free parking and Pets Ok, $180,000. Just listed! Spac. effcy at The Carlton. Inc. 202-237-8488 ets & storage, laundry rm. $2500/mo.+util. Avail Mid schools. $2500. Call Tatiana at 571 216 1028 only $1010 mo. call (301) 589-8081. Ask for Doug or Nice condition! June. 202-333-4654 DUPONT CIRCLE— 1BR & efficiency avail immed. McLEAN/Tysons Corner—Huge 1BR, 1K s.f., excel Larry Move in special, $99 sec dep. CALL FOR APPT TO GERMANTOWN—3-4BR, 2½BA TH, fin bsmt, nr bus, cond. Enclsd balc. Avail 7/1. $1250. 703-987-1603. Silver Spring $2980—3br/2/2 lux TH 2 car garg- $210,000. Great 1 BR w/balc in Annan’s Heritage SEE.Call Hugo, 202-483-0200; 202-328-2328. restr, 10 mins. Metro. Avail immed. $1500. former model house,wlk metro hdwd flrs granite Woods! 301-332-8920 NE—10th & E St., 1 BR, $750. DUPONT CIRCLE —Charming 1 Bedroom English Reneau Real Estate 202-797-0852 smart wire,central musicalong Georgia Ave.Tel 301 GERMANTOWN— Clean, 2 BR, 2 BA, new carpet, 379 0178 301 996 5513 $255,000. Spac. 1 BR, 720sf, compl. remod, new kit, basement with CAC, garden & laundry room, nr NE/1606 ISHERWOOD ST—1BR+den w/hwd flr, Metro, avail 7/1. No Pets. $1200. 301-951-6471 tile, W/D, $1200. Call Caroline, 301-908-1237, O/A SILVER SPRING/WHEATON/3308 Randolph Rd— new BA, hdwd flrs, nice! GERMANTOWN \ MILESTONE $1995 close to Hechinger Mall. $750/mo. + utils. Section 8 DUPONT—Effcy $875; 1BR $1000-$1100; 2BR OK. 3BR w/fpl, CAC, lg back yrd, 1½BA, fin’d bsmt w/lge $2200; 4BR 2BA, $3200. 4000 SQ FEET BUILT 2005 rec rm, nr shopg/schools & metro, avl immed, $1600 $265,000. Lge 1 BR w/balc, 716sf, 2 blks to Rosslyn ONE MONTH FREE RENT Thomas D. Walsh Metro. Reneau Real Estate 202-797-0852 Realtors 202-237-8488 Call 202-359-5538 • 5 BEDROOM 3 1\2 BATH SLVR SPG—Sm TH, 1 BR & Den, 1 BA, Wd flrs, New FAIR LAKES AREA —2 lvl condo, 2BR, 2½BA, fpl, • FREE CABLE TV & INTERNET NE/1804 Benning Rd—1BR, w/w carp, Marion Cloud $1450. 703-568-0938 kit, D/W, AC, W/D Nrby. No pets/smkng. Avail now. • BIG SCREEN TV INCLUDED Section 8 ok. Call Thomas 202-744-9872 $1350 mo. 301-469-8777 or 571-251-1715 FAIR OAKS/Fair Ridge—4 bdrm 3.5 bath TH. FP,- • TWO CAR GARAGE NE—1BR apt. $650+cooking gas & elec. No pets. 703-314-7033 W/D. Pool & tennis incl. $1750/mo. Call SPGFLD/Franconia—1.5 mi. to I-95/495. NEW com- CALL BILL 301-294-7980 Call 202-265-4814, 202-889-4083. munity. 3 lvl TH. 4BR, 3½BA brkfrnt. Shuttle to RE/MAX ALLEGIANCE 703-761-7542 GLOVER PARK—2606 41st st NW, Lrg 1 Br w/ Fred A. Smith Co. ARL—Beaut 1BR. Pool. $239K. 703-475-8152. Saab FAIRFAX—2 BR, 1 BA condo. $1400/mo. Next to METRO. Open flr plan. gar. Pool, parks, tennis, trails. hdwds, Close to shppng and transportation. $1054 NE—(2 unit bldg) 2BR, 1BA, cac, microwav, w/d, $2200. 703-283-9725. Realtors. Photos at: www.StickWithNick.com shppg ctr & Metro Bus. 703-919-5352 incl heat and hot water. Thomas D Walsh Realty prkg, new kit, metro. $1350 +utils. 202-347-3910. ARL N/ROSSLYN— Newly renovated 2BR, 1BA FAIRFAX— Beautiful newly remod 1BR, 1BA. SPPFLD—5BR, 3FB, wlkout bsmt, mins from Bltwy. 202-237-8488 NE/2004 Rosedale—2BR, newly renov, new appls, w/balcony walk to Metro, Key Bridge, Georgetown. Balcony, pool. Great location. Close to Metro. Can rent seperately. $2,350. Cell: 571-238-0534; HERNDON—5BR, 3½BA, 3lvls fully fin bsmt ww, nr Stadium, sec 8 welc, $1200, 202-321-8535 Hm: 703-425-8503 $350,000. Call Beth, Arlington Realty Inc., $1095 incl utils 703-629-2974 $2500/mo. 571-232-7643 703-836-4610. FAIRFAX—nr Fairfax crnr. New lux Th/condo, 2BR/ N.W. 1919 35th Place— 1BR w/coin op laundry on S.S/ADELPHI-1BD/BA $1100 ALL INCL—UPDAT- HUNTINGTON —4BR SFH, cul de sac, new kit & premise. $850/mo + utils Thomas D Walsh Inc. ED/READY NEAR METRO DC-UMD 202-487-1003 ARL S—2BR condo. George Mason Village. 1521 So. 2ba, den, gar. w/ lux amen, $1795+utils. bath, 3 blks to Huntington Metro, E-Z access to Ft. George Mason Dr. #21. 845 s.f. Garden type. top flr. 703-946-3147 202-237-8488 STERLING— 3BR 2BA home avail immed! No Credit Belvoir, Pentagon or D.C. $1950/mo. 703-928-0757 Check! Call DTM Inc. 301-322-6881 major renov. $274,500/offer. 703-671-4992. Fairfx Cty Smashng Lux Cndo—2Br/2Ba Scure HYATSV/Metz Rd—Jr 1BR/den, hi-rise condo, hdwd NW—1BR apt w/enclosed porch & washer/dryer. 1 BETHESDA—Lge 1BR, $279K. 7568 Spring Lake Dr. elvatr Bdn, 2 Car Grg, Bst Loc, Mst See $1,745 flrs, grt cond $1150 utls incl. Sect 8 ok. block fr Metro! $775+ util. 301-316-4590 SUITLAND/4710 HOMER AVE/APT C/—lf —1BR, h/w flrs, a/c, cable ready, $530+utls. CALL FOR APPT 301-922-8074 (703)691-0588 202-421-3514 NW—3BR, 1.5BA, wd flr, cac, w/d, prkg, metro, full BETHESDA/PROMENADE $240,000 bsmt, yrd. $1950/mo +utils. 202-347-3910. TO SEE. 410-586-0120 FALLS CH—Studio apt. avail for sublease (10 mos) KENS—3BR/2BA, fen Rambler, bks to park. Open Unique, renovated lobby level apt w/spectacular NW/Allison St—Newly renov TH, 3BR, 1½BA, W/D, SW/Riverside—Top flr 1BR Also Effcy mins to or full 1 yr. lse. Avail. 7/1. $800/mo incl utils. Nice Sun 1-4. $1775+ utils. 10402 Parkwood Dr. Metro. 202-488-7132 view of trees & flowers. Garage, pools, tennis, health amens: A/C, pool, fit ctr., etc. 703-901-7489 301-681-6650 CAC/heat, nr Petworth Metro. $1750. 202-251-5029 club & more. NW/GALLERY PLACE $1950 TAKOMA PK & GAITH— NICE. All Utils. Call Peter, 301-493-4149. CAREER TRAINING AND CAREER TRAINING AND SPECTACULAR LOC./Next to MCI 301-270-8330 www.pkutemeyer.com 777 7th St. NW TEMPLE HILLS EHO FAIRFAX REALTY, 301-881-9800 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 2 brand new 1BR, 1BA Condos. Building has conf. 1 Month Rent Free* CATHEDRAL $489,900 rm., party rm, gym & Metro stop underneath. Wlk to 3110 WISCONSIN AVE. NW #104 great restaus & shpg. Provincial R.E. Call Sujata, $99 Security Deposit* Duplex condo featuring 2-BR’s, 703-288-9440 Great 1,2,3 BRs avail from $780 2.5-BA’s, new kitchen w/granite countertops, s/s NW/GALLERY PLACE—RARE, lux 1BR brand new Convenient to metro, wall-to-wall carpet, and appls., Maple cabinets, in-unit W/D, remod. BA’s, condo w/PRIVATE garden terrace. Above Metro many spacious floorplans to choose from! and OFF STREET PARKING. Sta. 24/hrs security. Prkg. $1950. 301-806-6678 Small pets welcome. Kelvin Reaves, Esq. NW/LOGAN E—Newly renov. Conv to trans & 1-866-394-2034 ReMax Allegiance (202) 548-4815 shppg. Effic. $775. 1BR $895. 202-289-4909 4637 Dallas Place Temple Hills, MD 20748 CONN AVE/DC $1300 LGE 1-BR *Select units, with approved credit OLNEY,MD $1850 Sunny 800+sq ft w/balcony! Avail immed. Quiet AMAZING END-UNIT UPPER MARL—3BR 2½BA lux TH, gar, dck, fp. condo near Van Ness Metro. No pets. This spacious brick end-unit TH sports newly reno- $1780. 301-552-4460 Mary Dimos vated kitchen & bathrooms in coveted Hallowell. UPPER MARLBORO—$1700. Spac 4BR, 3.5 BA TH @ Weichert, Realtors • 3 BDR, 2 FB, 2 HB, finished basement Marlton Twn Ctr. 3 fin lvls, dck, fncd yd, bks to trees. 202-714-6684 202-326-1300 • New Gourmet kit. w/Island Lg rec rm, 3lvl bump-out, MBR w/lux ba sep shwr & DISTRICT HGTS $79,999 • New Appliances sk tub w/jets. Avl 7/1/05. Sharon@240-832-1326 Immac. 1br, 1ba affordable brick condo. w/new kit • Remodeled Bathroom w/tile & Jacuzzi UPPER NW—Xtra LG 1BR private yard, patio. walk to applncs, cab, counter. New ba., new paint/crpt. • Pergo Flooring & New Carpet metro, W/D, DW, MW. $1000 (301)805-0943 Balc. patio. View of tennis cts., common area. Cls to • Enclosed grnd-lvl deck w/ pond UPPER WISCONSIN AVE NW — Sophisticated shops & DC. Brian, Re/Max 2000, 301-996-9695 • Sherwood Elem. schl dist. urban living. New Condos for rent. Avail. July 15. At www.listorbuyhomes.com Avail 6/25...Hurry won’t last!! Red Line Metro. Studio suites, 1BR, 1BR+Den & DUPONT CIR 2141 P ST. N.W. Unit 504—Modern Call Loren 240-938-6674 2BRs. $1300-$2800 Call: 202-345-4856. 1BR w/balcony in nicely maintained condition, Du- VIENNA —5BR, 2BA SFH, 1 ac lot, w/d, frpl, garage, pont West Condominiums, $399,500. Thomas D PENN QUARTER $2395. 703-901-5872 Walsh Inc. 202-237-8488 NR Metro Studio, luxury kit, w/w, w/d, pool, security, VIENNA/Next to Metro Dupont Circle 1-5 $289,000 Hi Rise, prkg avail, balc. $1675/mo. 301-231-0736 Brand new mid-rise luxury condo. 1 bedrm, 1 bath, Prime Location in Dupont RESTON — 3 lvl TH, fp, 2BR, 1½BA, W/D, shppng. parking, new amenities, pet deposit required. Gym Spacious sunlight-filled studio in the heart of down- $1395. 703-243-7724 & pool. $1250+electric. Call 202-352-4547 town! Lrg east facing windows, hdwd flrs updated RESTON—4BR, 3½BA Th $1999+uts. Nr Reston VIENNA STATION—1BR condo, 30 sec wlk to kit & BA, lge walk-in-closet, 24hr desk, beaut. roof Town Cntr. 703-304-9438 metro, undrgrnd prkg. Pool, clubhouse, gym $1200. deck w/pool. Near stores, rest, & gyms. Half block RIVERDALE/Open House Sat 6/11, 10-4pm-Spac 571-283-5793 from Dupont Metro & Georgetown shopping shuttle. 1-2BR, W/D, hdwd flr., balc, laun, Metro. $795- WALDORF—4 lvl TH, 5 yrs old, 4BR, 2½BA fully fin 1301 20th St NW # 801 $895+elec. Call Michele, Delwin Realty. bsmt, $1900/mo will rent w/option to buy. Andre Moeller 202-997-5673 301-577-7917 or Cell 301-755-7743 202-369-4028 WEICHERT, Realtors 202-326-1300 ROCKV—Village Green, Quiet Comm, 2 BR, 1 BA, Waldorf $2150 Fairfax $345,900 2nd Flr, W/D, Nr Metro, Avail 7/1. $1150. Wexford Village Must see!! 2BR & 2BA condo in Stonecroft, neutral 301-984-8707 Newer 4 Bdr/2.5 Bth, frml liv/din rm, fam rm. Nice carpet & decor, loads of closet space, crown mold- ROCKVILLE—$1,515—3 BR, 3 BA Cape, w/ gar for deck, fenced yard. Deposit $1150. 202-302-7752 ing, custom cabinetry, close to shops & restaurants storage, big fin bkyd. Walk to Rockvl Metro, updated WHEATON in Fair Lakes. Backs to woods & common area. Unit kitc. Call Jan, CASAS, 301-340-0558. boasts 9’ ceils, new Corian bath vanity. Community BUCKNELL features outdr pool, racket ball, exerc rm, jogging ROCKVILLE —1BR apt, pvt balc, avail 7/1, $950. Apartments paths. Call Dane RE/MAX Pref. Prop. 703-869-4567 240-888-3681 B B 13058 Autumn Woods Way #102 ROCKVILLE/GROSVENOR PARK III— Spacious 1 MONTH FREE KALORAMA/$429.9K-sz06 Wonderful duplx, 1BR, 1BA condo nr Metro, excel cond., avail immed. 1 Bedrooms from $975+ electric. 1BR, 1.5BA, open flr plan, fpl, patio, granite SS $1225 incl utils. 301-309-0259. • Spacious living area kit, hdwd flrs, Bosch w/d, pet friendly. FSB0. SE/1301 U St. — Lge 2BR w/hdwd flrs, coin op on 2145 California St. #106. For appt 202-253-3697 premise. Close to metro & shops. $753/mo. incl heat • Walk to Metro & Shopping • Central Air & Heat MT VERNON SQUARE FSBO $425,000 & hot water. Thomas D. Walsh, Inc. 202-237-8488. MUST SEE! Beaut 2BR, 2BA condo, red/yellow Call Victor, 202-726-5773 SE—1BR apt. $650+elec. No pets. Call B metro, next to pk, Historic bldg, charm. 115 New 202-265-4814, 202-889-4083. Ask for details York Ave, NW Call 202-737-4633 202-297-9450 Fred A. Smith Co. WOODBRIDGE/LAKERIDGE—3BR. den. 3½BA. 3 lvl THOMAS CIRCLE—OPEN HOUSE- June 18-19, SPA- SE— 2 & 3 BRs avail immed. Sec 8 welc. CALL FOR TH. Avail 7/1. $1875. 703-660-6752 CIOUS/GORGEOUS 2 BR, 2 bath beauty in sought-af- APPT TO SEE. Ask about move-in specials. Call Ellen, ter location, 1312 Mass. Ave. Wood floors, custom 202-561-2050 ROOMMATES blinds & garage parking. 1000 plus sq. ft., feels like SE—2 BR, 2 BA, W/D, D/W, Walk to Metro, Off E twice that. Freshfields around , metro 2 Capital st. Sec 8 OK. $1300+utils. 301-237-8711 blocks away. OPEN HOUSE for ONE weekend only, FAIRFAX—Furn. TH to SHARE, June 18 & 19 (noon-4pm). $690,000. Call SE/3209 Buena Vista Terr—Lge 1 BR w/den $950 & 419-222-1212 ext 328 for more. 2 BR $1025. SE/3217 Buena Vista Terr. 3BR$1250. PRIVATE BR & BA, ½ utils. No pets, no smkg. $695. Section 8 ok. Low security dep. Avail now. 703-250-2425 301-704-5424 FORT WASH—Furn rm for rent. $150/wk. Beautiful HOUSES FOR SALE SE/4220 9th St—Newly renov. 1 & 2BR apt. home to shr. All utils + cable included. 301-292-3679 Call 301-943-5507 202-355-4954. SE/4BR 2BA—Totally renov. Sect 8 ok. cac. w/w KENS/NIH—Shr large quiet N/S TH. Furn Master BR $ ALL CASH $ carpet. Gated. 202-439-8346 w/prvt BA + Den. $590+dep. Inclds util, a/c, w/d. FOR YOUR HOUSE Avail now. John, 301-929-0000 Any Reason or Condition S.E. 5033 Hanna Place— Lge 1BR, cls to Metro & LAUREL— Hse to shr. 3½ BA, 1 BR $425, 1 BR $500. 703-961-ALLCash AllCashForYourHouse.com Shops. $600+utils. Sect 8 ok. Thomas D Walsh Inc. All utils incl’d. Complex pool. 301-498-3813, 202-237-8488 16TH ST HGTS - RARE PROPERTY 240-678-0428, 240-731-0827 COMING SOON OPEN JUNE 19 SE-FURNISHED ROOM MANASSAS/Mt. Clair—M/F, non-smoking, MBR, Impeccable sleek renovation. Large wall to wall, separate fridge, ceil fan, Near 7D pool/tennis/shop’g. I-95 min away. NO pets. $450- 1428 Longfellow St., NW. Police $500+ 202-494-2955 $550+Butls, 703-583-7571 [email protected] <>=30Hk % "! $k4G?A4BBk!& Classifieds

Gainesville $515,500 STAFFORD- HAMPTON OAKS $447,00 MILLER’S SERVICE CTR • COMPL USED ENGS OR Lovely 4BR, 3BA brk home in Lake View Estates. Lg 3 BD/3.5 BA 2 CAR GARG REMARKABLE TRANS installed. Import or domestic. Low mi. HOUSES FOR SALE yd. Fin LL w/FP & RR. Close to I-66. 7806 Ontario Rd. Full Prt-Fin Bsmt, Gas CK/H/HW/FP, Deck, Fncd 12mo/12k mi war. Very low prices! 703-618-3389 Sheryl Kenny 703-338-2980 Crossroads Realtors Yard- FSBO 540-72-2338 109+ AC 20 Acres & Larger parcels, w/ Hard- Gallaudet University Area $525,000 2800 FT ELEV MINI ’03 Cooper—Auto, 18k mi, Dk Green, AM/FM, Multi-Family 2 Unit Sykesville $799,900 CD, Insp, Snrf, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Cruise, Tilt, woods, Streams, Just 3 miles from 1248 Florida Ave NE. Top of the line renovated VACATION AT HOME! RARE MTN VIEWS Prem & Cold Wthr Pkgs, $18,900, 703-216-9533 Historic Town and River, Great Retire- Victorian! Unit#1: 3br 2bth. Unit#2: 1br 1bth. 5 Walk to Piney Run Park from this stunning 5 BR, 4 BA BREATHTAKING VIEWS blocks to University and 1 to metro bus. Send Email MITSUBISHI—’01 Eclipse GT, V6, 26K, slvr ext, blk ment and Second Home. Less 2 hr contemporary situated on over 3 gorgeous acres & Very private, Hardwoods only 5 mins. to State Forest lthr int, snrf, 3-CD, auto, pw, below KBB, $11,000. to:jtpowell@ cbmove.com loaded with incredible features! This home is unique Beltway. JT POWELL and Greenbrier Resort. New Survey, perc. EZ Financ- Kevin, 703-930-8686 from top to bottom! ing. Only $199,900. LandinWV.com 202-465-2357 Coldwell Banker Kathy Dixon Coldwell Banker Garrett Co. MD.—Looking for a place in the coun- Call NOW PLY—’92 SUNDANCE, 4DR w/new batt & tires, excel AAFB/PG CO $180,000-$395,000 800-765-7355 or 410-707-7152 cond, 65Kmi, cln title, ask $1250. 703-556-7794 Home Buyers/Save More $$$ try? but 20 min. from the wisp ski resort or canan ski 1-877-777-4837 Lg Brk. Col, 5Br, Fin Bsmt, private locations. Free List resort 10 ac. 2 homes 1100 sqr. ft full basement wrap around deck.2 car garage walking distance for Takoma Park, MD $525000 THIS PIECE HAS IT ALL! PONT ’97 Grand Am—5 spd, 118k mi, red, AM/FM, Homes available with No Money Down. Fixer uppers WALK TO METRO CD, ABS, Cruise, Tilt, $1750, 816-668-8652 Stop Renting. Visit www.MarylandhomesMarket- fishing, hunting, 2nd home great rental 12 by 60 VIEWS AND USEABLE! trailer $139,000.00 call 301-334-1210 Beautifully updated 3BR, 1FB, 2HB. Full W-O bsmt place.com. Call 1-800-716-3409 ID#3922. den/hm offc. New Kit, granite cntrs. Claw Ft Spa tub, PORSCHE ’01 Boxster—5 spd, 29k mi, Grey, RE/MAX Allegiance GERMANTOWN $270’s Wired hm Offc, New HVAC. Possible 2nd lot. Fm TP 20 Acres AM/FM, CD, Insp, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Alloys, ACCOKEEK —4BR, 2½BA gorgeous home, avail 2 BR, 1.5 BA end unit TH. Walk to Gunners Lake. Metro-Eastern, R. Holly, L. Philadelphia to 314. One of a kind! Long-range sunset views! Access to Cruise, Tilt, $26000 FIRM, 703-346-6707 immed. 100% financing. 1549 Shellford Lane. $495,- NEEDS WORK! OPEN SAT & SUN 1-5 large river nearby! Great financing! 000. ($5000 seller help) Ken Maher 301-536-3847 16 VALLEYSIDE COURT 202-270-4802 TakomaHouse.com SAAB ’99 9-3 Black/Tan L $7,995 Please call Jan at CASAS 301-340-0558 CALL NOW KBM. 1-800-888-1262 AlexandriaVw.Com 703-684-8888 ACCOKEEK $299,990 GREAT FALLS Two beaut. flat waterfront lots. Tow- ering hdwd trees. Gas & elec. on site. Less than 1 Vienna- Walk to Metro! Only $139,900 TOYOTA ’04 Sienna—Auto, LE/9k mi, Tan, AM/FM, LOVELY RAMBLER! All brick SFH, quiet st, granite kit, deck, 3bdrm 2bath, living, family, dining, fireplace, fenced mile to Village. Build your dreams! 1.8 acres for Cass/DVD/AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Alloys, $22995, $1.2M and 3.6 acs. for $1.6M. Call 703-759-6598. Hardwoods, $724,900 0 downpayment, free rec 703-338-8344 bk yard w/private deck on almost 1/2 acre lot. Easy Msg 1-877-605-9408 ID#3061 ReMax commute! Cindy Bishop, Realtor (240)346-9097,- HAMPSHIRE CO—FSBO 6.3 wooded acs in beauti- RESORT PROPERTIES ful West VA. well & septic already on land w/under- TOYOTA ’04 Matrix XR 4WD—Auto, 8k mi, Red, Long and Foster Real Estate Inc. O:(800) 214-1145 Find Out What Your Home Is Worth Online! WWW.CBISHOPHOMES.COM ground power. Approx. 45 mins fr Winchester. AM/FM, CD, Insp, AC, PW/PDL, PS, Tilt, $15500, www.WPHomeValue.com TREASURE COAST—4/2/2 CBS immaculate home 202-251-3810 ALEX/Franconia $739,900— Det. open & light- $89,900. 304-754-3610 in golf community close to Vero Beach & beaches. filled 4BR, 3½BA, 2 car gar. home. Super maint. HILTON HEAD/Sea Pines—Lux 2BR, 2BA TH, slps 6, VIRGINIA ONLY: 1st TIME BUYER OR Diana Crawford, Realtor Laurel Agency, Inc. VOLVO ’00 S70 SE—Excel. cond., well-maint, fully in/out. Main & upper lvl mstr BR. Lg park-like yard. walk to Beach, 7/8-7/15. O.C. 120th St. —Bayside, 772-834-8369 Close in & quiet area. Jobin RE, 703-277-4516. short walk to beach, lux condo. 2BR, 2BA slps 6, UPGRADE TO NEW HOME loaded. $10,900. No. Va. 571-333-5252 NO MONEY DOWN Urbanna area $459,000 Alexandria $539,000 prime wks avail. 410-730-9135 or 443-413-4360 JUST LISTED HOWARD CO. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY —B-2 FLEXIBLE INCOME, EMPLOYMENT, AND ASSET VERI- VOLVO ’99 V70 XC-brown w/beige lthr, AWD, 64K, Stunning! Close To Everything! FICATION. CREDIT SCORE AS LOW AS 580. BANK- Charming ‘costal living‘ style home on 1.5 acres snrf, CD, htd sts, MD insp. 1 owner $12K. 30 W Glebe Rd./TH, 3lvl, 3bd, 2fba, 2hba, 1gar, lg Kit, Automotive/Retail Property, ½ ac lot, 4300 SF bldg under construction in waterfront community near w/8 bays & office, loc at 12212 Rte 108. Clarksville, RUPTCYS CONSIDERED AND NO CASH RESERVES. 301-320-0730. wd flr,5yrs young. Call K. Thomas Samson Realty CALL SEARS REALTY GROUP 703-580-7470. historic Urbanna, Va. First floor master and luxury 202-904-4513/ 395 to Glebe S, house on right. MD. 1/4 mi from Howard Co. Auto Park, Upscale bath. 2 car garage and tons of special features. residential community. Great location for auto, VW ’04 Touareg V6 $29,990 ARL N/ROSSLYN — STUDIO&1BRHOMES in River Dominion Homes & Real Estate AlexandriaVw.Com 703-684-8888 Place at reasonable prices. Near Metro. Call Beth, banks, restaurants. Brokers protected. $1.8 Million, W VA Country Retreat—4BR pioneer days log sandra sturgill 804 651-6449 Arlington Realty, 703-836-4610. ask for Marty 443-535-0900 house on 55 acres scenic privacy, gd swimming VW ’04 Touareg V8 $32,250 Lake Gaston-Waterfront —New secl 3BR, 2BA pond, 100 mi fr DC. $90/day. 301 656-3705 AlexandriaVw.Com 703-684-8888 ASH-Beth/Gaith $248,000-$879,500 rambler, 3.5 acs w/3 ac fncd, 2-c gar, w/patio. Huge REAL ESTATE SERVICES Acreage/Private Locations scrn porch & deck, sgl boat hsew/stor & party deck, Lovely Brk Front Col on 2-10 acre lots. Marble, WOODBRIDGE-Just reduced to $605K VW ’04 Jetta Certified $16,990 $459K. Open 6/18 & 6/19 540-752-2399 granite upgrades. Fin bsmt. Delux Free list of homes NEW 3 LEVEL IN EXCITING PORT POTOMAC planned AFFORDABLE /Smart Buyers, Save Big $$$ Bargain AlexandriaVw.Com 703-684-8888 w/acreage. Ramb, split lvl & T/homes, fixer-uppers LANDOVER HILLS—Lovely brick det’d home, 3 BR, community. 4BR, 3BA, fin RR, 2 car gar., lg. MBR Homes, Hud/Va/Bank Foreclosure Properties & Fix- under $350k. Visit www.Buy.Sell4.com or call 24/7. 1.5 BA, fpl, partially fin bsmt, deck. Call Joyce Elam, suite, priced under the mkt. Perfect for investors ers-uppers. Visit www.Easyhomestore.com. VW ’03 Jetta Certified $14,990 1-800-417-6081 ID#2024. RE/MAX Allegiance. 301-918-3441. Re/Max Allegiance. and tax free exchanges. Call Bill, Arlington Realty, RE/MAX Allegiance AlexandriaVw.Com 703-684-8888 Laurel $417,900 703-836-4610 Special Financing Available— Zero money down. Auction Sale -—3 Bedroom Rancher in College 4 BR Rambler w/ inground pool, in-law suite. 11906 No closing cost. You may qualify, DC, PG, Mont. Call VW ’03 Passat Wagon Cert $18,850 Park (within walking distance of the Greenbelt Callow Terrace. Al Carroll, 240-387-5553 RE/MAX XL. AlexandriaVw.Com 703-684-8888 Metro) 9617 51st Pl. Updated Kit., Carpet & Flooring. Tracy Smith 301-537-1380 LOTS & ACREAGE WE DO THE LOANS NO ONE ELSE CAN Sale on the premises June 29th @ 2:30 pm. Open Fairfax Realty 301-439-9500 VW ’02 Cabrio GLS 27K Cert $15,950 We accept scores below 500 and do unique deals. AlexandriaVw.Com 703-684-8888 House June 27th 5-7pm. For more info call Scott LAUREL/Baltimore Ave—1 rm shr ofce condo. We also do 2nd trust loans for remodeling & repair. Frank 410-977-4712 or see www.alexcooper.com $500+utl 301-552-4460 All situations considered for residential & commer- VW ’02 Jetta GLX Cert $18,890 Leesburg-Potomac Station $749,990 FOR SALE BY OWNERS cial real estate. We save homes from foreclose & AlexandriaVw.Com 703-684-8888 3 Level, 5 BRM, 3.5 bath 31+ AC with State Rd Frontage, Hard- bankruptcies. Call Ms. Sampson, 240-314-0399 x 17. Beautiful brick front colonial. Enjoy the great view woods and breathtaking building site. VW ’02 Jetta GLX Certified $16,995 from the screen porch, deck or patio. LL is 1 BRM AlexandriaVw.Com 703-684-8888 apartment. Great community, near lots of shopping! Only $99,900. WHEELS 703-628-4695 Call 1-304-262-2770 VW ’02 Golf GLS Cert $15,500 LET ME WALK WITH YOU DOWN THE ROAD—to a AlexandriaVw.Com 703-684-8888 lower monthly payment, 540-720-6225; BMW ’01 740i SPORT—Burgandy/Tan lthr, 37K mi, 703-944-6651 Excel Cond, Loaded! $38,000 OBO. 703-869-0615 MTN BARGAIN CHEVY ’01 Tracker—45k mi, Blk/Silver, AM/FM, CD, VW ’02 Passat GLX 4M Cert $21,550 LORTON -$620,000 — New/immed. avail 3 BR TH in AC, PW/PDL, Cruise, $12000, 301-752-4084 AlexandriaVw.Com 703-684-8888 Prestigious Lorton Valley! Eat in Kit, Corian Cntrtps, 28+ AC 9 ft ceilings, FP,Eleg MBR suite, bay window. Nr VRE. CHEVY ’94 Blazer Tahoe 4x4— auto, 4 dr, all pwr, BALTIMORE/WESTPORT AREA — 3BR, 1 BA near lthr, excel cond. MD insp. $2550 301-262-2179 VW ’01 Beetle GLS Cert $13,990 Call Bill, Arlington Realty 703-836-4610 SEASONAL STREAM AlexandriaVw.Com 703-684-8888 dntwn, very close to 295. Must sell. 571-225-0687. BREATHTAKING VIEWS FORD ’98 Explorer (Eddie Bauer)—Auto, 66K, Red, BETHANY BEACH—new 6BR, 5.5BA oceanfront LYNCHBURG, VA. —60 acs w/house on private lake, AM/FM, Cassette, CD, Insp, Snrf, Mnrf, AC, PW/PDL, home in the private Middlesex Beach. Great ocean great Get Away $300,000 Hardwoods and Ridge Top offers views of State VW ’01 Passat Wgn Certified $15,850 PS, ABS, Alloys, Cruise, Tilt, $12000, 703-927-6993 AlexandriaVw.Com 703-684-8888 views, private beaches access, 3 master suites, LYNCHBURG, VA. —1.85 acs, waterfront lot, Forest and sweeping Long range MTN. Views. ONLY $250,000 434-546-3225 ONE, for $119,900, Special Financing. FORD ’93 Taurus SW—loaded, velour seats, 96K finest finishes, lots of decks & porches. $3.65 mi, cass, clean, new tires. $1500/OBO. Northern Va.—We will buy your home in any CALL NOW for Appointment VW ’01 Golf GLS Cert $13,495 million. ResortQuest Real Estate 202-345-1383 AlexandriaVw.Com 703-684-8888 800-549-1190 condition in 7 days and give you $1000’s more than 1-877-777-4837 GMC ’03 SONOMA CARGO VAN www.resortquestde.com/wpn the other investors. Call us today for details Excel Cond, Wht, $10,000 OBO. 703-862-4952 VW ’00 Passat GLS V6 30K $12,950 CENTREVILLE - BRAND NEW TH’s AVAIL IN FAIR- 202-258-3207 AlexandriaVw.Com 703-684-8888 FAX & PRINCE WILLIAM CO. 4BR 3½BA 2 car gar NW/LOGAN EAST CONV. CTR—Warehse ofc. Mtn. Land Bargains, High Elevation. GMC ’88 C-6000—5 spd, p/s. $5100, 703-339-9830/ brick front end unit. sunrm. AND Dumfries. 3BR 2½ 2000sqft., prkg, overhead doors. $2750. Adjoins Pristine State Forest, 20+ AC to Pager: 703-458-4126 Leasing available. VW ’00 Jetta GLS Nice $9,850 BA. 2 car garage, end unit, lg yard. Avail 7/1. Call 202-289-4909 100 AC, Sweeping Mtn. Views, Streams HONDA ’03 Civic Hybrid—5 spd, 38k mi, Tan, AlexandriaVw.Com 703-684-8888 703-660-6752 O.C./115th St. —Oceanfront, 3BR, 2BA condo, Sat AM/FM/XM, 6-CD, AC, ABS, ext. warranty, CENTREVILLE—JUST LISTED. $489,000. Lovely 3BR/ to Sat rentals $1950/wk. 301-440-0095 www.liveinwv.com $12,500 301-502-6008 YAMAHA ’01—XT 225, 1837 Miles, Street/Dirt, 3½BA 3 fin lvl TH in Compton Village. 9’ ceils. Cntry OCEAN CITY REALTY —Why rent? 44 condos for JEEP ’01 Cherokee 60th Anniversary Edition Electric start, $1950, 301-495-0770 x 376 kit. brkfrnt. bay win. 20x20 deck. fp, huge bsmt. sale now, $138K-$200K. Frank @ 240-271-5552 —COLLECTORS ITEM- Auto, 66.7k mi, Black, CD, AC, study rm or 4th BR. 703-818-6582; 202-746-8126 PIEDMONT, WEST VIRGINIA ONLY ONE PW/PL/PS, Alloys, Cruise, $14750, 703-200-6969 COLUMBIA—FOR SALE BY OWNER-Spacious, 3 yr 4BR, 2BA, 25 mins from , 25 mins MAZDA ’03 B2300—5 spd, 25k mi, Silver, AC, $8500 BOATS young, 5BR, 3.5 bath, 3-level SFH, finished base- from Cumberland, MD & Interstate 68, needs TLC, MTN. PARADISE OBO, Mfr Warranty Transfers, 773-206-5612 ment. Convenietly located. $629,000 $60,000. 304-788-1250 THIS CLOSE TO D.C.! MAZDA ’97 Protege—5 spd, 87k mi, black, AM/FM, (410) 884-3527 PW COUNTY CENTER—upscale commty, NEW CD, Insp, AC, PW/PDL, PS, ABS, Cruise, Very Clean, HONDA INTERCEPTOR 800FI ’04—New w/1700 const, never lived in, 3 lvl TH, 3br/3.5ba, gourmet kit 21 ACRES - $119,900 Good Cond. Tilt, $2575, 240-286-2639 miles. Runs perfect Fast comfortable Red sport/ Columbia Heights $360,000 Park like setting with 771 Fairmont St., N.W. w/ gran tops. h’wood frls, 2 car gar, rec/shop. $490k MERCEDES-BENZ ’87 560SL—Beautiful convert- tourer $8600, 410-867-6941 OPEN HOUSE 6/15 3-7, 6/19 1-5. 703-283-9725 Hardwood and stream, Ready ible, Auto, 41k mi, Slate/Tan, AC, CD, all records. 2 bdrms, 1 bath w/skylight. Pergo flooring on 1st to enjoy! Special Financing. level, new carpet, fireplace, freshly painted, & SE/Congress Hts/Anacostia—needs renovating. $17000, 301-580-2417 SEA RAY ’98 250 Sundancer—Very low hours, exposed brick. For more info call (301) 503-3750 or Semi-detached, brick 2 BR, LR/DR, hdwd flrs, full CALL NOW for Appt MGB- ’79 V8—Restored Classic, BritGreen, 4 spd- extremely clean, $37,000 for pictures & info call visit www.bettysharper.com, RE/MAX bsmt, fncd yd, $160’s. Mirman, 240-353-6214 1-800-888-1262 220hp, 240-599-2009 703-430-4993 !'k4G?A4BBk % "! $k<>=30H ^^  ;CA4=3B2D;CDA438B2>E4A84B8340B?4>?;4^dcZ 

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