OBAIN. .WHEAT, No. I, white. -WHEAT, No, 2, white,.; WHEAT, No. 2, red. WHEAT, rejected Ed. Lewis baa liad his house painted! aeo,M. Dayton to Catherine &Iolt,4 rods CORN, la thu ear, per bushel.. this spHnK. - • ana w by iM rods 6 llnki n and s on OATS, per bushel. Some of our farmera have commeno* . .. tansing Xia0KI.I,AMBOVS. EXCITEMENT chnncory hnvhig hiioh Innlllutcd lu recover any od planting corn. ' James A. and Matild'a k B. Buerwood to' LAND PLASTER, por ton .s so@e 00 part lliurool, nnd llm power of anlo thurcin een- Ellcabetb Uyan,Bl.... j ofllota7ana8bloei k talncd, hnving hceuinu shaolulu by virtue of tbe Wbou lost heard from Mrs. BenJ. HALT, Saginaw, per barrel .. DO® 05 •tatnto 111 i/i ot snetlon 2S, Wllllamstown... 4,0(0 ONIONS, per bushel 75 tornuy fuu of twuiity-iivu ilollurs. covonnniod for niSCELIiAIIBOIIS. a half pounds, What does tliat mean? received on Monday night a highly DONALDSON & BlOH'S lu a flourishing state under the care of Chas, E,Paddoek to Robert LaRue, 12 LIVE STOCK ANO XRA'TS. theruin. 'riio land descrihud in snid inortgngo Is V. J. TEFPT. established a branch store at Klnnle- rods n nnd a by 128 rodseand w on north CATTLE, por 100 pounds 3 0O@4 00 thu wust half of thu nurthunat qnurtorof section FARMERr MUTUAL Early yesterday morning a tenement favorable offer from Frederick Warde, ville aud were doing a thriving busi­ L. W. Baker superintendent. side of Grand River Street, Williams. > thirtylwn in loniialilp Ihruu north of range two RE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ING- the tragedian, to become a member of The Methodist quarterly meeting town 1,M0 HOGS, per ion pounds 4 00®4 2iS Oreat Bargain Sales, I weal, lu liiuhnni county, statu nf Michigan. -^hainTOunty, Safest, cheapest, best. For house fell In Jersey City, N. J,, caus­ ness, until last Tuesday night, when John D. Keelor to HaruU A, Luinburd, PORK, dressed, por 100 pounds 5 OOi^S SO ' EMMAO. UKKI),SlortBngoi), Oa. y.sr, II.SO; six moathi, 7S M*i«t Ikr*. Jntormatlon write toO.K Miller, secretary, bla supporting company next season. M cnnii M mwas hel d at the M. K church in the lot 4 block 12, Leslie '750 LvoisN Ruitn, Allorncy for Mortgogoo. moaths, 40 e.sit—is sdvanc Mason. Samuel Skadan, presldent,Dansvllie. ing the death of four persons, and ser­ tbe store and Its contents were burned. SHOULDERS, per pound ® 7 Mr, Edwards bas accepted tbe oflbr village of Holt, Saturday , alternoon W. W. Moot to Mnrsarot S, Root, lots 10 Is without a parallel this season. We never havo carried as large and complete DatedApril 28,1885^ iously injuring an unknown number. Loss about $1,500; Insurance not more United with the— and Sunday, May 10-17. and U block 10, Mason ,., £77 HAMS, per pound @ 0 ADVERTitlNa IIATEt. ONEY TO LOAN, BY THE REAL ES- and will Join the company In August. Ann B. Waldo to Alfred Allen, o H of CHICKENS, per pound, dr«HK0d & 10a n assortment and never have had as great advantages to buy goods far below _Ot;r advertising rates made knowu at offloe.M tato Agent, JoHW DuNsnAOK. than two-thirds tbat amount. The Mason Salvationists made an lot D block Wllllainalon iiOa regular values. First, wo havo all the money we could wish for on the snot to TEACIlEns.-VUllLIC EXAMINATIOK6 Business cards 81 a line per year. Rev. Mr, McCoy's memorial sermon W. W. Welcher of Lansing, a prac­ Attack on Holt sinners last Tuesday. Steplion A. BIgelow to ilUNen A. Blire- CHICKENS.por pound, nlivc ® 7 rwill hu huld na I'olhiws: Third grade ex­ Business loeala dve eenta per line each,and LARK HOUSE, Win. H. Clark, proprietor. at the M. E. church last Sunday was News comes from Marquette of a f M Cinais! «t\M nwA «"•« •unnn»>#^1l* octijiiuijfa ,.%\ Ul\ lt.«.».. iviiiiw. ... wiiuI A.t ..u lurnuiu JuupresHio * nAt. mer _*•..e is in• iiie iiinrKc* > . t On Thursday last a detachtneiit of the low. 8 M of »w tvU >4 ot seotlon 30, TUniCUYS,'por pound, alive '. ® 8 aminntlon will hu liuld ut l.caliu, Kriiliiy, Fuhrn- •very Insertion, C Best one dollar a day house In the eity. tical well-borer, went to Ionia on Mon­ riot between different factions of ore 400 IIUIt.m.NO .MATF.UIAI.. and the number of failures reported every day, the same throwing elegant nry '27,188.",; ut Witiinmaion, Kridiiy. March 13; Marriage, birth, and death notices firee. an eloquent discourse which has been day to assist L. J. Lincoln in boring salvation army of Lansing passed Dnii, llulto'u"lo\viiiiuco«l^^^^^^ stocks on the market from 40 to 60 cents on tho dollar. Compare the two nt Mnann, Kridtiy..March ::7; at Oniisvillc.Prlday, Obituary notices, resolutions of respect, M. DRESSER loans money, buys notes, highly commended by nil who heard trimmers, in which captains of sever­ through the pleasant village of Hult ne >4 ot Heotlon 12, Alaledon i!,flOO WATER LIME, per biirrol @1 SO April 21. eardi of tbanks, ete„ five eenta a line. J. and makes collections; also Are Insur. an artesian well for water-works pur­ John IJ. Coon and wllelo franklin W. CALCINljlD l'I,A.STER, per bHrrol...2 25@2S0 points nnd you will readily seo how we can sell goods so much cheaper than Appilculione for llr»t nnd Hucond grndo ccrtitl- anee agent. Olllee In Farmers'bank. It. al boats had to act as peace oflicers, on their way to attend the "immense Ilnvensnnd wife, 0 rods nnd 13 leeln LIME. |>ur Inirrol 85® 00othe r houses. catua will bu received nt thu Mnaon oxaminn- poses, Ionia has been woried over and among them was Capt, Landfalr go" nt Mason. und a by 12 rods e and w, FItchburg 075 tlons. XHB NEWS JOB BOOM RAKELA MEHAN, proprietors of city Melior Turner to Amolliv MoMunlmon, PLA.STI';UINa HAIR, por liunlicl 28® Thu hoiird helleve tlitit teachers durivu great Reference to our time tables will the fact that ber water supply, pro­ of the Colonial. 0 pnrlof lots blockJi.Okeinoa SHINOLli:S, per l.housniid 1 00®3 50 Is supplied with tho best machinery that F bakery. Fresii'reshh breaii, pies, and cakes. OKEHOS. 350 buuclU from atiunititiieo lipon teuchora' ilisti show that the evening train north will cured from the gravel beds and adja­ Apparently the time for tbe dissolu­ Horace A. Holcomb to Wni. li. Webster, AGIlICUI/rUItAL SALT, per ton @« 00 tales, and will iiotlcu .ciicli alteiiduiice in their money can buy, lltted for steam power, a large AYERS 4 PHELPS, dealers In hardware, hereafter pass 17 minutes later and the 15 nores on o y. at nw frl, fi of sccUuu LAN'O I'LASl'KU.por ton 5 Sll®fl 00 esllniuto (if thu value of u.Minilli.itioii papers. assortment of the latest styles of Type, Bor­ s stoves, tinware, nails, glass, putty, etc. cent hills is inadeipiate, and an artes­ tion of the major part of our sidewalks Tlie cheese factory is to be running 8l», Lnnslng...; 800 'I'liird gtiidu HtnUlurt will hu orthography and evening train south Ave minutes ian well commenced last summer SjMyin L, Molulier to A. K IJnriios, lots 4, ^L.\'rH , per M (cot (5)4 fiO graininur, runding, writing nnd spelling, gcogrn ders, etc., enabling us to do Job Printing on p. BROWN, mnnir. nnd deuler In harness, has come. Tbey seem to be going to Junelst.. 5, 8 nud H 1 rod of a bloolt 7, OUoinos iLOOH !i phy, uriihinutic, tlieory und tirt of teuciilng. Ihort notice, at low prices, and in the earlier. Justifles tbe outlay required for liorlng - Chas. Strayer und Maliuda Kirkpat- Wllliniu Hurtwig to John lleutley, no United Stutea lilattiry. ptiviiiulogy und civil gov- c , saddles, whips, robes, trunks, etc,, etc. pieces all at once like the "one-liosa rlek were iiinrrled nt tho M. E. par­ frl. '4 of nw frl. '4 of sec. 2, Whito Oak110 0 cniinent. 'I'lie Necuiiil grude Hlndlcs will boas BEST POSSIBLE MANNER! BEECH & SON, proprietors of the Mnson Flowers for decoration day should, a sufficient number to fully supply tbe shay." Tbe ends of boards stick up Eil DnvlatoA, M, Chiyninii, pnrt of lot al>ovo wltii tile luldltion of algebra, and phiioao- B foundry and machine shops. Repairing, city, sonage May 11.' 17 of (lub. of sw '4 of soctlou ID,Lnn.slng • 100iViiGHiGA N ^Tentral {^WE ABE STILL BUNNINO AS LEADEBS: We do ns good work as can be obtained any­ be brought to the M. E, church as and holes nre broken through In many T. F. Davis has completed his store­ O. M. llnrucs to Augustus 1'. Uutty, lots ' ' 'l^liu fiilhnvliig rules will he ohserved in tbe C, WEBB, exclusive dealer In clothing early as possible Saturday morning. places. In some localities tbe only biocit 27, MiisoH 100 I ccninumtion of teucherH: where, and parties In need of commercial or , and genu' furnishing goods, Muson. Mark Sackner arraigned iu Justice j house nnd Islillliigitwith articles from Jacob UcCnuip to Orlando and Jane The other merchants' §1,25 Black Gros Grain Silk, @ 1, 'file secrotury shiill. In no case, grant moro fancy Job Printing of any description are They will be taken charge of by Mrs, Hebburd's court on Saturday—drunk 'saf e way for two to walk Is for one to his machine shop. l^uny, lot 7 blucic 8 Woodwortii dc The other merchants' $1,25 Colored Gros Grain Silk, © ; than one specinl curtilicuti' lo uny perhon. requested to call, examine styles, and obtain REED, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE Harper Reed. Dwlght.'s addlllou, Leslie 300 2. The secretary shull not grant special cortlil- I. In Rayner block over City Bakery, —admitted officer's statement tliat be follow behind the otber and avoid Mrs. G. E. Hollister is with her Fhobo Moore to Jasper W. aiul Alleo S. Elegant guaranteed goods 24-iiich from.. 91,26 to $3~00 catea to any pursoii wlio. upon e.xiini[nation, fail, prices before placing tlieir orders. being tripiied by tbe loose and crooked lather and mother in Howell. The Garlocit, w of u 4 rods of lot 5 block Satin Rhademns, Satin Duchesse, Brocaded Velvets, Rich Brocaded Silks and cd to aecuro a ccrtillcntc at thepievioaa public Eddie, son of Chiw. Curry, fell from was so beautifuli inebriated as to be block 217, LuuHing 000 Wa GDAUANTHF. PicnrEcrr SATtHVACTloN. O. pullOIS. DEALER IN HEAVY AND boards. There are liable to l>e Injuries former is very low. E. \V. Howe to Emory 1). Howe, so ii ol Velvets specially designed lor fronts. Surahs, Armure Silks and everything I cxunilnnlloii. A. Shelf Hardware. Maple street. Mason. Wm. H, Rnyner's barn last Monday unaware of his own whereabouts—ten Dr. A. Ferguson will give a temper­ so '4 ol section 27, Whito Oak 2,000 that could be called for in u Mammoth Silk Stock. 1 3. Kuch ptirsiin apiil.ving to the secretary for alternoon and broke both bones of his days in Muson Jail. Pat O'Brien—up as a result unless tbe people ur tbe CHARLES ; e.\unilnatioii HIIUII pay tn ilie secretary an Instl- Merchniits' Protective Associat'n town do considerable repairing. -Will exhibit nt- ance lecture nt the Presbyterian church C, Frrcit, Registeri inte feu and an e.\:iinltiatioii fee. Hew Adv«rtlaem«iitaThl.W«.k. right arm just above tho wrist. Dr. same day—stole piece of dried beef ne.\t Sunday evening. . J. 8. lIUi-TiiN, rrealdunt, Wllllnmston, Business Cnrd-Dr. J. B. Dodge. Dodge set the bones. from George Gaiissly's grocery—bad G. E. Hollister was called to Victor By land or at sea, out on tlie prairie, • The J/iagara Falls (Route. A. K. IIAHKV, Secretary, I'liie l.akc, Douuldsoii »t Rich's Circus nd. On Monday H. M. Williams pur­ or ill the crowded city, Aycr'a Cathar­ Something Good! Look Here! .lAV CAI.KINS, Leslie. no use for It after be got it—sold it for on Sunday to officiate at the funeral of Hoard School Examiners. -)T-H-E(- Manager Rayner has some expecta­ chased the house aud six lots compris­ Mrs. Giinn who resld»d at Lansing. tic Pills are the best for purgative New Unnlnea. LoeaU. tion that the distinguished prima 25 cents and "a mug o' beer"—admit­ purposes, everywhere alike coiivcu- Tie Great East an J West Higliway. We arc running one lot of 50 pieces 44-inch all wool line Black Cashmere, ing the Steele property, in tbe north A special township meeting Is called Clothlng-J. C. Wlllmoro; ^ donna, Clara Louise Kellogg, with a ted the whole business—is at Mason, imrt of tbe city. Dr. Campbell at lent, efllcncious, and safe. For slng- CO>l»KS:ji;» IIMK FUOJI SIASON. worth 89c,, ® 69c. Rooms to Rent—.Mrs. Opdyke, too—20 days for Patrick. May ^Oth to vote on bonding the town gish bowels, torpid liver, indigestion, Elegant assortments of Henriettas, Tmnise, Brocaded Velvet Grenadines, Crepe Hnrry H.-E, E. Grlfflth. concert company, will apjiear at tbe once purchased of Mr. Williams tbe for $1,400 to build an Iron bridge over btid breatii, llatuleiicy, and sick licad- .SOUTHWAni). Clark Houso-W. H, Clark. Rayner opera house this season. Cedai?rlver at .Strayer's crossing. Leave .Miisou 10:18 It. IU. S:,'io p. in. da Chine, Silk Warn, Nuns' Veilings, Courtauld's Crape, etc., etc. mmm mmmBoots nnd Shoes—F. W, Webb. A new bunking institution, which north half of the parcel, and each will Giving two grand exhibitions dallyi- aciie, they are a sure remedy. 11:10 " if.ir, " Big drive in Rich Plaids which could not be imported less than aSc. per Ford's.Flvo and Ton Cent Bnziuir. 11 a«««ses. |>B.CIABKSiitho the court-house this evening to Given away at Webb's store next", enduring every hardship, laid down erans all iieee.saary information about NOIlTHWAltlJ. J, Beal was elected president, M, D. gone to Stockbrldge. the various attractive routes it oilers to I^H^^HIoldest Advcrtiiiog Phyiioian, a* devise means for securing lire protec­ Saturday, I will give a nice blacking their lives in defense of their ^Pree to Everybody. Lt'HVo .liicksoii lA't 11, III. .1:111 p. IU, The choicest new goods in Hats and Bonnets, trimmed and uutrlmnled, files of Papers show and all old ReitdcaU know. Todd vice-president, und S, B. Cnrr Thero is some talk of celebrating the Nntlonni Encampment at Port- •' .MnKOn Si'JO '• r,:crj '• Ag* and •spetitnet Zmportaat. brush and box of blacking with every country. So long as the generation Fourth of July at this place. laud, June 24tli, und is of unusual Arr. I.uiisiiig S:l.'i " 5:30 •" Flowers, Feathers, Plumes, trimmings of ull descriptions. Expert trimmers tion. All Interested should turn out. cnsliier. The new bank will com­ " Owosao !i:.'>.'l " 7:10 " do all of our work. JWMatVOUl DiltaiM («iih or withettt dretmiO pair of means' tine slioes sold fer cash. that knew them lives, once each year fi^Remember the price of admis­ The Baptists have concluded not to public interest. Tli'e induceiueiits to 8:3.1 " or dtbllitjr and toiloTMrTt powsr treatedscicB- mence business June 1, in tbe build­ is not ioo often to devote a day to an Eastern trip, cotubiiiiug a visit to " Siiitlnivw Uity ll:2.-> " tifically by new methods with never failing sueeeii. Shall we celebrate the 4th ? Saturday, Mny 30, at Webb's shoe sion to tbe largest and best one rltig • hire Rev. J. C. Lemon the coming •• lliiv Citv I'A'A'i P. in. ll:;)0 " n-It malcei no difference wlutyeu bave takcacr ing on Franklin street occupied by the wreathing their graves with fragrant : year. old friends, und atteudatice upon tbe " .Maul!iimw City 8:;i.i •• TREMENDOUS STOCK OF THE FINEST PARASOLS JUST RECEIVED. f The shed In tlie court yard is up. store. circus in America bus been reduee'd largest and most notable military re­ Who bai failed to cure you. present private bunk, which will go flowers. Decoration day will be observed at o. \v. uuaGi.ics, 4VTeanff msn and middl«-»f t~d mtIIBi aad all Stockbrldge will observe decoration The pupils of the primary and sec­ to suit the times, this place under the direction of the union since the war, ure irresistible. ripii'i I'nss. nnd Ticket Agent, Clilcngo, who suffer Should consult tbe e*ltprratsa d Dr. -)0-F(- out of existence on that date. Capital M. .1. .MuiueAV,Ticket Agout, Miusmi, . ,-JOai of all day. ondary rooms of the high school pic­ stock, $2'5,000. Ileiulqiinrterii G.--^.K. Members of the G. A. R. und W. 11. CUtlie at once. 4^The tCrribU poilO) For all soldiers from out of town on Decora­25 and 36 GontSy Rev. L. H. Monroe will occupy tlie C, their families, and such bands and bad blood and ikin. diteaiei ol every kind nicked in W. H, Rnyner's woods yes­ name and nature completely eradicated. Xtntin* Memorial services next Saturday Frank Chambers, a messenger boy, tion Dny will be at the Clark House. By Bat:itist pulpit iic.xt Sunday morning otlior orgniiizutious us may accompany btr, that one horrlbU diitaie, it neciecicd or Mason, Michigan. terday afternoon. They were a happy order of WM. H. CLAHK, And no more. Keep your eye on the nnd evening. tlieiu, cull puieliuae of the iMlehignii improperly treated, enrsei the present and coming afternoon, and a comrade have been In tbe habit generations. «arDiiaaied dilObargei cured looking crowd as they murclied along 137rwl Commanding. date, ruin or shine, MASON, WED- Mrs. Betsey Rowe, un old lady eighty Central, at the lowest rates, round trip Dr, Hurnioii A, Atkins of Locke of sleeping in tbe reporter's gallery tickets to Portland anil return, good Robust Health Day, Campbell & Co., promptly without hindrance to business, Both lezes the street. Bnrvwina iu ClolhiiiB. NESDAY, JUNE 3, 1885. years of age, had a stroke oi' numb ooninlt coafldentially. If in tronbU, call or died May 10, in his 04th year. over the speaker's stand in the bouse palsy last week. for tliirty days, nud with the privilege J. A. Fowler, restaurant. Grand Tommy, the ten-year-old son of I. 1 would cull tho attention of the people of | Oi stop))iug over on tlie return trij). Is not always enioyecl bv those who seem write. Delays are dangcroul. "ProersitlnstiOB Williamston riict>a next week Wed­ of representatives. About two o'clock Stockbrldge nnd surrounding towns to the Bead what rord tli« Unaaar Man Snya. A sou of James StiUwell who has Tlie lirstrinitc takes thciii right throiigli to possess it, 'riie t:ilnt of oorruutcd Ill & 113 Woodward Ave., DETROIT; 1* tb* thief ef timt." A written wartaaty Ledge Si32 37 P. Rathbun, who resides the first dotir this (Tuesday^ morning Frank arose One Price Clothing Store, Stockbridge, where We have Just received a full llnoof ined'a ; been , sick for some time past died blood mny bo secretly nuderiniuiiii;" the of enrt (ivtn in every cue nndertaken. nesday, Tliursdny and firiday. east of tho jull, was scuffling with in about forty-one iiours via Niagara constitutiou. III time, tlic polsun will cer­ in his sleep, and plunged headlong to may bo found gents' furnishing goods, hata,an d boys' lino neck wear to which wo call Tuesday morning, Falls, Bullalo, Albany nnd Boston, ^-W-Send two itampa for celebrated worki on Wm, Gntcliess, farmer. Mason,. 0 00 Two unfurnished rooms to rent at somo boys last Friday, when he fell, caps, boots, shoes, etc., etc. I handle flrst-yourattenUon. ' V' tainly show Its ellects, and with nil the more Hanhvjirc—Siij-ers Si Pliclps. ChraniO) Nervous and Delicaie Diseases, Irou the floor below. His right arm was Fred Miller received a telephone nnd will be taken by tlie Commandci- virulenc• ufcn e th•e " longe r it h:w been tilloivcil haveanexhMitiT* symptomatology by which Mrs, W, J. Nott, Stockbrldge,.. 8 50 Mra. Opdyke's boarding house, dislocating Iiis left elbow, Dr, Snell class' goods and am selliog as cheap as any Call on us for your mosquito netting. message from Flint informing him of in Cliief and stall", wliosc special train to pcrmente the system. Each pimple, stv, lo study your own Casti, Consultation, persoa- broken, left wrist seriously injured, dealer lu Ingham or Jncknon counties. All We have Just received n full supply of sow­ the death of John L. Fox. will leave Chicago, Toledo and Detroit boll, skin disorder und sense uf umiuturnl ally or by letter, frM. Coniult the old SoctOr. H. Wyman, Eden, 0 25 Leslie could raise but $0 a week for reduced the fracture. nnd side Of face badly bruised. Drs. are respectfully Invited to call. ^in g machine needles. Call for thom, .' on the ^Otli. Tills route has the nd lassuudc, or languor. Is one of Nature's Thonisnds eured, Offieai andparUii privato. a street sprinkler. Hence no sprink­ Owen McLaughlin of Dansville McMillan and Short were summoned, J. C. WtLLMOBE, Clothier, Warm weather Is coming, bay a fUn at Borii, to Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Ladd, vantage of the liiiest views of Niagara warnings of thu coiiscijuouccs ot neglect, Vou see no one but the Doctor. Before confiding Chas, Milberry, laborer. Mason, 37 85 1377tl Stockbrldge. Ford's Bazaar, " .'\ May 12, a girl, and to Mr. and Mrs. HARDWARE! HARDWARE! your case consult Or, CLARKE, A friendly letter ler, yesterday closed a very successful hut the Injured boy continues In a Geo, Rlchison, May 17, a boy. from the train, the grand scenery of cr call m.iy save future suffering and shame, and We will soon open up tha biggest Job in the Berkshire luountains, and the liis add golden years to life. Medicines sent everywhere Augustus Gary, laborer, Mason,. 4 00 J. W, McRobcrt commences the year's work as principal of the Holt state of unconsciousness. This full Two New Mlleh Cow. ror Sale. ladles' luster lisle und silk gloves over «how;h There will be a pound social nt tho toric city of Boston. Jl/er's Sarsaparllla secure from espeiars, Houn, S Is 8; Sunday, schools. The board urged him to re­ At low price ou six months' time. . In Mason. Remember it will pay you to see 9 to S3, Address letters: F. D. CltARKE, Chas, Gutchess, laborer, Mnson,. 0 20 foundation of his new residence to­ extent of bis injuries are not known. ISTTwlt C. M. PitiLLira, M. P. parsonage on Friday evening. main another year, but tui yet he has them. _ '. May 29tli, for the benellt of Rev. J. Tiiesecoiul route takes them tlirotlgli. We are selliue: best quality of XO. 9 FENCE n. D., Merrill Bloek, Cor. Woodward aad day. He and his companions were In swlin- Three miles west Mason fair ground. the wild, wonderful sceneri'of Canada Is tho only remedy that can be relied upon. Jefferson Avos, OETBOIT, mCB. C, R. Moon, laliorer. Mason, 4 50 not accepted the position. Extra crash toweling 5 and 10 ots. perynrii. Keightley. In all cases, to eradicate Ibn taint of hered­ Rev, Mr. Clark of St. Louis, Mich., iiiiiig in Grand river yesterday, and it Tbnuk. Three pair good seamless socks for iiS oeoto. by tiie new line of the Canadian Ptici- itary disease and the special corruptions WIRE for 3 cents. ^ BROOKS OIL CO.'S E. L, Converse, farmer, Eden,.. 7 05 is supiiosed tiiat he was dreaming of The concert given nt the Baptist will preuch at the Baptist church next John Valentino of Lansing town­ For a serenade on Tuesduy night. Two pair of tbe heaviest socks in Mason liir ; church by the boys nnd girls under the tic, via Ottawa, to Montreal, thence of the blood. It is tlie oulv aitfrtitive diving when he took tbe serious SBcents. ptist I\reniphreiii!igog and other lovely that Is sufllclcntly powerful to Ihonnighlv Warren Snyder, hibtirer, Mnson, 5 50 Sunday. ship lins a lamb born with one bead, Mn. AMD Mas, WM. H. OLABK, direction of Miss Cara Rose was a New England lakes, by the only line cleanse tho system of Scrofulous'anil plunge. His home is In Manistee, Fancy and all linen hem stltohcd handker­ : grand success. Everybody went away Mercurial Imiiuritlcs ami the pollution GASOLENE. Children's day services at M. E, three ears, two bodies, eight legs and Harry H. chiefs 113 cents each. ' . running tlirougli the heart of tiie Enocli Hiiyiies, fitriiier, Leslie,.. 2 44 two lulls. The unhappy beast was This famous trotting sUillion will make the pleased with the entertainment. White Mountains to Portland, of Contagious Diseases. It also iicii- To Builders! out: HI;AMI ov cliurch June 7 instead nf 14 because of Our hoop skirts, corsets and bustles please trallzcH the poisons left hy Diphtheria Ed. Noxon, furiiier, Miwon, 33 .30 dead when found. The same ewe Mrs. R. H, Holmes, who lives about season of '83 ut the Clurk Houso barn, Termath e ladles. Call nnd see them, The tliird route de.scribed takes them and Scarlet Fovor, and enables rapid the cump meeting nt later date, three miles out of the city, attended WHITE OAK. gave birth at the same time to another «10. ISTitf E. E. GKIFlfBTH. Good sited Turkish towels 10 cents each. by the brink of Niagara Falls and ecuncratlou from the ciifethlcmcut and Peter Cam, laborer. Mason, 1 10 Hair goods, ribbons, laces, ladles' and over the great cantilever brid^^ . Seblllty caused by these diseases. We have a large stock of IRON and STEEL WHITE STAR Albert Hall bus sold his house nnd lamb of perfect formation. the meeting of the Baptist literary NoUeti. Diphtheria iu town. lot to David Bates, and will room this society at E. Lougyear's last Friday The partnership of tho firm of Webb A missus' flne hose cheap at Ford'a Bazaar. . . througii the rich Holds of Western NAILS which we are selling at the lowest Geo. Gornni, laborer, Mnson, 1 S3 We ure selling a great many spootaotos.. • Quite a gathering at Isaiah Dukin's New York, by the bewildering beau Myriads of Cures summer at Mrs, Phllena Miller's. Geo. W. Robiiisoit and Mrs. Rosa evening, leaving tbe horse she had Mead having been heretofore dissolved, all Saturday evening. rates. We have the celebrated MACE John Pollok, farmer, Mnson, 2 20 book accounts must be baluiiced by cash or When you need a pair call and examine ouirs. ties of the thousand Islands, down the GASOLENE Claflin,who are charged with adultery, driven hitched in front of Mr, Long- , New hand bags Just received at Ford'a, . Jasper Phelps has begun tho con­ rapids of the St. Lawrence to Mon­ Achieved hy AvEii's SAnsAPAUiLLA, In BARN DOOR ROLLERS, also the Dr. C. H. Darrow has been quite and were recently brought back from noto by June Isl. Tlio old books must bo set­ treal, and then through the Wliite the past forty years, aro atle.ited, und there Ed. Bowdlsli, Inborer, Mason,... 0 75 sick for the past few days, being con- year's residence. When ready to start tled up und oblige, L. C, WEUU, Remember wo nre headquarters for crock­ struction of a new dwelling. Is no blood disease, at ull possible of euro, KIDDER, UNITED STATES, Is tho sufest und puri'st (iusiilene in the market. Nebraska by Sheriff McKernnn, waiv­ for home at aliout 10 o'clock, it was ery, glassand tinware, ten pots, colTeo pots, Mountains by Fubyaii's and the This brand burns hmgur iliuii cuniiiiiiii (insolunu W. E. Horton, Leslie 8 25 flned to his bed much of the time. 137iwl The Clothier. An attempt will be made organize a Notch, past the very feet of Washing­ that will uot yield to It. Whatever tho NICKEL, OFF-SET and IDES, and does not emit an iilleiisivi; tidiii-. Vm tiuso- ed examination before Justice Ryan found that her horse and buggy were milk pans, etc., and you can always save Sabbath-school at Meadvllle Sunday, ailments ot this CIILSS, und wherever found, Uorae TnnilUK null HrcNklnr ton, Adnnis and the otiier giant pealcs leiie stoves aiitl ult piiriMi..'es for which fiUHuieiieis Dr, Ernest Fleming, who this spring yesterday, and will appear before the At Delhi, Thoso having colts u> break wlli money by calling and getting prices at from the scurvy ot the Arctic circle to the for Iron and Wood Track. used, the Wlutu .rsinr lliund Is thu most rellablo. H, T, Hardy, furmer, Eden, 2 05 .missing, and no trace of them could be imatf FoiiD'8 BAZAAB. •\ViIlie StiUwell, a 12-year-old son of of the Presidential range. A special "vcldt-sorcs" ot South Africa, this rem­ If the White .Slur Gusiilene is not fold In yonr graduates from the medical college at do well to call and soe me ut Vniou Hotel, Jas. StiUwell, died Tuesday morning, vicinity, send your order direct to us lor a barrel. circuit court next Monday for trial. discovered. Mrs. Holmes was driven Next Saturday, decoration day, every lady train will run by this route nnd edy has ufl'ordcd health to'the sufferers H. H, Williams, farmer, Leslie,. 5 00 Ann Arbor, has been In Mason this isatjwio R. R. BAUKER. Horace Warfle's nose wns broKen special steamer charter. by whom It was employed. Druggists to her home, and her husband came to customer gels a fan ut Ford's Bazaar. everywhere can cite numerous cases, with­ Fred Crocker, furmer, Mason,... 3 75 week. A quartet of young gentlemen, Prof. IS-lnoh seasoned wood for sale, - Special bargains at Ford's Bazaar nest nnd forehead badly bruised by a Itick- The Micliigaii Central justly claims BROOKS OIL CO.'S W. M. Pease, Selab H. Worden, the city and made a careful search for ing horse Monday. in their personal knowledge, of remurk- LOCKS and KNOBS lUSUf . D. L, CASY. Saturday. Itntf that no other line offers comiutrable able cures wrought by It, where all.other Fred Tallman, laborer, Mnson,.. 0 11 Capt. A. E. Cowles of Lansing vis­ Frank C. Sayers and Dr. Ernest Flem­ the missing rig, but without avail. treatment bad been unuvuiUng. People 55 EUCLID AVE., CLEVELAND. 0. When It stops snowing get your garden I have only one price, All goods marked Scott Bowdish was through here attractions, greater comforts or lower ited Sinsun last Friday evening and ing, were out serenading last Tuesday On returning home at daylight, how­ seeds lu bulk at l37Ur UEEcasB's, In plain llgures, nnd I think 1 have the best looking up sales for agricultural im- rates. It is first and foremost "The will do well to )At lowest possible prices. (-^ Fronk Emery, laborer. Mason,. 24 85 examined Phil McKernaii Post of the ever, he found that tbe lost animal bad ])lemeiits last week. Niar/aria Falls Route." From the evening and filled the air with sweet assorted stock lu the county. Inspection Wm, Slialler, laborer, Musoii,.. 5 70 G. A, R, Just come in,, unaccompanied by a lam receiving largo line ol summer dry invited. T. Q, HObXES, cars of no other road is a good view of Trust Nothing Else music. Tlie editor of THE NEWS goods dally and will not be undersold by any The Misses Minnie aud Poll 1i17R ftft WORTH OF WHIPS AND LASHES Next door to Vandercook's groiery, Mason, of Waterloo were with friends the Falls obtainable ; while the Port­ A, Miles, Eden, 10 75 It was Dr, Locke Instead of Dr. gratefully acknowledges a visit from driver, but dripping with sweat, and house In tho sUite. Remember the plaoo, next land & Ogdeiisburg is the only line than AYT.n's SARSAPARILLA. Numeroui i^i/O.UU JUST RECEIVED. bearing tbe marks of a hard, ali- Mich, • 187Mt . White Oak Sunday. crude mixtures aro offered to tbe public Dodge who assisted Dr. Snell in re- them, door to Vandercook's grocery. Mason, Mich. passing through the heart of the as "blood purifiers," which only allure HARVEST. Melviu Hathaway, laborer. Ma­ nlglit's drive. Mr. Holmes Is making 1376tf T. G. HOLMES. Cheap Work Home ror Bnle^' Geo. Dayton and family from Wil­ White Mountain region, no other duclug the dislocation of A. F, Wood's H. H. Freeman, a foimer Stock- son's corners now occupy ono of David tho patient with tho pretense of many GASOLINE STOVES OF ALL KINDS, ALSO A LABOE son, 3 00 a determined effort to hunt down the VIreuM! Inquire uf W, M. CLIKE, <' running witiiiu sixteen miles of Mt. cheap doses, and with which It is folly to shoulder. bridge editor, who disappeared so sud­ Webb's tenant hoasea, Washington. experiment whllo dlsctutB Is steadily be­ ..l^STOCK OF COOK AND HEATING STOVES, LAT­ BROOKS OIL CO.'S L, F. Bunnell, clerk, Jackson,.. 12 00 perpetrators of the contemptible bit of Lots of room for yourself and girl and lUMtf The Marble Man, ! John Dufley has been making wide coming more deep-seated and dlffloult ot EST PATTEBNS. WE HANDLE THE CELE- N. A. Dunning tendered to the denly nud mysteriously about a year meanness. horses at tho Clark House. ^ Notice. gaps iu the timber on his wild 80, He A beautiful engraving of Niagara Fulls, with the Michigan Central train cure. Some of these mixtures do much BBATED BOCHESTEB BANGE (Monroe.) common council,last Monday evening, ago, has been heafd from at Blng- .Itnrwl WM. H. CI.AKK, Proprietor. The partnership of the flrm of Webb & : is putting a fence around it and mak­ luting barm. Dear In mind that tho only COfiLISS bis resignation as supervisor of the hampton, N, Y,, and Is working his Meotl having been heretofore dissolved, all - ing other improvements. stopping at Falls View, and a clear medicine that can radically purify the Business Cards. Ante, th« Barber. ana well e.veouted map showing in vitiated blood li tlrst ward. way back to Michigan. Ho left The cemetery trustees complain that Wlli give you a better .have or bBlr-«ut Uianboo k accounts must bo balanced by cash, or A child belonging to A. Irish died of color the dlfl'erent routes accompany ATrOHNKYN. auy other barber In the city. Shop ist doornot o by Juno Ist, The old books must bo aot- Bird Cages in new styles. Rev. D. Baldwin returned to Mason Stockbridge in a fit pf temporary in­ persons, cither mischievously or . diphtheria.Friday last. Another one the circular. We presume that any Ayer'8 Sarsaparlllai ENGINE OIL. O. M. HUNTINGTON. H. P, HKNURKSON, north of poRtofflee (up-stairs.) Hair work tn tled up and oblige, L, 0. Wisun, - is very sick aud but little hopes are Michigan Central agent can supply a last Saturday evening. During his sanity, hot has now fully recovered,— thoughtlessly, are doing considerable 'latest style. ^ 187 BUY the The Lansing Sun Intimates that number of our citizens and tbe skat­ Tbn Sinr tlint E.«iui Them All Table.! Tabteal t Tableiiin ' Tho properties of MIshler's Herb six bottru fores. Corloss LnclnoOii to use on their reapers nnd PHYMICIANH. ing rink purchased by them. Bill of have been killed. The new artesian The new and Improved Domestio sewing ma- Five hundred tables for sale at .factory and ettlcient correspondent of the mowers darins harvest. This Oil ia nianufac- Bro. Rowley of the Journal is after prices, which Is iH per cent loss than, over Democrat. Mr. Holland thinks Mnson Bitters are wholly medicinal. It is turod oxclnsivuly hy the llrooUs Oil Co, AsU DR, L. A, SNELL, the Lansing postoiUee. Wo hardly sale was made Monday, A suitable well bns a flne flow, and when run­ ohliie, call and examine them. For sale by can boast of tbe two best papers pub­ compounded on scientillc principles yonr deuler for OMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUR- ning nt full capacity has done some 1305tl J, A. U»DBBHti;.L. beforo offered in Mason, , liUatf. upon a German formula, 200 years old. UIIOOKN 4tII. CO.'S ;eoii, Oinco ovor Farmers' Bank,Mason, credit the charge, stage and seats will be put in for the 8. A. PAPnoOK. lished in the county. B. p. KLOPP, itllco hours 2 to 4,7 to 0, injury to tho land of O. F. Miller, Just A Frequent Con verantlon. Clergymen, temperance people, and COItMNN K.\CIINE OIL. Mrs. Wm. Henry nnd son of Potts- accomodation of lectures, cntertnln- About the best place In liighum county to ' Several fishing parties are being all other classes who oppose strong ments, etc, and the floor will be kept east of the cemetery. To prevent this, Stranger—"I any. Landlord, where can I get —Merchant Tailor,-- 8. H, CULVER, M, D., dam, N. Y., are visiting the families of the best shave In Mason?" ' buy carpeui, oil clothes, laou'ourtain.;and1n made up and some of tho Juvenile drink on principle, endorse and rec­ MILE PANS POU 1\ CTS. EACH. HYSICIAN AND SURQEON. OFFICE In shape for skating should it bo found tbe well was plugged, so that but a fact every kind of dry goods 1^. at T, '6, members of tbe community are much ommend our great household remedy. ovor Howard & Son's Qrocory, Mason, Hon. Geo, M., C. G, and C, D. Hunt­ very small stream could escape. Sev­ Landlord-"Why, at R. Robinson's, oi Bolmea', next to Vanderoook'a grocery,. Ma- .' elated iu consequence. The "early It is a sure cure for kidney and liver 07£R WEBB'S CLOTHim STORE, Mason. . AYER'S MichiganP , lamtr desirable.—Enterprise. course. Barber shop over O. Q. Parkhurst diton , Mleb. . bird.that catches the worm" is still on Befrigerators and Ice Oream Freezers at good bargains. ington in tbis city. eral times this plug has been removed Co.'s drug store. Clean towels, sharp roxon complaints. • (o)- B, DODQE, M, D„ HOMEOPATHIST, Tbe annual pioneer meeting will be tho perch when these boys can be seen Garden Tools of all descriptions. We call I, Office In Darrow Block, up-stairs. Rcc- Senator O. 6. Pennell spent last by visitoi's at the cemetery, and tbe and the most courteous treatment. I teU you, Motiee. foraging around the barn yards and have Just rocoivod a large lino of SPRING especial attention to our lence ono bloek west of American liotel, held this year in tbe Rayner opera water left to flow at full head. For Stranger, It ia a luxury to be shaved in that The partnership, of tho tlrin ol Webb A and aUMMEK SUITINQS.NEW PLAIDS Ague Cure Sunday in Mason, attending the M. E. shop. And that Isn't all, they can do a dandy i chip plies in search of lusolous morsels Wood and Coal Furnaces. church as the guest of Phil McKernan house in Mason, June 9tb. A short tbe past few days, the trustees have Mead having been heretofore dlMOtved, all ' .suited to tbe palates of the flnny inhab­ HOLSTEIN BULL. WINE COLORED nnd other FINE contains nn antldoto for all malarial dll- W, W. ROOT, M, D., address will be delivered by Rev. hair out, and for ladles' and children'! workboo k aecountantUBi.bebalanced bytoasb or SUITINGS. A large lino of STRIP- Orders for Grates and Mantels solicited and specifications I HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE post of the G. A. R. been having a narrow ditch dug in cannot be surpassed. Go to Robinson's, itants of our lakes. orders which, so far ua known, is used In no hours ft-om one to two, and from six to Augusta J. Chapln, Hon. O. M. note by Jiine ist; The old book* mnit be ut- I have a thoroughbred holsteln FED PANTS PATTERNS IN made without charge. B^BATH TUBS, WATEB other roinedy. it contains no Quinine, nor P which tt pipe win be laid with by- Stranger, gvto Robinson's. ALL SHADES. seven v. H. There will be a meeting of those Barnes of Lansing, Rev. W. C. Allen tied up and oblige, LiC-WMui ^ iMPOBTAirr. Bull, Alexander IV, 2 years old tbis TANKS and PLUMBING Ip in our line. niiy niinernl nor doiuturious suhatauco what­ drants attached. Last Sunday someone I874tf ' .'Tiie Clothier; A, B. CAIMPBELL, M. D„ interested In forming a base ball club of Leslie and other speakers will be Wanted! ;' When you Visit or leave New York City, savspringe , now ready for service. Bred ever, nnd conaoquontlyproducoa no Injurious twisted off tbe piece of pipe tbat pro- What money you owe me—o* once— B.\ci.:niiat * Uiiggago Hxprossngo nnd Cnrrlago Hire nnd stobpy Koster, Mldevould, North Holland ; {^"PitB Warranted. • olfoot upon tho constitution, hut loaves tha (HYSIOIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE in Mason at the Armory next Monday present. A free dinner will be fur­ nttlio Ornud Union Uotol, opposite Grand Ocn- MB. A. S. WHITE of Detroit has charge of our Manufacturing Depart­ s.vstetu ng healthy os It Tas before tho attack, over C. a, Parkhurst dt Co,'a drug store. Jeote laterally from the top of tbe tube, 3ltf nnd oblige, C, G. Hnitnif own. Want. imnUry live or dretsadl; iixwtr ,, jtral Depot. imported in dam Hauiitje (2041 H, H. B^Oall and Examine. ment. Wo will do all kinds of Tin, Copper and Sheetlron work on snort evening at half-past seven. nished tbe member of tbe society. ^.) Ulognul rooms lUtod up at the coat ot one B,) milk record at 3 years old &3 lbs, destroying tbo connection. Tho plug nonejr to IrfMia 'Farm iter SiiiU.'" , notice. .\7E WABBAHT ATEB'S AQUE CUBE'' Coda, daughter of Mrs, Chas, Foster, ( mllliou dollurs, reduced to 11.00 and upwards per day, lib, butter n'om 17 lbs. 3 oz, Geo. Dlxson died at the residence of was then removed and tbe water left On real estate at the oOlee of J. H. Drtsisr I have a farm for sale or will trade for bnili per diiy. liiiironcan plan. Blovator. Rostaurautmilk . Her dam gnyd 78 lbs. milk per R. P. KLOPP. to cure every case of Fovcr and Aguo, Intor- Mason Business Directory. who resides in tbe flrst ward, fell last • j supplied with tuo bust. Ilorae cars, stsees and jJ®-Come and see ns if you do not buy, no trouble to show goods, iiilttuiit or OhlU Fever, Roinittont Fovcr, hla son-in-law, T. Densmore, In tbis to flow Into tbe ditch. The result was at the Farmers'bank., 8St( neis property oriinali plaeoin Maaon, FarD(i> 'Olovntcd rulirond to all depots, Fsmilles can day, nnd dnm of sire 87J lbs. per doy, GROOEBS. Monday and dislocated ber left elbow. conslsU of V»% aoru in Baton County nMir I Uvc hcttor for less money at tho Grand Unioann d lOi lbs, butter In 7 days. Iiuuih .lp:uo, Illlious Fovor, and Liver Com­ city, nt 6:45 last Saturday evening, tbat tbe newly-made ditch waa filled Oreat Barsalna VflhnantviUe, IMaote* under, itNVdau oultl- I Ifotol tUnu ut any other flrst-class hotel In tho plaint euuied by innlarlfl. In caso ot fnilnre, Dr. Campbell reduced tbe fracture. in furniture. You can lav. 8 to 10 per cent by SIBE UNNING & HALL, dealers In groceries, aged 84 years and 7 months. The fiin- with woter, its sandy sides caved In, vatton, MH MPM. aflhe.jiugar.ibiiah, .^Vorty city. ,• 1870yl 111 tor ilii.i irinl, deuiors nro nuthorlMd, hy our crockery, and provisions. Ash street. getting my prices before purohaalng,. Alexonder II (171 N. H. B. No. 1652 isioii mus in flivular dated duly l3t, 1862, 10 rufuud thn D Workmen are laying pipes through eral was held on Monday at Mr. Dens- and great daniage was done. The acres of wheat' on ttio ground. aoo4 build' Hale's noner the great Oough curo,ase„iioa* it H. H. B,) whose dam "Smit" has a A. HOWARD & SON, dealers in groceriesth e cemetery. It is understood that trustees feel tbat depredations of this J. A. UMnaaiiiUK :tnga,.' •,' VV j-,VjW5tir^^ WITHOUT FEE liiuiiey, .. and provisions. Pioneer stand. Call I nioro'a residence. Tho remains wero Tbat Honey la Mlaa. dlenn's Siilpbur soap hoaUi b beautifies, 2So. milk record of 80 lbs. milk per day. UNLESS ftUOOBSSFUL, TWKNNTY VBAB8 tbe water of the artesian well will be sort must cease, nnd they will oilbr a dermnnComBenover UUa ooma u Bunions CuAROEs: 95 for grades; $10 for HmFiHlIilmMrtils, Dr. J.C. Ayor&Co., Lowoll, Maso taken to the Howard cemetery, south You owe me a doctor's bill that has b«ini EXPBBIBNOB, APPLY 'iO • BOOTH AND SHOES. taken through these pipes to dlfibrent of Dansville, for interment. Rev. D. reward for evidence leading to tbe running a good while. The mon^r. Mloags For Maaon pibperty. W. acres of land. in Ibe Hlll'o Hair and Whlrttr Dje-Bl** and Brown, Wethoroughbreds. . I have also a grade Sold by all Drudglsts. town of Ware, OeMnit OoVMioh. About JM: Pike's'raathacbe Drops onre in X Ulnuie.lSo MILO B. STEVENS & 00. L. FULLER, dealer in boots, shoos, mil- parts of tbe grounds, and that several Baldwin conducted the services, assist­ conviction of any persona who have to me, and I want you to pay Itov.r,^ IniMn bull, services $2. ^^^ISflgwW Orvinisi Washington, D, C; Cleveland, O,; . linery, and Itanoy goods. Main street, aoiwcl«airsii,1iialBnoebeavilytimlMNd,'inris^ Denn'M Rbcunuitlo PlUa are a sure eur*. tOs. B. F. GElPPINv Ootrolt, Ulcb,; Cblctgo, Ills, I874w8p SAYEBS & PHELPS. J fountains will be constructed. ed by Revs. McCoy and Ellis. committed them. buslnesi by this notloe, '." houM.andloffbam, .roarandant>tial(iinU«ib>: Taken at XH« NKWS Oxno*. 88U A. B. OAMPaUt.

Mi. WM.. 11,, JiF. Uotse'B American Expertoneeib onoo drew at the nilgai ocadcuiy ut Annapolis. Tbe young Lotlirop minister to Biissia, and his ability to "You try mo bard," 8ald:Mr.-Ed- nearly all .— .-wuv^j uiintii,y, nui Ij^eit B»y Ci|y li^ft banntod boost. man t«,b£|^.17 ycavs ot iigo'and la an orphan. BtJOTD TO DEATH. fU Uto tf'jMt'Barlow, tbe. mUiiicr et >ea of K«aBS Who Have Ended Tlieir Days bofhood .-^ gossip; *«> '^OooMlenally'::' ]ro.9>V •'•A yiad(cato bIniseU fram the charges mado by A LITTLE DELAY; mund Gosse, who has just returned to then stored everything and had him­ partisan ftiapera, ' "WatW'Piabni." . In the Alnwhonse. A Colortd llan lit Wiiibington Wiio'nt Uttvyett find a man'with 8ufflolent^atren;J:th oi'v 1; mmmnnlealtanif I'The g^ves of itha^ London.after a iiighly suooossful lec­ self oommitted here so they oould not As we.are going through an epoch , The warden of the Alms Uouse on All Over the Oonntry Know. ' ^ ' mind to llvo down the malign efiiaoti» 1: laJMmp dnrlng the wSr^ the.-which.|aro iub- MaySS.-^SENATK^ Bills passed: Au- turing tour in America, to one of our find him out. Horriblo Fp-te of Sevtiiltcen of centonnlalii, writes a New York cor- Blaokweil's Island, Mr. Marshall of strabismiis and boinaVbut ni'Vlotolr.. res 5 A.%v-«a"s.i«2 m^^^ nutrked by headstbncsilii a cemetery in Grand thorlslagoppolntment of register of probate; Tho Situation iJctwcen Englant representatives, who ciinod upon bim Opposite tho winding staircase lespondent of T/ic Troy'fitixes, ItmigUl Vought,.whose temper is seldom ruf "And so it goes on. I don't know When once a man bas ovorcomo hid >; iWUlari^tearn^Sas boon appointei '•Pepsous. utnondlng aectlon 5^ Howell, rclativo to with a request for his impressions of which nscend* to tho rotunda, and.di­ Baplds, aie to bi properly cored for and marked aasessmenta nf Jiidgineuta lu iuatlces, ' courts; and Russia Still Looli Mcn- be well ta notice the fact that it is just fled, anc| whom iifteon hundred friend how to catoh these frauds. Tbey get di^ideQco'l^o l^oomos as boldas a iaW' t > the Insane asylum at Pontiac. to study tho methods In voguo at the asylum attorney witli a brlot In ull criminal coses iu to rotiro early. I had o;.'cnod my bod- ...... u...... 11.0 IIIUlIU UI additions amount to about 2,000. vol­ •dited By Jool Barlow, which was is­ n_i 1-.- '- Now York and aee'Koepor White, iio misfortune, .^uobnmaniwould:malitt- •':•] Grand Haven will bond itsoU In the bttbat place. ..He will be gone a month or which un appeal is taken, was lust, but aubso Foreign Xewi Candeanl room to put out my boots. An inter- cheating consists of individuals who will open your eyes a little on this umes. Though nominally a part of A lire in Cincinnati on the afternoon qucntif tbe voto was reconsidered and the bll sued in Hartford, in 178.0. Uarlow was n heroic soldier. Unfbirtunatoly, thero : Tbt OOTsnMr's^VrOaiateattOB. two. vlowur.was there on my door-mat bave proper moans for subsistence tbo miscellaneous library, aiid under ram ot t(>a.030 ta build water-works, of May 21, caused tho death of 17 persons. Il fabled. then ao. Ho wtts a native of Connect­ same subject." nro few who can do this. Thoordlnaiy Abmit 3,60) troops will bo left a< Ho declined to mbvu un:il ho got the stored away in banks or even invested tbo jurisdiction of Mr. SpoiTord, it has man melts undiex' >thd afflidtlon- liko n /.WhertM, The SOth day of May is a ,. John Kimball, a 10 year old boy ot The class of 'fiO of the university will tyas at flrst thought that only six women whr UouaK-rBills possed; authurlztng Brighton, icut; and had studied at Yalo, whoro Acting on tho Warden's suggestion. information ho required. The door in real estate, going before a pollco had for years its librnvlan aud septi- eake of iceiu a J^ly auii."r-Aino York: : tolldar set 'apart by" lair for :the' com- celebrate Ita S5th annlversai^V' on the S4th of jumped from the llfth story window were kill LlvingHton county, to raise 4il0.0i!0 for "public Snnklm. in 1778 he delivered a pooin entitled Dr. WhUo was seen. "What Warden 4nemoratlon of patrlotio dead: therefore:. Adrian, waa drowned In tbe river at Toledo, improTements." Adjourned Ull 3p,m. Mon­ mat was hard. I took pity on him. Justice or Superintendent Blake,of tho rate accommodations. Within the Commercial Jdverltaer. June, and It Is desired that' all former mem­ cd, but when the lire waa . subdued so thai the "Prospect of Pence." His piictic Vought tolls yon of the way these peo­ \i Ii BuiaeU A. AlsiriiOoVernor; ot>Michigan, day. Victor Hugo, the famous author ant "Well," (relenting) "I shall bo rfad Department nf Charities, and baving iortals of this vast collection tho pro- , Bo call upon all cltiseni of the flute to express W. P. Preston of -St. Ignacoi has been bers ot tbat class should bo ju'csent. Thoso tho Urcincn could enter it was found tliot IC talents had already attracted notice, ple impose on Ibo city is correct, but poet. Is dead. ' ' .'',-. to answer u very few questions. But themselves, under oath, committed as Jouiidest lawyers of the United States . .-onon that occaalon tbeir grateful remeiabrdnce iSppolntcd secrtory of the territory of Alaska. who can attend are requested to notify S. dcadbodlca lay In huap.i on the llfth flooi and this led tbo clergy to request that the most poculla.' phase of these cases Oar Telepiione Girl.; bt tbe aerrlcea of' ourarmy and navy; and I AT THE CAPITAL,' Tho House of Commons bos ad .„—.... » ..J.J ...n .|t,wai.iuua. juul. paupers to the Poor House by swear­ havo l»boronsly traced legal principles , Six hundred bricklayers of Spring. Wtigbt Dunning, 7t Broadway, N. Y. city. and one on the fourth. There wcra six whc ho should prepare 'au edition of Watts no man has a rigiit to KIVO bis judg­ is witnessed at this institution. Now The telephone girl was wearily singl­ Invite all comrades of the Grand Army of the' Tho census of Washington has been jouruetl till June 4. ing they nro not possessed of relatives and marshalled arrays of authorities. oVepubUo, all, soldlentanEl Hilorarof tka late .trcUs, a SeU'olt suburb, went on a strike tbo jumped from the window and were killed, and for public worship. Ho also edited a ment on a country after only eigiit only a few days n^o the father of a ing of love and broken hearts and •; frof. Strong, for sorao timo past or friends or a single dollar with Tbe rnle of silence is wltliout broach. •rar^ttio Bute trqopa and all civic aocietle* to •ther day. ono man after saving tho lives ot two women completed and shows a population of 204,500, Tbo central American states are in a weekly paper iu Uartfu'rd called 2'/ie week's experience.'"' •'! havo noticed, cambler, whoso gilded trap is on such things/ and seemed obllvloaa . ) principal of tho Grand Riipids high school has which to procure shelter. Two weeks In this legal reservoir their is tbat ^la bonor to;.tlie: menior;.! of thoae-wbo^aar- by letting tbem down n rojiu trom the roof wa« Tho t<'>tal payment on tho pension ac­ worse broil thuu ever. American Mercury, but afterward ad­ Mr. Gosse, that colubritios are always Thirty-iirst street, died at tho Alms that a dozen other people wore anxious­ tendered only to the last foe, by paradea and ; accepted tho chair ot physical aulenco tn tho ago an aged women who had been ex- quiet whioli rests upon tho waters in In several towns of the state the himself killed by the burning ot the saino rope ded law to litoraturo. Ho had, how­ House. No ono up thcro know who ly desiring to converse with a dozon teremoules approprUte to Decoration Day. count for Ma; will amount to about (10,030,000. Gen. Lord Wolseley and rol.MacNeU most enthusiastic in thoir praise of tendeti extra sympathy ond care by whose depths genuino pearls alone are knights templar will assist O. A. R. posts In state normal vice Prof. McLouth resigning. beforo liu reached tho ground. Thin was Mr. ever, already contemplated what bo he was, nor could any ono imagine ^ono at the Capitol this SOth day of May, America, its (rreitt |i«oplo, its great in­ Warden Vouglit, on account of her found. other people and that she was neg-, sbscrvlng Decoration day. Prof McLouth waa tendered tho principalship Sullivan, brother of the iirDprietor of the print­ There is less gold in tbe United have sailed from Sunklin for England. considered lils great poem, "The that his son lived liko a lord down in stitutions, if they think o( ruturuingat pitiful history, died, and tlie indigna­ Tho legal explorer meets with but looting them, whon No. 688 rafsed I „ ^ • RD88ELli,'A.AtGEB. of tho normal. ing works. The lire originated by the e.\pl(> Slates trcoaury now than for Bcvcrol yeors Columbiad." This was not completed tho city, while his father wns a pauper Pbilo Parsons of i.>etroit, 1ms been Greece dcclaros Iter Intention of snip- somofnturo date. It is but satural. tion of tlie ollicial on discovering tho one annoyance. There is not a gas- such a racket that she,could no:longor I By the OoTomor, past. nntil tho lapse ot twenty yours, but its in tho Poor House. But, all the same, \ HAnnr A. CONAKT, Secretary ot State. •hoscn president of tho National convention ol ' Michigan is again being scourged by sion of u gasoline stove on tho second floor. porting Eugloud iu tbo cvcu^ uf war with Bus- Americans pay us back in tho same facts in her ca.sc can bo imagined. A jet or lump within the room. No em­ remain in'aotivb. She flopped down inception was given In the "Vision the old man died there; and when thu Arc. Forest tires in the nortliern part of tho The llatnes ciitej'ed tlio elevator chine, which The commissioner of agriculture ad­ .Blu. " coin." "1 can not undertake to give few hours previous to hor doraiso she ploye daro oven carry a match. After in her ohnir at the key-board and. the boards uf trade ut Atlanta, Ga. o( Columbus," which was published notico of his death was sent to tho lower peninsula are causing iiniuensc destruc­ is next to the stnlrway, and all cliuneu ol vises discontlnuiincd of the wholesale distri­ you any impressions on America, I called him to hor bedside and there tlio lire in 1851, which proved so dis­ cried: . . - • The Treanrer's Staismont Prof. HaskiDS will resign his position Groat Britain's crops aro in danger, tho year ourgovernniont was formed. gambling hell, tlia partners of tho son tion to property. Many inilllon feet of vain" escape wus tlms out off. Tim killed wore njo-stlj bution of seed. did not stay'tlieni long enough to col­ astrous, a statnto was enacted pro­ "Hello! What do you wantP" owing to the continued cold weather and heavy confesiiud to not only having two bank wore soon on band to givo tho corpse ' The state treasurer has prepared a ns teacher at the ttatc prison July 15, to malvc able timber have already boon burucd, at a loss employes o[ n dyu works which oeeupled o Pursuing this roniinlscunco,. it may lect any Miat would boot value to you. hibiting the use of combustibles of any "Givo me S83, ploasel" snortod tho Postmaator Vilsis h.is decided cold rains. books with heavy amounts to hor ac­ of the gamester's father a decent . vtatement sbowlng'that tbo following banks room for his successor, A. A. Uliss. portion of tiio building. bo added that Barlow wont to Europe But 1 might, perhaps, venture on kind within tiie libraries. And thus, caller. of many thousand dollars. that an Indinn is Inelligibic to the position ot count, but admitted that her sons and buriaL Then this very day wus tho having state deposits', paid Interest at 3 per A much tvelcomo rain fell in various Tho English g-ivernm'nt has decided soon after issuing the Vision, and was ono or two imprnssions of Englishmen daughters wcro still living, nnd that when dusk prevents tho eye from "Well, here is 383j and I hope it will Manistiquo's population is increasing The lirUiBtory was eninplotxily burned out, btjl postmaster iu Indluu Territory. ease of tho machines!. Up died at tho • cent, por annum tbercon, and the total lutereat parts ot the statu on the 19th, cbcclctng the Arcs that the railway plant now af Suakim be re­ tho lirst Amoricitn author thnt visited in America. ItliasHiruck mo in the ebo had perjured herself to secure ad­ longer following the studied text, tho h.we the efl'ect of sweetening your so rnpldly this spring that there Is at present a the wall still stoiula ami the other floorsarcuo l Alms House, and whon his friends ' received, waa 103,189.74.-> Tbe followlug is a which have destroyed so much valuable prop­ . , , „„ , „,, , ,. Peof. Henri Erni. formerly United turned to London. Great Britian after tlio close of tbo current comparisons between tho two mission to the Alms House, so that duoisaro closed nnd, perhaps in the tempera little." list pt tho banks: scarcity of dwellings. This want is being Ulled were notiliod, two stylishly dressed erty. much dainagcrl 1 he building «'as oceu,ded bj g^^^^ SwiUerlnnd, was found war. He sympatliizcd with tho Frcncli countries that our travelers have failed she could live the remainder of her middle of a sustained argument which "Wiiat is thatP" roared 688. American NationaL_.Detrolt. 0,744 a5 as rapidly as po.ssiblc by the erection of u large Sulliyiin & Cu.'s painting works, Orth, ^Vls!loll ,,„„,,,_,.,., u . . . A sentry at tlio powder maga/.ine at women in sealskin dolmans and dia­ dead In his bed nt bia homo In Woahlngtou. revolutionists, to whom ho rendered to Mrcpiifc tliemsolvos for the fact that, days without touching her savings or the reader would fain pursue to con­ "I hope you' willbo alittlo. moro Bay Natlonol, Bafcity. .• • 685 00 number of excellent dwellings by tho lumber & Co.'s dye hou.se, tho Ledger Postal News Cliatlmm, Eng., was shot while on duty about mond car-rings ciituo hero to claim thn GiOECDs' National, Suinaw...... 415 48 Tbe bre at McBridcs was more dis­ some diplomatic service, and on his although tho lan<;iiiigo is tho same, tlie being dependent upon others. This clusion, tho vohime must bo resigned. calm in talkine to 383 than you hav& eoni])any, Parisian dyeing unil scouring eoni- Comraiss oner Black of tho pension 4 o'clock the other morning. remains. They explained that tliey <3lty Notional, GranfBaplda...... 1,^65 astrous tbau at flrst reported. Fifty-seven companies of the village, which aro a credit to return ia 180fi lie was the best-inform­ two nations dill'er immensely. The confession, and tho fuct he had been The assistant law librarian, John been in talking,to me," retorted tha puny, J. II. Kinsley, gold, sliver and nlckej department has recommended the discharge of were thu sister and sister-in-law of the ClhetoMSavings, Chelsea.... 30000 buildings were burucd, ut a loss of over tho place. Moharani dans nrder tho lead of aa ed American on tho subject of foreign first thing that strikes ono is tbo dif- so cleverly imposed upon sever.tlyears Francis Nicholas Wllkinsoo, is a color­ girl. . , ( -Obldwater National...; • • • — , iSSS 22 (iltttlng work.s. It was not long iniiil tbe flr* the special examiner of hia ofllce for falsilylng nnfortunulo man, but not for tho $G0,00O. Arab dilef named TIpii Taib resolved to assert aifalrs. Ho was then 50, and bis ripe foreuco in tbo physical appoaranco of by tho old lady, startled the warden ed gentleman. He is the oldest attache "You do, ehP Well, if I wcro in lOomroorclal National, Dch-ott...... 1,000 m Gov. Alger has appointed tho follow­ was under control. Tho nia.ssof telegraph ond reports. world wotdd thoy hai^e his body come experience rendered him highly nsetul of America—broad plains of tho and ho at once instituted an investign in either library. For twenty-eight your place, I would keep mymoutli WratNational, Allegan. , .a™2S George W. Stirason, an old pioneer ing persons to be inspectors o{ the Michigan tclophonc wires prevented the liremen Iroin tlieir claims on the center of Africa. to the Morgue. Just think of that— Tflrat National Deffoit. ^407 W to tho general government. He mado landscape, the brilliant atmo­ tion in the cases of other inmates. A years ho has been tho familiar pur­ shut. If I could not attend to busi­ and the Ilrst ^bitn settler in Mackinac City, military academy: Col. Henry B. Clltz De­ putting up ladders promptly for tbu relief ol 1 he cosh iu tho treasury and unlinish- Riots aro frequent in Turkestan these diamond bedecked damsels pro­ WMtNational, Flint.. «00 Washinjrton his ttbodo, and erected an sphere, even tho foreign smells. number of additional cases have como veyor of tho law books, and in every ness any better tban you do, the sbul» 'First MaUonal, Manlatee SOO 00 died rccet.il.y ut pneumonia, niter a short troit; Dr. W. T. Carpenter Starobangh; Fron­ iuinntca. ed note* In the bureau ef ungraring and print­ testing asatnst the man's body coming among a niiinbrr ot inhabitants who object to elegant liouso. Two years afterward Englishmen should nut, when to light, somo of them possessing re­ of my dock would go to the domni- Wrst National, Port Huron...... 43185 lUiicss. ds B. Stockbrldge Kalamazoo: E. S. Laccy ing has teen counted and found to torrcsjwnd to tbo Morgue after tlioy allowed tho leading olHco ot the larger . cities ho All this while there was an avenue of escap« paying tlic heavy war toxes levied by Russia. his great work, "Tho Columbiad," ap­ thoy visit America, wish to have a re­ tion bow-wows. It is a good thing I Fourth National, Grand Rapids 886 44 Charlotte; Free Estcc Mt. Pleasant; Geo. W. with the treasury book. markable features. Yesterday, when poor fellow to seek tho Alms House could Iind a lawyer whom be knows. •aenoaoeSovlnmi, Flint 3M45 which tlie panic stricken girls did not think of. peared. It w^as published in Plillndol- plica of what they loft behind. Nor a Utrcurti reporter asked Wuden am a man of God. if 1 wore not, I ilie regular quarterly meeting of tho 'Wcadock East Sagiuaw. It wos uu opening in the roof, which A l.irge mohair warehouse i^ Hrad- for a place of shelter. Why il you No abbreviations' of the law reporters •Grand Rapids TSntlonal . ?S S F. A. Switzlor of St. Louis has been pbla, and wns tho most costly book should thoy renrovo and chastise and am afraid I should havo to swear." •West Michigan frtdt gr.'iwcrs' society will be they could easily liiivu reached from u ford, England, was burned a few days since, Vought in the office of the Alms House stood licro somo days and behold tbo stagger him. He refers to no*diction- Home National, East Saginaw...... 1,450 30 appointed chief of thelmrcaunrstatisticsottba which, up to that time, had ever been point tho moral, as they are so fond of bcld at Muskegon, commencing on tbe evening John Jargenson, aged 11 years, was bench standing beside the wuli, aud once nn entailing a loss of a iniliion and a half dollars. about his experience with these aris­ stylish funerals that take placo from ary to discover the meaning of Ihe "Well," cried tlie provoking girU Lansing National.. „2222? the roof thuv could hove reiiclietl other bullil- treasury department, vice Joseph Nlmmo, Jr. Issued in this country. It was dedica­ doing—a remnant, surely, of the good Mcchanica', Detroit S,7ffln of June 3. drowned in the river at Lansing on tbe 16th. tocratic paupers, that gentleman, with tho Morgue, you would be astonished. initials or ooudensed names used, but "if you want to talk to 383, go ahead lugs with perfect ease. The lack of ready ae- who resigned by request Victor Hugo, tbo venerable French ted to Robert Fulton of steamboat old times whon the papers used to tell a look of intense indignation as he vic­ promptly goes to tho proper alcove —il you don't, say so at once, and I .'Mercbanta' Jf Manufacturers' 4,66318 He, with three companlonsj each several years cess to this plaee lost all tlie.«<; live.'i. The lire —New York Mercury. Northern National, Blij Baplda...... 474 W Rev. Dr. Samuel "raves, who recent- author. Is seriously 111. Because ot bis ad- fame, and was graced by a portrait of John Bull every morning that he was iously chewed on tlio stump of a hall and unerringly brings 'forth tho de­ will turn on somebody that does." younger than himself, were boat riding, aud in was almost insljjnllleant. The ivooden slulr- A circular 1: tter has been prepared •Old Notional, Ornnd Baplds 835 40 resigned from the lirst Baptist church ot Grand vunccd age, hia friends bave little hope of bis the author, together with eleven cop- tho noblest fellow in the world, and smoked Havana, said: "Oh. the way sired report, whether it be one of a "Hcllot Is thia Phillips, tho sex- Plymouth National 153 35 reaching for bis handkerchief ho lost his bal­ war around the elevator was not Inirned so as at the treasnry department which states that Baplds, becomes president uf a colored college to be useless or even unsafe, yet the flttnu'.s recovery. por-plate illustrations executed in Lon­ could ,do nothing wrong. Ono is im- these people have been coming bore as Tho Mustard Plaster. musty Britisb scries or some earlier tonP" .•Second National, Bay City 610 44 ance and fell overboard, sinking Immediately. the continued refusal of employes to meet .fiecond National, Hillsdale 800 00 at AtloDta, Ga. seem to have prevailed all tlic" lloor.i and tc don. Tho author expected that this mensoiy struck by thu fact that all common paupers, is something awful. I had taken a cold, which settled state collection of opinions wlioso "Yes sir. Phat doyez want?''. . His body wos recovered. have ruined all the paper and other light, coni- their debts will be sufllc:ant cause for dis­ Kl Mahdi is retiring his troops every Southern National, Coldwatcr 450 00 work would permanently retain its the littio details of everyday life aro You could hardly believe tnero were on my chest, und my landlady sug­ editor sought to emblazon his own "Whv, Phillips, the church wnsi Michigan manufactures moro la-c/it'.>)lii/"»tt.T. SnlllyiiiSiilllyi>ii_ei estlniates • s tiTis low lit where. He himself is reUrIng towards' .Tobcl 4fnlon of Jackson 47a 05 Ludington is greatly excited over t' missal. distinction ns tho greatest of American dilTcrcnt; oven the language has un­ people moan enough in this world to gested n q'liiniuo pill. I took a large name upon it rather than employ very cold and uncomfortable last Sun­ sbinglcs than Any other state in tho Union. |g drive in Rich Plaids which could notcc. Eliri, leaving bis steamers at Sobat, on tbe dergone n transmutation not to be one rolled in a piece of xiapcr, also a salt well which was begun over a year a nocras. It was read and admired, but do so while thoy had means sullicicnt thu modern convenience of coase- day. I want you to have it warm > to-^ Total.. $33,189 74 From 1,049 establishments 2,5S4,;i7,030 aro yard,—37c and 40c. goods, ® An Indiana postmater of .the White Nile. like many other works of temporary discovered in books. A station has to get a crnst of bred and n bed to lie whisky siint;, somo salt and water, a cntivo numbers. It is this per­ morrow." made per annum. The superintendent reports 18 feot of rock aJ|i- colored Dress Goods Department is a ni fonrtb-elass, whose resignation Wllg become a 'depot.' a, washhand jug a rag soaked ia coal oil, a lady's woolen Natives at Dongola, fearing massacre value, it gradually sunk out of sight,' down npon. They have been dying fect familiarity with tbo library "Och! Tho furnace air burned out. I Oea. Brook's Froclamation. at a depth of 3,210 feet and the bottom of t[ going on in colored Cashmeres, Novi received reecntly, stated that ho wiw 'pitcher,' sp rits of wine •alcohol,' sock nnd other female articles. In Graifvillo, three miles from Stanton. 'at the hands of El .Mahdl after the evacuoUon and it is not probable that nnotiier bore, actually worth not only thous­ whic h impresses Mr. Wilkinson mon, an' the devil couldn't kape the- rpctrioit Post. stratum Is not yet reached. The salt ist Crazy Cloths, Crape, Saugllor, Alba appointed during President Polk'.t administra­ '"Rf?"SO'baggage,' an engine a Moco- fact, I took everything I could get. has been completely wiped out by fire.Seventy - of the £oudan liy tho British, ure flockingdow n eaitioa wilt ever bo printed. Its ands of dollars, but with houses and upon tiiu visitor. The pages of tlie house warrum 'till it's flxed." •|i,Tlia will of Pierre Le Konx, some. purest yet found on tills shore. Two or thr Arinures, and the choice of the market tion uud has served continuously forty yours. motivo'—all thoso things tend to cre­ About midnight the quinine uwakenod one familios wcro rendered homeless and com­ tho Nile in large numbers. prophecy of future development is ono other property besides. I toll you I tupromo court justices are momenta­ "Well, well, Phillips, wo don'b. 'l)fnieaknotvn as PlcrrcXc Blanc, was tiled In wells willbc sunk at once. ^| i; 3f its most striking foatures, of which ate a certain amount of friction on a me and I sat up tho rest of the night pelled to camp out in u Hold. Butle-/ Maliouo, son of Senator Ma- have been gii^ossly deceived, finaing rily coming down with requisitions want tho devil to warm the churob.. ,(Uito elty,about 70 years ago. After Peter's ^ngus Niggli of Langston, nctTf conservative car, Thon the Englisli- with it. Not that the qulbino was Detiiilt; aiiienmng section OlOy, Howell, rela­ hone, has been indloted for trying to shoot a Cunningham and Burton, on trial for the following is au instance: out, only when too late, who somo of for authorities that may range from We want you to do it. You can, iff >dcath an inventory of his possessions waa It is estimated that tho loss on timber Greenville, whom some person assaulted on tive to adjournment ol sale.'i of ri'al estate ou treason felony In connection with the recent mnn should start with thu understand­ lonesome or hotaesick-oh, no! It waller at Welker's in Washington, aeveral From Mohawk's mouth far westing with the my people were. the ancient Breton laws, French causes you will, and you must try." laadc, and the resulting statement written on and bullillngfl by the fDi-o'St fires about New­ tbe 14th inst., died on tho 2Ist. An inciuest exMutlons; amending section S0.'0, Howell, dynamite explosions in London, have liecn ing that democracy is a real thing m "Now. thoro was tho case of a man, made itself very much at home—it relative to ullaeliineiit. The greater pari weeks as;o. Nowtlthstandlng that an indict- . sun, colebros, or reports ol tho court de "An' how am Oi to kape it warrum (tho back of nn old proclamation made by Gen- berry will reach ovor 83Q,0J0. America. Now. 1 hoard a story of it was too familiar. I decided that tho was held and a verdict reiKlored tliat Niggli of the morning session was de­ incnt has bccii found, it is not believed that' found guilty and sentenced to penal servitude Tbronch ull Ihe woodlands recent channels who died heru somo days ago. Ho cassation to tho wholo domain of when tho furniico air is oowld as I^aac Brock. This was probably dono becanso run. distinguished Englishman of science quinine and tbe boy cculd not lio down' Timothy Coitghlin of Sault Sto Mario camo to death at tho hands ot an unknown voted to considering the Ford oapluil punish­ the case will be pushed for trial. tor life. camo hero under his right name, but American decisions. With the pre­ Grenelund, her honor'" '.Pierre's relatives were short of paper. Tho ment bill us a special order and tlio afternoon Fan the rcilnndant lakes, tho broad hills brave, who made so great a fuss at itn Amer­ together. was convicted of manslaughter und sentenced person. Tho young man never recovered declaring ho was without a friend or cision of a Swiss bell-ringer Mr. Wil­ Hero tbe wretchod eirl switched on was spent In work In coniiiilttee of the whole. A dispatch from St. Petersburg says it Aad marry Hudson with Missouri's wave. ican railway station that the bystand­ •document is .-imong the flics of tho probate of- consciousness after being hurt. Tho postma.ster-gonor.ll h.ts awarded From'dim Superior, whose iinfathoraed sea dollar in tho world. Almost n month The nest morning tho cold was still kinson draws out tbo required works a carriage maker who waa instructing, to thirteen years nt Jaeksou. He shot Joseph Adiounied. ers remarked it. 'You scum to take iflco, nnd will serve to settle an old cnntroTcra; to the Holyoke envelope company of llnlyokc, Is slated tliat Mr. Gladstone lias refused to re­ Drinks the mild splendor ot the setting day. after his death his true history camo there and so was the quinine. Also a from tho shelves. But what is more one of his employes bow to polish up- and John Puruult last .March. Peter Denno of this village, lias re lloiisi:—The following pas.'scd niilcss otiier- New paths unfolillitg lead their watery pride, up a great deal ol room sir.' *In my •ifOlntivo to the exact time when Broc1erIuteiHloiit.'* of the poor, proiit deal of room.' These are the ila Intact, reads ns follows, the typographical attorney for the eastern district of Michigan tho ne.vl fij»a l yoar. Upon the basis of con" other arbitrator. And to the broad Pacific mala extend. member of a Catholic benevolent soci­ suggested a mustard plaster on the cases. Ho lius nu need of recourse to and the answer tbe sexton reoolved. lost; aineiiiUng the general lilghwav laws, little things tliat rulllo tho Americans iflourlahcs being omitted: haa resigned. C. P. Black of Tuscola county' 'xist ever struck In this p.ai't of the cnnntry. sumption last year, n:imely, S3,S3p.2'J0 en­ ety, which provides that nt each mem­ chest. I went down town and bought digests to locate the leading cases of was ns follows: passed; Ineor|)nratIng the school.s ot Fentou; Ollicial reports concerning the Indian How wonderfully this prophesy has sadly. But it is impossible, I thinlu to prevent Injury or destructiou of liaggage: velopes, the savlnir eltected by the new con" ber's death ho is allowed $75 or $100 one. It was a small, innocont-looking our jurisprudence. The library has rnocLAHATioy. Is mentioned as hia suocossor. '^"^^^^ '''' ^""^ "'"^ " ^""'^ f°'^'^<^''" wheat crop pruspoels iiidieote that if prcsrjil boe* fullillcd during the eighty years for tinyono, even uorliapsfor aa Amer­ "Put a small quantity ot alcohol on>< stream ot water nearly eighteen feot above tho regulating the traiispi)rtatiou and vardlu',' ol tract will be SlS.-lsr. and burial by the society. He left his aiTair; only cost a quarter. That grown duriuc Mr. Wilkinson's incum- By Isaac Brock. Esq., major-Rcnoral com­ Tho C'amination of .Jennie Bool of To.\as eatlle; torn revision of the praellc'o oi antleipatioiis be rciUizod thrre will bj n smallet of interval. ican, to ffivu tnis"twortliy impressions each seat, and whon tbo people come^ manding his majesty's forces in the province of Surface ot the earth.—[Montague Lumberman. home and family of grown children niifht 1 placfld it on my chest nnd boncy from 15,000 to 63,000 volumes, in, tlic polished condition cannot fail' Kalamazoo, clinrged with tho murder ot her the law—referred back to the CoHiiiiitteu on Commissioner Sparks' order suspend­ Kuroiiaeii doinnnil this nulumu for American "The Columbiad" at onoe cave Bar­ of Amorica, tho most interesting Coun­ Upper Canada, etc., etc.; etc.: Wavs and Means; amending the general plank because thoy would not put up with anchored it there with a shoe-string but he has kept pace with it. to engage . their attention and mako • John Sluck of Big l^apids, is in jail. wheat than lust }-car. low national distinction, and this led try in tho world, tho most shifting 1. WHBiiKAS, The Territory of Michigan was lllegitlinuto child, resulted in her discharge roafl act—passed; making au appfeprlatlon for ing final action on land and timlicr claims in his having married a third wife. Wlien around my neck. It looked like a them feel pleased—and, siiy—yon this day, by capitulation, cedod to tho urins of He beat his wife unmereltully, and was arrest, him to project a full history of tho problums of modern times. Tho For six generations back Mr. Wilkin­ The result gives general satisfaction. improvement of UowagiaeCreek; proposingun several western stales and territories is causing ho loft hoino no trace of the man could medul. and hud nu appc:irance of might as well treat my desk in'thn.. •His Brlttannick Majesty without any other con- cd. When released he called ut the residence amendment to section :iS, scliediilo Mr. Gladstone announced a bill in country, but his plans were broken by Americans ruijard Mr. James Bryco as son's ancestors havo been free. He much angry c«nmont The eoinmlssloncr say^ bo discovered until they at last learned uilo on Its slumbering countenance, same way, as it will materially im­ iditlon than tbe protection of private property. Justice Stanley Mathews holds court of a relative with whom Mrs. Sluck was staying ot ttie C'oii.ititulloii, relaUve Commons a few days ogo to .imcnd the pur­ tho oafi to diplomatic service, Madi­ tho authority pur u.vcelluuco ou things has African, Indian, and whito blood iiind wishing to give an early proof of the'moil- ' at Grand Rapids Juno 1, Marouotle June fl» he Is saUsflcd large frauds exists ond until that ho bad died in the Alms House on eook not upon a mustard pListor in his veins. In 1831. when the fear prove the l(^ks of it. Bo sure to do> and began shooting. When the ofllcers agoin to the Governor's oppnlntmcnts; chase clauses of tlie land act. Thia in order lo son needed au ambassador to Franco, American. But then ho has traveled icration and Justice of tho government, I do nnfl nno«ihW in TiMr^it .i.«„. T, M amsnding laws ri-lativo to olTenses aglliist these are discovered no patent* will bo granted. Biackwell's island It was then too when it is asleep, for in tho ond it of a sUtve insurrection terrorized tbe as I tell you, now. It will tako abop,t. •ncrebv announce to all the fiibabltants of the i ""^ l>09«™y in Detroit about June Ai. attempted to arrest him he drew a knife and at- remove tho friction existing between the gov­ and there was no one so well adapted far anu wide, and followed the various property to stand as seetlon 9170, A. Howell; If the settlers wishes to borrow money, bin late to recover the body, for through stingeth liko a serpent and draweth south and tho free negroes were driven a half a pint to each one, and a quart said territory that the laws heretofore In exist­ tempted to cut his throat, inflicting a serious ameiidliig section '^15, liowell, relative to p:iy ernment aud Parnelilti'S. to this service as Joul Barlow. On stops ol American progress witli sym­ ence shall continue In force until his majesty's The annual reunion of ^'o. A., Fifth ccrtlUcate of entry con be used as cosily as u course of law it had gone to tho dis­ like an oncino. I went to sloup; the from Virginia, Wilkinson's father be­ for tiio desk." wound. <)' troops; rolnllve to putit jurors In Upper patent reaching Paris ho found that thn dream pathy and intulligouce."—Pall Mall secting table of somo medical college. mustard p aster didn't. It began to pleasure be known, or ao lone as the peace and Jlichlgan cavalry, will 'bo held at tho Michigan Peninsula—p.isscd; fnr iiiiioncilng act relative All tho troops from -Suakim hnvn been came a resident of Washington, whoro On tho following Sunday, tKd min­ VAfety of tbe suld territoty will admit thereof. of liberty and its bloody frenzy had Oazclte. "Thoro was anotlicr instance of ras­ Exchange, Detroit, Thursday June 11. to appointment of an .Assistant Prosecuting ordered to remain in Egypt, in nccordonee with realize my helpless coiulition, and ho was caterer to tho loading states­ ister was dumbfoiinded'to find a quart. And I'do hcrcbv also declare and make known R. P. Comfort, president of tho vil­ .\ttorner in Wayne county; relative to a ceme­ Tho postma'tor general has issued given placu'to tho still moro bloody cally wctchodness," wentoa tho War­ rolled up its sluevus, spit on its'liands, t* thewald inhabitants, that they shall bo pre­ a telegram from the British government. The men who mossed together there. The bottio of alcohol conspicuously placed. Lansing, Juno IS to 21, is tho place lage of McBrido, wr'.tes Mayor Orummond of tery In f'ark Township, St. Joseph eoudty; tor the following order relative to renewal of despotism of Napoleon. He bolioid CougresBloual Hedioeritjr.. den. "A woman, almost bent with in- lected In the full exercise and enjoyment of piordswlll go into garrison at Ramlch, and tbe "sniiiTgud" up closer tu nio and took son was early placed in a brick-yard, on bis desk, and the deacons and and time for holding tho national camp meet­ Detroit, under date of May IS, that, by recent the sale of the Jackfoii eoiinty fair groiinil. jmstmasters' lionds: "That, whenever ony tbe march of this crowned monster to Congressmen uro each paid salaries tirmity, was brought hero, who ro|iro' •heir religion, of which nil persons, both civil After considering many bills in committee ol other troops at Abusslcli, near Cairo. a fresli grip. The atmospliero began aud follownd brick-making until bo elders wcro sliockek at finding, half a • 4ihd military, will take notice and gororn tbcm- ing under the auspices of the Methodists. fires which consumed nearly the entire business postmaster of tho fourth-class shull liave re. Moscow with an army of nearly half a of 85,U00 a year. There are S25 of sentcd she was without a home, and the whole the Uinise aiijoiirned. to rise. So did i. 1 dreamed of was 29 years old, lilling the winter in­ pint in eacli of their pows, and whon. aolvcs accordingly. portion of the place and many dwellings, a nialncd in office for five years from diiteot the iho Spanish covornmont is lo spend million, so fow of wlioni ovor ro'turnoil. thciu, and about twenty-live ouu of that .all belonging to liur were dead It is reported that Detective Ball.ard hades. Thu most awl'ul lirus were tervals with catering and playing in a they leorued from tho sexton that all All persons having In their possocslon or hav­ MAY iiO.—SEMATK— \\\ after thn taking clTcet ot his latest ofllclal bond, he shall 2C|000,OD0 pesetas anaurdly for 10 years in the Four months afterward camo tho sad that nunibor aro worth their salario'i. large number ot taniillcs aro left homeless nnd and irone. lior"story was Ijeliovcd, and poked tip as 1 drew near. Then old bund.ggln 1857 ho was uniployod ns a ing any knowledge of any public property, shall is tunneling nway at the Crouch case wilh tlie enacting clause wus struck out in the hill to tidings of a f-.tiluru of tliu expedition, Tliu bust could not niako moro than had been done by tlio preacher's' or­ penniless. Ho therefore requests such aid as establisli the penally of death by hanging for execute a new bond in manner and with (•onstriiclion of first-class iron clods, cigh' eroatod a gooii dciil of sympathy in I'ltito phieod :L moiiiit.iiii un mv chest, forthwith deliver up the same or give notico I tm st confidence that he will nltimatcly dls"' actioiiipaniod by ii request from laborer to asgi.st in cleaning tho gen­ ders, one of the greatest rows of tho- the iieoplo may bo willing to render. couvlctlous ot the crime of nuiriler In tho Ilrst surollcs as required by law, upon notice from C ul.sers of tho first-class,seve n of the second half that by tho salo of their t'alents hor behalf. Her sight "was prblty then niioiliur. 1 ben;aii to gasp for thereof .to tlie officer commanding, or Lieut. cover tho murderers,—.Taekson Patriot. eral library. Congress made an ap­ season began to brew, and whon tho Col. Nlchol, who are hereby duly anthorized to degree. This action taken in committee of the the department. forty ot the third, f:0 gun boats and (i5 tosp^do Napolijiin that Birlow should ineot liiiu to tho world in any capacity, nnd if gootL for, althongli givin;,' hor sigo at breath Jiiid strong !idjeclivo.s. Then whole w.ia not eoncuric.i in hy tho Senate, but propriation for an additional laborer, text: "Eat, drink and bo merry, for to­ receive and give proper receipts for tho same. Tho powers that bo have finally dc. I ho Honduras Tropical Fruit Com­ ,at VVilua. His olijuct was never pub­ somu of lliom wuru forced to live by 51 when sho ct.-'orcd. slui couUl" read the bill was iiidelliiltely posijioned; yeas llj, boaU. sumu one fuiully 'Ki'a-iliud niu and I and Wilkin.son got the purmancnt job. morrow yo shall die." was announced, Ollicers of militia will bo held responsible pany of Grand Rap!da, held their annual meef Tho president h.ts appointed Capt. lished, but it is probable that ho tho sweat of tlioir brows outside of and sew 'jvithout tlio aid of glasses, woke 10 litid my'selt .'•iliiiin: up in bed that all arms In possession of uillitlutncn bo cidcd that there will bo no encanipinont ot niivs 15. Adjourned. Wilkinson was soon detailed to tho tho ladies retire^ and the men put. •ng that city a few days sinoo. This company Henry SIcElderry assistant surgeon U. S. A., It is roporlod that the Irish land pur­ wished to obtain trooi).s from America politics 1 inijijriiiu that many of them which many uf her :i.ssociatcs liuru can Imincdiatciy delivered up. And all individuals slnto troops this year, owing to tbo depletion Ilou.il!—The Ijoard ot state auditors report­ in the de;idly uuibrucu of thu niustanl law library, sind thoro, through the tho minister out of tho house, nnd now has been organized alioiit thirteen mouths. It ed that, III ueeonlaiioo wilh the iiistriietlon und Lieut. B. H. Buckingham, U. S. N., men-,- chase bill I rovldes that the government shall to renew an army sauriliccd to his own would go on il low diet, ami not from not do. Woll, occasionally while with whatever who have in their possession arms ot the funds of the military deimrtnient. plaster. I took it olV :iiul Ining it ou grades of "laborer, messoiigor, and as- bo h.ts to unawor a chitrge of immoral - of any kind will deliver them np without de- owns about 150 a';res of banana trees at Tola of tile House, It had obtained bcrs of the executive board at tho world's in­ advance three-fourths of the purehiiRC money, folly and ambition. clioicc uithur. Look ovur thu mou uf us a ratliur young-loukinj; m:ui oallud ray trunk, but it 2!> iiiuti from any piirt of tcr. WliiUs nol; evincing imii;li sorrow ilecided tliMt llie r.mjovity of mu was .appointed 'Dv. Stevenson, of Terra clia.si.' of books tor tliestate libiaiy: approprlat' Xiii) o.xjio.suri) of llio Joiirnoy aiul tho at the woman's end," ho was quito with tliu iiiii.'-lnrd ]ii:i.ster. Tliu mi­ missioner of Pensions, was born . ut Major General. Mva. Julia Chandlw was fatally scald­ thirty years, wbieh is known as tho National Ing ST.'i.O.X) for eunont expiu.sis, S1I,C2J foi Ihc death of Col. Lytoi-d. A di.spateli dated V.ay 18, stiys thu Union—iiu.':i whoso brain and Haute, in hi.s place. The now ap- wrutchod coiidirioii of llio i'olisli intis grieved to seo sho hiid Jior ago down nority went, back lo bed. I n.se it »gw Losinglon, Mo., in January, 1839. Ho ' • Tho tyiio used was ot poor workmanship. ed at Iron Moun'ain City by overturning a Cocal. Iniprovenients tor the Mich gau sehuol lor the Stormy, cold weather ia general throughoul miisclo alone i.s worth .•J,0,OOl) a vuar pointee diseli:irKSA'ri';- The niiiio ity tbe dlsulct ot Vensaco'a, Fliu To bo eollector •\ riot occurred in I'nris Sunday, May leon's army pori.sliiii;i^ liy fro.st at,ul that tiio ivoniau's lifo Iiad bucn in­ at a lime. sni;iM.i.-sfiill\'. .\nyway, ;i In nn Hour Whon Thoy Knew Not. sionary for several year.!. Ills wife, wlio died John 0. Parkliur.st of Coldwatcr made a touch­ their frieiid.sliip witli frfuat oorjiora- quested that ho be never reniovod. admission to the bur. Ho onteved thO' ropre.'ientatloii bill wa.s talcen from the talili of internal roveiim.'—I'olin T. JJillsmun lor tbe 31, llio anniversary of llie fullof the commune. f'.iiiiiiio on the bt)i'iiors of Polanil. sured, but hor real :i;^o had not boon niusUtfil plaster i-iit viiiii thing for Elijah Smith, an oUi-iiino rosidont of ill March, was formerly lady iirliieli;al of O.ivct ing address on the death of Henry C. Lew's, tions. Soiiii! ;:ot llioiii bv drinkiujf at ollico of a prominent firm in Cliicago< , nnd pa.':noM citlzen.s ilui right of sull'ragt lii'ir-rooiiis to ciiiliv:iiii llii! slums, and for this purpose, and in duo time was- tlon at tlie tonibi ot Ihclr eomrad.'S. Tht inspiration, and liciii;;' uaalilo to u.so i'ied son iiiul dutiirlitof, wlio livu in nientatiil nm'awav wiUi ils ruaaon.- Cross-Kyed I'uoiile. thrown from n liuggy nnd Inslaiilly killed a few Clilc-ago delivered nn oration in which lie III municipal eJeetiull.^. was lor.t, vote reeon­ ro.stmu.stcr Genoral Via? intends to soniii livpui-'riiiually slid into tiiuui Ijy admitted to the practioo of , hi* It has been docided to holil tho next sldered and llio iiiiilDn tallied; The hlU ereat- polic'j iiilerferad, when a swioiis eonlllet on. the pen..lie d:uL:tted tiie most trcnioud- jirayitig in tliu i:luirclius at tiie same comfort in Now York. Tlio namo sho Kctno, m i'.:c';!'s Him. "Yoi! would think that a cross-eyed -days flncu. Mr. and Mrs. Smllii were driving recited the history of tlio battery. Tho annual order that the New York linn of Lovell .t Co., profession. His home is at. Dan­ meeting ot tho Mielilgaii stat? anil western ing Siiinner ooiinly out irf territory Uikon from sued. 111 whleli several pcr.-ions were killed and Dus iiidictinoiit; wbieh llie poetic niuso titni^!. Olliors lioiii tlii.'if pliicus by "avo was fi'implv as.sumed to coiicual person would overcome his .sensitive­ Jnto tlio city iroin their farm, ono mile out on election resulted as foUiws: Prosiclout, A. J. Cliohovgaa and i'l-os^qiie Islii eoiiiiLle.i was alsc who inibllsli cheap novels dally, be forliiildeii ville, III. M'olilgan pres.s iis.'-ORlntlon.i al 'l'rnver.4e City S'J wounded. ever dclivcfud jif^aiiist tlio imporial llio f:ivor ol uurtsiiii di.sti'iut ring;s atiil hor identity so liiat .slio could live at ness," but hu seldom does. He broods UlU Holden loail, and were on the cast side of Bachman, Detroit; viro'president, J. W. lost. *riio Senate o.-ineiirrcil In the ilou.sc to send their novels t'.irniigh the mails as tyrant. It is called "Advicu to a JulyO, and to have a joint e.x'curslon uud ainendmenls to the lilll i.'.>:tendiiig the territory thu iiiainsprini^ wiiiuii runs tbo sitc- tho city's expense. But just look at a Woiuiiu as till Artist. over it. It grow.s on him. He im­ Gen. Black has been active in poll- •tlie tracks. A train on Use Bay City & Detroit Strootor, Chicago; seeretary, Gtoi'goT. Jacques, Tlio llrili.sli cviifiuntioii of Ihe Soudan banquet. of the eily of Deli'i.iit—3,') lo I. Ailjoiimeil. secontl-eluas niatter umler the claim that tlieir Itavon," ami clones with tliu hope of ec.ssfiil machiiiory of olhors is tho case tliat iiociiluntally cjiiiio lo w :iiu' thuu vou the respect in .which his libllity is hold-. nnodation train, which is used to transfer the iiy ius connection willi tliu couieunial lifo. Ho said lie livijd in the Tenth I sav,"iTioroovef, tliat iioithor Rapha­ of cross-eyed pouplo. But it is not Wil io Tuttlo of St. Louis, agod 15, vleu-prcsldont, A. 1!, Wheeler, St. Louis; MAV 2'.'—SE.VAIK — Tbo following lowing appointments: To bo Attorneys ot the army of the new Malidi, lils eouqueror. will iind ono who dous, buuaiise it is Gen. Black was tho Demboratio candi­ .Michigan Central train, caniq thundorhig along lillls pu'ised iinles.s otherwise noted: ineorjiii- ot'lliii new birth of liltinttiiru uud the for bis cotiiitry'ti j,'(iod. and nut be- Ward, but was out of work, and was el nor Iteinliraiidc nor IMeissonier ovor altocethov baslifuliioss which causes date for Governor In 1872,. died otter n very painful illuMS ot spinal dls- second vice-president, H. M. Warren, Jones- rating 'i'awas City; ninviidlng eliarlor ol United State's- Henry C. Alien for tho wosl Gen. Wilson, who siiuuuutlui.1 tho :nt a speid of over thirty miles an hour. There important fact lliat tlut Ilrst voiuiuu causu it will liuHulit liiiiisuU. Must of well received i<;ru. llu would ilo what had it in them to translato tlirough him'to avoid looking a person squarely and when Gen. Logan was sent to tho- scaso produced by too much roller skating. vlllo; recording secretary, L. T. 'Van Horn, Port Huron, provision amiexlng Fl. (jratlol district ot Virgiiiin; Cyroiilus P. Black for the lamented Stewart In the eomniaud of the ad­ issiiud after thuKuvuhuiou wiuuhytua •Is'a slibrt turn in the rood, nnd liusidcs this the vance corps of the Kliarlouin relief e.vpeditlon them swell about :iiiso tlioy tliink thoy aro all lie. clainuMl lo bu, ii.s-oopt when vis­ and women of tlio niirsorytu uur deep of sight in uach of his crooked eyes, as Democratic caucus iiominoo.. Ho was; thecounty. ' " ' ' "East Saginaw; treasurer, B. . U. Lamson' Intornid Itevenuo—Wm. C. Thump'<()n for the unfortunate couple's attention wus probably swamp lands fornit rly mado to her, and u'.iw possible tl) rescue (lun.'Clordon. Tho re|)ort so, savin;; at cluution time, when thoy itors were nboiit f noticud hu sliiinnud and tliorou'rh and loving' conipruhon- is often tho case, it would do bim no a delugnte at .largo to the' Ihlst' Obiu— comprl.-ing a portion ot the city of Meuoniinoe, second district ot low.i; llyron W. Welistertor :nbBorlx!d watching the train just passed, and A sped 1 'r.iiu on th'< PetrMt, Mack­ Brighton; nerologist, I. N. Eldred, Chesaning; explains tills three days' delay In starling up All Eustor Novelty. must drink, tnicklu and buotlick to their tjlanoos iitul nvoidud Ihoir prns- sion so woll !is llio hull' artists of to­ goed to look tho ordinary way. Ho ocratic National Convention, beforo passed; reincori oritliig Poinlac; tc the third district of lowu. To be colltclor of the Nile to relieve (Jen. Oordiii'i bv the necessity they did not notice the Grand Trunk train until inac & Marquettee railroad when passing AI-, board of censors, I. N. Eldred, Chosnnlng; D' amiudthe constltuton rclativo to drain keep thoir grcatiiuss upporinosi;. Con encc. Al: la.s-t siukiiu.ss attiickuO him, day nro be^rinning to oueil; grussiunal groaiiiu.s.s! Faugh!—Carp'. and hu br;;/:iii lo .sliuw signs of iilto.gcthbr. Tho llnu.s of his vision liim in nomination for the, Vico-Pro'si- uttuck' tticn threiiteno,i Iroin liorhcr un tbe book stoics an ori' all . his lifo, and taint and shadowy outlines of a pair of Tho Sizo; of bur. La)coB.' //; Nathan Smith of Adrian settled in annual meeting of tbo society on the third clly charter: ani'.'ii.llug .see. 4;iU0-i, ilowcll, rel­ States—Albert C. Gibson for tho district of 'Arcliitectuvii in America, genius reaches forth toward subjects Jllr. Smith was thrown high Into tho air, and for the udvumcc to Khurtoum. whom tliey havo .siiljiiiittod thoir work The latest moasuremont ot;:,our Oakland county inlS30, or just six yeara Tuesday In May, 1S80. ative to suits In circuit courts ngatu.st mutual Louisiana. The Montreal llVf/ow.s pays tills tfi- by hard work niid much advoiituro in warm with lifo. And it is jnst snch ears or the rim ot a luit^ Tho place Jater bis body was picked'up hctweou the tracks tbat thov liavB over.' pro.vpoct of lio- sarller than 8. B. Knapp of Lowell, who claims benefll cooperntlvo orbeuovolout assoclotlous; A. G. Sharp, chief postofllco Inspoc. buto to tho jirogru.ss in arcliitoctnru in viirioiis coiinlrius siiucecdud. in Kalh- flub.iects that will touch all human where thu face ought,to be wonld be a fresh water ^eas is. as follows; , , ,,,, ' .J',- .«bOut flftyfcct away, A largo gash wos found The case of Isaac Clark and Daniel ostabllshing o home for disabled soldiers; coining sncucsafiil bii.siiut.ss wuiinio. Brinjr together ipiito ii sum of nioiioy to have resided In the statu longer than any tor, has directed his uss'latauts that tn future 1 HE TiMKS scribe had un interview this country : "Tliu Unitud Status is hearts, nnd found a now school of dishi';il I)l«nk. Many bright features The greatest length of Lake buporiioir 'In the left 8lde;of tbo forehead, and tbe entire Graham, who are serving life sentences in state sailors and marines; prohibiting the payment ol Tho littio oriiaiiiiitit, whiuli thoy havo and valuables, llu camu tu this city, dying white man. wogcslii ».;rIpor store orders; to provide for where It is discovered hy an Inspector thnt any withW. C-Parker ot Windfall, last soon going to tako tha load of oldur painting that will oc.lip.so all tho other are ruined by this fuarfni misfortune. is .S,15 miles; its greatest breadth is'lea :, 'l^l^^art'.df'the: In. Ilia prison for thoMilier murder at Norrla, severa) fashioned to lian^' cm ii cabinut'or gus countries in tliu matter of yiodern liftur visiting llio West, for tlio solo schools of painliuj; that havo over Some scnsiti'vn victims never pluck up the contlmiouco of actions in justices' court« postmaftcr or other employe of the postal dc week. IVIr. I'arkur held n ouc-lifth' miles; iboah depth;68B'feet; elovntlonr ' ' .' Lucy A, Smith of Manistee aged 83 years ago, will not bo reopened. The fi-londs Incase of inability or iiegligouccon the part brackut Eastor iiiofuin;;, i.s a wliite architecture, as it is natural that it purpose of finding out a son whom ho boon.—Helen Wilmann, in Chicago JKiB- courage enough to marry. Thoy often o'ciJc Wti'left abotilder b'lode were broken and , „, „ , , - ,^ partment has violalod tho law, the fact must ticket in the I.ouisbina .state Lottury, 627 foot; area; 83i000 square miles.v \ of the prisoner who took the matter In hand of tho justice; making an upiirupriution fur satin crcscoiit friiiyri'il with sllvur sliould. A rapidly developing coun­ had discarded. Ho found that this fresa. become seUish misitni^liropos,- grow •41180 many other bonca. Mrs. Bmlth was found ' '-ttlklnB o" the railroad track near that iinprovciuonts ut the stato prison; roqulring No. .09,07.5, whidh drew $1.0,000, ono- . The greatest length of Like Michir; place, when sho waa struck by a passing trnlm some time ago have opparcntly abandoned the ut once bo communicated to tbe United Statcg Rpiinglos and diislinl ovor with silver man was married, but living in hum- Ion tho west aide of the tracks covered up tn tho sureties on olllciul bonds to make justlllcatlon fifth of the lirst capital privoof S75,oeiinInr,^ responsibility; E, I'urry held a half interest in the vonioncos, oft'ors thn most promising of straighl-oyod vclativos who tutully 108miles; 'mean dppth,,..690 feet; eld- dved but a few moments. ed In tho casa, bus little hope of anything being offense may b.- commuted, The chief insp.)ulor broken o;;g witli a cunning downy city. Hero 111) had wondod his stops A Gcnei'mis Li^gatco. liturod In tbe buck part and ber right auklo was malting an approp^.nioi for the university: - . ,, .„ ticket purchased by Mr. Tarker. The iicld for tho ablest men of tbo ago, ignored thom while tliey wore alive to vation, 506 feet; areai,'23,000 squarcu' V accomplished. He said yesterday: "The time ameml'lng seet'oii ,'iO-J.i, HoweU, revising and In a circnl'ir on tho siibjeat, adds: "PMI- chicken puoiiini>^ forlli, his briglit oyos and scarce n wook passos that tho for thu purpose of taking up his abode Tho will of Coruoliiis B. Erwin, of light ovei'. Otliors, with that natural • broken. She llrul a few minutes after being Wm. M. Al'/er has commenced suit two mimed gontlemifn, in company with miles, ';'' "".'"' '_ ''^"'"'" • '^'W/.. eonsolidailn:; lliu pub le instruet'on and masters ond others lntrnBlerotty means wealth. But as tho old man wns go­ pesos, chiolly iu Now Britain, includ­ /engine No. 110, and was in charge of Conductor and Graham will lu all probability remain miretlus on publiu bonds, was lost, vote recon- thoy are unfit to hold ouy position) tbat to use Wlion they arrived thoro thoy had no public building, grand in extent of oross-oyod men, tako what. thoy con miles; mean deptii; 600 foot; elevatipn, juries received when entering a car which was 8idcre:l and bill tnblod. The govoririr uocuil of hanfj;ing up this Eastur gicotinjj. ing, up stairs and was on tho point of ing $80,000 for a woman's homo, S50,- T'yniau Granger, and Engineer Jamos Hudson, where thoy are." Tho conclusive evldenca at tho department funds for private pur|ioBea trouble at all in )irouuring tho $15,000. oricintil design and ol surpassing got in tho niatriraoniiil market. Thoy 274 feet; area, 20,000 squnro miles. suddenly started by the driver. his .-approval of the following acta: Piovlding Wo learn that tlio yoiiii»; women havo beauty. Tho young Western, cittos knocking on the door for admission,ho OOU for tho public piirk, $30,000 for spring at the vory first chance which •^i(ifo'wiw''ido,flagmiin'attb^^ tho trial was given by o convict named Plattr for tho compulsory rofonn cdiicution ot juve­ under any circumstances n criminal otteusc' Thoy speak vnry highly ot the company Tlio gfeatest length of Lake Erie i».; H " ^ ;•, not oncn iiitrodiicn'd tlioir design hero, which li.nvo sprung np witiiin tho overheard somo conversation within tho cemetery, includinga chnpol; f30,- offers. Thus often a soulful, but orosis- train was ponlng at a speed prohibited by the While Frank 6slonh"rg nnd his ncr, who clultned to have been Implicated In nile dLsordorlypoiacms; making appropriation and say the people of Now Orleans say 125iO0 hiilos;biiles;, gro*tesgreatest breadthbrd'adth,. 80 miloamllnii!; '• .'j but havo recoivod large ordiirs from wliich partli'ttlarlyDrulatod to himself. 000 to tho Now l$ritain Institute, mother were' crossing Two-Hearted river near the murder. Plattner afterward said he hod for Improvwnenlji at tlie stuta honso of eor- A mooting in tho intere.stof Kalama­ that it is an hones , fair and reliable in­ esthetic ortv nro fairy lauds ns compar­ eyed, osthotio finds himself joined to a mean depth, 84'feet; elevation, fiSft. «lt]r pWinaiicei and inade noattomptto stow up .. . i«°-"<'"'«> rt'cliou; uinendlng section 1, Howell, rclullvo Kochestor aud otiior neighboring ed with tho now towns of thirty years The young.man was hoard to oxclaiin: whioli, as' his residuary log(ito«,.'wili loving, but unsymphthetio, helpmeet, /lorltliocroasirig.^-^' '-^ Munliing_ , Alge_ r county, tho aklll was upset. Bworn falsely, which was the basis for the pro­ zoo college was hold In Kalamazoo the other stitution. It is recommended by tho feet; area, 6,000 aqunramllei.Jl'-'^ir:' to recording und vueating town p'ata. Mr. pliicos. Any youii'den said: "It the movement Is aucooasfui plate »t Lady llraeuey's with this end In T»«W. Tho length of all five i-,.^._-^ —-ri^ The plague in Plymouth, Penn., o« tba corner grocery in retailing neigh* . , - . ... is.UaCiJ'mHoB,;''.-'•..''.•'••,'.'-''.u^i diaviigta the careleiineM of a wotduaaa. IMOsuful cofflpeUtorfor the vaoant cadttshlp ' lag la the river there a few doys ilnae. people, la tbo high lnt;>gili;y and honor of Mr, I Uig college will not be clnwd." I coverincovering,ag an area upward oM80(OOOof ISfiiOOO- , ' T' " tbsbicrease. squara miles._• v^;.^v .;?:'(;;i;:;;:y'.'::i;':;:v^.:^|^ • I


lattoon In the short spM). or five •earib, tl«, taehlngs, eto., Is also on I Aiminr'ton mlllloh d(dlaM>av^ beisii smokciil a blgaft; Bu«y and: bappy ADDitlONAL LOCAL. B«v. Wm. I>)ust> WM to^ bn'earth by Mr; and Mrs;; James Byan jiirere Dry aoodB.-BiinihMn k Co. paid but fior peUslbna during the pree* clerks surrounded blin. . He did not In 1828 and born Into Immortality • In very thrllllnK and yet were, diitie so iitimi jTMiw. le nraly w^^^ in, plwMia of iUe,;iogrtbi^ well and easily that the spectator felt iintmontb^ look at me, biit with smiling oounte> The following are the iianiesof tbe 188S. Tbe principal facts of bis llfeure iJii'M'-'i-IM" • . • thleeliw, and be nwy well UMI piroud ianumiea, WMIS, lepbyrs, eanvaa, nee­ thoroughly at rest white gazing at tbe yru the Bsma tormsrlyglvni to JomfDla iV'tJ?:! of bla •dooees In making the itbre one dles, and other articles for fttnoy work. nance read to the end Cleveland's Thursday, Hay S8, 1885. pupils who were neither absent nor as follows: Converted at 14, licensed many difllcult feats. The cannon ball 18,1811. WiLit the democrata who are ap* tardy during the month ending Miay to preach soon after, marries and i heeatiM of- a iupentltlon that iteouMfcia > vi;:0 of the monuments of oommetolal In* Mrs, Parsons bas ever been noted for .Civil Service letter, and aa he finished aot by Prof, Donaldson showed bis : cured )tf t iiai»UmiiU,/i!t»^y^ pointed to succeed "ofTenslvely parti* 22: Byron Cowan, Florence Fountain, preaches for 12 years, leaves bis native wonderful skill and strength In hand­ dustry.ln Ingham county.. In busi­ carrying rich goods, and for selling the marked upon the margin of tbe paper, i.wlMf BOW, snd knows tliat san" republican postmasters, reflrain TEST YODRBAKINff POWDER TO-DAY! Carrie Topiifl; Floyd Fountain. Delia land (EnglaHd) in 185G, loses his wife ling the deadly weapons, and he was ness transaotions be baa esUblhibed a same at much less prices than millin­ "FEBRUARY, 1887." greeted wltli rounds of applause. The from participation In political afiklrs? flrnnflit mlvui-tlnvU a. alinoluti'ly pnro Cowan, Gusta Brown, Etta Eckhart, nnd babe In mid-ocean, joins Michigan obaracter for upright dealing. Four ers In larger places. This year ber &tt\ford,—Hold I No more. Tbe corns of leupers and tumblers are all SCROFULA We shall with interest wait and see. . OQgr-x'Axrig Aa»agojifiA. Jay Baker, Eddie Maokey, John May, conference, remarries and preaches 28 artists. The balance of tbo nerform- clerks are employed In the store, and stock Is in greater variety than ever story drives me mad I He will not resign. Let there be no more tempor­ THE TMT« Emmet Mackey, Lulu Baker, Fred years lu Michigan, lils flrst charge be­ ers are of a high order of merit. And theproprletor works as bard aa any before. The ladles will be pleased In HON. C. P. BLACK, representative PI«e*«Mnicpilnwiiui: it liol .lovr imtfl healed,thea not least among tills aggregation of Its FrogrciSB and izing. The charges must go forward! remove tliuI'livir iiiiU nm\\. A elii.Mil.t will nut be r» Carrier, Lulu Hall, Floy Cowan, Mary ing Osseo, bis last Paw Puw< Hlsftiii- the dliesse perpttustea JU taint Oirsueh person In bis employ. A delivery examining tbe finest line of novelties in the legislature from Tuscola county, quired to highly than a becoming hat or bonnet. consumed eight business blocks, and made by Prof, Russell, Paw Paw, From nil account in the June Cen­ iicine. It1s8oefliBct« strength of the obstacles It bas over­ that the said Bingham has In a like reason Mr. Fogg refuses to pay, al­ iittiog to our buBlheas industries The milliner who possesses the skill Injured three other buildings. The Revs. Hamilton, Reed, Cogsbail, Ja- tury of John Brown at Harper's Ferry, at It enuUcatei froin come. It is the child of nature, and spirit of profligacy meddled with pub­ leging that by his delay the Justice the system Hereditary Bcrotala^ and havebeen published large extra cdl to meet these demands is a natural loss is estimated at $10,000. POWDER cokes, Ellis, Thompson, McCoy. Air,writte n by one of his prisoners, who the kindred poisons of contagious dlieaies Its mild yet forcible curative powers llo concerns of the city, giving largely lost lurlsdlctlon In the case. On this tlons of the paper have been Issued, artist. During the past eleven years Doust was one of tiie kindest und best was In tbe engine house during tbe In­ and mercury. At tbe same It CD' are fast gaining friends among tbe in­ from his salary tn aid of railroads, Absolutely Pure. (luestlon be bas appealed tbe case to rieties and -/Itallses tho blood, teitorinc Mrs. F. C. Parsons has .been considered uf men. Tender, sympathetic, aflec- surrection, and afterward held the rank and have found their way to persons telligent masses, having truth for Its THE LANSIKG FOSTOFFICE FIGHT. churches, and public libraries. This powder never varies, A marvel of purity, the circuit court. healtliful action to the vital ontias ud wiib are hot regular subscribers to the one of the leading milliners of Ingham strength and wholcaoraoncss Moro economical tlonnte, be won and retained all hearts. of captain in the confederate army, we r^uvenwUngtheentlro system. Thlsgreat basis its vitality Is indestructible. It 3. Ho lias |)ermitted boys to play at than the ordinary kinds, and cannot lio sold In The enterprising puhllshers of Dr, m paper. We are, again, this week county, and has most successfully The contest between Col. Sanford competition with tho mnltUiidoof low test, short The aroma of his life lives in all his quote the following: "When Lieuten­ has discovered a new law of nature games of chance on the open ground DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. Foote's Health Monthly bave, by their Regenerative Medicine obliged to leave out some artioles pre* catered to the wants of the best trade and bis opponents over the Lnnslng wciglit, slum or nhosphsle powder., Soltl onlu charges and the fragrance of his Influ­ ant Stuart ciuiie In the morning for the which bas introduced light, order, between the flagging and the postofilce: in cant., ItoVAh UAKINII POWUKU CO., 100 Wall- of Mason and surrounding country. postofflco is wnxlng warm and excit­ •t„ New York, m USILTHI'VUIIIBS HAS NIWIR SSSS IIMISTIUSID, liberality of their premium offers, out­ ence dwells like a benediction in tlie flnal reply to the demand to surrender, pared for this paper, but they will beauty and eOlclency Into tho theory to-wit, marbles; and he has on divers ' °ln • million home, tor a quarter ot a century It has ga^p^^.^m' ^ow^I^ptfs^ Stepping Into her rooms over Gregor's ing. It is pretty generally understood Stood tho consumun* rollnblo t.Rt, done by all their previous generosity. homes of sorrow wliere he was always I got up and went to Brown's side to lingta, Its loMea of JPotautum and appear next week. and practice of medicine. It Is not a store, on Maln-st., we found on exlil now that Col. Sanford will be named, occasions been seen to throw pennies Meat Market—H. Peters. The list to select from includes useful an "angel of mercy," Llko Barnabas liear his answer. Iron, sad other lasteilettta of grest po­ new and perfect science of metllclne— to said urchins to buy tbe wicked THE TEST OF THE OVEN. articles, standard books nnd scieiitlflc tency, carefnilr snd sclentUleuly oom> FAMILY SUPPLIES. bltlon a large stock of millinery goods. having received the endorsement of ho wus truly a "son of consolation." "Stuart asked, 'Are you ready to no new revelation in the medical means of carrying on said game, to PRICE BAIUNG POWDER CO., literature, such lui one usually exjiects In the large variety of shapes in hats Congressman Wlnans. It may be a H-O-O-P-E-E. surrender and trust to the mercy of the world—but It Is a reform In one of Its tbe great scandal of tbo publlo nnd HAKRHII or to pay well for, but here they are In the circuit court on May 19 the eonsbntly preicrttM ATXR'* The tiroeerjr Honse of A. L.an d bonnets any taste ought to be trifle amusing to see Postmaster Bing­ government?' MPABiLLA SS an departments. It has added a new and the undersigned. Dr. Price's Special FlaToriniii Extracts, thrown In with a year's subscription case of the People v. ex-Clty Treasurer -\s the warm months approach Vandercook. gratified. Among ham removed for "oflensive partisan­ "Browu answered promptly, 'No! I vast impetus to the study and true ac­ ship" and Col, Sanford, so well known 4. He has violated the civil rights TlM.lrM|nl,M.IS>llil«u>>.il..lar.lanert«i».,u4 to the most popular and widely greet­ Wood was called and the prosecuting when even the lightest of dress Absolute Cure , THE HATS prefer to die here.' Enterprise Is one of the surest evi- tion of drugs by experimenting with for his strict neutrality nnd iion-parti- bill und undertaken to deprive tbe ed Health Monthly at only flfty cents attorney flled In writing his reasons There are so many shapes tbat we will Dr. Price's Lupuiln Yeast Gems "His mnnner did not betray the m.iteri.ils seem burdensome, it is not For an dlsesses eotued by tbo vitlattai ot diences of SUCCMJSS; and where it Is tbem on the healthy system. Nor saiiship In political nlFalrs, Instated In frecdnien of the right to earn a living Kor LIglit, llualthy llronil, Tho llu.l Dry Hup a year. Try It before you buy it byfo r seeking a dismissal. Tbe case will the blood. It is concentrated to tho Ugb> shown by a business man, the public not try to describe them all, but will does it consist of Infinltesimally small Yeut In Iho World. sending for a free sample copy and be taken up for further consideration least fear, at all strange that most l.idics in­ est prsctlcflbis degree, for beyond any bis place, but this amusing spectacle Is In our midst by refusing to them tbe POR SALE BY GROCERS. recognize the fact that he is worthy, mention only a few of tbe leading doses as many suppose, but consists in Inalleuable right to cut bis hair, to the ilhistrated premium list to the Murry on Saturday afternoon. In the Peo­ "Stuart stepped aside and made the otber preparation for which llko oflbcta styles. The "VlUette" baa a high very likely to be witnessed. As one of OHIOAOO. - 8T. kOUIt. signal for the attack, which was in­ quiringly ask, "What can I buy for and will not hesitate to bestow upon prescribing drugs tbat produce on the the comical features of the flght, we great scandal of the government. Hill Publishing Co., 120 E 2Sth St., N. ple V, Wm, Boyd, larceny of a horso SK clslmed, and la therefore tha ehespest, crown with rim rolled at the edge, stantly begun with sledge-liammers to a comfortable and cool dress this him a liberal patronage. The grocery healthy similar conditions nnd symp­ 5. He has—he bas—Judge, what else Now is the time. Meat is Y, City, 77w4 and phaeton, the prisoner was ar­ 0* waw Mlllii> Uutlcro tnd All KliiSsol shoe store for butter and eggs and uses ago, by experimenting with crude my well cut clothes and silken bat Iiucklcn'8 Arnica Salve. ISLAND HOME at Ionia for Mr. Lincoln lust Thurs­ Michigan Mutual beneflt association When he saw Brown he sprung about Iron and Karlae Wurk. KullSIng Iran, IN BONNETS twelve feet at him, and gave an under- texture. They ure shown in all the anotber building for the storage nf There was never a greater variety of drugson the healthy system. HuliHiie- make even Alger envious an I do walk The best salve in tbe world for Cuts, Stock Farm, day, when, at four o'clock In the after­ of Hillsdale, assumpsit, a verdict for Hrldge Hulls and all klndKuf tia. HENRT PETERS thrust of his sword, striking lilm about new shades of browns, drabs and rhinrry and Casilngs. . surplus goods. shapes. The medium scoop and close- mann conceived the idea that a drug Into yon capltol carrying a cune that Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Qrosse ilo, Wayn* Co., MIoh.' noon, he ascended the derrick with a (3,000 has been given the plaintiff'; Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Eoutli Hld»! Court-House. PBOPBIKTOBS. midway the body and raising bim fitting capote and those with fronts producing similar eflects would cure has an ounce of Hilver on It, S.\.VAaE & FABMUM, rope over his shoulder. Just as he had The People v. Wm. Boyd, larceny of evening shades. THE aooDS the morbid condition of the sick; and Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup­ coiiiplclely from tiie ground. Brown BoiierShop In coiiiiectlnn. .Vlo»l ruiiiplele Carried consist of everything us^ in slightly elevated from the face are all Doubt mc not, Colonel, but swallow tions, and positively cures Piles, or reached the top a board gave way and a horse and phaeton, prisoner con­ advocating that theory be was attack­ fell forward with his head between bis shop In Central .Mlcliii.-uii. All wurli guar­ the cullinary department of the house­ fashionable, Tbe "Davenport" has a the anodyne; and then, thy mind no pay required. It Is guaranteed to lie fell a distance of forty feet, striking, victed and sentenced to one year at Besides this, new colorings in ed by the authorities and exiled from give |)crfect satisfaction or money re­ kiiecM, and Green struck bim seveml anteed. Buy your miichlnery ut lioiiie, where hold. A strictly grocery stock ia han­ high rolling front; tbe "Clio" and tbe being fortified, I'll tell thee all, fortunately, upon soft lartli. His Ionia; Eliza Larlbee V, Silas Larlbee, his country. But the work did not funded. Prion 25 cents per box. For times over the head, und, as I then Nuns Veilings, Cishmcies and Ar­repairs ean be quickly obtulneil. dled, no outside issue being engaged " Avonetta" fit closer to tbe face; while (Colonel liikcH tbo potion.) RosB Leaf, Fine Cut shoulder was driven Into tbe earth assumpsit, verdict for defendant; stop here, for since that time year after sale by C, Q. Parkhurst & Co. supposed, split his skull at every ill; Ail grades of sugars, syrups and the "Peek-a-boo" flts close at tbe sides, Colonel.—Dear Osborn, well hast about a foot, and his bins were badly Emma Bailey v. Jacob Cornell, as mures arc displayed, nil being sea­ year its |>opularlty has increased, and NBvyClippinijs stroke. molasses are in stock, while iu baking bas an elevated front Indented nnd a thou spoken. I am weary, oh,so weary. A Walking Skeleton. bruised. He wus skillfully cured for, Bumiwit, Jury Impaneled, Saturday DR. DAVID it bus proved a seleiitiflc law that will sonable nnd desirable. powders, spices and flavoring extracts medium crown. Little close-fltting A quarter of a century have I sought Mr. E. Springer, of Mechanlcsburgi and Snuffs and bus now returned to Mason. After forenoon was taken up until udjourii- "I waa not two feet from Brown at sustain tbe student in what he cluliiis tbe purest article are handled. Rice, bonnets come in dlflerent kinds of olllee ill every purly, nnd often seen Pa., writes: "I was ufllicted with resting a few duys nt Mr, Lincoln's he meiit with the case of Emma Bailey that time, Ofcoui-se I got out of the KENNEDY'S SUKAH SILKS take a leading place straw, flttlng close to the head, with for it. The bomeupatbtcscbiMil Is now the prize almost wltliiii my gruKp, and lung fever and alMcess on lungs, and V. Jacob Cornell, assumpsit; the same building us soon ds possible, and did sago, tapioca, oatmeal, cracked wheat reduced to a walking skeleton. Got a 'will return to Ionia to his work. susttkiiied by some of tbe mostscientific as often bus it eluded me. When case came up Monday and is not yet in tlic sale of silk dress goods, as and other goods of this class are seen, rolled and straight fronts. Then wesee free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Manager Boyce, of the Grand Rapids not know till some time later that men of the age, and it lioIdH fust to that Cleveland liecaiiie President (not my decided. Tbe People v. Louis AI, and turning to tbe large invoice of capote bonnets with fronts ot brown Discovery forCoiiMUHiption, which did teleplione exchange, formerly of Mus­ Brown was not killed. It seems that their softness and excellent finisli velvet and crowns of tinsel or cloth of which is good und u.seful in the store- choice, however, us thou k newest) I me so much gfXKl tbat I bought a dol­ Cooper, adultery, discharged from ber ill making the thrust Green's sword TEAS AND COFFEES kegon, thinks If the Dodge bill to flx gold. All the bats and bonnets come bouse of medical knowledge. Among thought surely to have been provided lar bottle. After using three bottles, recognizance. Joslab B. Truesdell v. struck Brown's lielt und did not pene­ make them superior to other quali­ We flnd that special attention bas found myself once more a man, com­ PaimeIeKa,M»(Itbone exchange In tbis state. That colorings, with figured to match for braids, others in fancy and rice straws. I cure not what the place, only that Call at C. G, Parkhurst & Co's Drug Percheron Horses. ceptlons on motion for new trial. not killed when struck on the bead IV>r tha Can of Kldatr and Xdv«r Oaai> from 25 to 75 cents per pound, among Whose oflice is over the Farmers Bunk, An Block selecfed from the get of .ires and dsms appears to be the result of a similar plaints. ConsUpaUoa, and all diioidtn Scores of there is money in it, nnd a chance to Store and get a free trial liottle of this Df esut>liataed repu tation and rcgiilcrcd In Ut was tbat Green wus holding his sword combining witli the plain, will be arising from aa imputa state of the BLOOD. l^iSil TINNERS. hill in Indiana, the telephone compa­ which is a 50 cent tea which is secured Main street, take a prominent position. play for higher stake lierenfter. But certain cure for all Lung Diseases, Frcnca and A mericaa stud books. in the middle, striking with the liilt „ To wofflen who suffer from any of tbt Ulspstn- from first bands, and put up expressly CHILDREN'S HATS Dr. Snell is u graduate from the St. Large bottles $1,00. 3 ISLAND HOME nies there having iiotlfled subscribers B*«>lt N. fouiul among them. Also, wool lltr to their sts it tt an unfaUingfrinA.^ll Are seen, comprising tbe wide rim what of Bingham? Does he know It heautifully .ilualcd at the heart of Gsosta Its that ull coiitrticts will be closed witliin and making only sculp wounds," for Mr. Vandercook's trade, with his Louis college of liomeopatliy. He IIIM We liHVc purchased of A, O. Duliuis his In the Oeiroil Kirer. ten- milet below the Cily. tod aEIS.snROOK.-In Alaledon, May U, to Mr. combinations in stripes, plaids and sun hats, tbe straight rim sailor hats, that I bave a petition nguinst lilni that, Thousands say so. Euvu Trough IIUKlMchs, and liuvc loctilvd in Is acccfisitile by railroad and eietmbott. Visitors ao duys, A leading citizen of Lansing, and Mrs, Lewis Qolssbrook, u daughter. name on the chest. This tea from its lived In Michigan during the past ten like a hoop, has no ending, and that I Mr. T. W. Atkins, Glrard, Kan., Ihe wiMKteii liulldinK Just oppo.sllo Kord'H not familiar with Ibe location may call at city office, figures arc quite conspicious among Complete Cure tbe coquettish little Peek-a-boo, and Buxaar. We ure prepared to SjCampnii Kuilding. and an escort will accompsoy whieli section Mr, Dodge represents, DAVIS.-In Kdon, May 'if, to Mr. nnd .Mrs, iMPOKrAM-r. purity and flne flavor has become a years, nnd coiiimenccd the priicticc of writes: "I never hisitate to recom­ Albert Duvls, a son. of Seoond Idoutenant rew fancy styles of other kinds, am about to prefer charges nguinst lliem to the farm. Send for catsloguc, free by mslL thinks tliat "long sessions and a few When yuu viait ur icuvu Nsw Vork City, save the latest attractions. :oy, great favorite with customers. Ten homeo|>atliy In Mason about six years mend your Electric Bitters to my \ddress, SAVACK & KAaMUM, Dctroil, Micb. Osgguge Kxtircusngc and Currliigc Hire and .top lilm ? Put up Eare Troughs and do (ieneral at thu CIraiid liuluu Hotel, oppoDlto Ursnd Cen­ eays, kinds of roasted and flve kinds of OABNITUKE. ago, since which time he hits built up customers,' they give entire satisfaction Job aud Custom Work. more sin the legislature would Card of Thanks. -my. Quite a change bas been made In Odftorn.—Great Colonel! I knew of and are rapid sellers." Electric Bitters tral Ucput. ma- green coflee are on sale, so that lovers a large practice, his ride extending disgust the moHt amiable und eirectuul- KIcguMl rooms ilttud up ut thu co.t of onu And last but not least, are the ItrJailbver. Aftercontultingonrlkmil: trimmings. Flowers will be princi­ the petition, for did I iiotKolicit names are the purest und best medicine We take. tills method of returning our million dollars, reduced lo tl.OO and upwards of good tea or coflee have a large line through tbis city and surrounding known and will |)osltlvely cure Kid­ ly prevent the Investment of capital In heartfelt llinnks to our inuny kind frieuds pur day. Kurtipuiin plan. Elevator. Kcstaursnt slolan. anandd iindiniindingg no.iellolno lelloVK wa triad Dl pally used for garniture. Ribbons ure to it, from Noveiulier until March, Wringers Repaired. and iielghlHirs who gave us their aid nnd Hiippliud Willi the buKl. Hume curs, elacu. und novelties in all classes of WASH DAVlf> KENNEDV'S FAVO&ITE BBMED' to select from, country. He is also a iheiiiber of tlie ney und Liver complaints. Purify the any new en terprises, "—Even ing News. sympathy during our bereavement lu the uluvutud rullruiid to all dupoii*. Famliru. can largely used also. Everything In bon­ throughout tlie bonlers of the Slate, death of our aged father. GOODS, which are extensive in CANNED AND DRIED FRUITS. state honieopatlile medical society. blood and regulate the bowels. No stoves stored and Blacked. Tln- I^OTHER live butter for lu.s money at thu Grand Union nets or hats Is trimmed high up in uud even copy iu diverse liiiiids from family can atlbrd to be without them. roofliig. Also agents for the Congressman Wiiiuns withstood the Ma. AMO MuM.T. DESSMOHE. Hotel than at any uthur first.clusa hotel tn thu A more extensive stock of this class city. < lS7ayl variety and exceedingly inviting. front. Something new in the way of Recently Dr, Snell bus taken ns a part­ the tomliNtoncs to swell llie liHt? They will save iiundreils of dollars in celebrated Purrlngton a-iaaults of the Sanford and antl-San- liver oomplalnt.. ^5'flna^lWed "DR. DAVliO of goods cannot he found in tlie city, Kent KalMte TrHiiafertt. KENKSOT'S FAVORITE BBMKDY, andi&my scarfs In bright colors. Is used for trim­ ner Dr. D. A. Locke, who IIIIN had But now I am oll'eiiiied, wounded and doctor's bills every year. Sold at flfty Feed Steamer. ford factions all Friday night and The Secret- of Wealth. The newest of this description of optoloaltsav«dmymo.,Yourt^|to^jjj^^ liuclous peaches, apricots, cherries, cents a bottle by C. G. Parkhurst & Used herbs in doctoring tha famllTLMid Saturday morning with heroic forti­ The following is a list of the real ming. Gilt eflects are shown in al­large exiierlence in practicing medicine undone,—No huiger thy contiihiiil. 4^Wo solicit the patronage of the publie,*Sa . estate transactions recorded in the Broken down Invalids, do you wish plums, apples, berries, etc,, are seen, in the cast us well us in Michigan, Co, 3 ber aimple remedies DID CVRB in tude. They fliialiy made him miss goods are the FOULARD LINENS, Mr.G HTord is the HasterHeobanlc of tho Low- most every kind of garniture. Flow­ The charges tliou IUIN ooiicti'ulcd from most oases. Without tha use of herbs, regititer's olllee for one week ending to gain flesli, to acrpilre an appetite, to ell division oftbe Boston A Lowell Railroad. togetlier witb pickles and table relish­ i37ntf OSGOOll & ROBB. laedieal aoience would be powerless i his train, Tlieu he WUM mad, and he enjoy a regular habit of body, to obtain ers in rich clusters have gold tinsel which well flts him for a practical po­ me, coiilldiiig llic drartiiig uud honor and yet the tendenoy of tha timea is to May 23, 1886. Consideration $100 which have a finish equ.al to silk, es, III preserved and dried fruits both nesleot the best of alf remedies for tbose thereupon iiiforiiied the assembled niKi over: refreshing sleep, to feel'and know tliat sheaves of wheat mixed with them, sition among tbe medical fruteriiity of of tiiclr presentiition to .fudge Hin- every flber and tissue of your system retaining the same brilliancy after Itr. Washington iLUonroo, foreign and domestic goods are han­ R. P. KLOPP, iowerlUl medicines that setioutljr in­ multitude that whoever was appointed AUKUNta R. NelKon lo John IT. Slepli- lays: "Foryears I suffered li'om a complaint and some have tiny liuinmlng birds this city. This flrm do u general prac­ cliey, I am diNpleiised, and liiiicliey Jure the system. eiiHon. lot .3, block 177, I^anslng S 800i s being braced up and renovated. If called gravel. I employed the best medical dled and fresh tropical fruits such as tice, and pay partlcuhir attention to I have decided to nllow my young Hnmble- postmaster a first-iduss row would re­ Vance J, Taylor to Caroline Taylor, lot so, coiiimeiiee at once a course of being laundried. talent without obtalnlog - poised oil the clusters, others with will be deputy. Farewell! I leave —Merchant Tailor,— tonlau Stallion, tt. block IW, Wllilauiston..... SOO wlabedraetot>70B,KE lY'S FAVORITE oranges, lemons and bananas, are tiny baskets not larger than a nut diseases of women and cliildreii uud to thee, and fling down the title thou ISHLER^ sult, and to make life slightly less Nelson Moiilier to Jiispar W. Onriiek.s GOLDEN SEAL BITTER.S. In one BEMEDY. To please 1 I did, andlstatotbo on sale iu their season. Also fresh miserable he would recommend San­ H of w Kof lot t, block 247, Luiisiug.... 000 week you will be convalescent. In a Embroidered Swiss and Nain­ resulHalt inonin one e sentencesentence:: I lanwiowaweilmi weUman,>a ^ shell mingled among the flowers, diphtheria. In cases of diplitlieria guve.st me! Henceforth I'll puck no OVER WEBB'S CLOTHING STORE, HasOD. Moriice A. Holcomb to Ounrgo K. Clem- month you will bo well. Don't de­ vegetables, berries, etc, Tbe show­ VICTOR! ford. Then he seized his grip and enls. KO fractional part of sw fructloiml leaves and buds. Rich clusters of they bave been remnrkalily successful, more coiiv(Miti"iis (nr thee. Hi'ly cm (o) spair because you have a weak consti­ sooks, with PLAIN and matched jumped tlie train before any one could \i of section 111, LiiUKlng '.'.DOil l[tt!A,KIsworth,ofPortBwen,N.Y.,Buirored' cases ure filled with French confeciou- roses, buds, punsiesaiid wild flowers for they havo hud iiiiiiiy dilllcult cusas I have Just received it large line of SPRINU To make the Season uf IS85, at my burn lu Vorulnla X. Ferguson lo Wlllliiiii L, tution. Fortify tlie body nguinst dis- for TWENTY-FIVK YEARS from a diseaso of lIl.V lust lllVt', JlKim' HinCllCV! I Ingliiiiii. tbo thigh bono, ouutoa liy iuipuro blood. Bo und 8UMMEU MIJITINGS,NEWPLAIIJ.S lilock him. The voice of the unti- I'nulirune, B i.^ of lot 1, block 18, Wil- eiiHC by purlfyiut: all the fluids with edges for suit.s, arc ever sought after ery. ure true to nature. Gilt pom-poms to deal with which tbey have success­ The superior breeding nf tlim IIOINU IS too lliiinNton.... S3I flnally applied tn Dr. Kcniii'dy, of Bondont, Colonel.—HoU\, dear .Tudne; Ictive WINE COLORED aud other FINE GOLDEN .SKAL IU TTiiHS, No FLOUR AND MEATS, are composed of tips sprinkled with fully treated and cured, uud whicli is well-known to require any uiiliiiclcs. nn my .Suiiford men is xtill for war, and their ICdwurd W. Sparrow to William Suier, by those wishing to combine ele­ amputated tho K'e'uoarttae tidgh meiiottliUM! I KWeur thy fond love SUITINGS, A large line of STRIP- art. being Kired by Victor Knight, his dam lot s, except o K block 13!). LauKing epidemic sun lake hold of a system Knowing well that the housekeeper y Trophy, Bitters* cry IH "On to Washington," where too golden powder, which give them a the best evidence of tlieir iiiedieui PED PANTS PATI"ERN8 IN E Applctnn Ballard to BeuJ. K. Uallnrd, lot thus forearmed. The liver, the stom­ always prizes good flour, this bouse has made thee Jealous and perverted Only a limited number of marcx will be isaeomblnationof valuable herbs.ears- tbey swear to flght tlie now radiant 6. block I, Ballard's addition, Lansing., 150 gance with comfort. ^Purify the Blood, subdued brilliant appearance. The skill. They also treat chronic di**ciise« ALL SHADES. lUUyopmpounded from th* formula of ach, the bowels, the kidneys, are thy understuiidiiig. Speak not to me taken at the low price of IIO to Insure, a regular Pbysloiait. who used this prs> colonel to the bitter end.—Evening Central Michigan Miivlngs Bauk tn ttaasnTCventtDo return of the disease, FAV-. lias provided well for their wants by iacesand nets are seen plain und fig­ und do surgery. I rcnpectfully Invite breeders toexamine my soription largely iaBls private practies Ilhaner H, Baker and wife, lots 5 uud renderd dlseime proof by this great In- OBI'TB BEItBDY was given, andMr.BUworth of Hiiicliey! 1 discarded him long BS^FltB Warranted. horse, feeling assured he will please them. 6, block 14», Lansing 500 The more common of these goods, carrying an unusually large variety. Respecthilly, with great Buoeess.^ It Is not a drink.but News. vlgoraiit. Ruinous bills for mralcal at­ is infho bloom Of healtu to this day; FAV ured. In dlflerent colors. Ornaments Their library contains standard med­ time ago, uud stripped his title from amedioina used by msnr Phjrsiolans. Henry M, Tenny to T, R. Moslier, imrt tendance may beavolded by counteract­ OBITB RBBIBDY ia also, a groat proteotion Besides our own brands will be found LEVI SWAN. iO-Ib is invaluabU for DfafBeaiA, of lot 2, block ID, MiiNou 1,200 such as Plain and Figured Swiss from attacks that originate fli ohange --*"•- In steel and gilt come In elegant de­ ical works and ou their oflice tuhic we him. Thou alone sliall wear that title S^Call and Examine. Tlie Lansing Republican says there Lucy Chllds to Lucy A, UlNhop. lots 0 ing the flrstsymiitoms of sickness with seasons nnd ollmtte. To women FAV< tbe Albion and Lansing flour, botli of Five luiies cast of Mason on tlie Mason and KIDHBr and zfrBR COMPZAISM, and 10, block 1, Halin'K addition, BKMEPY proves a real blessing. signs, and gold and Irredesceiit beads observe leading iiiedicid Jouriiala of the for thy ward. Uiiichey has notions of Dansville road, l373wBp XBRYOCH BXHAVSTIOir, WBAKi Is now before the legislature a bill en­ these Bitters. They are recommended Muslins, Nainsooks, Sattcens and XBaa, iNDiOBaTioir, *e.i and wliUs Leslie.:.! I,t00 wiilcli have a well-merited reputation. are seen, which are used for edging day, which shows that they keep po.st- R. F. KLOPP. titled, "a bill to authorize the appoint­ from friend to friend, and tbe sale In­ Smoked bams, shoulders and bacon, Ills own that I cannot endure. When ouring will not hurt tho system. CHARLFK C. FITCH, Register, creases dally. We warrant a cure. Lawns, are to be found in effects the front facings of huts. The ribbons ed in their profession, and thoroughly I tolil him to tiling to caucus fifty ment of an assistant prosecuting at­ dried beef, salt pork and flsh nre kept; Mr. 0. J. Bkodts, a wsll-knowB troB They are a positive cure also for all come in plain colors, two-toned nnd understand the successful uppiiciuioii freemen to shout tor .Sanford he did HOLSTEIN BULL. The OLD RELIABLE. man of 8af« Barber, Fa., wrltss: torney for Jackson county," In theDonaldso n & Rich's Tlii-co Coiisolldatcd female complaints. In these diseases quite to the tnstc of the most fas­ also fresh lard. and flgured, and later designs are In of their remedies. Drs, Siieil and fail me. body of the bill, however. It reads, Shows they have no eriual. Take no others. tidious. mmi m wmm TOBACCO AND OIOABS, 'eenttor Mlltalei*B Herb BUters sad Inasboit WITHOUT PEE rich silk gauze, witb brilliant colored Locke aim to elevate hoiiieoputhic I have a thoroughbred Holnteln Ettis boy Wis aulla well." "the prosecuting attorneys of the Sold by D. W. Halstead and Dunning The largest stock of tobacco to be The vitcaiit title sbnll go to the vul MEDICAL' Will exhibit in Muson on tlie after­ &Hall. ^ _ ^ 2 UNLESS BnCCKSSPUL. TWKNNTY,YEABa edges. Cream, white, black and other treatment, and lu this dlrectioii their Bull, Alexander IV, 2 years old this "B. A. lebsUsntragsr, DnvgUt, TIT counties of Jackson and Ingham are EXPEBISNCE. APPLY 'lO iiiiit Fogg, of the sixth ward, who at Goods suitable and desirable for found In the city Is seen on sale here. colored velvets are also largely used eft'orUure being felt in ihiH coiiiniuiii- spring, now ready for service. Bred •t, Clair Strsst, OlsTslaad. 0., wrltss: liereliy authorized and empowered noon and evening of June 3. The This stock comprises 14 kinds of plug, Infinite peril kiiockcMlout my compet­ by Koster, Midevoiihl, North Holland ; INSTITUTE " Your Dillers, I can say, and do say, an pre. show Is advertised to he a circus, pure The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer of Bour­ MZLO B. STBVBNS ft GO. for trimming. Blege, brown, bronze ty. Paying strict attention to their PRIVATE teribcd by some o? the oldest tnd most piomlDcat respectively to appoint un assistant bon, Ind., says: "Both myself and GRADUATING EXRRCISBS are shown OrpicKs: Washlngtnii. I>. O.; Cluvcitwl, O,; 10 kinds of flne Mt and six kinds of nnd new shades In green are shown in itor. Dull Edwards; or better still, I'll imported in dam Hiiuiitje (2041 H, H. pbyaiolansln our city." and distinctive, with 100 horties, 75 Detroit, Mich.i Chicago, llio.. ISMwNp' profession, tbey ure worthy ilicHiiccess B.) milk record ut3 years old 63 lbs. UIBHLBB HBBB BITTKBB CO.. prosecuting attorney." At whose wife owe our lives to Slilloli's Con­ in all popular fabrics. smoking tobacco, while tbe stock of bats, bonnets, ribbons, and oven luces, cull him Major, und give the Judge­ men and .S6 performers. The tents are sumption Cure." tlieir knowletlge uf medicine has quulh ship lo astute Custerliiie of Mason, per day, 1 lb. butter from 17 lbs, 3 oz. i\ 317 Jifinon An.. Oiiroit, M 6a5 Oommeree St.. Philtds|phi>.v suggestion wiw Ingliam county In­ cigars embraces maiiy dlfTerent kinds. Everytbing.seenis fashionable for gar­ milk. Her duiii gave 78 lbs, milk per cluded in this bill and why was It not seven In number, and cover about two Are you made niiserabto by Indiges­ fled them to accomplish. who witli thee liciped me lo the cliair- Parker's Pltsisat Worn Byrvp HtTsr FsllB Samples of above mentioned goods For the laundry all.the leading kinds niture this season, while there is at dny, and dam of sire 87j lbs, per day, E8UBU8BED IH BETBOIT IN I860. Included In the title? We certainly acres. The price of admission is re­ tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of of soaps are carried. Wooden and tiuitiship at Bay City, from whieh tbo nnd 193 lbs, butter in 7 days, duced to 26c and 36c, The following Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shllob's the same time a wide departure In ItocilKvrKU, N, v., Nov. Id, 1SS2. SIRE Dr. Der.M baa 40 Veara* Experionce TO T] cm hope the attempt was not made to Vltallzer Is a positive cure. sent, by mail, to any address. willow ware are being sold cheap. styles, which seems a relief from past aoiillomeii—I liavo tuKon but two bulllo. of eiiviouH coiiveiitioii did put mo out. In CurinrNamns Deblliir and ALL from the Oreeiiville Dally Cuil may be ;i>ur ItlieuHiHtlu Nyrup, but huvo rcuvlvod Therefore return and tell me did Alexander II (171 N. H, B, No, 1652 dii.aiti af a rrivatS aad IM(ttt nature, smuggle an assistant prosecuting at­ Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy—a iHisltlve The highesf market price is paid for modes. nioi'u buiiollt fniiii It tliuii I'ruin any uud all H, H, B,) whoso dam "Smit" has a TRAVELING, PUBLIC! torney on to the county without Its read with Interest: cure fnr Catarrh, Diphtheria, and Can­ Yours respectfully, lenivilloN I liHVu Irioil, I Imve liiiiiruv»d Bliigluitu seem com)sised, or was he I AniFQ<*aeOBiultlhedoetoron sll private . COUNTBY PRODUCE, milk record of 80 lbs. milk per day. kMIII bV and dclicsic troubles. All c»u and "Donaldson & Rich's thre^ consoli­ ker Mouth, evuryduy HIIII-I> I llrHl couiiiii-ni-tMi lU IIHC, packing tilings as If to vacate? knowledge. If the county needs such Ahdasiieclal feature of the business Miss E, C, Longley, an uccoiiipllshed uud I aui itiiiitlUviit lliat tliero IN UII CUHU of CHAKOKS: $5 for grades; $10 for eorreipondence sacredly confidcolial. Till- niiiil route ironi Oaiisvlile to .Miuion an ofllcer, which we have no reason to dated shows which wintered in this "Hncknietack" a lasting and fra­ trimmer who has been with Mrs, Par^' rliuuifiitllNin UiHt tlie Uliouiiuillu Syrup will OMl)orn.—Ah, dear Sanford, I am of thoroughbreds. I have also a grade Pcnoni living at a dlitance can bt cured at home having boon dlHconilnued, the subscriber city, and organized for a tour of Mich­ grant perfume. Price 25 Slid 60 cents. AND BE 6LAD. is buying and shipping butter and not cure, if the put lent will luUiore cloxfly to bull, services $2. 1368wl3 )utt B> web, and without any ondtnowlng it. Med­ will lioroiiltur run ii vehicle over the road believe, let the facts be made to appear igan aud the eastern states, gave Its and eggs, large shipmenta being made sons during the past three years. Is thedlrccllonii fur ItH UKe, lUid UNM proper cure all men most unhappy to he the hearer icine (with full dlrectiont for uilngi tent tn nny dully (Huuduys und the ttb of July excepted) In an open and legitimate way. We flrst performance nn the base ball Shiloh's Cure will Immediately re­ BIJRlAM&GOHPANr, about espuHinK thoiimelveii. of unwelcome news, R. F. QRIFFIXr. part of Ihe country, by mail or exprcii, free from for the cimvoyanee of passengers,-express, lieve Croup, Whooping Cough and each week. Tbe shipment of eggs still retained, and her stylish trim­ Vnurii truly, FMANK II. An.MMTMONo, •uipicion. No hlndraace from worlc or uuiiineB.. and freight, ut reasonable rates, leaving pans- certainly object, on behalf of tho tux- grounds yesterday, the tent at both en­ this week will be 80,000 dozen. These ming Is well known and appreciated. Willi Burke, FltK Sliniuun-, Hone ,t Oo. Bingham seemed, never lu In ull tho vllle lit M o'clock A. H. and arriving ai Mnson tertainments being crowded, there be­ Bronchitis, GET YOUR The frtat neesis of Dr, Oeloi l> co well iitnr bofore 10 o'clock A. M., returning at such payers of the county, to any attempt io8 and no Washington Avenue, good's are shipped to the eastern mar- Like all otber true artists, she has the CLvna, N, Y. dozen years I liuve known him, more times enoh day as shall best promote tbs ing only a Ilttle standing room left at For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, J{A«uni(if , .• known that along advonlsement t> not needed here. oonvenloiico of the publlo. to create a new ofllcer by stealth and the evening session. The horseback you have a printed guarantee on every kete, principally Buflalo, K. Y. faculty of harmonizing colors and | aentleinen~I have lie«n troubled wlib content, Lansing, Michigan. rheumatliiiu la my auk lea mid feet for over JOB PRmTIXffO t I^SENO roB A OIBOIfLAn,'^ CEO. W. CLYNN. trickery, _ riding by Master Willie Howard was bottle of Shllob's Vltallzer. It never It will be seen tbat the store is arranging them gracefully, and seems one year. Have tried aeverMl reuiedim, but I walked briskly into the back oflice which will giv* *0B all particular., and will be tent daring In tbe extreme, many of tbe fails to cure. found nuthlUK lo relieve mn or alup pain. I as If I had authority, tliliikliig to to you in a plaia and Htlai envelope, or cotnc acts not having been excelled by pro­ stocked with such a class of goods as to know .Just what Is becoming tn a commenced taklnjc Hlieninallc Hyriip, uud In AT THE Why will you cough when Shiloli's A Nasal Injector free witb eaob bot­ £VAgents for Gilbert's Patent to the office, when you wlU set no one but thi The Ineliam County "News." Cure w ill give Immediate relief. Price fessionals of larger build. The aerial tle of Shllob's Catarrh Remedy. Prioa le lii'general demand. Buch an enter­ young or old face. •viathan twowevk>-Hll palii tiiid l«fi;iii».und startle hlni. Reclining In an easy doctar. Olicciietist* to flights and performances on the trapeze to.dsy.lHmuiiwell'Mi' 1 ed ib: that they are praotically dotid let­ Biel must bo tried ia tho district or things a fellow says; but when itooinos province where ho was captured, the Chief from New England,, and: were now Hartford, Conn., onusumes lOO.OOo ! Thoro aro artists and mnstoians " •Li»«iK(»?v'May 26, 'SiB.' ' to popping the question or something ctons of coal annually. I ters. The script and store order bill al­ Justice deciding; that he cannot bo taken to miiklDg their iirst trip west. They among us who havo won fame and tor- 'r MASON, : : , . : MICH of tliat kind, she gets frightened more ...... u ua over. 1 don't If when you call for Hop Bltt«ra (SBB earn '' Tbe business i't^oin. tlie legislature lows that kind of payniieut wlieu tho cither Winnipeg or Ottawa, but tliat tho domin­ conversed In a 'Vi'ry lively matinor, Johnny Austin, of Roxbury, Me., 8 tune. But for ono that is successful ...j; .»uiu vuiiiri^ii.', -lO, an SUCH wo say: r yemonn'ot a ilyiipapilo tondcniiy'are often "out of or loss and hesitates nnd wants timo and soumud lo lu» iiifiitiiated with tho scores struggle ogainst the petty joal» sleep well, nnd my kidneys are out ol CLBBTun or ifors ON •riiK WHITB Lansi.) tbo the past week has boon in iU na­ employer and employe make a previous ion Bovorniiicut might Issuo a special commls- .yearsold! weighs ISO pounds. , Catarrh can 1^'^ .cnretlby Dr. SagO^S | aorta," emu, and pecvlth. The fallui-c of Uio dlgca- D. to consider, until there aro enough country througli wli oli wo were pass­ ousy bt thoir cOuiitrymon and; poverty order, and I can't onjoy my meals, and druggist hands out any stuff culled 0, ture: annexatioti;',tbe:ii6]dier8, womanN slon and eciid Judges to try lilm. It le thought loiip-holes for, her lover to slip out A Now Haven oystormnn discovered I'vo a touch of rheumatism, and onco Catarrh Homedy,- ; It has been done in i tivoontaaatouotiioirdaty, tiioiiovi..roiieBdociio, di«. Wurner's Gcrinnn Hop BlttcrB or with oth . mutual agi^emont. The skating rink ing. Whon wo wuro^ going ovor to- proihicod by litis fordign craze. It is thousands of .cosbs: whv not In VOUrsP 1 t«»» hi mo atoiuacH. imonbum. or Whor tndlcutlona "Hop" name, refuse It and shun that drunri that the maximum of IUCI'H sentence will lie throuj^li without the least bit of la petrified,oystur tho other day. til a while a t^ing o( neuralgia." Now, "••' V TH*'' ivironur MWl^ • win' be rights, the minority ;;rapri^entation bill, bill was.amended so.as to relieve tho Davenport, from Rock^ Island, one of a nui;>rious fact that Americans who i'oiir danri-Hf "is in doliiv Enoloso o ' o'llwepslu, caaso Irrltnlilllir, oonfasion of mind, ns you would a viper; and If has taken yoB Iniprlsohmcnt for 10 or l.T years. tronbib, if hb-happuns tosoo'some one The throe selectmen ol Wilmot, N> . neighbor, you seom to want a genera! all coming in for the iittention ot the proprietors ot rinks ot the responsibility the ootiple itskod mu i what river that: have painted pictures .and published lOlir uaugoi. ,"Oiay.. •auo"'?" » and »mliKimblo fooling it l. Iroponslblo to doacrlbu. money for tbe stuff. Indict htm tor the friot iiied i>jr oouct-mtirtiftl or'l^y oiv^^ pi^owM- Judge T. .1. Mackay, attorney for ho thinks he coulil luvo a shado or two H.. tugutlier weigh 649 pounds. j music under'thoir;own niimbs HaVe fixing up, ond tho, thing to do it is Stump to. World s Dispensarv Medical Iluod'a Sumapnrlll= a tone" s up th- e digcatlon, und rousoi and sue him for damages for tho Bwlndle, aad ' legislative solons. ot admitting children on forgod permis­ was. I told himtlieMissLssippi. "Oh,, Brown's Iron bitters. Mr. A, J, Pick- wo will reward you liberally for the convlctkiK M, jjw^iiciiviid)'^ iitn^ Amet;lotn Gen. William B. lliizon. Chief Signal Ofllcer U. hotter. Young girls aru timid, shy Four sisters at Palmer, Mass., to-1 boonncomploto failure; but on assum­ Assooiation, Bitffalo, N Y.^ tor pamphlet Uio kldDoyannd liver to prompt and regultr action, sions in good faith. Mr. Barry, who yaas," said ho, turning'to nis com- rell, of Ennis, Texas, says, "I was a "I have uaod Hirad'a Sartiaparllla for- aick betdtctis jnaking no difffsTeD Hi* foUowen The state soldier boys who so nobly 8. A., hull tiled conipl'ulut in a BUlt for 9100,030 and in earnest, and Ifu fellow is not 'pauioii, r*I runii'inbu.r ruadin' urbput'. ;gothcr weigh eight hundred pounds. ing a foreign, high-sounding name on this disease. introduced thu bills, says prettv certain ho has found precisely A -V sickly man. Brown's iron Bitten made and indlKoaUon, and It hat rollovod mo of dayt and "Ihave Riifferod." auyliuVe oivii or;^^m left home and loved ones in tbe hour ot damages iigainst the New York Times In tho this ar rivor; wasn't somebou'y by ther- A Xarmoiith, Mass., boy rooontly ate wm'ks have fonnd ii reii^y'sule. me healthy and strong." Next time you have a tootbaohcb take weeka of alcknnaa and pulii.'' Mnur C. SMIT*, Cmr be realises the efi'ect supreme court In New Y^ork City. The com­ tbe angel he is looking for. lie can name ov Sota buried iu il?" IJh^^'T-six corn cakes in'twenty min- a vory hot bath and go to bod. Tbe brldRuport, Mnaa. WItli every disease hnaglnable for tbo last W punished by doBttiaafeloiu ia any thehr country's need, and fought brave­ manage so as to liavt tbo refusal of ^ large number of .paintings, lield.bv Beetbovou and Sutaubert's buhes are threeyoars, Our | plaint cbargea thu Times with malicIoiiHiy de­ "Yaas," repliud thu other, "It was; the I'lo^i in this country, with Froncit sohemo is to quiet and bis fqlluwers's sentences on tlon. pens to meet somo other sweet-faced upon his general appearance, move­ Has. £. i'. AxKAiiLii, Xeir.lIavDn, Conn. thom lie on the table, i'.^lio attention him and died of er broken huart.. • Piouto Indians nro plain Georgo .Smith or ./ohii Thomas Electric Oil to quickly cure a cold or Am entirely cured and heartily recommMil oouvictlbn must be doatik. duties of lite beoauso of. disease and Tho family of thu Into Fcerotary Fro- angel thatscoms to him to bo bettor iriouio inaians nro proving suooess- ments or companionship, without wait^ Hc9d>8 Saraaoarllla They jest chucked her body inter the. olul farmers on tho Pyramid reserva-' IT"thoy' woulwvumd nou.jti uuiisiummu.consider thomu worth relieve hoarseness. Written by Mrs, Hop Bitters to every one. wounds, there is a strong probability will bo drawn to tho subicct, and two llnghuyscn make nn s?erct of tiic fact that the su ted to his tastes. ing until ho has robbed a trayolor, fired Sold by all dramlau. «l; alx for «5. Mode only Iky river down thnr somewhar, 1 bur-- J •'«v» 1 the canvas thoy aro painted on. M, J. Follows, .Burr Oak, St, Joseph J. D. WAI.KEB, Buckner, tSo. years from now Mr. Barry hopes that first serious iUuoss ot Judge FrclingliuyBon was tion in Nevada. a bouse, or murdered a fellow-man, is C. I. noon 4 CO., Apothociirlea, Lowoll, Maaa. : ALTHOVOII tlie law of Michigan for- that the state will provide a home tor It is dift'orunt with a widow. Sho lievo." Why liavo not Americans moro na- Co., Mich. , duo to the acconltu thnt In some unaccniintablc A Slielton, Conn,, man drank eigh- an important function of a shrewd do- CounterfeiHnff leaves BupertorU§' . bidis tbo mtvortishtg of lottery schemes. for them, the bill having passed the tbo bills will be put in the shape be and gets rid uf all her shyness nt tho earli­ tional pride? Why do not tho tich loo poses one Dollar manner wns botllcd with the mineral water he His listener hove tt sigh, ami sottling^ itoon bottles of birch beer for a wair- George Br >WD, tho brother ol the tootive. Even moro important is the tho labor men desire. est convenient opportunity, and finds into a painfully silent mood, gazed va­ spend moro ol thoir monev nt home? "Although counterfeiting Is one of thegrea^. It is enforced "only against tho news­ House by a strong majority. Tlie used, and Dr. Lincoln ot Waahliigtou, says Inerof 25 cents. dead gillie, Ji hn Brown, is now the male arrest of a dLscaso vrhicli, if not check­ The story tbat Daniel Webster never out the prinoipiil things she de­ cantly througli thu window toward tho Munoy paid out hero forlnicurios heuo- est crimes against the buslneas ot any ceuBtix« papers. The law forbids tbo "setting measure was ably discussed, the opin­ Tho question of final adjournment is thut there was enough left in the lioltic to kill sires to know of liim before sho allows attendant of tbe British queen. ed, will blight and destroy a human life. swore is now having quite a run m New great river, whose surfiiuo seciiiRd to « Granger, of Pitts- nts the masses. The artist and musi­ England Sunday scltonls, and In many coses— np and exhibiting any sign, symtralor ions ot tbo members being sodirersificd still pending, but the prevailing opinion ' four men. Kim to get. acquainted. Tliu school­ field, Mass., if she lives, will bo 100 A WEAK UACK, with a weary aching Tho frequent cough, loss o;' appetite, "Destructive ot health and life 1» Save been transformed into a continu­ years old in Mtiy, cian pay it to tho merchants, who in general languor or debility, pallid skin, •ny emblematic or other representation as to to almost endanger tbo bill. Bo is that the date will bo fixed at June 6. Mrs. Miirgaro. M. Coo oy of Mitchell, girl of sixteen trusts hursulf to a fine turn pay it to their omployes. lameness over tho hips, is a sign of dis­ "It proves beyond a doubt the" ous stretch of corrugated marble. eased kidneys. Use tho host kidney and bodily aches and pains, announces Halford Sauce IJ.'B.M.'f c'{fo°ip°»l^'°''' Dak., nnd Sirs. Itebeeca Ifcroot ot Tlaraboo, young fellow on sixty or ninety days A Lancastur, N,^L, man has a cook i Foreigners who o.vcol .should bo well "Superiority"— ot a Ibttory or gift entorprlso or of tho it stated to our credit that no member CASI'EB. sight without .security, but tho widow, On wo drove thrfuigh tho nigbt, curative known, whioh is Burdock tho approach of pulmonary consump- Whs., sisters, pleaded guilty in court In Madi­ with no noiso in our oars but thn paiit- *tovo thai bus boon in constant use for \ Pa'd for their work.s, whioh should bo Of THE ABTioLB counterfeited; drawing thoroof, in nny way indicating was opposed to providing tor our bravo liko a thrifty wholesivio house, goes . k T*i.fi.n.-3t tTiiiuii niiuulu ms Blood Bitters, ti n. which is promptly arrested and son, SIo., to perjury and wcro sentenced to two iug of tho locomotive, the wiiirr ot tliirty-thloe years. As no LKiTKnion AirricLS is avBn COUNTB*- where a lottery ticket or a share there old veterans, but tlio question at issue out and oxaiiiinos tho mnruantilo re­ brought to this country; thoy help to permanently cured by iJr. Piorco'a FJSITED. NEWSIM QENERAL. years In thu state penitentiary. • Moth have tho wheels and tlio snoring of somno­ Rockland, Mass.. claims to havo ! Churches ot the.Uuited Statos use was how this could best bo done. ports concerning him, and then aclls oduoato us, to olovato and refine, but about 50.000 gallons of wine at their "Golden Medical Discovery." Sold by^ Proof of this Is found In tbo great numbor ot or any certiticato," eto, "may bopur- Tho Indian chief I'oundraaker surren­ nursing infantji, which they will tako with lent passongors, who were comforta­ more dogs to tho square milo than any ' not bo patronized tb tha ex- druggists. ' _ to him on her own terms for casii. othor town in tliu statu. ^ | elusion ot our own. Wo havo llio eominuniim tables in a single year. I In «4a86d or;obtained." Tins law is fre­ Another matter which will interest dered upon hcarin;; oC lllcl's Iinprlsouinent. tlicni. Tiiey swore falsely to cstiibllsh au illlb' She has him sized np befuru ho comos bly breaking ihuir nenk.s over tho back of" thoir seats, or ct.tuhing colds via CORE FOR CROUP.—Uso~Dr. Thomas' Jean "Australia, England, Prance, quently violated by posting placards on tho soldier bovs, and tho sailors and The 17-ycar locusts have made thoir for their brother-in-law, a burglar. There was tb market, and whon sho looks as if Electric Oil .according to directions. It Ingolow is 55 and stdl writes an nirectlng secne iu court when they were sen­ drafts from tho window.". Through a poetry. "Qcrmany, India, Belgium, Canada and tha nearly every fenco board in the state, marines.is the passage of tho law to o.v appearance In llrkl;;cport, 111., In great num- Shu were a vory artless ci-oatiiru and is the best remedy for all sudden attacks U. S.- tenced. lights shy of hini whenever ho happens spirit of economy thoy prufurred bod- oaUing attention to tho Louisiana Lot­ empt thom from poll-tax. However, bcsn. ily_ torture to 'struiiling tlieir purse of colds, pain and inllammation, and in- Weak lungs, spit ing of blood, cen- Ot counterfeits ot tho great remedy. Tho cn.s4oms oilicinis in Montreal to sit a little close to hor on tlio sofa, furies. Bumption, and kindred affections, cured "Hop Bitters," tery and to gift enterprises of one sort tbe act bas not yet become opcrativo The Illinois legislature has passed a thoro nro ton chances to ono that ho strings for the bonelit of the Pullman -enjoy tlio oiistor holidav's with tbeir ii i • • . have made a seizure of tSO.OOO worth of patent Car Company and tho porter. About without physicians. Addrossfor treatise, Whose name and merits are so well known or another. If the authorities are and will not until ninety days after the bill liinitinj; the rental of telephoiMa to thrc^ will never look any farther, but will sisters, aunts and cousins. i PI^^"^" •'•V •"'yi^S in Paris, Forty miles an hour is the rate ot medicines imi.>ortcd and entered, it is alleged, 4 o'clock a. m., the train slowed up, with two stamps. WOIILDS DISPKNSA- the world over tbat it Is a mwara of this law, why is it not enforced? close ot the session, when all acts are dollars per month. , buckle right up to her and put tho travel which an ambitious roller skater BV MBDIOAL ASSOCIAXIOH, Buffalo, under value nt the placo of slilpmont by Dr. J' and a sheet-iron brakeman with it bra­ down cast is endeavoring to attain. "Shining mark and favorite prey ordered to take eiToct immodlatoly or at Tho law against the importation of question fairly and squarely, anil N. Y. C. Ayer & Co., of I.owcll, Mass. Part is for when ho has done so, she is not going zen throat looked through tho door «xponKus for the curront your. "For Counterfeiters I I 1" a given date como into force. goodd, the pooduct ot prison labor. Is rigidly nnd shouted: "Albert Loa.'' our own. Clipped from Canado Presbyterian, Beware of all that does not have a gresn THK very close voto (16 to 15) to In­ forwarding to Toronto, Ilaniilton nnd London to tromblo all ovor and blush and usk Tiio feat has been acerimpllshod ot under signature of C. Blackott Robin­ When Mary Anderson breakfasted enforced in Canada. "Hollo!" replied a bushy-headed Another ovil consequent upon the with Mr. Gladstone recently there wove cluster ot hops on the white labcL definitely postpone further considera- Tho bill to extend tho limits of tho and to SU .lohn, .\. It., and to Halifax, N. S.] for a week or a month in which to «andiug senty-two simultaneous mes- son, prop.: I was cured of oft recurring _l^^ ^bjolufelM "'^1— Tho governor of Pennsylvania hss ap­ as well as a large [lortlon to remain In Jfontre- passenger who liad been catching first IS, that, seeing Americans rushing thirteen at table. Fr— from Opiate; JEmttfea and iVilMlu. taou of the bill to restore capital pun­ oity ot Detroit has occupied consider­ make np her mind. Sho will just -sages over one telegraph wire. , abroad to sjien. d thoir money. , foreign„ - billions headaches by Burdock Blood J*ro«ecM«e the SwlnMeralit proved the bill problbltiiiK tha maanfacturc al. More extensive seizures are said to bo on wind her arms around his nook and transient naps with his feut hung over Bitters. , Among tho manv applicants for tho T •>V"."'""'""^ como to tho conclu- "BOVOH ON PAIK." A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE If wben you call for Hop BIttcra (act a»r.i< oxrf*. ishment shows very plainly that the able attention in both tlie House and and aale of iinitation liuttor. the tapis. look up into his face with ono of I'^lltv tho arm of liis suat into the aisle, Cnrea cliolara. r.ollc, erampa, diarrhaa, ichea. Mini, na or lloi-n ox TUX WUITX LAnat.) Uie drugglat baaM where other passengers could conve­ yostmastersbip of •iCimlorhook, N. Y., "'"^ Pr-^luot'ons must ba A "bunoh" ot bananas means a^ut ipralna, licadaflie, neuralgia, rbeuioatlaia. Wut eaaak*! Tknat, BawaeacM, lalaeaaaa out any atuS called C. D. Wurnor'a German Hop BiS matter is still unsettled, and that an­ Senate. Tho bill was pretty well muti­ Wheclor's liory yearns, and beforo ho Boif II en rain I'laatera, ISc. Ctldt. BnaekHIt, Croap, Wk»«»Ua OMWS. tera or with otiier "ilop" name, rcfuao It andtbaa A groat cyclone strnek Wionipcr tho An enthusiastic mass meeting of niently fall over them and swear. Is a niece .of Aartiu Van Buren. a very inferior order wlien we will 110. Attb•u^ OalBtr, PolatlB ca«t«,annaia»i UiatdruKKlataiyoa would a viper; and If be ba* other attempt will be mado for the en­ lated in tho House, when it was sent to has timo to catch his breath, ho will Vr-..,t Ar,.i«r.„n n <5u,«-i» .t W.J not buy them ourscIvcs. Thisimpres- airoctloat oriht Thnat and Luaga. taken your money for tbe atulf. Indict talm for tba other afternoon, blowlnp; olt roofs nnd doing workliigmcn was hold In Victoria, 15, C, a few "Albert L-o-a!" again camo the Justice Field is writing a book of Sara Bernhardt is said not to be M fread and auo lilm for damaaca for the awlndle, aMi actment of a law to restore the death the Senate, and adopted substantially find himself nailed to tho cross with a -i*m V^,.t:^^o„»^«.„ivrilT A^^: 'ion is created by Americans wherever Price so eenta a bottle. Sold by Drof atita and Seal- we wui reward you liberally for tlie conviction. •ther damage. No deaths arc rcportml. niglits ago to ratify the appeal of the trades "yes" that pierces him to his very brakeman's voice. memoirs. thin as she is painted. She must lay era. Partln unahla to (nduce OteirtUaur to promntllt penalty. Humane people derive somo as recoivod by that body. comicll to thn Dominion to take action against "W.ill, what in titer devil do yer hSndfed-poumi"-br^^^ go,.consoq'uently thoy not only aetitforthtm tcUt rmef re Itsa boUUt,EMBrti» autrau The Attorney General at Winnipeg soul. ,,.,.1- iri.i.'^ui..„...!, *» """.y 5e„j tijuir money abroad, but Tobacco raising is a growing industry on the oosnetio very thin. paid, tiy tendtng me dollar to V. LVOIA B. PINKHAM'a \ • Chinese Immigration. Tlic appeal will be sent want?" howled back the sleepy pas­ •Wt CUARltS A. TOOItia CSSrAIT, comfort by this temporary disposal of The hard hearted senators bave kill, eny.s that tha fact that UIL-I IS an Ainerican 1 once had a friond. I havo htm trods with im tooth. prejudice foreigners, so that they will in Wisoontln. •ulaOwBaraan>r;laBi,ir.B.A. eltement during Ibe delivery of tlio speeches his eyes, "thet'is my name; ef yo've SpnrgeoD grows more eloquent as be If yon an falllnit, brokon, wura ont and nerrau, • , • IS A rOSmVl CUBB FOB •-,o living remains of a widow in posses­ .*use to open their silver spring sig- that can be had elsewhere. If Ameri- ate "Wclla' HcaltK Reiiewcr." tt. Uranlau. All tbeaa ptiaftil Complalai* en the public sentiment in their favor, of voting in municipal elections, but tho L. Rosenzwcig of Erie, Pit., has re­ was Inleiise and a cry of "lo Chliuitowii" was got ennv bizniz with mo I wish yor'd grows older. sion of him. Ho was a masher. Ho nals, aud other early signs of tho gen- eans ba- dJ that truo-liorn pride and love •aad H'tikneitet ao comaiaB* while tho friends of the bill arc confident representatives havo dealt moro kindly covered *1S.!)30 from the l-aUe Shore railroad raised. A serious riot was prevented only by cum in fiyur an' name it, an' not stun* Tbe name ot the first printer's devil Rev. Ihomas Lockbart, an Indiana AHETODDISCOnRiSED ******tooBr bcitt*****^ had Ijciiuiifiil coaiblack hair that tie season are wanting. . of country which should animate wasDeViUo. clergyman, preached a vigorous sermon *hBtat another session of the legislature with tho weaker sex and pa.ssed by for dainaircs reuniting frc^m his expulsion from the inlliieiieo of the leaders, wlio iifrsuadcd tiic ther an' keep er yellin' at mo as ef 'I Has your iibytlcian fatlsa to arrest th* ei*> I, • rEXALS POPULiTIOir. • • clustered about his wliitonod brow in hadn't got eiiny ears." Miss Gertie Gardinier, oUXf Canan- \ every heart, thuro would bo no bowing on his 92J birthday. r«kt •! U lUaM, plU arltanwt taK tbo time will be moro propitious for tho moro than the iiecessarj- two-thirds a moving tualn. crowd lo disperse qilleUy. There Is a deep massive curls, tind ho was tho posses­ .'duigua, N. Y., has accepted a position i at the feet of strange talent to neglout Americans own and operate the street •au trom wblcli you are' sufferlnr? Ars "Albert L-o-a, twenty minutes for as governess of a young princess of the ': onr own; but with a iiolpinir hand railroads of Mosoow. you loting fatlli In mediclnet, and vrowlof • na imrpott to toMv Ar (At KgfHouKt atalAw a» auccessful attainment of thoir purpose. vote tho joint resolution submitting Robert E. Odium of Now York, facling among tbe laboring cla.sscs tliat tlif sor of one of the most kissablo mous­ onr own; but with a helping hand LTTB PBEBEB'VEB, atarmad at your oonditlon? If io, tofcs Mtea— aad (At r«lliir o/ jmto, and lAut dl *am St time for decisive action has arrived. taches that ever dceorated the lip of lunch!" once moro camo tho voico of royal family in Honolulu. Five thousand men named Smith went If yon nro lonlni; your grip on llffl, try "Walla' U clalmt lo do, thoiuandtof ladlit oas gdidlv lutl/k. • Until that timo Michigan murderers to tho people nn amendment to tho Con­ Jnmped from Broolvlyii bridge into the river, a tbo brakoraan. I American genius liberated wonld nealtli lEcnewer." uoea dirocC lo weak spoti. • II wUI curt entirely aUOTtrUa troulilea, InOana* distiincc ot 1S.> feet a tUw days ago. He wus a litiiiiatt dudo. llo had broken moro A Muino prophet nunouncos that tho mount and liold plaoe with tho highest into tbe Uuion army in tha civil war tlon and inceratlon, falltog and ItlnhevnoM, aaS will bo kept in confinement unless par­ stitution which stril;cs out tho word "Goll darn yer lunch," snortod the "Ond of tho world will como on April from the one state ot Pennsylvania. eontetuent Spinal Wetkaett, and » nrticuMir dead when taken out. ADDIIIONAL ST.^TE NEWS, hearts than all my acquaintances, and talent of the world.—Philadelphia Maurice Kingslev is coming to Amer­ adapted to the changt of Ufe. • , • , • , • 'jt^ doned by the governor. ''mole" from that instrument and there­ was going toeollugu stnashing youth­ bushy-headed man, "what de yer sup­ :29. About twonty of bis neighbors Ledger, . Orrtaln druKalau begin to coiaplaUi that tt« ica in order to educate his children in HOPS AND MALT • It remoTM Kalntneaa, FUtulencT.doatroyatll An Indian outbreak lias occurred in Martin Egglcston lived near Jlusko- pose I want of yer lunch? I've got er bolicvo him, and are nervous. only conih remedy tlicy can now sell Is Dr. for .llmuliuilj, and rtUori-o Wetinaoa of tho Si by confers suffrage upon every person gon, unniarrlod and alone. The otber morning ful fomaio all'eetioiis and rovoling in American schools. U ouroa nioatlng, Ucadaolica, Worroua Frot Arizona, and tlic rcd-devlls arc causing ii jier- moro than a tub full of girlish love, whole bushel basket full cr stuff under Wliilu New York has been discuss- Wieur's B«h>am of Wild Cherry. This |oe« &n°?a"«lSrf(,,L boprciaon'anirtJSt otherwise qualified. bis body was found near ills house, with the tha Eoat. I didn't lull you to call mo, A Blatter of Policy. to preve that IntelllKent people are determined SEtDOM, if ever, was tho daily and fcct rclgn of terror. Many settlers have been when II new girl camo to the school. "ing tho schnine of making a park at A beautiful and bashful young to K«t tbe best cure for coughB, colds and con- Captain WInsblp, Providence Police, suffer­ Iftton. TtUit fuclln* of boarlog down, cauaing top of the head blown oIL Sfartin lost cousid- an' I'd bo servin' ver right tor slam ed fiveyear s from kidney disease, was cured by BITTERS, weekly press of this country so filled The advocates of the bill aro greatly liilled, and jiropcrty H-antonly. Nobody siispeeted the truth concern­ Niagnr.a, Canada is planning to allow woman of about nlnctcun summers enmptloE, and will not take a lubstltute. Hunt's [Kidney and Liver] Rcmcdv. encour.igcd, and with careful and judi­ f-rablc property by tho nx'cnt forest llrcs, and ing Iter. Nobody wonld ever look yer in tho neck fur disturbin' my ..her side to bo oven more disfigured. The Croat Blood Purifleri with the harrowing details of crimes of Tlio Now York Tribune, sued for libel dreams." The brakeman had gone called rceuntly at tlioolHcoof a life in­ Two tin mines arn now m suocessful it is supposed that he committed suicide. for a widow in a'school, and yet she surance tigont, says 7'/ic New York Tel­ Edison works in his laboratory in a Compounded from tbe well-known ouratlvu tho most revolting character as now. cious agitation aro confident tbey can by Kcnivard I'lill|), for charging lilm with beforo Albert Loo finished his tirade, Writing will look liko silver, it is operation m West Virginia. Ilupt, Malt, Uuuhu, Manlraka. Dandtlion, With the exception of the great fores' had in a moment of passion, buwidow- i.statod, if the ink is composed of intibi- egram, and asked him timidly it ho roboof bod-ticking reaching trom col­ There seems to bo a perfect epidemic of carry tho matter at tho polls in Novem­ writing tlie Jforoy iL'ttcrs, hasconipromlsed tho and he settled back into his scat and Ninety par cent of the Anglo-Indian lar to heels and looking anything but BsnMparilla, Cuscara Siurrada, eto. They are Arcs ot ISSl, says tlio Muskegon News of re­ ed herself tho worst way. My friond lugo water inturmi.vud with ono otinco ' could toll her how long people of a Dover known to tall In all oaaoi ot ber,' 1866. matter by thu payment of «sj,000. mado up his mind to perpotrato once moro suspending his feet in mid- trade takus the route. pictoresqu". crime rampant in tho land, and papers cent date, at no timo in the history of northern • of finu puwtur and two ounces of mer­ certain ago would llvo. against Tier a cold, cruel and heart­ aisle, sank into sweet nnd powerful cury. Lincoln's largest legal tee was $5,000, seem to vie with each other in the man­ An animated discussion occurred in It is authoritatively staled thnt Russia Aflchlgaii has thcro been such devastation hy "Madam," replied tlio agent, cough­ Every woman who suffers from Sick Head- less mash, lie watched his opuortu- sliimber.—rom Holmes, in Carl Pretz- and hn got it from a railroad company. LIVER AND KIDNEY ner of presenting tho accounts of the tho Uouse the other day on the bill to dcmandii Muruchak ami the Znllikar pass, tbe lire as has been wlliiesscd during tho past live eVs mckly. A littio negro boy in Georgia killed ing respectfully behind a prospectus,. nchc, and who dislikes to ta'KO bitter doses, nity,and onu day, when ho and she were The deck in Dr. Tyna's church in should u-y Carter's Little Liver Fills. They Troublst. Ther euro Dyspepsia, Indlgeltlnn, same. Startling and blood-curdling restrict tho charges of telephono com­ ]iosse>islan of which points the timccr considers days. JIllls, l»nber. logs,.camps, farmiiroper. • and cooked a big lizard tlio other day, and drawing his chair near to her, are the e.-isi«st of all medicines to take. A RheumuUain and all urinary troublea. Thoy loft alono in thu liallway by a strange ..and forced a smaller nogro to oat tho New Yurk hasn't missetf a tick in 26 panies to $2.50 aud $3 per month. vital to tlic IntcgTlty ot the Arghaii frontier. ty and dwellings In tlio path of (lames have How3Ialibraii Drank Porter. "here are our tables of expectation positive cure for tho above distressing com- Invlgurato, nouritb, strengthen and 4ttl*tt bead-lines call attention to tho fact that oc'cidunt, bu told her she was the pret­ reptile. His fatliur guvo him u mild and average mortality, which contain years. the narvout aystoin. The French chamber of deputies has been llclicd up like sliavliigs, tlie Food iradiicoa good hotUkj^ will concede the point that the news He assured her that sho was heartless knife, live?" rormeri"Try It! Ihonid bo oiarcliod by persons when pop. **?b..?<''»J'u»j|jJibby_tk,„J^u It is reported that Canadian Indians old, of-l.^il Ka.n Congress street, is tho vietlni and cruel, but when lio saw largo tetws tois," Malibran played tho first two productions turned ont by ono factory i well in swampy regions and in all damp •hotlttt Uopa und MA1.T Ulttera. mutcl'e.''"Tfie i must be told, but tho safety of tho young from tho shoulder every timo, and so iu Rhode Island. ! "According to our table, madam," i Well;, Richardaon « Co'a. Improved Butter Color Ki"A"e1ittrarnli'VV.'dYy^^^^^tH i rcidlly m ^ from tho neighborhood ot Qu'.Vppellc »rc cross­ of the litest Sunday silicon row In Detroit, coursing down hor checks, ho relented acts in sucli a llood of triumph that places. Do aol tot thom camfounded with other In- t. of our dny demands, that the revolting oifcctual were thoir oft'orts that tho bill : replied the agent, "he should, on tho wlU be found lobe tbi: only oil color that wilt not ?S?a'nda'coinpletei fWiSot^rJMIS"^^i' BatT«fi5ti5'ilafaotlon iKn thia_ "?cft. '"|!|?iKf ing into the United .Stati-.". .Stcjis wiil he taken and James I-:. Conway, 3". years old, ot A'Xi and retraced his rasli remark, and sho she was determined, by almost super­ (orlor arUolea of a almilar name. For sal* 5 Rents of cottages at Newport will average, survive eleven years, three A former Invalid writes: "f wsi grestly rc- become rancid. Teat il and vou will prove il^ by all driutUU and denlert. See lhat evon ir9*m'^?ak"!tnr,;un^^ no.iiot let can ba and harrowing incidents in connection was agreed to in committee of tho atcoucto have them ivtunied tu their reserva­ KastCongress street. Is a saloon-k-:;cpcr, who forgave bim and tlicy sliook hands. human effort, to continue its glory to Sbtained tt to nutircoal. the final fall of the curtain. "1 went," bo from 5 to 10 por cent lower tho months and sixteen davs,'' dneedln health and strength, cauted by bad It will not color tltc buUer milk; itgivea the brif(li«t tobol boar* tbo nams HOPS * HALT SJA therewith be omitted. Tho publication whole. tion. committed Ihe i.riino in Conway's saloon. Mc- Ho afterward told mo in conlidenco blood. I badadosen botUIn dlffereat parts color of any nude, and ia the itrnoseat and therefore TXRS oa, Dotroit, Miob. Quinn asked for a drink In Conway's saloom says Dunn, "into her dressing-room cominir season than for several years . "That," said tho visftor, "would bo uf myl>»iy, and lufl.^red many lehci and.patais, 0 n of them can havo but ono tendency—to Murderers in Michigan will not hang An excursion steamer plying Iietween lhat tho mutnenl lie felt her fitittering past, and hotel prices will experienco ' till tho Sl-tt of April, 1896." while the leaat-ezertton eave mn greatf ttlgae. the cheapufct ^ rACaiHB, niLLUMH A CO., \ but was refused, wliereupim ho beoaine abusive hand in his, ho could not re.sist the previous to tho coninicncoment of tho Itttrolt, Hick. Uelebrated Eye WateK fire tho evil passions and add to tho list yet, awhile the capital punishment bill SyraciiRc, N. Y., nnd'Oiiondiiga lake was blown third tict to ask her how shu felt, and a similar reduction. , "Precisely, madam, on the average I took three botUet of Dr. OnTaott'a TelM«r "For Sale st a taeriflce," ff. •. •ixcniN a Koxs, Conway altempted to put lilm out, Init Mc- temptation to srpieezo it lliat camo Tho magnitndo of tho slnto industry ! expectation of mortality, for wo must Dock aad Sartaparllla aad am completely A well-established paving Dry Goods Store Whslesili of crimin.als. having been disposed of by liaving all up Sunday Jlay 21. Two pir.-ons were killcj Quinn showed light. Conway pleked np what ovor him. Slio guntl3' returned tho sho replied: 'Very tired, but'—and cme'. At night I ei Joy retrethlBg, dreamlrii Dttrtll, nich. and many Iniur..d. 'I'lu! cxnlcslon was the re­ hor eye suddenly lighted up—'you an- In this country can bu imagined whou 't• aruolarticloe ttroonitimUrt mnitanUylnOT T sult of caroli:.ssm'SS. au axe. friend was not liiniself. He was Dtlrtit, airk. THE story published in the New York in committeo of the whole. Altlious-li He was her j mo a pint of porter into tlio desert .duced of rooting slate alone is 500,000 in a company whoso character " A (1ABD—To ai wnn ue aninriiK troa •non ot l.i.D0DMaC0.. lb.|rolt.Bltk. •ng- U the dlreetloot art followtd It will nntr ftU. A funeral was being hold iu Pittsburg slave, so ho says with liis own lips. 1 "Billiards on the brain" is what ails yontli, oarrona WMkaena, aarli deearjote of oan- IU iKrtU. ' *• •»»«o*'on»'»bytwiiT« this .action w.ts not; concurred in by the The present tinited .States niinis'erto scene, you shall liavo an enecro to yards por year. A "square" is about "And bow much could I insure his Nicolini, according to Col. Mapleion's Bnod,ao~l will aand a reealpa tbat WlU enrt >oi, papers a fow days ago to tho eftcct that a fii\v d.iys ago, wlii'u a porch In front of tliu speeify whoso lips lio said it v,'iili, be­ TD Joiin U. Thompaon. Bona. * fo.. Troy, w T. Sen.ttc, a motion to indeliuit;ely post­ Uussia, Alphoiiw Tafl of Ohio, who Is to be your tinalc' llati 1 boon dealing with 100 loot, or suOlciunt to cover a space life for?" diagnosis: raak Op' CHAHOB. IB neat ramMf wu dl*- whito people had been kidnapped in house gave way ]in'i'iMit;;ting i>eople to the oauso I do not want tlio impression covwadbi a mlaatnnarj la Boptti Ajwrtoa. Sand siieeeedeil by KICO. V. .V. f.ollirop, Is a eoiisle any other performer, I should perhaps 10x10 foot whou laid on thu root. It "Oh, for any amount—say for .$10,- •elf >MrMM)r»aa»dd_ eniralooii»«lo,BM« to HMV. JOBIPH T. IN- pone was carried by one majority, CL'lhirlrt feet bi-Imv. .Many were .-icrloui-ly, tiiat the lips of any iiinoceut and iii- There aro 33,000 peach trees in one MAN HMtloD n. Now frlrk New Orleans and taken to Guatom.ila of the laie U. ,S. S.Miator .laeoh Howard ol have liesilatod in complying wiili llio • covers tho same aroa as l.OJO shinglus. 000," he answered, taking up a blank isomo of the arguments mado ou the several fatally Iiijiiie-.I. olVensive nerson were mixed up iu tlie 330 acre tract ia Qjeen Anne oouaty, and sold as slaves, is corroborated by Mli'i.lgaii. .hidgo Tafl, like Senator llownrd, atl'air, lo prevail. 'I'iiiiu wore on, as it request tliii.t nii^'ht havo 'been danger­ For nearly^ a„ vcar, it i..s. said, thcruiuro i form ol applioutioD. "Let me ronom- M try land. tho following item from a Cbicigo bill showed earofnl study.aiul iiulicatod Oen. (irant lias dedicated his book ous in its iipplieation at the inoment, has not been a ci-iminal case boforo tho ' mend tho unoxcoptod advantages of- was a fanner's son. f"or ni'.iny yi:ars he was ijfteu does iu cases like tliis. My Mr. Garland is the second attorney vory plainly, llic oonscientiouinoss o£ ns follows; '•'I'll iiiu ollluers and soldiers I bill to cheek Malibran's powers was to- distriot court of Douglas county, Ne- : fe>'«d by our non-forfoitablo eudow- dwly: "To tlio editor -The article one of the judire.i of tlie siijifrior eoavt of Ciir frionil, iiiiding Hint lio eould not get vada, and the last uiisu in the justice's ment policy." general who has belonged to the Oath- COLO MgDALl/ondon.'Sl. Pro«oanC«d*niM,« Jl-XSil both its friends and loos. williiti four feet (if her, proposed to I aiiniliilato Ihciu. your paper headed 'Was lie Kidnapped?' eiig.\ged In the \v;:r of the rebellion and also cliimili, where his I'liinily ..^'.ill re.-idc. He was court was on tho 17th of last Novoni- ' "Well," said tho young woman, "I ulic church. those oiigagcil in tlu^ war with .Mexico, lliesi* si'iToIary .iI" war aiid jit:orney-gi:iirr;iI, sueci'SS- iiinn-y her. .She aeee|iled him and lie \ "1 tiievefofo arranged tluit behind Many a Lady IsReeonmendeil is not exaggerated, but too true. I was As w.as expected, tlie minority repro ber. Tliu county jail bas Ion" been think, then. I'll marry hira." One Philadelpbian bas given $100 to iended_by Phyalclanal volumes are dcilleiile:!, U. S. Ciranl." ively. in (Iranl's eahiiiet, and snl)sei|UeiUiy drew" lier to ills bosom tor one fond eui- ' the pillar of drifted sand ou wliich .sho empty, and thu o'tHoers whoso duty it • "Insure him. you mean?" corrected one of tho unfortunate victims on board sontation bill was pas-sed in the Senate bnieo. One of the leaeliefs liuppuned the Now York World's Bartholdi pe­ S100 Forest lirns iiave dono great daiiiago iiiini.-ti-r Ici .-Sii.-^trln. W'iii'e [ittorney-g(.:u-ral i falls in a stato of exhaustion townrtl is to seltlo all disturbances find noth- the tigent. destal fund. is bbautifu), all but her skin; of tlio Ella Knight which left New Or­ eoiue along al just that moment, ovor the gevcnior's veto, tlio vote In WIseoii:-hi. 'I'he ihiniage to growing limber he iilTered llaniillon (i. Howard of Delroil. ihe j the close of the desert scone, a small ing to du. "No, marry him; you insure, him. and nobody has ever told We maniitkcturt and tell it itha positive Mphcillotts; ami whou llio vouii'g widow (!.\-|ilained ; aneruirc sliould bo made in llio stage, Ship building in Now England last Buaranteo thPt IL wiil cure'any leans for Puerto Barrios, Guatemala, standing 22 for and 10 against. nnd farm reneing has been very great. Many olliee ol' 1,'nitcd States alUirney for 111? .Minib- A Pittsburgh loafer who spoko dis- ' sho added with a ourst of cure any ,lie wiiole iiialter by eoiifi'.'Ssiiig what i 'i'liroiigli that apertr.re a ]ievvter pint; year footed up $6,CO0,O0O in the value her how easy it is to put -and no win foriSu n,, above auuuut STEEL PENS and I can corroborate tho story of Ed­ Tho bill, after being engrossed, wil! families lo;;t all, and Innidreds of farms are eni distrlet of Floriiiu, Init Iho o.Ter was do- rospocifitlly Sf Gen. Grant on Mondtiy «'>»li|l.«nco, "I love Hor-jort. and Mr. ot its product. . Jain a einslo In* -..CO. lad liappeueil, my ffiend euiild do no I of porter wns conveyed lo ilie parelicd'. beauty on the skin. Beauty f|fSfkIt Is unlik^!3go aS'?t!i?«,?-J Ull er itarrli .rrmrdy.t _ * SoLoBv ALL DCALERS-%muoii.-(rrTHK WORLOl ward Santa Kosa. I am of tho .same left unprotected 3ll^t a. so u.vtreniely refreshing^ that it was ' he etooi'icli, liver, tiowcis uud kidneys hyiz- In Sheep, Russia and Turkey Bindlnas. seinngtiiuen city Skirt an) American authorities. Tlic Illinois legislature, has passed a lids presented a fearful sight, 'i'lie iniiler Jaw near BiiKleford, Mo., died a few day.s wouldn't bo decent to marry again till !Stii

wife, Jamm Palmer'and wife, B. H. Dry Goods.—Marcus Gregor. Legal. Mltteerand wife, aiid Mark Westflsll and Dora Westftill went camping out ORTQAGB HALB.-UBIi'AULT llAVINO GOTO „ boon Miadv In Iho psymunt of cigbtcon §mm OH Portage lake last week and Ihey DETROIT Irvd and ncvon dnilnrg nnd fnrty.ltvo cents, report having a good time; Mnow clainiod tu bo duo and uupaid, upon a cer­ Tlmrsdar, M«y 28, ISSS. •in) HAYS YOUR tain morlKSKu bvsrliitt dale thu llr.t day of Veb- il rnary, IHSi. oxocuiud l>y Macslo A. liunham to LOCKE. Bniins O. itecd, and recorded in the oMeo of the OKEMOS. register of duuds for Inghain cniinty, slate of Mrchlgan, npon tho third day uf March 1>I81, In Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Llver- llbur tllly-Buvon uf mortgasua on page nlnety- NVIieiit IN looking very Une on all nlno. No suit or procooolnits at 'law or In VOL. XXVIL-NO. 23. level groiindarOuiia here. anoe a boy, also to Mr. and Mrs. Har­ chuncory having liuuii Instituted tu recover any MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1885. ;• The: Hjieclai - township uieeting for vey Wright. part tliuroot, and tho power of ante therein cso- WHOLE NO. im : Meridliui is postimned to June 0. George West has bought 22 acres of talned, having bocomu aliaoluto by virtue of tbo A. Wright. Russell Weat otlers a BXAMINBb AND JVPT^'^gTm statute In Kucb casoI, niadniauo nnda prevlduproviouda noticnonce Dr. A. Ferguson interested tlie peo­ i« lioroby given ibiit npo - JBWBI.BB. I Decarattaw Day. cheap 40 for $2,000. SPEOTAOLES OR EYE GLASSES 1 npouNaliirdnj'.tli.aatta could wish, as proud a laurel as any Jackson Baptist association will ple at the red ribbon'club lust Sunday day or July. IHMS*M,, at one o'clock in tbe LIAS CULVEB, dealer in watohea, cloaks, Tbe Impressive services of memorial brow oould wear. Beit George's cod flsh per'lb. lix oenti at •evening. Homer Murphy bas painted 4i^B I haye Just received direct from tbe Importer, an Immense line of Biternouu of said day, _I shall sell at public E.jewelry,silyerware,eto. Bepairingdone. convene at Grass Lake next Wednes­ barn. George, Haskell Is building a auction to tho highest bidder, at Iho front door day. were held as usual at Mason under It will be only a short time at the IWatf B.O.HB«»'8. ; • Wni. Fuller, Jr.,tho brakeman who IMPORTERS, JEWELERS AND OP- of tbo Inghnm county court-hou.o. In the PDBUSRSD Bvnny THvasDAV, Br best that we can do honor to tbe mem­ day. 41 grain and bay barn. TI01AN8. 140 WOODWAIU) AVE. city of Masnn, said court-house being MIMBIAABIBOini. the direction of Phil MoKernan post - SajrcM * meliM was killed this spring near Detroit, the placo where thu circnit conrt for V. J. TEFPT. of the G. A. R. The day was lowery, ory of our fallen comrades. In a few Tbe flnder of a watch charm will Are having largo latea on the Crown Jewel was insured for $300 in the Montreal Trichinosis, caused by eating not THEY MAKE KO CHARGE FOR aaid county is hold, or so much nf tho land FARMERS' MUTUAL years, at the farthest, we shall sleep and Hull vapor cook ilovei, with flxed ovenl mAcciden t Co. His fuUier has received thoroughly cooked iiork. Is fatally at TBS-nNO EYES, AND SELDOM ombrucod In .aid iiiortitage ns vliall ho neces­ CURB INSURANCE COMPANY OF ING- and tbe threatened rain appeared at please return it to S. J. P. Smead and White Goods t»Aat beside tbem, and our descendants will Tbey are tbel>est working itovei In tlie mar-. m the money. work in several families In Wbeatfleld. FAIL TO GIVB sary to satisfy the aniuiiut duo on said mort­ CM yur. tl.SO 1 sll niMlht, n csslsi Intervals in a fliie mist; but in spite be called upon to perform this sad get reward. I gage, and all legal cnnu, togolher with an at- mtalki, 40 (Mto-la sdvaais. MMU»*?»iS?rW: ket. Call and lee them. ISTSwl Geo, Plielps sold Lis farm to a gen­ Diphtheria bas attacked certain fam­ tornuy fou of twunty-llvu dollars, covenanted for Maaon. Samuel Skadan, presldent,DBnivllle.' of tbe unpropltlous elements tbe gath­ duty. It Is my earnest prayer tbat It T. Densmore will start to-morrow tlemen In LaiiMlng, who, it seems, was ilies, proving Altai In the case of )Coinprislng the most Beautiful Designs ln( thuruln. The land du.crllied in auld mortgage Is ADVMTISINO RATES. may never be forgotten or neglected. Juit received another large Involoe ol well MASON MARKETS. tho wust half of llio iiorthuast quarter of section ONEY TO LOAN, BY THB BEAL ES- ering of citizens from the city nnd The soldiers of tbe rebellion are fast morning for a three weeks' visit in tbe •eleoted wtaipi,direct from the manulketuten, . a Ilttle tickle minded, as lie backed out Fraiikie Stewart. Mrs, Andrew Moy- thirty-two In township tbroo north of range two a?.'}W made known nt offloe. tote Agent, JoHit DUMBBAOK. er died recently, also old Mrs. Moyer west, In Ingham couniy, .lata of Michigan. Bnilneis cards 11 a line per year, M surrounding country on our streets becoming a race of old men. Gray northern part of the state. and will be Mid at aatoniaUngly low prlooi,at : after the bargain wns perfected. Well, Caroftally Correcloil'Vp to Thursday Dotted and Figured Swiss Mulls, Nainsook Bniiness locali ttv*oan U per line eaeh and we don't care to let Mr. Phelps go aged 89. Noon or Kaoh Wo«k. BMMA O. UKKD, Mortgagee. riLARK HOUSE, Wm. H. Clark, proprtetor. was large, and gave evidence tbat tbe heads and tottering steps are becoming Bayers A Phelpe'. ISlSwl LuciRN RRED, Atlnrnoy for MortRnt!oo, svery insertion. \j Best one dollar a day house in the eity. Mra. Clarence Hull and son Claude away. •. . OKAIK, Plaids, Lace Checks, India Linen and Marriage, birth, snd death notloea free. patriotism which sent tbe flower of tbe rule instead of tbe exception, and Everything ia (looming at Sayen A Pheipi'. Qlve the democraey rope enough Dated April iM, 1885, Obituaiy notioes, resolutioni of reapeet, are spending the week in Lansing WHEAT, No, I, white (ii M. DRESSER loans money, buys notes, In a brief period tbe grave will bo tbe and It will hang Itself every time. It eardsortfianki.ete..nveeenUallne. . and makes colleetlona; also Are lnsu^ tbe North to tbe front for tbe preser­ home of the great majority. In the with Mrs. Hull's brother. L. G. An­ Tbey bave the largest and boat selected stock . .WHII'E'OAK. Is taking rapid strides toward making WHEAT. No. 2, white @ India and Swiss Mulls. O TBAClIEItS.-PUDl.IC EXAMINATIONS J of hardware in oentrol Michigan.. Call and aneo agent, Offloe In Farmera' bank. vation of tbe union still lives. year 1884 over eighteen thousand of derson. treason honorable. Cleveland need WHEAT, No, 2, red.. T will bo hold as follows: Third grade ex- see them tiefore purohaalng elsewherp. Prices i Georire .Sayles goes to St. Ignace Also another large ond attractive line of HAMBURGH and SWISS ainlnatlun will bu huld ut Lctorson. placed above tbe silent resting places live. exchanged sites within a few weeks. CATTLE, vcr 100 pounds !1 0()®4 00 2. The Bccrutury shull not grant special cortifl- New AdvertlaementeTlita Week. tbe following order: L. Frank Ulark has the largest and flnoit David Clark's dwelling occupies the true poimlar sentiment bus for a gen­ cntuH to nny person who, npon «.t«nilnatlon, fail­ Merchants' Protective Assoclat'n. of the dead heroes whose names were eration iiever fulled to honor, and HOOS, per lon pounds 4 00(S-1 25 ed to secure a ccrtilicHtu nt the previous public Mason city band. Ex-Sherlflf J. B. Dart, preildent of tot of carriages ever shown In this olty aud ii eminenee Just north of Livermore's, POIIK, drcKKcd, per 100 pounds .1 00®5 W HARDWARE! HARDWARE! Osborne Blnders-J. C. Steves. Col, L, H. Ives, orator of the day. read by tbe historian. As a whole, selling. them rapidly at astonishingly low and Hit. Bravender is domicilled sev- honoring men who wero driven Into uxaniinatlon. TrI-State Normal eollegead. the village of Webbervllle, is serious­ popular obscurity, infamy and con­ SHOULDERS, por pound 3. Each pur.on applying to tlio eecrctary for Notlces-Clty of Mason. MrB,'Muyor Reed,chairman floral committee, tbe observance of the day was a great ly ill witb inflamatory rheumatism but prices. liffStf «ral rods nearer the highway, HAMS, per pound examination shall pay tolhu sccrulary an Instl- -)T-H-E(- For Sale-Mason Road Cart Co. J, A. Sherwood, of the G. A. R. committee, success. All tbe exercises were good Twenty pounds good yellow sugar 11.00 at tempt twenty years ago. Cleveland's Into fou and an uxamliiatinn fuc. carrying flag. has not been stricken witb paralysis as flrst blunder was In appointing Bayard CHICKENS, por pound, dressed ® J. S. HUSTON, Trcsidunt, Wllllnmaton, New BnelncBB Loeala. and passed ott smoothly. By many I378tf , E.G, HURT'S, ALAIEDON. secretary of state, whose syinpathies CHICKENS, per pound, uUvc ® A. It, IlAnnv, Sccrulary, IMiiu Lake, Flower girls. was erroneously reported In a Detroit TURKEYS, por pound, alive We are selling_best quality of NO. 9 FENCE JAY CALKI»8, l.usliu. Dry Goods—O. J. Chnrles. Co.. K, lat rcgt. M. S. T., undor command of the services were pronounced the'finest Two Booma lo Benl. were with tbe south during the re­ Board School Examiners. Currlage»-L. Frank Clark. paper. Inquire at this office. 1378w3p. . Rosa Wiley Is teaching school in dis­ bellion, and who, constantly, has nUII.UINO XATEIttAI.. WIRE for 3 cents. Dayton Hedge Company-J. B. Alyworth, Capt. A. W. Meban, in tbe history of the city. trict No, 5, Ignored the claims of war deniocrats, WATER LIME, per barrel @1 BO Hardware-Sayers 4 Phelps, Phil McKernan Post of the O. A. R., under Given away at Webb's shoe store, a Day ton UrOge Conipaajr. mmim Drmmnv Goods—T. J. Holmes. command of Capt, C, A, Perry, with Rev, blacking brush and box of blacking W, H. Hoyt and wife visited friends and raked out of their political graves CALCINED PL.VSTER, per l)nrrcl...2 25®2 50 Eord's Five nnd Ten Cent Baaaar. Dentil or Dr. Cbarlca II. Disrroiv. Mr. J. B. Aylewortbofthe Dayton Hedge near G|rass Lake last week, such men as Liiwton and Jackson, LIME, per linrrol @ «5 F. L. McCoy, chaplain of the Post, with every pair of men's fine shoes, Company Is looking the county over witti a Are offered FOR SALE Boots and Shoc»-P. W, Webb, Clllzons. Dr. C. H. Darrow, a prominent citi­ Solon ^loore of Missouri, visited his men who have refused to ask a pardon PL/VSTEllING HAIR, per IjushcL... @ S5 Groceries—E. G. Hunt. and a bottle of French dressing with view of soliciting orders for the llvlnafonoea To Builders! by the The Star Churn—R. C. Boyle. zen and business man, and a former built for that company. Tbe buslnesTof this brotlier, W. S. Moore, last week, from the government they turned SHINGLES, per Hiousand 1 00®3 50 Arrived at tbe Bayner opera house a every pair of ladies' flne shoes sold for every stone to destroy. Yes, It has .\OniCUf,TUIlAL SALT, per ton (fffl OO large audience was found in waiting, register of deeds of Ingbam county, company has been thoroughly invested and D. P, Fitissimmons is preparing to come to tills already, that out of flfty LAND PLASTEll, pur Ion..! 5 o0<5;« 00 died at bis Iiome In this city, on Tiiurs- cash next Saturday, June 6. Is highly approved by granges, farmers clubs, build a line residence this siiiuuier. We have a large stock of IRON and STEEL NEWS NOTES, wiilcb steadily Increased until all millions of people he selected aliens to LATH, per M loct ®< 50 UW^^cif MS?.!'.' day last, nt 11 o'clock p. M,, of con­ J, E. Coy was called to Ann Arbor agricultural societies und the press. Give It a Parties from Williamston liought a represent us in foreign courts. If wc NAILS which we are selling at the lowest The regnlsr oil sitabliihtd MercWs' HotDal Protective standing room wns taken. The stage careful Investigation. 1378wl carload of cattle In this vicinity last liuve no material but aliens to repre- FOURTH OF JDLY. was beautifully trimmed, prominent sumption. He had been In iioor health last Saturday to attend the funeral of Pbyiieitit and Snrgeen DB. MneiiB. week. .senttlie dignity of this great nation GRANITE & MARBLE MONUMENTS rates. We have the celebrated MACE OLASKX, at the old number for many years, but was not conflned bis slster.Mrs. Geo. Brockaw,wbo died among tbe floral decorations being u I have received a very flne linen gooda. in­ WiUhuTi Dcitz, who was seriously abroad, we had better knock at the rOR PRICES 8. OESICNS WRIT C 10 BARN DOOR ROLLERS, also the continue, ta treat with his uiual Tbere will be a meeting of the citi­ to bis bed until about a week before on Friday from the eflects of the re­ gates of tho Mexican republic for ad­ •rtst IkiU ail priTsts, harp and cross of lilacs. cluding table linens, towels, crash, butolier's injured by a runaway team sometiiiie W.M.CLINE — MASON-v^iCH. KIDDER, UNITED STATES, onronie, nervons and iMsial zens of Mn.son this evening at tbe lt,i8 death. It became evident then moval of a tumor. Mr. and Mrs. linens, Hollands, eto, from the well-known ago, is recovering under the skilU'ul mission, and give up trying to run a dlietiei, OB. CI.ABKB U the After music by the Mason city band, government ourselves. Our minister court-bouse, to tako In to consideration tliat he had entered upon bis last sick­ Brockaw resided In Mason flve years, house of Adams Bros. A Co, of Ireland, which treatment of Dr. Campbell of Mason. NICKEL, OFF-SET and IDES, boldest AdvcrtisiiiB Phy.io.an, as assisted by the Ladles' band of Aurel­ 1875-1880, to England would never have been /VlicHiGAN (TENTRAL Papers .how and all old KesldcaU know. tbe matter of celebrating tbe coming ius, Mayor Harper Beed, president of ness, but no one supposed tbe end 1 consider great bargains. T. G, HOLXXS, • ' Tho old school house in district No. heard of hut for his abuse of Lincoln for Iron and Wood Track. AgssndtxpsrisnoeXmpeirtant. would be quite so near. On Thursday '• Notice. 1 has been bought by the Alaiedon and his notorious copperheadisiii. The SET HarvoBt DiitMSi (with or without drcami,) I Forth of July, Let all attend. tbe day, called the audience to order. Thursday's Bepublican says: "Al­ My wife Mary having len' my bed and Grange and is being moved to Alaiedon or d!bUUy and lo» o7 nsrvs power treated acltn- evening, however, he quietly and collector of internul revenue for Maine tifically by new method! with never lolling succcif. An octet composed of Mrs, Drake bert Bouto of Delhi sold tbe flrst dip board without causa, all persons are notllled Centre, and will be lltted up for a is the man who was mixed up in the -)0-F(- peacefully breathed ills last, Tho grange hall. «9-It makes no diiferencewliat you have taken er Silk gloves and mitts at diaries'. and Miss Brockway soprano, Mrs. of washed wool of tbe season In this not lo trust her on my niscount, ns 0 will pay disreputable plot to steal that state LOCKS and KNOBS who bat failed to cure you. funeral services were held on Sunday city on Wednesday. It was purchased no debts eunlracted by iier. - ' after being bciteii at the polls. Pills- Bad time for the Williamston races. Blackwood and Miss Coy contralto, at the Presbyterian church, conducted whra^WM^cSnTiif^^^^ by A. H. Whitehead, at 23 cents. The l378wSp LKWIS IliESTO. ALAIEDON AND VEVAY. bury has been appointed collector in Mason, Michigan. Messrs. .\, O. DuBois and Selah H. by tbe Bev. C. D. Ellis, assisted by Massocluisetts. He showed his veiii- -)At lowest possible prices. (- Clarice at once, 4»'The torribU POUOni of oU "Offensive partisanship" is a generic market will open at from 23 to 25 cents The best liny cent tea In town at ' bad blool and ikln. diitates o1 every kind Worden tenor, and Prof, W. M. Pease Bev. D. Baldwin. The church was A joint Sunday-school in the Wil­ emous copnerlieadisni by the most name and nature comptelely eradicated. Btmom* term, for washed, and I5tol6 for unwashed," I378if K,G, HUNT'S. and A. P. Drake buss, witb Mrs, H. beautifully trimmed nbout tbe altar son district. foul abuse of Lincoln, and by heading on WORTH OF WHIPS AND LASHES btr, that eno horrible diieaie, if negiecicd or Sayers & Phelps have new locals P. Henderson accompanist, rendered The school board have tendered to Baricalna la Cloltilrii. draft riots. Cleveland's attorney gen­ improperly treated, anrui the preient and coming with white flowers In appropriate Alex. Bush of Buy City is visiting The Niagara Falls CRoy.te. $1/0.UU JUST RECEIVED. J. A. Fowler, restaurant. Grand this week, the anthem entitled, "At Thy Feet, O tbe present teachers of the public I would call the attention ofthd people ol at B. B. Noyes'. eral has explained away the 28tli eoii- generaiioni. SarDiitSOed dliebsTgeS cured forms. A large concourse gathered, stitutioiuil umendnient which disables promptly without hindrance lo busineii. HBoth sexes Ledge, ..^ ?32 37 Lord, We Bow," after which Bev. C. schools their positions for anotlier Stockbrldge and surrounding tb!V.ua to.'tlio- Considerable tile is behi; A new line of ginghams and lawns the church was fllled, and as many One Price Clothing Store, StdEkbrldge, where laid in from holding olllce men who violated Tie Great East ani West Hiiliway. GASOLINE STOVES OF ALL KINDS, ALSO A LARQE ooninlt confldenUally. if in tronbls, call or at Charles'. D. Ellis oflered prayer.- year, and It Is understood that nearly this vicinity this spring. their oath and went into the rebellion. STOCK OF COOK AND HEATING STOVES, LAT­ write, Delays are dangeroui. "ProorMtlnstiOB Wm. Gutchess, farmer. Mason,. 9 00 more remained outside, who were una­ may be found gents' furnUlilng' fjioods, hats, Farmers in this section are having His secretory of the interior gave tho OONDESSEl* TIME FROM MASON. is the tbiif «f time." A written warrsaty Webbervllle talks of celebrnting the Tbe octet sang a beautiful decoration ble to gain admission, all of them will accept. Prof, Derr caps, boou, shoes, ctc'etc" I:handle flrst-. EST PATTERNS. WE HANDLE THE CELE­ of onri givon in evory euo nndortaken.^ Mrs. W. J. Nott, Stockbrldge,.. 8 50 class goods and am selling aa cheap as any very bad luck with young colts. clerks in his department, drawing SOUTHWARD, 49-Send two stamps for eelebrated woikt.oa 4tb of July. song, "We Bring Our Fragrant Flow­ bas another iiosltlon in view and bis dally §12,000, a holiday "In honor of Lciive .Mason.. 10:M u. IU. i*:l.i p. ni. BRATED ROCHESTER RANGE (Monroe.) ers." Bev. Mr. Ellis' sermon was In tbe acceptance is not assured. He has dealer in Ingham or Jackson eoniitles.' AU R. Tryon of Aluiedon has an eight Jacob Tliompsoii." While in Bncliun- Arr. Jackson 11:20 " 11:10 " CbroniOi Nervou. and Delicate Disease.. Vou H. Wyman, Edeii 0 25 B, W, Becker Is putting up a flne are respectfully invited to call; ^ • weeks' old pig that weighs 481 pounds. Kalnmaitoo 2:15 p. m. 12:05 a. ni. haveantxhanitivs lyBptomstoIogy by which Phil McKernan Post of the O. A. B. main a sketch of the life of tbe de­ been in Mason four years. iiaiis cabinet, Thompson plotted treas­ to tludy your own CM.!, Consuliation, oerjon. Cbas. Mllberry, laborer. Mason, 3" 85 barii on his lots. J. C. Wii,i,gioBB, Clotliier, Tlic boys in this vicinity nre getting on to the goveriiiiieiit he had sworn Nll™ S:15 " 1:18 '• then went through the memorial ser­ ceased, especially delineating the pro­ ClilcjiK*) 7:10 " n-M) " Bird Cages in new styles. ally or by letter, ir«e. Consult the old OeOtOr. Frank Tompkins of Plnkney-was In Tbe citizens' meeting held at the lS77tl >y:/Btopkbrldge.; their fishing rods ready to flsh in the to defend, afterwards engaged In the Thonitudi enred. Offlooi and pat Un prlvati. Augustus Gary, laliorer, Mason,; 4 00 vice of the order under direction of gress of his conversion from skepti­ neighboring lakes. Grand Riiplds :<::iu p. III. 11:00 a. III. tbe city Moodily. cism to a lively christian faith. Bev, court-house last Thursday evening to ' Irttnk. Oo to TlioiBseiat BOM'B .'' diabolical work of flring northern .\uti ..Vrbor 5::)» p. III. .1:10 a. in. You tee no one but the Doctor. Before confidUig Capt. Perry, your eaie coniult Dr. CLABKB. A friendly letter Cbas. Gutchess, laborer. Mason,. 0 20 devise means for securing Are protec­ Foundry and Maehliie Works jor low prices.', Mr. and I^Irs. Fred Brlggs of Owosso cities and scattering yellow fever in Ypsllanti 5:1.1 •• 4:.'-» " Novelty Wringers for S3.50. Ira J. Teel has the frame work of Mr. Baldwin followed in a feeling on WindmHls. CblUed Plows;" Cultivators, have been visiting Mrs. B.'s pareiit.s, our army hospitals. This traitor,inore Detroit (1:1.', •• n-.m " cr call may save future auffering and ihame, and Miss Lulu Lyon gave a beautiful tion was not largely attended. A gen­ Infamous than Benedict Arnold, died St. Tlioiii.is 11:1.7 '• I0:2U " add golden year, to life. Ucdiclncs sent everywhere C. B. Moon, "laborer, Masun 4 50 bis new house up. recitation entitled, "Our Nations' address. etc Plow repain for all generally-used John Stroup and wife, of Vevay. Uullalo J:.i5 II. ni. 4:15 p. m. Hanging Lamps at COST. iccurc from expoinrs. Hours, 8 lo 8; Sunday, tleman was expected from Jackson to plows. ^. eowtf spHrning the clemency of the govern­ 9 10 la. Address letters; F. D. CIiARKE. £. L, Coiivei-se, farmer, Eden,.. The Democrat will soon move Into Dead." The pail-bearers wero Judge Hun­ The Sunday-school In the Hawley ment. Yet the flag that ho ever in­ NORTH WARD. 7 95 advocate the merits of a chemical en­ lliirpx II. district is steadily improving, an'd n. D., Xarrlll Bloek, Oor. Woodward sad Mrs. Sack rider's store. Her rendition was clear and distinct tington, Judge Cbattertoii, H. L. Hen­ gine, but he did not arrive. Aid. W. sulted was loweredat his death. If Jell' Leave .lack.smi 7:25 a. Ill 4:25 I), IU. JefforionAvoi. OSTBOIX. MIOB. Warren Snyder, laboier. Mason, 5 50 This Ihinous trotting staUlon will make thb everyone Is invited to come and help Davis should die all Washington *• .Mason 8:20 •• ,5:22 '• BROOKS OIL CO.'S A pleasant hop was given In Armory and made with telling etiect. derson, S. J. P. Smead; J. B. Dwinell E. Howerd wns made chairman of tbe season of'85 at the Clurk House barn. Terms make it a success. Arr. LaiisliiK 8:4.'i " o-.mt " and C. D. Huntington. J. H. Sayers would be ill suck cloth and ashes. ** Owosso '•;.->» " 7:1!) " Enoch Hay lies, farmer, Leslie,.. 2 44 hall last Thursday, evening. Col. L. H. Ives then delivered the meeting and H. M. Williams secretary. UO. 137iltr . E. E, OuiyrBTit. Last Monday B, B, Noyes was re- The work of sapping und mining the '• Saiflnaw City 11:ST " 8:;« " oration of tbe day. It was a resumO and Hon. H. P. Henderson directed After some discussion a committee Ane, tke Barber, sowing foiir acres of oat ground, where foundation of all our grand war legis­ •• Bay City 12:25 p. m !):!«) " GASOLENE. Ed, Noxon, farmer. Mason, .S3 30 Sayers & Phelps have tbe best lino •' Mackinaw City !I;I10 '• of the war, elocjueiitly told, and fllled tbe ceremonies. I consisting of Mayor Beed, Aid. How­ Will give yod a better ebave or balr-oiit than a short time since cut worms entirly lation purchased by hundreds of MILK FAISTS FOE 1\ CTS. EACH. of gasoline stoves In tbe city. any other barber lu the eity. Shop lit door' destroyed the lirst crop, thousands of young lives and billions O. W. RUGOr.ES, OUU IIUANI) OF Peter Carn, laborer. Mason, 1 10 with patriotic thought. All who Tbe funeral cortege was the longest ard and H. M. Williams wasappolnted Go to Charles' for tbe A. C. M. kid north of postofflee (up-atalrs,) Hair work in of treasure, has begun in earnest. The Ocn'l Pass, and Ticket ..^uonl, Clilcauo. Geo, Gornin, laborer. Mason,.... heard tt speak in high terms of Its tbat ever entered the Mason cemetery, to look up the subject of a chemical Harvey Wilson and his grand­ M. J. .MuititAV, Ticket A(,'ont, Ma.son. Refrigerators and Ice Cream Freezers at good bargains. 1 85 glove, tbe best in the market. latest style. mother, Mrs, Veats of Plainfleld, natural and logical outcome and con­ Garden Tools of all descriptions. We call merit. We are sorry tbat our space nearly sixty teams Joining in tbe pro­ engine, and report. Livingston county, were the guests of sequence of this matter will be the WHITE STAR Jobn Pollnk, farmer. Mason,— 2 20 T. G. Holmes has something of In­ cession. And thus was laid to rest tbe Read a, W, Glynn's "od" In anotber ool- D. Stevens and family of Vevay, payment of the rebel pension claims especial attention to our does not |iermit its publication In I have recently placed In stock a line , umn—"To the traveling pubUo," and debt, and the triumph of state Ed. Bowdlsb, laborer, Mason,... 9 75 terest in THE NEWS every week. . full. dust of an honest man. rights and free trade. A Safeguard. Wood and Coal Furnaces. Dr, C. H. Darrow, whose death so oftbe celebrated Calhoun unlaundrled Tke Star tbnt Lead Tbem All STOCKIIRIDGE. GASOLENE W.E, Horton, Leslie...... 8 25 Prof.E, N. Brown of Jonesvllle paid Prof, Pease rendered "Tbe Vacant The new and Improved Domestio sewing ma-. ' Orders for Grates and Mantels solicited and specifications sudden yet expected, we are called up­ shirts, prices 47cts, 75cts and$l, Tbe The fatal r.-ipidity with which sllRht made without charge. ^BATH TUBS, WATER Is the safest and purest Onsoluuc in tho market. Mason a flying visit last Saturday. Chair" as a solo, and to say that he 47 cent garment Is made of farmer's chine, call and examine them. For salefiy Colds and Coughs frcquciilly develop H, T. Hardy, furmer, Eden, 2 65 on to announce, waa born on a farm lu laOStt J. A. UMnBBBKA.- Wire McCloy is better. Into tho gravest maladies of tlio throat TANKS and PLUMBING Is in our line. This brand burns ion^ur thnn ciimnion Gasolene Mrs. J, W, Whallon, although still sang It well would be a superfluity, Ice cream season has arrived here, and docs not emit nn oll'ensivu (idiir. For Onso- Prlncetown, Schenectady Co,, N, Y., choice cotton, remforced, double frobt und lung.s, is a consideration which should Icncstovcs and nil purposes furwhich Ousolunoia H. H. Williams, farmer, Leslie,. 5 00 very weak, is now fairly convalescent. where his magiilflcent voice Is so well of 1,400 linen, double stitched band and The ladles of Mason nnd vicinity will flnd . Tbe farmers are busy putting in Alexander the Great wept because Impel every prudent person to keep at used, tho While Stitr llriind Is thu most reliable. known. where his boyhood days, as well its tbe all the new styles ol ruohlngs very cheap at liiiiid, us a hou.«chokl rcmoilv, a buttle of MR, A. S, WHITE of Detroit has charge of our Manufacturing Depart­ If thu Whito StnrGusolunu Is not sold in your Judge Q. A. Smith expects to move waistband, double flnlsbed seam corn. there wero no more worlds to conquer, ment. We will do all kinds of Tin, Copper and Sheetlron work on short Fred Crocker, farmer. Mason,.-. 3 75 early days of manhood, wero spent. ISTStf . • T. 0-. HoLiiBS; MIshler's Herb Bitters conquers every AVER'S CHERRY PECTfjhAL. vicinity, send your urdur direct to ns tor a barrel, to Mason with bis family next week. Capt, W. H, Clark, historian, spoke throughout, cut after the most approv­ Lots of people In town Saturday Nothing else gives such liiiincdiatc relief notice. He was tbe second of flve children, of A Preqneut ConvemntloM. - form of disease. G. H, Vandklrk,of Fred Tallman, biborer. Mason,.. C 11 as follows: ed patterns. Everyone warranted to flt. night. 200 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, and works so sure a cure in ull nfl'cctlons BROOKS OIL CO.'S Tbe Mason Bead Cart Co. have an whom D. J. Darrow was tbe oldest. Stranger—"I sny. Landlord, where can I get < . of this class. That cmlncut physician. Bi^Come and see us if you do not buy, no trouble to show goods. Frank Emery, laborer. Mason,. 24 85 M>/ FHends;~A\eiite here upon a The 75 cent grade Is made of fruit of the best shave In Mason r" Win Tyler's bouse is up and en­ had suffered long from an aggravated Prof, F. Swcctzcr, of tho Maine Medical Interesting announcement this week. high and holy mission. We have as­ At the age of eighteen, he was called closed, form of dyspepsia, "After using three Sehool, Brunswick, Me,, says ;— 55 EUCLID AVE.. CLEVELAND. 0. Wm. Slinller, laborer. Mason,.i 5 70 upon to take charge of the farm by the the loom cotton and 1,800 linen. ^ The Landlord—"Why, at' B. Robinson's,: oi ' bottles of your Herb Bitters," be Lon. Squier has purchased of Dan, sembled to do honor to tbo resting $1,00 grade Is made of best Wamasutta course. Barber shop over C, O. Parkhurst A O. K. Brownell's new ho».se is en­ "Mcdicnl acicnco Ims produced no other sno. place of tbe brave men who in its sudden death of his father after an Co,'s drug store. Clean, towels, sharp roion closed. writes, "I am happy to say that I am dyno vxpcctornnt no Rood a. AYEII'S CaBnav A, Miles, Eden,...... I... 10 75 Mitchell bis saloon business In Leslie, with front and bands of 1,800 linen and entirely cured, I can eat anything I'ECTOBAI,. . It 1. InVBiunblo for ditcasca of tho Bev. Frank Hoyt of Cheboygan will hour of peril responded to tbeir coun­ Illness of only four days, D. J. at the and the most courteous treatment.,I tell you. Lo Isbell is laying the foundation without harm. throat uud lungs." Melvlii Hatliaway, laborer. Ma try's call and either laid down their time being at college. Having an Is made as perfect in every respect as Stranger, It Is a luxury to be shaved in that for his new house. preach at the Baptist church next possible. Liberal discounts by tbe shop. And that isn't all, they ciih do a dandy • ' The samo opinion Is expressed by the lePiBlIinliinllerUs, son. 3 00 lives on the battle fleld or bave since anxious desire to follow tbe medical Mrs. Willlts of Wisconsin is visiting well-Known Dr. L. J. Addison, of Chicago, Sunday. died of disease contracted on tbe march dozen or } dozen, I bair cut, and for ladles' and icblldren's work About Ilnrry II. III., vvho says :— HARVEST. L, F, Bunnell, clerk, Jackson,.. 12 00 profession as a life work, such changes cannot bo surpassed. Oo ;to. Robinson's, friends here this week. Bev. L. G. Clark of St. Louis or ill tbe camp. Tbe roll of honor A. L, Forbes has a flne arbor In his EDITOK INOHAM COUNTY NEW.S; "I hftvo never found, in thlrty.flvn yosrs of were made ou tbe farm aa left him free G. J, CHARLES, Mason. Stranger, go to Robinson's, . . ., While in your place looking over the continuous study and praeticu of mudlcino, any preached at the Baptist church last who died tbat this nation might live Two wills of Dr. Charles H. Darrow yard built by H. Halre. proparatlon of go ^rcnt value n. Avisn's Cusnnr SAYERS & PHELPS. •ROOKS Oil CO.'S Is as follows: to engage In the study he so much ' WMMiedt,-., " stock horses we were pleased to flnd I'lcTonAt,, for trcntmcnt of dl.case. of tbo Business Cards. Sunday. . were flled In tbe probate oflice yester­ Our rink has gone to thunder again throat and lungs. It not only breaks up colds Capt, Philip McKernan, Co, B, 7tb priced, and as a reward of persever­ What money you owe me—at ones— . on account of insurance. so many good horses. We also found and euros aovero cought, but Is moro cdbctlvo ATTOBNBVa. Ex-sheritT'A. B. Burr died at his Mich. Infantry, ance and close application to study he day. One was made in Dec. last, and 34tr and oblige, G;'HuMTiiroTOii. than anything olio la roiloving oven the nio.t Furniture.—J. A. Underhiil. CORLISS Monejr t' daughter ih Texas for a few weeks. flrst olTercd to the public. your doiilor for ilHce hours 2 to 4,7 to S, Lewis A. Holdeii, Co. B, 7th Mich. not speak. To know him was to know running a good while. ,The money. beloitKi Emory Howe and wife from Illinois me yet I beg to assure your farmers There Is not a liousehokl In which this The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Infantry. a man of a determined will, an earnest and the balance of tbe income to be to me, and I want yoU'to pay it over. I mean , , ' ' invaluable remedy has onco been In­ Bnooua on. CO.'H ' . 8. H. CULVER, M. P., this city propose to start an accident William Vaughn, 32d Ohio Infantry. buiineMbytbiinotitoe, ' '' ' are visiting relatives near here this that Harry H. has very few superiors troduced whore Its use has ever been HYSICIAN AND BURGEON. OFFICE advocate of the right, a true friend, a used for tbe beat Interests of the church week. and as a proof of my faith I shall bring COBMBH EMCHWE Oil.. over Howard A Son's Grocery, Miison, branch nt Marquette. John Corey, 3d New York Cavalry, in the discretion of the trustees. He mu A.B.OAi(PBn.i.' abandoned, and thcro Is not a person P Geo. G. Gouoher, Co. K, 28th Mleb. christian neighbor. Though in young­ who bus over given It a proper trial -To my Immense stock. I have tho largest stock of- Michigan, . '«-•"'' B«I«.\ Mr. Potter of Unadilia bas moved three brood mares from Williamston Joseph Bullen of Aurelius has left at Infantry. er life he was possessed of a good appointed the elders of tbe ohuroh and Cheap Work Horae For into tbe Vinkle building where he in­ for nny throat or lung diseaso suscep­ T a. DODQE, M. D.. HOMEOPATHIST. Inquire of W. M; OUKB, •' tends to start a shoe shop. and will try and show two good colts tible of cure, who has not been maao . AYER'S tl. Offloe in Darrow Bloek, un-stalrs.. Res­ this oflice an egg laid by a Brahma Philip Bortles, 14th Mich. Infantry, physical constitution, bis strict atten­ their successors In oHIce trustees'. when I come. DISTRICT NO, 2, well by it. I Furaiture, Carpets^ idence one block west of American Hotel, beu, size 6f by 8} inches. , Seth H. Wells, 127tb Illinois Infan­ tion to professional duties made sad IHMtf. , . . . •: The.MBtble.Man< . The Chelsea G. A. B. poet visited AYEB'S CHEBBY PECTOBAX has. try. Clear pork per lb. 9 eeiits at TablMt TnMeaM'TableisIti' •''•' v^'- tbis post last week, also the state In­ Williamston. In numberless Instances, cured obstinate , W. W. ROOT, M. D.. Bev. F. L. McCoy bas obtained a Inroads upon his health while yet a Charles Fairbanks, 4th New York- 1378tf B.G.HUDT'S. Five hundred. tablei. tbr eale' at • llMiiory spector, and tbe boys report a grand Mason bos, in H. M. Wililams' black coses of chronic BronohitU, I^tryngltls, Wall Paper and HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE two weeks'vacation, and will go to Heavy Artillery. young man, from which he never re­ prices, whioh .Is S5 per eent.loM tban.ever.. '. tinie. and oven acute Pneumonia, and has Ague Cure . hours flromon e to two, and from six to Bojrie*a Bevolvlna Barrel Cliarn. colt sired by Harry H., who lacks a saved many patients in the earlier stages 1P leven P. M, . . . : Syracuse, N. Y., next Monday; Geo. Mllbury, 10th New York In­ covered till death relieved him of his before ofltoredia Maaon. , 18l»tf : • Ellhu Rice, an old and respected of Pulmonary Consumption. It Is a Window Shades contains an antidote for all malarial dis­ fantry. silent sorrows, and afnictions so pa­ Some of the reasons why It is the bell ohurn month of being three years old, the orders which, so far as known, is used in no ' A. B. CAMPBELL, M. DM New upright piano for sale or ex- In the world: 1, A large increase in the per­ ' ' 8..A.PAi>py our attending them. The secretary writes AND DISCOUNTED EVERT TIME. that measures four feet in height. He men; but au honorable discharge from T, Q; HoLMBS. town of Ware;ooean».Co.,Mlota, AlMnkat Sirs. Judsbn of Williamston, daugh­ O. Ayer ft Co.. Lowell, Maaa. idrunlar dated July 1st, 1862, to rufunil thn r L,' FULLER, dealer lu boots; shoes,mil- tbo volunteer army of the United us tbat some of the very best horses In ooro.oleartrt.balanoeb'^kwiyMmbihrta^ 'l'),"! ter of A. King, was burled two weeks iiion*l(».
