My personal experiences with the great sport TRIATHLON

The triathlon sport startet in the US in the seventies and came to in the eighties. My first competition was in Køge in 1985. I did well and it was a succes from the start. My background as a runner was really helping me, and I did a fast running time. My bike and swim were on a much lower level at that time.

In 1986 I did 5 triathlons events in Denmark and was in top 10 in all of them. Ofcourse I enjoyed it. I was a young guy trying to make the most of it, and was really focused on the competitive side of it. The swim training were often in Østersøen, because at that time I lived on the Island . The first triathlon event on Bornholm was in 1986, and guess who was number one ? You may say I was the triathlon star on Bornholm for some years - on this beautiful Island, and I was really enjoying the training too. The Island has good possibillities for swimmning in the Østersøen, and the roads are fine for cycling too. My running was often in the forrest and it was like a farytale for me in a way.

The black and white picture is from 1987 – my second win on Bornholm. The other is from 2015 in at Amager beach. In 1987 I did 11 triathlon events and the highligts were at the Nordic Championsship ( half IM distance ) and the Danish Triathlon Cup on the 1/10 IM distance ( was number 9 and remember water temperature was 13 degrees – very special). Both events were in Sønder- Jylland. That was the start of my triathlon eventure part 1, and it went on a couple of years further. Did not make the national team – but it was a very extra ordinary period of time in my life, and I will always remember it.

The national cup in 1987 – price ceremoni. At that time one of my sponsors was New Balance. Number 8 is Mogens Strange ( beside me ) – he was on the national team that year.

My ” part 1 triathlon eventure ” stops in 1990 – I think my last competition was on Bornholm. I went on as a racing cyclist for some years before retirering from elite sports as an atlet in year 2000. But the interrest for sports and especially triathlon went on, and in 2010 I tried the first Copenhagen 4-18-4 at , and then I was ” hooked ” again. I have now taken all 7 of them, and it really is a fantastic event in all means.

The picture is from KMD 4-18-4 Cpoenhagen 2015 – it is me in the ” speedos ”.

I really like the combination of swimming, cyling and running – you might say it is a complete form of psycical training – that's why I still doing it. Now I call it ” Part 2 ” of my triathlon eventure, and my coal for 2016 is IM 70.3 Kronborg and in 2017 the ultimate goal : IM 140.6 Copenhagen. I have done several so called half IM – but never the full IM. So I am still motivated and very fokused on the future. I am sure the 2017 IM Copenhagen will be one of my biggest adventures ever, and I am really looking forward to DO IT ! The picture is right after completing the swim course ( 3800 m ) at Amager Stranpark in 2012 ( relay ) – looking forward to do that again in 2017.

Best wishes to all of you who is going to particitpate in triathlon events in the future. See you out there !


Tino Brahmer Svendsen Age : 49 Country : Denmark