Plant List for MARSHALL County, Oklahoma
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Plant List for MARSHALL County, Oklahoma Family Genus Species Common Name Acanthaceae Justicia americana American water-willow Acanthaceae Ruellia humilis fringeleaf wild petunia Acanthaceae Ruellia strepens limestone wild petunia Aceraceae Acer negundo boxelder Agavaceae Yucca glauca soapweed yucca Alismataceae Alisma subcordatum American water plantain Alismataceae Echinodorus berteroi upright burrhead Alismataceae Sagittaria brevirostra shortbeak arrowhead Alismataceae Sagittaria latifolia broadleaf arrowhead Amaranthaceae Amaranthus albus prostrate pigweed Amaranthaceae Amaranthus palmeri carelessweed Amaranthaceae Amaranthus retroflexus redroot amaranth Amaranthaceae Amaranthus tuberculatus roughfruit amaranth Amaranthaceae Froelichia floridana plains snakecotton Amaranthaceae Froelichia gracilis slender snakecotton Anacardiaceae Rhus aromatica fragrant sumac Anacardiaceae Rhus copallinum flameleaf sumac Anacardiaceae Rhus glabra smooth sumac Anacardiaceae Rhus trilobata skunkbush sumac Anacardiaceae Toxicodendron radicans eastern poison ivy Apiaceae Ammoselinum butleri Butler's sandparsley Apiaceae Ammoselinum popei plains sandparsley Apiaceae Bifora americana prairie bishop Apiaceae Chaerophyllum tainturieri hairyfruit chervil Apiaceae Cicuta maculata spotted water hemlock Apiaceae Cryptotaenia canadensis Canadian honewort Apiaceae Daucus pusillus American wild carrot Apiaceae Eryngium leavenworthii Leavenworth's eryngo Apiaceae Eryngium prostratum creeping eryngo Apiaceae Eryngium yuccifolium button eryngo Apiaceae Eurytaenia texana Texas spreadwing Apiaceae Hydrocotyle ranunculoides floating marshpennywort Apiaceae Hydrocotyle umbellata manyflower marshpennywort Apiaceae Hydrocotyle verticillata whorled marshpennywort Apiaceae Limnosciadium pinnatum tansy dogshade Apiaceae Lomatium foeniculaceum desert biscuitroot Apiaceae Polytaenia nuttallii Nuttall's prairie parsley Apiaceae Ptilimnium capillaceum herbwilliam Apiaceae Ptilimnium costatum ribbed mock bishopweed Apiaceae Ptilimnium nuttallii laceflower Apiaceae Sanicula canadensis Canadian blacksnakeroot Apiaceae Spermolepis divaricata roughfruit scaleseed Apiaceae Spermolepis echinata bristly scaleseed Apiaceae Spermolepis inermis Red River scaleseed Apiaceae Torilis arvensis spreading hedgeparsley Page 1 of 22 Plant List for MARSHALL County, Oklahoma Apiaceae Trepocarpus aethusae whitenymph Apiaceae Zizia aptera meadow zizia Apiaceae Zizia aurea golden zizia Apocynaceae Amsonia ciliata fringed bluestar Apocynaceae Apocynum cannabinum Indianhemp Aquifoliaceae Ilex decidua possumhaw Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia tomentosa woolly dutchman's pipe Asclepiadaceae Asclepias amplexicaulis clasping milkweed Asclepiadaceae Asclepias asperula spider milkweed Asclepiadaceae Asclepias stenophylla slimleaf milkweed Asclepiadaceae Asclepias tuberosa butterfly milkweed Asclepiadaceae Asclepias verticillata whorled milkweed Asclepiadaceae Asclepias viridiflora green comet milkweed Asclepiadaceae Asclepias viridis green antelopehorn Asclepiadaceae Cynanchum laeve honeyvine Asclepiadaceae Gonolobus suberosus Asclepiadaceae Matelea biflora star milkvine Asclepiadaceae Matelea cynanchoides prairie milkvine Asclepiadaceae Matelea decipiens oldfield milkvine Asclepiadaceae Matelea gonocarpos angularfruit milkvine Aspleniaceae Asplenium platyneuron ebony spleenwort Asteraceae Achillea millefolium common yarrow Asteraceae Ambrosia artemisiifolia annual ragweed Asteraceae Ambrosia bidentata lanceleaf ragweed Asteraceae Ambrosia psilostachya Cuman ragweed Asteraceae Ambrosia trifida great ragweed Asteraceae Ambrosia trifida Texan great ragweed Asteraceae Amphiachyris dracunculoides prairie broomweed Asteraceae Antennaria neglecta field pussytoes Asteraceae Antennaria parlinii Parlin's pussytoes Asteraceae Antennaria plantaginifolia woman's tobacco Asteraceae Aphanostephus skirrhobasis Arkansas dozedaisy Asteraceae Arnoglossum plantagineum groovestem Indian plaintain Asteraceae Artemisia ludoviciana white sagebrush Asteraceae Astranthium integrifolium entireleaf western daisy Asteraceae Bidens bipinnata Spanish needles Asteraceae Bidens frondosa devil's beggartick Asteraceae Brickellia eupatorioides false boneset Asteraceae Centaurea americana American star-thistle Asteraceae Centaurea cyanus garden cornflower Asteraceae Chaetopappa asteroides Arkansas leastdaisy Asteraceae Chrysopsis pilosa soft goldenaster Asteraceae Cirsium carolinianum soft thistle Asteraceae Cirsium engelmannii Engelmann's thistle Asteraceae Cirsium texanum Texas thistle Asteraceae Cirsium undulatum wavyleaf thistle Page 2 of 22 Plant List for MARSHALL County, Oklahoma Asteraceae Conoclinium coelestinum blue mistflower Asteraceae Conyza canadensis Canadian horseweed Asteraceae Conyza ramosissima dwarf horseweed Asteraceae Coreopsis grandiflora largeflower tickseed Asteraceae Coreopsis lanceolata lanceleaf tickseed Asteraceae Coreopsis tinctoria golden tickseed Asteraceae Crepis pulchra smallflower hawksbeard Asteraceae Croptilon divaricatum slender scratchdaisy Asteraceae Croptilon hookerianum Hooker's scratchdaisy Asteraceae Dracopis amplexicaulis clasping coneflower Asteraceae Dysodiopsis tagetoides false dogfennel Asteraceae Echinacea angustifolia blacksamson echinacea Asteraceae Echinacea atrorubens Topeka purple coneflower Asteraceae Eclipta prostrata false daisy Asteraceae Elephantopus carolinianus Carolina elephantsfoot Asteraceae Engelmannia peristenia Engelmann's daisy Asteraceae Erechtites hieraciifolius American burnweed Asteraceae Erigeron annuus eastern daisy fleabane Asteraceae Erigeron philadelphicus Philadelphia fleabane Asteraceae Erigeron pulchellus robin's plantain Asteraceae Erigeron strigosus prairie fleabane Asteraceae Erigeron tenuis slenderleaf fleabane Asteraceae Eupatorium altissimum tall thoroughwort Asteraceae Eupatorium perfoliatum common boneset Asteraceae Eupatorium serotinum lateflowering thoroughwort Asteraceae Euthamia gymnospermoides Texas goldentop Asteraceae Evax candida silver pygmycudweed Asteraceae Evax verna spring pygmycudweed Asteraceae Facelis retusa annual trampweed Asteraceae Gaillardia aestivalis lanceleaf blanketflower Asteraceae Gaillardia pulchella firewheel Asteraceae Gaillardia suavis perfumeballs Asteraceae Gamochaeta falcata narrowleaf purple everlasting Asteraceae Gamochaeta purpurea spoonleaf purple everlasting Asteraceae Grindelia lanceolata narrowleaf gumweed Asteraceae Grindelia papposa Spanish gold Asteraceae Grindelia squarrosa curlycup gumweed Asteraceae Helenium amarum yellowdicks Asteraceae Helenium autumnale common sneezeweed Asteraceae Helenium microcephalum smallhead sneezeweed Asteraceae Helenium quadridentatum longdisk sneezeweed Asteraceae Helianthus annuus common sunflower Asteraceae Helianthus grosseserratus sawtooth sunflower Asteraceae Helianthus hirsutus hairy sunflower Asteraceae Helianthus maximiliani Maximilian sunflower Asteraceae Helianthus mollis ashy sunflower Page 3 of 22 Plant List for MARSHALL County, Oklahoma Asteraceae Helianthus pauciflorus stiff sunflower Asteraceae Heterotheca subaxillaris camphorweed Asteraceae Hieracium gronovii queendevil Asteraceae Hieracium longipilum hairy hawkweed Asteraceae Hymenopappus scabiosaeus Carolina woollywhite Asteraceae Iva annua annual marshelder Asteraceae Krigia biflora twoflower dwarfdandelion Asteraceae Krigia caespitosa weedy dwarfdandelion Asteraceae Krigia dandelion potato dwarfdandelion Asteraceae Krigia occidentalis western dwarfdandelion Asteraceae Lactuca canadensis Canada lettuce Asteraceae Lactuca serriola prickly lettuce Asteraceae Liatris aestivalis Asteraceae Liatris elegans pinkscale blazing star Asteraceae Liatris punctata dotted blazing star Asteraceae Liatris scariosa devil's bite Asteraceae Liatris squarrosa scaly blazing star Asteraceae Lindheimera texana Texas yellowstar Asteraceae Marshallia caespitosa puffballs Asteraceae Mikania scandens climbing hempvine Asteraceae Oligoneuron nitidum shiny goldenrod Asteraceae Oligoneuron rigidum stiff goldenrod Asteraceae Packera glabella butterweed Asteraceae Packera obovata roundleaf ragwort Asteraceae Packera plattensis prairie groundsel Asteraceae Packera tampicana Great Plains ragwort Asteraceae Parthenium hysterophorus Santa Maria feverfew Asteraceae Plectocephalus americanus Asteraceae Pluchea odorata sweetscent Asteraceae Pluchea odorata sweetscent Asteraceae Pseudognaphalium canescens Wright's cudweed Asteraceae Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium rabbittobacco Asteraceae Pyrrhopappus carolinianus Carolina desert-chicory Asteraceae Pyrrhopappus grandiflorus tuberous desert-chicory Asteraceae Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus smallflower desert-chicory Asteraceae Ratibida columnifera upright prairie coneflower Asteraceae Rudbeckia hirta blackeyed Susan Asteraceae Silphium laciniatum compassplant Asteraceae Silphium radula roughstem rosinweed Asteraceae Solidago canadensis Canada goldenrod Asteraceae Solidago missouriensis Missouri goldenrod Asteraceae Solidago nemoralis gray goldenrod Asteraceae Solidago ulmifolia elmleaf goldenrod Asteraceae Soliva sessilis field burrweed Asteraceae Sonchus asper spiny sowthistle Asteraceae Symphyotrichum divaricatum southern annual saltmarsh aster Page 4 of 22 Plant List for MARSHALL County, Oklahoma Asteraceae Symphyotrichum drummondii Drummond's aster Asteraceae Symphyotrichum ericoides white heath aster Asteraceae Symphyotrichum oolentangiense skyblue aster Asteraceae Symphyotrichum urophyllum white arrowleaf aster Asteraceae Taraxacum laevigatum rock dandelion Asteraceae Taraxacum officinale common