List of Abbreviations

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List of Abbreviations List of Abbreviations A. C. Appeal Cases, English Law Reports, r8gr-. Aetas de las Sesiones Aetas de las Sesiones del Congreso Sud-Amer­ icano de Derecho Internacional Privado, Buenos Aires, r88g. Adl. Clem. Sammlung von Entscheidungen zum Handels­ gesetzbuch, zusammengestellt von Adler und Clemens, fortgesetzt von Friedlander (Austria). Ala. Alabama Reports. All E. R. All England Law Reports, Annotated. Allg. BGB. Allgemeines Biirgerliches Gesetzbuch (Aus- tria). Allg. HGB. Allgemeines Handelsgesetzbuch (Austria). All g. W echselord- Allgemeine Wechselordnung (Germany). nung A. L. R. American Law Reports, Annotated. Am. Dec. American Decisions ( Select Cases) . Am. J. Int. Law American Journal of International Law. Am. Jur. American Jurisprudence. San Francisco, New York, 1936-. Am. Marit. Cas. American Maritime Cases. Am. Rep. American Reports. Annales de Droit Annales de droit commercial et industriel Commercial fran~ais, etranger et international, fondees par M. E. Thaller, Paris, r887-. Ann. Cas. American Annotated Cases. Annuaire Annuaire de l'Institut de droit international. Annual Digest Annual Digest of Public International Law Cases, London. Annual Survey Annual Survey of American Law, New York University School of Law. Annuario Dir. Camp. Annuario di diritto comparato e di studi legis­ lativi. App. Cour d'appel; corti d'appello. App. Cas. Appeal Cases, English Law Reports, 1876- r8go. xxxi XXXll LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS App. D.C. Appeal Cases, District of Columbia. App. Div. New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division Reports. Arch. Civ. Prax. Archiv fiir die civilistische Praxis (Germany) . Arch. Jud. Archivo judiciario (Brazil). Ariz. Arizona Reports. Ark. Arkansas Reports. Asp. Marit. Cas. Aspinall's Maritime Cases. Atl. Atlantic Reporter, National Reporter System (United States). Atl. (2d) Atlantic Reporter, National Reporter Sys­ tem, Second Series. Bankarchiv Bankarchiv, Zeitschrift fiir Bank- und Borsen­ wesen, Frankfurt a. M. und Berlin, 1901-. Barb. S.C. Barbour's Supreme Court Reports, New York, 67 vols. Baxt. (Tenn.) Baxter's Tennessee Reports, vols. 6o-68. Bay.ObLG. Bayerisches Oberstes Landesgericht. Bay.ObLGZ. Sammlung von Entscheidungen des Bayer- ischen Obersten Landesgerichts in Zivil­ sachen. BBl. Bundesblatt der Schweizerischen Eidgenossen­ schaft. B.C. British Columbia Reports. B.&C. Barnewall and Cresswell, English King's Bench Reports. Belg. Jud. Belgique judiciaire. Gazette des tribunaux belges et etrangers. Bell Oct. Bell, Octavo Reports, Scotch Court of Session. BG. Bundesgericht (Switzerland). BGB. Biirgerliches Gesetzbuch (Germany) . BGE. Entscheidungen des Schweizerischen Bundes- gerichtes. Amtliche Sammlung. Bibb (Ky.) Bibb's Kentucky Reports, vols. 4-7. Bing. N.C. Bingham, New Cases, English Common Pleas. B. & L. Browning & Lushington, English Admiralty Reports. Bl. f. Ziirch. Rspr. Blatter fiir ziircherische Rechtsprechung. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS XXXlll Bl. IPR. Blatter fiir Internationales Privatrecht, Bei­ lage der Leipziger Zeitschrift fiir Deutsches Recht. B. Mon. (Ky.) Ben Monroe, Kentucky Reports, vols. 4D-57· Bolze Die Praxis des Reichsgerichts. Herausgegeben von Bolze (Germany). Boyce Boyce's Delaware Reports, vols. 24-30. Brit. Year Book Int. British Year Book of International Law. Law B. & s. Best & Smith, English Queen's Bench Reports. Bull. Inst. Int. Bulletin de l'Institut juridique international, Leyde. Originally: Bulletin de l'Institut intermediaire international. Bull. Soc. Legis!. Bulletin de la Societe de legislation com- Comp. paree (France). BW. Burgerlijk W etboek (the Netherlands). C. A. Court of Appeals. Cal. California Reports. Cal. App. California Appeals Reports. Cal. L. Rev. California Law Review. Cambr. L. J. Cambridge Law Journal. Cam. Apel. Camara de apelaciones de la capital (Argen- tina). Cam. Com. Cap. Camara comercial de la capital (Argentina). Cam. Fed. Cap. Camara federal de la capital (Argentina). Can. Bar Rev. Canadian Bar Review (Toronto). Can. L. R. Canada Law Reports, Exchequer Court and Supreme Court. Can.L. T. Canadian Law Times. Can. Sup. Ct. Canada Supreme Court Reports, 64 vols. Cass. Cour de cassation; Corte di cassazione. Cass. civ. Chambre civile de la cour de cassation. Cass. req. Chambre des requetes de la cour de cassation. C. B. (N. S.) Common Bench Reports, New Series (Scott), 20 vols. c. c. Civil code; code civil ; c6digo civil. C. C. A. Circuit Court of Appeals (United States). C. C. H. Commerce Clearing House. C. Civ. Proc. Code of Civil Procedure. C. Com. Commercial code, code de commerce, c6digo de comercio. 2 XXXIV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Ch. Chancery Division, English Law Reports, I89I-. Ch.D. Chancery Division, English Law Reports, I876-I890. C.J. Corpus Juris (United States). C.J. S. Corpus Juris Secundum (United States). Cl. and F. Clark and Finnelly's Reports, House of Lords Cases. Clunet Journal du droit international. Fonde par Clunet, continue par Andre-Prudhomme. C. Marit. Code maritime. C. Obi. Code of Obligations, Obligationenrecht (Switzerland) (See Swiss C. Obi.). C6digo Bustamante See Bustamante Code in the Table of Statutes. Cod. lust. Codex Iustinianus. Col. L. Rev. Columbia Law Review. Colo. Colorado Reports. Com. Cas. Commercial Cases (England). Commw. L. R. Commonwealth Law Reports (Australia). Conn. Connecticut Reports. Contemporary Law Contemporary Law Pamphlets, New York Pamphlets University School of Law. Cornell L. Q. Cornell Law Quarterly. C. P. Div. Common Pleas Division, English Law Re­ ports, I875-I88o, 5 vols. Cro. Car. Croke, English King's Bench Reports, temp. Charles I (3 Cro.). Czechoslovakia, Int. Law of March I I, I 948 (Czechoslovakian Priv. Law Collection of Laws, No. I9, of April 10, I948). Ct. Sess. Scotch Court of Sessions Cases. D. Dalloz, Recueil periodique et critique de juris­ prudence, de legislation et de doctrine (France). D. A. Dalloz, Recueil analytique de jurisprudence et de legislation, (continuation of Dalloz, Recueil hebdomadaire de jurisprudence) I94I-. Dak. Dakota Territory Reports. Day (Conn.) Connecticut Reports, by Day, 5 vols. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS XXXV D.C. District of Columbia. Del. Delaware Reports. Deutsche Rechts Z. Deutsche Rechts-Zeitschrift, Tiibingen, 194-7-. D. H. Dalloz, Recueil hebdomadaire de jurispru- dence ( F ranee) . Dig. Digesta (Roman Law). Dir. Int. Diritto internazionale. Publicazione periodica dell 'Istituto per gli studi di politica inter­ nazionale, Milano. Direito Direito. Doutrina, legislac;ao e jurisprudencia, publicac;ao bimestral (Brazil) . Dir. Marit. II diritto marittimo. Revista bimestrale di dottrina, giurisprudenza, legislazione itali­ ana e straniera. Disp. Prel. Disposizioni preliminari ; disposiciones pre- liminares; disposic;ao preliminar. D]Z. Deutsche Juristenzeitung. D.L.R. Dominion Law Reports (Canada) . Dow & Cl. Dow and Clark, English House of Lords Cases, 2 vols. Dt. Justiz Deutsche Justiz. Amtliches Blatt der deut­ schen Rechtspflege, 1933-1941 ( ?) . EG. BGB. Einfiihrungsgesetz zum Biirgerlichen Gesetz- buch (Germany) . Eng. Re. English Reports (full reprint). Eng. Rep. Moak, English Reports (American reprint). Ex.C.R. Exchequer Court Reports (Canada) . Ex. D. English Law Reports, Exchequer Division. F. Fraser, Scotch Sessions Cases, 5th Series. F. (2d) Federal Reporter, Second Series (United States). Fallos Fallos de la Suprema Corte de Justicia Na­ cional con la relaci6n de sus respectivas causas. Publicaci6n hecha por los doctores D. Antonio Tomassi yD. Jose Dominguez, Buenos Aires. Fed. Federal Reporter (United States). Fed. Cas. Federal Cases (United States). Fla. Florida Reports. Foro Ital. II foro italiano. XXXVI LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Foro Ital. Mass. Il massimario del foro italiano. Raccolta quin- dicinale delle massime delle sentenze della cassazione civile. Foro Ital. Rep. Il foro italiano, repertorio. F. Supp. Federal Supplement (United States). Ga. Georgia Reports. Ga. App. Georgia Appeals Reports. Gaz. Pal. Gazette du Palais (France). Giur. Comp. DIP. Giurisprudenza comparata di diritto interna­ zionale privato. Giur. Ital. Giurisprudenza italiana. Giur. Ital. Rep. Repertorio generale annuale della giurispru­ denza italiana. GlU. Sammlung von zivilrechtlichen Entscheidun­ gen des Obersten Gerichtshofes, begriindet von Glaser und Unger (Austria). Gmiirs Abh. Abhandlungen zum schweizerischen Recht. Begriindet von Dr. Max Gmiir. Handelsg. Handelsgericht. Hans. GZ. Hanseatische Gerichtszeitung. (See also Hans. RGZ.) Hans.RGZ. Hanseatische Rechts- und Gerichts-Zeitschrift. Harv. L. Rev. Harvard Law Review. Hbl. Hauptblatt. HGB. Handelsgesetzbuch (Germany) . H.L. House of Lords Cases (Clark), I I vols. (Eng­ land). H.&N. Hurlstone & Norman, English Exchequer Re­ ports, 7 vols. Hof Gerechtshof (the Netherlands). How. Howard, United States Supreme Court Re­ ports. H.R. Hooge Raad (the Netherlands). H.R.R. Hochstrichterliche Rechtsprechung ( Ger- many). ICC. Interstate Commerce Commission Reports. Ida. Idaho Reports. Ill. Illinois Reports. Ill. App. Illinois Appellate Court Reports. Ind. Indiana ,,Reports. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS XXXVll Ind. App. Indiana Appellate Court Reports. Ins. L.]. Insurance Law Journal (New York and St. Louis). Inst. Dr. Int. Institut de droit international. Int. Labour Rev. International Labour Review (International Labour Office), Geneva, I 92 I-. Int. Priv. Law International Private Law. Introd. Law Introductory Law. Iowa Iowa Reports. IPR. Internationales Privatrecht. IPRspr. Die Deutsche Rechtsprechung auf dem Gebiete des internationalen Privatrechts. Beilage der Zeitschrift fur auslandisches
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