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MAY, 1932 Volnme48 Nomber4 The Arrow Staff Arrow Editor: MABEL SCOTT BROWN (Mas. R. D.), 983 Main St., Hartford, Conn. As.ristanl Editor and Business Mat/oger: DOROTHY JEFFREY WULP (Mas. CEaRGE A.), 52 N. Quaker Lane, W est Hartford, Conn. Allw'Hce Club Editor: Rl"TH GII.I.AN GOIUILE (MRS. HARRY C.), tl17 North St., Peoria, Ill. Chapter Letter Editor: CANDACE SECOR, 1224 43rd St., Des Moines, Iowa. NrtVs frot" Little Pigeon; MARY CooPER FROST, 1635 Gaylord St., Denver. Colo. Excha"ges a"d College Notes: GAIL DEWOLF, 4649 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. From Pi Phi Pens: ANNA HOLM DEMON'SEIGLE (MRS. EDMUND F.), 8 Inlet Terrace, Belmar, N.J. Arrow File: INEZ WEBSTER, 325 N. Prairie St., Galesburg, Ill. Arron· Contributors.' Anna Lytle Brannon; Marguerite Harwood Elder; Mary Virginia Hudson; Mary A li ce Jones; Blanche Charlton Curtis ; Juanita Day Carman; Helen Hawthorne Tottle; Ethel Chamberlain Porter; Helen Milam; Nevada Semenza Christi an; Mercedes Baker Jorgulesco; Mar garetta Spence. Change of Addretltl When you change your address for THE ARROW please filJ out the following form and mail it at once to Pi Beta Phi Central Office, Bloomington, Ill. NOTE: Mailing list closes Sept. 1, Nov. 1, Feb. 1, May 1. To have THE ARROW forwarded, ask the person forwarding to attach sufficient postage to the wrapper. Otherwise the Post Office re turns it to the Central Office. Present datc ... : . ..... .. .. Chapter . ............... Date of Init .. .. ...... Married Name . ... .. .. .. ... .... ... ...• 0 •• ••••• • •••• •• ••••• • ••• •• • • • • • • • ••• • Maiden Name .... , .. .... .. .. ....... .. .............. ....... .... ... FORMER ADDRESS Street and Number .... ......................................... .. .. .. City and State ... .................... ... .......... .. ............... .. .. PRESENT ADDRESS for THE Auow. (Check one.) Permanent. ............. .. Temporary ... ,. ..... ... .. (UntiL ........... 19 .... ) Street and Number .............. ..... .... .. .. ............... ....... .. City and State . .. .......... ........ .. ............................... PERMANENT ADDRESS FOR NATIONAL DIRECTORY ( Ho ...) Street and Number ... .... ...... .. ............ .... .. ...... ........... City and State . .. ........ ........................ ........ •.......•.. Official fraternity title, if any .. ................................ ....... .. 11 CONTENTS for Ma y, 1932 Vol. 48 No.4 p(Jge Calendar .............. .. .......................... ...... IV Fraternity Di rectory ......... ...... .. ........... V Editorials .. ................... .. ......... ..... ........ 565 The Staff of TUE ARRow. •. .. 566 A Century of Progress, by Martita McGrew. ... .. .. ...... .... 570 Carrie Chapman Calt, by Mercedes J orgulesco . .. 571 Sheep-Skins and Pocketbooks, by Vera Kelsey . 573 Mortar Board M embers. 575 Concerning a Certain Mortar Board Chapter . .. 580 Texas Beta Gives Award. .. 580 Three Hundred Miles More to Go, by Louise F. Bache. .. 581 Kee p Health Up and Food Costs Down, by Beatrice Halt . .. 583 Chicago Business Girls Form "Toilers" Group . • . 584 The lIIinois Beta Round Robin. .. 584 Jn the Land of the Two Rivers . .. 585 Reminiscences o f I. C. Members . .. 586 The American ursery School, by Edna Noble W hit L" . 587 Hacienda del Sol, Out-West School for Girls. .. .. ........ .. 589 May It Please the Court, by JUII ' Pickells . .. 590 Lecturing in Great Britain, by Ethel C. P orter . .. 591 Through War-Torn China, by Margaret Thomas Mackell~i, ....... 592 A Gift from the Friends of Mountain Children . .. .. .. .. .... 593 The Puppet Theater at Westhampton, by D eall May Lansfield K eller 594 A New H ouse a nd a New Plan at Denver . .. .. 596 Pi Phi Personalities.. .. 597 News from Little Pigeon . .... ............ ... .. .... .. ... .. 603 Arrow Cra f ters . ............. .. •.. .. ........ .. 607 From Pi I hi Pens.. .. • . 608 In Memoriam . • . .. 612 Alumna! Personals ..... ..... ............... .. • . .. 616 Alumna! Club ews .. ........ .. .. ... .. ... ............. ' 624 Chapter Letters . .. 640 Exchanges . ... ........ .... .... .... ........ .. ... ........ 671 TSE ARROW is published four times a year, in September, November, February and May. by Pi Beta Phi Fraternity at the press of the George Banta Publishing Company. All subscriptions should be sent to Pi Beta Phi Central Office. Bloomington, Ill. Subscription pri ce $1.50 per year; 50 cents for single copics; $15 life subscription. Application has been mad e for transfer of original entry from Hartford, Conn ., to Bloomington, III ., with secondary entry at Menasha, Wis. Acceptance for mailing at special rates of po stage provided for in Secti on 1103, Act o f Octoher 3, 1917, authorized August IS, 1918. III OFFICIAL CALENDAR ColWJlwU~tJon. ror u.. Cell,,",l OftIoe pould be addre5IIeCI : PI Beta Pbl Central 011108. UIOOlJlln llwlI. III. Vor .~ 01 olller oft\cer., consult the Jl'ntemlt¥ DireclOl'J' Immedlatel7 followlnl', omdal Calendar hi lbl, tuue. LI. of hlanu Ind Olhft' 0111)111:'1. with prlOl!t. 011. Iut. PQC'I at t.h.l, lillie. S veelal anllounoementa foJJow U.e .-nt.eml.U Dlrecto17. Marcil 31. lI'lnal date for pledae euminaUona. J"lnal date for m&1llq or anllual rr.terult;r ex&mlDaUoot, to pnmnoe wpenlaora. AII,II I. Chapter letter mould ~ maUed to Chapter Letter Editor. :!u: =~ ~ih.~~ '81~ed~w:.11UII' AlilrU to. Cop)' for 1l&J' ARnOW u mailed by EdItor to publ1sb.er. April IS. Ahmuut aaUonal dues mUit. aU be In. A,,-II 2•. Founftn' D..,. Alumma unite with. near· eet act1l'1 chltur in celebration of the "ent. MI), I. CbaDter corre«pOadlna MCl'etariea abould 1IeIld. Ill: CIOPlM of annual report to Central Offtoe and one 10 proTlDoe Pf'Mldeot. Prorinoe SUIll"ilOrs at natemlt.r Study Ind Xx amln.tlon Ibould mall &nnual oon.olldated rel)Ort.l to the Cornmlltee Ch&111D&D.. ":rut!!. N:J'~':,. ~ ~~~~~:.J:n,l!~ Uon and BtlrYe!' rePOrt to Central otftee. B lanD will ban been lMued. for th_ In' Cenlnl omoe. Chairman of ahapte!' ..::bo\arablll ooounlltee ahollld lend to bet' pro'f1noe tCholanbJp IUpenlaor and ..ao to the ebainnan of the .t&ndiDI commJttee OD ecbolarehlp lhe na_ and addreIMI. home a nd ool Ieee of the mernben of the cbapter .:ho1&nbJp com mlUee tor the eJUU1nc oo11e.e "ear. M ~X:-Cb:~r t~~~':d =~tta:f~ =~=~:::!6D~d naUonal aJ.WIIJlI8 dUel lo May 51. Club n.c:al year enda. Settlement Behoot eoD LribuUon IDIlA be mailed before mJ4nlght to proylDce rice prtII1deoLa. Club pralden&a' queaiOllD&I.fte lent to prot1nee nee president&. LULl or otI!.cen _t by dub eorretJ)On~ l!Cf'et.artN to pUM)R& lnd.lcated on blanD. Jln. I . Ch&1rman ot aJ.UDUUIII adTilory oommlue. IIbould Rnd. to Centnl 0ftl0ll three coptel of al ~ ad.uor:r oommlttee u.t.. and one to ~ pree;i dm< CUI)ler OO~J)Ond.lnl MCl'et.artei tend to Central omoa nine copt.. Of lilt of olIIoan for faU tenD. and one to proytnce pred4enL Be aure to cha UP and Me Lbat all lD.ILlatea for Lbe "ear han been reported to Lbe CeotnJ Otftoe and entered In Lbe card. ladu. CbaptM oorrelpondiD( .eeret&rlel tend to Cen\r&l. oatce 8etlWanber cb.a.a.- of add.~ Ql.ap&er Pubellen1c ,.pneenLaU.. eboUld .end to rraUlratt7 f\!PI't!I8eI1t&t1" In N.uonaJ. PanlulUenle ConrreN deLaUed rePOrt on Pa.nheUen1e oondlUoo. LD h. coUep. J ... 10. AnanlaJ. Repor&a of NaUonal Oftlcen, prot'- 1nce pn:aIdenw, pro'f1Qoe nOlI prMIdenr.. and eba1r maD of ILand.lna: oommItteeli aboUld " tent to Orand Secretary for IlIO at Imnr meeUnt: of the ~=-~re~ru r:=d -:'oul:aJ.~ ~u: dull IIICI'et.arleI to lbe AlWllDll!: Club J:d1tor. J II n. II. Chairman of diapte!' oommlttee on Iebol&r lhip Ibould IeDd nam... Dbotocrapbt.. and brW tmewritten bloP'apbiee ot all hODOr craduac.ea to tbe dWrman ot D&UonaJ. ltboIuUlJp oommlu-.. J .... An.nuaJ. lIIeMlDa ot Orand Coudl. FRATERNITY DIREcrOBY FOUNDERS OF THE FRATERNITY M.arprec Camobdl. 116 E. Fint An., Monmouth. IlL Libbie Brook C.ddil (JIll, .. M. E.), A.on. DL Fanny Wlaitenaek Libbey (IIrL lfoward).J 704 Stimson Bid,., Suttie, Wash. Inez Smitb Soule (Mra. ),(el .. ille C.), 31)~ N. L St. Tacoma Wu"'. ennie Horne Turnbull (Mu.. Thomas B.', 2229 N. S3rd St., Wrnnfield. Philaddphta, Pa. ennie Nicol, 11.0. (d~) . annie ThoatlOll (deu.ued). ~Nauer IIIxk Wollou (d<CeU<d). Ada Bruen Griti' (deceucd). Rou Moore (dc.cc.ued). Emma Brownlee KilJOre (deceued). Clara Brownlee HutcllinlOD (deceased) . PRESIDENT EMERlTt;S Ka,. L. Keller, Westhampton ColiC-Ie, Uni't'etsitJ' or RicbmOlld, Va. GRAND COUNCIL GrtJ"d Pr.sidut-Amr Burnham Onken, Ch3pin. III. Crll"d VW:. P'l'Iid"",t-Ruth Barrett Smith (Mra. Warren T.), 10637 Le Conte A't'c., Los Anac1c1, Calif. Cra.d S,.cr"'.r1--Nita Hill Stark (Mrs. Lutcher), Oun,e. Tex. Gr,,"" T'.UM,,.,-Loia Franklin Stool man (lin. A. W .>, 1001 S. Third St., Champaip, Ill. Arr01ll Edi'or-Vabel Scott Brown (Mn. Robson D.), 983 Wain St., Hartford, Coon. Asrlst ... , 16 Gr.M Pr,..nd,..,- Ma.rluetta Fenn Putman (Mra. Redinl), 120 We.tbourne Ter-rat.e, Brookline 1I.a.u. As';s"•• , '6 CrG." Vic. Pnsid.-t-Jane White Comer (Mra. Harry F.~, Chapel Hill, N.C. Asm,o.' '0 GrG"" TN'asw,"- Saru Fiaher, 504 E. Daniel St., Champ.IID, DI. NATIONAL HISTORIAN Grace Filler, 208 N. Wayne AYe., Wayne, PL NATIONAL BOARD OF TRUSTEE FUNDS ChawltJG_Loia Franklin Stoolman (Mn. A. \V.), 1001 S. Third St .• Cha:rian, Ill.; Anoe Stuart, 1906 D St., Lincoln, Neb.; Anna Tannahill Buonon ().In. M. A. , ·U7 Power St., Helena, Moot.; Jennie Barber Plym (Mrs. Francis ].), Sirna. Pt., NUe .. Mi . ; Amy Burnham Onken, Chapin, 111. NATIONAL SUPERVISOR OF CHAPTER ACCOUNTING Helen Kammerer McKmdre,.. (Mra. Ed. L), 111 E. 80th St., New York, N.Y. PI BETA PHI MAGAZINE AGENCY Mra. Warren Miller, '345 Perahinl Ave., St. Louis, Mo. PI BETA PHI CENTRAL OFFICE VI,.eclDr 0/ C ...,r.' Ol1iclt- lkatrice Stephenson. Bloomiolton, 111. COMl.t:ITrEE ON ENDOWMENT FUND Helen Richard50n Corkum (Mr•. Howard), 104 Ray, Manchester, N.H., C/uJi,.",o .. ; Mar,uerite Grayhill Lewia (Mrs. Arthur H.), 3635 Campbel1. KanD.~ City, Mo .. Trt'Psu,.e,.; Louise F. Bache, c/o Natl. Probation Aun., 450 Seventh Ave., N.Y. Cit1J...PMblicily; A, Irma Brasher WOOCU (Mn_ Homer M.), 196 North St., Buffalo N.Y.; B, .tlorence Hutchinson Kewley (Mra.