Festa Di San Domenico May 2014

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Festa Di San Domenico May 2014 IL POSTINO V O L . 15 NO. 8 MAY 2014 :: MAGGIO 2014 $2.00 Festa di San Domenico May 2014 IL POSTINO • OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA Page 2 MAGGIO 2014 IL POSTINO Letters to the Editor 865 Gladstone Avenue, Suite 101 • Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7T4 (613) 567-4532 • information@ilpostinocana Good News for Ottawa www.ilpostinocanada.com Publisher Years ago, when I was the head of for granted and what those who leave In real terms, 2013 saw the City of Preston Street Community Foundation the Canadian Tourism Commission, Ottawa realize quickly: Ottawa has some Ottawa receive $2.4 billion worth of Italian Canadian Community Centre I often ran into former Ottawa resi- of the best tap water in the world. construction applications versus $2 of the National Capital Region Inc. dents who were living abroad. billion in 2012. Building Permits Up Executive Editor Without fail, one of the things that These figures show that Ottawa’s Angelo Filoso always came up when talking about Meanwhile, new statistics show economy is moving along at a strong the things they missed about our city that our economy is continuing to pace and that Ottawa is transforming Managing Editor was our tap water. grow and we see new opportuni- itself for the better. Marcus Filoso ties for job creation in the skilled It sounds like a strange thing to miss trades sector. At City Hall we recognize that growth Layout & Design about a city but it really is true that at this level brings challenges to our Laura Natalia Garcia Ottawa has exceptionally good tap Many think of Ottawa as entirely a city’s infrastructure and our ability water. In fact, in 2013, the City of Otta- government town but at a time when to deliver services to all residents Web Site Design & Hosting wa’s drinking water system received a the Federal Government is shrinking its across Ottawa. Thenewbeat.ca perfect score in Drinking Water System workforce, Ottawa’s population is grow- inspections performed by the Ministry ing and our economy is diversifying. But these are challenges that we work Printing of the Environment (MOE). hard every day to meet. Winchester Print & Stationary This growth means more demand The MOE inspections involved up for both residential and commercial I am proud that we have built rec- Special thanks to to 14 different aspects of operations buildings across our city. reation centres in some of the city’s These contributors for this issue including drinking water quality, fastest growing neighborhoods and Giovanni, Gina Marinelli, water quality monitoring programs In 2013 that demand pushed our extended our road, water and sewer Domenico Cellucci, and operator certification. housing and construction project networks so that every resident of Jim Watson, Angelo Filoso. activity to have 20% construc- Ottawa can enjoy all that our city has A perfect score on this inspection tion applications than they did to offer (including great tap water) Photographers for this issue reflects what many of us residents take in 2012. wherever they may live. Lucia Micucci, Luciano Pradal, Angelo Filoso, Rina Filoso, By Mayor Jim Watson Giovanni. Submissions We welcome submissions, Annual Daffodil Gala was held letters, articles, story ideas and photos. All materials for editorial consideration must be double at the St. Anthony Banquet Hall! spaced, include a word count, and your full name, address and OTTAWA – On April 26, 2014, Program. This year, a trip for two, end of this evening over $15,000 phone number. The editorial the 26th Annual Daffodil Gala which was won by Wally Rayne had been raised. Additional cash staff reserves the right to edit all was held at the St. Anthony Ban- to anywhere in North America, donations will be accepted by vis- submissions for length, clarity quet Hall to raise money for the including Hawaii and “sun desti- iting www.daffodilgala.ca. Next and style. Canadian Cancer Society – The nations,” was generously donated year's Gala has been booked for Family Transportation Assistance by Air Canada Foundation. By the April 25, 2015 Next Deadline Photos pages 8 May 22, 2014 By GioVanni Il Postino is publication supported by its advertisers and sale of the is- sues. It is published monthly. The opinions and ideas expressed in the articles are not necessarily those Il Postino is looking for writers... held by Il Postino. - write about your community, A Reminder to all advertisers. It is your responsibility to notify us if memories, opinions or tell us a story there are any mistakes in your ad. -Write in english, Italian or French Please let us know ASAP. Oth- erwise, we will assume that all infor- -Send your articles and ideas to mation is correct. Subscription rates [email protected] In Canada $20.00 (includes GST) per year. www.ilpostinocanada.com Foreign $38 per year. ©Copyright 2014 Il Postino. SubSCRIPTION / AbbONAMeNTO I prefer to pay by: / Scelgo di pagare con: Yes, I want to subscribe to twelve issues of Il Postino All rights reserved. Any repro- cash / contanti cheque / assegno Sì, vorrei abbonarmi a Il Postino per 12 numeri duction of the contents is strictly money Order / vaglia postale prohibited without written per- $20.00 Subscription Canada / Abbonamento Canada mission from Il Postino. $38.00 Subscription Overseas / Abbonamento Estero Name and Surname: / Nome e cognome:_______________________________________ CUSTOMER NUMBER: Street: / Via: ____________________ Postal Code: / Cp.:________City: / Città:____________ Province: / Provincia: ____ 04564405 Tel.:___________________________ Fax:____________________________ Date:___________________________ PUBLICATION AGREEMENT NUMBER: 40045533 E-mail:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ To / intestato a: Preston Street Community Foundation Inc., Suite 101 Gladstone Avenue 865, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7T4 IL POSTINO • OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA MAY 2014 Page 3 Festa di San Domenico May 2014 IL POSTINO • OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA Page 4 MAGGIO 2014 Watsonia artist Marcello D’Amico exhibits at Montmorency’s Busybird Studio Gallery The beauty and mystique of women is captured in the latest exhibition of works from award winning Watsonia artist Marcello D’Amico Almost all of the 73-years-old artist’s drawings, paintings, watercolors, ceram- ics, sculptures and poems celebrate the beauty of the female form. "I've tried to bring out the essence, femininity and sensuality of the figure by focusing on female bodies of all ages, creating an illusion that the viewer is admiring a woman in her own private environment, without pretences and artificiality, "D'Amico said. "I do not intend to detract from various representations of woman, but wish society to see her in all her forms, rather than a single stereotype." D'Amico, who has been married to Pauline for 43 years, said he was "dedicated to women" and his exhibition was a mini-retrospective of his life. "Women are very inspiring," he said. "I don't even talk about equality because it shouldn't be an issue." Italian-born D'Amico has also incorporated the colors of his birthplace into his "female landscapes". "Even though my work id mainly inspired by my birthplace — the Aeolian Islands — I consider my works universal and they are aimed at a universal audience," he said. "The volcano Stromboli, on the island where I lived for three years is the small village of Ginostra, left an indelible impression on me. The palette of red, yellow and blue is strongly influenced by the fiery outbursts that were part of my everyday experiences. The sensuality of women ... Is embraced in my colored drawings where they feel, and are, free. Marcello D’Amico is exhibiting his art in Montmorency. Picture: Kylie Else By: Natalie Filmer Micheal Castaldo announces First Place Win as TOP ARTIST on Artistsignal.com NEW YORK, N.Y. — Micheal ful artists and developed mutually CASTALDO, the award winning, beneficial alliances. independent classical-crossover artist won Top Artist for March 2014 on During Micheal's months of inter- the pop-culture music website, Art- action with the site, he was able to istSignal.com, just after midnight on rally fans to move him to the number April 1, 2014. The monthly winner is 1 position in March. It was not an awarded a prize of $10.000 USD to be easy month, wrought with much trial used to further their music career. and error, but due to the diligence of his amazing team, fans, careful After a month of hard work by calculations and research by previ- Micheal Castaldo's fans, family and ous winners Joe Grande (Oct. 2013) friends, their efforts paid off. The and Rebecca Newman (Feb. 2014), site, ArtistSignal.com, was created by the Castaldo fan base was able vote several tech savvy entrepreneurs and Micheal to win as TOP ARTIST. launched to allow artists a location to promote their music. Unlike crowd "We would like to take this oppor- funding, the site allows emerging artist tunity to thank all the Fans and Sup- to post their music and create a fan porters of Micheal Castaldo for their following, based on Facebook con- valiant efforts over the past 3 months. tacts, who then vote hourly for the This win could not have happened artist of their choice. The Fan wins without them. Micheal plans to pay rewards and is constantly engaged in it forward and help/mentor other the artists' progress. worthy indie artists who want to go for the win on ArtistSignal. Over the course of 3 months, indie artist Micheal Cascado, researched The monetary reward totaling the social media music network, $10,000 USD, will be used for uploaded his music, posted updates, the promotion and marketing of invited fans to sign up, started to use Micheal's new CD, to be released in the site to vote, met other wonder- the fall of 2014.
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