t ?s3








Flrrvrprrrr,¡. Flosrono, Ph,D,, Prouost ol the Uniaersìty, Presiding

THE PRELUDE Toccata Gìgout Sil,ence is reqøested d'ariøg tbe þrelade. Done Bencr,lt, 8.M., A,A.G.O., Associøte Prolessor ol Otgøt

THE CONVOCATION PROCESSION The Mamh¿ls of the Unive¡sfty The R,epresentatives of the Cl¡ss of 1928 The Offlcen of the Unlvenity The Candidates for Baccalaureate Degreeg The Candldatæ for llonorary Degrees The Candidates for lligher Deg¡ees (]r

THE PROCESSIONAL Marche Pontitcele Lemmms

Tlte øadience aill støød for the þrocession,

THE INVOCATION TrrB RBvsnrNo R. J. LePneon, B.D. Pøstor, Centrøl Methodìst Churcb, Brownwood, Texøs

THE SOLO Eternal Life Dangøn Mnnr KaTrrERTNE JoRDAN, Contralto {'r \_.¿


Thc Tfurlitze¡ Organ is fu¡nishcd by Btooh Mays and Comprny



{ Candìdøtes for tbe Bøccølaureøte Degree wíth Honors:

IN rrrs Co¡,rEcE or Anrs aNo ScrnNcrs

'Vitb Highest Honors Margaret Ann Alll¡o¡ Loulse Kent Kst¡e Mary Anne Hein Beatrice Ethel Marcu¡ Lee Glrard Pondron

'Vitb Hígb Honors Ernest Eottorff Be¿ttt Ellnor J¿nlce Klrby Allce lIart Bockus John Har4r LaPr¿tlc Beverly Lou C¿mpbell Bsy M¿rie Porter Helen Atrell Fi¡ley M¿rjo¡le Ann Reynolil¡ Robert Charles CþntD/ Doris Je¿n Stew¡lt Marion Goldman RobeÈ llyer lbomsg Ma¡y Owen Jone¡ Reb¿ Gerane B4rber W€rt Ife¡¡y Ye¡te¡, J¿

Vitb Ho¡ors Elm¡ Âdele A¡el Eleanor Jo¿¡ Joril¿¡ Barb¿ra Di¿ne Brolle¡ B¿¡b¡ra Lynetts McCluna \ftlligm Ch¿rle¡ Crouch Js¡lce Rr¡¡hùuÌ Patrlcla Brown Ourrln S¡llv Brlght Sutto¡ Røan¡e Díckso¡ ìf¡¡¡hsll Northw¡v Terrv. J¿ Richard Gordon Ho¡ford 'lV¿lter Bingh¿r¡ W¿t¡on Dorothy Dene Eowell D¿vld Robe¡t 'iteakley Lawrence Saruel Wr¡ghtrm¿n, Jr.

'Vìtb High Deþørtøentøl Dístínction EÀTGLISH Ernert Bottorff Beatþ ü¡tt Ânne Hein Margaret Morþn Blum M¿r¡h¿ll Norùhw¿y Terry, Jr. Reb¡ Ger¡ne Barber [te¡t COUPAR,AIIVE LITERATURE Loui¡e Keat K¡¡e

V it b De þaúmentol Distinctìon ENGLISIf Meraåret Ann Allieon Marion Goldm¿n Paula Boedeker Mary Owa Jones Barbara Diane Brolle¡ Rey Marle Portêr Elizabeth Ann Cstto Francis Edward Doyle White PSYCIIOI,OGY Be¡t¡ice Ethel Ma¡cus 'Ifllliam Leurence James

IN r¡¡¡ Scrroor- oF BustNgss Aprvr¡¡¡rsrnarloN Vitb Higb Honots James Tracy Ca¡r¡tù

'Witb Horcrs Fr¡¡k l9e¡ver Ro¡¡ Dotothy G¡¡ce Doçner Riche¡d Col¡e IIc¿¡

I¡r r¡re Scrrool oF Mu$c Vith Hígb Horots Don¡¡ J¡¡e O'St¡e¡ Netlo Csro¡tü Wrlsht , Ç-

IN rur Scnoor or ENcrNnBnrNc Vitb Hìgb Hoøors Leonard Jamæ Donohoe Rob¿rt How¿rd Rector Jæse Roger For€ster David Sellg Shriro

Vitb Honors Marne M. Blickensderfer Norman Shirley Ince Harvey Edmond, Bratlshaw Thomas Mæon Morrls Alex Ramsey Elder Paul Adolph Schulz, Jr, John Edwin Fahrlander Philip Tfendell Shew Ric'h¿rd B¿ncroft H¿rty Samuell Thomas Worthington, Jr. Eilmund Zander

IN ru¿ Scuoor. oF LAv Sannmø Caw Løade Julio Cesor Cueto Rua ) Cam Løude Jullo Barboza Blll Ilank Kryzda Hector Martlns Bern¿le¡ Moises Roßenberg Melnick

fN Penrrxs Scrroor- oF TrrEolocy 'ÍYitb Hrgb Honors Rsy Lce H¿rt

'Vitb Honars John llans Brand Bruoe Carlgon Galloway Donald Lee Forsman '!Íorth lleley Gibson Howard Lyn Ramgey



IN rrrs Cor.r,ncs or Anrs ¡Np Sclel{cBs

Pbì Betø Køþþø Margaret Ann Alllson I¡ouise Kent Kane Martha Fern Atteberryr Elinor Janice Klrby Ba¡bars Ann Ballard John lIarry LaPrade Ernæt B. Beatty Shlrley Anne Lobdell Barbara Diane Broilee Barbar¿ Lynette Mc0lung Beverly Lou Campbell Peggy Ann Ntchols Mctr'orlar¡d Iva Marie Cameron Ruth Sowell Mtilis Robert Ronald C¡ements Iæ Girard Pondrom George Calloway Cochran, IIlr Julia Ann Rankin Mildred Carolyn, Ellls Patrlcla Loulee Shrlvert Robert Charlæ Gent¡¡ Robert IIye¡ Thom¡s Marion S¿rah Goldma¡ Waltêr Blngham Watßo¡ Mary Anne Hein D¿vid Robert TV'eskley Richard Gordon lføford Rebs'Gerane Barber'Weet Mary Owen Jones Mabel Katherlne Wtlhttß Eleanor Joan Jord¿¡ Henry Yeager, Jr.

Alþbø I^ønbdø Detrtø C¡.¡,ss on 1955 Marian Frances Anné Marjorie Ellen Lucas Martha Fem Aiteberry Sue Manton Barbara Baker IPAnne McAdams Dorothy Franceg Bayer Wlnnie Ruth McEntee Fr¿ncæ Jane Bl¿ckburn Edrrins Lynn Millican Helen Marjorie Bndberrly Pat¡icla Ann Mæræ Betty Ross Breelanil Bettye Frances Morris Myra Lou Bræks Patricla Ann Moyer Joan Cararas Carlene Jo Nwland Anita Ca¡lin Mary Carolyn Parker Jean Clark Mergaret Lee P¿rr Carol Lynn Cl¿yb¿ugh Elizabeth Anne Ple¡ce Mon¿ Lee Cluok Janlce Lynn Robbins Barbala Jean Cæk Ann Nell Rogge Elizabeth Cozby Jean Edna Rooke Ad¿ Fay Delancy Barbam Ann Ruesell Dorothy Diers Hattle Carolyn Schlipf Marion Allce Fladger Joan Schnelder Mary Jæephine Foote Nancy Marie Shaw Gail Fultz Petricia Sh¡iver Betty Love Funderburk Julia Fav Sterk Elsbeth Anne Graham Ruth St¡uble Martha Harlan Lucia Sutton Alexandria Louiee l{aroz Geo¡gann Tims Jean llarrison Vlfginia Sue'lVolfe Traylor Eleanor Henderson Helvn Sue May Adelaide Hinken Maigaret Je¿nne'Wríght Julia Jones Gretchen Glenn¿ Zelske Patricia Anne Krebs Ksy Ardith Zimmerman Nancy Dale Lackcy

Pbi Etø Sìgmø Cr"¡ss or 1955 Francis Maurice B¡inkmeyer Richard Eueene O'Brien Roy Gilbert Downing Fred McKinney Penn Burton Cyril Einspruch Charl* Reitl Roberts Jæ Hen¡y Griffith Law Sone, Jr, James Sevier Killough Morton Lee Susm¿n Sterling HaU Middlngs Louis G. 'fi/eil Jack \ü¿ril Myers John Tumer'Wh¿rton Carl Ernest Nauen Thomas Eugene Wood

.Elected in Junior year

5 Køþþø Tøø Alþhø Jack Earl Marghall Doris Jan Stewart Lillie Steele Pitts Annette Whietle David Lynn Riley

IN rHe Scrroor or BusrNrss ApvuNrsrnrr¡oN

Beta Gømmø Sigrnø James Tlacy Caruth Rich¡rd Coke Hogan Dorothy Grace Downey tr'rank lVe¿ver Roge

h.r rrrs Scnoor- oF Muslc

Pi Køþþø Lømbdø Annellon Livingstone Zelda Lynn Sandler Donna Jane O'Steen Nelia C¿rolyn lMright I

IN rr¡¡ Scrroo¡. oF ENGINEER¡NG

Sìgnø Tøa Marne M. Blickensderfer David Lelie Falmer, Jr. Ilarvey Edmond Bradshaw Will¿rd Ðugene Pirtle Iæon¿rd J¿mæ Donohoe Robert Howard Rector Jesse Boger Forester Robert Lêonerd Rme, Jr. Robert Dee G¿ttig Paul Adolph Schulz, Jr. Itrilllam James Hu¡ren Philip Wendell Shew No¡man Shirley Ince Ðavid Selig Shriro Thomæ Mason Moffis Samuel Thomas Worthington, Jr. Bobby Gene Neeld Edmund Zander

, IN THE Scrroor. oF LA\r

Oiler ol' tlte'V ool'søck

Dean Vincent Grossnickle Ernest Eugene Marlaùt John Jæeph Kilgariff Robcrt Wallace Pack t

6 J*orJo UNryeRsrrY Atrþhø Lønbdø Deltø Seøior Booh" A llouise Kent Kane lMrrgrr.t Allison Ross Breeland Nþba Lømbda Deltø Scholørshìp Helen Marjorie Bradberry Barbara Jean Cook Carol Lynn Claybaugh

Cbì Oøega Alumnae Auørd------Martha Fern .A.tteberry Cbi O.tøegø Awørd. ìø Sociology------Carol Rogers Aldrege Michaelson Qokesbury Librøry A Paul L. Morell j Reba Gerane Barber Vest

Decima Løntern------Sally Bright Sufton Dorotby Amøøø s"þhr*;;'-A.;;¡-.-.----:-:"-. ------il;i Ñ'-il.;i;;i Edgør A, DeVitt Acbìeueweøt Autørd------Robert Chades Genrry Møry McCord Sþeecb Awørd------Pltì Etø Sigmø Freshman Awørd------Louis G. \Øeil Pi Lø¡nbdø Thetø Autard------Sue Manron R. E. ¿. Sønn Awørd in Orøtory------Gerald Kendall Fugit Soutbern Metbodist Aniuersity ltlotbers Club Scbolørsbìþ------Beverly Jane Bery Tbe Larry Bell Awøri.------John E. F¿hrlander

T¡rB Corr,scr or Anrs tNp Scrs\Tcns Eriø Bøiø loøes Conþørøtiue Lìterøture Scbolørshìþs------tConstence Ann McAlester I Louise Kent Kane Robert L. Thornton Leadership ,{.ward------,------Valerie Joyce Sellors Sigmø Detrta Cbi Scholørshiþ Autørd.s---- Alvin B. Scroggin

) Doris Jean Stewart i;gmø Del,ta Chi Acbieuement Awørd------Francis E. Murray

T¡le Scgoor. o¡' BusrN¡ss r4.ourN¡stnauorr

Alþbø Køþþø Psì Scbolørshìþ Key ------.James Tracy Caruth ?gltø .Sigy! Pi Scholørsbiþ Kty------_ Richard Coke Hogan Phi Cbi Thetø Schokrsbip Key------Lucia Katherine R-ick

T¡rn Scsoor, or Musrc ßlizøbeth Reø Crocket A oe Alton Landreth Mu Pbì Eþsi,loø Jane O'Steen -7---

Træ Scrloor, or E¡tcrNr¿n¡Nc fHw. Charles Baker Prìzes Døllas Tecbnìcal Cløb Fresbøøn Eøgìneeriøg - - { Francis Maurice Brinkmeyer lsterling Hall Middings Sëgmø Tø, Freshnøø ack \Øard Myers

THB ScHoor or L¡,v The Cørrington, Goutaø, lobøson 4> Vølker Fìrst Yeøt Løut Púze------Billy Eugene Brico

TIte DøIløs Løwyns Vìues Club Second Yeu Prize 19r1------.A.rmine Cerol Ernst

Tlte l.'Voodøll RoìIgers Senìor Medøl 1912------John Joseph Kilgaritr

Træ Pnnrnqs Scr¡oor, oF THEoLocY Place.----..------Charles Fromer Tbe B'nøi B'rìtb Award. Second Place------'{Øilliam Irving Smith, Jr The Doctor ønd Mrs. l. P. Brøy Atuard iø Hebrew.--- John Carlton Gilbert

Tbe V. B. Delnnett Awørd. ìø Ho'¡niletìcs------James Ffoey Kepler Hassell Browning The Cbørles T. and lessìe Jømes Bìble Charles Kivet Robi¡son Charles Louis Fromer Bishoþ lobn M. Moorc Fellousbi fRay Lee Hart lNorman \l¡oods Spellmann Tbe Cbørles Claade *Ieunaø Auud iø Neu Testønrmt Greeþ.------Robert Nuckols \7'atkin, Jr.

THr Gnapuete ScHoor., 79r2-r,

orman Jamison Bennett Paul Valter Horn T Jackie Lloyd \Ø¿tkins Doris Ingle

Swtbnn Metboilist Uniansity Schohrsbip------,--Billy Conrad Flenderson

Tntstee Grødt¿te Scbohrshiír

Gordon Hamilton George Markel Metbodkt Collcge Scbolarcbì Bill Nighswonger Pool Fern Hart

Texas Scholarsbiþ*------, ------Billy Paul Jones I THE CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN COURSE

The øødìmce utill relrøtø lrom øþþlause darìng confnriøg of degrees.

Candidates for the degrees of Bachelor of Arts ¿nd Bachelor of Science will be presented by Pnornsson Fnr,prnrcr D¡Nrs¡uny SralrH, Ph.D., Deøn ol løstructlon, College of Arts øøil Sciences.

Candidates for the degree of B¿chelor of Business Adminisration will be presented by PRorrsson L¡unBNcs Flosenr Flecx, M.A,, Deøn of tbe School of Bøsiness Ad¡ninìstrøtìon.

Candidates for the degrees of Bachelor of Music and Master of Music will be preseûred by Pnonrsson Onv¡r-rB Jrrtr,tINcs BoncHrns, Ph.D., Deøø of the School òf Møsìc. I Candidates for the degrees Bachelor of of Science in Civil Engineering,-Industrial Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Engineering, and Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering will be presented 6y Pnorrsson E,rnr. Huco Fr.e,ru, E.8., M.S., Dean of the School of Ergincerì:ng,

Candidates for the degrees of Bachelor of Laws ¿nd M¿ster of Laws will be presented by Pnoræsson Rosnnr Gnn¡ro Sronrv, 8.4., LL.D., Deøn of the School of Løu,

Candidates for the degrees of Master of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Master of Busi¡ress Administration, Master of Education and Master of Religious Education will be p:esented ]y ?norrsson A¡nox QurNN SenrarN, PÉ,,D,, Secretøry of tbe Gredu.øte Føculty,

Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Divinity will be presented by Pnonnsson MeRRTMoN CuNrNccrM, B.A. (Oxon.), 8.D., Ph,D,, Deøn ol peúiøs Scbool ol , Tbeology.


IN rHs CoLr,scB or Anrs ¡,No ScrpNcss

Cøndìdøtes for the Degree of Bøclcelor of ,Arts Professor .A,aron Quinn Sartain, Ph.D., Marsl¡øl Professor Hatvey Hunter Guice, J.D., Marsbøl 'William Carol Rogers Aldredger --Sociology Wesley Hoover, Jr.*----,------Psychology Lou Nell Allen ------,--,,------Art Carotyne Vista Hopkins -.-----,..,-Spæch and Theater Margaret Ann Allison ------English;Spanish Richard Gordon Hosfordf ------.--,-...Mathematics Mary Ann Mayfield Andeßon ------Psychology Sara Ann Howard,,------English Joanne Barbara Angona ------,------,------,------Art Donald Sehrt Huge __--_---_--_--,-____-__,___-______Psychology Judy Ssott Backart+ ------,--Spanish William Laurence Jamæ ------,------Psyehology Russell Talcott Backus -----,--,--,------,------Economics Harry Earle Jenkins, Jr. *-,------IIistory Joseph Arthur Baird, Jr. ------,------,,Government Elizabeth Ann Jernigan --Spanish Iûrnest Bottorf f Beatty ------,------English ; History Grace Mclaren Jonæ -,------Psychology Ida Bæs Bennett* ------English Marilyn Alice Jone ------,-----,Religion Robert Thomas Bertram, Jr. ------,--,-,--,--,Latin Mary Owen Jones ------.--,------Englisl John C¡amer Biggen ---,------Pre-Law Eleanor Joan Jo¡dan ------."------,--,--..,.-Psycholoel John Richard Bjorklund ------,,------.Psychology Lois LaVe¡ne Jordan ---",,--,,------"------English Betty Lou Blacksüon ----,----,English Louise Kent Kane ------Comparative Litemture ; Margaret Mo¡ton Blum -----,English French; Spæch and Thealer Frank Mann Bockusr ------English La Jean Kauf man ------"--""------Speech snd Theatêr Paula Boedeker -,------,------English Judith Kinney ------,--",-,------"--English David Judson Bohlmann ------,---,, Economics Elinor Janice Kirby ------,--,---,-----Mathematics IVIarth¿ Sallyann Booth -,-,-,----,--,------Psychology John Hany LaPrade ,---,--Comparative Literature ; Edith Underwooil Bowen* ------,------,------Qovernment Spanish Charles Danron Brand ----,------,------1------.History James Haven Lemonsf --,,-,History Carolyn Anne Briggs -, --,,,-,-,---- Government Margery Ann Leonardr ------Psychology Barbera Diane Broiles .- -Dnglish Morton Arthur Lewis ------"-----""------,-,------Pre-La* Thomas Wayne Burden ----,,---,--- -,--- -, ,,,,.Economiæ Richa¡d Andrews Lochne¡ ------"--,----,Philosoplu¡ Betty Lee Burdett -- - ,-----,-,--,---,-Speech and Theater Charle Lestey Lokey,,--,------*------,,-,----,------,-Art Marilyn Jeanette Byer ------Speech and Theater Charlotte Edwina McAdams ------Freneh;Spanish Clela Cordelia Caldwell -, Spanish; Social Science Laura Breckenridee Mc0lintock Sociology Beverly Lou Campbell ------,---, Spanish ; Sociology Bârbara Lynette MeClungr ------,------SoeialScience Shelia Trapp Campbell --, Religion Frances Lee McDonald* ------Speech and Theater Beverly Ann Canaday ---- Sociology William Edward McDowell --,-,-"--,---"-----,--",-",-Spanish Marlys Ann Carlson ------,----,-,----,------.Spanish Jamæ Robert Maceo, Jr, --History Sally Claire Camey ---,-----,,--, ,---,-----Dnglish Beatrice Ethel Marcus ------Psychology; Speech and Thomas Emmanuel Carrf ------,---,------"------Art Richard McKay Chisholm --",--,--,--,---SoclalSciencæ Alta LuAnn Robe¡t Ronald Clements* ------,--,-,-,------Pre-Law Ruth Sowell William Oscar Clyatt ------,--,,--,----:------..-,.Art Ch¿rles Gordon Northrupf ------,-,----,,--,--,-,--EngIish 'WilliamCarolyn Jane Collier,-,,------,-----,- ----.History John Douglas Osburn "------History ; Social Science Charles Crouch,------,----,----English History Juanita Georgia P¿tterson --,,,--,,,---,-.SocialScience Joyce Davis -...- Judith Ann Pfeffe¡le --....-.-.. -Art Jr. Robert Jeth¡o Pierce Martha EuÌallie Pat¡icia Pittmanr ------Ar¿ ; Jeannie Rosanne Dickson ------,-Ilistory Ray Keith Pond ------.----.----,------.------Enslisb Jeane Louise Doonan -,,.------,-,------,- ,, Enelish Mary Beth Pool -..-,---,------,Histor.' Manuel Jame Edling, Jr.* Pre-Law Ray-Marie Porter --...... ,. ....Englisif Jmn Folsom Erickson ....-... Ceography MiÌton Chester ProÞp ------,,------,------..,Enslish Ann Rugsell Winans Evans ----.---..------,-,---,Relieion Barba¡a Chase Purtell --,,- English Martha Jean Evans ---,.-... ,--,-,,,---Art Frank Armour Rapp, Jr. -"-,---,--,---,------Government Hugh Asa Fitzsimons, Jr.r ------. Economics Gloria Fay Rawls -,,,- -,------,-----,-,-----,Art Clyde Hulin Fowler ------,- ---Psychology Elizabeth Parker Reid ------English Joyce Mae F'ox --,--,-,------"----,------,-Social Scienãê Hen¡y Jamæ Rhodes, Jr. ------Social Science Ðlizabeth Ann Catto F¡ancis,-,,,------English Mary Ellen Riddick ------.------,------.English Anne Briley Gammill -----,------Art Janice Rushing ------"-----,Art Robert Charles Gentry ------"-,------Greek;History Joann Kay Rutherford ------Social Science Charlæ Nelson Gilreâth ---,History Shirley Fay Schueùz ------,---"^---,---,English Marion Goldman ------,--,--,------English Peggy Belle Shuf field --,----,----"--"----,------Social Science Philip Edsar Grimmett, Jr.f ---.---..-.-,------R¿ligion Martha Gail Simpson -,--,,------,,--,,,--Mathematics Judith Ann llanner ------.-.------.- Art Noble Dale Siplerr -,------,,,------,-,,Sociology Patricia Lois Harper ------, ------.Art Charleen Madge Smith ------,,------Art Ovitta Sue Harris ..----,, ...--,.Relieion Kermit Wade Smith ------,------SocialScience Ilemann Rudolph Hartwig ------,-,--,-,-,Psychology Nancy Bovée Spitzer --,----,-,-,------,------,English Richard Decatur Hawk, Jr. ------,-,,-Geography Dorothy June Suttle ------,---History Mary Anne Hein,--,--,------,-----.---,",--,------English Sally Bright Sutton -,------Speech andTheater Jocelyne Menon HilI ------,- , French Marehall Northway Terry, Jr. -----,------"-,-,English Joy Holman ------Government Robert lfyer Thomæ ------Social Science

tDegree conferred in absentia. fCommissioned Second Lieutenant in United States Ai¡ Force Reserve. 10 Doyle Terry Clay Thomason-lülti"------'' English ià'¡i s'd;å" - ----Historvlspeechand Meter --Engtish 'wilkinson jãlãJRoselle Holt Van vi"-eñi" Walker ---,---'------'------''Economics Ann Woodr wäit""'äiTiüã- Watson --'- -'-----.' -' -----Mathematics R^î:# É:;-; w.ì".¡- .lr. -. ------. ----.. ------....----Art Îñ;; ó;;;;" Wells,'Jr''----American Civilization ñãiä' cãiJi'ã--sai¡ãr' w""t -----'-----'------'-"----'Enslis¡ äüi""iã-li-""¿ãit wr'it" --French

Candìdates for the Degree ol Bachelot ol Science Professor Harold Alfrcd Jeskey, Ph'D', Møshøl

Ottie Jane-rfà¡"t¡ Davis Allen '---'-Biologv Ji""t Ballard ---,,------,,------''-----'Biologv lrto"ì"" Ã"4""* Boker ------'------'-'------'----Geologv Jã"ãi"ã Cãittt" chancellor -----,-"------.------,---Phvsics ChJiãs e"¿""* Crenshaw --'------'--Fiologv jóñ-lvñ Fersuson'Friedman ---'------Biolocv Keith Ñátl"r'no¡e¡t ''Biologv ...¡ã.[ f,ì" Hamþton .______. ______Biolosy Seaborn .J ameE Riley .via- p¿war¿ Härris* ------'------.. ------Mathcnatics .tephen-Èmmet John Hav, Jr. --'*------Mal,hematics j"tiu" Headlee* ."----Biologv Jôhn rre¿erictr llickman '-Biologv iãmàs EUis Lånders,-,---,-Chemistrv;Mathematics _____--__Geology ; tililtón leventtrat -- -'-- -'-'--Biologv Charles'fhomas McGregorf ------"''-----Chemistry iõrr" i"rom" McKinsev,------''''----.----'------Biolocv Ct¡àrtes Iæe MahaneY

Bøchelor of Scíence in Ed'øcation

Leah Golda Alterman Armin August Kern, Jr. Elma Adele Asel .Tøn Claire Ledbetter Shirlev Elizabeth McBride Alice Hart Bockusr Marvetta Smith McCrâry Gladys Marie Bohanan McOullough Dor'othy Ann Borders Joan Shank Wurgler Ann Elinor Brittain Gladvs Laurice McFarland Ilarbara Ann Buntin Myrnâ Lunell McFarlandt Cynthia Jane Cargill Rovce Rave McKee Ba¡bara Lvnne Carter Evèrlyn Pearl McMiltian Norma Jean Ca¡ter Bette Jean Manske* Nita Ca¡oI Cervin Marcaret GaY Mathes Marv Eloise Clayton I\,f¡vis Audrev Mathison Marilyn Joan Coleman Peggy Frances Merrill Marv Patricia Crow Diane Annis MoscriP Brown Currln Lillie Florene Norris Patricia John Douglas Osburn Evelyn Fonville Dixon Palmer .Tean Caroline DudleY Oneita Joan Eaves Marjorie Ann ReYnolcls Emily Comelia Clyde Hial Robinson Helen Atrell FinleY* Ida Ann Ruffin Maud Nance Fruit Glenna Maude Russell Ruth Jovce Potts Fulgham Carolyn Ann Saunde¡s ,Ann Glas¡¡y Betty Joyce Scott Dorlis Brorvn Glass Mary Ann Smith Sarah Sue Grace Sarah Jane Starnes Sue Hall Carol Louise Stock Barbara Lybrand Hartung Anna Langston Sutter Ann Heath Dofothy Kuntz ThomPson vireinia Louise Henderson VanMete¡ Rosã Marie SalisburY flendrY Archie Winston Marjorie Lee Hightower Lou Emma Whitehead Howell .Ioiila Whitten Dorothy Dene Isabelle Correnah Wilson Marv Ann Hurt Ann Gregory 'Wolfe Betsv Lu Jeter Eleanor Ann Wright ¡¿¡sy Anne Johnsonr Marv Ann Yatæ Ann Ruth Jones Ziegler Elaine Kenilrick Olea Suzanne

+Deeree conferred in absentia. tõåíriå"i"""iäîJ-sä"ö¿ïiu-rit ni.nr in unitecl sratæ Air Force Reserve. 11 Bøchelor of Scimce ìn Home Economìcs B¿rbar¿ An¡ Buntln June Claire Carter Betty Clark Marjorie Lee lllghtower Terry Jean Hoban Nellle .A.nna Ifolilemsn Dorothy Klng Kilgore Uary Je¿¡ McConnell

Bøcbelor of Science in Joamølisø Betty Lorrafne Amyett Llllte Stæle pttts D-avid Thomas Blackburn* David Lvnn RiIw Howard Anthony Bridge, Jr. elv¡n ¡lïiõra Só'roqcin Nels Johannes Hen¡en, Jr. Doris Jean Steçarù-- - Jack Lindsey Maxwellr 'Wlllt¿m Ktrk Stu¿key

Bøcbelor of Scìence in Pbysìcal Ed.acatíon Barbara Ann Bu¡chmsn Margaret Don Mc0lennahe¡t Verde Vance Dlckey Julie Ann Pedenon Chatmaine f¡eland Rosemary Reddltt ú

f¡r mrs ScHoor. oF BusrNgss Aorv¡rNrsrn¡,rroN

Cøndidøtes for the Degree of Bøchelor of Basìøess Adøfuistrøtìoø Profcs¡or Âugustus !Øilli¡m Foocue, Jr., M.A., M,B.A,, Mørshal pon A!þrt Addlngton -,fnsurance F¡lward Csmpbell Fox, Jr.r ------Protesslonal Jemee Newby Alllson, Jr.l_.General Adrniniiiralivã Rtchard Nulron Franctst Augutus Emll Andersont_-General - - - --.-. c*"åibïsÌl*i Ge¡ald Norrnan Furseth ------"-"----,---."--Person¡el Earle Karl Andenon, Ilf-_.General charrq n'win Garey -..-.-..,...... iPt#liiåflåä Thomas Garth, Jr. Admtnistrotlvã Jeffemon Thoma¡ AtLln¡on, Jr. ---.------General Emin Louts Gaubarz, ¡'. *. .. __--=Ilååå"#*Î Jamæ Adninlstratlon Edwsrd Gllllsr Gordon Gtrlfftth Ifarden Finence Flnance

Don Wlngton John Rlchard ----Profesglon¿l Butlert Pmductlou Hendry, IrI -,--".,.-_---_. 'tyilliam Lou ie c arnahan | -....--. c.""r"lúiäf"Ir"#ifi Robert Nelson Jamæ Tracy- _caruth __-.... .professlonÀi Àõõóñiiñã 'Wllll¿m Gordon Jr.T Wilcox Chambll,e!, .Ir, ______--__-__General Accountlnã J?me Cy_rthul Cheek, Jr. ______.....-___...Marketlnã Ttrillla"! Orgn Coe, Jn --_-_-___-__Generat Businésã Fran\ lV, Conradr _____--_----_-___-__--Buslneos ¿nd Liw Edd Watklng Crow :---_-_,,_____. Geneml ¡,æJunTI"ã Cerl Jamee Curr¿n -._.*___._Retail ¡v¡erchindisinË Clifford Dawson D¿ve¡Dort . ..,, .fn¿usiriel . ProductionMan¿gement Dorothy Gr_acc Domeyt -.__.____*-____--Advefrti¡lng Sponcer Klrby Joùnstou .å',8., Unlverslty of Callfornl¡ John Alfreil Kastman Je¿n _Gray Dr¿ker ------.------.A.dverfielng J*ck Dawleas Dunc¿n, Jr.î _.,_.__._*_- Uartitiñõ 'V9arren Robcrt Keyæ WlUiqm Francls FarreII, Jr.f --..__---.-.hsurãnèã Leo Wallace Flnch ------_-.General Buginesg S¿lly Ollwr John Fl¡uev and Financã Roes Broadnu ----_-Baakl¡g: Wlnfield Seott Kleln,

rDegr.ee conferred ln absentia. fCommlsrioned Second Lleutenant tn Untted States Alr Fo¡ce Reserve. t2 Dwain Chester Ktine .- , -- Profæsional Accounting Edwin Jæs Spoontsf "--,-,Marketing Gerald Rav Klinghamer ---. --.Retail Merchandising Gay Nell Steelman ------Marketing and Retail Louis Kudina, Jr. ------. Professional Accounting Me¡ch¿ndisi¡g James Eusene Lacy --,-----,------GeneralAccounting William Henry Surovik ----, -,------Professlonal Jerry lss Lanierf ----,------,----,,,,------,,,--,-,--"- Ma!ketinci Accounting 'Walter Raymond Ledbetter, Jr. -,------Real Estate Margaret Wre Sutherland ------,{dvertising Reymond Burch Lovelyf ".------Marketing Thomas Leroy Tarto, Jr,r ---,---Gener¿I Accounting Dewitt Talmadge Ioyd,,,---.,-----,-,--General Buinees Milton Hubert Thomas, Jr,t------,----ProfesBionâl Hobart Frances McWilliamsl -,,---,------"-Industrl¿l Accounting Production Management Barney Holland Timmlns, Jr. ------,---Pæonnel Jams Earl Madeleyf -----,Real Estate and Insurance Lee Henn Mitchell ------PenonnelAdministration Påtrick Timg Dodee Cliiford Moffitt, Jr. ..-,--..General Business Elberü Lloyd ------Professioual Cha¡læ Benton Musslewhlte -,-----Business ¿nd Law George P¿ul Neil Roser Neilsonr ------Marketing Chulee Edward Mildred Elaine Nettle ------.,-....Marketlng Tommy Anthony Oddo -,------,-----,-,-"------.Advertising Roy George O'Neal ------Professional Accounting Philip Ishãm Palmer, Jr. ------,General Business Willi¿m Edwin Perker ------Bwiness and I¿w Clarence Hemchel P&Bons, Jr. ------Marketing Buford Lee Partee+ -,--'-.--''------General Accounting Gerh¿rd l{illiam Poetschket--Banking and Finance end Prof esslonal Accounting Iæwis Jerry Wertheimer ------,-,-...,------Infl¡Ënce David Joe Powellt ------Banklng and tr'inance Bobbv Don- Westmoreland--Profeosional Accounting Bwinæs Charle¡ lfenry Ræd ---,----Peruonnel Administr¿tion Rufwlil William White, Jr.t --.---General Donald Earle Reily ------Banking and FinÈnce David Hârcourt Whitson .-----""------Insür&nce Richard Alvin Louis Rocereto----General Accountlng Richard Allan Williaru ------B¿nking and Finance /-\ lank Weaver Rose ------,--Banking and Finance Rlckg Wilson ------,-----,------,Marketing and Gene¡al , Jcar Eugene Ræs, IIIÛ ------Businæs and Law Administrative Man¿gement Sol Sheam Rovinsky ------RetailMerchandising Feagin Waverly lüindh¡m ------Businegg and Law Cr¿wford Augustus S¿nford, Jr. ------"---,Marketing Jerry Eugene Wolfet ------GeneralAdministrative Jere Mac Scoùü ------"------P¡ofæsionalAccounting Management Law¡ence Noble Skípper, Jr.t ------Marketing Rodham Pmhing lMright -----,---,",------,-.General Joseph Riley Smith, J¡.Ì Production Adminlstr¿tive Managemmt ---'-Indust¡lalManagement

Vete¡øn's Certìficøte

Ililwsrd John Shawr ------Per¡onnelAdmlnistr¿tion

Ir.r trre ScnooL oF Muslc

Cøndìdates for tbe Degree of Bøcbelor ol Music Profesor Paul van Katwijk, Mv.D', Mørshal

\ lobert She¡wi¡ Ale¡cander ------ Mary Genev¿ Redwine ------Music Eilucatlon ¡ortton Lincoln Johnson ------MuslcEducatÍon Ma¡i Ann Rhlne ------*------Sac¡edMusic ' ¡Íary Katherine Jordan Education Shirlev Elizabetb Rolend ---.------Music Education Jacliie Lynn Kemp --_._----*------Music-,------*Music Educstlon Zelda Lynn Sandler ------*------Muslo Education Annellon Livingsione Patsy Ann Sharp ------".---.,------.Mwic Education Guy Lewis Lyons, J¡. ------MwicEducation------,,-----,----l[usicgducstion John Frederick Stietenroth ------.Piano Miii¿m Olivia Mayer,,-,,,------}fusicEduc¿tion Daviil B¡entn¿ll Str&tten ----O¡gan Ma¡y Elizabeth Moore ------,----,-,--,--- .---,----,--,,- Organ Patricia Aline Trimble ---"------. Music Education Sara Iæuiee Mære -,---,,-,-,-,-,----,--,-----}fusic Erlucstion Nelia Carolyn Wright -.------,----,,-----Music Education Donna Jane O'Steen -,------,,------Pi¿¡¡o

Cøndidøtes for tbe Degree ol Møster ol Møsìc

l¡cv Lnn Mcl.a¡n ,,----Violin Christine Yandell ',"---""------I\l1usic Ekluc¿tlon ----B.Ili,, Southem'Methodist Univeßity 8.M., Southem Methodigt Universitv Theiis; ..The Violin and the Viola Concertos of 8,4,, Southem Methodist University Paul Einilemith snd william walton" thesis: "creative Mwic in the. Elemmttry School: Techniqus and M¿t¿rìals"

-6;s.". conferred ln absmti¡. tCommissio¡ed Second Lisut€n¿nt in Untt¡d Ståtes Air Forca Reserve. t, I¡r trre Scsoo¡. or ENcrNnBnrNc

Cøndìdøtes lor tbe Degree ol Bacbelor ol Scimce in Ciuil Engìneníng Professor Sophus Thompson, B.S. in C,8,,, Mørshal GonzaJo Flores Ancira Bernard Ven E¿ton Jem6 Woodrow Lee Bston 'Willa¡d Eugene Pirtle Joâch¡m F¡iedrich B¿ue¡t Robert Lænard R'me, Jn Harvey Edmond Bradshaw Ernest Walton Roberts Alexander Ramsay Elder David Selig Shriro Clarenco Theo Gælsby Arne Gut¡u Tisthammer Henry Louie Ilome, Jr. Samuell Thomæ Wo$hinston, Jr.

Cøndìdøtes for tbe Degree of Bøcbelor of Scieflce ì'n Electricøl Engíøeering Jack Emery Anderson, Jr. Eæl D¿yton McDonald, Jr, John Rishard Pearce Buckner James Thomton Maxwell Morton Dæringr Jose Enrique Melends Leonerd James Donohoe Charls John Meyer Jesse Roger Foresterr Bobby Gene Nældr Robert Dee Gattis David Leslie Palmer, Jr.* William Jamæ Hurren* William Lowery Shocklev Norman S. Ince Dwain Donald Shortr Craig Dunbar LaTagte* William Alfred Wailkine, Jr. Larry Laza¡us Iæbanoffr Fred Manuel Woodruff, Jr.* Roberü Henry Low¡ey, Jr Edmund Zander

Cøndid.øtes for the Degree ol Bøchelor of Scieøce in lndøstriøl Engineering Rstmond LeelÍe Gallahue, Jr. Jack EarI Lockett, Jr.

Cøndidates lor tbe Degree of ßachelo.r of Scìence in Mechøøicøl Eøgineerìng Marne M. Blickensderfer Robert Neil Kennedy John Ðdwin Fahrlande¡ Thomas M¿son Mouis Rlchard Bancroft lfarty Robert Howard Rector James Pette$on tlodges Paul Adolph Schulz, Jr. Juan Samugl lrizarri-Riyera Phillp Wendell Shew Holland Mccorkle Irwln Ënirh"tå"$"L'i"""

Ir.t rrrB ScHoor" o¡' L^aìø Caødídøtes for the Degree of Bachelor of Lauts Professor Clyde Emery, 8,,{., LL,B., Møshøl Byron Robert Baker Vardie Randolph Delk 8..A.,, University of Illinois 8.4., Mississippi College Charles Frank Burgman M.S., Tul¿ne Unive¡sity 8.4., Southem MethodiËt University Armine Carol Ernsú Virgil Dan Bumey 8.4., T*as State College for Women Conln Carlisle Connell Roy Wright Howell, Jr. 8.A'., McMurry College 8.4., Rice Ingtitute Ch¡rles Irvin Cook John Joseph Kilga¡iff* 8.4., Rice Institule B.B.A., Southern Methodist Univemity Robert Joseph Cowan Jamæ Aubrey Knox B.B.A., Southem Meíhodist Univenity B.B.A., Southem Methoclist Ilniverslty Robert St¿nhope Cutherell Carl Franhlin McClellan B.B.A., Southem Methodist University Do¡ We¿ver Davig Michael Joseph McNicholas William Johnson Davis 8.S., Southern Methodist Unive¡Eity

rDogree conferred in absentia. t4 Elrnest Eugene Marlatt Cqrl Jamæ Sshmolder 4,8., DePauw Univemity 8.S., Ohio State Univemlty Roge¡ Lee Neathery Arthur Grote Schroeder, Jr. ,A..8., Stanford Univenity 8,S., Agricultural and Mechanlcal College of Max ^Nonnan Osborn Texas 8.A.., Texas Tcchnological College Douglæ Dewade Snidef. Richard I¿e Osborn Hugh Thomas Snodgrasg 8.4., Southern Methodist Univemity 8.4., Tqae Technological College Robert Wallaæ Pack, Jr,* Sam Alexander Snyder 8.S,, Davidson College Clarence llughston Thomæ Willirm Edwin Parlcer 8,4., Southern Metl¡odiet Unlvemltv Clifford Læ Payne, Sr. 8,.4., Texas Tecbnological College Jeck' Mlkell West Edwa¡d Georqe Robins 8.8.À., Soutbern Methodtst Unlverslty 8,4., Soithem Methodiet Univer¡ltv

Cøødidøtes for the Degree of Møster ol Løuts iø Cottþørøtiue I'ou)

Luis \Guillermo Arcay Roilrlguez Hecto¡ M¿rtinez Bern¿leo 'Doctor en Ciencias Politicae, UniversÍdad Cen- - Abogado, Catholic Univenity, Lima, Peru t¡¿I, Facultad de Derecho, Caracas, Yene- Jo¡¡re Mercado Jarrin zuela Ãbogado, Univenidad San Marcos, Lima, Peru Julio B¿rboza 8,csé Montæ Cóbar Abosado, Univemidad de Buenos Airæ, Buenor Abogado, Facult¿d de Clencias Juldlcae v fÀr Airæ, Argentin¿ . Sociales, Univeruidad de San Carlos' Guate- $cr r'xandre Ausueto de Castro Co¡ræ mala, Guatemala Abogado, Facultade do Direiúo de São Paulo, Alfonso Ortega Urbina São Paulo, Brazll Doctor, Úniveruity of Gran¿da, Granada, Julio César Cueto-Rua Nicamgua Abogado, Facultad de Derecho, Univesidad de €eo¡se'8.4,, Alexander Rogers Eva Perorr, Dva Peron, Argentina Unlve¡sity of Kinss College, IIallfax, Doctor e-n Ciencias Juridic¿s y Sociales, Facul- Nova Scotia tåd de Derecho, Universidad de Eva Peron, LL.B., Dathousie Univeniüy Law School' Hell- Eva Peron, Argentin¿ fax, Nova Scotia Jorge Flo¡æ Mezq ll{oises Rosenbe¡g Melnick Abogado, Escuela Nacional de Jurisprudencia, Àbogado, Escuila de Derecho tle la U¡lversidad Mexico City, Mexico de Chile, Santiago' Chile Bill Fr¡nk Kryzda ,Raúl-- Treios Flors 8,S,, Northwætem Un¡versity, Evanston, Ill. Abosãdo, Univerâidaal de Coeta Rica, S¿n Jøó, LL.B., Northwestern Univenity, , Ill. Costa Rica Ajadil de Lemos Edson' Cavalcanti Valença Aboeado, f¡acultad de Derecho, Universldail de LL,B., Univenidad do Brazil, Rlo de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil Bmzil Fernando' Læra Saravia .Edmundo Velasco Tarifa Abogado, Escuel¿ Libre de Derecho, Mexico - Aboerado, Facultad de Deræho La Paz, La Paz' Citv, Mexico Bolivi¿

Cøndìdøte for tbe Degree of Møster of Løws ìn Oil ønd Gøs Leo Jaye Hoffmau 8.4., University of Texas LL.B., Unive$ity of Texas Thesis: "Voluntary Pooling and Unitization" (


rDegree conle¡¡eil ln absentia, l, hv rrrp Gn¡ouern Scrroor.

Cøndidøtes for the Degree of Møster of ,Arts

Professor Joseph Pollard Harris, Ph.D., Marshøl

Odig James -A.d¿ir ---,,--,--,,-,,..----,.. ---..--,-----Mâthematics Sam Fer¡is lìIolmee, Jr.* 8.4., Southem Methodist University 8.J., Unlversity of Texas-,---"------Government No thesis required Thesis : "L8 M¿¡que, Tsæ : An Unlnconrcrat¿d I¡¿le Aksur ------,------English Commun¡ty" 8.4., University of Ankara, Turkey Eugene Erwin Mo¡row ---,--,------L¿tln Thesis: "The Social Ideas of Samuel Butler" 8..A.., Univemlty of Mlgsouri Noman Jamigon Bcnnett Thesis: "Sententlse ln the Latln Dr¿m¿tic Poets" 8.4., Southern Methodist Univemity Newton Douglæ Nichols ------*------History Thesis: "Criteria for Selecting School Superin- 8.4., Southem Methodi8t Unlvef6ity tmdents" Thesis: "An Inquiry into Slav*y and Cotton as David Eugene Eldgart CauÊes of the Civll lila¡" ------"---,------_,-*-Psychology Anne Marle Roær --,------*------Ensllsh 8.4., Southern Metbodigt University 8.4,, Shelton College Thesis: "Conditionâl Discrimination: Unequal Thsls: r'Upton Sincl¿lr, Proletarlan Novellst" Variâtion of Crltical Components of Vlsual 'Willy Schumannr Stimuli" 8.4., Southern--.------,------.-----."."--.-.------IIistory Methodi¡t Unlvenity Juanita Férn Ha¡ú ------,------Phllosophy Th$is: "The New Republic ¿nd 1918- 8,,A'., McMurry College 1938" 8.S,, McMurry College Thomas Austin Shavert ------,"-----,------Illrtory Thæis: "An Analysis of A. N. Whltehead's 8.4., Abilene Christi¿n College 1 Conception of DÍety" Thesls: "Polítical Life of Lewie Cas"

Candidøtes for the Degtee of Møster ol Scimce

John Wllliam Anthony __Chemlstru Loul! Blackwell Read ------.------.Biology __8.S,, Southem Methodist Univenity 8.S., Southern Methodist University Thesis : "S¡rectrographic Deteminaüioi of Silica,' Thæls: "The Pelecyporla of Dallàs County, Tqas', Kelly Hoyet Oliver, Jr,r ____Bioloev Rich¿rd Milton fillman 8.S., Southern Methodist Unlversiüy 8.S,, Southern Methodigt------.------___---______--Chemistry University Theslg: "The Effæt of llerblcldes ón Selccted Thæis: "A Suney of the Kolbe-Schmitt Re- ZooPlankton" astion"

Cøødìdøtes f or tbe Degree of Møster ol Science in Cìaìl Engineerìng Elmer --\{. Ellisor, Jr.* ------,------.Civil,Engineering- William Mo¡rison peterson ____---,__Civll Enginærlng _.8.S. in_C.E., Southern Methotl,igt Univã¡ity B.S. in C.8., nÀrtwtt,¡rai ana-ù;d;ï;j--C;i- ThesÌs: "A Study of Plastic Flow in Conciete. leete of Tex¿i Its Causes and Effect" .,A 'tVilliam Heavln Lawson -___-__-_,__,CtvilEngineslng- Thæis: Stuily of Jet Engine F\¡el ¿ncl Ex_ in..C.E,, Sorthem Methodist University-on haust Blast- liffects on- ffot Iviif beîæ -8.S.Thæis: "fhe Effects of Bottom Ae¡ation Gracled Asphaltic Concrete Surtaõã Comes; lbickline Fllters"

Cøndídøtes for tbe Degree of Master of Science in El,ectrical Engineer.iøg Suat Tevûk B¿saran* ,-- . -----.8ìectrical Engineering Gerald Clifton Summem ---.Electrical Engineering B.S.inE.E., Univemity of Texâ6 B.S.inE,E., University of Arkansas- - Thesis: "T¡affic Sígnal Controllen and Their Thesis r "Continuous Acoustic Yelocity lYell Interconnected Progræsive Operation" Logglng,,

Cønd.id.øtes f or tbe Degree of Mastet of Busìness Atlm.inistrøtìon 'William Carrol Click ------,------Management Edward Cunningham Reed ------,,,,------__St¿tistics __8,Þ.4,, lul loss St¿te College B.B.A., Souihem Methodist UniversiUy Thæis: "The Texæ Economy Commission Ap- Thæis: ¡,The Application of Statisticai guatib plies Management Techniquæ to State Gov- .Control in the Daltæ Area', emment" William Slerman Cooper ------_-Accounting Charls Roger Victory _---,---_-,-,,,-,,____-__---Manesement __8,S., James Mil-likin Univemity B.B.A.,'"The Stephen ir. Austin State Colleeä Thæis: "Accounting for 'Joint-Interæt' OÞera- Thçis: fnternatfonal Maragãmãn1- Con- tions in the Oil Industry" gress" -õ;;u conferred in absentia.

16 --\

Cand.idøtes for tbe Degree ol Møstø of Educøtion Mildred Bentley Alexander Walter Bernard Hoffrichter' 8.S., Ðast Texæ State Teacben College 8.S., Southern Methodlst Univenity Meta Eleanor Andersont Kathe¡ine Wæhburn I{ollâbâugb 8.4., Hardin Simmons University 8.A.., Baylor Unlvenity Harry Wayne Barham Mattæl Hinson Ingram 8.S., North Texas State College 8.S., East Texas State Teachen College Mary Lou Richerdson Butmm Evie Yowell Jonæ 8.4., Baylor Universitv 8.4., Baylor University John DouElâs conner Margaret Eloulse Kendrick 8.S,, Southem Methodist Universitv 8,S,, Texag State College for 'Women Thesis: "Use of the Heartometer as en fnstru- Nellie Marie Killebrewr ment in Predicting Per{orronce in Com' 8.4,, Trinity Univenity retitive Swimming" Charles Denton Leathers Martha Ona Eilend Evsns 8.S., Southern Methodist University 8.S., Sam Hougton State Teachers College Berton Edwarcl Lyle{ Gerald Comelius Everettt 8.4., Duke Universlty 8.S., Southern Methodist Universlty Alf¡eil Milton Fedie' Ralph Meyer 8.A., IMillamette Univenity B.B.A., Southern Methodlst Unlvenity George Foster Mar':r Ann Nugent 8.4., Southern Methodist Unlvemlty 8.S,, University ol Tcxss James Thomæ Goodet Sylvæter Lee Ralns 8.S., Westem Kentucky State Teachem College 8.S., Univenity of Tø

Cøndìl.øtes for tbe Degree ol Møster ot' Reli'gioas Edøcøtioø Ruth Ellen Kelley R' D. Shoulders B.S. in H.8., The Universíty of Tennæsee 8.A.., Centenary College of Louisiana Thesis: "A Study of Factors in a Prog¡am of ThæisI "A Propæed Plan of Evangelirm for . Religious Education in the Underprivilegsd First Methodist Church, Shreveport, Iþul8i- Community with Special Reference to Rankln ana" Chapel, , Texas"

IN PsnrINs Scuoor oF THEoLocY Cønd.idøtes lor tbe Degree of Bøchelor ol Diuinity Professor Thomas Hodgin Marsh, Ph,D', Mørshøl Arthur Marion Baker Frank Leo Finkbiner 8,4,, Southe?n Methoclist Universlty 8.4., McKend¡ee Colleele t Donald Lee Forsman 'rgene H. B&rnes* I 8.4.. Lambuth Collese 8,4., The Univesiþ of Tulga /¡lobert Samuel Beeslev Bruee Carlson Galloway B.S, in Agr., Ag¡icultural and Mechanical 8.,A'., Southwestern Univeroity College of Texas Worth Wæley Gibeon John Hans Brand 8..A'., University of Arkansas LL.B.. Northwestern Univenitv School of Law M,4., Univer¡ity of Arkansas Orville Dale Bulkley Joseph Waldo Grær B.A., Washburn College 'Walter8.4., Nebraska Wesleyan University Pablo Olguin Calderon Robert Grißt 8.4., Sul Ross State Teachex College 8.4., Friends Univesity M,4., Texas Technological College Ray Lee Hart Odis Leon Cleaver 'Willi¿m8.4., The University of T€xas 8,4., Hend¡ix College Welch Hatchel ' 8.4., Centenary College Louisiana Rupert Darrold Colæ 'lüilliam of - Mechanical Hooper Haygood B.S. in Chem. 8,, Agrisultural antl 8.S., Sam Houston State Teachem College College of Texas John Donald Hazlewood M.S. in Chem. 8., The Univ€ßitv of Texas 8.S,, Oklahoma A. ¿nd M. College 'William Pie¡ce Connell Joseph Allen Hazlitt 8.4., Hend¡ix College 8.4., The Univenity of Oklahoma Jamæ Albert Egan Allan Eugene Hilliard 8.4., Central College 8.4., Hendrix College Charles frvm Fay Jewel Robertson Johnson 8.4,, Sam Houston State Teachers College 8.4,, Southern Illinois Univerrity

*Degæe confe¡ted in absentia, t7 Robert Davls Joiner, Jr. 8.4., Southwestern UnivèEity UnlverstW Gerard Ernest Kaye 8.4., Texae Ch¡igtlan Univenlty Universlty M.4,, Texas Ch¡istian UniversiW 'Wesley¿n Cha¡les R¿y Kelly Unlveniþ Roberts 8.4., Texæ Technologlca. College 'Wesleyan George'Wallace Kingore Texæ College 8.,A'., Centr¿l College Jr.r D. Lawrence Landrum, Jr. 8..{., Southwestetn Univenlty Henry Lee of LouiÉnna B.S.E,, Arkanses Ståte leachers College Vetnon Jsmæ Quitman Mc0rory School .of 8.4., Mlllsaps College G¡ady Pink McCullough 8,4., McMur¡y College Jamea Albert Mcle¿n B.A, in Ed., Southçestern Loulsl¡na Instltutê Harold W. McSwalnr 8.S., Lambuth College M.4., George Peabody College lor Îêacher¡ Ave¡y Coe M¿ncheetert 8.4,, The College of Empo¡la If. F, Mele¡ Jn 8..A.,, Baylor U¡lverslty Lowrence Meredlth 8.4., Southw€steû¡ Unlver¡lty Glendon Robert Me¡ser 8,4., Loulgl¿n¿ St¡te Unlve¡rltt a¡d A. s¡d l[. College G€orge Tt¡lll¡em Mcyer 8.4., McKendree Collece Collegc Allen Joe Moore 8,4., Southwetern Unlve¡¡ltt College M.4., Baylor Unlve¡¡lty James Lsroy Nettleton College 8,4,, Southern nllnols U¡¡lveEitt Cherls Davld Whlttle Floyd Martin Nolfi¡, J¡. --- B.S,. Texas Wc¡lev¡¡ Coll¡le 8,4., Baker Unlver¡ity Chrrlæ Berrv Wll¡on Ralph Alfred Odom - CltY U¡lver¡ltY 8.S., McMur¡y College 8.4., Okl¡homo Robcrt Vlctor Pinezaddleby John Frsncls Yeam¿n B.S. in Ed,, Ea¡t Central Stste College 8.4., Southwe¡tern Unlve¡¡ltY

rDegree conferreil l¡ ab¡mtl,¡.

THE CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES DOCTOR OF HUMANITIES THOMAS ELMER BRANIFF pioneer a,- Bred in the great Midwest, long a creative force in the new Southwest. , A i'n transportatiõn whose vision anã leadership arc recognized throughout the Americas ând in Eúrope. An intetnationally beloved lay leader ãf th. Church of his fathers, and a potent Îactor movement. A man of practical wisdom, a re- in '{.merican interfaith sponsible citizen, a man of good will.

DOCTOR OF LETTERS GEORGE FINGER THOMAS Native 'fexan, ¿ Rhodes Scholar alumnus of this institution, who was graduated with honours from Oxford and received his doctorate at Harverd. ,{ layman whose scholarly concefn is religious thought. Author, editor, stimulating teacher of religion a¡d phi- losophy at Souihern Meth-odisr, Swarthmore, Dartmouth, North Carolina and Princeton; he unites knowledge and vital piety.


THE BENEDICTTON Tur RpvrnrNo GBoncs Cr,euoB Berrn, Jn., S.T.M., Ph.D., D.D., Cbøþlaìn ol the Uniuersity

THE RECESSIONAL March in F Guilnønt The øadience aitrl be seøted.

MARSHALS OF THE UNIVERSITY George Claude Baker, Jr,, Ph.D. Preston Peak, M.A. r) Charles Arthur Bæio, B.M,D. Charles Jefferson Pipes' th.D. James Farley Cronin, Ph.'D. Mo¡gan \{ard Redus' Ph.D. Harvey Hun-tcr Guic¿, J.D, Be¡¡hardt Tiede, M.M.IkI. Edwln DuBo¡e Mouzon, Jr., Ph,D. Moss l[imblsh' LL.B.

USHERS Pierce Morriss Altmsn St¿ven Mu Fulda Henry Moore Broadnax, III Charles Terr¿nce llendrix RichCrd Edward Bryant Ivan lrwln Emmett Manin Collins Deryl trYanklin Jemes William Lusk Crawford Walton Sensom Miller Donald Noble Ewan C¿¡l Milton Ream A¡thur Challand Flinderg Dick Avery'VÍebster Tennyron Lucious 'Whorto¡, Jr.

THE ACADEMIC COLORS White: Arts, Letterg Ðrab: Business Administrstion Yellow: Sclence Pink: Music Lisht Blue: Educ¿tion Orange: Engineering Yellow: Irlome Ilconomlcs Purple: Law Black : Journallsm Crimson: Theology Sage Green: Physical Education Blue: Philosophy I )
