Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Humanities PHD THESIS
Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Humanities PHD THESIS DOROTTYA ZSOM CONVERSOS IN THE RESPONSA OF SEPHARDIC HALAKHIC AUTHORITIES IN THE 15th CENTURY Doctoral School of History Dr. Gábor Székely DSc, Professor, Head of the Doctoral School Hebrew and Jewish Studies Program Dr. Tamás Dezső, habil. Reader, Head of the Doctoral Program Members of the examining board and their academic degrees: Chairman: Dr. Sándor Fodor, Professor Referees: Dr. Tamás Turán, Senior Research Fellow Dr. Tamás Iványi, retired Reader Secretary: Dr. Viktória Bányai, Senior Research Fellow Members: Michael L. Miller, PhD, Associate Professor, CEU Carsten Wilke, PhD, Associate Professor, CEU Dr. Oláh János, Reader, ORZSE Supervisor and his academic degree: Dr. Géza Komoróczy CsC, Professor Emeritus Budapest, 2011 Table of contents Notes on transliteration and translations ________________________________________ V Glossary __________________________________________________________________ VI Chapter 1 – Introduction ___________________________________________________ 1 I. Historical background ______________________________________________________ 1 II. Mumarim, anusim, meshummadim __________________________________________ 4 III. Subject and aim of the research _____________________________________________ 5 IV. Sources of the research ____________________________________________________ 7 V. A critical survey of the history of the research __________________________________ 8 VI. Life and works of the authors______________________________________________ 13 VI.1.
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