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ANALISIS INTERAKSI EKONOMI DAN PERDAGANGAN KOMODITI HASIL PERTANIAN KABUPATEN/KOTA DI WILAYAH PROVINSI JAWA TIMUR Oleh: Sasongko Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. Abstrak Penelitian ini mempunyai beberapa tujuan mengetahui potensi masing-masing kabupaten yang mendukung aktivitas perdagangan diwilayah Jawa Timur. Ingin mengetahui tingkat interaksi antarwilayah di Jawa Timur dengan Surabaya, serta pola interaksi perdagangan terkait dengan potensi produksi komoditi sector pertanian pada wilayah Kabupaten di Jawa Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan potensi produksi untuk komoditi padi/beras Potensi masing-masing komoditi pertanian terutama tanaman pangan di Jawa Timur seperti padi terspesialisasi pada wilayah Jawa Timur bagian timur dan utara. Sedangkan untuk tanaman pangan jagung tersebar merata pada beberapa Kabupaten dengan sentra produksi di Sumenep, Kediri, Tuban, Jember dan Malang. Untuk potensi produksi daging berlokasi disekitar Surabaya, seperti Mojokerto, Sidoarjo dan Nganjuk. Potensi produksi susu terkonsentrasi pada lokasi wilayah dataran tinggi wilayah Kabupaten Malang, Pasuruan dan kota Batu. Sedangkan potensi produksi telur terkonsentrasi di wilayah Blitar, Kota Blitar dan Magetan. Tingkat interaksi perdagangan komoditi pada wilayah Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Timur dan Surabaya dengan menggunakan indeks gravitasional meunjukkan semakin besar indeks gravitasional semakin besar pula arus komoditi yang masuk dari wilayah sentra produksi ke Surabaya. Sedangkan pola interaksi perdagangan untuk komoditi daging cenderung berlokasi dekat dengan kota Surabaya. Untuk komoditi susu, arus komoditi tertuju pada suatu industri pengolahan susu yang ada di wilayah Kabupaten Pasuruan. Untuk pola perdagangan telur bersumber dari wilayah sentra penghasil seperti Blitar yang lokasinya relatif cukup jauh dari Surabaya. Kata kunci: interaksi ekonomi, perdagangan, komoditi pertanian. 87 THE ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC INTERACTION AND TRADING ON AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES IN THE REGENCIES AND CITIES OF EAST JAVA PROVINCE By: Sasongko Faculty of Economics Brawijaya University, Malang Abstract This study is intended to reveal the potential of each regency in East Java area to support trading activity in the province. It is also eager to find out the inter-region interaction level of East Java’s regions with Surabaya, and also the pattern of trading interaction related to production potential of crop commodities in the regencies of East Java. The result of the study shows production potential for rice. The potential of each commodity are specialized in the eastern and northen regions of East Java. For maize, the production potential are spread over several regencies with Sumenep, Kediri, Tuban and Malang as the center of production, especially contentrated in dry land areas of each regency. For meat, the production potential is located around Surabaya, such as Mojokerto, Sidoarjo and Nganjuk. The potential production of milk is concentrated in the high land regions of Malang regency, Pasuruan and Batu city. For milk, the climate has important role in the selection of production location. The production potential of egg is concentrated in Blitar region, Biltar city and Magetan. The level of trading interaction of the commodities in the regencies and cities of East Java and Surabaya areas by applying gravitational index shows that the bigger score in gravitational index lead to the bigger flow of the commodity entering Surabaya from the production center regions. While the pattern of trading interaction for meat tends to locate near Surabaya. For milk, the commodity’s flow is directed to milk processing industry which is located in Pasuruan regency. Egg trading pattern is based on the production center regions, such as Blitar which is far located from Surabaya. Keyword: economic interaction, trading, agricultural commodities. .