Grand Designs Ancient Egyptians– History LKS2 Terms 3 and 4

Timeline 3500 BC Early settlers in the Nile valley 3100 BC Hieroglyphic script developed unifies Upper and 2700 BC First stone pyramid built 2600 BC Pyramids of Giza built 2200 BC Various kings rule over Egypt 2055 BC Mentuhotep II gained control of entire country 2000 – Agricultural development of the Faiyum 1700 BC Earliest parts of Temple of Karnak built Egyptians control 1700 BC rulers took control of Delta region 1600 BC Ahmose unifies country 1400 BC became 1100 BC Upper and Lower Egypt split 525 BC Persians conquer Egypt Grand Designs Rivers– Geography LKS2 Terms 3 and 4 Grand Designs Ancient Egyptian Art LKS2 Terms 3 and 4

Religion and Art

Much of the artwork created by the Ancient Egyptians had to do with their religion. They would fill the tombs of the with paintings and sculptures. Much of this art- work was there to help the Pharaohs in the afterlife. - ples were another popular place for art. The temples often held large statues of their gods as well as many paintings on the walls.

Above is an example of the intri- cate work of Ancient Egyptian sculpture. It is the funerary mask of a pharaoh named Tutankhamen. The expression on his face is the same used to convey the look of all the pharaohs throughout the histo- ry of Egypt. The colouring of the collar is made with semiprecious Egyptian Painting and Tomb stones and the stripes on the head- Walls dress are made with blue glass. The rest of the mask is made from In the tomb walls of the rich and powerful were twenty-four pounds of solid gold! often filled with paintings. These paintings were there to help the person in the afterlife. They Interesting Facts about Ancient Egyptian Art often depicted the person buried passing into the afterlife. They  They mostly used the colours blue, black, would show scenes of this per- son happy in the afterlife. red, green, and gold in their paintings.  A lot of Egyptian art depicted the phar- aohs. This was often in a religious sense as the pharaohs were considered gods.  Many of the paintings of Ancient Egypt survived for so many thousands of years because of the extremely dry climate of the area.  Small carved models were sometimes in- cluded inside tombs. These included slaves, animals, boats, and buildings that the person may need in the afterlife.  A majority of the art hidden in tombs was stolen by thieves over thousands of years. Grand Designs Science- Magnets and Forces LKS2 Terms 3 and 4 Grand Designs Science– Light LKS2 Terms 3 and 4 Grand Designs RE– Christianity LKS2 Terms 3 and 4 Christians believe that they should Christians believethere is only one God, but live their lives ac- that he is revealed in three different forms:  God the Father cording to God’s  God the Son Holy Laws– the Ten  The Holy Spirit Christians model themselves on the life and Commandments teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus taught people to love God and love their neighbour. Christians believe that God sent Jesus to live as a human being in order to save humanity from the consequences of its sins - the bad things humanity had chosen to do which had separat- ed them from God.

The Christian place of worship is called a Church. They are often Christians may go on a built in the shape of a cross with the altar facing east towards the pilgrimage (a religious rising sun. The Christian spiritual leaders are called priests or minis- journey to somewhere ters. important to that reli- gion) to: think about their faith; reflect on their life and to pray. Important places to Christians are:  Jerusalem  Bethlehem  Camino de Santiago  Vatican City

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