Mare Magnum 2(1-2), 2004 ISSN 1676-5788 COLLECTIONS OF THE MUSEU OCEANOGRÁFICO DO VALE DO ITAJAÍ. I. CATALOG OF CARTILAGINOUS FISHES (MYXINI, CEPHALASPIDOMORPHI, ELASMOBRANCHII, HOLOCEPHALI) Jules M. R. Soto & Michael M. Mincarone Museu Oceanográfico do Vale do Itajaí, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, CP 360, CEP 88302-202, Itajaí, SC, Brazil.
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[email protected] The type and non-type specimens of extant cartilaginous fishes (hagfishes, lampreys, sharks, batoids, and chimaeras) collected through 2004 and catalogued in the collection of the Museu Oceanográfico do Vale do Itajaí (MOVI) are listed. Included in these records are 4,823 specimens in 1,538 lots representing 250 species. The MOVI collection of cartilaginous fishes contains 7 holotypes and 48 paratypes of 9 species. Most of the collection is composed of species from the Brazilian marine fauna, especially those from the southern region; a few lots were collected beyond Brazilian waters or are specimens donated by other institutions. This catalog is organized as two lists: taxonomic list of species and list of lots. The lists are arranged by class, order and family. Within families, taxa are arranged alphabetically by genus and then species. Information for each entry includes genus, species, author, year of publication, MOVI catalog number, number of specimens, nature of the material collected, sex, size range, location (ocean, country, state, county, coordinates, depth), vessel, collection method, collector, collection date, donor, donation date, identifier, and date of identification. Remarks pertaining to specimens contained within a lot are also included when necessary. São listados os espécimes tipo e não tipo de peixes cartilaginosos (peixes-bruxa, lampréias, tubarões, raias e quimeras) coletados até 2004 e catalogados na coleção do Museu Oceanográfico do Vale do Itajaí (MOVI).