Detroit Man After He Al- Another Friend Said He Thinks Poole Ing from a Trip to Belle Isle), but Was Believe Was with 17-Year-Old As of Press Time, Funeral Arrange
- Section Gross~ Pointe ~ws A ---------------_._----------------_._---- -----~ -- ---------- - ------_._--------------- P~bJl.hed a. Seeond cr... Matt .. at the 30e P.. Copy 36 Pages-Three Sections VOL. 42-NO, 27 'olt OIlJe. al Det,olt, Michigan GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1981 $13 h, Yeo, ~------ ---~_._. ----------------------- Stop thief! Struck by props, Lock your • ten-speed youth dies III By Joanne Gouleche T,' t' t' ,. .... • .1. L" ~1I" ~Ull~ 01 Y~,Il. lor /:i!P- pmg lemonade, basking in the boatillg 111ishap sun and stealing bicycles accord- ing to Grosse Pointe police By Tom Greenwood Wojcik's body was recovered Sun. officials, day afternoon near the seawall .by the "I tried to hold him as long Crescent Sail Yacht Club, not far More than 600 bikes were as I could, but he just slipped from where he was killed, snatched away last year from away." With those words, an Grosse Pointe driveways, ga- As of :I!onday, June 29, the incident obviously distraught Bill Ku- rages and in front of local busi- was slill under investigation, accord. zenko retold how 15-year-old nesses. The trend appears to be ing to Farms Detective Sgt. George Gregory Wojcik died in Lake S~, VanTiem. continuing in 1981. Clair last Thursday afternoon. No charges have ,been made against Figures on stolen bikes usually soar Ravine who, upon advice of legal According to police reports, Wojcik, this time of year, police say. because counsel, did not make a statement of Ridgemont Road, drowned after there are just more of them on city to police.
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