The Coral Triangle Atlas: an Integrated Online Spatial Database System for Improving Coral Reef Management
University of Wollongong Research Online Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts - Papers Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts 2014 The orC al Triangle Atlas: An Integrated Online Spatial Database System for Improving Coral Reef Management Annick Cros The Nature Conservancy Nurulhuda Ahamad Fatan WorldFish Centre Alan White The Nature Conservancy Shwu Jiau Teoh WorldFish Centre Stanley Tan WorldFish Centre See next page for additional authors Publication Details Cros, A., Fatan, N. Ahamad., White, A., Teoh, S. Jiau., Tan, S., Handayani, C., Huang, C., Peterson, N., Li, R. Venegas., Siry, H. Yusran., Fitriana, R., Gove, J., Acoba, T., Knight, M., Acosta, R., Andrew, N. & Beare, D. (2014). The orC al Triangle Atlas: An Integrated Online Spatial Database System for Improving Coral Reef Management. PLoS One, 9 (6), e96332-1-e96332-7. Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: The orC al Triangle Atlas: An Integrated Online Spatial Database System for Improving Coral Reef Management Abstract In this paper we describe the construction of an online GIS database system, hosted by WorldFish, which stores bio-physical, ecological and socio-economic data for the 'Coral Triangle Area' in South-east Asia and the Pacific. The ad tabase has been built in partnership with all six (Timor-Leste, Malaysia, Indonesia, The Philippines, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea) of the Coral Triangle countries, and represents a valuable source of information for natural resource managers at the regional scale. Its utility is demonstrated using biophysical data, data summarising marine habitats, and data describing the extent of marine protected areas in the region.
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