OBAIN. .WHEAT, No. I, white. -WHEAT, No, 2, white,.; WHEAT, No. 2, red. WHEAT, rejected Ed. Lewis baa liad his house painted! aeo,M. Dayton to Catherine &Iolt,4 rods CORN, la thu ear, per bushel.. this spHnK. - • ana w by iM rods 6 llnki n and s on OATS, per bushel. Some of our farmera have commeno* . .. tansing Xia0KI.I,AMBOVS. EXCITEMENT chnncory hnvhig hiioh Innlllutcd lu recover any od planting corn. ' James A. and Matild'a k B. Buerwood to' LAND PLASTER, por ton .s so@e 00 part lliurool, nnd llm power of anlo thurcin een- Ellcabetb Uyan,Bl.... j ofllota7ana8bloei k talncd, hnving hceuinu shaolulu by virtue of tbe Wbou lost heard from Mrs. BenJ. HALT, Saginaw, per barrel .. DO® 05 •tatnto 111 i<nch ciisu, nindu nud provided notice Natliah V.''Mltehell"to ATnre^^^ BEANS, white, per bushel. VOL. XXVII.-NO. 22. Ohllnger wns slowly recovorinR. ger, 20 rods s und w by 12 rods n and s . 86®1 00 Is hereby KIvon thnt npon Nni iirilny,!lie MtH MASON. MICH., THURSDAY. MAY 28, 1885. •Rov. Andrew Mayer of Montague on e H of nw )^ of leetlon 8, Mason 200POTATOES , per bushel... 20® 2S. tiajr wt' July. IHHa, ut onu u'vluck In the Kelson . Uradley, receiver of estate of EGGS, fresh, por dnien;.. ® 10 afternoon of snid dny, 1 shull pull at public WHOLE NO. 1377. has been.visiting his sou, ti. W. Mdyer, Eugene Angell, to Eva E. Panons, lota auction to tho hlglicsl ulddur, nt tho front door tho past week. » and lU of bloek ilS extended to Grand LARD, per pound 7 of thu Iiighnin county cunrt-huiiau, tn the River, Lansing 900 BUTTER, por pound 10® 11 city of Mnann, auld ciiiirthoiiao being «eWBI.EB. David Smith of Howell, while plow­ Mi, I,: I , A butcher named McGuirk of Di- APPLES, dried, per pound.... tho plnco whero liiu circnit court for Laaalnc Items l,MliBlt«nn. Whlttteld A. Teel to Albert L. Vunder. s said county ia hold, or ao • much of Vho land LIAS CULVER, dealer in watches, otooks, ing recently, fonnd a piece of pure na­ I -inondale has supplied our citizens cook, nw hiotnvfii and w GO acres of CHERRIICS, dried, per pound... ® ombrucod in puld niortu'iige na ahnll bu neces­ E Jewelry,.llverware,eto. Repairing done. From tlioRepublloaii, From the Local. Clreus.—DorialtlMn & Bieh. '''' : again with.a meat market. e H of nwVS ofseetlon 26, Alaledon 3,800 8 sary to satisfy thu iinuiant dnu on said mort- tive copper weighing thirty-seven and Robert LuRue to Cbas. E, Paddock, n 'AFEACHISS , dried, por pound 10® 12 gsgu, andnll Icgnl cosla. togother witb an at- POBLiailSn EVBHY TUORSnAY, Bv Walter H. Edwards of this city Whipple Bros., of Eaton Bapids, The Presbyterian Sunday-school is of uw >/i ot snetlon 2S, Wllllamstown... 4,0(0 ONIONS, per bushel 75 tornuy fuu of twuiity-iivu ilollurs. covonnniod for niSCELIiAIIBOIIS. a half pounds, What does tliat mean? received on Monday night a highly DONALDSON & BlOH'S lu a flourishing state under the care of Chas, E,Paddoek to Robert LaRue, 12 LIVE STOCK ANO XRA'TS. theruin. 'riio land descrihud in snid inortgngo Is V. J. TEFPT. established a branch store at Klnnle- rods n nnd a by 128 rodseand w on north CATTLE, por 100 pounds 3 0O@4 00 thu wust half of thu nurthunat qnurtorof section FARMERr MUTUAL Early yesterday morning a tenement favorable offer from Frederick Warde, ville aud were doing a thriving busi­ L. W. Baker superintendent. side of Grand River Street, Williams. > thirtylwn in loniialilp Ihruu north of range two RE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ING- the tragedian, to become a member of The Methodist quarterly meeting town 1,M0 HOGS, per ion pounds 4 00®4 2iS Oreat Bargain Sales, I weal, lu liiuhnni county, statu nf Michigan. -^hainTOunty, Safest, cheapest, best. For house fell In Jersey City, N. J,, caus­ ness, until last Tuesday night, when John D. Keelor to HaruU A, Luinburd, PORK, dressed, por 100 pounds 5 OOi^S SO ' EMMAO. UKKI),SlortBngoi), Oa. y.sr, II.SO; six moathi, 7S M*i«t Ikr*. Jntormatlon write toO.K Miller, secretary, bla supporting company next season. M cnnii M mwas hel d at the M. K church in the lot 4 block 12, Leslie '750 LvoisN Ruitn, Allorncy for Mortgogoo. moaths, 40 e.sit—is sdvanc Mason. Samuel Skadan, presldent,Dansvllie. ing the death of four persons, and ser­ tbe store and Its contents were burned. SHOULDERS, per pound ® 7 Mr, Edwards bas accepted tbe oflbr village of Holt, Saturday , alternoon W. W. Moot to Mnrsarot S, Root, lots 10 Is without a parallel this season. We never havo carried as large and complete DatedApril 28,1885^ iously injuring an unknown number. Loss about $1,500; Insurance not more United with the— and Sunday, May 10-17. and U block 10, Mason ,., £77 HAMS, per pound @ 0 ADVERTitlNa IIATEt. ONEY TO LOAN, BY THE REAL ES- and will Join the company In August. Ann B. Waldo to Alfred Allen, o H of CHICKENS, per pound, dr«HK0d & 10a n assortment and never have had as great advantages to buy goods far below _Ot;r advertising rates made knowu at offloe.M tato Agent, JoHW DuNsnAOK. than two-thirds tbat amount. The Mason Salvationists made an lot D block Wllllainalon iiOa regular values. First, wo havo all the money we could wish for on the snot to TEACIlEns.-VUllLIC EXAMINATIOK6 Business cards 81 a line per year. Rev. Mr, McCoy's memorial sermon W. W. Welcher of Lansing, a prac­ Attack on Holt sinners last Tuesday. Steplion A. BIgelow to ilUNen A. Blire- CHICKENS.por pound, nlivc ® 7 rwill hu huld na I'olhiws: Third grade ex­ Business loeala dve eenta per line each,and LARK HOUSE, Win. H. Clark, proprietor. at the M. E. church last Sunday was News comes from Marquette of a f M Cinais! «t\M nwA «"•« •unnn»>#^1l* octijiiuijfa ,.%\ Ul\ lt.«.».. iviiiiw. ... wiiuI A.t ..u lurnuiu JuupresHio * nAt. mer _*•..e is in• iiie iiinrKc* > . t On Thursday last a detachtneiit of the low. 8 M of »w tvU >4 ot seotlon 30, TUniCUYS,'por pound, alive '. ® 8 aminntlon will hu liuld ut l.caliu, Kriiliiy, Fuhrn- •very Insertion, C Best one dollar a day house In the eity. tical well-borer, went to Ionia on Mon­ riot between different factions of ore 400 IIUIt.m.NO .MATF.UIAI.. and the number of failures reported every day, the same throwing elegant nry '27,188.",; ut Witiinmaion, Kridiiy. March 13; Marriage, birth, and death notices firee. an eloquent discourse which has been day to assist L. J. Lincoln in boring salvation army of Lansing passed Dnii, llulto'u"lo\viiiiuco«l^^^^^^ stocks on the market from 40 to 60 cents on tho dollar. Compare the two nt Mnann, Kridtiy..March ::7; at Oniisvillc.Prlday, Obituary notices, resolutions of respect, M. DRESSER loans money, buys notes, highly commended by nil who heard trimmers, in which captains of sever­ through the pleasant village of Hult ne >4 ot Heotlon 12, Alaledon i!,flOO WATER LIME, per biirrol @1 SO April 21. eardi of tbanks, ete„ five eenta a line. J. and makes collections; also Are Insur. an artesian well for water-works pur­ John IJ. Coon and wllelo franklin W. CALCINljlD l'I,A.STER, per bHrrol...2 25@2S0 points nnd you will readily seo how we can sell goods so much cheaper than Appilculione for llr»t nnd Hucond grndo ccrtitl- anee agent. Olllee In Farmers'bank. It. al boats had to act as peace oflicers, on their way to attend the "immense Ilnvensnnd wife, 0 rods nnd 13 leeln LIME. |>ur Inirrol 85® 00othe r houses. catua will bu received nt thu Mnaon oxaminn- poses, Ionia has been woried over and among them was Capt, Landfalr go" nt Mason. und a by 12 rods e and w, FItchburg 075 tlons. XHB NEWS JOB BOOM RAKELA MEHAN, proprietors of city Melior Turner to Amolliv MoMunlmon, PLA.STI';UINa HAIR, por liunlicl 28® Thu hoiird helleve tlitit teachers durivu great Reference to our time tables will the fact that ber water supply, pro­ of the Colonial. 0 pnrlof lots blockJi.Okeinoa SHINOLli:S, per l.housniid 1 00®3 50 Is supplied with tho best machinery that F bakery. Fresii'reshh breaii, pies, and cakes. OKEHOS. 350 buuclU from atiunititiieo lipon teuchora' ilisti show that the evening train north will cured from the gravel beds and adja­ Apparently the time for tbe dissolu­ Horace A. Holcomb to Wni. li. Webster, AGIlICUI/rUItAL SALT, per ton @« 00 tales, and will iiotlcu .ciicli alteiiduiice in their money can buy, lltted for steam power, a large AYERS 4 PHELPS, dealers In hardware, hereafter pass 17 minutes later and the 15 nores on o y. at nw frl, fi of sccUuu LAN'O I'LASl'KU.por ton 5 Sll®fl 00 esllniuto (if thu value of u.Minilli.itioii papers. assortment of the latest styles of Type, Bor­ s stoves, tinware, nails, glass, putty, etc. cent hills is inadeipiate, and an artes­ tion of the major part of our sidewalks Tlie cheese factory is to be running 8l», Lnnslng...; 800 'I'liird gtiidu HtnUlurt will hu orthography and evening train south Ave minutes ian well commenced last summer SjMyin L, Molulier to A. K IJnriios, lots 4, ^L.\'rH , per M (cot (5)4 fiO graininur, runding, writing nnd spelling, gcogrn ders, etc., enabling us to do Job Printing on p.
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