Computing Lens for Exploring the Historical People’s Social Network Junjie Huang Tiejian Luo University of Chinese Academy of Sciences University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Bejing, China Beijing, China
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract—A typical social research topic is to figure out the some people?1. These questions are not only concerned by influential people’s relationship and its weights. It is very tedious researchers, but history enthusiasts also have great interests. for social scientists to solve those problems by studying massive literature. Digital humanities bring a new way to a social subject. TABLE I In this paper, we propose a framework for social scientists COMPARISON OF OUR FRAMEWORK AND TRADITIONAL METHODS to find out ancient figures’ power and their camp. The core of our framework consists of signed graph model and novel Traditional methods Our framework group partition algorithm. We validate and verify our solution Data source Historical Documents Database by China Biographical Database Project (CBDB) dataset. The Research methods Qualitative Quantitative Relationship between analytic results on a case study demonstrate the effectiveness of Direct Relationship Network our framework, which gets information that consists with the research objects Expert knowledge Professional Normal literature’s facts and social scientists’ viewpoints. requirements Keywords-Digital Humanities, Information System, China Bi- Results display Papers, Tables Web UI ographical Database Project (CBDB), CLHPSoNet, Social Net- work Analysis, Group Partition The major contributions of this paper are as follows: • A novel research framework for exploring the social relationship of historical people is presented. I. INTRODUCTION • We propose graph partitioning algorithms to solve rele- vant domain problems.