The Mountains between Tarvisio and Gemona Ski runs for all levels of skill and plentiful cross-country circuits weaving between woods and enchanted peaks, and an extraordinary natural gym for climbers too. And in the summer, a network of paths to follow on foot, mountain bike or horseback acts as the key to infinite views. With an arrival point in a mountain hut or malga set in a meadow. Tarvisio and

he area surrounding Tarvisio is a visitors, where the ancient skills of the T paean to mountains. Its majestic local cheese-makers can be seen. heights, unexplored until the early Strolling amidst the peaks and along the 20th century, when Julius Kugy tackled them valleys, the natural borders blend with the the majesty for the first time, provide an extraordinary cultural ones: this land appeals to visitors natural setting for climbers from throughout also for its historical elements, as it bears Europe. In winter, ski runs for every level the traces of so many peoples who have of skill and plentiful cross-country circuits lived here over the centuries. And Tarvisio weave between woods and enchanted peaks, is the fulcrum for the rediscovery of the enveloped in the wonderful stillness of entire valley’s popular traditions. If you go of its peaks splendid natural settings. In summer, the for a stroll through the streets of the town mountains of the Tarvisio area are dotted on the evening of 5th December to admire with marked paths crossing the precipitous the decorations for the feast of St Nicholas, flanks of the mountains and plunging into watch out for the Krampus! These are green forests. On foot, on a mountain bike strange, slightly fearful creatures who, with or on horseback, they lead to the discovery great yells and crashing of cow bells, of open meadows in which stand mountain announce the arrival of the saint, bearing huts and malghe (alpine dairies) open to gifts for little children.

3 Gemona and

emona, sadly famous for the violent earthquake that struck it in 1976, is today the G symbol of the strength and character of the people of , who, undismayed, have returned the town to its former charm. Its beauty is stressed by the majesty of its medieval architecture, which can be appreciated wandering through the historic centre and visiting the Cathedral, an imposing Romanesque and Gothic structure. It is easy to be fascinated by the medieval aspect of Venzone when strolling along the double ring of its medieval walls, which are unique in . This unmistakable atmosphere sees its maximum expression during the famous Festa della Zucca (“Marrow Fair”), during which one has the impression of tumbling back several centuries. Musicians, jugglers, knights and aristocratic ladies, armour-bearers, beggars and many other figures drawn from the medieval world form the backdrop to the real star of the show: the marrow. Medieval gems Acting as gateways to the mountain districts, there are two enchanting little towns bursting with history. Venzone, a national monument since 1923, is enclosed within massive walls and completely immersed in the Middle Ages. Gemona, instead, is dominated by a majestic Romanesque and Gothic cathedral.

4 5 Monte Lussari

For centuries, pilgrims from three countries have been o enjoy an incomparable view of the followed by Italian, Slav and German T entire chain of the , there believers for centuries. Tradition has it that coming here. It is a magical place, with an enchanting is nothing better than reaching the the sanctuary was built on the site on hamlet, visited by Italian, Slav and German believers mystical Sanctuary of Monte Lussari, which there was an apparition of the surrounded by its hamlet, along the Madonna. For skiing enthusiasts, the area who come to pay homage at the Sanctuary of Monte attractive Sentiero del Pellegrino (“The offers the Prampero run, which starts at the Lussari. And it is here that the Prampero ski run, one Pilgrim’s Way”), which winds it way up summit and offers one of the most exciting through the Tarvisio forest and has been descents in the region. of the most exciting in the region, starts. Mystical atmosphere

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... where butter flies thrive Of every conceivable colour, shape and size, they become the brightly painted backdrop to the village of Bordano. And they fly free in the Casa delle Farfalle, a living butterfly museum, boasting species from forests throughout the world.

t seems that innumerable species I of butterfly have chosen Bordano and its surroundings as their ideal habitat. The inhabitants of what is now known as the “Butterfly village” have dedicated their numerous colourful murals to their fluttering guests, decorating the facades of houses, schools and shops. Nor is this all! The pride of the village is the Casa della Farfalle (“House of the Butterflies”), a living museum that is home to fascinating and highly-coloured species. Within this centre, butterflies from all the world’s forests move freely and can reproduce in their perfectly reconstructed original habitat, amid tropical plants and other animals.

8 9 Itineraries for adults and children in the Adventure Park, moving from treetop to treetop on walkways, cables, Tibetan bridges, pulleys, lianas and suspended bridges. In total safety. Natural Excitement

The locations suspended... Fusine Lakes and appeal from a tree

Two lakes immersed in lunged in the magnificent scenario r how to enjoy a fantastic, unforgettable adventure, literally in close touch with P of the Tarvisio forest, it is hard to take O nature. Moving between treetop platforms over walkways, or cables, using Tibetan magic. Of a sublime nature in with a single glance the glorious bridges, pulleys, lianas and suspended bridges: all this and more is possible in the in the form of large woods cirque of the Fusine lakes, splendid Alpine Sella Nevea Adventure Park. A series of entertaining routes wind through the beech and fir lakes in which the surrounding nature reflects woods, designed with children in mind too, to play safely at acrobatics, hanging from the of conifers and peaks its greatest splendour. trees just like Tarzan! Great forests of conifers, with spruce, silver reflected in the waters. fir and beech, have preserved the All around, silence, broken uncontaminated fabric of the area, and are lived in by numerous species of migrating only by the rustling of birds and animals, including red deer, roe animals and birdsong. deer and chamois. The best way to admire this majestic, extraordinary landscape is to In the summer, green follow the paths along the lakes’ edge, or dominates. In winter, it is linking the two lakes, and then dive into the forests on the slopes of the surrounding a white domain that can mountains. Even in the enchanting scenario be entered only on foot, ski of a snow-clad setting, there are plenty of routes one can follow using cross-country skis or with snowshoes. or snowshoes.

10 11 A paradise for deer and ibex, roe deer and chamois. And even bears and the lynx. This is the Parco della Prealpe Giulie, a wild, untouched reign. And in the Tarvisio forest echoes the sound of a violin…

Woodland creat ures and music

he Parco della Prealpe Giulie is a chamois, martens and other species. T paradise of paths following the valleys If we look carefully, we may come across and climbing the steep slopes of the tracks of a bear or of a lynx in the Monte Canin, the Plauris and Musi. Paths undergrowth; creatures that have chosen you can tackle in the company of expert this wonderful wilderness in which to live guides to enjoy the appeal of the mountains undisturbed in complete freedom. and its multi-coloured flowers to the full. In the quiet of the winter months, it is fun If, instead, you come across the distant to follow the snow-covered paths on notes of a violin while wandering through snowshoes, discovering the tracks left in the the Tarvisio forest, do not think it is the snow by wild creatures. An immense forest wind playing tricks! It might well be the of silver fir and spruce, beech and shade of Stradivarius seeking out the finest Austrian pine alternates wood for his instruments. For indeed, it with green, grassy is said that some of the firs that grow near clearings, a home the Fusine Lakes “sing”. This quality was to deer, ibex, discovered by some master instrument roe deer, makers more than 500 years ago.

12 13 Icy appeal

The modern ice-stadium for zipping along on skates. Or for watching the ice hockey champions, figure skating and speed skating.

or anyone who enjoys ice-skating, whether in practical terms or as spectator, the F modern Pontebba ice-stadium is not to be missed, as it offers a host of great sports and entertainment events on ice, including national and European ice-hockey matches, figure and speed skating championships.

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DSF design / photo: Da Pozzo, Furlan, Baronchelli / print: Stella Arti Grafiche

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