The Baltic region has a population of 7.6 million and is at the verge Estonia: Liivalaia 8, 15040 Tallinn of accession to the European Union. Here the market grows quicker Phone: +372 6 131355 than almost no other market in the world. Located at the crossroads Fax: +372 6 131545 E-mail:
[email protected] of historical trade routes, the region is showing constant progress in every aspect of development economic, social, educational and financial. Latvia: Kalku street 26, LV-1050 Riga Phone: +371 7 024154 Hansabank Markets leads the equity market in Fax: +371 7 024400 E-mail:
[email protected] Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania with market share exceeding 40%. We offer our clients the finest know- Lithuania: how of the area, best research house of the Baltic Gedimino ave 26, LT-2600 Vilnius region by Euromoney, integrated and plugged-in Phone: +370 2 390638 Fax: +370 2 390641 distribution channels and flexibility derived from our E-mail:
[email protected] expertise and commitment. Hansabank Markets grows the business through developing Baltic financial markets. Hansabank Markets. Professional choices for professional people. LITHUANIAN COMPANIES NACIONALINË VERTYBINIØ P0PIERIØ BIRÞA Guide to Listed Companies 2001 published by the National Stock Exchange of Lithuania Tel. (+370 2) 72 14 07, 72 15 42, fax (+370 2) 72 48 94 Guide to Listed Companies Editors 2000 Simona Baèkienë Juozas Brigmanas Tomas Kliuèius Jûratë Lauciûtë Agnë Maslauskaitë Arminta Saladþienë Lina Semënaitë Diana Sokolova Design director Gediminas Minderis Assisting in the editorial work Gediminas Balnis Daiva Grigusevièiûtë ISSN 1648-2980 2 LITHUANIAN COMPANIES NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF LITHUANIA Dear Reader, We are delighted to introduce the fifth edition of the annual publication GUIDE TO LISTED COMPANIES issued by the National Stock Exchange of Lithuania.