The Second Polish Republic Under the Sanaon Government (revision class) The Second Polish Republic Under the Sanaon Government (revision class) Lesson plan (Polish) Lesson plan (English) The Second Polish Republic Under the Sanaon Government (revision class) Children with flags during a ceremony Source: Dzieci z chorągiewkami podczas uroczystości, 1934, Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe, domena publiczna. Link to the Lesson You will learn to define the effects of the May Coup D’État and the manifestations of the crisis of democracy; to describe the everyday life of students of the elementary schools in the Second Polish Republic; to characterize the strong and weak points of the economy and social life of the Second Polish Republic. Nagranie dostępne na portalu Nagranie abstraktu In 1926, Józef Piłsudski decided to take the power with the use of armed force. Ignacy Mościcki assumed the office of President. The August Novelization of 1926 became a temporary solution. One of the first decrees to be issued was the appointment of the General Armed Forces Inspector (Polish acronym: GISZ). Józef Piłsudski was appointed for this office by Ignacy Mościcki. In 1935, the April Constitution was adopted, limiting the authority of the Parliament. During the campaign for the new term of the Sejm in September 1930, the opposition leaders were arrested. Some of them were forced to emigrate. The Brest elections of November granted the Nonpartisan Bloc for Cooperation with the Government (BBWR) 56% of the seats in the Sejm and almost 68% in the Senate. It was a result of a violation of democratic principles. The founding of the Bereza Kartuska prison in the 30s became a symbol of the Sanation’s activities.
IPA) Is a Leading Polish Think Tank and an Independent Centre for Policy Research and Analysis, Established in 1995
Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) is a leading Polish think tank and an independent centre for policy research and analysis, established in 1995. Our mission is to contribute to informed public debate on key Polish, European and global policy issues. Our main areas of study include European policy, social policy, civil society, migration and development policy as well as law and democratic institutions. The IPA has a team of in-house researchers/policy analysts and an extensive network of associate experts from academia and other paths of life. We publish the results of our projects in research reports, policy papers and books, which are broadly disseminated among members of parliament, government offi cials and civil servants, academics, journalists and civil society activists. IPA’s Mission: – To elevate the quality of Polish and European public debate, to make it merit-oriented and focused on problem-solving and knowledge- building – To initiate new topics of public debate and popularise innovative approaches to public issues – To develop mechanisms that aim to engage individual citizens and groups of citizens in public debate and other forms of active participation in public life – To enhance the quality of public policy in Poland through initiating legal and institutional changes ookladka_Partiekladka_Partie o kkobietach.inddobietach.indd 1 22012-03-19012-03-19 112:31:032:31:03 PProcessrocess CCyanyanPProcessrocess MMagentaagentaPProcessrocess YYellowellowPProcessrocess BBlacklack WOMEN ON THE POLISH POLITICAL SCENE Authors: Małgorzata Druciarek Prof. Małgorzata Fuszara Aleksandra Niżyńska Dr Jarosław Zbieranek INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Law and Democratic Institutions Programme This report was published with the support of the OSCE Offi ce for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).
Activities of Fr. Zygmunt Kaczynski Minister of Religious Affairs and Public Education in the Government-In-Exile (19431945)
196 KATARZYNA LIWAK Przegl d Historyczno-O wiatowy 2016, nr 34 PL ISSN 0033-2178 KATARZYNA LIWAK Uniwersytet Wroc awski DOI: 10.17460/2016.3_4.11 ACTIVITIES OF FR. ZYGMUNT KACZYNSKI MINISTER OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS AND PUBLIC EDUCATION IN THE GOVERNMENT-IN-EXILE (19431945) ZYGMUNT KACZYNSKIS LIFE IN THE YEARS 18941943 The Roman Catholic Church was actively involved in the political life of citizens from 1918 to 1939 through the labour of its priests. Zygmunt Kaczynski (b. 1894) was an example of such a priest. He graduated from the seminary in Warsaw and the Theological Academy in St. Petersburg1 and became highly involved in community life. He worked in trade unions. He served as Secretary General of the Association of Christian Workers (Stowarzyszenie Robotników Chrze cija skich) and director of the Catholic News Agency (Katolicka Agencja Prasowa). Twice, he was elected to parliament as a member of the Christian Workers Party (Chrze cija skie Stronnictwo Pracy). Later, he joined the Christian-National Labour Party (Chrze cija sko-Narodowe Stronnictwo Pracy). He was one of the founders of the Christian Democratic Party (Chrze cija ska Demokracja) and participated in the meetings of the Front Morges. After the outbreak of World War II, he became a member of the Citizens Committee for the Defence of Warsaw, founded by President Starzynski (Oby- watelski Komitet Obrony Warszawy Prezydenta Starzynskiego). Due to his activities during the invasion of Poland in 1939, he had to hide in Zakopane, where he took part in the creation of the clandestine organization Active Fi- ght (Czynna Walka). At the end of September 1939, when the Labour Party (Stronnictwo Pracy) was established in Paris, Kaczynski arrived in Romania2.
Świat Idei i Polityki ISSN 1643-8442 DOI: 10.15804/siip201818 2018, tom 17 Jolanta Kaczmarek ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4927-8639 The Congress of Polish Women as an example of the struggle for women’s rights Summary: When considering the issues related to the fi ght for women’s political it is not possible to disregard some of the most important factors determining the level of women’s participation in political life. As regards scientifi c discussion on the presence of women in government roles, the most frequently cited reason contributing to lesser representation of women are biological, social, ideological, structural, cultural, religious and economic factors. 100 years have passed and women, who account for slightly more than a half of the Polish society, still have too low representation in the parliament, in many cases their salaries are lower than those of men at similar positions, they play specifi c social and professional roles assigned on the grounds of sex, and still some people try to marginalize them professionally and deprive of their freedoms. The aim of this text is to analyze premises for the establishing of the Association of Congress of Women and results achieved over the past ten years. The main objectives adopted for purpose of the text include the verifi cation of demands set by the Association and their implementation, and the analysis of its activity in terms of socio-political changes. Content analysis was used as the method. Keywords: Congress of Polish Women, women’s rights, women in politics 346 Jolanta Kaczmarek: The Congress of Polish Women Introduction The role of women in public space has been a relatively frequent subject discussed by researchers all over the world.In Poland, since 1989, we have witnessed a growing role of women in politics, as illustrated by a larger number of women on electoral lists and more women in the Polish Parliament.
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Close Countries – Distant Countries. Polish-Swiss Freedom Analogies in the 19Th and 20Th Centuries
RES HISTORICA 50, 2020 DOI:10.17951/rh.2020.50.233-259 Piotr Bednarz (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland) E-mail: Close Countries – Distant Countries. Polish-Swiss Freedom Analogies in the 19th and 20th Centuries Kraje bliskie – kraje dalekie. Polsko-szwajcarskie analogie wolnościowe w XIX/XX w. ABSTRACT The French Revolution became an inspiration for freedom movements not only in France itself, but also beyond its borders. The ideals expressed in the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen also animated revolutionary and national liberation movements in Switzerland and on Polish soil throughout the long 19th century. The histo- riography of both countries tends to attribute a special role to Switzerland for the Polish idea of independence, as a country that is a refuge of freedom. The Poles deprived of it were to benefit from the support of the Swiss in their efforts to regain independence. Ho- wever, there is limited confirmation for this finding in historical facts. They prove that despite the common beginning of the liberal ideas of the 19th century, as the French Re- volution can be considered, the social history of the Swiss and Poles ran along completely PUBLICATION INFO e-ISSN: 2449-8467 ISSN: 2082-6060 THE AUTHOR’S ADDRESS: Piotr Bednarz, the Institute of History of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, 4A Maria Curie-Skłodowska Square, Lublin 20-031, Poland SOURCE OF FUNDING: Statutory Research of the Institute of History of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin SUBMITTED: ACCEPTED: PUBLISHED ONLINE: 2020.02.04 2020.07.07 2020.12.28 EDITORIAL WEBSITE OF THE JOURNAL: COMMITTEE E-mail: 234 PIOTR BEDNARZ different paths.
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Kadencja VIII Sprawozdanie Stenograficzne z 20. posiedzenia Sejmu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w dniu 10 czerwca 2016 r. (trzeci dzień obrad) Warszawa 2016 SPIS TREŚCI 20. posiedzenie Sejmu (Obrady w dniu 10 czerwca 2016 r.) Wznowienie posiedzenia Poseł Mieczysław Kasprzak . 385 Komunikaty Poseł Gabriela Lenartowicz . 386 Sekretarz Poseł Artur Soboń . 375 Poseł Krzysztof Sitarski . 386 Zmiana porządku dziennego Poseł Mieczysław Kasprzak . 387 Marszałek. 375 Poseł Gabriela Lenartowicz . 387 Punkt 38. porządku dziennego: Przedsta- Poseł Mieczysław Kasprzak . 387 wiony przez Prezydium Sejmu projekt Poseł Gabriela Lenartowicz . 388 uchwały w sprawie uczczenia 200-lecia Minister Energii Krzysztof Tchórzewski . .388 Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiej- Poseł Mieczysław Kasprzak . 389 skiego w Warszawie Poseł Zbigniew Gryglas . 389 Marszałek. 375 Podsekretarz Stanu w Ministerstwie Energii Punkt 30. porządku dziennego: Powołanie Andrzej Piotrowski . 389 prezesa Narodowego Banku Polskiego Poseł Krzysztof Sitarski . 390 Szef Kancelarii Prezydenta RP Poseł Mieczysław Kasprzak . 391 Małgorzata Sadurska. 376 Poseł Gabriela Lenartowicz . 392 Poseł Jacek Sasin. 377 Minister Edukacji Narodowej Poseł Izabela Leszczyna . 378 Anna Zalewska. 392 Poseł Rafał Wójcikowski . 378 Poseł Mieczysław Kasprzak . 392 Poseł Ryszard Petru. 379 Minister Edukacji Narodowej Poseł Jarosław Kaczyński . 381 Anna Zalewska. 392 Poseł Ewa Kopacz . 381 Poseł Monika Rosa. 393 Poseł Ryszard Petru. 381 Poseł Zbigniew Konwiński . 393 Poseł Jan Łopata . 381 Poseł Zbigniew Ajchler . 394 Poseł Robert Winnicki . 382 Podsekretarz Stanu w Ministerstwie Energii Poseł Jacek Sasin. 382 Andrzej Piotrowski . 394 Szef Kancelarii Prezydenta RP Poseł Mieczysław Kasprzak . 394 Małgorzata Sadurska. 383 Poseł Zbigniew Gryglas . 395 Głosowanie Poseł Gabriela Lenartowicz . 395 Marszałek. 383 Poseł Krzysztof Sitarski . 395 Punkt 35. porządku dziennego: Pierwsze Poseł Ireneusz Zyska .
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Kadencja VIII Sprawozdanie Stenograficzne z 3. posiedzenia Sejmu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w dniu 2 grudnia 2015 r. Warszawa 2015 Porządek dzienny*) 3. posiedzenia Sejmu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w dniu 2 grudnia 2015 r. 2. Pierwsze czytanie obywatelskiego projektu ustawy o zmianie ustawy o zaopatrzeniu emerytalnym funkcjonariuszy Policji, Agencji Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego, Agencji Wywia- du, Służby Kontrwywiadu Wojskowego, Służby Wywiadu Wojskowego, Centralnego Biura An- tykorupcyjnego, Straży Granicznej, Biura Ochrony Rządu, Państwowej Straży Pożarnej i Służ- by Więziennej oraz ich rodzin oraz niektórych innych ustaw (druk nr 30). 3. Pierwsze czytanie przedstawionego przez Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej projek- tu ustawy o zmianie ustawy o podatku dochodowym od osób fizycznych (druk nr 51). 6. Wybór sędziów Trybunału Konstytucyjnego (druki nr 56 i 57). 7. Zmiany w składach osobowych komisji sejmowych (druk nr 61). 8. Pytania w sprawach bieżących. 9. Informacja bieżąca. Obecni posłowie według załączonej do protokołu listy obecności *) Punkty 1. i 4. zostały skreślone z porządku dziennego – patrz str. 5. Punkt 5. porządku dziennego nie został zrealizowany. (Początek posiedzenia o godz. 11 min 01) (Na posiedzeniu przewodniczy marszałek Sejmu W związku z tym, po uzyskaniu jednolitej opinii Marek Kuchciński oraz wicemarszałkowie Barbara Konwentu Seniorów, podjąłem decyzję o uzupełnie- Dolniak i Ryszard Terlecki) niu porządku dziennego o punkt obejmujący pierwsze czytanie tego projektu. Proponuję, aby w tym przypadku Sejm wyraził zgo- Marszałek: dę na zastosowanie art. 37 ust. 4 regulaminu Sejmu. Jeżeli nie usłyszę sprzeciwu, będę rozumiał, że Otwieram posiedzenie. Sejm propozycję przyjął. Marszałek trzykrotnie uderza laską marszałkowską ( ) Sprzeciwu nie słyszę. Na sekretarzy dzisiejszych obrad powołuję Sylwe- Prezydium Sejmu proponuje, aby Sejm wysłuchał stra Tułajewa, Arkadiusza Myrchę, Artura Sobonia 10-minutowych oświadczeń w imieniu klubów w pierw- oraz Krzysztofa Truskolaskiego.
10.04.2010 TRAGEDIA NARODOWA By³o Ich 96... Widzieliśmy Ich żywych... Teraz... Martwych witamy... Biało-czerwone trumny na lotnisku… stoją szeregami… Boże! Panie Świata! Dlaczego… znów kazałeś nam... patrzeć na śmierć... siostry i brata?... Oni, Polsko! – Ciebie kochali… Oni, Światu – dowód dali... Że pamięć Matki, Siostry Ojca, Brata… To nie zbędny sentymentalizm... To obowiązek... To za otrzymaną miłość - serca odpłata… Żal! ... Rozpacz!... znów zalewam się łzami... A biało-czerwone trumny... O, Polsko! Ruszając w takt marsza Chopina… Idą do naszych... Dotąd pustych serc... szeregami… Maria Kaim Grzegorz Dolniak Poseł na Sejm RP 1960 - 2010 Gen. W³odzimierz Potasiñski (1956 – 2010) - Dowódca Wojsk Specjalnych Generał Potasiński urodził się 31 lipca 1956 r. w Czeladzi. Absolwent Wyż- szej Szkoły Oficerskiej Wojsk Zmechanizowanych (1980) i Akademii Sztabu Generalnego WP (1988). W latach 1993-1994 pełnił służbę na stanowisku za- stępcy dowódcy, a następnie dowódcy Polskiego Kontyngentu Wojskowego Sił Pokojowych ONZ w Syrii. W 2004 r. dowodził brygadą w składzie Polskiego Kontyngentu Wojskowego w Składzie Międzynarodowych Sił Stabilizacyjnych w Iraku, a na przełomie 2005 i 2006 r. pełnił służbę na stanowisku zastęp- cy dowódcy tegoż kontyngentu. Oddał ponad 500 skoków ze spadochronem i posiadał tytuł instruktora w tej dziedzinie. Prezydent RP w 2007 r. mianował gen. Potasińskiego dowódcą Wojsk Specjalnych. Pośmiertnie awansowany na generała broni. (red) P o w i a t Dêby Pamiêci Drzewo, a szczególnie szlachetny dąb to wy- giczny sobotni poranek, gdy dotarły do mnie mowny symbol trwania i pamięci. Pamięci, która pierwsze wiadomości o katastrofie… rozwija się wraz z jego wzrostem, rok po roku. Nikt z nas nie przypuszczał, że przyjdzie nam Stąd też jakiś czas temu postanowiliśmy włą- posadzić jeszcze jedno drzewo.
BIOGRAM / BIOGRAFIA Advocate of the Polish Cause Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860-1941) Author: ADAM GRZEGORZ DĄBROWSKI 09.12.2019
BIOGRAM / BIOGRAFIA Advocate of the Polish cause Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860-1941) Author: ADAM GRZEGORZ DĄBROWSKI 09.12.2019 Ignacy Jan Paderewski was an extraordinary pianist and composer, a devoted patriot and a man of the state, a philanthropist and a social activist. His engagement in the Polish cause was absolutely selfless. He will forever have a place among the great figures who helped Poland in regaining its independence. He was born and spent his childhood in Kuryłówka in Podole (the lands of the 1st Republic of Poland taken by Russia during the second partition of the country). There, he received his first education (patriotic, musical, general) and it was there where he first performed publicly. He continued his education in Warsaw, Berlin and Vienna. Soon, he began giving concerts during which he had the chance to meet many famous figures of the international political scene. He quickly became a well-known and appreciated person. He also built up his fame by engaging in charity, showing off his rhetoric skills as well as giving his first political speeches concerning the international situation at the time. Very well received among Poles living at the Polish territories occupied by the three neighbouring states (Austria-Hungary and the German and Russian Empires) and among those on emigration was the ceremony of the unveiling of the Grunwald memorial in Cracow, on July 15th 1910. The unveiling took place during the celebrations of the 500th anniversary of the battle of Grunwald. The idea and funding for the statue came from Paderewski and it was a prelude of sorts for his activities for the Polish cause during the First World War and after.
EDWARD RYDZ-ŚMIGŁY a Political and Military Biography
EDWARD RYDZ-ŚMIGŁY A Political and Military Biography Ryszard Mirowicz Translated and edited by Gregory P. Dziekonski The copyright over the translation has been granted to the translator by the copyright holder of the original Polish text, and I authorize the University of Washington Libraries to make the full text of the English translation available to readers worldwide. TRANSLATOR’S NOTE The original Polish version of this book was written in the 1980s under communist rule, and remained dormant in a censor’s office for over a year. The author was ordered to alter various references concerning the Teschen dispute in 1938 and the Soviet invasion of Poland in alliance with the Nazis in September, 1939. Although the author expressed satisfaction at the eventual compromise between mandated omissions and academic integrity just prior to publication, the translator has made an attempt to add a few footnotes to provide some balance to the narrative. Regarding the customary problems with geographical locations in multiple languages, most locations described in First World War battles on the eastern front in which the Legions were involved and the post-war military operations in the Ukraine, Byelorussia, and Lithuania are in Polish. Otherwise, respective languages for whichever countries in which the geographic locations happened to be situated at the time are used. English names were used for those which possess them, such as “Warsaw,” “Cracow,” “Kaunas,” etc. Numbered footnotes are mostly identical to those in the original text and are listed at the end of each respective section. Footnotes with an asterisk at the bottom of the page are citations which the translator has added.