Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Kaleidoscope by Harry Turtledove Kaleidoscope — Harry Turtledove. THE WEATHER'S FINE In our world, time is money, but in Harry Turtledove's alternate world, weather is time. And for Tom and Donna, happiness requires a temperature of 1968. THE LAST ARTICLE The Nazis had conquered the . But what use were Panzers and storm troopers against the Empire's most troublesome subject -- ? THE CASTLE OF THE SPARROWHAWK Prince Rupen accepted the faeries' challenge to win his heart's desire. And though they told him the price of failure, they did not mention the penalty for success! GENTLEMEN OF THE SHADE If Jack the Ripper was a vampire, who better to stop him than Victorian London's other vampires? And who else but they could arrive at so sublimely fitting a punishment? Kaleidoscope. The world’s #1 eTextbook reader for students. VitalSource is the leading provider of online textbooks and course materials. More than 15 million users have used our Bookshelf platform over the past year to improve their learning experience and outcomes. With anytime, anywhere access and built-in tools like highlighters, flashcards, and study groups, it’s easy to see why so many students are going digital with Bookshelf. titles available from more than 1,000 publishers. customer reviews with an average rating of 9.5. digital pages viewed over the past 12 months. institutions using Bookshelf across 241 countries. Kaleidoscope by Harry Turtledove and Publisher Gateway (UK). Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9780575121447, 0575121440. Kaleidoscope by Harry Turtledove and Publisher Gateway (UK). Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9780575121447, 0575121440. Kaleidoscope (short story collection) Kaleidoscope is a collection of science fiction, fantasy and stories by Harry Turtledove, first published in paperback by Ballantine Books in April 1990. It was later gathered together with his novel Noninterference and collection Earthgrip into the omnibus collection 3 X T , published in hardcover by Baen Books in 2004. The book contains thirteen short short stories and novelettes. Short Stories. "And so to Bed" "Bluff" "A Difficult Undertaking" "The Weather's Fine" "Crybaby" "Hindsight" "Gentlemen of the Shade" "The Boring Beast" (with Kevin R. Sanders) "The Road Not Taken" "The Castle of the Sparrowhawk" "The Summer Garden" "The Last Article" "The Girl who Took Lessons" References. Kaleidoscope title listing at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database. 1990 short story collections Short story collections by Harry Turtledove Works by Harry Turtledove Science fiction short story collections. Help improve this article. About Us Privacy Policy Contact Us. Copyright © World Library Foundation. All rights reserved. eBooks from Project Gutenberg are sponsored by the World Library Foundation, a 501c(4) Member's Support Non-Profit Organization, and is NOT affiliated with any governmental agency or department. The Last Article. " The Last Article " is a short alternate history story by Harry Turtledove (originally published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction , January 1988; reprinted in There Will Be War VII: Call to Battle! (edited by Jerry Pournelle, 1988), the Turtledove collection Kaleidoscope (1990), in The Best Military Science Fiction of the Twentieth Century, (Turtledove and Martin H. Greenberg, eds., 2001), in the omnibus volume 3xT (2004) and in the collection The Best of Harry Turtledove (2021). It was also translated into German and reprinted in the anthology Hiroshima soll leben! ( Hiroshima Shall Live! , Karl Michael Armer, 1990). Set in 1947, "The Last Article" depicts the occupation of India by the Nazis following their victory in World War II. The point of divergence appears to be the success of Operation Sea Lion in 1940. Mohandas Gandhi continues to employ techniques of Satyagraha against the occupation forces led by Field Marshal Walther Model. While the techniques may have worked well against the British, the Germans respond with violence. Despite 's urging that Gandhi to change tactics, Gandhi does not comprehend the horrific violence the Nazis were willing to employ, and refuses. He is finally arrested and summarily executed by Model. The theme of this story is summed up at the end, as Gandhi realizes that his worked because the British were at least capable of being ethical, although they didn't always act ethically. The Nazis, on the hand, were by definition unethical, and so had to be met with force. The story title comes from a line in Gandhi's 1922 address to a British court. " is the first article of my faith. It is also the last article of my creed." Literary Note [ edit | edit source ] Turtledove includes certain details and plot points that suggest that "The Last Article" could take place in the same timeline as In the Presence of Mine Enemies . Specifically, American neutrality during World War II seems the primary Point of Divergence in both, Britain meets defeat early on, and the Soviet Union is finally defeated sometime later. Presence notes that India is a critical part of the Greater German Reich . Turtledove has never addressed this. "The Phantom Tolbukhin" could also fit into the In the Presence of Mine Enemies timeline. However, it cannot be in the same universe as "The Last Article". In "The Phantom Tolbukhin", Georgy Zhukov is killed during Stalin's Great Purge in 1937-8. In "The Last Article", Zhukov is executed by Walther Model in 1946. Since Zhukov is not mentioned in In the Presence of Mine Enemies , neither reference contradicts the longer book. "Shtetl Days" is set perhaps a century after a German victory in WWII. It is unclear whether this work is connected to any of the others. Throughout the Crosstime Traffic Series, we are told of numerous alternates where the Germans won WWII, without any specific detail. Kaleidoscope. Sign up for LibraryThing to find out whether you'll like this book. No current Talk conversations about this book. My reaction to reading this collection in 1994. Spoilers follow. "And So to Bed” -- Samuel Pepys, in a world where Neanderthals were never supplanted by modern man in the New World, develops the theory of evolution. I appreciated Turtledove’s technical skill in reproducing, via diary, Pepys world (and, I assume, style though I never read Pepys) with wit. *“Bluff” -- A story based – with acknowledgements – on the ideas of neurologist Julian Jaynes’ The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of Bicameral Mind. Jaynes postulated that primitive man was not truly conscious (defined by psychologist Helga Stein in this story, as being aware, of manipulating mentally metaphorical representations of objects and ideas) and operated on pattern recognition and habit. (Not as silly as it sounds. As Turtledove points out, complex activities like typing and playing a musical instrument are best done unconsciously.) When a novel situation presents itself, the right side of the brain generates auditory and visual hallucinations – often interpreted as gods and dead ancestors speaking. As earth survey mission finds an entire alien civilization at the Bronze Age level built by unconsciousness aliens. But just as Jaynes’ theory as consciousness developing when things get to complicated, so it is starting in this culture with alien soldier Tushratta (consciousness first begins in merchants and soldiers who deal with strangers who hear other gods’ voices; gradually, they realize that these strangers have inner selves and begin to think of their inner self). A casual poker game with Tushratta and the humans ends in the corruption of the alien culture, the emergence of tyranny, and the beginnings of Tushratta’s consciousness. He is introduced to the idea of bluffing and, its close relation, lying. Turtledove makes a valid point that lying – consciously holding an image of reality and then constructing a distortion of it for social presentation – is a quintessentially conscious act. Tushratta, at story’s end, is plotting his rise to power via the idea of “bluff”. An intriguing story that puts to good use an interesting scientific theory. *“A Difficult Undertaking” -- Basically a pun story set in Turtledove’s alternate Byzantine fantasy universe of the Empire of Videssos; allegedly, this story is based on an incident from Byzantine princess Anna Commena (Turtledove does, after all, have a PhD in Byzantine history) about a soldier escaping a siege by appearing to be dead and transported across enemy lines in a coffin. *”The Weather’s Fine” -- A strange, delightful fantasy based on the conceit that the years and not the temperature changes with the weather. “Year conditioners” maintain a constant time. Objects like clothes and calculators (or slide rules depending on the year) change with time as do people’s money and memories. A couple in the story, a couple with an unpleasant past, reunite as the man decides to leave the Eighties for the year-conditioned sixties his beloved is so fond of. (Appropriately enough, the story is told in present tense.) Rationally the story is absurd and rife with obvious violations of causality, and the society described seems, on close thought, unworkable, but rationality and plausibility are not what pure fantasy is about, and this story is a good, original fantasy. *”Crybaby” -- A mainstream horror story certain to scare prospective parents. Turtledove effectively shows a good, average man driven to near insanity by his colicky baby (Turtledove remarks, in the intro, that one of his daughters was colicky). Gradually he becomes convinced the child is deliberately tormenting him, challenging him to respond. He does, in a rage, and the story ends with the accidental killing of the man’s wife and his suicide. In a typical horror “the monster-is-not-dead” ending, the baby ends up with its aunt and uncle who think they can handle the child’s crying. *”Hindsight” -- This story is one of those cases of a skilled writer making a hoary cliché work. Actually, two hoary cliches here; specifically the idea of a time traveler using knowledge from the future or present to get rich in the past and, a subcategory of this, the time traveler who steals stories to sell them in the past. Here sf writer Pete Lundquist and James McGregor, editor of Astonishing magazine (an obvious reference to James Campbell of Astounding magazine), track down a mysterious sf writer of widely varying styles but always consummate skill. It turns out she’s a woman from the 1980’s – the story is set in the 1950s – who is not only selling other writer’s stories (like Larry Niven’s Neutron Star) but fictionalized accounts of Watergate and the Vietnam War. (She’s also not a total plagiarist but has a legitimate career as an sf writer in the 1980’s.) She’s not only trying to get rich but rather, through her stories, propagandize, via sf, to future engineers and scientists, to inspire them, promote logic, help the fifties maintain the national will the U.S. lost in the Sixties and Seventies. Lundquist is fascinated by her future tech, shocked by a future issue of Playboy he sees, and sexually attracted to her. But, in a surprise – and satisfying – ending, the married Lundquist reject’s writer Michelle Gordian’s advances with the thought that she has chosen to live in 1953 for the era’s virtues which include marital fidelity. Perhaps, Turtledove means us to see Gordian as tainted by the Eighties ethos, including sexual looseness, even though she reviles much in her time and admires the fifties. *”Gentleman of the Shade” -- A Jack the Ripper story featuring the old and distinguished vampires of the Sanguine Club of Victorian London who hunt down – and entomb alive (though there is doubt at story’s end that this will be a permanent solution) – an uncouth, vicious vampire known to us as Jack the Ripper. (The gentleman of the Sanguine Club feed on prostitutes but don’t maim or kill them and their amnesia and anesthetic spittle make the experience sometimes even enjoyable.) A nicely done treatment of the time and its mores. *”The Boring Beast”, Harry Turtledove and Kevin R. Sandes -- A humorous fantasy adventure with Condom the Trojan trying to best, through sheer stupidity, to the Boring Beast and win the hand of a not-so-fair (as it turns out in the end) maiden. *”The Road Not Taken” -- Classic story of furry teddy bear aliens with mediaeval technology bent on interstellar conquest, and the surprise that awaits when they land on modern Earth. *”The Castle of the Sparrowhawk” -- A literal fairy tale about Prince Rupen enduring the trial of the Sparrowhawk (made reference to by Sir John Mandeville, a test involving keeping the sparrowhawk awake for seven days and seven nights) to win the bed, for a day and night, of Princess Oissa. She tries to dissuade him from claiming that particular prize but he insists and claims her but she curses him for his presumption. At story’s end he is deposed, becomes a fugitive, a maimed bandit king who, nevertheless, does not regret his decision. *”The Summer Garden” -- A theme running through some of Turtledove’s work is marital infidelity and marital reconciliation. Here knight Rand wants to bed the beautiful, but married, Dianora. She sets a test, which he magically meets, of creating a summer garden in dead winter. She tearfully tells her husband of this, and he says, if Rand insists, she must have sex with him, that a “woman’s faithfulness lies in her heart, not between her thighs”. Rand, realizing that he will satisfy only his lust and not have Dianora’s love, only submission, frees her from her promise. He knows, like the garden, his love is out of season. I liked the point of this story and its Dunsanian style. *”The Last Article” -- This story strikes me as a well-done alternate history making the valid point, via a conflict between Nazis and Gandhi, that nonviolence only works when used in a tolerant, democratic society. This time I noticed that Gandhi is mentioned advising the Jews, in 1938 after Kristallnacht, to adopt a stance of passive non-resistance – an obvious and horrible shortcoming of his philosophy often not mentioned by those worshipping at his altar. *”The Girl Who Took Lessons” -- A clever and wry mainstream story about a married woman always taking lessons. After a long separation broken by surprisingly skilled and glorious sex on her part, the man realizes she’s been taking lessons in that subject too. A divorce ensues. ( )