Goldsboro to Magnolia Station. I :p* w iMIv >\fnl as our comrades ahead. I Maine Matters. A Disgrace a Century Old. Letter from Washington. Loan and Building Associations. i;m m,ic\\ ,kh rxal. A slim time was given to the joy the news ! Then our KUlhill, NOimi VIC* »I.I\ V iii'pitvd. bugles taking up tin* A.MEKICA A Building Association \i'i ■ Mid 111 i g a >! * falls the as- i»a> outstanding 2000 shares of it* stock. ■ ■ shrilly piped From The battle has been the won, ami nearly t <11 u-1• n 1111 \N rixte n for 11»«* -l.mrna!. Home-Maker for February.] fought, victory -finbi\ and ••fad in men" fame from Till-. \HM.U Otitl KN I S \ I E lo HK "| | l' | It* resources i> the ottic- our hundred and live months the widow of and tin monthly uearlv £2000. More *• years ago, Mary, Augustine, at last the National House of rim train pullcl out from tin- -min an.I ! er». and r• »i-\n ard. march" found us with i Representatives than ttoo share* of stock have been taken since* Judge James B. lhiseomh. I;. B. >heplnr 1 iii"i In id (.ruiar Washington, died in Fredericksburg, Virginia, at the age of eighty- f!i' « On we went. hasaeoileuf rule*, tl I>»•«*. I. The moiiev is < \" and buovaur hearts. adopted by Republican*, all loaned a* fast as re- 1 '■\ her formulated for the purpose of facilitating busi- of tlm Ninth wi re m>t in tir**t-. la» .a.mlitlnn. day April j >uring forty-six years, ably managed left fir 11 •; in ! t ! for the rest of that .• I | tramp! ramp turn over to the heirs all t the real estate husband, ind bioughl up six ehiidren ti» honor their mother and serve their kind in the ness; and it Is believed that they will, in large t't tin* various project* suggested at the 1 In n ha.I In n n-* *l for ai ;• da* «hir ai night was in a dark Uienlation m and military \ nrp camp pine amounting t*> nearly £1.(1(10.000 in value, aid I t• -«r <•! (."d. in >p:irtan simplicity of life and manners, and courage worthy of the City County. w 1 "1 a a measure, that purpose. At tic meetings of th* Belfast Board of Trade, there 1 ih I.- hill of no great have so I'liis will ai t roic accomplish ly «iuriiiti th*- f un- n. am <; tii*- war up to ih> height, notified them. 11 i<-a)|\ \ L •man matron •! tin- In age, >hc joined the Christian’s faith and hope. "W* !! id land. \\ e were now worst have* been so constructed as to leave i' »»<'»»•• vvhi. h more for tin* getting close their stewardship, although these genlh ! I shall n<>! In loin: in this world.” she said, at her last interview with her son, then they I promises city than .< "" till.. tii-'l Ii..- < •> I M: M 11; a -! a > < a 1 *.y oiil.-.h-i aP hut a w u i<• ih id. ri<*i. and !* *•» ing the tide water n- men will continue to hold tlu ir ppae.s as l*i< dent ot tin "I trust in Hod, I am somewhat for a better." out most vvh; h the org'iiii/ation of loan at in ail.m. «l 1li< | young Republic, prepared the formidable impediments and building «\|'M in > !•. wa> of the mo'tly tin- liati 1- of th.- I ni m for a nh hiiid. It the land long- eutors for oiu or more vears, tin tv in I.i bumble trust she full of and was laid J died, years honors. Her wasted body been ‘‘iation. >m. |i an is to be desired an; tin Nelluvv and we found have hitherto Used by lilibusterii.g mem- | association 1 at .-' pin- pine, oral notes still and other maiteisio (Ten! in a burial on the outskirts of the i:\i- I mv, m i r.. •! pnai'l' Tin important pH ami l.ri.'-«■>. { running i;> family plaee town in whieli she had .spent dug land, streams, bers to block in: wheels of ren- from of view, in th* iir*t it > vt Mi'! •piieker running attend to. The allowances which h la last fourteen of her life. business, and every point place N -n \\ 1 they years 1 In .i A. iuiii_ ton oa*! Innl n fid u i.* '• \ tra.-n.-It f! it- r water, with better for amount in t In tohrivvcei "i ears the e doe* ,.| camping applied aggregat- ! 1 forty-four y grav remained, in the ingenious language of the orator of tic der the House incapable of legislating to meet not involve an increase of taxation, but an \ \ we tin tr«r show- important t.h to; tin army of ntln rn advanced growths £7(b<>oo and £s<».ooo. and thus far th> y !m\, t• ■■••• tsion uf w11ii• 1« 1 shall sp.-ak “unmarked monumental tablet, but not presently by any the and needs of t h« wh» ti in will tend to a ■ d :.k and If"' of and demands people. This operation reduction y \ iruinia. imp (.rani ut ami .h -tr.-M .1 it> ipr* I pin* express, ceived £ll,00o. liny hav. tiled ace.muls m onlionoivd.” The pre ise kind and degree of the “honor” rendered tile obscure resting- w ii; i'i>t wood ami now tie- amount of tier hard growths the Probate ('00i t. and in the ia't one. ahieii is ..i th>- venerable gentlewoman were left to the imagination of the au- has not been accomplished without over- I increasing taxable real estate. MaraiiiiM* \Hm cilati). a' tar 'Oiltil a' th1 N .lta\\ i\--l (ingeniously »y i iii!. ■ Ii. bind* *»r on some of maple not settled yet. tin y iaim to: tin it aimw .■ t, < I i<'nci the most strenuous of tin It oilers a sat* and investment to Fv.n t Inn wa-iv lakt-u t. tin ti mil coming resistance j profitable -upp'i.' hy The 11<>: !*• \ aled land. 1 -e s, ■ £»••*.4s’. :‘,s h's> vv hi* h i~ cl live (> tie \t-lith of is;:’., an of tii i1 •! w >i.-i w \\ I 111 ii i>! aii "(mi 11 in £0.000. |•« May. imposing jiroeession marched the streets 1 those who can aside a th. ti rmiuii', aio iii,| Iru'a'.ui ami I 1 through Demo-ratie members. Idc contest ha* been put small amount each hy ! If f .Ill'll'. Il took us to the Ollt- cent. of maximum allowed i.\ aw. to “the '1 •; :' a-i ! ti- fram*- ! u-u a the 'pin Iitth town grounds tin* remains of the motln-r of Washington.” KoNilhm r •:i !'. an I (at. r. \\ In-u t h* enclosing plank "kn i" d l; i. !i. w her■«* wc want into on month, and it enable* tho*e who would not ti I k* i* a 1mm camp The heirs haVe ol-ieeted to I his »n•• -ini•. and I'M, r. wn M:i'■ >ni■ •« remonies, and and an to Andrew not but at times bitter, and the t |' w, iv prayer, oration, responded by only lively very .'I ■! in h h'i m I our w "I. 1. u •. ;■ and here I had a be f t 11 Mt 11. I t hitl"i*le, the executors say tiny ait willing to accept ■I i- k'ou. President of the- I idled State's, who, in his address, laid the orm r- scenes enacted the to this otherwise able to build to obtain homes of to | hi Wi-I am! 11) a >i t I*. !. I. u 1 concluding by opposition long •• :* tt.. ...-k- v :ir:itn 1 l.\ tin- 'i.l* miiaria that and the thre» night per cent. 011 tin •him prop* tty passing ! stole of -i a, muni nt to the memory of her who gave hirtu to the F« d'NhEti and Pi;i- their own. Moves, 1 oi f In al 1-1 i-lu. ON | I 11. If » llok. NN I' l 111" needed reform have been but credit- in both directions is as- *•; •. u" inisien-* n ..f ii- ii w. at w as s any thing j I h*-r dull and rainy. through their hands, whi h would giveiliein r I \ I; id I he l NIl'N.” 11" :• •• li.. I kr11 a •-..ttlra.-l !■> IwitM an ..lamI -It-'t tor tin- ia h, i sured, if the of oyi-.i. 'Uppiii' army '■f"':. P "iifli attacks. 1 made the of vv a able to a to be civilized. history these associations in 1 myself in neighborhood titty thousand d lar- Mi's. Sigoiniiey rote poein for this ceremonial, people claiming V \ rk t! •' 1 •! -a I' « h august beginning: |' t ill' t!.- ■■ I a" id * mi t" I eouid in our shelter tent, in all. ami as have la on I the •_ 1 t. other cities can be relied i* M *. \\ they hast it all, however, tic and the upon. It assumed ..>■•! Sll tui i i* n nn an of Ii u v <. i.'l.o! “Lung thou slept unnoted." Through Speaker j v\ i" a dr* mi" raid** night and to of the time for the live in s. ... n V. w tr>. day part p:M y.-ti' of course that nn u. i. ■!.!" !!■ n w :' ina.h n\ .1 h I m lit huiou.i I was done s,» have ivcs the association will have in !’• i, l.\.• the came, and see- 1 :y declared the and so believed tlie nation to tin nann Republicans carried theui'i with the capable I. \ it I IVn Will l.Hili.1 surgeon tling Up the est at* tin v :« til v !I_ hi t press, 111-1 11 tiin ■ a ! an t In in .- to Kurk ;!ir .1 n ■ of of a great and good woman. coolness ! aid prudent otli tin* ■; :h• \' I ! i- a d<•"<• quiuine, ceive this amount. 1' i' on l«-i'i"od. Imwev. and decorum <>f men acting upon cot;- Philadelphia enjoys ti-m u. t'*• m: h-; :. nl m-1 '•> :ut• S’• i• -s, \«-n U r.»i w U \< n a 1 feel T- lav. lift years to the date of the recorded the vellow \ making wry fa«*e. that the heirs wi subsequent pageant upon viction and determined to what proud listimfioh of having more houses i W to mill'! I. o n! t hat i' g agi s j s vvhi- li our eut of the of accomplish | H II 1 awoke the lm\s were talking d. ut*' w: 1 I | original plan the monument is taken tin-tourist this sum. and if tlmv tin dm. homes ju to I * v\ an Mu I <1 hi- l.oi ; .ai Iii. hunm. i an 1 I*, t' »■' ih< ban ••• ;iel, ot l-'i,dei a believed and proportion population than 'i"i pt t*• -i s 1 st enclosure, the they necessary right. any 1 *r ! I,in "In’s assassination. The settled ill til* our! ( »• o m P. 11 n icksburg rays upon neglected without gray _■ f.»rl i1 ■ it hm*. \.,v\ 11m —i .-ni' Nv-r. 1 w d win h tie untinished memorial sketched for this ( about tic be in tin* world. This is w hi a-! "in*. I .tv one seemed to feel administrat**! on Ph; uni- * 011:1'- paper. attic gra/e This coolest was to expected. It has not city largely due to the I A I t Ks*j.. nil'll I'l* It. i- a 1. >' io |j. ; in ii % 11 i.-m •’ au-i i.i' i' i1 -> > ''cl time and weather: !p ; had .■-d m ai and dear friend. A ■ -o by the relie-hunter’s hammer Iris been with bull* gloom estate. Will ask tin. per lit. f"i ! busy gl ow n out of tic fact alone that t:ie democrats ling assoeiat ion. Tie- system elite ret 1 upon 'h nn-rt •! Mo-t of lo ,,, nn ni in- j chi' "d 1 L---s: the i >. > shaft that should of au- i- ■ army w \. I d * t If our love* 1 President i v«• -••m- 1 want v-;i.. stately hear aloft the bust the sleeper's i; -I ,... n.i.-i ! I.' which would him t'lain- | its trial there some •• ago. but it I. m.' "f mi r !■.[•.-, \ i. m in It !'..•' w "ii 11• ■' tin naiioual emblem, lies and half-buried in the earth. arc in the and were- unwilling to so- forty year* took tv 111 in' a hi not I., k idfd w never should have reai- and 1; is said m u -v iP prone minority 1 dollars. that tin 1.. ( on f, |. ra >, haml'. ill w : > I :l f !• p C is 11> 1.• — to here the n t<> the a i- iw < discuss as.ins the or ambitious individual who nearly twenty years bring M I llrikc it. i.; much w appreciated him. A cloud contest the payment of tips Pnleeilv it,, why patriotic rsc vot+Sr (>•• their power to cripple and thwar the majority Philadelphi- f"I t in- W i o i'! .nl u-|' .hujii- 1 gan lo i.ui d was not able t>, linish. to one hi- ardor w:- 7. in \t --wiii iii*i p.o[' j "hut ':11 our "Uiishine in m ;n tradition, ipn-n le d a's to the full of the and every boy legal fraternity an >»11 t tin Aceording ~w* a»rfiJCTti n (diminished. Thi* did, * f course, conception ben< tits to be 1 I I. h: itni in io\e: others assert this was linamia I inspire many u no-re mourner at the bier of our tie In1 it s will do with tin ir t d 1 st- 1. •.•■appointment that pious design threatened by 1 What derivnl. N w tin- Ii fit n h: f a' 11 -• I riu u n! i'ii r. sou 'bines no of them, and doubtless :r was the iP*t mov- biiiMing association js one t In j >lia i> ii"\t we c ! In- upon sadder ruin in tin? length and breadth of our land : v\ in v I'lie day mo\ed up when 1 get ii i' a ‘i.umli i,M,. Tin p 1 -..• t Mi 1 .• I hey !- s tnona im nt' of (, n ■ r 'lew ,i,i m| !oak of Phihade most ■ •• this disgrace to our nation, tlit; satire the of plna’s cherished institutions. nd imp* I in an unoceupied lot of forming a trust has I .ten a’ odoin d an .1 ; ghastly upon gratitude- ing cause with mo*r of tin m. Rut there is W N\ :m -A ,! NN ! h I p i that !••n 1 In- li-Pll! a* < '■■ o ! 1 ||>. 'oi,! h. :. MO.! I x I. in-.*wn ■•'»nI* --ii'fi, t..o!urr all \va> best in Republic,;: I ir tIn iiii* 1« 1 i«- bf*. -P d in tin \l-in and Pl.i Wa-hinuton derived that, him from tin April. iieirs jointly inter* the tilese associations have also, to lint u. I Ur ... .N .|i N •. t in- .it a a ; h •. :i' l; in win- w ;»> widow cd before he \N twelve old. our oon>« i. umh ot w hat Southern bourbons who run the demo itic knowledge ITCIV A I !•'. ander ('oburn estates ami on*. •* i~ 1. ;ls years By 1 ; \ m. i a a! nl the world uw e to him. o nr debt to her. 11. ant final ion of t hi- of tin* writer, tlourished ami hy ipim heir of the Abnci » Oburn e't u, ami akiiu V\ e may jntai'e party In tin House, in r< gar < ay « a| j•• -Maker, 1: M ; I N \ I 1U >•! b« r. Ns'.i. a ju-t city w h published hmeraphieal _ _ that the least ..iiiinon muitiph- 11 "in hh the know of a middle un I- an u.. ;i am P w "ii.- amt -* ran. •»} M vi: \ I II r. .'In I III H >| believe in doing business, u,, letter believe in I aged man of who share to w hi* h each In ir is out an he ren- family \ -v h i' up d f va- ■ 1 'I i. .' of tin- It. \o mind tin N. N \-11 I M I < >\ Ii Oil) tin all!.' ll earned about "b> vveek as a pi -I der*'-* 1 is 4.1*2!*. s-i \ In ,! s a1 ! .-Mil' I 1 lu doing or next to nothing The former per reporter, and I I’m k <•! "in l-'riiti i-cn. nothing, ! t!h •• -i w hit. '. in.I i" 1 li st h »-! mPh- ol .1 aim l'o\\ r "mil ii. I >. I A. of who I 1 4.12*.* of thes, pait-, tom I d e. ! believe in clearing old rubbi'h and abuses has eeonie tin .>\\ ner. through a building i!-". to pom -ia\m ;.ut \, ! I 'il a U'I'iiru. \ null' a. A' tin away i.y y. r.xli.nm u Paul, to g'2d ! '! ‘V A Ini*! lit' I.. m-gani/rd. all the the hoy palIs. association, ot Ivv•» siibsiantial l»ri< k ! a k ,« Ill' i: IT' i• .:. •. f ■ : a. liivi "ii'. i;i-,• of ihat ami the latter in- dwellings, -.till i. 1111.• ,.riic|i*, making salutary progress; \ .i 11• I •. tori, '■ 1 combining. 1 HI 1»I \ ISLAND (.It V\l I V It 111 1 U k of | h tlr f.l l._ lilt'll Ml III.- | llik' -f '•!' ;i"iM ialion- an- fortuinu ii. \ariou> living in one and renting the j cline to think that things art: about as they other. It is safe V I. »\ 11'.• ■ j ! M m I i:. a 'iilh : nr in '-m ami I !.• The sale of tin- *a*h I*rate I granit• 11 arm's mi j uolalilv in Fr.-.ln irk'lnm: y p- Mi'. Harriet Beecher Stowe f i'lan t<* say that lie ‘d not ha «■ should be, it indeed thi y can control tin sp e!s i a rea pr-.pi-t ty a u I. am! liu I.. a: tin _• !i-. :a |..i -a ! !• o. "'ti iuii' than 1»in Island, vv hieh has eei cun te*l in II a mu n \ ii-w t In- n nto\ a' of tin- reported. estate owner 111 an < u -i 1 is nil Of her >: a. 1 a I P. -1 mi 1 In- in ! I'Pmt ah pP Boston t'. said I** l». f .• t \ l* In m our nal ional rnoi al. Otficv. way. 'll- 1 p.,p- 1 I' \ I- .it' t J id a: !!.:;• in .-k' U •: nn /a; !* d»*a 1 lie will he v. ri ia-k .. The rent j Ml 'Iv.. ry ji h lh- hit -,' party, w ho is supposed p. kn- -:u- e, r iln j ln>l\ loii_-. ol ri.a'ht. Vou have, no doubt, mtu that the Rourb'Ui' lit house.” I t is. "11• « ;• 1 ■ id- 1'i'ofher, VII. ft!.’ t N th. A h.-r. t-Vhi n inai, > at i! *seynerdl has been mad*-, and ttc; ti vv t- na i- woman-' lmn N. in xilrmn hard to b. purchase in their the relied hap'- p.m 11,,- mm, ,,f .|,.- : ■' ’■ N- i-i speeches during struggle !'* -O to Hi .'PM, nl ,!| hi' la'. :P |, ’’*■ ill order H* S* cure I lie 1 M\ l- Hid .I'lli'l ! otfii'i! i"ii "i iln in llimma* c*v».*rl- ■ W in-loin'' 'iU.-r '• been h ,« In home In- ■ 11 prop.fsition mi deiuoiistrat* d _.'. l-r i_ Ip I or Inn m-. ami ami toi t lie const ne t ion «*f 1 he mag ml 10 m < M ol In ;• u t h" .i• *l largely upon precedents, du lam.g that tin ir buiidant!;. .•oimtry. "■•nan I < w;.< iny j •I’. mane.- ommittec. 1 in Pie el. : i- r:i.v. uni. ihor ft.-n ami iv.-, up in-i church "f cat In ili a! t*» he 1 ; -1 in \ w 'y -I tin -ml w hit'll h"1.|' hiuh 111" l| In i. and i'cv\ hi r- Philadel; :■ a policy had been saiuTiM* d by age: lb 'A ::1 t tv.-,. 1 i. 1 '■ > ■ m •; 1 i t a ■ " "1.- "I I. 1. tfli' ] il,P. V, ni' have been m\ ed the (no- by tin A-l-'i's and other P iui;l to ai! N;i- u '"Mn't. ;i in Republicans, though i- ;,is it h id n.-eii mv ■ r* ■ ono \ .r;: *■. w-i,i hot w nuoting pn f 't«. nnm ra!'. pro. I i-t i-m'. th.' il m j Ml hasr I ! m 11 ■> >Mi |V**7. ily at an expense of s-jo.oiio ill-.'.- ho an- mak- ,in"*s ■. ib. th. on :is,ii. 1 -. 1 set r< d d nnov m » v !'•' iatioti 1 :■ I. of tlf \ HP a :i >-. I in' t I granite is tleemed so suiiame t• »r th ; t. ik"! i •iln j;nl th, "null flu in. precedents. up 11.. idcn’ in- .ding V !'!••• n int •. ini i-d in < I. ••• Ii op ! oN. NN il !.,. oiign-'s to tin I 11111 "t III. ( 11 ii id- a toiilid lod-;ie !, to '. n. P -.1- and an enormous iiin-oiit <*1 extni I'm tt I "t ai*'. tention of the fra’ i." r s of the ( •>1 if m i.»u. lit *-\eiy neighberlloo. 1 ■ >• •' r, and the ,r iioiis* n tids w a a A. loo.. ,..o -unj IN : | of magmi'n i-ul'ti ,\ 1 •; \ t) \\ pr.-.-t V j p!,.| o|||-o,o 1,j,. I’d d ’be 1'Teneh in Hip work this language >' etl-s of the omit I md t li in t:.e n..'! mat nr-of-faef “«>! !1. M':i Kilt oh ijn- ••: : ii nn h »t io a commence at -m a ! iU an a--' y ; M way: y. '1 i'l.i-d by the I g'shiture. probably I h. ia i'. a' tin It. .1. a ! i'_r I -'ll! ■ N ■' t•» n .-nurse rent I Ill 1 I In 1 o| NN -II Ph' thing and the island has ; 1.: n,.- '!•-•- "• lion- taken the two in tlm li'-ii-e in vvil! for house.” a* if he was \ 11 "0 11U ! >, | -1J. |i| O- by parti. pay ! -ii io- I In*an '. nn i'P I ,1. i. |. -p-11 I J •> j-. r'. 1 he tiia this granite. I t a- 1 m'i M **iiaw. whist ling particular ! '• in in' ca I a ;r >-..nte-t an ax in. ■',t tie an who i j I i"om_ I ion thi- fairly ami y.-ry truthtoily repre-* l-uttlit- hasn't had »;,"n '■'. •! iol.I 11II Il_ alii .!• 'olalt- i a u other contracts will b. d 1 i, 1 '.ithu P._ wi-d I::ig i'li Karl. >111; i11_u : In >i nt nioin >.tarr«*il }.n h, their le.-pie dive ..-it »..n- 1-. f..* -• tie- no! r\ the expel im. 'iian. hi- in i-d and s : ! *"P N ! A I ,< ■ W Phi 1. t IP S|-« interested are imn -.1 ii .• ec j 'ay j. parties | a' i| i- m hr a!i a I a r, io in- ! irth- V h hi of *'m 'it : j i\ •!. «.:•»! light*': thr late I’ri'l- s.. * 11 ’* 1 : mv. 1 I oh) w. (-• w a — how !'. 1 don’t la* ieve < '.-iP. Ira.'!' .*! tma-'t. ... ami engaged in i ■ ■' he rule- formulated it h that, re.i many ; iy "I Mo- W i' i ’: t I t'f an* i :rp* i I ii;?.* a line wu- 1 1 o p i. -1 u h n | t ,-oa.|'. a w liP v< ... p- j- fill. looking be w :P k* v presumed that they u »n. it ha- l*e.-n -ai n t v. M m -t t w'h !. a house." I!- i* m »; :}»«'• I nl»*w Ml) litj'i Kail Mia ati-'l inly h '1 pay explanation minim •! ami I p. k. ami a m-.- island. Tin- t vv b •. u i 1 pr..n \n-u k at tile prop, :• \ th• Mill:, j 1 I a!'" iti". I that I H hi."- place a r!uh ill thr ham!- .I a f.-v\ j.oau an i I’.iii!.!iii_ \',im‘|;i[, n a> a ho'.- in a’-! f..; '• n P u f. I, '■ not I > 1 x I-lainl with a; 'm 01 :iiig-. pei-i-telit pai-1 11 I ;of, Ml' ad only 1 il-lii'-e Mi't merit on the M a K- I o w l». ■ 1 ii i"iiu' I ii" a.-llt "t Phila i'o m i' f* it \ t! Pn et*-.. used in tin • \ -a- _: m 1 0-1- j ohstnmtor- to km*< k in the heal mv un-a-urr ie.phia. da** ||,e pm ly ii"p. P t h. it. : : •!•' !••>" w:i' a a ehiilery tuillioii and 1 "1 iia 11u ai m alti-nl ion I \ ip- a 'N 'l. Il* I, Uh !':■>! N\ 1 1 ss carried ••:. rI.. r« v >* |Mio!i" follow h ha I "l d* I: ii-'. in f,.rmet ly to them. how. v.*r much ; tin 1 ■ 11 i lint \ 'll. u i { art objectionable pa— ami tnoii'1 p nvi: h .Ii".. p u, at,• I :>• !' 1 seven in v i* s..m-- ••! w b •• at!,. island' the u.ity ; < w. ! I' art in i- sn -• he de.' 1 a In 11 > ii;a ii u\ itm in :t win. h -■ > » 1 tin- 'm.l,|r nl. might by pr..pi t; t-n.t in ati-u lor ..* m inn *1 .-\ hail'’.-.I ot .- ii I. »i" ;i_ •>: B on has been award- of considerable v alue. w :i- vv 1: t 111." 11' I a! 11 In *' 1 i'". >1 [ -I*! i i. | -.ii n 11 I ]<> •• 1 I'.. :!ii' "inI. iln- loilo'.v ii.-: ! IN ft It! il t Il al If. |o|!h- I NN NN ,! I three (1 In tlie Hou-e ami iletmamit-.l I th i. I'lm to lip il iiwg gh:*lilp* Island ran it« Coin j ny. 1 y | f *!■ !11 ".'"''l t'.u i- iliaili* : lu-.I I'.Mii III III Ml'I- w il il a Mii-k kit* ill b \! ante i.i't, < > A •!'. h,! !,••'. p.p P : P i; !-;:!• a* was held in tin* 1. i i x i —ue wa- am! •• o11!\ -t u 1 .a M 'li..- |. i- j I.y puts'-;. j fairly t hy Mr. "I 'in U. A 1"• 11'■ "f Ilii' rlial'a-u rail Pr "' .m. •• till’ 'I xN ". NN ip 1 A o 1 bate. The mil--11«- a. 11 r• i t b. ••• k n. i 1.0. k' an o| .1 m tiin :li. -y j• p M liiikm in hi- •»11 u-! 11 till- in. .it a i: Vv ,: u*-nt ha' isM,i d new reguia- remarks in in.* II *,-- ni I n. .[*»«». u* I will It I. i i 1*1*111 p i: n \ | i: it,., fui 1-a* h t hir*I >'.;•»* ••,••• pa '-•• .'or ii." ia u i'l rai mi of ••• .nt rihu- j £ | f"i •mu "1" si 1 r 'hi M r. •! ofli'-ers letaiUd :ast. a- we liml thrm in ti t —n-ii .! p. m.mill. tiara- ! i'i : In a In.,. *-mit Ii N\ In t% ; army whole. Ill moll. I" ill" .ail'i a !o\r- Ir v\ ill in* i.t a "ar\ P.i -mi Pi h;»\ •• in ra'h a ill,' 11 ■ 1 i .1.0/ I f \ III". I li' R or«l. Mr. Mi liken : .p aittni! -S-JUU. t.. Ma\. '•■.!, a Ii l. Mil* ••• < if flu- w n_. ill” uI -t:i?! li< »\\ MU". K \U I I .I!4 1:: * !\ 1 11 all, a o v 111 li •• "hi' oh! of -:**}•{ •!s- id y :1 in New York that "Thr <>f t hr m-y\ d- o i- 1, i; lull i-im imll P, ha .»• i. •; m»; I; 11. •.! 1 tle-ign \n iimu m mw li "i n « I 11M h *f nil’ a ii* I i: 11 ;*« a! a- h ii._ ;• ■ \ 11 <*hl w (iinaii, I 11: mil. vv :! 1. 'llh'orijit ioll t'\ |! 'Pap mnl ry after pit. j to tak* tin \. t •. w uh o. ib< ill it a:ii• >1111! ut '[ otupi. ting 1 "imply away p.. w ,i -ll* •- :• If •O' :n- kal l« n ill ii Hi- u. I. : ran i" I" v u: ni. 11. H-rm-Mak, I'M' •! hi* oration.". dent -u'd hit a n a I iii' W i '-a a 11 ti;i •! ''mhi t e\,. 1 •• minority, ami often -inn'.- i* in!.« ! had r.t!'.'. <■.; o I"." II" W "I'M' I'"! I. .1 |: -I :! *11. I In- a -1 I- ail ll •!• r .. V H t. i"1',1; Ot ! tie great m* 1.11:1 •!• n mdii'i !!• h«-r. tot'ore i*. mm 'I 'Ml \N ill I lien ’-*• III till- mi. ’11 "' [ prevent legi-lal m : mu. ■ ^i '-I M uuiiii ! ; -. ; lit ll. tin V t hu a* it a n;i' been interviewed in name was Barth H. ami a 1 ! iii-t-M) nt." "Those w ho hav he. n in < ungres- no \ a...If 'Ml;..,-. ..Mi j,„. •• •- < ■ l. 1.1 g ■•' ii,• m .j ,-i i.. 'anir -I I'. .-I"! li n. I !T\ II 1- if lii Mil ib!i• d. tail' of the i 'in w :i~ •!!« a tin ul.jrrf. i*., ago, down ill Bllli lii i'n>. | longer t i ;111 1 11a' km.u li>.w : \. 'I •’!! '.a .n 1 :■ d h.-rii, a-t... \. tl ami ni. .I I v lii- in c« ;nn, ,n i. ig« k .. Id i'oii. some u 1«»1 wmo 1 : ia-»ji- boiling men!i:.d< lor ini.', I a Ol. 'ay In i'" | ha! ia HI lirr, ha- been thi- \. ’*• and le w *.M. -n it ha- ii lii :i lain-' Mh-mi 11 .-lii ii” n a mi. ill- if' 'he found a ot o' 1 king to >1,. n i •*11rau■ •! .aia-nt '•' I'r IM-t '1 t" t.'.ll-r S',Mil tli it t.M Monument 'jiiautity l-y tin- np , r» sorted t* •. \\ ha y »■ tim. an ! i_ io pUl'rh;i~r •• 1 -t I.afayette i.l. -if iwt-t-n ana urn o n > a 1 tie- vv ate! iii ih» "in 'k'linie li. -i "I t h" him it mu. \ man. hy *-t 'A " 1' ! n w I. b, M.rat. d In etle put. tlir pow. r tili!*i,-tn mg. -I* (• p i Ima* 1. \ r* 1 hr 'll! !■ Ii n a". »• a I lull r. till. ■ w aKt m h\ in- -I a a in, Kafay *1 j i._ f r 11,. tied it and. with unii'u .1 • 1 _m m- Ml" M ia -'I "II" of '"Ml. kill.! "•'■// i m 'it. !!,.• W liite house. up. rpi j islation v\ Inn n: .-■:* nt h- -d in- II *o-< -i > "II” :i" i't a In !.\ 111! l.i'iuim' |.|jr i.a.ain't- A nn ni w M •• vv :;ii_ atioard tin- old that d •, |; ii 1 '• sloop pin j >hiu11 I in- 'inn it: and t hi- hi i.c- u- to the r.-d .pn -! p !'• lit*' ! I <■ 1 "t- til.* ll-Ml'M. ■ i- -li. ami lii.-I TI. a! i.l it _ -11» ■ I l, 1 < -.«1111 A ..I b .' iiii are and the east cna-t. and l"«>k He T r:t ••: *1. -I fall 'hot I «f til it <• U n delegate' expected f -iUinal t'stn It is a j d. tim -;. h. p n W .(•}.. Unll>r till' r!i*a I* 1 •■•'ll a half a link aw a I !a ... 11 an ne N i ma lb an ( I tie dealers of t in I i A III I Hi out ih" .!> nun — •* ... -' < .* puitiii League on- among original i- all in a nut heli. Shai! wi- lia a |«- of 'I i! '' i1 i1 liv 'liar* ■. f -t. -k an I v ■ n .' tia.m 11 H 1 i- •: :•!. -I'-t! 5 '• ■ ci .i, * a. < n i} i hail iuo*._a ed la. I.. examined and Il r I w *. y next month. Phillips 1.. I >r ."111iih*' 'firrim; rule- Id eli will a 11 v tin- r*-; .-ei.r i:: y. ,f tii. n '-itiT-t\\ f l.riii. an.I r...... >:• .jm.l. j tail mil t! k 1' III f.-iini- all sin- eouid Inn..; linn. -n .u-i ; mum- i ! ‘• buy w •: .1' wo v\ ill "!■ ik>• th" •'. at- the people to do hu-iin --. nr a !. wh’nh y\ i »iari.*. n ,• 11' i t*» mak.- I hr pur -iia'- I! mi ■ P1 • 11 ii n m ..f up ip- I -lira ill "1 ! Iir 'la: i. -n all- r Urn ir tin .loiui'Hopkins lTii\er."i- and all summei tin dd ma I'• t happy. i• 11, iiio"-1-i.\ .aa .i >toi,< t hat !i>- enable a m matter h*-v\ -i nil. t*. in’ a il Ml'. III. :* 'll- il < Ol.-ilt 1 Ml' Mil n .**, V i' minority, i' u -I au it ami rail i! in an:: _. 1 in gi- 'hat he i> j p remarkably and I is** old frit d "in il. 1: I -- ti'ln-d, lady at Mimi ill" hi ok. n .aiiumu. am! block the w heels ■*!r husin. tier- mi -i- t* Mla’r ai-'Mit in f•»!I*-\\ nm in**■.; n \ >,'* ■ " -1 d< gh'* u it j.. hill' hat- linn.: t«» nn :iml i Inm 1 \. ja .-n-- ! h hi' trauds. h ei b ■. ;ii: in ! j the autumn enough tie mea-tirr it In.---. I We k -a •.. they ?>• 11i.! '"tnr uio.i«• -?. \.t "mlttrinu I any that 'il I i. *n i: -I k.-/ •... ■ •« .-r\ ».i_rIII a!:* i\ i,a a wi ami !-•!.-• •• ! I j j:i't in several hundred «1*• 1:i'. i v\ tie- main <• o. •-• v a -n i. : I nn.nation < ompany <*f In- n,"I a! on 11." hank' of 1 *- r ii• -d g. i.tlrin. n. yy In :t.k t; ntri ii *i •.*w .I m t... IP.,; af111;i_• I-. W hil.- in ll.. mi-l-: .-i .-n- n '■•im < U' j p. '* of an tiiat hk I have all tin- w w n i'1- :a11.• i■ rut am.nm.. ... '••ii : in jt a n* I '• k i : i!i. ate .»f an in-■ reace ginning industry .\" Uajipalianiio, k. to 1 i of a virtue and i-hui. in I In o. p. t "f ! in 1 It ••• a' if k.-H ill n, ami li at a 1 1 •• M.-l u... It I-a. tlioii'and barrel' 1- ran. i' de Minton. The Ma bias I ». n sa lie mm :• k* i ti u-t d to i« _i-,•«?. ! U ii-• j ,,p •r : '• > ■ > i: -.I.'- ■ i' 11• mi'i -m" 11:• r- iml lioiii, -i| w.• 1 i. r-* ; a i ...' t_- 11 ■ : ; 1 d deer at Petit Manan i’-nid. A "Now ;* r- < park wh'-’ll 1 hi- an -gnlP P •' i'ai in'll omm!s":.;u ha* of A ii < ia. "i!'""i ami m \"-' 'll" n't 'i :'ii' it I •i.'li ■•.!•• a k- r ll n kt a I'.:- k !o ndi- I r- 1 iy my 'j > of the point, of al'oiil e;_h; most in-till :• Not hr inai •:•!: y of tin in- l• ■ 1 .:: I'm iann nt. The y\ ii n il t-i '-Hi'. 1 w.Mih! talk Io " "Ilii Ml ! ..I n:< Hi Ii. an I il mi ill-, win- in his i r h I i i; \ oh charges a ■- b I in J j been fenced otV by vv in b m ignt "i ol thi- 1 i "ii-- lntmh a In- L L .bini'eif are not hi ! |. > H"W «It* v 11 I ; "w 1111 -: | declared b* m 11i- ;il -hoi an.U". fa.a -to-!a"", height, mi 1 from bun tiv* 11.1 who >> at thrill linv. H is-Lime- I..-: V \ " 1 ■ In 1 Im ima nin_ w, •_ r a:1 r ami ! rt-t i-ln-ai l. If tiling Mi -!. i i:. a it nm ! In- at!:, uni. d vv i'h ..... be in tv my -. > tip | It j> to be stock* I bar tin p • p I >• *,- v. ar- m t rrprt—entati I 11 w " -.nit .» — < 1 •mi! ! !.. 'uht.-ii “Tatt-ful ti Ml-- hail ; Ttif't a N ntri r-| ana in k lint- i<-r .tin]- ami la kt: iir,-:ik- the lir>l animal t" ':•<• iuti'edma d int• * tie my appn- I" '-r .. Wall.-r of trusted, hut that tin p- tin III-. Pray Wdy- "iat i-Mi woman ami nuth-»r. f **p!' it \\ ll»T. .-.n.'li im Mm In it' || t hr \\ a’. I wall ; In n.u 1: i' :t lea-ant lin ■•! m_- ■ > v\ * * • n tji ii• ij i'■!, ,-d a closure in about a Week, l'ln unpauy a I'* !o*» unwi-. or too r.»r r ii ; -1 in. n child ia't 1 »e- pr. v\ s *• tin I"' iii--kin>lr.r>'- hav*• r* «« 1 \- tin tit I'.iifil. it n. .mi ! 1 In n.mht j;. 1. : > ‘an- ha- a kina w i a ami -t lud mi* > a and p, .a.'jnii 1 111> 11a11r h*»'uit.11 at about twenty-live him in in- alive- lit |o do their It i- a dir. m ni- i1 an! t m-MUi*: iel«l to -I [[•Mu tlif ilian\ lh>»u>an*l' w ln> duty. "I 1111 In |M ,1 t mill lint : ami w •! I y 't ;aa._ pa a.'j> .-t :!n h.imi l.»r Ii,. \> turiiiiu tend to cn I a hotel in tin- 1:it 1' '! n. d 1*111 >KN 1 « «>M»| I [« \ « .| M< .\ Mi I an..’, i1 'ps plnuimp. a- him nt <*f rrpu h- an _-* o I• a\ :iI!• ■ \\ i‘iI mi !>> wui U with an*! \ i-f \ IliiMit til V | a N mrli '..*i|Wii >•• >.«»vV IV tnP w ii,.; r'. I 111 a h al an of m\ a al k. tin* vv::- r the ten. .- by good authority that II lent. And !hrx-r g.-nt lelin |i. -w- on, up o i- * ! : 1**1 t In 111. ! I \\ "Iil-I hi- till- 1--H1a 11 orner stom lid Ma 7. Km \ 'ilia i\ I. arum ! pm Ap.n \p mr i. •n ’I. ii a in ami. ti'iial in ami ii?--. ii Hi," a ha* issued an order < vv !•;, rrc>i«U‘i ill 111- tfi ramp arm} cost 5:14.000 at the fn.-tory in 'onm-ei i- ut inn the.r of ail tin y id ami ..'din- a.—umptioii tin .• ui n tti liaiaj to tmi thr !ai-r ti'om tin- llan- t. r! in ii mi;. i-ral f; are in future tlnil in\ "i-1<■ i" am mn? in '■illi- '11aj p Pm .If -: M'Pr ; mily it was made. The rust .4 frt ight. .-.-'t -! am r talk it. almo-t P •, yv th- fright--nin, I Mm il i' a- I in ak!a*t *-\. r I u in* I mi.I :»11 i Uint t ht \ will mm tmii'l- itMi ot kimW p ..ui "W i: in nr. man;. minahn w Hi > I;11"Ian mat. ri lls, made up by in the ♦'*.».. »!..* won). iminer, n-n'-. w id I*.- looted it in lr.-p. tin '- building to A and Letter. Tri-a-ury ;-.**, ■ '. a: i w a' a ii.u •!'. •»\ t:i mi >in_ honor till' Mmimr ati'l Mechanical Bright Breezy In- anratlt laa-nti'. i In Im i.l in j i't<"dan etc..Used in tin* f* m e W 1" alh a'l tt.- Concerning Schools. t \ no i!it al m« e ’hat attrrh i- i.-> Spikes, repre-etitativ.-- shall be 'slowed ;. j,. t M ill oi to -in *i honor i< l an I on _nai -l '.-oi: win.m ihmiiiant > •• M‘4 immi more, not to omit menu-m ot ih* n -; •; I l:< >M V N \ t M I I I 'I I 111 IMS' *m< > [ MW ttn ii i'it-iituent' in Wh-. W *’ !' '■ a-. mi M-r\ The •Journal of bob. 115 contained an ar'i h thi- H'.ii-- Ron iluln urr« a w ■ .-d thirteen 11, In- r>ua>ioi» 11ml I •!<> not all 'imnilntm .• -.mi'. I mi n>- .. hiu t nan f upon *« -. pi upon i_’ \:i-;• ai.11i 11 ;a r> of the land to In- «* 11*■ S• *-1 1. .ding* ;m ;u d\iu_ l.l < i< to loot tin T: I in-n w an : lir. ■ n Iikeiy a-uiy: a a- -o at lekardsv illc. Mo., tin in in \nin. tlii' for ami «,oii- Mr. < >. i rifli n on M ■•ha, > u *.:•;» .:! ■: ‘in-.oi :iiv not Hi k-r. fh a. lin ia _-in* nt w it-1 -.!. a i ", -I- nppf'ii prompt by In 1 1 cost of about Su.”» nap- .001 are sure to Im li.-i.l t* m * m. *■ per e w * * lit I v tu n ;t ■ ■•' 'M n n while rt«:n i- '.-hi \\ niiit in! 1 re-p.m-ii -<-i ’it -l a k :»i.v m a ran' •••.-! aiiar-i ahan yum p; '.p.-r y tiy raiding ii-m lorth. a note to the editor < private •a.nii j-!.. Mr. iriflin -ay or an W -\-i n ■ -f id u> '. •m t:. 11...i ;n ,\\ A 01.IM* tilt AM* .M i; V irre-pon-ihle minority hy. V HU ... -H IM. n. Aim>n 1 \i:i. \ni*. « |ilm !.' V\ l:ii .1 -n A W n it n "a. .. I. ll, 1 i Ml >-i sic'p' M i letter. 1 e !\ .. _- litleliei(i Ilf till- from The —eli1 o)| referred to i" in HrooU M i-., eity e.itt did not -ii al md run away y\ ifn "~h."oi* t I :- i- r,.. i,i u .t .11. a :. an ,; n W n .•>■ "t Pcimb'e.-t h i' tai- Tin .It !i:i ,; a" l. f: mu Minnj ii. N \\ |. n. Tin* •■umiy i- ■ II Vi. i -.j h i' grand jury •t IP .i wi in i.iii* tlm < .o\ermnnii’s nmnev Id- 1*. n o .’ r -«• ... •: 11 5.(‘ j ; nded s.luimloOO leipiainted unti* -1 Will < upon * and i- brother -mi. t.ritlin \. .. I'm. i1'km'” ami Ik him i, \ ... an i e*i to itnliet a single rums* i 1. 1, 1 1 taught I•> my .•la I l.avt t: .» '.ti-. i- i.t-f.u,* -• ! j*r«.-j.t 1 an a ii .nmaitiU -nl , ii. 1- loi do not W til.- !!"li- i in**—'- -t other- to t lie trend- had f dim ini a tmiiord Ini tn I ii > 1 1 They « 1 Mt. Desert ill* la > la U .i'iiiM”’t.|i. I a k 11 W li 1 lack of evidelie. for I in 1 vv a' u y :, .*. Correspondence. win-re be has !n en its tutor ainio-t t r -iu it- b- bay tll.'lll .< i' iTm arod to as tin- ether end >>f ft:.- ay. mm. •' 1 ■ spend a a! P Hi ■, i' '• Vi but because tin: ot many <0 tin in summer .' were so a-» with .in M-l- 1 mu1 d t.< ... 0 tie in running. sympathit*' j seven an-; lie ami I hav- -ii.— ph Hie i-, ha i h : ; m> \\ K-l II ililli.i:, F. h. IF I'll". At till' ginning, y ear-ago. simple pir-tmii It. vv I.. ■:. A ... V. >. w n a I o; i.. -i ;• >i i: .a -p a .,:. a •’,; 'hi were with tin* W* u. un-iimd j culprit'. ; tin- -1 \ "! \vt it' r. and the iu hr — • •. we ~ * i like weather, suggestions representative- ai;.*Wr*l !.- do thr hn-MH* ■ i ar>- liaviiij: verv r n _r cus-ed new feature in it before ;ai»v for tin- 'ni i-oiiin'in” ■•••.. It,:;- I ii ni uinouiiivd of Theodore think that Penobscot i' •-i*t 11 -1 t>* the d 1 -: i j nearly every it puiitf fw lii* Ii an -• nt he: or -na j-i- I ! Ill- A ■! 111 !;, a it l the barometer, tor the lir-t time made. t h t w« waul: d prr-ent it l(* our read- ln-y wt n.ri or.has i-> mai a, n. il, .,i I m i■ ..; hestra to lion in tin* "tat*- s\ !n n .luring lias been then now tl .t.l. tin iaalil ;nna. icader, Miss of lieing the county introduced Thai --•iiooi b ■ -*• will nvw >■ •• "■ only j 1 ll*— y\ henry r 1 hr ti i •! i. -1. r !.*. ---. a M I I it 'a lie a : n main- stalionarv ami intimates 1 stop •'*• « •. <.* ini t int M.f 1-111:111*' -‘hiiinii' w. :. aw .1 p 1 m w.-i. Ii I■ of ..... i Might, r of the late Uev. a will 'hu’ ge- r- I giv n : tin j rmi—don to ; grand jury deliberately considered the leading -ehool of mediam- in A- the t ii* l it y II T i n n! I y t 1 i a -u [,• r. 1 m ii**vi >t i: ha- reaeheil pe..[ in;, s w 1 • a .i i. I- a\ d < a vv ruiu-t Her i' "• < ••r;n in point a-f pma a ram I ni k i• *n_ n 11.. 1.11 .* I p-a- ini-ridge. Mass. evidence lien a t })•• writ* 1 I '.kit' rue. and k might will :a tin--..-ii..n winter, was M'-h an.I the is i-i»«* I all -n sustain the action of the majority in this i,.. .• 1 > 1 .iiirimr the country, and from pai t>, Him >'! _ I.-. W 11 ... .t N I.ininif iit lioii' of ii.. am 1 mi', M'lim-a •* 11-• n tr..m other counties ollieers win*'- duly it is l. _- 1 i- ■ a : a r* t’« » t i«* n or contest." ■1 a- a iii.t a i.\e 1' i aril d :; it M i. .lame' H. (.articl'd, the tii- hi- lie-i wa- 2-I<> a!.o\ e Mi. lie!;.. eat. ■•apture l-.ijur kn [ at iiw a \ aifl roiai. an •:;. m I •. 1111 if ! enforce the statui.* are fn .pient from >.m bran, i-o, and the o-i,.,,. in tie it\ '• '11 « orously ad- : !l... it. Id si.;, nt, i' to ( P.-lel ha> mu frozen over in fie* mi.hlie \\ a i- It i- h.-ia-y r.| now -td. -t h *-udrd nn w In-11 in : rt saintM a* 'lain! ai k-r«. ‘I In engaged relict in their hut the «*« t fern ami ioline that thi- I « 1 -a -lA'liM ”!V«- 1 duty, phemum-mu of Ho-ton are of new feat- 'i M ili'ii 11 .Nd wed. of .John .in, iia tie winter, ami the iee arottmi ill. adopting many Inwi.-HI •- Mr. | a 1 I ni.' -■ !. m-l M ■ v 1 -o daughter v -d«*m-. >1 be- e-ip s 'i. la "A S UIA. I I -ai h ..t An 1 1 1 .tv. 1; \ 1, Ik no n- 1 grand calmly ignoring of ! i... i. •. 1 n* i la t. Belfast or North- and t h* •iilr- ba\ hern a* I* *-d. t h i. in. Ii m\. i. jury ure.'. f>\ i. »pi N Id.' i- nt f he Lake Shore Bond. of til. i«• hilt -.Veil inehe- thi-k. It is It has been built up ,i,.j .■ii v\ hint In- ha** Uikt !.> 1 i; u ill* •'initliti -I. ana :ni 1,111. .a -,.a am- In fore them is to l.\-mn»*i Wh,! ibi' poll.) t'.i-f ".n in- a_ peculiar at d lie It*It* t i as lokows W ii! rd to I. i-P!ess. tha' -i •! 11. A Ii h '■ >• '.ii. unu-tial tor thi- to remain open port.” pro", a :• a mo -mailt ran in,. ■!•*. ha- i akt n -im- condition continues it m mt .<•" xp* 1 tin- poml tedious drag agaih-t mai.v n-’::d.-. 'lie tl.i* a-, attitt, a. 1 ;• ; 'mm I i a mil; on Murrell, who rescued in in el winter. In all winters then ha- "I have 11 ad >< d (.id vk- a idle— at the legi-iatioti min he ena* t> d an tigP a. -I, | -f I kflil In nr nr on I lit :! lilt lit ■ ; 11 enforcement of the ut.-rv aw. P«.rtlaml pre\ions i- •- mi from the steamer prolii '• of abstraet id< ,t- ha.- he-o a:nl -till i. pii'-.-ngi m 11 t"ti '-.'Ii ton. over tlie Phis teaching ! -i l. |.|. ; ? h. ni ainii'2 poml. n.t «tii_: 1*1 !•• of >• in .. orniii id. I wih tin ‘-\.-t '..-nr liahl kn im-i ii>a ! c.*\ Press. •tniiuai Board Agri- hay early pu-r, I'1 ilk. r- mad h and will * < ••- ■ ey» 'ighr -leet "I water lav- l>ho Lake one of its greatest d i ii u11; h i. ho 1 vva- i- "I i: .ail .•>.• * 'I w parallel with \|.i w h ni m 111T11 ! h III fin 1. -lin :i i j :- I tn- .t I’a11' over on 1 en-'t are. lie makes >tt an .alarming \V'.i-liington t* w her next trip. V *" I 1.11:1 ■, l-\ a of m uintain-. il. showing ji.-t -■ n.XFokl) <*•»rN I HHh.ll to I range and for ,ur f lUr x Vir- i:-r .• ;i ,■ na 11. 11 m- •- 1a K.,i. i_ 1:. '.-j started sustained by «jlit ft .1 tin- -Inii < of the a. on n-< that weal m-r. hut -■•*>! !ing at a i < 1 h m_ m p ii't i o, Ii. trk tie 1 late 1 Ihut-e. Freeman alarn.ti 111:.i i-, a-Minktig I ! ..f \ .nil 1 r..Ii 1 has invi\,-d allotie r severe Beside Miss \ima Barrows. wii.*'«* “,k | a few a lii-, r. man Ii m-e. an1 now private subscription.-of wvaMiiy '• o I; 1 atei other.-, eutUll-C y\ u i ! lit III trill ha w i.l*. kr Mill- t k ( * .111 ;i i. .1 ii Ig.- Waila.-e has ap- tin- * gg has received Midi lavorubh- mu ■*•• in farm value- a. V w lamlai. l si-mhi -teadily w at. hi. Ii i- tak- u i, n ..a* ■ were 1'r •!. f tie 1 i trot.i t!ii- .| for their hotel u-t .Jurinj le i a-they by kunUit lh-- -'•.u* <•. Ha a u .- a. olkt-1 11 it■' 'am- in ami wa -1 trlr.l m p’• l.‘ id\ r. e.dvit in the ea'e the three other i*xford count' pel -. i- th «• ... illrata I paper", inert a-’ should he in sea-on, ami eartin^ on wheels. va a-> -Ini! i a kat -I to i.r a inaivli. I k- wait- I I : a_.*in't !;.*- Ann i. an He- have come before tin \i tlnu ton Institute of Technology. l ie t--.-of the ! pi't.'t Iona pi ; sugar recently pub'n*. '■ .. is fa.-t m- : n t M. •!:. .-.I I \\ .• ti- ii i-i a novel -rheme on loot in L "r- j "i think •! w \i 'ii of New Ktiglami people win* wen im m, la a a- 1 In ..l know w lit |. 01 w I,t n ;.- i- Jo new 1 .-onk **< hristmu' ike and Inch r *.*> selloo! board, as wed as tie vote- of the people, Iv j.ivtt jI i- we * ■ ai.-i 1! tie- j ian i- .airrie-l out piv.iirt w at. r J ia-t -nmim •• [. ak inn Iiow nma tin- uni* k mu " an edited with notes ami intrudm-t hm 1 li' j -:* idiIy in* rea-io_ a:..I must go on: ami that tin here He A: n't •! VI. Hii'i-h, the American i l.ii-ilie-- fill tile It I- denied h a ju the in- I I !' ■ 1 HI**; -.ail. t 111 It .t 1 li 1 a. ■ n 1 parties. reporte-l repeatedly place publj I -in•• in •market. ! unit <•'!. vt r\ linii oi tin- .n- m w an k In K. lia^ be«.(, uiiiilisiie l. Mi"il y in a in -he make- in some of t Ill-Ill I km.u -vv P P I ad | m ic Hersey what -in in la* Up j i’"lie in' unpri'one'i in hi" own I .M-"!-. 11 a n e v iii-.'. ot p,u who tali 11' a I; i! I» II ’A m 11 a a 11 i, ti. mil -i ; a of A. t>. ot the i-*vv o k-porl. struction. au-1 it has won It- wav -tcp. hill sinait unit. I'fir: wall of -m- 1 daughter In. ller-ey 1 sit:;- by Ii O 11 It A' \V ijt ! Ill- wot 111. >j ii" l\. t in 1 1 eoiniin r*v inainit'ne?life-, and the a hundred brick ami a-- R .: :. I kuriish -hief, who is eon.In. t faneh of their ti-li Business here ami along yards Nyepd'- '• ... ini'. : 'Min- wan --it mi to kimw. -m, ! t- il •, ! « 'xford. Mi'S Hattie A. Pike ot F: eb'ii has bv a room in a build- .'l .■ Ill'll at., V V i! I-":. ! •••;.. A pi y first getting public -chool 4''n I m i-' pi imp and ( 1 !! TO a hrUtians i ll 1 _ the -li'imier. propose keep harp? w is to-.nip r t-*r 5-a:H" f-o -1 a I 1: -n v outraging a of ."unum in tin- suit a ter. tit knive- with, r. a ■, t walk tin lin of Unfit: >01 nr ha t.- !it-i:a| “A Bit Indian only Tnlali will c .Ii. In n -1(111 i.uiu i. picture aid a small !u Arn." ! | i !.. i- iii I lie harl.or till.-'I with to supply the ing, then by public appropriation, lin tu or olmifi -a » hi' ami 'a\ 1 ka!. .l-nr Boston Art flub exhibition. ai.d Mi" A. B. I *> a he thus who so fear a fter a plain l he rea-'-n her fat met* mint ■ e to la; •1 kept •: i'.-u ■■ I .,(.•■ i- w ;• run,1* 1 t i -11 m n ami other-, tin- harp at a sell.>• l-uil I- N ii ••mil’ll -” Wortlr, km w a- inn, a- l!m 1 of Winches Mass., a rami laughter replen- until last they have built large ftrn Iln otVm- I m _'t * i' a in "hepley ter, j w hotel the :<•<• ami lit In 'tin' I neati-e tln-v ind.ii with their wish the closed ith mod. *11 oni keeping i-'n. -i t .. iieir house at !io k-port pop « > ■! "1 1 a Hu u .• 11..11 — v XV at -t hr- -.'in- an ■ of tvv n'.ings ! li>w lllr r\.t' ■!' .ii 11. ami alts. In In ai dull : ,u n <: (. ot !>r. Barrows has p an tor tin- 1 pri ; .ail, .. He i* a di*tin- Fryeburg 1 iug containing apartment specially *.v ei whehniug ,w .-.I a.-li w av. t'iu- an anueineiit wotil.l he mother'- milk, tin- lesiral-ility n»an -ai-! In gin-! it wa- *.- ■>, -- A \\ •-o 1 generate young v * vv a a W" i‘ .tin 1 w.- know am ‘-L tin d k ii! in the same exhibition. are j I 1 a I- .Mai ;H -ti- It,.-;, <.*(»»•> _■ ii with iii' Kngli'h side Tiny and the fun is a a It wii: take •' 11: .it, «I I In* lisln-nm-n. school, public annually appro- of making fortunes hurry. n i- highly hy yy m w ! •> -i tiunlf rinan If'l 1 In !'.t 1. ai 11 'tip, r-i-Ima m. I'M r- p I m a. Hum." and An Idle Hour/* kind of ater tin a\ :dk---l upoi*. t ! mt.'!:« 11• ii't lie. and has made hotel •• \. of I an- consume! In tv now and well r. I’ln ar- "t ai! in ima a' foi.a- New ingland thfin. A a*>oi 1 ..| ma. .in ik .jiiat:'.1 priated wholly support 1 everv from serine'1 to he about a- mu.-h Ian a- watt p; \ ll ... a ..Mil 1 1U !I.I>J\<; ASS' K ! \ I l"v > tin (» 1111 li'hi-i linn alotn'. this lining a pta* aching lia-m pulpit. speaking op, ratrs t- i,.- i- t" a * T. upon. Ik -a, completed and scope U the s.-h* •' is not ci• 1:1 l' Inf hail. policy verv-iu n.| t** ta va r-e the leva r. and then it v.-r\ wo t w a P ii ! :hat a ( might make not king. A .'I'll! ^ i. tla i-a: ■ .a, .1 i!:• elt-irU- know ln-w ?> p- i! or in hi- am in \ 1 \ ; 1 a : liiiago lirm has completed At the !a-t monthly meeting -■! ti:•'-r If ra more orders f« r hotel an- vet settled. Wood carving, m Hid- will he d>! inn: la!i"i,> ha been ri*«• ivt•«! and a few other features are to be -elded would r> I’l't-r 11 \. mill, to be erected in at the la-1 iin'tii:g taig ■ nni. promptl) ami ik -kotiitl 'tamp \t Midtown 1 ing, >im-iii. A.- I.' i• i.• I*- t• 11 ;i.*w ;in w.u.i. i. I-’ llarl,or lip :■> ihi' >lalc than Wen- leecivt ■! •■It > u e u get N w Kngland girls ro _. k 1" a. n f- ar. ulit-r m- an m, *b lai.-a. *i a i't ,.| ini!iions of dollar*, to of w as !• am d. th- -M-iing run- am! of is i.» e<»n- show amount m«»nc.y this this necessary ■ .-oinplaini. ■ year, part a it \*>u wii: -tav bv the Vv i: !. :.-1 ii >.»tn i II i• _• I In- t n i! si-a'"li in I \ '-a I-. sav.’l will'.v Transfers In Hi j.i-1; ,:uit t'U I, a..\ Til*' >»•« I»Im .< r». im a a- *»! our', Hit' lit. i i, al -okli. W rk y a. liable gold mine. as lii-li as cents A v* r lteal Ksiale. ; ning thirty premium-. vince the that the school i< not tut* mlcd m-1 on into -M ni> to h»- losing it- at this, public old i a.-e. and go fortuue-s.eking lav in u- matin'. ■ -I- -•! ar. i.iii'pi grip u 14 **i'- talk in-' !• w, tin iitin -lot in! i!wa\s rate for thi- soa-on the >* good hut t.ln* * e -' B* Mrs. A. T. Mi wart's i‘xei’u- «-. I »i < .rimIh •,! sonn-s\ ill. is ry ~iek to convert all Into T" make tin w h W*•'•.' w *u:d In-.p : girl- Tin- follow* n^r are tie- ra i.-l'er i :i r< ai -< ■a... « -tab <-!»• -I asso- pi carpenters. ■' '• ".II I' I! «• 1| 4,j ..| 11 m up : 1 la- i-h-al. In Portland there i- an old boys TI I a- "! N iv a tjttuil} t"i'. !!m New want to g We-I. »o. want to -<•«• the * art More at ISroad- 11":: I. I ax M,_ lia-l a 11" is sliL rOD- the;, Waldo !'or 111e u I I- '• •. a >\\ 4*I 11 v.” mar- k\ s\ ia,-n um-l of tht* building lias had much i•• -h> j-g te!ap>. has been among its • 1 iHi• 1111ie>. county In-.i. r"i>l- ciation which it popular meat \\ a!(n-ii*i *n 'V. a .: ».. u'i u trent. New A or ix. will be sold !in«-'i lo his bed. woi Id. amt lile, for I hel!t-el\ u-, too. hat'- 1 carh Hup M ov*. *P” : ip- a, ip 1 1- and now it i- Peter W. A i, >ir i np iluv.-ii-.ii of tip- Portlami residences, i"Oi.-t i.' a of I le v ■ <’ mi ii 'ii "ii M Ii It is used kind recreation a!-". use': train Hi li." ~iat<- I. i-i M:, vv l.i *\ ,r. < tie w n i. In! Mii4 1 lb. Kiubteeii other thr > 1 1 pieces » b. I• ; m. I Him ti -tux _r.-al ••Mum-, a new' association in :nn,:. iba' •• stiine town. > t. tiiat so .lo-ioj.|, Burge- :1 ,: «. >ii it l' :. M "I I t m ar the store 1- it :dl after ai1'.' I 1\ 1114 ■ pi'opt > will be ottered at the on of lizzie \l. use work and t .oN d.•ploraln. >w< w i.;ti [’• 'w li- 1. 1 m W a: Kim,unions tin* Death Kerry. little benches carpenter's \;111• aniI l..mi v i on oil! 1.1 --ii I in- small same town. Ii.ha'mtant- !’• .-t ; HI i!?* H*' I a i-.a.'e tiiie Sitin'* tmi *. city. ••It i- lonesome for -otne Janies Fuller, A people everywhere '-V al- tv Ml.,*- !> a. |; 1 a made for the ami to get ln-e has been 1 11*w aii. ul tiiai ,i i'-. ev iiH'l -ll I I In.*. -j. < •*. Monroe, Me has purpose, same town, ( h .e-k. in ii \ r.u m.. M. P.iiliugs "Vp- No. "t- eoimtry or ehy. to Kdwtird John,-on, has N a n- o. a li .' •. I iii‘« a. I. 1:4 Y >1 ja ami I >mllr to I'li -i i* hi j Bn has i~ -mi a di- an a- the t>oN in the trade an 1 proclamation added ditlieulty, •‘I timl N*w Kug in*! more lovelv and pief- to (' same town. I Ml ill r.a 11 alii ari! '^1 .| 1 a 1"0"at the following resolutions Belfast, 1 >tc\elis. Mai A I'll. i’ll. I.;. 1 at ,,i„ an 1 4i i; 1 ■ ■!-!- no. t., I, if ll, pi in ! ■» Im |. ft niai rln a The Pairtield, Auburn and Aiuhla trick d ol ill cattle from j use nidi most of ur< wliem v » r *n w heia-ver I t-im h if. grazing XV ii'-ri'v. I'iu* solemn l>eat!i has vi-tt all made large for the of and -i|m to A m I ."in 'iila i m-i lip A,,. 1 <■ r P k ik i a h. a *>! tioi>. >mt.|. r messenger Baker et a!- II H what is known as the < berokee outlet in associations will have sorie- n in Winterport. upuli* i-'l m,r oi ala! laken from n- "iir and an I w hen 1 gt t d.iw io the tide water, good !’. » t Ii II M *" 1 ps yuing | and ii.v :: 111-. 1 "I. I* .• .r .1 IV I. »nr .up. tlm 1' T't 1 a lit w in an opm ii, 1,1 p, the liurtimrn <>i the Indian The one management. same town, h red 11 ( .mis, ( >!or:clo ( it. to \ part Territory. d* ai i• !,i-i.i\< d sister, Lizzie M. Herry who died eoinpatiy. I Wouid lik- to -lav theta--one- time. ■ !. IT a oin Im of man'll. I k'-'*aa!i ! hi- ran f now a \ w a- .1 "I ■. 1 I* mot mii't I* b\ of < )e- Will Rockland, are ectmn. -- n It f 1 I In-111 1 'I |..t il completed the 1st Burpee, formerly lai ... !'•Oii. therefore, improvements still needed in this di; But v on none hat a vagabond eeuld do la. Nicker-on, .‘.lie A a^i; | iltoivim^a.i'- 1 '• -i I'lntiaht inn-of w a in. a Viramia : -,it f,-m-t one of his a — ! I*, 14•• I'*. 1 -t toner m xt. ton artist, has had painting- pi- He*"ive I, Thai we have indeed sustained I a Week or tw <> a *: a\v* 1 w a- .'.I lia: u | in- Maim- ti am •*•;ani|* | llnnigh Idle classes are made up from the various that. W le-ii am there Joseph S Burges "ear.-mont la. F. Han- n, Bel I 1 !• 4 Hi 4 }-. six to _In rails mail. The line mar h ed the Boston Art t lub. Il i-lcr* a in and laithfnl a sister, \‘eloji»* by great losing go,.d all tin- that atta di to tin.I la*k a u -. ..aii, i. a a- I. w •i ii ~ month, pet hap- -tring- to l>. ( Toothake-, -a town. A ert A ! A.' 4. t tin. 41. itli wa- lift (link U from lin !o:,:| alnl ai- n i I perform un-e at the Theatre. au-i ’tilt- ve -i, ail al'.i mnemher that tin* kino Father In rooms in the and some class* are soon fast, h> i Broadway picture, with beach, tish-iiou-e-. building 111\ to be one bv one, v "s a lit'-- here begin pulled, Halt " H to It,” Pan,. Tin- !>ri”:ti|.' w :i' lia’P-i. I im > im week, for the benefit of Mm. an and >n. II,- eii ms h.-en very good in giving such Harriman hr Stockton t A of water, odd very pretty on-pii to be sent in irom outer 'i nools. A n -itati >n -o**n one inu-t or -a\ guardian. spring-, < u--'ii,l And the ami !l go in re-pons.- fr-• 111 ’.' ii. tin- •Inn'' B. line. dr., who i- ill. and i' <>( wi-i friend and sister. moreover, I uiHiiiaii'l ai!_rnm's hert >1. Mei' 'ant, Pro-pert. h T II: Ihc Mf?»t Ot r a heller world should he hours ami each gets he will .-. limn forever. If. / thihfi » e ti,"ii_ht inerting lu in Hi; ■. i• i from ’ii'- I'lr1 \ m- ikeh an invalid, netted at > It«• t ri*• i! \. I and and “Mack permanently the vacation Princeton, study ing * a -h w are Stockton kr-. t-» Mheri M Met. ! tr i’t (urnden A Hock ht'orgi1' Valley Railroad'. .in rat in'; -U’i■ a o inoting one That we are • lily separated for tions (or. rather, working opportunities. is tin si .tin Nd Knglami \v inters being sprit |>. m n ■ toe was ‘Bnak ranks!" Kutv sol* I ii* r had hi- on I'n-- aieiienec the largest Prof. will work in tic i uit< d St in-- have m. _• !• “nr -at i-l.n‘1 <•>*■ Bailey a -Ii mi tone that soon \v. too, shall passed week, d'he teacher Is oeeupi* d from d. let the New laiglam! take a J. D. 1 timsoii, f t. ■lom, to 1 >ir> ; tun, • ino'lili. paper- poet. Orange, < ,ii. k! in !i :i «■ ami «»m- t«»«>k a \.*i knew II at tilt Bn* a Iw a\. mg e a Tlif aiiulfii 11 > ■ that rail. 1 hat at Washington dut a a a loin hut on, 1" enter the vast ...i 'l II hrnl ivory tup Geological Survey J away I time, until 4 r. M.each day with the ditVerent class,.>. .•lie from that: -how up the attrac- superior same town. Joshua Lamb, Ltneolnville, t J.u ■ \rr t' ln in» Iti-'l as uiaii In lin t a inintiP- tion. Prof. Mathews wul t-. :cu I Mlene-t j.- il we have found the salvation of of set JUS to li.'tV » l.t !< P d t.'tKi.i^ -trc into i'_\ I n. > nat- h.i' rat died the British extra-; lvich away his o\v n piece work at i tion- >f ln>tin ami the In apne-s of property, sister loved boy lays A. -ame t..\\ n I A M---t r. I ', t.. ^ \i I in. ami in afti r w< ink* ranks no \t-ti_u of ii ivinnim 'i Greek at Newton until the beguiling -t the in- Lord whom our dear departed Meserve\, «• ha- t-k*•>; ( ini'h i. t" m 11 \. The not to tlie end of each lesson and brings tt out to his ami it- :n »-ibjlitv ami tigure the advantage a *1111•:111\ ■•*. licit} 'hall apply we he *r Idest. Let us I'.;. i. n tii• t lli*‘ \. n t lruinlv fur mi i I ui ijinai situ • 1 h** wi'iM i-, hi- lui'h- term. and trii-t' d shall forex J \ Bacon.-ame tow n. Pliim !'• nd 1 t• ri. \<-r;>t ip\ *iim.' spring own bench at the of his next le*son, man would leave tin else beside- Henry rlih-V j'l M .1 I t the t o\ e.iinuiitte.l before it' ratilieation. 1 lank * .od I or 1 he we have I ex end the beginning j something i* i.i -irm to it- normal, it liattnni '1 in n- But 'liln'l tin — riil- hope grave, anj'W's. T ie Machias Rcpublici'i -.ay. thoro i-every and each of his work e\- ! be lunnv to retul such to John M -ame Povn John -ii■!■ i. ■ 'i,i -ti tr r»*-nit" follow the Hit amendments m !. are said to be of unim- ami 111. We look forward with I light hopes to a hoy gets every piece dollars it \vm:M rather Searsport. urj hy■. it II. l.t p' well? I w a- a though ^ive l»urn ni- *-amplt* of our •■om- reason to believe that a valuab:.- ro:il d* posit on ii in the form of and *.■ -a: 1,1 I \ J T e oiaui *!iar p t< r. Ii n i*x be i, 1»—ed rein,ion with our dear sister in the beauti- amined and the rate given a ies-on from New Knglnmh in owning, to Jot,:, -ame n 1 V'Mir peeled they will j l'endletou, Sear.-port, Murphy, tlie I*o>f* ,leral-l t ten- I \\ •* hml fim-tt for nnl- exists at Little River hi the town of in -ay :• i* an-1 puny. pamalit* dry m Perry, ful home of the Idest. a rate cent, of its and below a a of an attrivetive I lie Bn’i'b without per perfection, living upon. port ion the year, ( F- o. I aek -. Hi- representative John Bose, Brooks, to Josephine v rut p ss» '1 < -■ t! i. I tiat m_rh? t'h-rl\ -i-i_mi countv. and tin matter i-attne-t- cm. w e mourn the loss of our Ipappo’i.i \| that the onij anv ... ,|, K 1', i'll!-. rtiun I V ! '• 1 i"!l' Washington I»e-oIx That while certain per cent, the work after being marked , and f irm bv the -ea. if you like it ; In- -I : iiU on olij.-etlon. e pieture-i|iie frank L. Bobcrt-m, Sw an\tile, to 1 A B l*r .! l: II M ... >t .IV I M‘tit mi- iron itnl 1 m. t | attention. It has been demons! u<-I that x, ,i,i,ii riel id and -m ! to in formatum of that then ,\iii heartlelt to the bereaved hushand. same towii. A. i. Beita-t. to 111111 arranged grant the geological lo.-aiity sympathy deal of and rivalrv is thus excited. until 1 »..k* d that ertson, ■spencer, r.-i 'l 1- t nal a ma\ rh he in *i 1 ■ 'A M ■ M pride that trumpet people way. In'|*e e\|.t ,•» ip-. -k;t tr ,t | of >1iir|n in- who inis n t with siirli sad disappointment in his h"r-«'-. j.i-• daii-ti’ri .the A i'hdinhess Valerie, is to be found indication of a oai brav- diliiculties nu t and Sarali A same tnu Lewi- .lure.l to lllo.ilt U I hr nt-thf toadl- M It M •'!- •ill .- i.i -1: every I'.aiis, There have been many and verv s.»n the who looked would ■■spencer, hoinp-ii, I'po-pi ul Srran-r > ;, id (iod the of His people |>ir. (mr umdi i t\ w <- 'uniriini' !m:ri i1 ! i a > May light i" by i. pi r aunuin on her mar* be of interest l< a in the u.aiii from tiie fainuin: « a inn who li\e u ... V ,J-t J t-r, r. ing deposit. o tin the dark that surmounted that would oniy timl truth in it." l to John t». -ame town. Oscar !'|" 1 |,,]imm love to shine «*ugh clouds stevens, < We Were mil 1 > I. lie I a for a W!-* iiity, a .via u m t p (j again j A !i.i11kt i iiiieis Salvator next au- The report come- down from the Moos.-head the it- school that i- to start a similar llie Mii'in h*. in I I. t iy now surround him, and may very darkness hoard trying Kno\. to Daniel < I’ootimkw, Bei Would lou Believe ] \\ > bad mii. w 11 also iv*.-iv»* sdou.oon from the lumber never v. ad- Wentworth, iir|-o'e. pre-mie many foggy ; region that they km -ie*li -,*ll re veal to him the star of Hope even as night school, and i have been at some loss to know the New Mules. I Ik* House \! tie v- n\ o.i> i_' fast. I I Wei N w M tss to 11 business the Havre ..1 -:111 _ t il .1 I- in-.ruing- a! 1 n idi income does for as are now. the burg Henry | k K I groom'* vantage* logging they having r, ralsio us the stars of heaven. And with what would be of interest and benefit in an ar- 1 ■ I li ami a I'. >ut lids aim h n a r* '.ad -rheme liPte: e!<>-. u b a. »rl. i in- ii..-h- ..f a.Iv«-rils morning it was ho! and ; .,! m. not a >7'»'Hi. “There are ah the wav from eighteen ineip*- to a ill let ed fa mil v do we deeply sympathize. The If ther* is The debate on ill*- ih■ \\ rules closed at .ri p. in. In We1.1•, Brooks. ticle to the general public. an> thing several a I. r« -a* 1 pla »ne. w Inch ha- necii e » H 11-a 111 wns not a -nil eatlle Milt to 1 | e g !'• a 11 eoM 11 ■ i'l l!:. two are in<' rei In I Father ha- seen tit to remove from the in*’ feet of snow on the and !->::s think won; Id be of 1 11 ■ I' b. ! tth to •• ground in this private letter tha. you tin- National i a-crding arrange di-cip-ed. 1- did a ra pa : fp m W I 'i*■ -1;■ H> ",-u i* m. I--. l>. H. and a kind and si'lerahly t. 111. "Hi l.l:U# We had g..t an slain and tin! oe. n in ir*h- during to the stream- in a manm r which t.i in tv circle a dutiful d.uightet early being rushed use to the to encourage thi» "Whin a Pile of hitls!” ( aimlelito the Ma nr l-lia \ i. -... hat up v x ment. and on the cull of was and were tli* iit-n! lV< t alter a 'i-k 'i 'if.. in. an !real storm ,. mg -.-ii r. Hut He Inis wise cuds in iew. He general public, nays they ing route for til w- w re worth. "-• *11m passed makes the lumbermen -mile.” it. uem th.'.iirU Plan. male 1.a I. *• -1e11 branch of make use of p'lte rally I. I,, -lit:.- I'me lire a .•r -- I T' not allliet his children. The loved learning, please b\ a vote id b'd tu III 1 lie Deinomits m*i < I! lighlt ng i.emg willingly adopted e i— o: a- lilillg diUl.tlldei I!. We II | j 1. *-""11 I lie remarkably Its* etns now that Bath vviu get to lie >< oTIHA l.l l‘l n N .. K. I' Id M r- M h ire ! New j the p p ! :-i tel.) n,,- |{o, * *»• 'Uf i- i"'- I'.'.iii t»»r | very probable hi has helon*. This is a branch of learning destined !; fulti*. * 111 I« h«•a hi tlie Western ! .,nly gone ued. -o that it was not tin the estei it It t>. A '1 !. v e !• •!’ >. ac necessary speaker toil <>f Kverson da\ give ! '*1 M*' 1,1 le nt began to t« "lit of tie both Tt ha- delimit ly added to instruction throughout tin morning o ] gunboats. Secretary mansion** of the public f I tiioii I _: *1) tli* e. tin arrester I I p the beautiful iiglit, to of the vote four forme.I gn!- '1: Newlai iim extra uotn! lerm- I that w a- th* '-e. it ranks im-eii-iblr : -triggered to t b.- road- lightning the hid of Samuel S. Moon A > >u>. of *o Male of count a 'piornin. Tlu* announccincut perfectly baby pni p rejected I tin where eomeih no and 1 should like tin > in tin v> a- hm i.'-d out. In p to city night. country, 1?. u railn-r woman, goo.i looking am a* 11 a I 11 a y laile-l \ <-ar ••! im a -u" a ••'.ai *cr •dd* and tin' w down their arm- and -at down. ! op**;:. Cambridge,! N. d..on the g; oiuni ! hai was the with large Llizahetilport, ilo-y \S lien tallelh no shadow of Main*.- with the advance greeted !•> Hepuhlieans applause, wa- t"i a r* i lh i». »t ‘1 >. it dt*a‘.. an i. ti if- ar. No were I gloom, guard. old. and had eight children before -he gave hirtli i;iaiit*'ii ai"ii*: trom t .Jtl ll.T A halt was III ee--ai » Mild -""11 wa- ordered. ! pa»—ncers had not the to do the work. Thi' iv. > her are I plant One and am't gliding away and win u t he House adjourn'd Mr Heed whs de- to the quadruplet-. When papa Newt u got M- Koekiaml I" 1 hi- roa;* hit of the darkness day, of tirst view of his wife and tin lie threw :,p ! many \'.ar> ;ir", rM over t«■: 1 hut It a .on* I li p ■" 1 tained on the lloor b\ an reception I .'li i, aici ;t harher liood Templars. impromptu and ia»oi otV. if We could. d- W- one or SC’*7 ono for thi two, tin lowest. u_J.t that thi- roa-1 .- t ■ every night, ti-cai ear. i< to the House from Resolved, respect Rural Lodge of l uion lias installed officers as pile polled j are ihu.- he hui 11. ami that the load tr- m lh»-klaml t" < soon after -unri-e and failed un- ted sister our charter shall he tion-. The rule- -unmiari/.ed last accounts was doing quite well mi The Father began rarely 111111i11««• o|> carries with I pai draped. Lita 1 he appropriation' follows: ( '. T CharleH F. Bradford, T., 'Ion is the tir-t -tep in tin plan M tnv an. In. til after sunset. Water wa- enough Town. Ih '"Ixe.l. That these resolutions he placed upon I he elimination ot motions to take- a recess or j i' >i. I, when loft'l'-'l with plenty j ii pj",. l>I. le*»s than the estim- Two Girls in One Small the he i*i" oeiiig £o!*,7bI j n and tint thev he in He- /Ina Simmons; Hnanciai I people think m.vl will built uhetlni the our line of mar* ii. and after we got out ,11r orp- "id, printed Hemenway; secretary, adjourn over'to a lav set. Whenans proposition Is Ii. w i'ii,** t .lit th. ii that the I'looit along ate'. £ IP.tiii.s.Thj more than the lull for the cur- < ourier and Lewiston town votes an I or not, uni s.. are not In lav or of wife of the pahlimin i"ii, n.'iI, Hangoi- -L 1 treasurer, M. -I• t under consideration not more than one motion to The lost Heller found. j : nr!, at I -1«• i.. without which .,f the tide water region it was goo 1. 1 Mrs. Hitt, the charming Pennsyl- secretary, Bradford; own ai'l. generally rent at \ear. K'timated deticieucey j'' £21,- Journal, aiei that a ropy he sent to the bereaved adjourn will be allowed The will not be | ■ A >peakci ■ III. I |>iilit> tile I.!-.".I so). water, discolored, or we were told an bit of Hemenway, chaplain, Oscar Gould; marshal, t \ notla 'I.'11. l: a I Pei in ktn.x t p t he Swamp muddy, <\\ in | u-i-m e\p.nditures this year, so the vania congressman, interesting hu.~h.aml and l.amilv. expected to entertain dilatory motion- -the -peak William (i. Adams has found hi- li. il. r, whieh j in|.ai -i I 1 > the I test tnetiicine to u-e at times. The well- and -I < I UI 1 "M'l t he (o"iAu v .! 11" in t he k x A I in obliged -prings Pill i> re a 11 07;; less than -»i.I Mas. I.M KA is, thur Stewart; marshal, Blanche Butler; er to decide what t- dilator* ITo\ ding foi aseer lias l.een roving .>n M u Meg ant'.-ook fm t h. tip ley '■ sM.odu the expendi- romance at her last afternoon tea. she deputy '.* Tm l.i'in.u. 2w> n i. ei.iu rati mail at " aria li to l in on l hi- p en In- were One 1 think it was Mas. I m |si. U I v I., Committer. a nin a-. Is now de- two weeks. I»ain trained h g generally good. -pring. ture' t hi' >ear. | Stevens; Edith Barker. S. t;lining ijiun in the -nine manner past >p'Hiding | sentinel, Harry guard, 1 > been rare! u a formed, llm that in a little some PJ miles di-lant M as. M \ax Fit mmi.u, a to do the We went in ly -nrveyed. '•••mpany .1 11* --What is \our 'alea of a between Kin-ton and Ooldshoro -tlie largest village ) termined if. the >peaker f ixing •piorum in was engaged tin.ling. #en The officers were installed h VV IPd l 111 11 has v "led "i»n In IP aid. li is ,L T Auric Bradford. ot on track- li. | -toek \ line i'ciilliMii.ili iiIwmns l e\er saw -cut as it- overflow a large from Shanghai give details of a some do wars tie Committee ihe \\ l,.d.- at inn m-tead of !»;.*>. ( apt. Kent’s llelfa-t, toumi -pring Hi'patehe' from Cleveland, ()., there lived I rad vv 111 I -n: I eon. W. S. Woodburx of Mvstb- -mir n been taken, ami hi 11 he in 4; it t:.. >k. "i .i ne\cr tliat lie le \ .1- at -cut. VI! bills are P* be banded to in the great clearing and followed iter ami large enough h drive a mill. There w hoh-'a till ion which took by Lodge Deputy pre put.lie > -t..i_\ says rill, nearly place recently one Statement of* ihe Bangor Co. siin.nn Koadn.a-I' 1 I pL\i_ 1 tin kn .x A j two attractive girl-. To of tin--** Annual Creamery j the and :•» hm iclerred under the rules, tidies to ( oletnan's quarry in l.ineoinv ille I'm i- ii.-ar'l 1! he|«ue.‘ kin. In were 14 in ago very assisted g. M Frank Moses 'speaker 1 was a a rod or more m diameter, leep. in p. condemned number, lodge, Portland, by ! Lincoln i- to mak. in x: m atioi. •! the 1 11« pool President es became a suitor.but t In parents and not to be otiVrci .n tin* open House, as has tiie same dog that was employed in finding a e.df an wt re carrietl tt> the of execution in Hay is a summarized statement of the < "st ..1 i~ dear and cool, the water pouring from | atui place Tin* wing and 1>. G. M. Frank Pratt. ( heen -ev. and estimate the yradiiiir It Advice lo Mothers. of the vigorously opposed th** court* been tie- '.-tom. its this rule bills for baric* ('handler, which had P.-t ral a wagon'. Thc\ were dressetl in their hands young lady to trr ado tin- pm I. and then the in the middle and making quite red, i I.n-1nt— done b\ the Bangor Co. for one be introduced at ans time, l’lu* House ealen months. ( amden Herald proposed apital 'lit- Wi\si.i»w "v.MuiiiM, >nti r. for rhll- aperture on the that Have- was Creamery had a installation mas wt behind a chain was ship ground young poor Valley Lodge of Monroe public Pis who an inirir-ied in liavim: 11 built will rai-e n on the surface. Here we tided our ; if tied them, and to ssitli all hills ssib 1 10 O.. g. tilt* | < -< ‘l i 111 loll .it in f tilt* best rippling heavy of to from I. I'"-', to 1, 1*90: dar is be di-pen-ed and go and gave evidence hardly sutlieien! ability rear February February four went not tno y oil their m-tc- 10 track ami Ians in tin I tilted hack load of canteen- and our selves fastened about their necks. The prospect of and auction supper. Forty present, either to the calendar or to a union ealen enough tpiip states, thirsty private P 1 11 in on warrant risking their daughters future. The Inches of cream reeei\e* canteen, remarked, “The consumed Net cash paid to patrons.. 10,029.dd Howard Vice Templar, Etta snow, vast crop of crystal ice when that product will | kcuaraniet >1 to make it pay from flic start. i-ulahie. It n lie ms tin- ehild from cures The London Times at Cairo The other lady had received many atten- plar, Gedney, returned to the II.■;> The Committee of the pain, when have correspondent young 20.9 in demand at u» u-uai and with some A railroad rumor, in which Koekiaml are make and drink they Average patrons per pound... on great prices, people -t t* ai d in the how* apple-jack Garlield and was dis- price paid Financial Whole ha- the right to eto-e debate any para- d> r> diarrho-u, griping Is, saw Mr. tells him that the distance tions from young quite Secretary, Agnes Joy ; Secretary, Mary busier than ever before, 1- etfeet a such water as that.” Stanley of cream to the of the Maine shipyards deeply interested, to the fhat sy mlieate 1 -1 -«■«. I i. health to the chi1.1 it good Her how- 'Che average number of incite or amendment thereto without reporting to an win By giving which he lias traveled on foot in the last expe- to them. parents, Louisa Helen graph the of the Pine Tree Mate are to of is to or lease the Knox A Lincoln a posed reciprocate Carlon; Treasurer, Mayo, Chaplain, hour i- to be rest or people dispo-ed capitalists buy rest* the mother. Brio 25<*. a-bottle. Is 4» One day. jogging along through long pine I one fourth. In the business the House. The old morning dition is 4400 miles and 1000 miles In conveyan- ever, objected to their intimacy, giving a- rea- pan was two and take ver S' kindlv to the idea that life i- worth liv ing railroad, of the purpose of eomieetiim at lioek forest, and foot-sore, that this I Nealley; Marshal, Fred Moody; Deputy Marshal, e l for the consideration ol bills reported by the weary wishing the of Gar- To make it so Slainc will this ial at land with a line of steamers that shah run ces of one kind or another. The expedition has son for their opposition poverty done of £25,000 the bad bills contracted \t the close of if year pa> -p.. hi$; me are odd look war was with a dull overhead. nearly W. Chief Wilmot Rob- committees. sixty minutes, II indmtt Bri-eoe—“Tii-tse cruel over, -ky Lizzie Parker; P. Templar, tention to the summer boarder, ltostoii Traveler. from soiiu'W here to so tue\v In re. throe and rescued 1400 field and the any thing but bright prospects of were only to the amount, of £1* Nearly $20,000 matter is of, a motion lie made | tile- on hearth I -“Yes : those a ribbon of occupied years persons the undisposed may ing your >empster and it dull march below, and long ! to farmers of the Juvenile Addie at a co-1 of less than £140,000. Lord his future. The chief coincidence of these cash was paid out vicinity. ertson; Superintendent Temple, to into commit lee 1 bread my wife blue a- far as vision extend- Napier’s go winding away | in tin* fact en to which an amendment shall be in we six months, consisted that Bedford, Snow. measure, 1'utrlollc unci baked after were married.” i ed ahead and behind, we on. Abyssinian expedition occupied courtships That Is So. Prosperous. patiently plodded cost where both these ladies lived, contained order—that i-, substituting some order bill which the line in rescued eight persons and £8,000,000. young The Mugwump Defined. Willow of hits Installed the All at once from away along front Mt. lodge Warren, motion, if lost, the morning hour continues until 1>\ tin- I'uiou. >he BucKlenS Arnica Salve. | at the time less than 500 inhabitants and both to believe that the Be Maine did her duty not only murmur and of scattering The a negro at Old matter to The Democrats profess j came a faint rattle marriage by preacher officers, Charles Webb, lodge deputy, the subject is concluded, without regard furnished her share of soldiers f-u the war, 1 refused two future of the I'nited “That mixture of headache and following are a fatal error in the matterof sturdy The best salve In the world for < uts, Bruises, in vol- J oint < omfort. Yu., of Green, a broker presidents exquisite gall, j the time consumed. publicans making shots. It grew louder slowly, swelling Douglas of Dolliver. C. B. H. Wether Democrats hut since its close has paid $044,000 towards their sues, lut-r-, "alt Kin urn, Fever "ores, Tetter, I I States because their poverty. [W ashington the Mugwump.” | Congressman I officiating. George Oliver, T.; the new rules. If the really thought so. tune and dearness. were thrown in air, of the firm of Green A. l4aT.einan.of Wall street, to t relief. The Fine Tree state is as patriotic as *he ( Corns and all .skin . Alice Snell-Met rea, daughter Chicago’s as is ; Auhtirn K and cures Biles, or no pay | the column hoy- self bevond his intellect.” ! Joseph If. Choate. I 11* the Hudson Instead of Homi. their might as they have done, they would oiler prosperous. options, positivel} a F Ison Hinck- salutes. the line it came, as the murdered millionaire, and wife of wealthy — newcll, chaplain; Harry Vinal, S.; obstruction as Advertis- re pored. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- tiring Along i little possible. [Portland is sensational from the .John I>. Rockfeller’s wealth is estimated* at S. oi ire from Maine have been fa Hon. or inone> refunded. Price 2a rents per brisk wind runs over a wheattield. The wave Chicagoan, additionally “You are behind the times,” said one of our gro- ley, treasurer; Fda Parker, F. sRuble Hail, Large «|iiantitles er. For the laundry, for the w rkshop, there is noth the and ttie revelation He devotes two hours daily here the ten da\s. If the box. For sale by It. II. Moody. reached u-: L»e has surrendered'.” and flight to l.uropeof couple $135,000,000. cers to a lady customer yesterday. “Why?” she Nina Mathews, D. M.; Hattie Ortl', A. s.; discharged during past ii>S good a' Brussels soap. until 9 o’clock in the the M.; weather remains mild, the are that Don't fool away your hard earned wealth on to the rear it rolled until on* of sight, that Green has living an estimable wife and two from 7 morning—to inquired, “Because all your neighbors use Brus- probabilities Would-be-hiiitor—1“Has sister an eye for away Charles Robinson, sentinel; Virgie Richmond, G.; ice will find lee the worthless and but Brussels your has surrendered!” words! And children. Mrs. Green the daughter of a examination of a pile of letters addressed to sels soap, while you still buy the old-fashioned barges employment carrying up injurious soaps, buy tip* b autifulV” Small Brother—“I guess so, for “Lee Magic being Hudson instead of down, seaboard Feb. 13. and be Rub your duds with Brussels soap. New manufacturer. him, soliciting money for various purposes. kinds.” 1 Charles Teague, S. J. T. j happy. she told me it makes her eyes tired to look at you.” we were throwing our caps in air and tiring wealthy Hampshire News of the Week. the Wor'-T' t.»: -.nil ;< v hi a.; \v«»n w it!i timing of tin* Mate Hoard of Trade. The Lota! lee The, Collapse of Codmau. Industry. News of Belfast and Mr. II. II. Sides, of tlds three \<*te> t.. I»\ the f<*' "urn; \.*t city, Monday shipped The Benefit have a dime so* table .ii the "s' * 1C t II 'pa1''. Vicinity. Society M .V\ l.\ I lii> low i; nia lv a «roi»■ | liii, rhleau N* \\ I The state ll.-ar I of Trade met with the Auburn 11 tty barrels of to as an ex- M \ 'o>--n\ I !ir-ia! ia\< I Kd. \\ ^ ork 1*'7. S. 1 t>uis‘j'>. ash- (.'apt. hit ('oilman has new liirht on the U'K CIJTTivti ai 1 mi l. Rivi.w. alter apples Liverpool, Kng., l niversalist Church vestry on c,al Monday Tuesday evening showing. In addition to its run of 1". 4 Otli.Te»lli< n ih-t h l'\ Board mi last. Ten boards of trade WOMAN’S srilKUK. If the returns are regular < o|i-i I In ''••'ill' t \ I MiltOll and Thursday periment. Mr. M itTlhn >!■ :i on 'lion. tint Uritish irnin- noon a Journal visited the 1 a i satisfactory areti 4th. bill" it bad to p; Perhaps representative pen ‘‘'I’lu \ talk a pay during the last ve.ti s.p'i ;ij for !• -\ voted f<» N vv ^ irk mi tin* last l»all"t. and were .11 The Belfast about woman’s sphere •Sides will ami ill. -•! > itm ami rrirrtii.n 1 represented by delegates. go into the business more i'ra-ibility « the Belfast at the mouth of A xtensively. roab :nn 4 onidetit -«-tit tin *'<:iate In- i> ;•> mi llie >t:us and Crystal Company hay fell dead in the on near burglars that infested the (own last inn. I j-uMii'wi novels an opportunity Tin-'day stripes floatin'; A. < \\ 11. State 1 here’s not a task to mankind eity, tdgliway Moedwv. slimmer Marshall, Sibley and tjuiuiby. 1 driven, the it. niination < t Hai-. ,d M. >< w.’d ot M ne. The lirst block was taken out forenoon. from Castlne nine tons, of lish lines made at the .ami wlm a; Frid *> mn tiim. -Mil. t" lit thrir idea-, 1 v. Monday There's not a or a Harry Hay ford’s, while a load of wood, an i- «.v\, happi;; in The y pre-t over American 't "els. hut however it Seeretarv M N Ki ll of Portland stated that we blessing woe, hauling prison. only 1 t U 4 (i> n• a 1 oi' l Mates at and -■ \. a 'imim iit fai'im ir< t. '*n>ul the nit- d The tirst idea was to haul the ice out on the North Then ’- not u or C&sttne works, this concern manufactures f pi \peion is now good 1 may hren bjomrhl have in the -tate .'10 live Boards of Trade with ii -i i»I ami addl't '--- tin .•ouunir—iou.

  • i!n. Turin r. 1 treasurer t»f V mnu*ta. \v ho a ii't iMr. A' the Marine .Journal well says : a membership of jjihi lie the etVorts of weight worth fnetory ritehetl. ,V thought Point. Tills has been abandoned and the ice will ready sale in Massachusetts and Nova Scotia. There is il" \\ lthont a woman in it.” "f ^ uT I »f urn ..llerteb lave-, w w It!, t. d J" eommit -un mir. i- lailum. ami i-' For he has the halls of Cun- the various boards should be concentrated with uo., this city is now running eleven hours per hmli, mp;. years haunted be taken out on the Belfast side at the same 1 point The Belfast Machine Works will 'tlit'i as-fts, makes tin- net debt so n; -1 ill atliit-lt*d with tin- -uifi'ic mania 11. ha- wnrkinu' action in favor of the staie P> aid. He ship two po! day, and is turning out over bion .t shoes up admitting thought the institution bad where A Townsend An incline pairs * AN Sibley operated. " n 11 t-' M;ii\c ’. t<> ami a-k> RKITBLIl JOriLNAL i « labors mpti d liiiii-t d- ath. ton i_m Imllt raft, from a 40-ton to a I'ottie has at this week to the linn of Nor- It this .M(e\hoi;. >. sloop great it line! t ,r good in matters. appointed postmaster large granite daily. work i- kept up throughout the week bool at North Monroe tao_n: i.\ in,. win ii In in- legislative slide has been built from the bank to the Pm h;- r\o!\t r t' ut!y f..ooii-;.>n 't< amer. to all tie :nh antaires enjox- water, South Momville, vice Hollis cross Bros., Milford, Mass. ( hie is to the •lames j W hat the st to Board does as a whole, the local Moody. polish large aggregate will be 10,non pairs fur the six da\-. heeling of.laeksonelose.I Feb. : 1. Alt',---- «i. 11 d lii- \ i-tol ill.- atlri.daiit at tin* hrd- | i’ nil in>.\v, ri:iiur\m k*■. rd I'f NnscS Imilt of American material an I and the blocks of ice will be hoisted up the incline columns, and the other is w hat is known as a pend tbi" was Mr. I>i first a hr boards are We should do all H l’> Flint, selectman, and Fdwin M -s ( oi a ■ ering school In* d.-monstrate.I -l.'.r handed him -p. 'larit- r.i.-r and urab- 'ailina under tie American flair. Now the doing individually. bv a steam The of Mr. tornforth, I-.dsall, who mad* a \ «i -1 u i | 1 engine. donkey engine ulum crew we polisher. The at the are bis b. d it with nm.'h r_ ;in —. (Vn:mi--ioner I PI K.vrKV TI1I'1[M'\1 M< 'KN 1 N«• l’.\ 1 UK Aim re an born foreigner h\ instinct claims in can toward keeping the at home. We treasurer, of 'J’horndike, were l»e to re the Valua- foundry busy debut at the b> methods and discipline tin.- fact that he is IH.ISHKP money Fred bis wood was Hollis >tnet Theatre, i. la-t White, used at yard, hauled on and saw mills. I ii•• >i MattIn w .- al > ill P- take a t" hi' a nt ( tion t polishers for the trip nr mm before the ommittcc on Marine should boom our own towns and cities as do .iiiniiisMoh at Augusta last week. is • . >t W rt «*f tin- i Little River Monday by i-hinntm in i'.. in 'Ii.- inti -t lahot and I- i'ie ri--' that n/>t vessels of oxer mend him to a foreign in tie Wc-t. He the of the A party of thirty In on and Mrs. who ~r ail as first teaelier I Journal Pub, Co. thought prospects the has been from «. i.. ideas >n and I*. 1*. I'retto went to Belfast dropped (.'apt. Louis, visit.-d Belln-t la ... and who m.i. an.. ...t i..\n m l-iurh inii Maim- has Republican .'•on loin omrht to he ailmithal to an Atm than company. A sluice built the state oi M dm* wa re never than at « t" attend the annual eonrert Primrose even boo| in I >ist. N 7. North | brighter pre- Widiu'sday \riiing Lph. Kyder, Hill, Belfast, Monday j Is rt m< min red a number s.*ii p i, “i a M II.m. Kutii- I’rim-r ol Ibum ! _ spoke 1.300 feet. When the blocks of ice are hoisted possession captain's pie. h, ft• a !;i Mxsx. , ... I'.iii < < edman in hi* nt w-horn zeal for from cm The s report a most brilliant and enjoyable of apt. j that had and made all the \ Ma-P <•! I in- >taP- l.raanr ami 1’rr-idelit papers circulated reports about the dc- the t- aflair. W utei ille Mail. house, merry evening. nipper ur.' I'h-as.mi and pm tit aide term of ten week* it ; Kl u UVi.K.. .! ■> " \i i. 111 < *i; pond they enter the sluice way ami slide the ’I M. t A. There w on l. ut at U,. ". the \ i• 11 ■;t;. interest eoes pres, \\,<\ tin M-iim- Mat. Am i Mural Mr. >liii>|>in»r farther >i Maine of cake and eolh-c wih scr\ed. It has been the iim-uu | tin- rirty. | !' |uilatioii farms. He regretted that houses. In one or two the blocks have to be oysters, fruit, | f,,r places regular ser\ice at the 'i M.« \ n- :: will a m t. It i-an < va ll- lit Ben-ions base been as follows: Increase gospel Pin mmiina- ! than that. While but reeeiitlv he wanteil such i-. had gone out over granted was next to an our; repoi broadcast tin* coun- hauled a early day before the guests departed. years past ghe entertau.menl at tlie elotw -u up grade, but generally the descent is Lhis cits last and a in i* .ii i. a. r. -p. \ tin- or.-ui i-t-tl Friday of the —John M. «.ordon. Centre Bineolnville; original, Sunday, growing ere.-t j The Reverse Side "New South.” *■•1.1*1 in ira le thrown to the workl, he i* for the statement was false. the wii.t* teirn. ami tin- .me gi\.n this ■- in k'-ui ’t < hi open try. suftieient to slide the blocks A lias Last week Mr. A. K Pierce bought at l> i main t.-ted. \eari-\ P in tin- mm Mmi'- ’-thin easily. bridge < bailee M. Harriman, North lMm 'bscot ; (o">. \V. Meeting next Mtndas at :> :;n p m mw wiibn- President I.-.rd of made the Mr. I’*, arnl his of \--- ■ n. d tin \\ -tern The eondilion ot atl'.iir* in tli> > iiilh a* r that :t should “remain virtually Bangor opening been built across the for the ice Palmer’s two slate pencils for a slate which has pupil-. ...o-.-ting mu-ie, diu ipi- by | highway trawl, < after, •'em'port; increase, \V. II. Webber, Bid- ^ direetnr* meeting will l.e h next M.u.aas ■ addre-- at the s, a "iioi l i, ■... I i. lb- rr A r »I• leb." W afternoon session, discussing the tin his ollice door at the Belfast login reeitatioiis, -,.j, p., j.t r. s-mgs, tab nrapb ompai.y. willed hy the reeent murder id I*eput\ Ma<- t■ hile within a week or two he going unden eath. W lien everything is in ..I fast. hung gas works evening. ! ... t 11 i -h-. -. .: M i— Fit a Phil- growth of the Board ot Trade movement in Maine lean.\, etc was wel m.nied out. It was both in *hal saiindi-r* in s ha h.-cn (••i. ei | 1 id the remarkable development of Maine indus- day last week, tun*-, -ting and n.\able, and ranked wadi w ith air *hi •- tor the < t iier housed Mr. J. T. Pottle has a crew at w ork the slate had lasted all that uinr the -lav shim. Mi-- Piiilln ..oix'- an lint tlii- iiiurlei, proteeiion shipping daily. to t m tii>h '—partly j uiiplea*aiit *urpri'- tries in Is,-!' and '‘.m. but tile damage was the of his ( engaged mu-i tor■ I an i. I. -ii ! .linn >!*»«»; in-un d. int« iv*t.** he now advocates “the *aiu« *ub*i \ Murphy’s Point, erecting ice houses, i t- J stolen, hung j and a- it \va-. would at the IWdlast ra H-m-c the n ieowardl} unpro\oked well onied the state board to a watch. It is s.m i that when lie took otl his cIMlies ; >p. ,g of 11 r- 1 :!-- M iim 4 (\ w ho -.-t Auburn in hand- are feet Mu wide and 21 It in the old -dry. t oi Ameriean a> l buildings 200 long, high. place. « 'MINI: Mm % 11'1 have attraeied le*' attention hut for the utter- ship* cnu«trurtio» that pai Man !i |sth. 'I he or< la la is .-aid to »• in lint -t fl in. tin „»'/ m. I| ■"'iiie di. W. < Mar-ball. was called that an of the watch was found on ; |.‘.jMilnr ;- i. r- ',u.--tt •! to -tml their names. -per K~

    , Stkamkk N<»! ks. Tin* Katahdln w a i-.o;, « *" r- nniii'i in <• r. at llrilain to her line* from to ever heard in and the m.:t wi. a in.I* lay.■ with Mr 11 a slid: tin hrlonip •! al d t*f- anee* of the Florida olli-ial* roiei mini: it. Liverpool uj 'ii to the lb da-t and his side. Ihlta-t, post jI repre>ent Board, spoke if needed. The bouses are m ar where tho- <• t ^at ( up when she arrived hero urday nio adiii: r rich harln-t.-u n, Mi--, i, •. r-- <.. lib. \\ > musical treat. !-t .•nlny tin- Inil P. mthi'.p. Maim-, lie murder w:.* m*i V w \ a: a 1 from to IL .-ij*.-1;1111ia 11 v as follow .- I’lie) have asMimed that Southhampteii A wen* located. M• ri• i.: alter Mr.-. Martha -l. this is id Sibley Townsend MnuIVy.of city, years Boston, tin- t the w. aii:. ’n-r a it..- Ii.iiiv « w I ... m M. William-. «d showing -euuity 1 li.-i till I in V\ -t v in- « «• A iti"' -r .k i! > dt-'.i;.I j > a ■ m im. lb- A it and the we*t i*t of Ii< «!i• -«•»!II iii terms the beauties of the w h .,fV \J \\ ■' •• ! ti iMe hei aii'e Hinder*. 1. had t glowing noon was men at w > old. and w hile Mind her health i.~ spiin'- V- ;-»■ n. -i.\ a i w ;!' iiuir '« r. w a- stormy and but few were k bodily excellent, She hud a steamei Lu< 1‘ M ! .i ;,l“l ■ •• •' t natural fcruen of large freight-.. "din "ll -'I Mi- I. ... ta M" in > lot., ocean frontage, of lay an il ••Mi; Ain. lie:', for lint that will make the on I a! I 1 i home uii!deini*ht in tin pad. any an a: ell ll eel the the .mu.. and she has not failed to eat her three meals arrived from -New T ork n,o '' * '< \-Mlprrill- j reputation and ure of the city ol BellaM. its buildings, carpenter.- being daily sunda;-M< u-iay ,MK* ii 1. -r .v*. ... v .... u ii italion ulii in iin *une time, and a rata if I- ip I. Me pioJuee it is m .(ii>*- po.-r and tie of the rour! lia.l not been eon* ; pr<> subsidy 11»11 compared with that of Naples, housed in a small haw- erected it durum the winter. lives with Mr. Win li Katahdln took one ol the hugest ficig:.i> h h.>)»«•:l M •*' 1 11 \ j judye camp they I * -!•■! -i;y II,. -na-. i- -• !.! mn : ii- P-r am! ill lo|-( d tiiat till- had been so little visited tl"-m i«» unite. 'I a e a—aul; *' Icj city 1 •• nos.lay r> iu-eiin-n-i .11 >\ ! 1 !l l! •IlLH-ed in *ll»l tel' a W here shelter. The ice wa- slowed on Hatch, hi son-in law cvci taken Iron* this It b cii:.|,..| i. '' '• tinned. That w;t' *iib'tantia the .ironed Vo) ar -e< i. the being away city at I A*- Ii hi II 11-< I -11 i- >-t .! utside world. This had u Ii u as t.aknu •--»** eh- t.y tbat happened trive-l apparatus ioi tile !uni. in :e ft •. ■ tloor Inmliuy: p e, in"!I *ei re it lb also a vmate* n.~e u w a-rather oil .d the recognized ground of the erected buiiding- " 1 -" < \.. taken >eli:d -d' l‘:i*e.» of I i i :t in TIde- i-ing the 'nti'le Mr. | I I V\ a in 1 min oi I' .. >; r.iien >ani>>ru ll.t- ,-it I. lint ti.< world was to the About men wen- at work ai , -< mn 4 rmi.wi I -<. am! i- ii"W i ** e* ii. e. utraet* are ma b\ I’.rM- awakening forty Monday, < •. • -1 ’:,. I tin- uojnt; bate n tb- lV'olution I -:. I f will. n:n; i: >■' n ii 'i Bellast and it was being visited in- on. ...inmnn.-.'.l i.|inra j by teams < i: .- dm.. i. m »I tin mi inr t oiiit. > were ic< The force will in- pit \'l:.' a ■: ■:. g numbers each far who were hauling Me- i- Pritchett. sM.e 4y to. t.. extend n. t,‘" *’ U 1 1 ! eallin- on tie- >• n< ral !>rinferma- it ) with the OWIK rs Ilf ail) *t n- becoming their Thursday, making tieurlv <.n«* I*m.1 ad I to I.,in i,. I i: -I : *! d« id* a m-w Attoriie)-( III. M V I {1\ S 111- la,,.- Ml n idn- 1 111 o d more ;uien -t« •; in the creased t<. more than inn when i- in I t I ,1. j,. •• development atui cry thing sice met with |aun«!« r*. 1 e, *ie; " bare and it v ot tin* u In, I', upt-i | pro-pei city. He described order. Mr L 1.. Whiuier. a man ol e\ keep- t ween Im* an-l -pie ha-f ,! working r- sal 11 d< hen-, r-| 11,1 •' 1 1 1 » the tin*- new ap| e.i. the merit id' the proposition is Liio and w;o none <«i t:.. -t .in-1 1-1 i.l to remark* t nator. iii*\ w ini the of the nav y.” hoiel (hat ;iad ju>t’been erected for sleighing hauling many urn! ha.I repi) the rcipiiiement* in tin- d ihe i«•* ■'1 an ex'-ellei.t l,,r tii- in the increase summer perietire work, ha- eharg* uttim.. self e\ replllati,-l e*-- p. •• '■ ". "ii-i : I travel. New industries idem. > me ll,. nri!\ ii,,. A » an th !• he same ( odman w ho i.• t I- n_ Friday and Saturday iinu nmg- th. thori. ,.t w.-ail: •'eiiator *ai I: The -'.nator Mr. l’a'eo. ha.I t111.*:«•.i ;he wratli upon year obtaining strong able No hettei ice can be lolled II’ d- tin- mark, t i- hut I>. II, r-c mix n i! ml in l.rwi- repre-eiited pure. ua- a :i ;■ at I'.;, 11 a :•.«» Imt I.*.- price -tamp- ■y *• 1:1 I, bold. Hr thought t!. ii tlie trouble with the j»• Mi. i entered an old fasl.i. nod w int.-r. ,t -a. i lav, aid thn („« vi.iieh led li:i \! n -ei-n :i I w a a o o people upon >! M .ii v. a- ••■Aim mm it d " itu I 'll! ;• : ta t o hi* id\ i. M \\ t -ia lee ..... h**< i'i 11 h with in- iiaiim a»,• t y A:nir exeeptions : Bel | a -t in tin* pa -1 w i- t hat had en- vieinity. umb r-tand that ll-e r; k. pa tin* hur- thru l- pp>.x ratnl a thu-ifuarante. tin n tri-in,.-- h;. 1 they been by the weather mode rated ana It- u "It' I."'!-,a ’I in- man. and a fair iufeiviie, 11 .• in id' remark' illn,-.-.- an.| lias l*mi to Monday ught Noruml Sn|„..,l I t .i i: id it i>h ami <>w n* r* lii'i'b too cm111• i,iet 1 wiih tlieuiseives and their has a contract to turni-h ...eiiu dahynni,- mu-ord his an e w-*: ttiv imitation. *hi}tbuiMej pany t<’ii>, and imp:,- a \\ on Id l-e 1 \u mu t a 11 n 1 It lx 11. < lirn --ai\ " Ini .a I,A- a -: that there wold not It a im \eiiienls and li id not boomed the ciiv as thev J'-.| this t-i-asoli l*. Ki.h uir !’< w t u. Mr <.«••» I i; ■ : ..i hi nrk. f..* a m Jim. ..f •• a* t to the Ameiit aii i;i r* and much iimi'' a.- cm cut, at .sj per ton. \\ <1 -a I. tin- I a *' *' n| It u J uT M. I tie \Y < I tun u ; I >P>:- TI mb- ar* \P the Tie.-tern to saunder* beinu killed it eoidd *i.ip'• u.i io11<•. 1 n conclusion he a they p 1«| tin I'll Hid ] will meet v\ i 1 h Mi \ ,: nnk mlrd I paid glow olt ha* a 111 roe h-u.-o < i. .< k.-r M lot '■ i* i- that :t U ind-1 in }, put power. •* ■- been i." old- ; tubule u im- inv-oi Maim all the extra to will' ll till' |-d'di:> may l»..\,-r. 1 '1 'I •! -p- rai ion.Flit j only lrt\e done in a .i,:dd- ov\ *! I'm: notwithstanding 'th« adm eulion claiming that it expen-e ri'iiip:,:i it" **ll'eet next >atnr-\ ;t'k« I. ,d >eoinan forward it :i ill o ot more 1 n 1 b bur. h a! i1 < a pushing subjected., India d gill ha "«'• Iii,o- at 2 Pap! ’lie *iniier.“ oilman** til idii'i ia i. promptly oVt„,-k m n I le-ts o| the "tit.-. -t: • i. .Mr. f hoi. Sal.horn. the -an o o'u K '■ •- 1 b.'. l ln -t-r- "hai-tei. r ot **aniider* and ot lie- i ed dll,. '! am ua I snttlnm.-ia --r ton an he realized. Work is being 0 A- a .a, u a w a ■ tin ,r ■ a per pa I'm oa-l .kiln a. tin- sidrualk nilpleie artMuir'-im-uts tip- pr.--enfati ,u >1 d ) *:. Ii'lieant l»eeau*e of lie ._e b hri weia Mr. in *m Imr-e up-i-w I l“V' '■ -n I’ll- r w i- lb \ 'A 'n mv-i I. nt .•! t ill Of jll'J iee to d" w il ll t lie liltir lei MHIl- -peakers, (loldtliwaite of Bidde- ha- put a Mr llk.- ami |>, 1 !l.y III.* t.. tin 1\ •. rapid and for the m xt 11 U ,-t. U .-i U> ia-t u a laiyo *lt .*•!.: iirt 1.1 it r*. 1 n- -i d lx Mniii I.\ wiil in a motor in Id- n- < 1 » * 1 •«* •' •> n i I -t "I In nti.-*- uni in other free ship ‘pm: sander Strickland of Ban- put tinkers .•-' I- .-I it,,• I-.UU i:\nnnii will be n 1 1 ,*aiind. leid done la*t :.r or t a-. eai ! « ; *i pond the luisie-t p! ir, town. s’ rack hrr if-: ! .ou thr knr. I in* u hi,'h tlu.* ‘lev etionai til-a tin.* a h> : -'a r :• w I- if.!-, -ate,I ). g 'i 1 :r holy wriyh ,!m' di •. Mm h- !i been a rt odnt ion in ! hi* diree- -cntiim-nt of the merting was “Keep eiaoker tuarhitie. I .a-t week Mt I'-.ul-un '• '•'Miim.-hu-din.i •!.. liars. /II,. I .1. hi '< *. i I. W 1- He did not ea:v how ?>a• a he wa-: IIII'S. Mr. A. I i, ol V w'o-n -I u i. ... ed ah* nit Jo" p < u i.. land ua> the tall thermf Hi st sat ur-la> in tie n \ j p-•!iti«-i:jn Mai!:*. 111"ar\ at H"i,ir Ii "in yirai tu In- s -I u A Mh. * o| Ii. : ion. an- w ;; > an at ion :i Maine instead HI olortri lio-toi pul -a p lit i„.t u.. k U tin '•« t-r If w a* *h I eoward' and Uepiu-lh Adminisli v.tnmr I .1 I I ,! '.,-W -t. d *rotineivl'. N. 11, was in l.eli'a-t la-t work. II.- m.tkin. u ;; d. \f ..h 1 I invite,I. I.) in '■die in, waik \m> ti rm l \, Imt t-.rlu- ‘lially of \ia ama I Km- i- In business session St ort ifv'' " '■ 1,;i *' i. in t-,| I wtf>m not a 'liadow .d yml.ei w t* to be ready i-dired ii> then- are Lri_lit !ii snu-mi, Ilf thn support t.. .-m Walker' n _, w a rangements im-i ti i.ii» -hr -aid -In- didn't ran- > "■ the I* b...,rd "as to H.ttely < K \ M I I. is !; v< I Mi \\ » '> v m made. H« w 'led t If ! :d o;- Ml. added tile Maine stale s- m s --I k •. [' 1 ! blit; M t- a (tea i or Meier lit S!M I HI i-.M. Mi .- nidi (in a! In pi t he \ merieau ville. lie rec •• \\ ha.- ixe I .piantity -a vm non-hit ! d m>t it.'* t he J,-urna i. under**and di'tin that iii* w-t' re- hoard, v! M i. ( Mars'nall elected one of tile yrt ma <•! tie- «»ik II.*i t.uuit, u hi) mm ,.. 1 ..1 h M lb al 1 of of some time mo, ss -. •• s\ .-:d- pt niyifi i,, -, ,it „r ,,.tJ '!. ■ ltd-. oits tun- !•'!' Ml. Ma -a. til. -. 11-i 111• i sat.mdiv -team :.w ip fill'd. 1;• ui».lean Senat -i a* an anno ! id' I- 1 .• 1 w nan m it,akt by j pi- B A entertained the Ii"! 1 I; ol in has tecehml a contract,tin- H A ;• Briggs am-, i.i-n-n, u;t- liany.-r I establishment in the -I. ta-n-ip annex, a U> ; I'm -. to a 'o!; d i*. !• rive.l. a n i, b f-m [wo I make {i• hale! -, r n or- Mr. Turner has -d o Mr |.i apn«‘_ d' a :iir att«*n.. with an bought puintilv a i. urnisn ! •, a •. 1 .. **• *-gat, of I .ltd hr ht 1 I uf II rattlr granite m;|,liuu N, \\ 'i \| if M ( ;_• U < tin it Ii* 111 inspection p. dstein looal work matnIs 111- .a t h. r. Mi. I* re-i .re- lalyn ..wind m 1 ■ der. and to e\a b- in --'tVi'i n. : an a a-- rar s- f Mr. t ami tin M \ •' W ,5 uoper, i' !* | |% J 111 \ l.lull'll. 'll I u»a: •vtiarent ha- bhl :n i' a tai *:,' an" nnt >t cn. I iYit-n -.1 I l;, low 1, .... '' ■ -- 15.-at Mr. strains I tn. I > 1' 1 a- i" » in ll'-ni;. pr.'p'-.-e-! ef Now if. 1- t-- I Sol! i- a an J.,, In A \\ a-hinut n a to tn -to; ! aim d '|m \l 111!-' 1.' .'i It 1 »udt <1 ami li led for port. I.. roining 'p -■ Sarg* ,- i'u :ng .--ion w a- -■ .i.r .*1 •••'•« less \\ ill ec,-i\ .Mtia.-: Milt 1 -• largely attended the !■ ai ti -t hr..tjrd attic w hirh '-'if : .. : I Mr. •.bin II tr- hy money Mai eh 1-t W ill go ill W it • "IT o a a. .-. nail V. ■, :• iinn\. :i.i' r ; >ii ii Hi- a. |.! -11 .> 11 o ty, i-»oi: am! A 1 mi a; it lit- ll-mc-- the l»ik lli-.l ,iMr. \\ ,i ne 1" ~r!' 1 n uhtirn. A resol u. farm ai d ha- mm- in Mas-a* Im P pi i,> In. kiin ,| ur ... liu-inos-. t" w f-toi a w u k. Two -m — ; I; kr T.. o- ■ 11 will eut i. e at W'alker'.- oatoring !i niil' -eat of -in 1 ml. 1 till'- in Uiarkt d ioiit a«*t t-> tit 11 " pond Tw t; n. 1 Had'deit j i• d thr :• ppotiitmcnt of a commit ■'•tt-t- ! i,. d 11. Mr. >|rarns ivrriith !lie on :ujf al 1,11 '' V. limiyht the ful wood working e-tahlr-l ments have i.o.-. mb. K.l-lWi. .ll ■ » arm e«l here >al tin lav on h. I’»<• -1. t. h -... i. w •: !. U If ■*? All. fix ill.' •;;! T r tec oi time t*. take into 11-1 a ration the 'hi U'" 1 '• '' i\p. \l itinii tit t he Ma i loll 1 til. •• 1- "IP | g h t'f| II. I’■ « <»t tii Frank 1»; ,ni o ''Hi/a-im, ayatll si. I), I ,.m- tx•• •.! on the iee.The of tin- m,-;i .. up i'll ami » 'i :' to I i! I' b a t I! aetiv:ly ip-b a hi ... a ta i- lit if hi' 51 nral aire it.cut to the of n' 1 due. in 'Hide an. if. w pa Mate foil. 1. I. ni t inn and u ill id* l that In his 5 M, u •- } j lin-lmi, lore tin iri M i, »ft, I ,i Mnmm i- v. :.r I. .m IF I. b eatt.-ed .-ales of lumber in tl, n; M: M I 1M in;l AINM INI i If ! •<:: tel 1 •* ’• N 1 large \ K\ l.g* .. n\ « I a* iakil g ire from the •unlit a*! i- Mi .. .-iiun. i ink M r. aid. .",m I- t-tin •! 1" riveis i a I-- *« hra; tarn.. Pas ■" H t, \ ard •• TV l nd-d yi“- til; Hr. oir ,,|’ llir most •»t .Joseph 1- 1-1 an a o ■,, 1 ami ;.<(• In* Hin ti mat, a ini it. is -I,. K. t has sold .*!«•* hio tee? s r< ■ ta intu- thmiyht 1 "if. o.*pi r, IJehf kail, of tip- oit t- g in nt.-i ut ■' 1 ! '■ ■■' r\ 11 i h * u* l in consideration of la a! ,n 'd1 Mai 'led :« ■: ir ’a* 1 >• u.-e! !•;. ami 'tin!., -".uhl util'll: plan in Maine. li- t oceurre.l more than two u. k a- \| I II- 1 I; part 1 sh -... < i.' \ s " 1' ’11 m dr g iai tMi(i ingh Mr. it. 11. ia a. A Mr. at Odd Fellows Hall. \\ dm ! a s- mug M it A -i mtto them such "• T \-a privi- -• : Mi- ll- : ot It ; t t!i- j ;•<•'! :• in tr ni data tin.' < a I-I. >! a |. I. lie-a!:a ! strain. | ,-wi -fn. hi- lira lv live- m the I'i'c e ;n th -maym- •:a .lii'tiee that i to :ifo|v. lie- *v "t this will .mt a a < e s ■ a it|.i1-'. 'll ••* t" "I I'iper. city -pa; .'.th, that will anx thing oi the kind adopted Legislature. .piai to hnr I., .... ,... 1 ; i.- I 'if n! i u.»: r. by-the an 1 I.. Id a. w am! a Mam c. i.ra :. ai I : i i, ■ n. Vl( 1'* 1« ra !aw in i! at -net i. um.ii t T_«iUfU M I wilr, eklai iridiny in a double y ,u..j„|( 1 U i! M. tin- that A -a V a ad* t.""sc river, and will store it on the -i Mi, here. 1’ h e e n t < pled the m*ee»h 1 recognizing tr tin •! w i a -1 \\ <•••' km,eke,i F m? I : as':..., i. il i.l I; : -rim- I- u « < i' a iiatix and \\a- until \- la-nldix a lit, li.-ld re ent!\ were <.rmly la***; j-r- ..r •; at r-ua.:- -1 or ry o. III V a .s -I.-:-: any |.i-r*on do 1 ir aw the of I’iper. meat of Ml- pi 11 H " " -•»• subject batikruptey, tin o\v a 11 I was foinio ami lie- I ,« a- .ip ai mi f,,-v ... {, -: it t:i. tl,r a* K, apt r< _i,,.ty fc. i* into !•• .■ r :,l I n: h. H. -t' ai j.»u- lnyraham Vo, and « a; iS''in_ t h, .•..uni;. .-a?.- ; d.-r-».i g ii Torti bil. The res- i ll VIM id;-. Seh. s.arah J W ar I',.-Hast t N. vv a] and in-trnineiitai mu-ie M following to o. a t-en s ami s a '•" .'ii-.. ‘• d a -. *• -ra Ip v. ltd i i-dm-a ted 111- t lull it*2 12 mi ii. r. 1.1 i, — r- in- '. w i' it to vt\ n at in t! it .- I ’, 1,■ ra! law a iiM i;in::■ \ 'in "f jin ii i' that im "i: w. i.a; am with iee. a series o| -on t.-i reading-. I i»e i-< -t n-a. ai tah |.r- adopted York, trip- \ .to / a •• tin s *d !*-t ai -..-mint •! •*. v n ml. l-tai )!(•! ..} rf„. • haki.iy up. Mis n ~e< w l« « u .: '-ate pulp ■ in xx I- i a' a 1 ( > I-ei iire-l, poll iuoiu Mi-- laryt hr :** i—i. 1 !,• O mu: i« 11.. or d;. .. it and ;i't iai' d A s|.,'ph ha.-, after a great .>« I a> light, li. >ekp. -I t t T. a -y '\i 1 na a alia in rm im I t. *, u i 11 i in thr head an*l \\a.- m < d h.ii'i woi'K.'.u! i'.i'.nst.i king, re<-oiiiuiended l.urn, Mi— Maud M id ike M- I *. I* \ Ft Vo u nil. II loll 11«>< M I’la I'., -1. o \v ho\V w. 1: four- i‘ •! ihl* i.1 •ft mu '••: lat! liiii'4 i'li! Ft-1* v.v ir.tcrxa n- f' I per I.M >eh. ai dll.-l !'• I'n l,i- i- Uvi Ii.. :.i' :o.i- |.u- :a\ er and I arbor 1 a -ed a at ; a I. h 1- and ,r u. " n,..a SumJa\ It i- !’• ( ;i!Tc.i KMr. :tn pi "pi impi ovements They Mr- |{ Ii II. w. tii. As: r- M <1 1 have >|e. cl, | i,t a 11 'a\ ■o ■ it a in aci.g fast to li rid oil. V I.. a-. at T »- \ 1 1 T!h I. w* .it I : >* :t. .* *' "I tld> !..• out e..; -t. and m the get l An.a III- th, li ll: pi opin 1 U hitrii Id r* aii tr. at nit nt • my.-| til fit I-,.", j-m am my <' ti 12 !he 'rl|,„ i. all I ., 1' n ol thi- Board ot I ra I. w ra I aim s, ea ie lliyh p| ,|,.,-e * -■ the boh amount re ■-di-oner, he-, iee l» 111 k i! t I i’ll a 11 -!.: I. a: r -• !!, i! ! i ii’iiu tin txx •. t« ar> a ha t it t it !>•• -1" 'I- hi,. ill'* {;,'•! 1 !l, lit* '♦■uraiof tin- no;'1,. rn •.•ui.ti. of !" ;u a* ami 1 .M. i.l. |{ eommraded him for siieh bans verv 1 III 'I'l 111; in* in ll,e • ra lie.-. \\ m \ by mm-li ito I.IM.V Tin I!; f"Ut plll.iic elinr" > '• •S| toi !i!.inx W -H!\o I < >\'- \ -a ... tpi v -.1 -. a 11‘(,11,; f: •./•■u ! tt h in xt’ t ha; to!. t ha! 1 «i« ml ill- per lilUTlil'A TI .. >. j tii* w. r<- in ITin n ;* :n i la edi d. t l.iu rtoje, ..i \i!.n. ,, ,i M it .., ;. .i4,lr, 1 ’• a ~1 ha <’ *li \ ;! ■ lii*! c <. \ in am .! ti rxt ti'.n ii.- w ; in I,-. t !,'• plllif t l.a1 IIii- \\ intc: yv tile ml prominent tim 11' >" '!• Thirt IP—I " ir —i■ 11■ Me were olos.-d -at nda. \\ :-ia n ,|1 T,li' A nh 1*-'1 .i— am! tvi. library I III.:- 1 umt ay.-I m 1 to '-n-'iit. > ■—. •: a < ■ tli«:-i:'rnlor. ami i«-.tI!; i* tin : a six xx xx !• t:;!: to t s- t Matters ha rli !.• -1H*VV ti< 1 flar-l thin.. Thf L. n 1 vv ill he im Hi <1 to 1 ta -an uf}. ami that it it it the ! otign to use the.r utmost ef reamer) i.u-ino— ss on* -i -na participate 1 ■ birthday, hut otherwise "" ■ 1 vu m \xi .a i ■ o to.-t nxii* lor.x.rx -outIn in •rerurc s for mir rivers ami ia -i \\ > ft >|e< 1*1,1 U ih\ for : v j:; a*, r<- | appropriaiiot ..w r\.-v, |.*r ihi lir-t tiim- tills ■ > po| It p.m a:hon;-ti:i_ i siaswn, ( "1. \\ H I g lor. ..f till- a ii-. g I 1 u-s ill a. The T». ’la.-t rreamerv d-e~ n- t i. i.-a-. it- ': 1 .m la ■- 'i. •:• ri Ii*-Tm m t ni.:.,a ami a> .'i-rian.'e w itli and to the full amount •, j i"a,|ii.- w fm-h m- ilt.- u, n '-ai, 1 hf llif tin ini ioi next vv eek A • f th*- 1 -1. :il '-ourt>. l! \\a* a r- "t -m rei » up in, Liin •!ii\ ilk- in \ in t. w •.-■ pres,-Mat cca-:> of tin: ( < i' ; di lavor of < th t 1 .' •' aathot it} of t },• o;,' i ;; a MX }■•!•• ! til- I ! ii"! \ mi 111- 11. ii: all \'cw York .dty ,-is the quality. and litid- a rea-iy >a A .: t it "lily (.rany, had iro'iuently -eon tho (...m-ra', In 1 .J --! »- 1 ■Aim i i,Jr- siniyhitiy tlinm 1 '! ai; — > l'• !.ana;if. 'I tin iv "\ir tlm- I.AVV I a| Ih ‘I ti t" 1 M !!»• o til Ml W:i- a a II If. a! < > 111 W !.: 1 hi lit Id' oXX 1; 'Uk< M' Ultlfll :i' !,'! ir 11_• tnr W orld s Fair was are now milke I lor he .-a m. •. w i ni^iit, I' w a- ill Mild n A o.'k w i- I P Hi-, n -y adopted al- | hut to tukr it.. „.u i. j ■ 1 •' : .a t : tin- 'akt- : no in tin* maim ■>! roinurui ! la-i la- ! mi u f.-n ■ a-f of -. <. « ,-x i- tli tr: Mir di-riis-ioi.. s. rip... !i',f Mate \\ ha- .. in !!.« i-liara .loti.* h« v\ 'Worn *.. \>- A r. dution w ith regard to small number Mr. T I. i_ : jI llugii mansion opposite Frederiok- irg, \ rgli t an y any r., r, ••• M i'i t...11 :11!v \x. :m..' ih. if .'id' honor, h-t th- xxord if! '!.t,vh Inm hamis. i li pup;! j "i: "■»' wiile raw ii as a matter < ^piiny Hinnyl moro of ago an —-ri|.* 1’ i- tli F ,-* w outside the tirst advoe.tte- of the realm aid who in I Tho negio was tha: eight;, year- 1 '’ j ,flh ij ar- lv id. o x -tat. iii hi- l iiiou 1 rnm-n m,- M r. 'A a ■ .. .. any. ! !.. Ih a,, >t..,-k!"i Ii smlii'iiMil a v *• > ■' I"1"' !'"I a Hoard of Trad*-. It w i- spring, i n -on :-n i> u ••niimt i-''t• 1 ’• ■ voted to hold tliiisiast’e ill ti.e l.latt. a. has had heeii on tho Fit/. Hugh itif.p '! !1 '! v !' !• .it.': •>■! in ot' •! trom Mi. -• n aa a' n.'t a! 1 n .. XVitil irood 'lloxv of tauil- given pi II 1 'M pn\ r:11y M ;'..:!* a nu in *r a na]-am a 1111 tin- ,i I | ! tf lit ! .• 1 In t. am! will Mm. il- h. a, maiMlaiiniiy ■ 't tW" II., .-til | :!f ’i!111 ni of » Atm :• an g- of the Mat.' Board his in the \eai h-i tin m-t rhary The o-.lof -d mat -ai at < -\ «• «|ija! per year, } experiene. pa.-t !• »\i.-at! ny t. a toy* pm tin >. ! "a. ninth-.'* "• H a I- rntav in i'.i|Hi.r-, y .n-l III- rn I, t Was a : II- v. :t ’• a a r !' a \ r in. n "t m The •riling. ; to, :n-. tIn- th' ti'.n convention then idmur&ed to meet at the month-he milked three eows, and diinnuHn was a fro-;'a ui vi-lt'-r t.. th--• ! pi-• tu mail la.i --a, a tarn mi :..»•• II 1 '' call Mi •>. rn Wiiih *••;:•« -T our r. main- ■] t. ; ra: liir-.i-! ,--| n. in xx li it* r ii. x. in fiv. .;o\- : oi t: No-rutive t.m in -at.I I»i !!a -1 j-irix eomieil. six months l.-nr e-w an a v -.t t hi. U |;i 1 i..- ...... t .1, n | nr-! ia>t ho had -o,■:i him man : m « ,y ii*- ... tl" '}ai..-n was .• l.anu »i-'» Ma: hr. y I a Mr. ma-; mu la-lii.-m-.i mm tli. iv i> no tloul.t hut that tin _• ia u ]\\ n n lit. tif't w i 'train tin ir m*rv ami ['' j .my was next in "as ii. a -t a hampu order, and live one half eovv s lor the ear. imp k v' h;_ ktiov- n ii* this \ 11 thinks ho told the ih. "I •»\ rtrii i»-i t -1(01- :h- iiii -taH '• 1 a- XX n \. m.i i a It a < ly | ji-inity. flinns t.i tit-- ''w t... •! m u- I >A 11 -i; l*:n -i* 11?' ami "U- t-arl!,!| it VVc ha.l h- :■ \« in in \, u .-* ■■ iu-t k t mt h.” *l" hi s u> ru thf ul u. if -- Mr -or of rreamerv a, "Vt*rll"’.\ ami Jinn- ua-tv\" 1 j :*t XX •. Savage, A11- the l»ella.-t and f«l, < 1 ■ -••" -- '1 u tli id I'-taMi-h it I f.i'-t at- } J t' \ pro \ I III H f’.l t.i \s|' \ l.-Mj M M sit Mu i> \VI -v. a ,t. -*-1-tin I tri-iiit, i...ii. : i1 : .. i«*. : lit 1 till} ii at kt 1,1 1 ■ 1 whi.-li mm-li ha* < n ; ami u \i t "a- railed I a 1 > ! f. upon and closed a of blitter•. a! tweiu v e.-nt- p. T p-■ an a! 1 n; nl I .aIlf W ha Ii 1*1. ■" A •' •' l.i' •••. V-. :11!i- witty speech IPi«■ ki, <• I 11 i- !' :imu \ I. >i I" I tin 1 II a kin .1!- I \N a* V He w is 1 '.an'' ! An A A la'o- It thought I! i:. In,- h. !> ~a> i*-g glad that tin Jirst business l-.-ll Wllti.T ttll at h-a-t a l"i.| till ■* ". | Tcfp. > 11 a tu-i -■ has hern s.r <1 h W K. .M I atu-h ailt.ia-l. t l‘: t. ***■-• huitii.. 11 ,-nul • I a 11 y 11 (. ii 1-, -- u ■ it; ■ \‘ am r« l* r~ .it ag -.1 thi state I -. :: 1 '; li t*in a• 1 ■ Kiti! that p-u Board oi d'rade had been held half a rent vva- w -i -n llif i; "l iin* hui alinir "ii tins w ill- I i• 1..-. ii ;.•*. hi: aini ih per'|i..irt. oi11 'll’ hart i- ■ *'1" v n J < lies n »I't. < art. I-. I I- It 11I ■'! till- tin- l\ "t.ati. a ;.• t U ... 11 i! I. -. ''!» ''V' -It/ •• ,• If. .r i>. 1 v *■". ira-ii .at- and ; tniii* i". ■' j ialiuy v\ A 'hiiin. N it hough me a ■ -i.f -fin* *• ■ native of the for ihe tlna and a halt -u 1 : <, _• ! .( iif. At j rn a« it:»i ua* hr. n *.-n? n Maine, aggregate »-h"i ii""n 1 '• "n North- j r: i. a i.• i.r \. \. •. ); an 11 ail. lm*- nut a 1 w a s I'in m.i: a -nttinrs -t. m :. ** •«' -. |• •■!'»: pp.--i i ; .m w ip. !m .- -: ltt.imh» | I i" th* "inn and Mihstur. ■•! a "p*r. h !,| of (in Mate i- a inaMer A I. li iii:i\ !». in-truim l.tai in *♦ t; ii.- .I; m -n ui J -el will !,<■ ruin nail' i. ii I 'apt.<.«■■■• \\ k hi- arm, at aj.oration un U a I 1a t at- ;m_-. t., j lar.:-!} ithiT. her«-. I :! III lav A- v al » •*.:. _*- ll> 'stay ||" closed character- animal.-, whatever it be. mn-t n -tn lilt.i1 a m l. L'lit ... i :*• a liLht. Hal by may ii: i_i• !•■• pi: tii i will entr.-iiir*! n tin- !t a it ac .r I'm- t hi- It | .1 is I,..t -hn-km ! .In m Ml lim .■ immi.ia. r\ \v:.i h iia* _• i. •. 1 -1 tt;** traii. I.m 'hi 1 < ■ I Aid Ill'll as tin- of ... I w a :u 'if < a -1. a tin- ■ -in i ■: 1 < •! in iv in r« city Paradi Maine the net .um-iint. r i. ■•■t,, et. l"t t unatf w as n<»t •1 1 .tin th«- j -rt• *i iai rank" it i get ly 'Mi ■ -1 I -1' / v ItlK-ki !s a tiil'rr niaslni >«■!:' "l.rr ■! J it If. a, I'vain w 11 at a ,im-sn,{ m -1 a. ., •’ nr t .-it ♦-r .oh \«y 1 ■: I jtro*]'.-. it\ than it in Mu t1 e .ardeii oi the I ..i d, 1 1 ii. !:>• ■ and the citizens show that t< til- am: :! -la inaa a a ( .il'p'A tit that if what I’ "id* t 111i• >t >a\ inv'ting -eiiing tile milk •-r.-amei if'av;. -liylit. "ii.-TIf rahlc • •: ill lirli'a-t ai'I.t t 1 \\ h 11 t hr mail an* H !. ill. lam-- >-t Ii urn w .. •• !■> .t -arks ; A i I-' •1 aVfia Ho it a; ar> hat u ■ \-ii\ Maine to come ;•• often ami stay President better r- ills than to n t -utt-. : ! " !•- i '.i .inn i,.t• tin hai hor ami the sra ■ mi- th- n i" -nii thina ra-i.- a: i\ wron: n long, I tit »‘ '~r | it: v a: 1 i- •:>- --. I "- i: mil; !. *. :r i "> f ’ll' !•'«• that iu\ Pern |..~i i.; cntfla r is-in Ihi- our, ami P ir i-a >i 1 a i, ., a Ol a: 1- '*■ B ir, .1 H } aft. !.'•< *lim lull r 1 h u mut m ii. of Watervillc, M. N. farm. Ttie -duet t r. -li ihni"' .i_; -I ihf i:nn .mi rh; pr- .swan's w harf ■ '• a !:'•' 11 A i! A 11 '. : raiiiit'j -llirt In In: r>*Ur!i ii. II a !'V ar I pi*rt in the pa-»r li m*»iiLh- •• -. u ..-t ratrhrs t! hay With ml Pa Irr: -laknry P- ! A ani a: -:m. m. .... 1: 'ft 11 set at tk*tia Mblcy, of Belfast, !>..?. and mneh better than the av. "'■in: 11.. tin' a a v ! In' "in I ,-i "i 1 :s i11 > [Tullal.rM w r?a- ait! till" in:< at* :k-a-i- ami I’rr— -tt Ha/rltii.r ,, \, SlM-.-t Ma:! :.y -a. u m t- t: y rhup> nip'r .i "i Lew .1 K \ i. '! ■ i. ur*i.a!i‘- of i* ON i-ton, Holdthwaite, of Bid- farm houses. A 1 ill* *ho! n in '• -.lit} lie ami ( harlrv 1*. ki A J t m? !'•• h ts '!• nimy tram at. i Pa a a: n '"‘"•rs l-m.-M-m \\,-rn Am ...... v "t-d ! nut: ur mav i.-ad 1 It" I>f. \ i»i •: \ \ r.i i.i: •, hi. m \i< w P wii- It. >|m■*■*■’i di>- I ■•'!• g -. \\ -h i.«--;t \ and ! .. In !: i* m»t i.. i- j. ■«.?• u-usta, .fudge If the li.-lta-t rreaim-rv is n -t et n.. 1 \; .! that rir* h- Wing, 1 will Mint) he wirlm .i '1 --l lialiyrf .11. I !) .1 a a a ip. in 1 yi.hV 'in,- an. i win am! W P. ••"" A l a p Mm ... :v|;, i .• ii,in_: in I i" * hard \ iht -.rv t*• ad i '' a 1 ap:. pa-ii- r. v\ ii" in |; u,y r } rhap" A. Lowell, of should vv < k Mr. A I. llr-ov n\- ;> a a of w Auburn, fob j tip Hr. -- ti.'ii atl'air* i I..- t.• i. rat.-,i mm ii i-o:j. r. or Hi. ml ■; f.' ,urn-- ..• ...... l.-'iiil' will • a ..Li 11 u as at «>m* fim* a ( hi mu Nmi.s. |;, \, \i i ii n u-t; hi! I': ip j" !''1 M;. "hdev ei to v -: m-l. '• mu-wutnp. -poke thusiatically Of the erv be io.-ate-l in tn. ei! wit’. a n ,'; !;■'.• 'll... -A I ! 1; T -. > ■■ Hat yi-r. \ H. ! n-t .-i a !' 1 11 J ii|._ t.. th:* tuiir-!. r-uii'i re! *i. > i.-i 1 1 I *f I a i, h uave a n inj.-iiii-h. '*.1 -t. an m.l Ilf'l V -"1111 "f III! "111 (.'■hnrrh, live minnies k t> /in, ot the tin line tin- railroad. -tt!i;t s li .Ii-! 11*• especially panora- along No i*iilk III. 'T or I- who .i ,|. .) t.i he t,.:,*i j ,, U a ! -■ u v w a i} al* •:■'! a! !:: "I m-v« i" t.» mad*- 'o'' cm >t ,i,i :ai. he M‘‘ -:.l ia\fl\ in llif Mi\i an last Mi min imn iTii.,; 11: i-M 1 a k- 11. iii.- .-I l\• inii. l» <• i-cape, to viewed from an euterpi i-e, in the in lam l-, v. .a. 1 ih ii'-an ai th.: h t of th- M; :•• ti-• n i-f !i i'tiim -hr "tar" and ! M " -fi v.tMia lc at ami 11si a an 11 11~11 >»*.! t su\ I n ii ■ .' 1 ant I * .• 1!. 1; 11' a ■!- iIni in i'i.1 Hart} tiuju- Mrip.-' nut 1‘ereivai. Tile meeting i'n i. j lmruliti-f" pi.-•* '' a •• < 11'- < i; mu. in Paris Hr nia-h a a.-kn..ui of l-i.-n.M will III- -c II i: th- oi lamr I." in- Tiitnin.- \- -an ah' in i» t. oit tur ! o -i ti.«- *• •. <»v -nr h !.- ."- I III Ih-Jfu"! \V. « T. the army u .*> rr.lm-t I at ^ratei'u iair.-i.r I., ill. ’•• ■ ■: a 'ii ti;ir\ 1 hr i* •- for a basket "f li w« ami ■ < •-«• -1 s i- may 'Him tin- llir Mm:, an u,:r. In u > idlers mri.t. la W a- \\ !■.' at. a at M in.-lit ol hi* nan v h- n in ai t •*th- r<- ■ o i r. have : hint n-. and prof st to The knight' of P)thia& Bail. 1-V, he as re a; | apt ■•' 1 ■ I W •• \% 1 • ! il it I" Trolling llorsr 1 •' i-i ;... _i M- \ Iv .t a M. |; .. k''•!>' Breeders’ Axxnelatlou. 1( -v I’t'e-i lent I'h-ia .• j,, fi'i-in some liir oun^.-i inemhers ,,| In Hi W hi'lr In- I hi h rr a i-ir-t », ••. | .* I" iiN .l«l d t'a.-t, ha i'i!i.' \\ \ rn- |" nnam-nt in the : i. nmi _: v tin J1;• '‘-•h-i -I to Im piT". nt. d position :m,1\ nr- :tini pro_:-, .j-t.!-! The concert and »! 1 given ;. -1 wei tlic lb '•I;* '.*» t l-t I... tration Mr. r. M ( i;ii; ha~ ;r .;r:i 1 a ■; w, u- ,, I 1 ! M; i: V 1 M 1 « te;.ai '. am! ear hater he <\ as a .!*•->!. I at.a lit :t. lir \\ a 1:'ksj,, :n -- « > ; I 'K Nil M ;■ given -i; I "A lJ11 !!• In.| ;i A mo i- an i' i/i i.* wt.-r* uaraiit. •. 1 -. with :• m nA wlii.-li A !. I K<) 1' | 1>.. h' pr partn i.lar" fast I M vision, I'nif. x uu d La nU Ki.mht- I’v : -A Ml ! le-ee eliwrrh IP ha i In ri, ;. y o-.;, — .*1 ... k I ...... w. r W a* IIN- j I" m. W 1 e ! 11' mMJoI lif,. i|e serve ha.l mail) ! drli l- t* k 1..j ii:iiu• in :il!»<• r the w < v, ! lit. il tli.; .0,*; ,! II' ion ,\. ; j., m. an I ... n 1.1 \t k. 1 olh* r ... wa-the most elaborate social event >i it.. l-tim V -i II 1 ■ -« »■ 111.•! iin j thirteen teats .. lie- i,.-u .-r I. a: tie N :ln < v ..Mm- .. | ... II. ■ '! i,:iT. K.xecwtive Committee of ill aij np to |-. i, a.,,:! ua- at I- -ittv-- years, 11 ir. I at thr la .Hu- Ko-tri art, *, < ■ *• w i- *•• i-i v ■ ■ ■ m •■ tli* n*' it ut i'ii w -i* -. t.-.i an.! in ,di d with t! j". ai ■! n *vv Tint Jcc.-ratioiis d tin 11 u.-«* v\ ••! !e-< l,ikl' "• i. i\-ir? a 'i ,1 u; l II u 1 H »}-«•;-a hureh w ill Pe man! m \t sin- ■-i ■ ImH.ty 11.M .1, V. ,. r. h pro- •* iatiou last full | r.eintliat m ar where lie w rk> A tr >umia> R I'llf y< Mm ■ "atin*lay, Prilling p- •i' a. *. ’: ui : hio n it In detail in •' ■ in .i a mi.lermine.l ti'.T- Ilf! 1' :. p- ; (,inu-r ( i« \« ia nd "\ ndi- were full aii. < ei '• every inch f aval aide t! < at \1. :• \s -1 tli a i< I•"» tin ir in hi -pace ■" ult! Mr. I’ahaei * t'.i'-. tcii"’-. Mi 1 M I 1 \i limp.- Mr-. ! i. a U : ■: I T !*■ It'll Til.- N" 1 an-'th' r for th.- ;t!:. Tim :ni**i park city. The colt Ua- lnplo; ei| in a tin shop poll'l'. a:. I" I'iiv ill;: 1.1 vv I to ho mm floor wa- utid/. i. l he out. b M k ■ j lift "papi plant" 1 •• K g'.t- -1 t M I.. ( Inc a in ;l ;.e e. n^ t tilt- i-:t\ .til ISi ■. >.« la -.ii Ha m -A « I 'A ■ ’• :• r^a! : Kaylas „„ ; hi, | )i j t;••»- j.-li | ot th. Hrjiu1 an i art} a 1 m •., r r. i unti trg- than a -! car. flu* Will il. Ii -t- Il" i.' tti.luw ali i tiller 1 kind t- '!.. I’r. T 11 "ina i r v. in full uniform and ;u "i-lt-i >. t "■i.tti*u. ml :ing nr haltii._ last ''I: lr it t a r| ,i‘ ~ri !': ■ 11 1 11. "S. lay -I Si; i; y «- !h a -i.h ncy, and all -take- have been •!‘1 -it .. a'. I 5\!i.g pr- " tin; huu oh-*! .ot;/1o• .-<»i,!.I .-rri-- hi* rijht a* in hunger. 1 ■ 1 ■ A I -• M :i v .nT- I 1l jr*' i. la." it th* Ik 1 to the floor received the regimental oilier: ‘I h.-u t>,« tor, l{et t.. i; ( w v.r r< -!. !. n't at Ml .! Mill III P I. “I ... M. -m V. da'l Men. Tin- trotting stakes ha'lun-k, I'r*Mail., ... ■,-.. \u an \ lo.-i -an it /• 11 at h«- 1 •-i 1 »t h \ purse “I- !' -1 A I ••lii!.;tn\ Lewiston I band on- -11: ill ■' >< a « >•< a‘~ }|ave 1 *«•• »« in trig-ole gave I'- m.!.-. \!/. M t *'h•'i M I- _ t..| ■-<-1 lira is fa ai Ml-. H A:- a.a !-un- fir 1 at llirt-t* for toll !,!'. Till; I latg- r than last year, and apt K.I k Tin-v 1 «■ f ti ve selection who! v\ < 1 '• !"•- M. _r n ..-a a |■,. ;• a irk .1 at .la. k- amt mote in tut -r wnli * :> it. l-'la 'or soinr p i.,* s-. * n an a i'• t«i\ at 'ii" tin ’; pos-ibli will hr doin' to make the ,-ec- -pale!, pr• 1 an-i htTiiuinlii.a, ip. Ml'. i ! i‘ A' t III';!' I fop tii** « !« .-fi-*n ii; 'ii- ijtliia di— work, i-'owiim j on I i'iie concert wa> followed b tin- drdi •! mi- ■ •; ■' ’'urging- I'll 1 ot 1 meeting tie largest and most -ati.-hutorv of ate. ami lea fing 'Ktous interest a:'- T -ni. <-t l haiui. .uni h:*.s hn i. -itM.o i:ss itii tt. n .a -■ f mi »*: : v\ nil an -dr of a" nm-ii an- ■>- a* prev trict i',, i, in .. i, _r,.— i>\ I i import ul_. ■ .-t n 1 ■ •• ki. i squad twenty lour und« maml 1 t ,. er m -even ■ w ; m !. a : h.- •■.mi- eld this part ot the Matt:. The Knight.-, ,ak.' So I. I-. cvoli. i.m-bh t; e.'U.wi .1. remarkable j ry -of 1 -s:• Kntrance tec gin, t<» many for Ilia’ port.... Journet •1 '• M iilli ! ••••• An, i. u •h ii ’* 1 '■ ii!-. lint the .( 'll-;,', I. nominations i era ns. They forme | the letters U k. i\", I* *■ "I U urrui-P at this H i' a -1 rn-lu ■;!. III-; ■ ■ port Hr.,lit i .Ml- l.a; ■' a ■' I \ 'Mil't. >• lii'M-ralluii"! \ i\ .> -- ii "i !• •hi.-; i: ?um l»t n:...••!••,• | 1 L h luM |„ X, M ^i'lm I\.i;: 11 ; made stars, ■ 111.■ la-t week will, Th t.-e- u! ii lirtl. W l- < I* ted a*. >11* 1' OOU. fr V w .1 1 s crosses, wheeled, marrhe L troll! liatTen la r. w itti In'!' -irk a ft ha: r.r :.,a ,i ■• > :> > \\|l ll ! !- -h"V\ :ti 4. tlie hint and ti, al pi.,-ph;.te -i-irr. 1 ! I i1. Mllllh-r- |; pretty ly i payment. ha- hern in I'M-ii.t -- man •• -,i ami N :'i:" 'i 1 ■ >•!» j. Ao.ii- ot 1"-. marched, and wa nt thmu_: ?:-v..rd r\.iv;- lie "—el r: ■•11! A •».!!•.. I Hi" i'. T han -h. h ie\ a\ ei a_i" oil'., in iu- held f >r tin* Ih iim- .>amc conditions as .iisell.trgr.i the -tramri' •'tatr of !V\a-, iiii l a tile: ,, I in,!, I N .crow in with hr-- ,-t- a.- l 1 "'pe popularity •'! st-. A -'liniii' bo "t r«.-for in law w ..* J 11 ‘1 .*•' in 1 ■;i> — Ai'.-tn-v Vi ii. N< lt was the uuaniniou- u the :t. at hurt lam!, u the rr.aclo Now k p./I lnl 1 •q.ii.j. -p»*, .juam ay i 't !•'« ! 1 I ti >rale ue 1 u | n i 1; a v\ -n >«.nie mcan'i >,ak«- N T* a is ot |"7. Kut ratn*e hern a |,\ ;air nr.i::._ .... m- A i make ti.1 "bill II- m. ib> — fee to 1 ■••■•mpii-iK'-i Im Tl. -u pi;1 that it was the bc-t e\h; Aha, .; ii T. t > .• m t‘\ ll\-• tons were for !„. ! w hen A. H.-.-toii in,-i rinir-ta M H.,_; i«t 'lie- III a-:..MidaS l; j: «* -; u 111 toil -I Apia; nominations Jiv.-t >-las.- M r. Iv.l.- !i An- an a :• > ! I.aek-iw \. : i'. 1 only n‘it in.iii •. o.i must be ev er seen here, and the n a.-- i. Ivt.ou it.,:,. 111*■ rerun mh r ..v er the 1 named eiety Knights hn\<- g-ing railroaP. 1 •I -K ami tram that tima nnti! laa at: V. Aug. tmoment in t*. n to u •, m, j-arals .• Ur rit ! *• « J .!: ». Ml- '- ■ I ip-t :,. "t'ii i.t -r I it !' Aid vn i; 11 a fri lull'd an ii111. Una pa im-nt 1 and Imne-I ; to of -u. • 1 me-a w a iu.. It am a he proud the-, Whim it vv a a I ami 1 ow in-. I in I iel sva- :u a srtnt ai-. hi <-o||. I, r.. a Mm I a. Net. ,.i-Is-;, 'a me 1 alle<| ...Mr. It I W V !h .i i-;, t in r! all h* time -m \ .tin • i.t e N W. conditions as •_ ni i. -i Ylrgit ;a. N "it f < armina and ^-t dress the la-’, a: w a.- -'mi ah'-i.t hall all ladie were rot in fan.- •■••••'nine tltree year- she is a r ninth, v. alt liri a nr* ami a: !'... ; i i• mm Hn !'• m, ago. ti-' iucnt that will attnn-t the a:i< i• -i S:,t l;t | ii1 -an t .•)•.*-1 vi- ■ < ,•• *! 1 1'iiMi i !.-.•’*• i. it, w i ••• < 1 he a—oeiat ion ■' 1 11 •••• a i• -it: I :: 1 Mill '.!• !{• U I. I "til ! lit-. will add m.m to each class it) the but wore instead v, \\ '! N h 'mi IP. the in !'li. j o t A inert t-n I'(•lota- lira ... at:, at >1. | Mr- P. .. -take-. ia-lle.-, ami -piotes p; i- ove l*"rti.iiel a lei t S|U. le paid as fob and, loin, 1 pi. Patterson, of piaa,- 11*1 -in Mr-. I. irrai.o ..-a It.. :i '<*•» < lun. I. mi dull, and introdu •*•*• 1 corned ti.srim.nt 1 ha wo Aati,r,i.a> the liu- ■ •• K a b iiic "t tin; •' •• '■ p..i \ IP. la ..I J.. m :: : jit |„. till,.,} ;!-•"! delight cockney pr. Pin- I; August •>!)«• want !! -a i.;, p, .at. U'.-i •> wei ill- i- o N A "t * < '•• a a- ! iir-t time in :tu- of tin I.«• r vji, I nt. S5o>io:i d mrnal. haai p.: hum:. \t lea-t pies ork -hip ,,rk tin: ;; hi-tory ; tail to rail on them -Yu\ thin.: tin- cm. rv I'1 KSH SSI Ml II a a N" ■’ and as card at 11 u_ K t, !• tin I 111* .* .• >tailions, jjs-Jno the rontaii l f-»*«-. Chapman .*-.1 tor l-vHl, 1> ih.doiit" the i. •! i. ill- vV.II tie I \ 1- N t he kn»*\ have been in the habit el >,;tk\ guaran- Singapore n. ! > .\ < 1 N ■ mniirair limn at A A i I< v\ ( ; Kntran.-e e :ju. ,\I least b.ur to make a.el 11-111111 itt '!i<• A I :iT. l.ite w hen the -Ut- .... ioiui.| on :!ji,l part.. i;| \o'a_.-, with lav i- T 'Vhi.-h thr ! leui -Tat- !l el h id f. »•* 11 '•'itbm the >ame under a name. ll:,al HM-nt. l*a > n eiit.- ami al ires that ranm t hr a, "I ". at I Jla. :m_ ma.p.a; *- U-Miii'. thiuy diilen nt l,a> due April l.sO. when itrlla.-t, pi maim :st :i toil in '» a:.:- .Tin- h ii i; t m- !.i, ri h. I'n -cot t : 1,1 a.di.ati.-us eio-,- and horse must he the dining room attachi d to th<- mi ILm-r. 11 ;•1 I -. In *»t i-I-hiiip. Monr-i- -• •»i«i■ t\. I !■ •• it .** named ; dune oily L. \ \S iis.-n, "t' -< aonion;, a< 1 v. n ti,-- y **mdn« y 1 K A ngu-t !•;. 1111r* 1 v >" •* ;; <•.i.i-»••! I. .a.i pa meiit js_*o. | Tie following are the vej ! | C A. Kel.-ey, -air a Itlark -mith ini am; ia svaak > ay.' Maia -t 1. :M> tli"li'- ii* j i:;i V. "Ii a de' •. -1 \ V I r. 'take No. 7. J7 e .i--. s;;ou guarantee .-In'!-, •• ! w horn the sure. ..t t all',.,. i- dm- ( ... "1‘ti.Hiil, will have art n otita Tlie e.-titnat v t, due | tin Ibi'toll run 'ii!' ui ! ■■ i!.. At-r. 1 paper- have tile makr liniil payment. I'avments due W t .rim l:, nt -ra ? -;• rt, ! n t h Ot l; S -» Cook ^ i’ll a lie-lit. "•■lm\ ii- April '■ enmity tin lh j uni:.- m- uiad" ! '' ~l 'l a w it K ai "in. nb. n nominations elo-e .in:! Imrse mu-t he of Arrangenu nt-, Mo cab, it, w h. j .-pi top, -pai P rigging, is >.iwte!i m irdi• i■ into the ground ny horses, of ail kimis. whi* !i arr t-»r -air, an : m a ••!. -v.. < « -preading !: 111 ■' ‘••June I. s 1 '1 ui .f hr no.-i inn -r: ant "tli- f ► r Iu A tig ii-t Id. third v Wa- [,t j- pa ment £ I". Sanborn, .1. A ( 1- neb. U K- aliiu A ■ u flit '"it ""'mini ntt• r column of A !i -take- to the ! he M'cn at -lul-i* ■! > Ml! matter containing "pen state, and '• ar-| : J re* trotting will he 1 "i --■ 11. library (the tir*! time I many y. a:-. 'I'iie t'sve trade i.ndcr mans, K. L. Bradbur W. I>. barter. \\ ». Kin. •.'• i\:• i 'I.• 11 <-y w ill eoitiinaml iter.... N.1! ride-. Kntrie'e].»se ! •• .• o i. •* a item of April 1. Ad | Mr. tirir.m :- n .a a h 1 iir *in | 'a n s i,i ytni a I -..rial m.i interest, but di '' '"diary mainly e ■ •• 1 mMi. « I j. \ j at a d mM ii, 1’nu div-s the't G. 1.. Brackett, ball all-1 K. H. \\ rich lie-' 11 < i. .mm M I W. u,v i- t.. i.uie, in thi- 1 teinoeraey hully y. Belfast, Me. } 1 " !' ".'ll -! ill tra»it. a- In A. vrr\ thin*: 1-r S\ ::li 'he u.I a i-ln •! Plot: >t. vot- d to extolling their own d. -. pai'ta-i enterprise and S. W M W. W. •'*'> a-on v... I nave a whim o.ak keel 'ailing .-y!\an' i. jor .Johnson, mh, M. IL Ivn-.ubm j Belfast Free Mi >K \i 1 He ■ a y iug t hat of their ri\ als. Library. all 1 halo p.lie keel -on. .-filing ami It'll-I Par M j, S NS I 1.1,1 Mi-- ii tit:* I 1, 1 X p.- .’it* !'* \\e|-,. and L. Merman. I- l-.or dir. 1 M at:. I planking. 1 A fee. m 1 k 11 a. m, 1" !" ml >a n, M weak S' :. .... ,, i K .Jom ruiinn .In 'n I. ny ,,f th >n- r S. W 1 hi. \\ i.g .1 in \ ii g: n a ie I is to oe i Book- added Jail. I—Fob. Jo. Mills, Muj. ! ; l « •• 'h- :i\ er, I here M ,. m > ev eii g M,• u n,. vs :ti ■! *'!.■-* 'I last tI I- M \ '1 I i-iiie -urt .Maine e-.n-a riiiiii; ii.ii ii) an/.-d .1. M. K. K i. -v, W l.Vp. ae.-orilitig t eon:raet... Momla;. svcrk, Ban, Amelia Kdnb. Stephens..i., Ii. \\. \\ , \ | The last of tlie Mac ■ -i i:-il!er WeJ'.r iatioii m w York The actrcs- «>• I III.' cv, ... n. at "to.-Kh :i S: r:i _- ,M> Si !,• ei; /• ii- i- atti ; city. leading J. F. I-. D ii, ! "I.--' 15. u» ha- am miiei, aitenti-.n. In hriel Aili-tels. \ novel I.'.s.-Jb Uogers, U. Ii. -la,, p. i-'-rgu- eoinp!ete Mi-- i.. in .I- tha: < unit.- are to-play I'.'hui l.ynll Herrick tie, L. Sherman .1 i \ L _.g-. r. !,. Mr. r.eorge W. :•> i' \ trollei w Mmneipal not | eotnpe- No\elist. ;>>:» t. nil in tin- low a f! v U Vaughan. u Mr- I mi rv IV'».:: ‘111. i, -. 11 _ i.. 1. M In other winds -h" will not be a fallen star. ...'.1.kS.17 Veaton. ham :- loading her w it h m-tal. e-. It not \et | -i- -*• t- I, VI, t,-nl ritle-r t- take and I" deeiarat i Nlii'!:i a., i« tl n, to If..-I V :: i. r rt a Ai lira- wa- a at tin l.a-t- Bntier, William 1. C harles Kiel.;,i l-.m ami IP w Mi-- I arl*aii I M,t M y,. | that in ! s.Mity pri-mer George Gor Belfast Water Work-. leu. ou in inter tuarters in •' ; in au-r tie .Iiiiiu! ■ .p- dim. KngMsh men ot 1 v ii hi action., v hal lo- I sinaM im .{ f;ii,,; ,.N, t. -l. over'.‘'in J.os-iniy "It "lice -t tt i* 111 la-1 Week. This of |.s-i.,s;{;j j pinmi trio Mr-, knight. Mi-- .r > \ix. |n> p 1 dispose- ( o-'ke, Hose >.mud-odv’.- y; j ami -t'lcred a urt- of ■ Terry. Neighbors. W hile at Little Riv< Mo. i. g.iloO.»r more !! r.-.-ord. -iJ-ui Mir:- alum* aftei;.! "atttr ! It'* t" Ih :• m. ;. p<,t- the riiui' r that he “went to of 1 1 I w .1,. e in reaiiine-s. I Augustus kuigiii vefc Mr. Ivi ig.: I •1 *’• •' ti-1.»•: the bottom the ..Jt.l.iy The '. men writ -e--iiw M 1 M. lial called that thi -ta ml w 11; m ‘'I ••!''•! iii I.-- and contirin* 'Y ii M 'so p. j■» ! are to leal n tl;.it the ei, :.a- t a* .nut* 1 he 1'. am at her. I t" .— .... pleased >'2r»n.- j| l»y Ural om- would !mill tin Fort Paynt IL-rald that ..vej | Nam nek'-i ai z p**r n n Mr. Tivl ii In lore, of ■ < < "''i : Hi"1'- M. 1 lie rime t the « at lie says that. .. \niam i». d* ii- n. ; render v«dd all Henry enturv..44‘.i pi night, »)>■- h-ti I ;,a u give a seeoll'l } M •. e M naturaii/.iion- that l,a\e taken that boomib^ Alabama t"Wii i- to have a new ! •■!'> .la;, t ork, am! w I! go 1 ■''1 A i.d ew Lost 1' :• 1 rat i* I Lang, leaders, lssb...... I | lb.;i >p in r. eddailv trointnc -tan i, '• March loth ui t ; •1' ’n t he M < M :' 11 ,pe,w M'< Neon .-. !\,,- : ■' 1'• on t-, ale I -end everv c. iiu ! For* ;- bound to havt all L<-e. The at Home. kein.g. | '• eat .i -k- ■ unieijial ry. I’ayn- the Trainj 1S'9..544.| I it Is lowti ed twelv e leet ev t w rut v and •! i-a a a a, «... '■ Mitchell, Weir. Far in the Forest. er, .four hours. program p-a ei ot ihr ;,J II .ma U II 1..-I k. »•■!■! ha; -ale* r I '-on of the -•» ov A };'* face i* ! 1” thousand- nattn-ali/nj hack to ! mod' n imp; .-nn iit-. 1 ‘i I:s11\ \ I j .-j.’/; More water i- used i\ edge ..forge I.. .John.-on, ot t;,is | talent of the \\a- a a u> Mu Ml l‘ath-1 I: in !y the rank- of alien-, with io law! |i riph: to ;i.v, mi H. 11. I), ■' i.m vote y light Land, n. ‘‘'P'• M"i-dav ii >n, where hr tir.-l recital. A iai;.-.-iou vviii a. > ii.11 n than any other 11.• week, The were represents at the i'uu, >•. H> w a* s.s < hi a_ > .. day pump- .pulai nets the fair and New York is in i- .uld.Jl j W itli ire la -i W rrk I he lee u a <: (• < n men. or hold ■ J > otiiee md without ilem- • < 1. ;i_«• tin- Ancient of J.‘> cent-, and < > a' ! iieiv w a* markable any pri\ >iipnant, M i. W on the Green. kept going two hour- three .p alter- M »ndav I'-nletprist order "f I'nited p’iee follow- Hah vial or | Neighbors ami -I• — "i. Loui- will ri-e to ie- x .1 good <|iia (it Fred •lin .f M A ,• in-j from American It i- de-pair. probably W ot B« lla.-t. at the tain la he Ii if* 1 on thi- cera-lon. I lie en ••iti/ru-hip. -uiye-t- ., .157.26 and when t in* Mi •irkinen, annual session of the oiaert of — afternoon, machinery -topped I 1 1 *" « I > i. Mag a ••••.lie. _’v with > 11 -1.11 111 *i .IK i,i Call.-i ; i;- *< i-■ vv. iii oi, trial lor maik that liieayo there with both feet. ] c.i;u.« | y cd that a te-t ca-e -hould i-t mad' am! eai- got Bird said lie had d Vo,non _allon- into tin Jiraiul ledge oi Massachusetts ...Mr. A. ,|. j- these puhlii recitals is not to make inoiicv. hut to ; ■' up .ndeis, Krederli k. >;rav pump ■ i~ am! •!• -t: lu-aves ot Liter- j tinges-- id' hi- hand .mined i-i h:. •»*,11’_r proper- : "I H foster a h»\a |oi musi. in till aein'.ltilt right badly j rie.| t., the < I ature Stain l There is it u Itigialirnn. .Jai •!. of this .li d |o vi 1 : -w Mipr-ne mi;: d the nt.-d st u- I"'. J pipe. gr< wa-tc H water, as, formerly city, \\;1- ii. \ line of so vva* j g t h tm 11 a t M e | j The (orrerl Position. 'baler, Nathaniel m uthgale. of the "ii the ! j 1 1 lid.I. evening po-i pouc to t u I,. tin »nh r* b trie- Aiu hesier. A ••I his 11:at in is wearing a of ver\ pleasant evening entertainment maining d< fendant cal statu-. Maim I. r-i-.-and colt-to western and the memorial.*....14-’ 17 is full and running over the dam. I.a-t tall tU weight pair pants lie -!* 1 buyers, Ur.- nil a« Storm. nr ‘biai »*D nil.*-!!. > Kranci.- A we have iva>on to fee I a !■• ai y. eiMintof the I iiousc ua w iruiitv f the of- j Unpkinson. White Tin 'li-' "tied tw. o.r year ago a too ed for -t< am heat am! a ..Mr. 1 -■ lately .-old, Press Mexico. lille.i the were g ’; a;,*t fixing iii* at 1SM)...",47 1 Hid pierr.- I tad wed ! punishment j 'tead. is i,:i1 lhn_.of 11 a on Ml', Hu lot .11 ,-i M; ■ >' v iliiam 'I'. Truth about lire under the boiler. I in- i- iiy, compositor the '; tl Mr. riMin's letter, ,>u Hr.- iir-T cry .-ays Hussia. l>ss constantly kept ( 11A I Hon. \\ (,. I-'t e, ( on l.ei.eial »r nitenri.-trv.By nreak- page, gives b"• n,em *i A eakr niadt it- pp.m ain a. to. doue to 1 "II .lo .1 Belfast, ou Mr- M;i M.. .. i. n a vaiiev near I’ II" !""li-b talk that i- tin* rounds about .„• ,.,.. heat the building and to have the .-team lkiily business... has t> tl Matin srott. Ai izotia, further information i- to nito hani« -i! > iim, going 't, von-.,n. l.obert Louis. 1- Halifax, contributed 11: -1 all dinburgb. I’ietur- M; o iii 1 ! .i a'k«-t i. <, 'ion- •»,. r. .i i«-1 ;i *.si M.- \ 1 ';!i" niiar to that keeping .Maine 1.";•-«*- in Maine must In readiness in ,,| ae.ident to th. water ga a it-1 of this la ! \\i at .Johns- di-anpea s,,ue Notes. pump Secretary, Societv a sketch of tie old l-n i-m aig y.... I oi rather as to the ait.- i, ai -< |,oo! " I" e tin -•• are 1»9.'.556.1:1 pi to the ninnlier a kernel-oi e.>rn in a u ’■ ■ \ he had in liguri-s -eatmed. M cm* guo.-s g-a-- i ,1’ of :* t,, |... 40 eolts are 1 -1- M. and Mr. Bird takes it is n■ covering and tl ink- he niav at is -111 liy ! lit 11- i :i, .1 1 M.l -1,.; .1 I.M v-ported hut "L Jov, J K. An < lutlinc pump. great pride in hi- maehiu he his of- of N. > .'I tie new -erte- of -"'.bii' ut"r. and ronnnand d Windsor, '-lag,, I > ha- no! 1 e.-n eoiiiinned. los* mind when wriiin- hi- r. e. m amVlr tor the readily go- of Home. :"-e .iii'. The rake was Won M .lank.— a,. The of A llistor; i."s».417.15 earl\ in Mai-li .. Mis. Wm. M. l.r-M ..I s,„ t !-,-i u. «k c pr„. iii-i. it eoiee- to sueti as ery and every thing about the station i- as Thayer ami | rn»-|,t -elling stallion.- W o, >d uia right has been issued Tliev are an lilt Illits •.. H. \ Johnson. stamps eighth The w a> a -1 — x 7 ha* 'Journal. In the March < bby Al- 1 ruleTlniuineiit -,-riall md •• { 1,000,()00.It numb-r of the o-mo- Ib' b't• ( hid, iOhubrook, t u-lm-ie, the IMcturcsque >is when tlrst \>>. mghter, of this ■1 arrive home on Saturdav M M i: M •• ‘kt-l out that put smaller than the set b-- The mm j -.| si.nnn.000 had be* n ofie.vd bv arums aiid the present .-t-nt tinain The will he u-ed ■ hia*\e-, other famous .Maine -tab ( rom 1 iady. money buv 1 d eat.. poliian magazine. Rev. Kdwaid Fverett Hale | Wilkin— William leaver, Brockton, where they e been on a \ Isit V J, *|i(. fralJ -hise of the entire iiou-. it i- time o. call a halt: but the -ale ot l’roparatory -tamp ha a pro tile of |-'ra ok I in and I a u m .- good ; a I I .atin C ourses tain- and other artieles needed in tla x .m n i\-: “-rbools for sie college in l*i"f Hi. bardsoa, ot the Mastern v 1 -it I ., u u. M,. 1 ).i !■-, .. -k il 11a*e ha1! industrial are find- ''"lb nld b" not Knglisb. Normal < League. whi*di embodi* 10 training encouraged, cried "lit upon. Secret Societies. School, lilue in I lie two cut have a : tinge. proiile o| | on V •. ■ High school began M» 11 —1 1 da was Monday, '!«•■ >. -, >J1 r b A*ter died in New York favor it* all countries at the T»ti- i- tile "i rect Maine imrse bic d in Bell a-t "aturda;. .Mi .John M. 'il h' a.',,: I Mi ing present day. position. \ VIall’s Kilgore, Washington on tin oval -,lv t!l,; ;ii, :irnii p, j > d tv Iitiiy struggle with a Kno\ tea. her Mi I'lah k I;. ek'ai : of hem! failure.Dr. Tramp. The Odd Fellow-of Waterville have made a I'M' m •• Burden. \ • u- gi-.w •■••It- to sell. It is their sub ! ot Lowell, arrive.t in town last week on a ! at i. U \ ( " tind tin in sometimes established business, and business \ Be 1 fa i.airman -f tij* Ma**a< lm*ett> >jate < by govern- been re la; ives In re. ounnil- A'hei Mr Fred a stantial beginning toward the new 1.1 >ek t la v Mr- re will i-iting -« they get handsome "tiers, such as have te Gordon, farmer, living about one mile pm. trip. Kilg. arrive some time this week Uient. metinic- an thiisiastie. out an ;«-• fn Id at the eboro by private lienevoleine, i ; figured rate of > < .Sunday morning. td v from pose to erect in that A few *d the t for I I KI N •. \ 'ten _■ ., been paid by l>i.-hop and otln it is Thorndike Mation, lately had a rather ser city prominei a bri.-t ;t ..Mr a. M of < ••••••!’ ovim-. tovvn li*liernn-u are buyers, j >novv, Norfolk, t., -.1 m u exeited over sometimes mi-nonane-. who tind a Mirer j I ton- per acre A- revi-.-d by other- tl,.- 1 by odd Fellows «•< k i.t o -• .. ■ 1! 'In ii- luck and h.n- encounter with a got and subscribe.: sj.;,ue. 'bill' d at tile .1 w an I!ic111■<>ri .lo>,i,, Ul \\, e\ ua- 1 •. a •• * lie *t -on*i_• 1111 i• r• t of Alri'-an good an opportunity not to be slight ! tramp. Karly in the morn- together •lima. 1 oiliee last week and his i,a, eniny t\i M I ! d. o n -!,«•, nuukerel, to the hearts ot paid were I ,.">no ton- acre.. .•• p oe way liie na:i'.es when industri- .... figures per i!ou,ms vvl- h ••"Me; Hn>0 m; e* Ji < d. < hi the other Mr. (•onion 1 hursday hist >t Alban ( uinina m ii r\ .'iniiual siib-i llor'are children M.- It. rji,-, s'.' o *.»n ape ToVVIl by hand, let us hold on to our vale- ing went as usual to his barn to feed evening ription to the .Journal. Mr. Snow staple-ami ta M II.,i ,i al j that bloom in tile ma\ now be seen in San- 1 ,|! i-■'d-n 1 Ii*- is combined in their schools K. I of -prlng” t an li*li are pronoun*-* ! tine training with ’s i“ for bi- 'lock He Portland, gavi a dinner at tie Pit! U- mi ! he is at home r* \\ ntei pm t an will -i t ;,. ur. k a stallions, they are the only .-neuritv we entered the buildiiig,closing the door formerly lived in Belfast and this was his ; last atU-r , in.-art and -. t. :i"d -ood. ami the onlv j House to born’s studio. Hi- Mayllovver- are me li -tof apparent dill* ivno: religious teachings. At (Hinton, in the Madras ha'■ e 1"'.\ aids < benmd William II >mif,h, in honor of tin* eon, first visit to the mother'- heaItn will admit o| h.i ri'iiiniin \ int. I i; ontinuing the crop of colts w hich him, when lie was struck some ; place in thirty years. When a Inn,. .1 ii'oin Anieri an iniuk.rel i.* ; su!il\ now i* | with such and : 'jue.*tion Smith was ty has (5,034 horse- -all trotters ..Tim K M. < A indu-trial school From tin- we lore,-that it laid presented with two jewel-, and remarks < o irt 1 h a\ing her sistet Mi- dav w h.-itier it w id to in in- Visit *0 far. It I for Moljammedan women, standpoint are glad Klin brook was him prostrate on the barn floor, lou-e. II* saw many In week, rvenitiy. its. tin- i. i|,• *.v iny , r..,»- ,;Il pay the j agreeable changes closed Tuesdav for a -In t va> ation •• were made the Seminar} amt mure M"t to be by and others. Mr. -mith \ *. .■ prove* profitable a new field i* which promi-es to be of great use." sold taken aw ay, as at one time it seemed Although m-ariy mined and from the ef recipient Belfast... .Joseph Williamson, of this Mi Ain.'s, both impro\ ing M "iontai;. -dnyiiv li« -la I ,i ,,t opened suffering F>q., city, for the term March 17 M up to our (i'le rineii.1 he Is tlie editor of the Masonic Journal and opens spriim ndav Mi worst snow storm orobal.le, but will be here to our bet- of the blow, he to rise and odd Fel attended the of the Maine etti/ens’ raimn-met w it !i Cevi Ha I •. !, J'rayer, I'a I- Id -1 lit si;, kept improve struggled defend meeting Historical so- of <-t tie winter was in John \ Stewart, this to n.rida a raging Montana last Mon- Inin-cll, but the wretch struck him with lows and has warm friends in Bel eity, -hipped t \\ U ... home stock. again the Register many in Portland last week... I W K. ( a- se. rrlaiy and m*minai ,-r.e Ho, ii. rinitii r. ill | l.i n 1 ;,M. Belfast is -till in the dull dawn of im- cm:gel him iety Varney,of I'nity, barrel of iiis home made day night. gray knocking insensible to the floor, w here in common eider vinegar. ...The fast, with a host all over the -tale. nisi n- town -n. II..u o.d. li. i.t■ i: It lias no loan and lie beat and Allred .Jones, of < hinn, addrt sscd the lowing otl'n Moderato,, -n-.i K.nyt-I I .. provement. building asso- cruelly Kicked him. After he recent! Waldo law llnratv has News of Hie liually The Red men s< county neeiva-.I another in- ciation. no no electric lights, sewer, but it has Iclt, time before Mr. Gordon could city give mu.-'pier- quarterly meeting of Friends at Fast \ Clerk, >im.',ai II. M. ri ill., w n-I.vii.i n. I d .> ll, | .. Washington assnlboro. ! voice of law books.... W. II Mcl.ellan. I Wnisi’KiM.vis. In th«. reach the when he did he ade ball at the has ! •• a board of trade which is alive, and 1 bouse; tolu the story Belfast lb»u-e... The Bel- -M •• that mean- The n -\t -«’V-i,,n of I'uiou and opera -Bel last is some !' its >!uite, Frank I'dauehard and lkn-ii W I !nni| -Ml u l.rir I In-; I -k I i. '!■ Thursda llie Pomona grange, No. a s.-arch was \ losing granite iw j, ., res..Union oll' red Mr. all these speedily made, but no 1 working bought a handsome pair of chestnuts from by in time. Belfast ha- a 1 tramp could be last New the advantages pub- Lodge, Lngland Or lei of Protection, has it:/' us. Mr. I. tnr V' m -I < handler. on the •*. 1* of II will he held with seen, ami the bunt has as been .John l.awrey mmed his Mon Treas., Warren F. t.rillin. i'..! i, t•.r y.-| y "'1 I u , <■ calling attorney general for lic however, that i- an Medomac Valiev yet fruitless. Mr. family Missouri horses to Ihx iN,.. library, honor toiler in- • •oidoii voted to hold its in Oild Fellows brought kiami for sale in!"! matioii a- to the on described the fellow as short and rather meeting Mali, sat to Mass. Mr. Chain. l.i/./.ic I'ri M.l i,\ a";i"in:uion at grange. P»wrkett\ille, Saturday, March S, at 1 j| day tjiiiucy, l.awrey says he likes land ..The Village w: al, m (Juinry, telligence. [Waterville Sentinel. a Hr. Isaac Hill Is rock to Improvement Florida. of W. IF I stoutly built, with red beard. Others in the isfaetory arrangements been mad. hauling preparatory put >aunder>, Hit. I Mates clod' if having Belfast but must go w here he lias in, ei at l>en.-low Hall salur .-IT, /. Laura Wet d. Li.-/ m •.i .*i r- 1 ,.. dep- Our p. in.; .-tunny, one week later, hollow- neighborhood have -ecu a man employment the lay evening. w hei. ut \ marsh: ', was taken esteemed contemporary no doubt mean- ! lately .answering to j ting in the foundation for the building he is to upand discussed ear round M r. ( IF 1 »a\ j < 11 N. ... freely. ing i" fhe the choir: this but he has not vet I is, know n to his are invited. It i- b«die\ ed that more Maud .dsMii. i I rt. n, II. 11 Hutri.i: 11 was program Song hy address of description, been taken many on piddle will y», finally pa-sed without division, and th -’i. well, but i- a trifle oil. Belfast lias electric Government I erect High street Mr. He--rim I Head, ,.f City Meeting. Belfast friends a- "t continue* i■« <. ... >' welcome hy I. M. Staples, T. >. on deck as attend there, and partly because the amii-cmrnt- I >iek Taintrr I d man, Cl i, r, M ( i»ator Blair concluded hi' remark'on the c I- esq.; response by this a contract to a hot lights and -ewers, but propose- to have more Transfers In Heal Estate. city, has put watet heating Bowden; maeager of the Peoples ( 0 W can be somewhat diU'eicnt A little 11 * I rt at. li. < \\ at I u- ational hill.\ hill will he favorably r..- reading by >i-tei Manslield; song The municipal ofticers held an adjoined i■»»i lothing Store, alton’s public read M.I> I Innl |Ni of both: and it by apparatus into a house in Gloucester, Mass., ami to « oil”i'css for has, among other a cli- The Mass No iug and will be tn \ two... I d it'll, lit l"Ut»-d the adjustment of the thing-, l.ottic Me.-ir-; declamation by John Luce; ! following are the transfers in real estate In Saturday afternoon. 1’ermis-ion was \ Block, Wakeiiel'l, |douht when summer singing introduced, and ,i,.:., d, -Mas-mi -I t. reading ^i\«-i- will go there in a week or two. The mb is about wages of (.overnnient laborers and mate that attracts thither in a « onu s •*( mechanic*! summer large Mrs. L. M. Waldo for the week Clark and W. A. Clark t<» enter >” will pant for Belfast.Mr. organ and good dancing Moot are a Co -nggr-tn,- Hlam-he-haw I'm t Sr lit \v :. paper by Staple*; instrumental mu- County, ending Feb. 25: the rity sew. j Thomas ...Pon’t Miyhty _ under the law of 1*6*.... 11 is 6700 forget the levee and bail of the Fight-Hour under- number of from .-ic Baker A -. Furniss, of this who The live rent admission has li. ndrr M ril>, t• rare 1 ,i t. people Waterville and vicinity. by L. M. RackliIf; discussion of question, “Re- I Mary als., Winterport, to A. II. Haus- across the Marshall lot, and to Mi < II sar.,(M,t formerly city, has been enabled the -..ri.-tv to I;. | ,.. ,.,muy stood that the democratic leaders in tin- House Washington Hose Company, at the Belfast < p s are That tlie comb, same town. S. carrying at a drug store at has sold eai ry out many thus fa' and I’. wri,' Until.- "Trn Lilli. have They welcome, too, as the flowers in solved, elements of agriculture should Joseph Burgess, .Searsmont, to enter tiie ewer on Beaver street. The sewer j Pittsfield, his lllage improvements Moody. Trm|. .it s," held several conferences lately to consider j House mi the evening of March mh_Tuesdav to < f o iii a it of the education to Caroline J’. same bu.-iness IF F. Bailey, oi Caribou_Miss several other- are on foot that will ornament the .1 i intuit \tv\on.|. I i; 11 1 V it.m, I rddtr t. 11,.. the question of t» -tinthe of spring. pa of every farmer,” hy Wellman, town. Estate A. M. across the Marshall lot was formally laid out and Maria n, constitutionality v\ II. Mariiia Tow j was a real April day. The waters of the Harbor Heed's that Moody. nsend. c." A. Benner in Clement, to Wm. A. F. Sullivan, w ho has been a town. All should attend and hear tlie ( !aii M.. •! 1 »i, k Ta.ntrr. lMo.t i\, Speaker rtiliutr “members present, Winterport, Thompson, same accepted. Tiie jury list was revised, the law re I telegraph operator at report and y Harry In 'lie alii: maiive and T. S. Bowden, (,. s. Pendleton were calm and the snow melted raphll} ...sleigh but not shall be counted to make o wn. Willis E. 1ms entered the nr voting, a quo- The idea of to and I). H. Manslield in the Crabtree, lielfast, to Edwin L. ttds to be done once in throe | Burnham, Western I nion oflice in further suggestions of the committee Aibor l»a\ yt hillttw ;iy lit In t II utrlitio, I- dilit M d\ appealing the women of negative quiring years. The Is in the and vehicle-on nim".\‘l»iil was in the- lng poor country wheels *' presented House Fri- Siicknov, Belfast. A. as an and will soon be with u- ar.d it will be iMsIiir lira!. < M 11 Mm "•» ,i, i, America to rebuild the unfini- Joseph Coombs, Islesboro. box contains 100 names. Many requests were : Bangor operator-Mr. Mrs. Charles probably ob I'ntr.tor. day by Mr. Boutelle, at the of bed and neglected made their appearance on he Bel request Speaker to Ella L. same town. W of this Tuesday—l served here this ear as never betoi, t “W.'li I urn tn.t An for the Coombs, Same to Henry A. made for names to lie added, ami in some cases Frederick, city, returned home from he commit ’I'm... L|•.'l Ir I»m\\u." Heed, appropriating STo.oon f.*r the erection of monument to Mary the mother of Opening Belfast Age. fast Board of Trade ranks fourth in Washington Lewiston. Geo. Ik Bo.-ton on membership, tee to make a public at Coombs, Ferguson, & als., citizens asked that their minu s he not added t-* the Monday evening_Mr. J. M Board design Stockton springs th«- prettiest laiyem 11..\\ Ian i, Halt rimiupsnn. I mniir i- 1 building Biddeford, Me.>enator with Mrs. So far as we have Portland, and Lewiston originated Tcrhuue, better known observed, i:o Northern Demo- Bangor leading_Tues- ■ Id mu nd' lias introduced a bill Belfast, to Susan W. Newell, same town. Ed- list. The ofticers, however, acted and man, of Portland, name to Bed last last week to town on l’eiiob.-eot hay \mong the -now artists, i lows li I .an il Nut. I tt Not, l.rntiir Mad protecting cratic judiciously was tin excellent for the 1 nited Mated to fame as Marion Harland, the novelist paper has yet ventured to defend the cold- mund A. attend the day day smelt catchers on ollieers from assault and murder and Fuller, Freedom, to F. E. Roulstou, Sears- the box contains the full complement of names. Knights ot Pvthias hall. He visited since the late storm, (.'apt. Morse and (. apt ( has. do\. IImu My Hoy Went how ti." Louise miow while- in blooded assassination of our river. to a man was taken -one the discharge of their dutv.Col. editor of the Home-Maker. We Deputy Marshal Saunders Lucinda The eitv Mr. Charles IF Field Fifty pounds l’ark have taken the lead. ( ap.. Moisc rut a print her the p<»rt. Fletcher, Belfast, to Amasa J. Jack- election for municipal ofticers occurs Miss l-ma Cottrell, Miss Sony ‘-Little Crusaders,’ Lizzie Treat, Lizzie < the son-in-law of by Democracy ot Dadsdcn rountv. Fla. But of the catches for the time of hau ls,, me in front of his house, the oppinger, Mr. and Mrs. with Nettie largest year ever path making appeal, illustrations, on the first licfoi-o long some indiscreet organ will son, Belmont. S. M. to W. L. Monday, March 10th. The election warrants are Brown, Mr. Austin MeKeen and Mr. Wil- line- (.rant, l>n k Tainter, doshie Trrat li. lln- Blaine, ha' left his two little with page. probably j Handy, Boston, known here i.s straight perfect, ami the curved lines tine, boys their it. There is no limit ...There hardly a day but what The of the attempt to Northern Demo- . Providence. Lucinda F. posted and the clerk has the liam Burkett, of this attended the standing otV and and oil a thin lit Kind id and (.tils," Hillaw grandparents, who will in all care grave mother of the Father of His Partridge, North- city prepared check city, dress ball sighting taking Illy Hoys Luycnr :y, probability cratic subserviency. | Boston Journal. Mrs. Cunningham, the mother of the triplets, re slice here and there until tin* whiteness for them in the port, to Fannie AI. Wadlin, same town. William list. There is hut little stir over the elec- at dockland down on pearly l.t/./.ie t.rant, “How Tin- (.Mir-tiou ( amt- Home." future.The hill Country should not he spring Monday evening, going the showed some pension longer neglected. ceives papers cuts or accounts of trip- splendid chiseling, having rare tin- dually passed by Friday is A. Swift, to Alehina M. tion, and without doubt, the citizens’ Boston boat and containing liosa Howe; “Tla- Itirds Conundrum,' (,rmle Congress intended The Rockland Courier-Dazette is now issued Belfast, Swift, same town. present hoard returning Tuesday afternoon by while to throw and heap the snow removed into an omissiou in lets in all parts of the .She has more "upply the act will — country. forms less .ui of 1880. That An has an account of “A DoraC. Thomas, Searsmont, to Samuel S. he elected. team Mrs. Belle s. Priest, of this who has hardly ornamental. After hi- work Thom, Sol.., "Ki.r We Are l'ray iny. M a t exchange Moose semi-weekly—Tuesday and Saturday. The Bean, city, increase;! the pension* of totally disabled saying literature of this character than any woman in was finished, and he was away, some one railed Hunt in Letter B.v that same town. William 1*. & been visiting in Boston and returned L (.'hast- lire »>a\rd At Last.'* Carrk-t'toekeit. sold cr-' from to Does that mean a moose you “cannot have too much of a York, ux., Troy, to Portland, there with a horse-led and drove in cornet s $50 *72 :• month, but failed to good thing’’ Tiie is low at Maine-Mr. Charles S. of the Bums way Millicent L. Hart, same town. price the outset, and because of Its home on Bickford, (Quartette, ai kliny \\ atrr. Li //.it- upply to those pensioned thereafter. hunt in close time? applies to our esteemed Rockland Monday evening. ..Capt. F F. French across his handsome work and the ( apt n turned Treat, t.raee The new contemporary. effectiveness and staying powers it is the wick vv rites to a friend in tins lull cheapest arrived home from Telegraph, city, that to Mud his chiseled beauty all In ruins As a e-m I'ainter, !• my. m IL'wlanl. extends the provision to in tiie long run. We refer to Brussels Wednesday New the new has been Harry Thorn,ison. subsequent pen- “There it goes said one of our soap. Bedford_| press received and that the Tele, l'ark has the It N. >1 •. I a Tlie Indies of again” grocers sequence, dipt prettiest entrane, Id -nipt mm," ( ony. Itruedictiou sioner'. but does not Buffalo Bill i- in and no Belfast know a when Thomas will come out this week in its new en- grant arrears.It took Home, <|oubt he is ! good thing yesterday as a lady went out with a dozen cakes of Frishee, night policeman, has recovered graph and A great saving in s,»ap can be made Mr. and Mi- Lame- Hu see and w by u-ing MrM.tnti-td \Vater\ilo te eight ballots to settle the y it, that is hy they all use Brussels Brussels larged form .Swift, A of this re Monday location of Rome how l.,; I soap, after vowing site would use no The I> lib 1/h. ota n s < d from his sprained ankk and has resumed busi- Paul, eitv, the patent soap tray F K is giving with the -d Mr. and Mr.-. I < “making .ulop the an staples yiir-t> Aivv... \ ,ry soap. other. seived order for ”uh bushels of be the llrst ot au rents w,,nli ,,| Australian hallo' ness'. potatoes'to purchase |»ru-scl* ni.'r K.'t mi dishr- was j.resentrd Im the M tln-d.-t system. cent to Brewer, but were unable to till it. s,.ap. i'firlr at thru hist meeliny !»y Mr-. L. 11. I ,»r.L Sr Loral,s. I* i;i.i:im ir>poil im Hr. \. .1. is on tin- sick lid. ‘"'h | hillings 1 Wm. I'm jusley, wn-ikeil at Grand and has not been out since Wednesday lad_Mr. a; man n< lore reported Xinxal- < -i' l'i i; 1‘. Vfln'ls, 1 u- Ni.aols, h ink Johnson A' With Mr. \ rl < n has bought Mr. (.has. I smith William Uogers has laid the keel for .. iaiiu-Mrs. Keuben is 1 • I* II I la II of New York and Sibley quite sick with la " ,,1 t.eoryt « —ii i't■»■:• v t‘• I -evere i inrx by a I,|"“I'I'U S«‘I'V .Mill Co., to lie colli- M0 -’’PP*' .Ml’- t has. Wentworth will leach the«*.i7"!'!' I. < .. k in a -e sv 1111 a x r..w iisend.. She is intended for u“‘ lU" 1 1 -p>‘"gtenn ot tb. academy... .Mtsshu< Aver will "im a in | will carry 4 .all,000. ! .-5 V a Ii Ills -fXx IV 1 11 let; ly injured l'nd the with her "wit;- The revenue cutter Dal 1 spring sister, Mrs. 1 '' \\ < !i.11, i,' Maiden, 1,111 \x .•.*•! fill- week. tin- heav\ gale and iremen- Somerville. Mas- ...Mis. liobt. 'Saturday Kilt.-t returin took Hie Island life M ■ J I k, i. ! 1 !• \i xx Y--rk Mi Cranberry inlay, !.• -.Iv. n g i'ew audl.i.att.n Ilangor last week ...Dirigo n board and took them to ••x ii w i.. :n 1 s«*1 l.n-i'uni. x\ h<> has lately tirange patrons P" w re.■ k of the British schooner Mansfield’s I Iiha. •■•da harvest least on * 7 At .vi"l trnrn Saturday last... The first I -AT-- mb’ Duck Island, and took off the crew ■nd "oe storm « I the season on mail tr.mi Ik.- :. 1 i. t for Ik.-ton t hi \x > «k ! drifting Thursday lad Harbor with four others 1 'l. 1 I ne 1 'the: four men ? !■ 11 k ! Mi -I i• ■ Pen Melon, w ill. h is lelt Little Duck al 1 m •i se '.»• i !- M. !■-.»>. 7'!" liiday, fearing thev would he ■ u of Water Vessels. 1,11 P t lie v remaiuetl. It is supposed Register Deep 1 1 11 ii t. ha- -1 '\x a- -.•tin liin -penmen- 11“' fa was very heavy and dang 1 » *»is at Hie •• I- -. time I he -GREAT-- I. tin! 1 i' XX •!. XX 1. amt 111 men were h rust Us u 1 L.tiott, ■ Mill'S. :"“i III It III- I 1.1 ■ t'. « A Oirnl.t -in children ; Lrnest Moore, " ''“’-ii \mioi .iIuiiii, ii A Nii hols, ariiw l at -an *;1 Murphy, a wife and child and I 1 Ma-.nin- \.-ei lent Mu: a a wit.- l lam o hi t. ,1 trotn Poll low p and child. The. Dallas left t: moihi. A- A n. -XX Tie-!ax. ami -reared tour oi the schooners crew at \ •! hullo! IP Colroi11. t-aia'-l In in \. w ^ k Cranberry station -ex era I ;. making 'hapinan. 1 1,1 i'ii hi I had not been taken off Sattir- 111 M -a.e ami enter laml. 11, itir mini kinplom. 11; ! * " a- GORGE W. tet rilbv IP l< mi u ed nn arrival BURKETTS. \x •; iK. n M a ti b. !i. mil-. ii in 11, \. w \ k 1 up in ni. x\ pi hat In.r and * *< lot Poo a. ml -t reporte*l heavv weather p.-nlaml, O, -pokoii Cap, outside .,'••11-1-11 -h.-ai t ••• e ••' tin lohn. ! VI \. Ill I> " of the 1 I- \\ In!.- mi, i- aiv Mi£ \\ ith fi' ( lln hborn, anbcl at Cottage City, Maine hapinan, -inuapon ''' hue. liming between 11 xvorto l-rus-. I- no rosin bin :: it, in Portland and -".ip ii.m^ ivoti^. Sl " " > bum.- e.I JANUARY at tin- \ard I minimal. P» h ( oin.f. 1, at ib,o> NS of the New --THURSDAY, 1 "• '■ ■ b a- ( < 23,— II i-i '.I. x i, 1 i'i re xx i! I he a he its 111u pr.-bablx 'V.1 J H ai Now ^ ok -1 I:, •- i_, ottage is pa 1 1 ,'fi { 1! ~h ■' nni t t hi- t he ,, uni iifeMainnifhl a”. I* lo at .lai, t< line, company a I read v oiioil, Ibma k"i._ In he »* nii.u 's'1 L■'■am>ra aiid on the I i,,< I lamb a a I Now "l mk W'inflimp route. Phiiiij 1 W t' 1111 •: w a launched is the we shall commence our II.,, -I in the same vard in great clearance sale and revolutionize the I'aiilH I>ai in -. >to\rr, -a;!o-l I'fotn \ oko } day in de- 11,1 -'Cage prices it\ .’.'.ii feet on deck 4t< every In 11a -lati 7 lot \ ;> tot ia long I -.X !■:- « 1. •• A'!'-. nr li J he <• Iiu\ ’* : — 1,1 I it/a I d.-cp. Her frame is of oak *- both. 11 ,ilot*r«i, -a111 i from -an Prami 7 of our 11 (i v UK AT :i,. *!. lax a t lei lnoin m ;. a' oVlo. k 1111 11 ’got c!!" -v STOCK. Look at our and •' pine. The eustomniw partment h b m n. this _’l We Shall n. I i^iioon-t.'W prices < vx I*, buy 111 i. 11 :r-i liberally, -..a "_x ...;••, ;i, taken tin c ig"i.-.i sit ;p- \\ej-.- |• Li. ed along her frame h rank PomiDalmi, U •, Nioliob, mmol al ■1 ‘1 !|“ C•«•':! 1 ;.. .m,a. longer '' "-I t"o h ct tin- 1 wider, other <11 if •. — 1 -«: ••> ft a list "t Piv —1 he le- the Hirers' rooms. OPPORTUNITY to SAVE MONEY. >• lo>in \ in.' > Nli In-b. at llak'.'iatt .. i"-..k' xx. h-r ar-p.-il a- a .l.i| ! 1 he ibl.h *urnisheil and llnishetl Commence a sale of us at the I a-a. It t.j. ii lor No w ^ oi k goods purchased by great Iploi 1 1 I H.i engine and a; ship lb 15 Ii, Pnii.oia lb ml otm,. -all'. .i H m •' '“ w h. *.,i nt- h< <1 !.v the i. 1 s II < IV l- Hath In i I Oft’:.; ami l-b.’tf iel)11-. dxi'.M N \ •. k N x !«.; -ai. hi::,.,-, .. ! * -| " 1 h ■ I o :if -erx lee- triple \pant-ion and V: 11, e at II ltoil- ,1 d I- -. aa. | A type w • 1 into the hull. are ma- OARMEMTS a- l"t the of They ! deri* plan: neeasb•!» ! lb hi Ma. I ( ». anon ... ia Pallia1 i-’w- and -peed. The net ton I. .bill ’."lot A poaotni- t 't' Dress i.him and lie: cost about Prints, Cottons, Flannels. | V\ a, a: x. ai, .,! II ^ k a | to. 1 _• xx a- -enl t,, see the \\ k in Hi II!-. nl.ii.-r W II 'at I. Ginghams, \ p,« apt. i) 11 lieu j ...n Now ^ ork in .Ian > '» p. n*r 1 1 I p: lie- a V ex. 1i I earn»ra. I !:•- -teamer j- to be 10 Plush worth for \ V Nvk, -a.|o.| t mill Garments, $25.00 $15.00 Yards Dress Prints at •!. a \x 1 ’• x\ ...a IJailtim n tla tne the "I SALE 2,000 5 1-2c. \ ••••! am n| 1 loin lir-t next Mav. FIRE pier-. \ This per yard. •I 11, I. -an Plan. 1-n. " “ “ “ x-. •:• I * < •• > p'd big- -i. "inter 1 ... -1 ki Ii -t I» j Iniili at the New Lug 8 30.00 20.00 “ O I lb la ,\.r, I .. \\ -m. -; a- I n,,m 5 Bales 1 Yard Wide Cotton 6c. Mu. :• "i .. in. in :tt.. m ilmf n. V. II, t lv etiliebi Portland only | I an,',-.. to, 1.,; V a “ “ “ | 7 rk 1 I * t “ Hag. 1 he average number of men 8 37.00 26.00 “ ■l.'lm Poll. Pon loton. irranl al M. .man m I Case Fruit of Loom Cotton u'l i:-ig tin- pa-t >ear lias been about 27o. only 8c. •• “ I -i •• ■■ ii v -i.\ •• at is, died I m ! 1» 11 "Hi -an h tarn i-oo a. pot P, I Mim “ ma-ted -ehooner Ldward, of Hath, 20 Woolen New Markets 12.00 6.00 “ -- OF*- 1 .::• .. -., rl I. Mi I -el xx a- I ilom a i;.,j ot>, roin II k am la '■ Case 8 1-2c. pb ■ ;■« "u'nrday afternoon from the New Ginghams only | N x\ V a -a io. I 11 "in la Id,- “ “ “ “ “ f' '1 I,. n 111 i'. 1 a -p"l ha x "n le-iiieij lx, Ha!a IT. 1 «i ir i. i- p.i -hi' "he : 14 feet keel and 827i ton 50 20.00 15.00 “ » -I It. oaa hob I- 1 Case All r. _ ■ .. mat: .v- Ilf XX a- a oi.Ui mu-'li v Wool Flannel 33c. Drakt is m maging o\vnet. She w il! Shirting only ■•-.•• XX I. o w 11 i> .I Al -; o. -..■•• a x oloat ni N. n _!■:■■. He iff a id man • 11..- middle of March. * 100 Misses Garments one-half value. ^ ork al !■• -al. 1 -'ll No'. J .. j It I ifi h I he I- .*-;glit < iii tdar of Snow A N. I-..i \\ ■ n. w ^ "t'K. f-p -rts ''..r the week ending l."M a a Pi I. Ik I ■ a at I ma h b |l, !.,r listant v -at In., l-o" and whiDt the en ENT! la \ N ... \l Nt. o .,1 P.m YOUR RE STOCK OF- \ h ui"! i-nt i- a..! -rgeiit, full previous & nv •: ot ~.v> 1 to A u-tralia, Messrs. Parley, Harvey 0o. I ... Ip,' ... \m ^ a 1-0" Ne /.. aril.. h. .-I'-, to West •!;‘ \ ■". ;: a. -a to -an Lraneisco, M I I w i.l Ilia-. .ana, in N a ,;'l 1 to "out I: \ -ion. 1 »ca., timber BLANKETS. UNDERWEAR, SHAWLS! WOOL HOSIERY & ..: GLOVES \ iv h, 4 in m ! i’ iv :! -t. t, g hi liuropi- ar. substantial .M II !. -|..,o A I iron, -b.,,._! ... mi •' ■ '■ M-f M Nt .11 and u.juirv \a moderate. Lor 1' N ,x bn k .a ii a _• 1\• •;. a -1 .V nil. a 1 WOJLl) VIOliV C 111..VI*. .,| vet I’ ite re no appreciable improve last December occasioned the Boston fire cn N a a IVmiUl n. .1 N P< mi i-ba,. -,t,ua In ii by big 1 '• rate- i. •«'-•! '• '■ '-!• '•«' 1 * *1' ■'r’1*nll hut remain quite stead v x 1 Case white V -rk P. lab,.’ -am .hat W 10-4 $3.50, sell for $2.50 .■ Blankets, n I; 'I. Fan.and fi, ;.. !: in pi ! '‘‘it lamtm nl max Satito- —-—Look at our Xid for I. I: III. ma -. P P. Ni ,.«;.• ;;f N. ... \ ^ Gloves 51.00 and SI.25.- •• -, -"tne tixtures lienee at cent- on Day. “ “ ... m i.. Thanksgiving -, I- b ''"la Ib-a. 20 Pairs White 11-4 3.50 Pb .11■ a and Blankets, 4.50, | -I.- i1 nMh'- Mill noil \ j r. si per bbl on •: 'I-' H t'kl.o-—. -amapo: a ll !,.; Now W c~t in ha trade “ “ 'I k b> sailing 1 Case Gents’ All Wooi .75 a el- mi'ii'- 11.• i, nates, both onward and Underwear, 1.25, i: rt I .-.v. .t ir >m liolknap. -tapb Now h in. w a .i•.. a lit•• Mil b, fore ; there i.- a coti- 2 Cases Ladies’ “ “ 'I .a k h 1 I-, a. h a. •- Underwear, .62, .50 ie ! i■ >n to el,after tonnage not on the b I' Ii k. i- I. .a x. > a a It a. N. xx 1 me we “ “ 1. :f *in < 4p-u ports, ami last week’s THIS FIHM being largely 25 Shawls worth $500 WORTH OF .. 12.00 RIBBONS, 'I I I 1 I •“at. ■ ■! gar and nio!a-se are -till current Paisley 25.00, 1 | >i -,!. w olo .:. b nm •• au-r. ! Pi tr« are In I, and rates from deal with and ihe ONLY concern who saved of their 30 Wool Shawls 25 cent, discount. b a 1. ia I' a tor h -bin <• lai a N being any per -p-kon i•••ft.- ta\ ors s, u hilst for from 8 to 50 cents A sluppet Coupon lengths, per yard. ,.*ii t: her- w bn ie ei Ice freights -• iptin N -. we Mali.. \ II mi --I i< a iv,! ! n m. -.i I- a — sti ck from the fire, succeeded in Maine to New 'i nk great obtaining 'an IT ;-i N, .x ’t ..rk ""lithe I. P"1 ts. m the other -! N .. I,"la- » h I a r. -a i'. •! n a I ». 1 IP -k. 11 igh a- si 7.*» has been 1 paid J :-! I! -h n -t" I \ 1 pa ■•'•••-. ''line "l more than Ion per -i P 1 w Mil a:a a. :tl x\ I ■ 1-n-. V \ I'" "!1 i" "i ( barters Hark m -a n h am t■ I 1»- i-i c> Melbourne, gren LADIES' COTTON UNDERWEAR! * -! a. I M m I. I I- No : II ■ "• a nt- ii Nettie l.angdou. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT! k _ ! ■ In'ii N X' I. I: m t: n to ",.! I »■ m: go. lumber. s> 5o 1 In', a- Paha. t.« Ih-w ti it N x n I'- -. n !• -k \-w 'i > rk. -it gar, Corset Covers N, w 1 a lx * ». 12 I 2c. each. \ W kii i. |-, ii-a i";. a to \--w only ■ I I -la iiia k. I -all. a \- 'i T bage sch. I- ( i*en “ -- 62 1-2c. to $2.00 a .Ian l.a -hat pin l’.-i.-.-w i.-s r Desirable We cannot enumerate all the in this as the Night Robes, Ihiiha-lelphia, lumber, prices department A .a. a N ,, tna Li: .kw.Pi IMao.l l|-i _ >• I I I.- md. iron. Lli/.a Specialties Drawers from a Many 50c. to 75c. i\ xx a is so varied. to -lai 'l k. •'"it" 'ft I v a nail, 'In •-! *ha le. and loaded, stock Suffice it say that they have all been 1 A Ii M,11 \m. -bill x -a:h In ... V w ... 'i i- w 11• • it -7 free wharfage White extra Si.00 to -« '" a I. n, N marked down to the Skirts, $2.50 A -p"k> J... A \ -h-i i.,- Darien t.. \. -a > -ik. way close lot. quality, ■ A n ti "iai.a b P P.i.l nan,, n n 1|. n. "• whit Pig* M am. \ Ladies’ Winter Skirts 50c. “ a _ ■ t a -. an t, 1 1 only I\. P> t N.o "i k a- I A c Remnant Dress Goods ana-ha!) value. 'I | I ■ h. h < -let'. I’a Ii.tuber. S'7 ■'. 1,000 yards a r. v;: K > / i* t. \. w Y.n k, ice. ,*|

    \ ni W a -. \ I • I- a a •; I N w i >, Jan .‘n r. ii. I*i- ._ i.i. A t..||.li » a a !’• it -■ n a: U 1 *• J. V-u ’l ai,. n™©? la a! a-a II In 1 II a .! -ai u li-.-ai ! I t Ill' •! 1 la r< ■ VERY LOW HHT;" j lit a- ■;. Hi airai .«r* \. v ^ I PRICES, 20 Pieces Turkey Red Tabling only 25c- per yard. T ! I it: Nil A. HOODS and Corsets! 1 1 Yarns, an It- I- I ."ha. I !’ k, ! :• ; :■ Ill 10 Pieces Linen 'ii 111.1.11 U'lii'ii "i Hamburgs a,.k. l; l..;- ! Tabling oniy 20- , u a ,.|. 1 »I : | .* l; ... \ M .M u i- n v, j a- .... III ••;..( "I '. at a I Ha\ :i na I-. ID Pieces Satin Damask only ■i"... \, u 1 to our customers and are now prepared offer the BENEFIT ball. '.••ml 1 i. •. M I in. i-ti-j. a -r--ii Ball Yarn, 5 cents per ■ M > ■ > I 1- >.: i". ( i'. I. at I; -a :« a n of the same. 111 Ni-.i V-rk Homespun Yarn, S cents per skein. 1 1 » I.. 1- a II I Yard* from 5 to I- !' |i tl. \ ii>: 5,000 Hamburgs 25 cents per yard. ■ a a \ \\ it;• i. at r|\ .i at \«-v 1 1 I Case Corsets 50 cents each. 'I k 111 J- 11 "iii I i: | •a' n Splendid only 20 Dozen Gent’s Unlaundered Shirts I .; !\ '• 1 h -*•1:. n -i \ i» in ai .l|.•ii- on our We sell the celebrated THOSWSGK 3 GLOVE FITTING COR- lai. 'i If.-u V 'I a We have placed these goods counters for inspection, and imn I I\\ \ ! '• II ■' it T.'in -'!"■•! !»..(: ONLY 50 CE#TS Ei'CH. n SETS, R. H. for 75 ss-dd at II.- \. U ’l 1. a.I l! 11 ■; ,1 I, all to avail themselves of this cents, everywhere $1.00. I* |>. wishing ...... ait i.i ■■m i-i-i | oc mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m ..-r r !i;.i*• 1! ir-iuit t:- I it. II U t< ti a II I\- ..I .Mi n. ■lai In !.., I;. a, I '.in i1. II. at in,. .. \ Vr- It'. t. i a ,■ i. :>■ ! i|t'-\f.| IT t r> \ a 1 -I I, I* : l>.tt ... * !*•'" '* 1 '■ mi have also on our counters all the I \\ ^We placed odds and \ -t «lv • ..W Will. i;*-«"!. \ I Ill"" \.-u \ •I ■ \ V\ .1 M ■! A. .n. I a a a OPPORTUNITY ends o? our stock and are to close tlse lot at t. a *• a ■ .. prepared your I .. I a win M n. li .It Mt | im ; M t. if ■J 1 M I •. own Vie intend So make room tor new and know ■ prices. Hi'. In 111 -«\\ ll. < 11 11 ‘\ flit li •: !• 111. Ill CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, ETC. goods K '• JT. Iff \.'H > k --a < t... •• | ; Vi i of purifying the bloodcan- will find it to their to come ea^ly as the time of the of but one way to do it, and she' s So make asm tHBESIST- II- !'.- .Ian advantage • i. 1 r without pure, I- A (nil. -aiif •! 11 "in \. a it | '• will he limited the are included in this sweeping reduction. 1BLY CHEAP. •J7 !"! I'.r la ;. j- y good health. sale by quantity. • :■ ...' i. I Via. N N. I:.' II i.r.a. ti Ilt-m M .. n>-. u !y every one needs a U •:1111 a-N I '« ■ 1 11»f \ ••!. Jit t ifni/c. and enrich \i ai l,- |;. | ill..i. :i wor V -Ai:t.k ! 1 I n I M -:.. I- I Whittn a; a •! if.-n: ,; is thy •' I- ..,!"• It If-t'.l: 1 ..| a • .a.'! i-itr/t-ii- I; i- i .r in that it l.l 11 If » I In 1ft "I Lain;--, a 11 i a t I 1- 1. 1 REMEMBER THE MAMMOTH STORE AND STOCK OF -Tia -a I.hI :a~t \\trk i ". J" 1 l.l.,.., A. ; MANSFIELD, in w while a ... :i. !:i; !.;nv l.,»—»• j hi 1. < !.n-t I li.. iv ti J t. ,t i.. i | ! 'ta.n, I'1 " Inal 1". a. <. v.- it trial. J 'A I'M I -■! a: ai Mm.ti '■ .:: 'Id l>\ all druggists, I »■ 11 •> 11 S .. 'I -II I, i. 1. a.a< '• < J.'.well, Ma>S. ■ if I. i- ■ .• t. V. 1 h> art I..iti.i, a;-', til. an I ii-i 1 Jan t.n M.i!•i a ,. Masonic Temple, \ DO One Mat I. K: 1. \i- in .,■ Doses Dollar A < -I n. i". ui <• GEORGE W. r4«; M" Minna,,, I >.. i.!.: 11 •. -a;,. 1 V-n l.m.l It. ];. _ 1"! l’."Vv lina, > t la in I. i ■ i» 11* will 1m iii' -if:-; M a •. A Uf k 1, N S. •!. vi .: ir<- a i: I. lit a-1-juart* r- n. / I s i •! K. 1 o*N*s M It I- ,;i. '':-.nn !(•:,.; I 1, *-•• I '• v. (;• k\\ a’i-1 a ■*:ii. Iia A A ■ -I •, M- a VI a'.!:.s a- i' it-.. ■ \ 11, I ma I I i. i-i-i & jf%L| .,!*•: ■. ■• !■ i- li iv j I’ M « I: a, — Stiff co/itinu' .< r’irr'i d I ■ I a :i \ J | lTSUI;'extract| L’UXJianrUVar 1. I I I .. I at Nn\ > i. |- .1. LAHGKS 1' STOi li 1- ft Mil ii-lit llf_. >- 5AR3APA(flLLA '■uuinjuuv vn; I have the :• ..... — — THAYER & All,!.' it ! \,-u ^ ,,k bought established Coh^cuno OF 200 Corsets Clothing business known as < Pairs n. ADAMS, M !■ a: M rn. r...i,t -ain-'l i. an ai- $1 i', II if!.:I I . Only In numbers from *21 lo 33. Box number hi.5. M K A.:ri, VJ Mr; only | !>.,•. I*! NmuTh :u v at K-.-nn.i na Waterman's i:,.;J„.f, 1 Jrii... Waldo J "iii -i t iainI Clothing Store, hi II II u lii'l;i 1 -a !• 1 AND ! V I I M:-- I,r-liln-, la\ a ,ia I Jewelers, II a' w a m »-a kw all-1 and I Hi imis would announce to those who have traded there in the II I; 11 n--t •. Il-'iai n.amv. ii m ii;iiiv>t..n. > JNVawufc ! a .1.1 Me. never sold less (ban r>0 cents for that same .. Mi J i.ill it- an-I l.l".. li II iiUfAST GOODS -past, the ■ FURNISHING In all II •' n ’A Hi,:..i n, I.-1•! i'..:a |'iii a numbers, ubile or colored. \ 1 •,u tl. 1'ij11.i.i I i' **: i if na- :i! ■-•- V I *:i I- ", Ml It," K V. i!'i l "III. i> VI-I a< ill, il II '\ r.-U. in Mt'n'n. -all." I nn m in this ririnit}/, and has n< f i w >>' BARGrAIMS 1 c<>mph I W I ilknr l\ a; 11 ! 1'. ll, n 1 .. ..[■!, H .1 w Rents) ; 11. Mam il n 1" ii •' I' lu 1'.!' I (and) be mare For con’inutifl, far tbe newt •*' Indies) Watched) sspsciaSSy month, when •• S 1. ~l a I a "U 1 a. ‘in v\ ’l lk J 'I' Sarsaparilla -MEN & BOYS’ M -! I In 11. \> ■; S- A i' >: Y I. util, aim u» ... I Case 62c. Vests with '.anaiin 1 I11 -. Jersey Tl" !• ’.|e til!i IS GUARANTEE TO Shoes & Rubbers. EXTRA BARGAINS \\ I Sleeves, for 31c, Mm- A.1. a< in mu ■ ha tuff snrh < ■ Will only yooils be had before I 1'.*" k .si II !’» I it.. tilmi "in !’< t may adding n> M \ \\ u ! * ABSOLUTELY CURE DISEASE. t>> sat isfartion. and shall SSl'ST’lllS StOCli I. awl Ill: I our in this /''nuns Working a' a I... 1 im ! at 1 )u it si. «>a, k maintain m; i'. < Wuniweli'- I >; W "ii*!• with that terrible Headache? reputation 11 «'HI I '.I-!: We harr in ninth inn. a .■ _■ an- always to the! | * all I. •!' r.- a., -a !• •! ! > m <• W ■ For I'atti >!<•!• i: an-1 ur- .ii with the torture* of Rheu- Canvas, for 8c, and Prices, M \ >'• '•!, ■ a> Quality rr-ii-^e has I IT 1* Hi a ]r JY* IS'l{aide (Pauls ! j \\ Ii\ a:.aiii'i with '• I'p'i.i l!i ii"' -a from kin_-ton I !•>: sulfrring l*y>- a a i! P.i. a I !,< to r ntati m ! ti:.t ■!. any misia/nasi 40 Yds, 62c, Worsted Canvas we l*i. *k. k 1-. ,.ii _••• i-m 7'* _’7. ; i1 r.:' "! unulteralile woe? Why lead, ii you have idea cl a S,*| e I j any buying a i'! -I' •lili-oii. W all i: -ail ir«*)u I Vi n a in (fr j*’And our Prices (*. SPECTACLES and EYE nil" <. ■. ■ > GLASSES, M I'»111• ,: 11 a11 a la U.-.i k, i*111:i in, 1 I I >•» o;. [dink ii add* to your beauty? I I ■ < ll i-"ii, N V. I" l"! I»11 I v 1 •, S SIDNEY KALISH, 1 Let 50c. Linen Shirt Bosoms ■ ■ ami .« i. i- M'Ontor \\ i ii on! nin- i" Miller with Kid- I It-ra ;•». 11 i. 11 mi, M it.a i,/.a- k fit am ,• ; your M M ■ -,1m. roin at I it i.iw a.rIk tkwjttcr, V- i» :J. ami sailml -aim r.« i W h;. ? Why? Can you an- 48 Main Street. 1 ’<»r l"i 1 -’ '■ las .mite '\\ ! •. hi- on.< .o iisI'aV Belfast, Feb. 27. -Sm'.t > t m i. lit M"‘ iirr. a i. t at N"\\ V:'. at, m Lol lor < m*. I: 1 .-irk y I k It J1 lr-tiii I'm mi-u :• k. I i of I>.\\ \** > u:.*M'akiu.a. 1 i. :« an •■••• u \ I SILVER & TABLE WARE. -a •. I >-. at Nt .-rk I PRESENTATION mew bat i OR LOW I’KICEO WORK IM M I x I I1 i- d r' I '• -,I ! I I»* i! Hired. If volt don’t L^et I’, 11 a Uni 141 \ of Belfast. I Lot II in. 16c DRESSED DOLLS, --. < City I.t -t"l A law !-. I’.iil'ii' arriv.-tl at t’l.aia. 'lull!, roM* 1 it Mii othing. If you will Ml .--.a JO 1 l.; t!'• an Moliilr. Y' ‘TI('K is hereby ^hen that tin* ;« 11 voters .>1 can't break 'em, for !►<*. we are now prices that insure sale < \« 1 ji." it ;i lair trial ii will rare If making quick ■ I .ii an ka in’ii-, 1. an ! v arm war ! •■'kins .. mi- a ! *1 a In Ml \V""-|i.ur:. yon. you tile city Ot Bel last have been d l»> Ik n a a k !•'"!> I I t -m \ « A rK to meet at the Ward Boom- in Ml of llie above are wlllioul .spot -' won’t i. it a rants goods perfect, it Ii -m :a-t /,■/"/. n-hy If you ran duly posted, I /./!•• \ 1. < VP' I k’lTli.tlnl a suffer. I.aii", !>-n, ai a' their respei live wards, on Monda), March 10, or blemish, and are bargains. GUIL«UH.luM',S •! M and il \v ran. ■ SUITS a t||S !" 11 ail -t 1 !■••!•,: t- 1*90, at nine o’clock In the forenoon, ■ Specialty l.t. .■ 111 i.: imilf. ai a i\fl at \ a f! a a of -ai an \ e.i-im -i., |> Ai ah :• ?«U r*. timlnruiop their votes for a Mayor oily, < I AND REPAIRING. k. I.*. 111an an a h-.i Lot 22 in. FINE WATCH Ii.t two Common Conneilinen, a on-iabic, W 42c. DOLLS. JEWELRY I M a A i i.i 1,, M \ pa/.ip, -a! im I 11 "in i'i >• v n m a Ward Clerk for each Ward and never have been In stork I -Gent's < slightly Imperfect, Gdcds- ••• kfl< l"f I •am-ii, a at lour odd < k in tin aii< -as ..... a I i.«»: i- The polls will close Furnishing it I M l; Mi! ti., !»'•’. •-: ft I. I. I noon. it i I ibis week for 15c. Sold iinlll April 1st. ■ — Time in )iitin_ Dana ii'.a I’iiila ip.| t>i.t. Tin; Board of Aldermen wiil hi n.bticw of She finest quality at lowest press. _:•! (. I :i I**-* tl a W SarsaparillaCo., >ai m •' Man-1, M*t i. M"or» i llthi:>;.'ot. room, on Thursday, Friday and h, I.a rif m on adi 1 if 1 I*:, Man isi ii.fas i\ mf;. 7 and s, from 2 o’clock to o'clock -a \ li ill ..’TU'l. ; B. F. WELLS. DON’T FORGET the lew prices lor the n».x? 30 s. Be sure 11i\ mil, \\ ii Wf>t, arrivmi at >1 *i>iI• k't •• of said days, to receive evidence < the 'p:aiili--,-i daj 1 ■ — ••an f t he titan .ti nit-. t he in. and j it lions of voters, and add to the Ward li-t- Street, Hclfast. call a? th~ m High a a If. .; 1 rl'UZCIlS Waiivn A'iain-. tr-isml a! i'ortlaml MARRIED. of such lejjal \otcrs as may apply, wlc-c nainc- kfi. 17 1 r-■ ni l*« ii. \ it, are not entered thereon. ail I'll' •'Ml >U ins tv ere j William kifltin k. I'.atart--. arri. ml at k'pniai. I. II. Ml IB II, Icrk. >' City Waldo I" ar-.'.ii I. i,-. "p •' M. 'll I! “lie ■ * |,Yv. |{. 77 Ma:r ■ Ilart.lift, .-h'-.i ball la\ ii'.a kt ii ■_’• 11*tin Wilmington N Belfast, Feb. 2b, isn).—It Clothing Store, •»' Street, 1111"11 A *■*i v a >torki.»n an 1 Hattie Sis CHEESE '• W Npwt. r-toi'ili,-. springs, Viriftiss of I I Mil.I A h-ent illi" I. n, Htarmi from but (.lie I'. < 11;«11‘. "f \ inalhaven. k •■vna i rk kti* 1.7 tor mlinit. 1 Mel:. I'i ..'ooteci Iron, inter j In S' I 'Mi, i «*t•. 11\ Harrison Beverage, BY CHARLES Eh OWE^, I 1- « • s: a and .Miss r Proprietor. .a lb I. !. Katie pie* la.ttie JO. H elide -"id lbs. N"i i(. 11 a\ en. IS »■ 1 Sugar I a a ! Kali- I- la: it\ l'bonia- Howes tfc Co. SHIP NEWS. *1 il l. I- I ->ii"\\ Si.|ne> FOR ONE DOLLAR. 50 Boies that 30c. Tea DIED. in,'- mi. ami l.otlie Tm >inpsi*n. H JUST RECEIVED BY D. P. •• < R (lOOMBS&Soii fr« in }.nmar\ ■: l.ena atinon. l’< Hi'l >K lil .l h A.-T. A. A. HOWES & CO. In I' -i I >• Mr- Aidiie wife; of PALMER, 1 I.\/.a, -a, A la ait I.a lit .1 I milliii, I »a niMr SELLING OUT! A. A. HOWES & CO. AKHIVF 1>. < d|>i I M Bagiev. Belfast, aged nearly 40 yrs. dealers m Oflers s- M « a k I {a | b EXTRA i« ■ A C 'nr, 1 of TliiinKs. t. 21. Ki"! la. I’licM, W II- II. l> 1 P -i t apt I i.ivid II. Itose, aged L I Intend to retire from business i >hall offer to BARGAINS >■' Mae.. \\ r.n-t, \\ ve tin- i- Mai > lili/. i. Mni. IS..-: V' I ie m M ai d 13 dav !■*! si («■* ol Maim*. MBS !). .1. STl Hits and wi-h n. return customers the •• family in) -I *1 .ii: •III or*- 'ii-. ,, 'a II. 1 a A II.I I I: f. \ I lodge, aged 7 their sine,ere thanks to their friends t"i t lie ir; cat w uijo ss. rnntr of insolvkm \. aef- 5 .1, t.*w •• 1'. '.O': well a u at e I -■ K. 1. W .‘urrn. il-< n l. i't ii. I sympathy and kindness extended to them in tinir 1 -■ Mil*- < Farrar, aged 63 GREATEST BARGAINS in i! .,i \\ \ N I \ \|> K M >\\ I I t »N. <>I ltd MEN’S UNDERWEAR and 1 I' »i\ '1 11 I!• k laii'l. iron ole at the time of their recent bercaveim-ip HOSIERY! 's. ■ I: e a a .1., -Furniture- aM'-ti-.i about ptophrt ill hi-* -. i'- in -iilli- a n 1 i\ -. In i, in lie 'Uiit > W a 11 iu aid Mat e "I Maim s Feb. 24, I•«». Iwi* e\ered offered In this ell). V.» III. > ■ o ii. I ■ Winterport, till w tin.ik our A.Mills people 'hat i-- m; I'd i lioinas Philbrook, aged an In»'i\ flit I ml't.ii'. 7 •• ear- aie 7 month-. Ilon'l miss this to the AND t* «e Ip 1 p ■ I > opportunity gel I K I. i- In that said I,, 'll! ase'l to flunk N.-w ^ mk. I l>. 1v < lean I. bark Ii:* n ird I’ar 1 I- rd>y given Way'.ami All Wool White Shirts & -Julia A. Bryant, aged t Drawers $1,50 each. re- \<>Know Iit'ii. ha.- Iih d iu the ourt oi "i. •• Insolveney mi ot-.t-.M .a-, mi. a: at tieme. -on-. F IV. In .... I Ion* !vn* In !_ II -I :u III, 7'. ir- -i 11«i months. i' i > io s rr <; o o i) s Boston Produce Market. in ltd ( uni ty, a pitdioh tor hi- di.-< harge from II 'ii.liin-o Havana amved sell. "a rah D I I" I'iil' M Fed di *-* »hia B. Porter, relict •' I I s„ \. all hi del>!" |" ;iIdo under the Insolvent laws id All Wool Scarlet Shirts Literary li a w -on, I rn.-n .. I'.--: h. ttie > o I •! D «t lhat he & Drawei 75c, .Iraml, P. •! t e|. 73 cat 8. no in tin- prices CA NNQT undersold. KKm;,Vv aged > Boston Feh. 25. Then1 was change -aid State, and tnr ,i eertilieate thereof, ami a hear Lai !• 1: — I... -o,i\ ii;« 21, eleared, -rli Id I d n Fe I i..’ami i‘Hirers for hat le- Lelinond v Fino fre.-h m .1 men w n- butter market yesterda Household Goods inu tin same i- "I'len d t" he had fit the 1T<< -AN ELEGANT —- M .V Muii. * o-k —*n\ 25. a mol. .-h \l 111 B !• upon LINE OE ill, J- -tall wife of sold at > roml 1 KEMEIVBER THE a- We-ihra !L Hatch, ley, ('apt. kept up previou- priees. gr.ei- PLACE, hate < dlit o in lie 11 a -1. in -an I < minty, on Wed nr- in.*.la W ii.' V, iii'i, Matan/.a-. hark Jennie L iev Is •!!-. But mouths and 10 moved laii < "mi •: ■ days. fresh and well slock lv. da\ t In- I2t h "I Mar- I.. A. I» I viu, at 2 o'd..ek I ll.1t. \ tee Pres F kept nay W. Mmr 11.: Vim- IM phi. Ju M ii ’ei'. t d John >. aged 34 Camels Hair All >|iear, years, stock dull. D. L. OF ALL in the a Iternoon, when and wlieie yon may attend & Wool at 25c ■' IM--. 111 i. F'e id. • |.| | Mi ma lii s Unm111 a! I I <1;i PEAVEY, Hosiery per II \ -1-1 a III ... v. I l>-11 was with sales of U-t al to II pair. L H Cheese linn, in', and -Ii- w cause it any y 11 have, why the prayer Blake. Ib-ita-t uti.hI, -i-ii- -usm N I’n-k.-i In Mo;..Mi". I I• h < harlea ’1’. 119 Street. 1 ! starrett, cents. Second well sold up l.ivet p-.. Hilth Belfeot, Me. should m»t he I r<>\ I'emilePm, Librarian < grades ol the pi titiom granted. COLORS, BLUE. BROWN ami SCARLET. in*. Haskell, IVo i. I -'ii-• l, "mu H ai ati\< of I lionia-t.-n, »*•» agetl years. qm»tation advanced to 51 shillings, •) pence higlur Our are the Lowest. Attest i>t>iian r. m:i i>, W t.i.kev, M. A Hatch, <*. \V. Thomas, a hi. Is 25, an :ve'l. -rli. So., Mi >hoiv, hili~, K.-rinn le I li'-ioMi I-. o wife of Thomas Prices j j.. I'., Lm-y. ttian on Friday. 2v\n Register of said ( ourt. Mina. >imn.oi ,,g \, n I ■ II Pendleton at and months. Fggs were not as firm as on Friday, and western Feb 2i*. -rh. Ku< \. A FEW ODD LOTS OF UNDERWEAR AT Boston, Arrived, Brunette, In B hue !. I 'Ji >ara!i A. French*aged sold at 17 to Pastern I- to I * cent'. Low Prices. • a ..rt ii. a I7‘a cents, Very L'-.m.ii Board man, Financial cleared, -rii >arali M l.-wn-i,... d! ea and Our Goods the Best. Winterport: 21, 7 molilti-. Fresh killed spring chicken-. Northern ami Fa t CHOICE HAMS ! 1/ !l">( land EX DEE WEAK <>r Hus HE; V 2 >. r: .-vti. 1 'I ..tide I- ii lisWorth, L lith Hatch, \. ! Haskell, Nortolk r.l, Yale. "imp-oii, In a ion. I !. i-. F-tlier, widow of ern !..w 1 Spencer choice at I.Sc; common to 12 to 14<-, -, Molasses -n,r>/ mil/ uni !■ .a/ / Baltimore 21. ai la e*l, in "tm Mon. A lien, IMaek M 11'1' 11. agi d -J and months. -BY- ! Mi >\ <»rl11, Literarv t omuiittce ; Marv L Dur i* lo choice 11 to 12c. Damaged linn Ja In l-.o-wortli. Feb * Aialrew Malian, aged M Potatoes— We II .Itoji Hebron- at 75c P Our Stock the Largest. ! t. iim W H quote always FOR PIGS, BY A B.ardman, Membership Brunswi- k, Ga., L«-l>. I- < lared, h rtts v* ar- and 2 mouths hush lloulton Bose 70 to 7dc Vioostook Mel.tons Howes cfc Co. SPLENDID LINE OF WHITE SHIRTS IN ALL SIZES._ i': Hall, t ooinli-, V " In l.ll-worth. Fob. Pi, Mrs. Fllcn apt. David 11. Rose died Friday, Digb\ I>organ, aged 7d to 75c do Bose 70 to 7dc. ire J >. Tiememb'-r will '/in' you MnliE for Howes cfc do. Bljeksville, ( ..hit. Id. "ailed, sch M;in Ann 42 year-, 7 month- and II days. #15 to #p;. fair FI li < VI'!-. a r « •< I’. ■baiter a 1 ami painful illness, aged 59 years, Hay—Choice prime hay #17; good Mi aim, Lim ber, Boekporl, M- to at to Pastern line # Id to -14 ) nr r mose ) /•; vee y n me than ii good #14 #15; p... Blacksmith min.-.i M i-lav it 2 in midei Masonic edar l\e -. Fla., Feb. I’.1 sell. Hattie li |. Sailed, to ordinary #10 to #12 Fast swale at t* 1 h e Shop, Slate of Maine. ran DWICHT P. Bail '.iir, Lietelier, Port" Uieo. you yet else when PALMER, M asonic M* leave- a wift daughter and two sons. straw, choice, #10 to$10.50; Oat straw #s to #'e Temple, Belfast. Charleston, Feh. 22 "ailed, sell. Man I Peter-. \\ ALDO SS. 101 RT OF INSOLV KM \. le-e wa.- a kind and airccih.imte father and LOT and TOOLS Williams, Delaware Breakwater. In tin a.-i of si I \l.\s,y p|{ |-.» < >TT, o| Stars h I eh 22. sell, /ark "heini.ii., iu the t of \\ re .-nee ted citizen. He was ever ready to Boothba> "ailed, BELFAST PRICE CURRENT. —OUR BARGAINS port, ounty aldo, Insolvent Debtors j « If 1 < i..nulls, V\ ashiligton. D '"!■ wile CHEAP. A good chance for a good want the BEST ..t thi I-ami "I -harm and will be i- to give notice that with the approval of you n greatly Jacksonville, Feb 21. ".tiled, sell. F'. Cor are too numerous to mention. if lb sun r|Mll'*' |[,,\v,.s' il la Mary Corrected Weekly for the Jourual. J 1 tin- .linLc ..1 He ourt ol for said * -atsn]) —♦ ■. 1 I., L. A. WILSON, Insolvency 11ji tiii community Tlie deceased had fol- son, Bobinson, Perth Ainlm; eleared, seh. L*•1 ’* and call and see its. t ounty ot Wa Ido, he second meet ing of t he (‘redit C_V CLJ *S~* a Kivr. Ill- HEiT -ui-fi. U n ol .11) m- ,-,, r Boss, New ^ oi k. Produce Market. Price Paid Producers. Maine. Jt" JELs >"'u d the -.a from early childhood and had com Chapies, Searsmont, is ■»I said Insolvents, i-appointed to he held at Satilia Biver, Fel». 19. Arrived, seh Aldiie 1 .. the Prohate < ourt Room iu lie fast in said ( ounty IN THE MARKET CALL ON ..ami* I ft large number of difl'eient vessels during Stubbs. Pendleton, Brunswick, Ga. 4F bush, 50g 1.00 May P ton, 8.00o 10.00 Apples of Waido, on the I2tli ot March, el. < < dried ¥ it,. P Wednesday, day t1 ■ i-t |u .. .< Win Darien. !• 24 lea red, seh harlottc T. It., :>*,«1 CHOICE HONEY years apt. Dodge lost a son I Sibley, 4«5|llidos A. I> lv!»i), at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Howes cSet Co. A. A. ( ottrell, IMiiladelpbia. Beans,pea,4F hu,2.oog2.2' Lamh.P tt., OgO Howes & Co. -1 7 in os M r. Geo. Pendleton also lost ; j SELLING LOW BY "t on will govern yourself accordingly. week, aged Feb. 24 Arrived seh (,. |>. Be Holds, medium, 1.7532.00,hamli skins, 0o«.$l In Portland, ; Divcn under my hand and the order of said a -on, two Roth died with membranous New tor Belfast. ¥ tb, 5. : UNDERTAKING aged years ! niow, Bectord, yellow eyes,2.5og2.75.Mutton 11 O \V E S «V CO. ( ourt this 22d dav ot Kehrnarv, A. I» isito. Butter ¥ tb, iSgio < )ats 4F hush, dJ lb, dda.d5 Author.} ( oomlis, who died and Bock port, Feb. 22. Arrived seh Daylight, Modg- I'd >11A N I* III roup apt. Baltimore. Beef tl», Potatoes, 55a 00 l.l>, don, Boston to load 5g7j 2\v'.i Register of sai l Insolvent Court. wa- buried last week, had been f»«51 -lu all its branches a perfectly helpless Barley V hush, 50g55|Bonnd liogfFtb, -4 Commissioners’ Notice. specialty.- FOKKKiN l’MKIS. Cheese ¥ tb, 12 Straw ¥ ton, 5.00 a 0.00 for the past two .car- .. There is a large amount lOg o« Horses! if 1 is Horses! Chicken if ! tb, Horses Jan. in bark lb, 10§ 14'Turkey TF, the subscribers, having been appointed by it -ieknesg in tow n at present ...(.apt. John O. Hong Kong, Hi. port, Colon.a, tb NIGHT CALLS Calf Skins if 0g7;Veal P B., 7g'.< the lion, iit'n K. -Johnson, to receive and ex- Noyes, line. P F.-irrow and ( apt. Fdwdn Coombs arrived home Duck if lb, 12 g 14, Wool, washed 11)., :»2g.d.d to Yokohama, Feb. 22. Arrived, ship W. !l. Macy, amine tile claims of eieditors the estate of OTIS CIGARS! CIGARS!! 15 Wool, unwashed, 24g25 answered at on Xorth- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Fridav.. .Meatm-r Ralph Ross towed here Friday i Amesbury, New York. KggsVdoz., II A |{ KIM AN. late of Stockton Springs, deceased, promptly residence Fowl if fl>, 1031.) Wood, hard, :{.50g0.ou insolvent, do hereby notice that from Rueksport sells. Fanny Butler, Capt. Holler- Foney, Feb. 22. sailed, brig Amy A. Lane, Phil represented give -port Arenne.- Geese if tf>, 10312 Wood, soft, :;.oog:L50 six months are allowed to said creditors to bring Have just arrived with a whole NKW STOCK unit Imre now on towed adeiphia. Newton ! Newton !! son, and Leonessa, Pemlleton, and up the Bermuda, Feb. 19. Arrived, seh Gertrude L. Retail Market. Retail Market. in and prove their claims, and that we shall attend hand at the SICJHSI'OUT IIOl SH, that service at F. K house,on A same day sehs. Mark i'endletoii and Wm. Flint to Trundy, Davis, New port News. corned, if tb Fiine if bid., l.ooal.05 Daggett’s Thursday, Large and Fine Stock of Beef, 7@# the 8d dav of 1 and on the Is tlio best 5c. nisulo. Caibarien, Feb IT. Arrived, seh Matilda Brooks. Salt Is Oat Meal P J «5 April, S!H>, Thursday, Cigar load at ... The school at Dark Harbor, Butter if box, It), >, Bueksport Mobile. •Jsth day of August, 1*!M>. HORSES or all IiHNTDS ! a Jones, Corn if 5o Onions if tb, 4 taught by Flora F. Carver, closed Fell. 21, after bush., ?5 Samlv Feb. 27, ls!H). Guantanamo, Feb 15. In port, sell Clifford, ( rule 50 • 12 Point, SWIFT «f- FAFF, enls. v n pleasant ami profitable term of twelve w eeks. Cracked Corn finish., Ml,kerosene,Pgal.,11 g Ay tn-e, for New York, to sail I9th. POWDER FRANK K. DA(j(iKTT, / I Corn Meal ¥ hush., 5oiPollock ¥ tt), .d'io l oillis. Feb. iss;». inifi The whole number of scholars attending school Pure. :!«•» ,H HINSON SItAW, ( Belfast, <», Farmers, Brood Mares, Matched Pairs, Ladies was iii. Absolutely Cheese ¥ tb, 12314 Pork •\f lb, 7«ii» average number 2-s. Scholars not absent M AIUTI.Mi; MISChLI.AN V. and • I .1 *ijiv Dot H Hatch, J.dith M. Hatch, Al- This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, Cotton Seed 4F cxvt., 1.25 Plaster^1 hhl., I.nog 1.05 Gent’s Driving and Team Horses. lied P GilkVv, and Grace K. Gilkey. This is Miss The lighthouse hoard report against the proposed strength and wholesomeness. More Codlish, dry, if fb., 5gs Bye Meal P fl>, .d‘a of every description at LO WEST prices. on the < uekolds at the entrance of cannot he sold in ¥ 14 17 Shorts P « ‘.*5 Canned Also ono Fino third teiiri in this district, showing that her lighthouse than the ordinary kinds, and CranheiTies qt., g wt., Brens, Tuts, Pails, Stone Ware Apricots POINY, UroLon to Smlillc nmt t arriiiyo. sei vices are and well be,as ; Boothbav harbor, but recommend a fog signal with the multitude of low test, short Clover Seed ¥ tb, 10a 15 Sugar P lb, 7 as appreciated, they may competition SELLING LOW BY her method of instruction and mode of government ! there. weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in Flour ¥ hhl., 5.003<1.75 Salt, T. I., ¥ hush., 40 of ull kinds, selling nt very low rates by 70 Main St. 70 Our motto, “Quirk sales and small /tro/its,” so come early. are of the best, and never fail to recommend her j Sch C topi a, at New York IMth from Grand < ay conx. Itnt M. It \ki.n«; I'oWDKlt <]Ofi Wall St-, H.G. Seed if bu.,L05a2.(>o Sweet Potatoes p tt),:; ‘a a t as Farrar and two Lard if lb, Wheat Meal ¥ A. HOWES Ac CO. Feb. Feb. 1890.—4\V9 W. C>r UIIVIVEiaT-i. as a teacher. man, brought passengers Capt. j N. V. Sl7 0311 It., ;Pa «f |A. Belfast, 181)0.—tfO Howes tfc Co. Searsport, 25, Tlu* Millor Boj's Sister. — Grange Topics. 1'he thm n-, the weather l.<>nr I nv.rk. 1 here are chimney -i mil r> i«» i*i-< a 1 liK.wiii; mi kum.s. And we li*- in our beds afraid. A 1-2 Boston & ■ Bangor Ob Lord' have mercy on mx brother Jack. The »\lord < oiinty Adverti-er recently pub- white All oat in the coasting trade. many soaps, STt AMsmr com ca a r. lished a i-t of topics arranged by Hear Kiver 1 c.ui’t where his say ship may he, (.range of to form of discus- each — Newry, And 1 lie’s well axxax subjects Lost! How hope MILLION Mow Regained, Wiii I «‘i* A i*i*:i ii «^<‘i»M‘ii (. Hut sueh a night to he out the sea, sion for tin year, which had been previously to be oh! keep her sate, 1 pray. represented people for the past year have had their attention ! pu'-li-bt d by the (.range in a neat programme ! THE When the moon and stars show never a called to our Syrup Pix Lh|uida Compound. .Many f -peck for tlie u-e f the member-. There wi re twen- as as the SCIENCE,) 2 a Week to Boston To be seen the clouds, “just good Ivory.” Trips through rolling ty-three for di-'l|Ssio!l, hi sides Whit'll thousands have taken advantage of the opportune OF And the waves rush over the good ship's deck, -ubjeet- the (.range had also a ot are to ol tain a reliable and clcijant cough remedy, f And mount into the shroud- arranged programme They not, ty j:LIFE other miscellaneous literary and musical exer- for their homes, sale for the children, who arc daily And the boatsw ain’s voice i- all blown back, d-* for every meeting to be liehl during the but like A nd the water gains in the hold ; via:-. In reference to this li>i the Advertiser O (iod ! have on my brother dark. mercy -ay “A (.range i- very much like all For he’s so and bold. meeting counterfeits, young the meetings ot literary societies, in schools, SNEEZING KN0WTHY5ELE stt HMu-rs u ill leave l?«li':i-t. weather permit As long as the ean her a Huai. eoi;• -gtetc.—in fact societies of THE SCIENCE OF LIFE lint, a- follow pump- keep literary any they lack from the effects of our changeable climate, and He il be working stripped to the .-kin kind. I lie good that come- from them must A Scientific and standard Popular Med a-Treat K«*r « aimI. ii, |{orklaml ami Mmi.lavs, And if to lower tile boat. the next salute is the ami I"h11 r-• I.i\ they’re obliged m e. 11 ily be very great.” CTANDARD FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY i'll tin* Errors of Youth,Premat nr 1 ! 11■ -. N■ .a ~, a! *i*»«ni: pm nr upon arrival He’ll be the la.-t to get in. the of -teamei I n-m lim k Tlie-e subjects arc not all -m b a- pertain to peculiar Q... and Physical Debility, Impur ities of P.-- Blood. -put. "r "ear- p-.ri ami ! 1:i• am' f trilling, but are tho-e in \v bieb nu n k-j ort, \Vr. low A !• w : Il u,.; u 11 of sudden ! my -ampli from Tlii- li-i are given P; ii rh-i a, 1'11 i;i'l Pi— i.-'oftIn' How >-l person-being That he max not hear of' KETUHN1NU her weep. Thai are qualities n/t'-ti ‘!i. I'.il -im'" .1 uimli N o which is sure to follow from the injtainuf tunu- stri.-ken with -is But sueli a 1 Ue-o|ved. early marriage- eondu- AdSHiam 1> paraly persons, Kn>m I’.. >~ii>n 1'1 i.• t > d\ < to the welfare of N. n.'.iCi' SR \N a.- and bn>ncl,i'il sure and .-ale for the -.iay in I I- 11• at 1 p vi And we all oi a- to I'hor, g *od I id. society CVDIIbS tubes, remedy, k -u in nil prax i"in •• apparently strieken ddenly, had the •mi: IS!:.-. >1 :c ia. 1.1 v-r » oii.j'l 11 i f i:« -k lam I. 'V. .in.\ | >atur«la\ at Who once did \xalk the wax«-, W hat is ih, best method of the genuine. ^ | ElU w ho has neglected the nature preparing unfortunate, warning a I >. .lit •: v VI t. mi* hint at all anoinii'- warn'd f,.r months by premonitory1 And -till the word. gr<• for tempest by Thy and planting? Kesultliiij from \ i.:n"rnnr<\ \-.x- i'. i-Ii 1.1 n -i Th* v « li'iui Tie inil' iMn gives to all l-oily. From lim k-p. M-.ii an Tuurs.lav •> at II That si and her hand- to -.t \» Ask lor always sympnm-, whieh. if had heeded and cured dp Ib'-olv. d. Thai ;he introduction of machin- < ert.aXHt.ion, K er\a Iii j; t; ti■ nu _r tin- '-t v. M t-.m they j it" 'll!' re I'i' -.1"! n.ti'li- Will ''lire hint at all la u lint -. al ha- n. i'ii bem li. ial to the laboring ela--e-. for Work, B sine-s, Marr e or S. a! I:-I lye the proper reined v, would have prevented the And so xx lien she round- t' e y " ”• f i.’l-.l' VV l*<»I I;. \_ t.r.elia-t lighthouse buoy, r.„.f .., COUCHS, COLDS, Avoid unskillful dors. I~-r>s th lie-" v ed. That the free ot silver i- -:;i!" prote: * 1 > Safe on the coinage Soap A!A IN A l I I V \ t- *»„ i.i t a res nl: train plani spring? upon having ■ cough syrup. The. take it. hading that > d.*ng II -. v ed. To:.; tin Ai.-t raliaii ballot i- m -re strictly reliaele, M»d AMI .H will 11«» VI I> ng Hi tlie limbs and ml of fxhuns. News and Notes. :y' ; '.1 iV-IVA^'i:'I so arc sure of mini :t mr-ie-inc Literary they being A PeilKcot Steaiahal Line tav oraide to a v I ■ air e-i ■■i'i i" u'""l. 1 Iroiulho National AJodnai --mini ion t Baj fair o!e iian Hi ’Tis • -band- nw >Med \eit: -i. will be followed pi sold "i"'",' /.no ABSOLUTELY SAFE. good for anything, lor thi- wonderful ap any by everywhere. sl." lis PKIZK lisSAV on M ilYOTS ard met nod. I a-1 | |.\ .ill In liULPin superior to ail other-, and its great ■ Mr. IVi i. \ :i111: 111 tlit* well-known 1 ■. ;» tl a :n 1 the < il to w ill be mark I 11! ■ P >.'u! s Hook 1*11 Y >H' \l. IHItl MTV'.!>r 1 / V'/O Itmtft I n f. / SUO very Kes.lived. is more l*r- V Pni._i'ls l‘ | wherever te-ted. It i- a thing <•! and an >n/rnn That money de-irablc than beaut), ■ loiral writer, i' -lea l. j 'i 'ii an i:.s Our-' f AHsistant r ins .iv t.n c n- .1. < •: T: i-r ii twins w often be | | i- 'Ti'tifupi of tie -li ides oi nu ■ .erii in el: accompanied example advaia mg 1 fri-iids. in nr u a* t •• <•'*' ■; mail' •! f* ••• J ailv. I.iv dl pore, n, f 1 Ii- I' :• 11 il I I A»Mr'>s» cal science. ii---:« w> i‘.aii w|- .,1 in tlie bead or Tin “New Ideal** for Pehruarv ml a in- “I. \- lb -oiv d. 'I ■:t larmei a, « to re- Tin: i*i vbody »ii dii u r » ; ■ \ .unpet-nt r- I P c\ r.»'L !; I p D J H Sc .enck & Son.Phita. 1 L Sold everyw lu re lo, the I n •■itch tra- P from an l on Immor- th- in tiie Legislature of th* No. I Si., I ‘o-f«: Electa, ek. and tin. person morning npuhli'hed present p« oplc NOTHING m EARTH WiLL la Ilea 1 *’ faetured old) Auburn I Muig hemi a 1>\ Hon. tmiruc V I'alb.-t of Portland. >! e a ad Nat ion. lyro d id r.,-, wn As the tality with iheii green and veliow •! EDWA D 1 'tiring. Company dirert. d as ubm.a Capt. UF, faster, Lite !-i -! n. lei I of picking and preserving 1 every package, which will project against ;i-ease pr.-g 11 »-e» Un-re will bt a c, d rd t ■ Ur. i.• ii.. •» — a t him I»\ the r- -it the < i- w a:. t an followed. after ptihii'li. o'lii-'p'lum. lb -oiv« 'Tied it i- more prditable to keep •Send for Looks and eireuiar- b ■ and in future he will In: a -ontrimiio! "Ml I' X " -1 I*.! :. •Pi,. by :M .tingling. Hi llrst n^ulat our forc-t lands in timber than to dear them 111 ; : t ,-1-1111.' PROBATE NOTICES. •n ii i- r.-.M > to that magazine. for i;..i. *v•* ai r rd I n.oil < i. dm, l','.vmi|w more idlage. ■ gr- M ’.! .; " I !. n I:, .11 '1 Bern ui- of mutual aid. an m :mirkt •'. dm ,-r In ! —:tt ill* 1 a .1-1 11 i1. < -1. M i:. I ii.o tingling in the Harper** Magazine March. illiam j A a Prnl>.11. ( -in ! lul«l at i ;«• M -1. a it ii in a >- i) i; it i" \| lh-o:v..i. That farmers need edieaib-n a- Ih an llown’U take' tin Hon. 1 d l’ln tin < >• I W mi th- t.•! I ,« 1.1 m i* ling, i.-l w i ::ncrea-e until the | mint} al«lo. ).’i m i:\i\i. Ulie li a- llm-i r v .. to task for his view-' on Aimai-an literati.:a ngagi d ill otie ali-a I ri.a A I > I s■,:: -imii.e' t.< that u hen. a- it i- the "II! IM' .1.4-1 ■ v: M..I. •!:»•. railed, •• III .-"in 'i. Tint a -ic e -- I >. ml- \V.-|n,-- uni im n in a recent I he per-*»u‘- pi N K11 IT A IV II \ 1:1:1 \\ i11' \\ < > literarx paper entiled MW |-> 1 -—attit -Mi -it J 1 'i> M !• on 1 ! more hi- Intellectual Abilities tlian ln- II \ l; lil M W. HI 1.1 ■ A-c ut W ord'.** HI M-Cklnl. "|f i: mV im .J r i, .. :»mi \\ -i I 1 V if. itu ed :d ;iiiv time j I’iiv-i.a! ibor. "i 11! "I W a-> .1. If |ff .. Mr*. v Ward** eide't ' i.iiiii -vni.twMi '-w. an- fir'il or I ■ fnding e" \ a »r If! f|, 1 Itat Ilf a i I lh it i'-lia ji\ 1 ip 1! 11 1 ! « * > ears of I_. He reeelit > 'till HI lii'iif \ ii tiioi; on lie w hoi*1 than tie iu norani. ! unlit llun> at Bt llu'M " : M ,• .-.n ti ! ■ t'o d,- w ;;i m, ■ xha'int> d n-nnalion '*1 all intere-te'l 1 a 1.-;tf_ -. •*; i.ia.' an 1\. d a !»«-- k lor •<>" and a !<•-! ion I>o\. pm-mi- I-} fp Tile Best ±xx t Ik- 1 !*i I.-r 111 Pi -I 11 in- wo*- k -i i-.'i'—i'H I art tlie MarKet. pwhlisie- The*t -ymptem* especially dangerous in the letter ot thank'. I -11 i i < t w lii -h are a part ot the! only a t In- .It *u rna I. pri id .. t I :: -1 1 a Ki-puiil|e;.n and should he attended to at once. mil In! u'\.n 111 tile il'iC I’alllUl. -n\a' ; ■ < spring Profe" r Putnam's .of' *m 1 Monml | tin } ni.-i} appear at a Kr-.liatt.-t; mirt. !• «• 1 1 a; ! pi ■ ■ "ii-rh i■ *!♦ aiarc interest to a u.i | It. 11 a -1. v\ it re,«» ami Im- -..hi < ■ •! \ Manelou* Cure of Paralysis. I til i;. 1. i' w i I I .-in in th- i«■ \t nnn.d- of The in any per-on-, a in l lheir ion will cal i for I 1 -la} Maii h al It 1 I 'l*ht tir't i' entitled Piadii'- 1 (eiitury. paper ■■ IHi. 1LS’4»N, i.riMTiil lianiiucr. paralysl* tin u-e .1 mmh tlioneht. r-a,line an«i general j ■All COAL WARRANTED TO GiV: SATISFACTION IN EVERY WAY. "IV la "HI, aiei show rali-« it ll} t !>■ n e t-'iic ill aim- the t»!-- \ .** will >e ■ lie alley and the or I sail it a 11 leai I -1 ma I •« a> d -it -Me in i--.. .•••! mtv* r, time ini 'inn .: a. Medium which .|i-em> -u h pra\ ppt followed in April t»\ a d-'••ripm-n-d that \- «.l-a e I -it 'll v -■r a els a- thes» .am mi ha\e a _mo,i in- LIKE : raor-iii ary n nun., nt !' an! n, .> t.. >• Delivered in ton lots, any size, jid.'tO ton. \ ! a p.ei} \ 11. -t IP MIAN 1* I 1 IV CHANGE OF TIME! tl n upon iwho take or listen to jter i" nt Mound. part I., ■ ;in. a"! Is nnmmiitie.- in wlia h a -.M'iet> *' 1 Sheridan’s Condition Powder! ttim lots, any size. .7.-7s' Yl 1 i' 1 hate 1 Miirt. tit-!'.: at f*.e!.fa-|, \\ M 1. a • anaiuei them i- locate,1. Mr>. \\ •: ]•. lit:- :***.! On.' ■ .. worth ft |«'lind of hf mint of Wa l-tf. hi l'i ; urn.- ed t i, 1 >r. 1 !llg Ai : !.•' I in- e' ot nn< met '.nr < I ttw-puiiii'lH r. 1 in plot i' m-w A m. -p< ii!u jin i: i. >1 ..i\ .-ii i;i ho fo. 'il oih-o -l.iil v. nns all 1* V: war} \ l>. !-:if. v I,. «• Stove I loot/ / or ) >el. (roarer jine of 'if.- i plum* •)< 1 4 I Im >W I 1.1 -ft: 'I 1 \ 1 l»< j 'i 1 >• at w li.-n vunplo pat. n\« «n ** \ \ l'.i I.. O' -f thought, mp>. p.a« k.ajj.-ft Wooit deliveve-.t (i a o > ■ i.• -< Course (/‘or rate tut I i Stoves. H.OO !• !• M hi in I ><■ «lolte i f a 11 t i i to lliaki tie propniil, r-tnjtit 'A a in. .h-f.-a-t .1, 1.;.-, 11 !■ -. ;■ f a » Mr. i.rceiK Nervnra ha* cured me lilt li.-ood. I ll.t- {■"> -it >■; pi. p.-:; f /■. J; ■ ui.h it!i ai m <■ r<11■ i‘s *ir « i >t si \ !5i j ra;-i ot neat -to, m !arm, 1 \ ..I -a -ft -ea i k I v' I «♦ i>i;t i.- aN* >ari. eu k H !-dle ■ M A IflJIM.i: of t< rrihle trouble thought, KNnn-rt-.** proli: 1,. ! .<• \ II..11 t.. I ...Stoll, rny 1 -■ ■ 111111111 it rat•;» thf e-t.atf ■■( -. 1 i■ I h\ lho*.* who li'ivi; ha-1 a<-I• tin j.r« *t oj m- !'-• : ,uiii I•«»ilitetl I \ \ N i11 I, H«>;;\ 1> Jonrin »ui liitd a If» r VtuEi). I»n :tOih, c .. .• 1 >o ; i! i, 1 o\erluok the \ -.1.10 'I I- «tu. !*-, to lie in nli :. .••!'!. a ,:n_. hi I'., i. ... i. iiaih- t• >t I. j inlcrcl. Thai thf i.-l ln.i.h. n ■■ ai 1 U \\ hi,li Hoorn fiw ! tell.I- to !■ en.p it-". N '• ih I. 1- ... Will Ml. a- and Charcoal. h« ail s«jn.- mtei fit •! i.\ 1 m.-j .1 a •. t ! ho lu lion in Ii Maa-ii liimr- H im This remarkable pel a. nie this J i-t day tk an ! -enl illlelii-r Shavings, Kindlings this onlvr to n tlin w eok- -10a > » of a pul*li-iioil Majraziut inoli tut ■*! n*nt 1! la: m, r- of •! m< am make ii combination of .imiti 'if .tmirna5. pni.t.- I at IP-it I ! v t hi I.IA'I l!l I’V||\M 1 1 1 11 i.i II'-. \ tar. I' Nature's Mealing Oil tin } nia > appt a at a Kia.hat.- 1 mirt a < « All ordri’s lot! \\ I\ SI. \ oral \\ : r<‘ in .. m. U !lam l >. an i' a ia mark in'tain-. >• j-.iti. In n ii r- ot Mi rr \ n. «-1 i; m 1 raiiu'e. Ip 1: t. nit: 1 aw-i lor -at I « -m a •. 1 in with the n* Ma-t it ha in <" M ■, » o, o| ne\t. at t<• t: -1 < \nothrr Kemarkable dire. I A loUMiam. lit A 1■ 11 1 1 III j.-.-T "t ^ Tar-, lay Mai h k < »•••" Iloiisr, too! of .“*■* m i 11 i .. >% i S1 i>j' I it ml1-... J ... •• | ii- \\ !. Inl.x «ii ania! i«a la -!i -lor nr t : ■' promptly i.we wi.tni. awi -li.'W eaw-f. 11 an} tie ha ; paral} *1-*. / «■. / u to Ia> !"i'\ : ami -it on, me. linu lia i •‘an il tin- a t-r *1 -a it i-t 1 •. •. utt-.i Maraa:-. if. ia w it It favorite all! imr-'* 1 11 lllellll" r pi pet 1C ...k-.' I: '• I n.A'k. i:; .*• I ; •. eeli w a- » .1- \MA 1 My mi,-ailV'l, < < t, la I *11 1 1 >a\ i*-. m-i I. //:• \\ a Ii!: \i i" an :: "! Ki .. .i tk- ta\ m He. ui\o -oiim aeconnt -t -.•!«•. .i’.• *. t>i« in\ \ ;!f..p \u |p*11 \n I* lit. >: _ 'i"i i' i. < inliur?. attention given to cutside I mits, I ... I;...... lb ti,• r i:*• •. i a -e!.-« w Lime and kudu City j -i:1 n ii a from their m- Special delivering Jr°i jst en ri *~j .i-. s 1 M •. rin Vr W n v 'W ai.\ on, \\ j,, |M r im ;:,!•• m ••! I la I- w I II. M a A u lu- ti irH inn-' >J- At a i'l bale ••ml le-l at •" •< ! pt J* £/ 1. .ii .■ r ih? I* 4 .i 1 JXra £? £j/ a .• -. ,• I felt marked 'o r oi r,,.i. in a: _I 111e, that an a--o- Stands ( -IP .'I Wat |p, ‘Mi tl.I'll:. | ilia il,, >.. m.aiio art. a* Mo* in >k t’. to-day Smn v nm n nit 1*1 » it IC Ci-t. ai 4 in' "ii niiioii.- ih, ,. 11111 r will'll Hi — “bothered 1 -l.niai V A. l» |V.»0. improvement, ant! now I fee! attain It « -ii,-ni- ; mjMlf I '.' ■. .. '■ : i1 I: _I,r .i vu Ii 'ik' ! am! "i,' in the-, m- •. M. \ N I > I. V\ VMM. I II \i:m- k ! I-om'.on api't ar a. !h> i"in-. a,: I an wran n ;n without to 111 11!i -i break- ALL DEaTeRS SELL !t. j )«'-I. I: !• e. :iia:< M ei-t i;m-1 Pe e,|m a; ional, ll \\I»KI'.\\ *- .1. M IP ■' ■ .1 Ill-Oil,fl I' 'll:. I" a r< i. 1'. kelpfii! IC at •• ■•v .'i r >:•>.. a*, a ill. tfn ; Hint apmat- 1 any ■! "A a i->- »rr. ii'* i < .: i_ i". Ait 1 ti:.- :- •; w ha: I In o !. i i, | |- !!••'!! *- \ lint- of M»< 1;. 'ka ,i> o,,h«: a.-r.-iu- part a e:;. that IC Cl ; .1! If..I Ill. I u*e tin* wonderful I >r. ; portrait oeer ii.a; v ii \n v .1 .a- .. real!} medicine, o -. the work -h it i- W I \ r it-> Hi.' ia A. < \\ in N m « o aid whi loinun Howard W Spurr&Co. .ml- !« ui»■ l ung I) seases. : \ < ’• ailuiitiistratot ..i• tin- -r-11• t >•».•! •'< N.-I \1 |V IP >!., Dyspepsia, r i .. n't bi vI• In«ititt*»l j c C 1 I- I ( Afcii ill, in I kir.) tin- brilliant •iratint: on no. hi' a Ihronii IMarrlm-a, Inllammallon of the kldnrjs FOR, BOSTON Srv *; k m ■ ft/. i t t fill in t hi' >am.- niiinb .■; •,i.- I. or Bladder, I U;t•} only 111T • ■ ~t i*« l i-ail-IMj J r- r- tl l'ht* iiktin• 111»i» makt-'p. pet'-olts !•;. \ ■ I'ii .1 I,. n M.u j Bronchitis ni. u <":>■“ i>\ re ■■ < ■ ■ Ii .i.ii-r- tir-t Pm i n: i. s' vt to | immediately it a ken i.-, by to I>r J'lllili •I'll 1 ill Week [ K. IC miTIIIA '■ In the i—tie o: tin V ss A -rk I !_• sviiaii •• .Imirnal. int* i! 1 ’.« .!a :i; '! a Mm- n I <•! -! 11 11 <;! i 11 |M,'-ati pt • ■•'i.'l I' anil I ki A _m t 1 In \\'.n i; ~- it. te u.i.i m Kmpi. a :'! M ;r •!. ! a : < < 1 tonsumption. l-> in"' u I a tie other at a !*’ *-1 t »• .-urt, t-> a l: appear M P I : 11 i-1 •!i :— i.« w .i appear t-i. I» I i•_ I i;■.!.i;n_ "I«*s v !• •''her known retned\ way ■ < > >• an;, n itiiin an I t'pf -ai*l I .hum. "i. t" I " In'ii It : r« >t 1. tv. ni«-lit -•■rial witti tie- lit "Aa wi-ir 1 u- •- it- U reach I'. -. he w -tan : : Mi. < 'c i; lo v c He c’IilIi. dian t o a and oilier dl.-tress ■ ■ u hit li i■ in ■•.' r i. ,n<: in wear. May p| Ma'-.-'t lie\t, a, t M 11 i1 'll."* Tile lie! i- a i i : In- a -ii *r.i t "I «- if iim in' •. | p p-e !•• P t hat ? In tin I.. -;i 1! v'n ia-.’.! la -c 1 H} nesrlert the Hr-i 'imploni*, :*>• a-llp propu-e.i a tho appetite, strength mu! ii-M-n. jtti.'j, H nv tin a fern-rai wile v\ thin a lew ar- wa- «ii-1 mi- ■ hi a >e > in an. w * -ome * r : •- V. nd 1' r-• -1. tin- general hea III). It > •< :v.> j ral I f 11 I; law- t In- pwr- [ i'/nr I t I.'-!:- : ‘, ? I'tav ft -al.| pet itmi, -11 11 n-M •’ i: 11 i -1J e i ill 1 he at hit ! >n ie- t- T .'it *t !.• c. /. 11. ■ ii* >t atahle. Il j n.-rbaps !':«11r11,- wliat m}• j•* in-'l to an un- unpa «.»•«> \.. .1' 'll N-< A, I h — 4r- «■«iii« 11 -. ! .at -. Price, an ci- and 1 VSSKTS -T leailiu^ ami j: luat. a in.. Tin nah- l.a- ti nan i linn i-l\ i pei \vt !: un ell you >7.m>:{,72'2 A tra• •'••['> \tt• I>• 111 r 1.1 it> i; ■ •••• i' t'. r .• <•! -1 ..r .-cut on of ,u vith an'.-! :i _ «-rv«»u.- .If. v. a-imirer ot -hat ! t--raitile w ii;• 11 •• n-ccipl price d a-.; ami ry 1 tin- M- :i: ::i th. 11 t h of a Capital subM-rlbt 000,000.00 ;• upon « •• K«FttRV.,T’. Til T \ Nl« I KB ( HKMH AL K : (. em-t it ? 1 .’ OutA(N WU*'H ,.1 I- '• it a at>' MU't In B« j iloM- tie- mili-M trf Ipmii < apital Paid In ii_i!i> pn pan-.I < 0., Boston. Ma»>'. .. on •*Petroleum 1,000.000.00 ■ > >• > pamphlet ti..- mil v of '\ a I i "ii U I :• ■•• • i i!! :in --Ia_ ss h ie -. I a a,f o' < Wo.*/' .- if /■ ntn ./< tin M ! i< mniniUi uia Ir h\ > iialor i:> mi 1 j dial \• nrmailed free. Iv45nnii I.-- : n a \< lr. come surplus .' -", A I mi »u a » t t I m back I- nar;. 1» j -lory i- Frank H■ ar l 1! r* M. I !■!,,. ■!/. ht ,;rt rat. 0 .M! i. I ndivBBd Prnlltv... \ >7.1 .ii-.u i r. \• i»i::11 -• | oiiim jmirnaii-1. :nd .y t >iir in mw. tiuaraniee Fund. n7i >0 M\in..t .n-.Kinii \n 11." 1.1 i r. t i; »t :!: i ?.»n <>!' 1- u* er- p r«-u»h -u^ri who ■ •; < i.. W :' I •. i. li) all mean* u*e III!* wonderful Peter-on {>■;■ i- nmn f «-\- p It. iii.r: break 11 I ■| ha\' i. \ annum.' tin* Panama nanai •!• : i: *• -• Itional ami e\* •-•Hein -. I a 1 •«-» it jut; fur a li.-.-t. at | -p. *.r | a at- tint! nt a 't-rlou* or l»: h-.-atily prim ;p.t' ’• WE ARE remedy pre\< fatal l**iie. -a. w In th. r tln-ir will i-e ta\.»rao!i SELLING tie whole a e.-t tail, i; iat. ! n-ravii.u- ate iim- w -*rk- of art. 1 report tiv Kal1 -' in r ! -ale. |; j pa t-i-. \ v.v. table a:H eel a- in m pram of the ll Belfast. I- a -air ! a t-o .• .1 ! perl fa-hit 'll j 'late attla ■! i v e. -u: | tie r-- av ;ealniity omph.-tin^ | i-\ery • i. it.- h. a al* o* .i -1• •• .-r i, a. i >ui from tin ir --oin • r-at; m it i- .. .'rimer |M'r.-| 1"I ri."M mmierou- ai'-l n< iI. n ri I ititVr- on Lor- j 'lainty rhinal «»r. vri'.l. I ! at tie- 'I ! t hat :t will he nn!a\ *i ah!.-. !."P -i_rti-. Tin- n_' P --• t: ti on 1 j 1 .p. artieie. “A :A 1 -> A T ■■ all iim-re-te-l '••. a |> .«t I 1 >11. |n- 1’ a i \ i- a r e 111 j a ■• in ; \ w ■ \\ v l»" < tin- ftre «.f weil-toM 11 i m I In- a ! !rr t I.' |>!i I'll -hr, | t ll .-k- !•• t h *f >'.m:Hte ':! ! en '. *!i- ale ii. \ \':i:i i. Ih-pn .le an .t-Mii nai to -nt* I I ’>< iI < t piftUre-« 1! j t* ■ s 4 REST nta\ at a iV-.i. u. ...r t -a| fails one. Mr-, la: IP ,-*- ri ■ a|'|.rat lle-p, m —. SECUREDg ut i.-kin -• M : t j- -IN I ii \K lost s. t.i-t. w lth-i an.I pm « .-■ .■•!•• aiye. A M a11iti -i• 111 M;ir:': e'.". ,s •, e President. nl.. T in |\ 'la .-I. :.r\t .It Pi! 'I I ii-u a-it near.-it-• lo-.". an.i Mi-- \ I. u !■;• \ Mi. I’m m. ! ■ < j. Jh;i w Mil .Mill w s\Mioi:>, ^ ice President. DON'T -how rai. -e. I t I’.'- Mi h •• -1,. a ml an., -in- a novelet nf J. ef-iana 'if. a !• •! l a W'l’- In- I '• II I I !e k — "lllilli HKliKH F. HOW AP.P. Secretary. tie- pi a v rr ul -a nl pet it ... -h >n' t _• u.t« I .• w t t,n-; > .. ui ,i, "lory of I Pi- nut.*" !i• •.< >••!:.11■ i.• seed. i wish to remind the «-!-«* K .Ip!I\'-A i- :■_• to live rj JOHN LVIbiirov. Treasurer -i criti.-a a well as all seed buyers, that A trm •■ ■(•;• Atte-t I »* 11 \ n I' hi i- I.m -p lie Mai.jj number ..t tie- N.\s iia-ii: CAREFULLY t oi. t lark. it for them to Ma-a/im ss ill !.e reiinrka1'- !-.: P- mans impo--ibie find-o choice a -at ■ 1. a .* p in-nth, By At a Probate .-nit I.. ! I am al ie to offer p •' •• ! ••'-up; our? tip. J W. FREDERICK & ( 0 t lie ( ••iltltv "I V\ a "I. tie- I Tneimlinc Lii. E 1 V •,-* f the WiMouri nt t: I t V -tl.|e I Belfast. : in- I nit -1 :U» t ia ft: w I:' A. e i\ en iik.-nt- tit*,*’.- mi.- I MM \ I » ! a. I V To. ii;: I CHICAGO them sprinj;. coining a- it loos from •Nimbi \ I (5! (ONDIllOV It"', in' pi n Hitter-, a.- no. lu-altl. lAMAiit I, I MM». > FA '. U TOT .-- ot more than i-)-•/.-n of tin- -f. -. mrmeriy KO'“F laLAN! MOINES, at ju-ti- ~i\ "f Hie lea'iMi_' seedmen of this conn V till M I Ml U!J \Y j ■ C'CTaIL to. i- i.O 'A A. SIOUX an «- T n « — In \«j i ; a-t rate-1 ai : a-!. ..a N A ut to a J:» in I .t!ii a >!e to "lb• the cream of the FA I 1 S : I'". A -.-V I'.ra,. PT JOS- ! ssi'-1 i..- very in! t < a n.. •; m in* \ n > * i; ii \ •• ! \ I, > t:itn|Ua. f.-umi -trikin- portrait- i. s. I d i. 1111 ». E! ii a : •oil on. v. icnt Kansas ■ t ,s .. r.. “Mat ion. 1 :i.-t .-atm- P. extra ■ I,- -train- bv rj «- a f " T ir- ..i' 1. \ ai ami Miml u sold them, thus ....„ ..., i.lte ..J |’,i Inin, 1M \no sfngs ip.iri;. P»i-h"p im-elit all i Mr. i.--ss M At 1.0 11 /'it than nr (>• > ! city, r-u r_ r: I. I MM n’t t .- II ! jiricts 22,442 is •■ee-e ! •• r. > at III. ; \ (, v '1 the. linking a t, !ia\ I.J |-elite will t.-r I'r ate t Cars to an Tli- li t||e P"! .lit o! II. a: U ra i-o!.n fai superior to am iof jo■ III M'.M.eo. i: ad 1 > > ■a ! i. •1 Vi- V\ < 122 2'.' vn.uo u % i « h i, 1 f- > r, : CHIN SON •• M-il .y,. reit., »r l.-ta- i. I 11at the -:11• t \., I ili' ’• w ii! ! .■ --ia' a ,t. .i \ f'orc o/77 i•• a i ratiws e-p. ; 1 i't h eitliei ••! t h. in. I shall ha\ -• eon- I‘Ilf \ -'flits If I; I’i a... .11 -. ( ..’I. 1 e I'm not halt ;m:ik- I. I all pei-oli- inteiv-te, [ I. ran-inj a .-op' ■! ! nu'i i>> a-. city 'nine Cars foe U >un < -• p"' 11*i II VNitKOM OOBIN A KKXNKBI 0 li t. ? til*- lif• \ -11I >'niM-r P 1 'K", -'ii'i et ii- PI 1 ■ ?•- ;4 .> V* v f. HINSON. 'i -a; a i if »-s a ■ 'I* ’■•'iil and an .-eeds ,v-"7 i*-f t-» l-e | M1111 i i n < I iv vv ■■■■,, -nr. ; |»r.*\ supply by Call tnnf sijf hr rrJiasi I ■' ■ ■ ami "An mil .V ss l!a_aii-l « <.. i. fort jut tn?. '•■!•«. in |'a Hi- i"i i ’i i,i ■: in- -n uifry CENT. BONOS lie; •. a n .lo.irna h 1> 1 H it- :' v. ri-uM.- « i:x'• !-•. N-' 1 .-o-Im •ni p- T , man." ar- arin-i--- .a-. pound, pint, quart, !b-k- i' in 'in i!.., «;i 'I- SUES V A. T: S TRAINS other <1 ta !-• i. ..IV .''I.-:. ail ail. •. ui i;.p. at at a !‘roh t. "i-po ■■■ '■: •' ■ ('• ■ :,t Thf u.-h Or.'.;'. !;■ t. ] Rerlinins: J... la •7V*. r s\ ss \ a k 'r In seeds 1 have -t. w :t a ( 1 tiiiiiii*. that fire ait. nt vegetable 1 ■ ia lit ae-i f-M ■ 'i'll i. ti! •;,;! -. liiM ol \ r i I m \i. (J: C ,;-ri ill i. -t tot* 1.. V Cara ?>!'•!:. v r:: i.. s' .S2".1.727 1-1 da) j M V 1mmit? iim! S> a >f. 'id11a but 'in A t nr if tot of tioif >1 i/ l'ii.-- !:r. ol Ma-' e. \P it P-l. ■•! ’: i..|»iain Fimiaml Maira/.m tm p \en highest grades, and ifjlitf 1 da •. ••. .v. ii CHI. MOINES. COUN- a pitnl ■'!■'.. 2UII.Ixin up I flit OT till- 11 I: !•; a la .. 11 ff ; Ilni'liliy■- t--re 11.'u11 amt -li-wv .-at i any tie .a-.. n o \ear: Br-unm -t.. P »-ion. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. ■ ■■■! N' o', rn cxl pr.UFr-: -corn free r- t, will witli tliose of whom I ft ) : a I! Mu' i. .... »‘.i !e-]*ond >t.]l< 1 .. a: I .-a;.. iv.| :in- l ie ? the !. vii.r A.M.r i seeds I can suit bet .v u Oil It Ot iO .'EH. OLOHADC ti.'iii 12 1 •• •' sttfifld/rtf Moi ■>. A. rin- M.. A tt. -t 1’.. »ll \N I* III it. !.*• SPRINGS FFEHLA Kan- 1 !!!■'•' '•) atai lath "lit -II P- r-oiia! IP I. •* :" |'i i'a• and ariet 1 will take tf/uf/e i'•<>mi j S: « < •• sas C.-fv mi Topeka. Dining Hotels I i.-Mi.a- aris P ••■!---- |\ mlaii. \ n -- to "hi l.y Win t. Vat *: \v < I't; iliu-trate 1 have a im- | A ! 1 l.-i .. 2 ».. I -» 1 = 1 y ;-av- her 'astorla. cheap, on ;i'l\ a in a a mi A* a 1 * « ..urt le iM at I’., ila-t. u h! w.-d- nf At ... "! I > K.V ’ll dtrl.d -• ■ if_ if. Iith-< el M He! A .I !e ■: 1'.I l: K" -- T 1 1 Si..'. till';. |'"| b t M « «1 at .: cents a the t,|v ■! \\ -.I I-, o': IP- ... 1 ,'M1 V. ••. h IV..m V. h. .- a h.l 1. sin- crit < per packet, good For tut! !■ i'll. * Sonnet- on tie- 1 >- ath oi le-n.-r: Brownm,. <1 for asthma. •JAAIKs PA1TKK. Azint, lie I fast, Ale. Lake'. T ;■:! .r, I ii -.ii.i Sun F. times. •> '■ ■ He'll It \ I Ml, u i' '■ t at ■••i.i -. U V. i* twenty named varie- rvrfArtol flint irilt tu- sot t at In-.- r.A P ilk Mane 1 IVo New Ftopia-. ami The Win -. sh* he. inn- M.s--, she ehmy to <’asti ri... just HIM) ATWOOi). Asrent, Wmterport. Me. FRED E. RICHARDS, Banker, t '1 ihe 1 1 Kl'NM.I.l : ‘item ot <-!.i' ii aim-iij t in- i! s < li: inperia 1 ii'i iiian mix AiiOlT HALT rtxK / »\ -!: ^ -m:.slu*h.».i1 *:iii*Ir*-:i. she them < 'ast-.ria. 98 Exchange St., Portland, Is5c. * ,:av..- i. mhi o\. c •: 7 1 «-i,trill} '.rars : Mr. >t-\. n-.n'- M- i!i"-i- a. icing r titty dors and mark ami l.--tanient o| .1 A M I \N M' eM AN, v The Y r>; t ftoute. a i tion. ion a : ui'-" v •' it •: a ! Nat "Tin K -a, 1! --t -»r at ceu;-, Hopei htdiance at ir-ju-rt. in -ai.i m.f. " ■.’••••!. a-, nr 1 a a a-:in-»s a. »ml \ !*•».•*- Fri.--> .!•■-. n nta i -at.! w >. 11 j.m I'm- .it. I.! JJ:. a pi. t't-. H"iide! nV- Sew .Mammoth llutter W. T. Investments prr.-elite, Kir i. HRCUcYh Re r-h ■ liar: P" *■ rt Iir-•.-. nin-, i-s Klmum: •J> COLBURN, m .ieiv.l. That In- -al : Ih.ii... 11 I*.-mji1» it t 1 'ci,:- or Tnmardeaii p< r til tntv n-.-ia >! ii.iu-’in ■ : t1 Kiiuli- person- ■; | jiaintd I ITius i. 'Ilii •.-lel: 'i; m Car anti — IN THE i• v. -... ■ >' a i\ c of ipi c | —, cent-, WEST. "p!. to I"' -lie.I t!i’a• k :• • 'll Sioux I 1 !iii-trate'.'11 {:■ tha they tua app« ar a; a 1’: ... .: p. >- < pro li t ut>i>. ; iu-’ination-. 1'in r> t- «.t a at i- 1» 1 < on tie Murri}"-: tlity is not all >' at Belfast, uit! in ami fut 1 "‘ NEW GOODS! On real estate farm loans al ml. -uara it- < Ii un1-. i: s\ I, a. tin M Mare ia** an-i I 1 I M :' .-rv •: Rrnknk.-e otter.; haw to oljcr o.\ i-u.-tomers, tor every lot Ieeil ; 7 per cent, nm uuaranicm ImprovQHient M"timi i \ «ss < reek.** ami l-ef Mi* m.iMi, ami -ho\\ -an-*. ti p ry. »i ■ ••'! «- I a -t a- 1 ivren c 41 per cent, to Male and National I', ink*-, ;•, r | it is thoroughly vv htie same -i. miIT i.-m I,.- nt i. u TWO 2 dlrectl} orb) redlscmintin^ their * • | T:e A u_- n-t «-..m -• in pa- w. -n-l.-nt ot : 11 I• tested in ntiou-t ami that HI. .1 1 ••' 1 -<> all seed ? F> T. ■. ■, --1* •• per. '.," "im NEW GOODS! » lav II. rai-l -as : \ _:- if n:. a !is inj in ot t ,i;« I .IM|| liurh i- not the h._!i. 'nanating qualities At s percent, to business men on se apprised — t !'■ MIAN I' I III In -P this it \ ss ho i- a'relatis -• -t Mrs. Fran I.. cu \ true op-. \ 11«• w j */itsf rcfurtHi! thr mxrj.rt ,i! buck. i | iri know that rltj K.ST.JOHy OHH SEBASTIAN. :>••• -' ■ from vely every M I he P.aii-- ;.- -as : nit -a.- r- Is At I i tier cent, t is r »;> i- ; p-- to cent. tanners mi V Tk* ft Pads 'inn n urii>. the .Mint v .*t M. i. Me ..n ■n I .I.'. lie •• ii. ite t ,,ie after March that i| pear- in tin 1 -’ll- TTo* uni 11 .i ., p- n »-i*rn« a,.i;m u u Kent ..:•! \ !» l-'ie \\ in'. -, 1111 d x in.; c up. MEDIGiHES! Magazine. eakim: of thi- :r-T V .-eeds and u *- a plants N|W information In .•:u: a m I»>•>. m.ul I \ N A ]'. -t'l l’ii Won Mi. I ! the.ui email infortm-,| \ our 1 corn-p--ml- 'eg trom .-ante, whether want to > a t. i: n ■ ill -nk D you tiim < ii 4KLKS NlltLkt. I etit tiia' M r-. M.e m *:t. ia <■ w ; ■ ii_\ "f >>"t. 1 >!i I add t.* vM'l an I t.-tameiM \Mi ! '"I I Ii" -i. ! i! my usual stock Buchanan. Lincoln when -he i- in -. a.- ■ Nebraska. I .t " a ■ tie- m-.o-i. t»!tenliim ode- THAT till l>OIX<. County. ! ,t. BrltuM. nt .. ''V* /• l.v nf "Hi} In our line. and il a stock I •ucring plants '! 1 -as-. ss-ek‘ w a— sv n..-h -1m i- :.n- ! "t rd ni ld ila nt' -al ! -v S'- ip V jtV ]' iuriii- etc., .n prices great vilig' |ire-- 1 >i ■ ah-e a t1 d « d ui iortirth .ssi'n ni t- i n n Mvl. (T.!. Tl a' ii iM i; '■ *.*' writ.- Iim : :li.-n .-in- ssi;! n< ; 11 tho-r 1 -hi u l*nnj uuI t;. 11,; 1 lt\ I charged iy al: itip-te-;.- 1 ... •; ! svith the > -■otnjio-e. inspiration, o !1. ipi-i- OK 1 11 K- tin Uepllei:.' Ill -i-Mu lia'. pi 3111. !'••"' -1 's. ’! hi- reiniml- me tint has i-1 ai;- V V < Bark.-f. Hamburgs, Veilings, tiir al a I'r.. appra: "t tier ili-t ina iii-he.J M aine, svln-n h<- ss a- ii --.i.1 uimt -• •• W. ; Willis WEW Belfast., w;tn ami f t■ r.• la ssa- the -ante .-Inmit*l nut .<• prove.I. ap| .\, ii.m 1 l.v r. a -• ■ a r- •-1 ii- iiiar hi- liia--. i>if thn-sv :!a-m .. tF the two /treraiUny iliseases ■ 1 CHEAP. I « < 1.. 1 I ’■ L now CHEAP, CHEAP, At a Pn.batr >nrt t at P.r| la-t. will •! I a tli ->• < uh _r r» ite-t a iit s. AI >ss. u ss !i > ■ — rap STA‘l EMiUN’T 1 1.1 at M a. ... •■nil ! t»«. aai ir T;;il ~LY’S JANUARY 18:0. l'-/r r 1 ■"Maim- Halt !< I .aa-** him a hot a f'ort/n jxtrfirufftrssrr ixtjxr 1" 1 !-1 iriia A I». — -t:-inpf■ a, P La k* < >!. I ar.< *. | '-| ■'! one wiio-e n pomi'- pi km-sv no respite. Besene lor It. -insurance anil Otlu c t.-.'tatiii t ..I i.i, r t it I. i’. ii \i:i*i. i1 ■ CREAM BALM \N I oiia.i ■ ..f Wald-- I. ■ B. E1, ^7VrII2X_,X_.S. RHEUMATISM Liabilities. »:ii ! ;| in -aid ‘••' Ii re -<• i.ted tor 1 *i'o!at t. Vet Surplus Cheap School Books. ;.I71».sl re 1. That not I « it. i .i « - AND — tor* ^ HAITI!! :n\\.NS WII.I 11 A \ K i*» !1 \r \ I * I I .* Total \ssets *, ss s 1L1.1 \ i: K■» BY t I ... li.tiii nlij r. S 1 11 K N 1 W I. \\ P^;c^lADJ C. & ini2ainii>:ition. <2n* Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass, 1 "id vv in_: i' 11.• >«•!,«•.!u!,• ot yri •, i,t mu pHAYFEVER v h\ Mat** Mi «*, MraU tin- res, ^ 1 .»! V. T: liottjc. I perintondent of !,< | to 11,, j 'Up* rvi'oi and -tiperint* i.din_ >.-hool rom- miTt•— of Mie >tat< at or within which -M AT THE I M*>: proved, appio\, d and ale-w s.!., • •! Taste «.!•«». I J< HI \-< »N. .i,|.;.... h\l hook- call he hollght of pllhli-h.!- h\ <£$'-' C, * \ trin p Alt.--! la 'll \.s I* I n ! |. Id tow n> ill Maim- oi do da\ > credit. and i- the r. l*reyara! from a t!< Urated />//*/**/- j -uit of Mr Lne«-‘* iiri- in of inq anticipation dan's itisenrt mi, I Mi*.- free text hook law next Airjii-t : formulas, just At. a I’r.-hatf < oiirt held at !!• v. t'u < o| •! ot W a Ido, oil I ill- Jtl. V *I.1{>. It costs only TRY THE CURE HAY-FEVER I •• A I» iVKi. Prioni ami (irft..- v : >*•(•.,ml..' DISCOUNT "i l• ••’mi'i- A partii•! 1 ap| a-1 into each nostril atni is j \ Ml .- LIP, PA -.I > I'lie -i t• I’i I»\ •I ■■ ! Third. ! laia-~. nicni >1 cents at ini-ai'-i mail, i-i-ini:,].oil put port iny iostonSMOc. p-ui-ti-ro.l, po rn!rl 1 -damn tof 'I > \ \ I; \ \ I», ! :t- | QO F" irtii .. C3UISJTS ,.j7 o 1 V. Fifth. .. •;j Pi. A PIP Warren St.., New York Monuments & Tablets \\i!i for Probate. >ri.i. I.l.'ts. In I’lain <(• Carved llorl to try the couyh mat id nc, awl 1 d-.lfia d I a it the -.,;d 111 Primary.. .j-j I JOHN R. SEASON. all p. r-on' 111it■ la -1• b\ a a p v ■ Ad\ a lire* I the \\ e 1 h I' to hr 111! rr \\ n k -h. he i ...... city. ha\c Mime lately 'le-iirneil STORE. OJie Of the published BEST MEDICINES ev-r Urn .lo,imi;il, at IVila-l. t iiat V KITH Ml 1 1* >. ATTOH.MW AT LAW Kepublirai printed rJ’si!>. lor (.‘liiltli'cii, I FIFTY CTS. may a p pea a I a 1 *i ol .a e uirl, to I h. I I a j i >■ Primary... .]•_* m fa-t. within and tor -aid <'..iiid> a t -. w we Intermediate...... ;-j liii h iii\ ite to look at. "• ' ah in- a t ini ni 11 yon to all rheumatic troubles. PERFECT & laSVEDiATE RELISF I'J CA3SS OF I’ur-da} t. < relieve omplete.... tie 1 imtemlin- to purchase Cemetery work soi.irt ro/{ or i\tri;xTs, lore iii-aii, ami -how a u -r, it any tin h.i u :. -! "i' m PAIN AND t hr same should not hr or .m OK* #•; 1C A I I I h>. us i.eiove piireliasin^ elsewhere. \\ All who hare trieil them in the INFLAMMATION, pnuni. apor m lust W.erlitriglil & (lark's 1 o W »l. 'nulaeture ai! ..t our work an I i|o not intend to Klurk, KAXiOlt. \1K. both md Inv-t i i;, Extern.illy • -• Klementary. lie > *i Id I. d« HI \ >\ umler.Mihi. t.i.ll in Ms., ■. < omplete. po month are lomt in their e-m.i. -i ]'Ill-lit I"rai Will obtain Patents I Bti:! L, k; las, /iraise. \ t -'ll-' \'|ol lh-!l \N I’, fit ! Id _ :■ 1 r..p\ I JnHainmatn ■» >t t 1 I; .. p | Ph> sical. .. I oii is lor tin- in 1 > i. i MiTi-menl o- ie I Haillies-. Kin i.nia:: mi, I I OKA MM Alt*— Patent-; a at ten-1 to all kiinls of \f a 1'i'obatr I Uirl livid at Ih'11 -t w in, ,; | .No. SViark Wood 6c ruse ref’llniteil in no Patent busine.- -. Shoulders, i’lies, :k• Son, Money yuint ; ■ \\ t' > -i -1. that ire • 1 !' i tin- •■uni ol al on Ih-' ■! I Primary or Language Lt-h.-om-.. ever had ami all at the in\ itr«i. itf ! s' OPP C. N. one-pomlenee h> uaty, \ I*. I' M-. Ad .aneed.. BLACK'S STOVE STOP?!;. result foil oil’s. E. MORGAN ilbllean doiirual, pr inted at l’.< .i: Intermediate. U KI ma\ at a Probate -eirt t* b.- held it lb Od'/iS1 Complete.7:, i I N LsTAUUsIIKI) Vpi\K AND I IN I>11A I BE late ..I, appear Perry White Mountain or Andrews’ Hatcher. W it 111 II a ltd I'll -aid ( -1 I'l fast, trill!} V v\ \ KK business that bn- ilu.e. in the ( .iniitv of Waldo, d. ease I. I •. -uim l> f ACOI.HUAS. " 'll 1-- m»|.| eonie ami .-eelhem. Tin--!.I y ol Mai-'li m-v I, it i, u hr Please come biiU'lretl c uts on the dollar. \ .d. '.•Iran k -heap, ;e the law directs; he thei' fon n all in and an\ c-> tjuests pm fore noon, and show eause. it tin h nr. w h Klementary. between four and live Ihotisand dollars. W'idn sons who are imli-i.ted i,• -aid deeea-ed’s estate t.. M. O. WILSON. me same should not be v ,-• nut Advanced ... prose.api V duee stoc k to suit >t<.iv tw .. make immediate ment, ami th aim h an, purchaser. -n arsni.Mit. .Jan. Is, ls'.to.--tiwC* pa y owed (.Kolct.K 1 .11 -11 \ -o V OKOMETRIKS. look around. with ba sr Mir li t, 24\tiu 1 et, brick 'id li it ilemamls there..n, i.> exhibit the -ame f.-r settle A true >>p\ \tt. -t P. -ii i’> P :i p. 21x40 -dn.ii h.-,) with ment to him. t. Klementary.. shop feet, wood, iron. Hi AI.A\su\ AMVI.l.l sell buildings or lease the satin-. Purchaser ran Advance*!.*. 1.0.*, » -- secure the agency for one- of the hot line nt stove THE subset liter hereby uives public i.. ■tic to.ail A I I M In « ••'.It "! Pi Ini 1 >« I KM K. and ranges made in America. I .meerinal, that In- lia- la n 11■ P appointed U' last, on the .-muni Idie.-da •. Klementary /oology. I li. U AIM,IN. Clams & and taken upon himself the trust of \ dmini-tra l-'.'h < A I I P. I. \ M i., \dmtni-; iat- All those Oysters, Lol).sters, Scallops. tor of the of ->t » \ I. I. P. I. A Ml’., late ol ,: KlennmtHry ( hemistry. -u 20 indebted to me will peas rail at. 1 e.-tate Him settle. so soon can 'I•"a .,sed, a Sireet, Belfast, By have tin ir arr.n;.ts utility, h'lvilty preseole Physics.. ie„ doing \ > Klementary 1 "-uniHiN of >mi it-, Pei- Pen H. I K 1. \ I I». late of >ea port Klementary Botatn.... adjusted with .1. li \VA IM.IN. Pickerel, h, eoiint --t auininistratioii ot -ai l e-i.air Slow lialiliiiT, ami ether kiml- of i-li -olieiicl, for in the ( of Waldo, hv ui\ 111- ante Klementary Astronomy I.imi Belfast, .Ian. *2.‘{, l.ssu. :‘,ml omity deee.t-ed, bond which returns will be as the law prompt made. direct-, la- theivb.iv rcpi.-sts all pei < >r lend, Thar liol ire thei r.-I ! ,e _ n. t!, r. I.AM.I Aliks. suns who are indebted to -aid (iKOKbh HATCH, Wholesale A Commission Dealer deceasedestate to W eek- sina-essiv el> ill the Kepid-m m I •. | make i.atin (.rammar. ur, Commissioners’ immediate payment, and who ha\ e an m Belfast, in said < oma \, th it d Notice. I Comiik /v- St.. Mass. printed pn W. Hoston, demands therein., to exhibit the .-ame 12 Greek H. lor -ettle a ..ii. INVALUABLE (.rammar. 1 in RICHARDS. interested may attend at Pi..1 mu. M \VTK, the subscribers, having been I • French d ammar.- Feb. !;; lrtlxl. Tit appointed mop* ment to him. I M I* \ RTBI I u I ! held at Belfast, oil the smutd I i. da .Man f T the Hon F. to (Purge .John-on. receive anil ■ German (.rammar. 1 .on | m t. and show a a f an i...,. n COUCHS AND COLDS. examine the elaim- ot erel. at all s11 i- t Greek Texts. 1 n:. that he ha- been dtdv appointed * |- O I .|! ||| \ S| |\ .1 ed, insolvent, do herehv !,nli LARD. represented gi\.- and taken himself e s * o French :<•> upon the trust oi I v.-.-ntoi A true 11 t lb II A N P III 1 '. I 1 -l Texts. that six months For Sale! eop\ German Texts.. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. are allow. .! to .-•*i*i i, dit• i., the estate of :*n in and E. at bring prove their Haims, and that w« -Pali • I.' A. (.1 i:\I.V> MORGAN & tors, ; V Mil.I S one JO-inch ; N >> -MIS* 'Kl.LAN KOI s. Selling cylin "KARS It KER>ON, late of Belfa-t. A 1.1*0 hi .n.i I attend that serviee at l-.lli* A (Jinn'* -tore. V \\ 'lei'saw ami neneh, one Jo inch saw 'ii llu- «• !*Rn\ !l»r.\n 1- ! Post eylimler in the ( \\ a >> la-1. 'I I Church on the M'.th oi of b\ Rhetoric. sn St., Wcdnr*dax. dax April. ami oin \\ I I. \ ! 1111 Mai and on as the law directs; he I I'M Literature.. 1 I hi the month IS'.X), Wednesdax. the 2<'ih na\ ot aiiun, ••'I'inirie one therefore re-pie.-t- all pet- Knglish fing of February maeliine, liieekle\ .V K^erv plainer, Hi. -late •! \ U* M.IM Mi »• 'III lai. U ;, American lSiM). sons who are indebted to said dceea-ed’s e-late to Literature. "tie Millar -aw ami earria^i -. three iiaml saws, 4o in -aid ('mini d. -eea-rd. tin -nt. d (»m*2nrm I will sell Fell. isoo. make immediate ami tlm-e w In. i port, ny pi.--, Hook Blanks. Belfast, 20, feet, ami < nrri one payment, ha\e m\ keeping itrrs, w ater ami steam mill in hi- lii -i aee.niiit of admiiii'tiati.. said -laie PEERLESS BYES BEST AI FIHil) (.. demands to exhibit the -ame 1 Book ... KI.LIS, ) thereon, f..r >ettle keeping ( ",nrs- Wal'lo. \\ ill sell the whole entire mill or in allowance. 111 MIX 3xv8 A. A. >M \ LI. parts ment to him. ENd( II W. B<»BB!N". for For V( K KINGS. Civil to the buyer A. (H li.Nin suli-ei iber "ives wee!.- in < --i\clx, in tin UepuMi .in toipna miiui, \Vu*»h Out Nor Fade. N the power to cut, digest and assimilate a !5«‘llast, .Ian. jo. —r»tt THE hereby public notice t.. all ! 1 eoiieerned. that he has been du k printed in llelfa-t, in -aid ntit tlial ill p*-i -on- Sold Also The three rubber factories u w proper quant it > of wholesome food. Tlii« appoj nt< ami by Druggists. 1 vr2"> Bruns- max attend at a Pr -hati < ourt. to taken himself the trust oi interested rrlc-c r. wick. N. have shut down. can never he the case while impurities exist Window & upon Administratoi P T'nmre Runts colors. J., The mild winter Picture ! .Mai.-n in the system. The hlood must be purified; -Afll)- of IVi-rlrss 1 .tuiuiry I‘.Ihir.ij. caused it. next, amt show cause, ii anx tiles ha.-, whs ti e it is the vital ISAAC id NTt i’ecrlcss liik 1'.-udi-rs 7 colors. principle, ramifying through »\, late of Burnham, said account should not he allowed Russia has renewed every fiart of the body. Dr. Tut t's Fills expel 1’ !'•"< Sho<’ A Harness Pressing. the lease to the Alaska GLASS ! in the County of Waldo, decease.i, bond <,|o. | .IOIINM >\. Indue. SAW all impurities and vitalize the whole system. by jrivinjr ^ 1 I 11 vi- 8 e lwrs. Commercial of her as the law 1* Fit f. Ih FILING! Company seal islands in Wear directs; he therefore requests all pet- A true copy. Attest Homan ui-tei / ran w Behring sea. A Noted Divine Heavy All Sizos siikI fjiiiilili.-.s ! now furnish nnj customers sons ho are indebted to said deceased's estate to lyrll says: make immediate TAI.DO ss.—In of “I have been using Dr. Tutt's I.iver Pillt with VESTS, if they wilt rail or pay ment, and those who ha\ e any Court Prohate, held at Hel Mrs. Rebecca AT demands to on the -SAWS CUT Way Taylor, mother of the !be past three months for dyspepsia, wca.h COST, SELLING CHEAP BY sent! to A. thereon, exhibit the same for -ettle la-t. second Tuesday id February, OVER, SCISSORS-' CEO. ment to i, author ami QL’iMKV. him. I>A \c I* lil'NTiiN is; in. Knscnl-; WKVMoTTII. lin.-irdittn an the traveler, Bayard Ta\ lor. died Feb. stomach and nervousness. I never had any- rather than them over to an- Oct. 1889.—41tf estate of It.NA I’ll ~ t l J. O. AND ALL KINDS IStb, at Kennett Fa., bo. t hing to do me so much good. 1 recommend carry II,'Hast. 10, MIMAS. of Morrill, n JOHNSON, OF Square,’ aged fEIl E subscriber them as the best pill in and do all other hereby uives public notice to all said County, a person of unsound mind, haxin>: Lilu-rtv, Maiix*. existence, year. This is a great oppor- A. A. Howes «£ Co. 1 concerned, that he has been HOUSE It is the intention of the Russian government 1 « an to acquaint, others with their merits. duly appointed and presented his first and limit aeeoimt of t.iiardiau KNIVES Ground taken commence are a to winter upon himself the trust of Administratoi de siiipof said estate for allowance. or in any to the construction of several large They special blessing.” tunity procure goods at a INSURANCE tray repaired. DUHTISTIVT, bonis non with the will annexed of the estate ot Ordered, That notice thereof ho three iron-dads and cruisers the sum- Jtev. F. It. OStiOOD, New York. Freedom Notice. jriven. BROKER, during coming small price. wee k* sueeessix ely. in the dournal, Klre, Lf»'e and terlilcnl Ins iranrr KfTm d Grinding Scissors X to a els. carh. mer. THIS is to e rtifv that I have this dax to H ARRIET WEBBER, late of Jackson, Kepuhliean given my Ci-os"l»»*ti«* :iim1 Opt-rativo. in Helfa-t. in -aid that all Maivli 7, 117. 1 two minor FKI IMC sl’INNl-A and \V printed County, persons i Tutt’s sons, \i in the County of Waldo, deceased, bv bond interested attend at t Sum- Switzerland will act as Liver j'ivinu may a Pro’hale ourt. to he City Shop, arbitrator of tin- dis- Pills, B. SIMNNLY, the halanee of their minority. 1 as the law directs; lie therefore l’OK I) VMM:I*SI A. Mi's. C. W. re.juests all per held at. lie I fast, on the second Tuosdax of Me. n h pute concerning the boundaries between the shall claim none of their xvuires nor anv oi Dr. sons who are indebted to BEAVER Haney, pav ISAAC said deceased's estate to next, and show cause, if anx liax e, xxhx tin- STREET, their ills fro;. this date. HILLS, they WANTED. BELFAST. Portuguese and the 25c. 39 & 41 Park make immediate and t hose who e M™;s.s;;ar Feb. possessions Congo Free Price, Office, Place, N. Y. Clmivli St., payment, ha\ any said .account should not he allow .-d. •!. Inn. 1 on hoard ot \ish-1 ‘>0,1890.—tfH Belfast, Belfast, Fen. 12. IS'Jo. Howes Block, Mo in St.. Belfast, Me demands during i*»niinir State. thereon, to exhibit the same for settle- <;i;o i: .huinsov tu i-e. « »• lyr7 (UNDER JOURNAL t) 3w7* W M. ■•rrc-|MUidoi!. itrd. Addr.stat | OFFICE). if. SI'IMNFY. Mairh 14, 18811.—tf 11 ment Co him. FRANK WEBBER. A true Attest — Human I*. copy. FlKt.n, hY^istci. I iiu i>rii «■, a, Ro\ Hartford, U. U7*