
t ?s3 SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL CONVOCATION COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES and CONFERRING OF DEGREES TUESDAY EVENING, THE SECOND OF JUNE NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE AT SIX O'CLOCK McFARLIN MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM THE ORDER OF EXERCISES Flrrvrprrrr,¡. Flosrono, Ph,D,, Prouost ol the Uniaersìty, Presiding THE PRELUDE Toccata Gìgout Sil,ence is reqøested d'ariøg tbe þrelade. Done Bencr,lt, 8.M., A,A.G.O., Associøte Prolessor ol Otgøt THE CONVOCATION PROCESSION The Mamh¿ls of the Unive¡sfty The R,epresentatives of the Cl¡ss of 1928 The Offlcen of the Unlvenity The Candidates for Baccalaureate Degreeg The Candldatæ for llonorary Degrees The Candidates for lligher Deg¡ees (]r THE PROCESSIONAL Marche Pontitcele Lemmms Tlte øadience aill støød for the þrocession, THE INVOCATION TrrB RBvsnrNo R. J. LePneon, B.D. Pøstor, Centrøl Methodìst Churcb, Brownwood, Texøs THE SOLO Eternal Life Dangøn Mnnr KaTrrERTNE JoRDAN, Contralto {'r \_.¿ THE ANNUAL STATEMENT Docron Flosrono Thc Tfurlitze¡ Organ is fu¡nishcd by Btooh Mays and Comprny 2 l { Candìdøtes for tbe Bøccølaureøte Degree wíth Honors: IN rrrs Co¡,rEcE or Anrs aNo ScrnNcrs 'Vitb Highest Honors Margaret Ann Alll¡o¡ Loulse Kent Kst¡e Mary Anne Hein Beatrice Ethel Marcu¡ Lee Glrard Pondron 'Vitb Hígb Honors Ernest Eottorff Be¿ttt Ellnor J¿nlce Klrby Allce lIart Bockus John Har4r LaPr¿tlc Beverly Lou C¿mpbell Bsy M¿rie Porter Helen Atrell Fi¡ley M¿rjo¡le Ann Reynolil¡ Robert Charles CþntD/ Doris Je¿n Stew¡lt Marion Goldman RobeÈ llyer lbomsg Ma¡y Owen Jone¡ Reb¿ Gerane B4rber W€rt Ife¡¡y Ye¡te¡, J¿ Vitb Ho¡ors Elm¡ Âdele A¡el Eleanor Jo¿¡ Joril¿¡ Barb¿ra Di¿ne Brolle¡ B¿¡b¡ra Lynetts McCluna \ftlligm Ch¿rle¡ Crouch Js¡lce Rr¡¡hùuÌ Patrlcla Brown Ourrln S¡llv Brlght Sutto¡ Røan¡e Díckso¡ ìf¡¡¡hsll Northw¡v Terrv. J¿ Richard Gordon Ho¡ford 'lV¿lter Bingh¿r¡ W¿t¡on Dorothy Dene Eowell D¿vld Robe¡t 'iteakley Lawrence Saruel Wr¡ghtrm¿n, Jr. 'Vìtb High Deþørtøentøl Dístínction EÀTGLISH Ernert Bottorff Beatþ ü¡tt Ânne Hein Margaret Morþn Blum M¿r¡h¿ll Norùhw¿y Terry, Jr. Reb¡ Ger¡ne Barber [te¡t COUPAR,AIIVE LITERATURE Loui¡e Keat K¡¡e V it b De þaúmentol Distinctìon ENGLISIf Meraåret Ann Allieon Marion Goldm¿n Paula Boedeker Mary Owa Jones Barbara Diane Brolle¡ Rey Marle Portêr Elizabeth Ann Cstto Francis Edward Doyle White PSYCIIOI,OGY Be¡t¡ice Ethel Ma¡cus 'Ifllliam Leurence James IN r¡¡¡ Scrroor- oF BustNgss Aprvr¡¡¡rsrnarloN Vitb Higb Honots James Tracy Ca¡r¡tù 'Witb Horcrs Fr¡¡k l9e¡ver Ro¡¡ Dotothy G¡¡ce Doçner Riche¡d Col¡e IIc¿¡ I¡r r¡re Scrrool oF Mu$c Vith Hígb Horots Don¡¡ J¡¡e O'St¡e¡ Netlo Csro¡tü Wrlsht , Ç- IN rur Scnoor or ENcrNnBnrNc Vitb Hìgb Hoøors Leonard Jamæ Donohoe Rob¿rt How¿rd Rector Jæse Roger For€ster David Sellg Shriro Vitb Honors Marne M. Blickensderfer Norman Shirley Ince Harvey Edmond, Bratlshaw Thomas Mæon Morrls Alex Ramsey Elder Paul Adolph Schulz, Jr, John Edwin Fahrlander Philip Tfendell Shew Ric'h¿rd B¿ncroft H¿rty Samuell Thomas Worthington, Jr. Eilmund Zander IN ru¿ Scuoor. oF LAv Sannmø Caw Løade Julio Cesor Cueto Rua ) Cam Løude Jullo Barboza Blll Ilank Kryzda Hector Martlns Bern¿le¡ Moises Roßenberg Melnick fN Penrrxs Scrroor- oF TrrEolocy 'ÍYitb Hrgb Honors Rsy Lce H¿rt 'Vitb Honars John llans Brand Bruoe Carlgon Galloway Donald Lee Forsman '!Íorth lleley Gibson Howard Lyn Ramgey t' 4 HONOR SOCIETIES IN rrrs Cor.r,ncs or Anrs ¡Np Sclel{cBs Pbì Betø Køþþø Margaret Ann Alllson I¡ouise Kent Kane Martha Fern Atteberryr Elinor Janice Klrby Ba¡bars Ann Ballard John lIarry LaPrade Ernæt B. Beatty Shlrley Anne Lobdell Barbara Diane Broilee Barbar¿ Lynette Mc0lung Beverly Lou Campbell Peggy Ann Ntchols Mctr'orlar¡d Iva Marie Cameron Ruth Sowell Mtilis Robert Ronald C¡ements Iæ Girard Pondrom George Calloway Cochran, IIlr Julia Ann Rankin Mildred Carolyn, Ellls Patrlcla Loulee Shrlvert Robert Charlæ Gent¡¡ Robert IIye¡ Thom¡s Marion S¿rah Goldma¡ Waltêr Blngham Watßo¡ Mary Anne Hein D¿vid Robert TV'eskley Richard Gordon lføford Rebs'Gerane Barber'Weet Mary Owen Jones Mabel Katherlne Wtlhttß Eleanor Joan Jord¿¡ Henry Yeager, Jr. Alþbø I^ønbdø Detrtø C¡.¡,ss on 1955 Marian Frances Anné Marjorie Ellen Lucas Martha Fem Aiteberry Sue Manton Barbara Baker IPAnne McAdams Dorothy Franceg Bayer Wlnnie Ruth McEntee Fr¿ncæ Jane Bl¿ckburn Edrrins Lynn Millican Helen Marjorie Bndberrly Pat¡icla Ann Mæræ Betty Ross Breelanil Bettye Frances Morris Myra Lou Bræks Patricla Ann Moyer Joan Cararas Carlene Jo Nwland Anita Ca¡lin Mary Carolyn Parker Jean Clark Mergaret Lee P¿rr Carol Lynn Cl¿yb¿ugh Elizabeth Anne Ple¡ce Mon¿ Lee Cluok Janlce Lynn Robbins Barbala Jean Cæk Ann Nell Rogge Elizabeth Cozby Jean Edna Rooke Ad¿ Fay Delancy Barbam Ann Ruesell Dorothy Diers Hattle Carolyn Schlipf Marion Allce Fladger Joan Schnelder Mary Jæephine Foote Nancy Marie Shaw Gail Fultz Petricia Sh¡iver Betty Love Funderburk Julia Fav Sterk Elsbeth Anne Graham Ruth St¡uble Martha Harlan Lucia Sutton Alexandria Louiee l{aroz Geo¡gann Tims Jean llarrison Vlfginia Sue'lVolfe Traylor Eleanor Henderson Helvn Sue May Adelaide Hinken Maigaret Je¿nne'Wríght Julia Jones Gretchen Glenn¿ Zelske Patricia Anne Krebs Ksy Ardith Zimmerman Nancy Dale Lackcy Pbi Etø Sìgmø Cr"¡ss or 1955 Francis Maurice B¡inkmeyer Richard Eueene O'Brien Roy Gilbert Downing Fred McKinney Penn Burton Cyril Einspruch Charl* Reitl Roberts Jæ Hen¡y Griffith Law Sone, Jr, James Sevier Killough Morton Lee Susm¿n Sterling HaU Middlngs Louis G. 'fi/eil Jack \ü¿ril Myers John Tumer'Wh¿rton Carl Ernest Nauen Thomas Eugene Wood .Elected in Junior year 5 Køþþø Tøø Alþhø Jack Earl Marghall Doris Jan Stewart Lillie Steele Pitts Annette Whietle David Lynn Riley IN rHe Scrroor or BusrNrss ApvuNrsrnrr¡oN Beta Gømmø Sigrnø James Tlacy Caruth Rich¡rd Coke Hogan Dorothy Grace Downey tr'rank lVe¿ver Roge h.r rrrs Scnoor- oF Muslc Pi Køþþø Lømbdø Annellon Livingstone Zelda Lynn Sandler Donna Jane O'Steen Nelia C¿rolyn lMright I IN rr¡¡ Scrroo¡. oF ENGINEER¡NG Sìgnø Tøa Marne M. Blickensderfer David Lelie Falmer, Jr. Ilarvey Edmond Bradshaw Will¿rd Ðugene Pirtle Iæon¿rd J¿mæ Donohoe Robert Howard Rector Jesse Boger Forester Robert Lêonerd Rme, Jr. Robert Dee G¿ttig Paul Adolph Schulz, Jr. Itrilllam James Hu¡ren Philip Wendell Shew No¡man Shirley Ince Ðavid Selig Shriro Thomæ Mason Moffis Samuel Thomas Worthington, Jr. Bobby Gene Neeld Edmund Zander , IN THE Scrroor. oF LA\r Oiler ol' tlte'V ool'søck Dean Vincent Grossnickle Ernest Eugene Marlaùt John Jæeph Kilgariff Robcrt Wallace Pack t 6 J*orJo UNryeRsrrY Atrþhø Lønbdø Deltø Seøior Booh" A llouise Kent Kane lMrrgrr.t Allison Ross Breeland Nþba Lømbda Deltø Scholørshìp Helen Marjorie Bradberry Barbara Jean Cook Carol Lynn Claybaugh Cbì Oøega Alumnae Auørd---------- --------Martha Fern .A.tteberry Cbi O.tøegø Awørd. ìø Sociology- -------------Carol Rogers Aldrege Michaelson Qokesbury Librøry A Paul L. Morell j Reba Gerane Barber Vest Decima Løntern-------- --------------Sally Bright Sufton Dorotby Amøøø s"þhr*;;'-A.;;¡-.-.----:-:"-. - - -- -- il;i Ñ'-il.;i;;i Edgør A, DeVitt Acbìeueweøt Autørd---------- ------------Robert Chades Genrry Møry McCord Sþeecb Awørd---------- Pltì Etø Sigmø Freshman Awørd--- ---------------------Louis G. \Øeil Pi Lø¡nbdø Thetø Autard- -------------------Sue Manron R. E. ¿. Sønn Awørd in Orøtory---- ----------Gerald Kendall Fugit Soutbern Metbodist Aniuersity ltlotbers Club Scbolørsbìþ--------------------Beverly Jane Bery Tbe Larry Bell Awøri.-- -----------John E. F¿hrlander T¡rB Corr,scr or Anrs tNp Scrs\Tcns Eriø Bøiø loøes Conþørøtiue Lìterøture Scbolørshìþs---------- tConstence Ann McAlester I Louise Kent Kane Robert L. Thornton Leadership ,{.ward--------- ---,----------- --Valerie Joyce Sellors Sigmø Detrta Cbi Scholørshiþ Autørd.s---- Alvin B. Scroggin ) Doris Jean Stewart i;gmø Del,ta Chi Acbieuement Awørd- - -------Francis E. Murray T¡le Scgoor. o¡' BusrN¡ss r4.ourN¡stnauorr Alþbø Køþþø Psì Scbolørshìþ Key --------- ---.James Tracy Caruth ?gltø .Sigy! Pi Scholørsbiþ Kty----------- _ Richard Coke Hogan Phi Cbi Thetø Schokrsbip Key----- -----------Lucia Katherine R-ick T¡rn Scsoor, or Musrc ßlizøbeth Reø Crocket A oe Alton Landreth Mu Pbì Eþsi,loø Jane O'Steen -7--- Træ Scrloor, or E¡tcrNr¿n¡Nc fHw. Charles Baker Prìzes Døllas Tecbnìcal Cløb Fresbøøn Eøgìneeriøg - - { Francis Maurice Brinkmeyer lsterling Hall Middings Sëgmø Tø, Freshnøø ack \Øard Myers THB ScHoor or L¡,v The Cørrington, Goutaø, lobøson 4> Vølker Fìrst Yeøt Løut Púze------------ ----Billy Eugene Brico TIte DøIløs Løwyns Vìues Club Second Yeu Prize 19r1----------------.A.rmine Cerol Ernst Tlte l.'Voodøll RoìIgers Senìor Medøl 1912------------- --John Joseph Kilgaritr Træ Pnnrnqs Scr¡oor, oF THEoLocY Place.----..----------------------Charles Fromer Tbe B'nøi B'rìtb Award. Second Place--------'{Øilliam Irving Smith, Jr The Doctor ønd Mrs. l. P. Brøy Atuard iø Hebrew.--- John Carlton Gilbert Tbe V. B. Delnnett Awørd. ìø Ho'¡niletìcs-------------------- ----------- -----James Ffoey Kepler Hassell Browning The Cbørles T. and lessìe Jømes Bìble Charles Kivet Robi¡son Charles Louis Fromer Bishoþ lobn M. Moorc Fellousbi fRay Lee Hart lNorman \l¡oods Spellmann Tbe Cbørles Claade *Ieunaø Auud iø Neu Testønrmt Greeþ.---- ----Robert Nuckols \7'atkin, Jr. THr Gnapuete ScHoor., 79r2-r, orman Jamison Bennett Paul Valter Horn T Jackie Lloyd \Ø¿tkins Doris Ingle Swtbnn Metboilist Uniansity Schohrsbip-- ---------,--Billy Conrad Flenderson Tntstee Grødt¿te Scbohrshiír Gordon Hamilton George Markel Metbodkt Collcge Scbolarcbì Bill Nighswonger Pool Fern Hart Texas Scholarsbiþ*------- - , ---------Billy Paul Jones I THE CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN COURSE The øødìmce utill relrøtø lrom øþþlause darìng confnriøg of degrees. Candidates for the degrees of Bachelor of Arts ¿nd Bachelor of Science will be presented by Pnornsson Fnr,prnrcr D¡Nrs¡uny SralrH, Ph.D., Deøn ol løstructlon, College of Arts øøil Sciences.
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