WITNESS TAMPERING IS AGAINST THE LAW THE DEFENDANT SHOULD NEVER THREATEN OR BRIBE YOU! If someone is trying to stop you from going to court or telling the truth in court you can get help with a SAFETY PLAN: WITNESS The ASU Diane Halle Center for Family Justice TAMPERING IS (602) 258-1656 It is against the law for the defendant AGAINST THE to offer a bribe to a victim or witness. Phoenix Family Advocacy Center (602) 534-2120 or (888) 246-0303 LAW! What is a bribe? Under the law a bribe is a promise of Voice for Victims “any benefit” to a witness to stay (480) 600-2661 or (602) 416-6780 quiet, lie, or not show up in court. The Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence Examples: (602) 279-2900 or (800) 782-6400 Each of the following statements could be a bribe: “If you testify . . . Maricopa County Attorney’s Office  “I will stop beating you.” Investigations Division (602) 506-8370  “I will pay the rent.” If someone bribes you or  “I will buy you a car." Remember… threatens to stop you from  “I will buy the kids presents.” If you need immediate help or if you are in an emergency, testifying in court, you may be a victim of “witness tampering.” call 9-1-1 right away!

*Witness tampering is the most common crime committed KNOW THE LAW ON *Please share widely* against victims. WITNESS TAMPERING

*Help us stop it! The ASU Diane Halle Center for Family Justice By Hannah Burnidge, 3L & Prof. Sarah Buel with thanks to the many who gave suggestions.



Witness tampering can come in many forms and is against the law.

Nobody should physically hurt you to scare you from telling the truth.

It is against the law for somebody to Nobody should threaten you, for example, by try to force you to:  Even actions that someone else might telling you: view as harmless could be witness  Hold back information about your  “If you tell the truth in court, I will hurt you!” tampering if the abuser is trying to case; or silence you.  Lie in court; or  “I will call CPS and lie so they will take your  It could be as simple as making an  Not show up for court. kids!” intimidating gesture toward you in the courtroom or stealing your mail. If a person caused you to do one of these Nobody should GIVE you gifts, for example, things, it may be witness tampering. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE SAFE! flowers or jewelry, to convince you not to testify.

Both of these statements are examples If somebody is doing something to make of witness tampering: Nobody should BRIBE you or make promises, for example, by saying, “If you keep quiet, I’ll start you feel scared about going to court or  “I will file for sole custody of the paying child support.” or “If you don’t testify, I’ll telling the truth, then report it! children if you tell the truth in court.” buy you a car.”  “I will give you money if you don’t go LET US HELP! to court.” Nobody should STALK you, for example, by

scaring you from telling the truth by repeatedly Sometimes, people don’t report these Keep a list of the dates & times that you showing up at your home or job. crimes because they don’t want to be a are bribed, threatened or harmed. This “snitch.” can be key for your case. Nobody should you, for example,

by saying, “If you tell the truth in court, I will tell SAFETY PLAN: Make a list of Friends, Witness tampering is against everybody about your drug habit.” Family & Advocates you can trust to help the law. Reporting these crimes keep you and your children stay safe. Nobody should make VEILED THREATS, for is the right thing to do.

example, by saying: "You better not tell or I’ll get Power & Control: Abusers often use the you (or your family)." or power of fear to control their victims. You deserve to be protected! "I wouldn't tell if I were you!"