Baltimore County, Maryland 2017 Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan
Baltimore County, Maryland 2017 Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan As Adopted by the Baltimore County Council June 5, 2017 COUNTY COUNCIL OF BALTIMORE COUNTY, MARYLAND Legislative Session 2017, Legislative Day No. 10 Resolution No. 55-17 Mr. Tom Quirk, Chairman By Request of County Executive By the County Council, May 25, 2017 A RESOLUTION to adopt the Baltimore County, Maryland 2017 Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan (LPPRP) as an addendum to the Baltimore County Master Plan 2020. WHEREAS, the Baltimore County Council adopted the Baltimore County Master Plan 2020 on November 15, 2010; and WHEREAS, the Baltimore County Council adopted the 2005-2006 Baltimore County Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan Update as a Baltimore County Master Plan 2020 addendum on January 20, 2015; and WHEREAS, Title 5, Subtitle 9 of the Natural Resources Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland requires a local governing body to revise its land preservation and recreation plan every five years and submit the plan to the Maryland Departments of Natural Resources and Planning for review and approval; and WHEREAS, the Baltimore County Departments of Recreation and Parks, Planning, and Environmental Protection and Sustainability worked cooperatively to draft the required 2017 Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan; and WHEREAS, the Baltimore County Planning Board approved the 2017 Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan on April 20, 2017; and WHEREAS, the Baltimore County Council has reviewed the amended 2017 Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Council of Baltimore County, Maryland that the Baltimore County, Maryland 2017 Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan, be and is hereby adopted and incorporated into the Baltimore County Master Plan 2020 to serve as a guide for meeting the recreation, park, and open space needs of the Citizens of Baltimore County; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be sent to the Maryland Departments of Natural Resources and Planning.
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