Vegetation Alliances of Western Riverside County, California

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Vegetation Alliances of Western Riverside County, California Vegetation Alliances of Western Riverside County, California By Anne Klein and Julie Evens California Native Plant Society 2707 K Street, Suite 1 Sacramento CA, 95816 Final report prepared for The California Department of Fish and Game Habitat Conservation Division Contract Number: P0185404 August 2005 (Revised April 2006) TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................1 METHODS .......................................................................................................................................................1 Study area.................................................................................................................................................1 Figure 1. Study area in Western Riverside County within Southern California, showing ecological subsections...............................................................................................................................................3 Sampling...................................................................................................................................................4 Figure 2. Locations of field surveys within Western Riverside County.....................................................5 Existing Literature Review ........................................................................................................................7 Cluster analyses for vegetation classification...........................................................................................7 Classification and Key ..............................................................................................................................8 Description Writing....................................................................................................................................9 RESULTS.......................................................................................................................................................11 Figure 3. Example diagram from the cluster analysis showing the arrangement of a subset of chaparral surveys....................................................................................................................................................13 CLASSIFICATION ............................................................................................................................................14 CROSSWALKS TO OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS....................................................................................................14 Table 1. Final floristic classification of Western Riverside County nested within the National Vegetation Classification System (NVCS) formation hierarchy, with associated mapping classification codes. .....15 Table 2. Proposed additional plant communities that have been personally observed or included in other reports............................................................................................................................................35 KEY ..............................................................................................................................................................37 Table 3. Field key to the defined vegetation associations of Western Riverside County, California. ....38 TREE-OVERSTORY VEGETATION ....................................................................................................................63 Abies concolor-Calocedrus decurrens Alliance (White Fir – Incense Cedar) ........................................63 Abies concolor-Pinus lambertiana Alliance (White Fir – Sugar Pine).....................................................65 Alnus rhombifolia Alliance (White Alder) ................................................................................................67 Calocedrus decurrens Alliance (Incense Cedar)....................................................................................70 Eucalyptus spp. Alliance (Eucalyptus)....................................................................................................72 Pinus attenuata Alliance (Knobcone Pine) .............................................................................................73 i Pinus contorta Alliance (Lodgepole Pine)...............................................................................................75 Pinus coulteri Alliance (Coulter Pine) .....................................................................................................76 Pinus coulteri-Quercus chrysolepis Alliance (Coulter Pine – Canyon Live Oak) ...................................78 Pinus flexilis Alliance (Limber Pine)........................................................................................................80 Pinus jeffreyi Alliance (Jeffrey Pine) .......................................................................................................82 Pinus quadrifolia Alliance (Parry Pinyon) ...............................................................................................85 Platanus racemosa Alliance (California Sycamore) ...............................................................................87 Platanus racemosa-Populus fremontii Alliance (California Sycamore – Fremont Cottonwood) ............89 Populus fremontii Alliance (Fremont Cottonwood) .................................................................................91 Pseudotsuga macrocarpa Alliance (Bigcone Douglas-fir) ......................................................................94 Quercus agrifolia Alliance (Coast Live Oak)...........................................................................................96 Quercus chrysolepis Alliance (Canyon Live Oak) ..................................................................................99 Quercus engelmannii Alliance (Engelmann Oak).................................................................................101 Quercus kelloggii Alliance (Black Oak).................................................................................................104 Salix gooddingii Alliance (Black Willow) ...............................................................................................106 Salix laevigata Alliance (Red Willow) ...................................................................................................109 SHRUB-OVERSTORY VEGETATION................................................................................................................111 Adenostoma fasciculatum Alliance (Chamise) .....................................................................................111 Adenostoma fasciculatum-Arctostaphylos glandulosa Alliance (Chamise – Eastwood Manzanita) ....114 Adenostoma fasciculatum-Arctostaphylos glauca Alliance (Chamise – Bigberry Manzanita) .............116 Adenostoma fasciculatum-Ceanothus crassifolius Alliance (Chamise-Hoaryleaf Ceanothus) ............118 Adenostoma fasciculatum-Ceanothus cuneatus Alliance (Chamise – Wedgeleaf Ceanothus)...........120 Adenostoma fasciculatum-Ceanothus greggii Alliance (Chamise – Cupleaf Ceanothus)....................122 Adenostoma fasciculatum-Salvia apiana Alliance (Chamise - White Sage) ........................................124 Adenostoma fasciculatum-Salvia mellifera Alliance (Chamise – Black Sage) .....................................126 Adenostoma fasciculatum-Xylococcus bicolor Alliance (Chamise – Mission Manzanita)....................128 Adenostoma sparsifolium Alliance (Redshank) ....................................................................................130 Adenostoma sparsifolium-Adenostoma fasciculatum Alliance (Redshank – Chamise).......................133 Adenostoma sparsifolium-Cercocarpus betuloides Alliance (Redshank – Birchleaf Mountain- mahogany)............................................................................................................................................135 Arctostaphylos glandulosa Alliance (Eastwood Manzanita) .................................................................137 Artemisia californica Alliance (California Sagebrush)...........................................................................139 Artemisia californica-Eriogonum fasciculatum Alliance (California Sagebrush – California Buckwheat) ..............................................................................................................................................................141 Artemisia californica-Salvia apiana Alliance (California Sagebrush – White Sage).............................143 ii Artemisia californica-Salvia mellifera Alliance (California Sagebrush – Black Sage)...........................145 Artemisia tridentata Alliance (Big Sagebrush)......................................................................................147 Baccharis salicifolia Alliance (Mulefat) .................................................................................................149 Ceanothus crassifolius Alliance (Hoaryleaf Ceanothus) ......................................................................151 Ceanothus cuneatus Alliance (Wedgeleaf Ceanothus)........................................................................153 Ceanothus integerrimus Alliance (Deerbrush)......................................................................................155 Ceanothus leucodermis Alliance (Chaparral Whitethorn) ....................................................................157 Ceanothus
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