The ISTAT Foundation fosters interest in, creates opportunities for and provides assistance to the global aviation community. Learn more about the Foundation’s impact in 2020.

FOLLOW ISTAT FOUNDATION ON SOCIAL MEDIA Connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to explore photos and learn more about us. Message from the Chair LEADERSHIP Peter Huijbers, ISTAT Foundation Chair Welcome to the 2020 Annual Report of the ISTAT Peter Huijbers Foundation. Whilst this past year has brought Foundation Chair many challenges, the Foundation has had one of Jep Thornton its most impactful years yet. The highlight of the Foundation Vice Chair year was made possible by an additional grant Gerry Butler from ISTAT to the Foundation to fund COVID-19 Relief Grants. Through this initiative, we were able to deploy an average ISTAT President of US$42,000 to 12 NGO’s globally to provide immediate and substantial Douglas Runte support to their pandemic relief efforts. Of the US$500,000 awarded, Immediate Past ISTAT President 75% was directed toward efforts in Africa, South America and Asia. Dean Gerber The joint committee consisting of members from the Humanitarian and Treasurer Grants Programs reviewed US$7M worth of applications in record time such to provide funds by July.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES In our traditional aviation-focused giving programs with emphasis on human capital development and grants, we were very successful despite Kristen Chmielewski the challenges to the aviation industry and the global community as Bruce Dankberg a result of the pandemic. The Scholarship Program granted a record Sigthor Einarsson US$450,000 to 67 students globally, and an additional 20 students were Richard Goodhead supported by our Internship and ISTAT University Programs. The Grants Andrew La Stella and Humanitarian Programs were also able to provide a great deal of support to 35 charities across 10 countries. We were also pleased Christine Rovelli to fund the vital effort of Airlink with a grant of US$115,000, which Murrae Ross-Eskell included additional funding for their response to the Beirut explosion. Betsy Snyder Jean Stein Looking ahead, our focus will be to establish philanthropic partnerships with leading NGO’s across the globe through our newly formed Mark Streeter Development Committee in an effort to raise the profile of the Foundation David Swan outside of the aviation industry and target individuals and charities that Eddo Weijer are in significant need of support. Furthermore, we are dedicated to grow our Diversity & Inclusion efforts within our organizational structure and giving programs. I am pleased to share that, while we still have ways ISTAT FOUNDATION STAFF to go, for the first time in the history of the ISTAT Foundation Board of Megan King Trustees, a third of the board and committee members are female, and Executive Director members altogether represent nearly 15 countries. Our giving programs will continue to diversify with much focus on funding opportunities in Emily Kelley Africa, South America and Asia regions. The Humanitarian Program, Program and Operations Coordinator in particular, will place emphasis on supporting charities with an Crystal Ligda environmental and climate change approach to their programs/projects. Marketing Sr. Manager Nikki Bartoloni Lastly, I would like to sincerely thank those who have supported Marketing Sr. Coordinator the Foundation over the last year including the ISTAT membership, corporate and individual donors, and fundraising event sponsors. Lanie Maresh Your support of the Foundation is much appreciated and allows us to Marketing Sr. Associate continue our important work across the globe. Dan Castro Financial Sr. Manager We will continue to keep you well-informed of our giving efforts through our website, social media, and virtual and live ISTAT events. I wish you Vince Loconti and your families much health in the coming year. Financial Sr. Coordinator ISTAT FOUNDATION ANNUAL IMPACT In 2020, through the generosity of supporters and donors, the ISTAT Foundation contributed $1,410,633 worldwide to the future of aviation and humanitarianism.

Scholarships – 22% • • 10% Named Scholarships – $310,000 $140,000

• 1% Internships – $14,960 Airlink – 8% • 2020 • 5% ISTAT University – $115,000 FUNDING $75,633 ACTIVITIES • 10% Grants – $145,000 COVID-19 Grants – 35% • • 8% Humanitarian – $500,000 $110,000 $1,410,633 42 87 TO THE FUTURE OF AVIATION NON-PROFIT STUDENTS AND HUMANITARIANISM ORGANIZATIONS

Nearly 45% of the funds awarded in 2020 were dedicated to individuals and organizations in Africa, Asia and South America.

Sources of revenue originate from the ISTAT membership by way of an annual ISTAT grant, ISTAT COVID-19 grant, fundraising events, general contributions and named scholarships.

• 6% Fundraising Events – ISTAT Grant – 55% • $91,263 $800,000

2020 • 4% General Contributions – SOURCES OF $52,213 ISTAT Grant – 34% • REVENUE (COVID-19 Relief Funds) $500,000 • 2% Named Scholarships – $35,000

$1,478,476 TOTAL REVENUE

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 • 1 MAKING A DIFFERENCE ISTAT, by way of the ISTAT Foundation, committed US$500,000 for the purpose of global COVID-19 relief to 12 aviation-related organizations. The COVID-19 pandemic has, and will continue to have, massive implications for the aviation industry. ISTAT, through the ISTAT Foundation, committed US$500,000 in 2020 for the purpose of global COVID-19 relief. This global support was in addition to the ISTAT Foundation’s 2020 planned annual giving through its Scholarship, Internship, Education, Grants, and Programs.

The following organizations received aid through the ISTAT Foundation’s COVID-19 Relief Grant.

Air Serv International Angel Flight Soars Aviation Without Borders-Switzerland Royal Flying Doctor Service Victoria Mission Aviation Fellowship Amref Health Africa ONLUS Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service HoverAid Angel Flight NE Irish Community Rapid Response (ICRR) World Food Program USA Orbis International

Denotes locations where each organization provides aid:

• Australia • • South America • Burkina Faso • Latin America • • Cameroon • Madagascar • • Democratic Republic of the Congo • Malawi • • Ethiopia • • Ireland • Senegal

2 • THE ISTAT FOUNDATION AIR SERV INTERNATIONAL FACILITATES SUPPLY DELIVERY INTO THE NAVAJO NATION AND HOPI RESERVATION Within a week of receiving a US$70,000 COVID-19 Relief Grant from the ISTAT Foundation, Air Serv International mobilized in Phoenix, Arizona, to facilitate the movement of COVID-19 relief supplies into the Navajo Nation and Hopi Reservation. Following a week of on-site setup and procurement of items for delivery, the first flight of the airlift program departed Deer Valley Airport on 8 July. As of 21 July, the program has delivered 15,266 pounds of goods to seven different distribution centers.

While Air Serv has historically operated outside the borders of the United States, the pandemic has created a domestic crisis for the indigenous community that requires quick and immediate action. Air Serv’s airplanes can deliver, in a matter of hours, cargo to a vast territory that may take one to two days by truck. “This grant from the ISTAT Foundation directly enables us to do what Air Serv was designed for,” said Air Serv President Stu Willcuts, “which is to bring aid where it’s most needed.” US$70,000 FROM THE ISTAT FOUNDATION



ANNUAL REPORT 2020 • 3 MISSION AVIATION FELLOWSHIP TACKLES COVID-19 IN SOUTH SUDAN, BANGLADESH AND PAPUA NEW GUINEA A donation of $70,000 from the ISTAT Foundation in June was vital for Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) to take off to deliver COVID-19 test kits, handwashing items, and medical teams to train rural clinics for outbreaks. The size of this gift has facilitated an incredible diversity of humanitarian assistance in countries across the African, Asian and Pacific regions – destinations where the impact of the pandemic is receiving little coverage in world headlines.

The focus on supporting existing medical facilities is a major aspect of MAF’s work to tackle COVID-19 in the developing world. “We simply don’t have enough isolation facilities, enough medical officers and enough equipment,” said Powes Parkop, a Papua New Guinean offcial. In that Pacifc nation, MAF has flown health care teams to Balimo Hospital, a very diffcult region to drive to, where they are checking stocks of drugs, training staff in using PPE and establishing a separate clinic for COVID-19 patients.

With more such flights planned to fight COVID-19 for the world’s poorest and most isolated people, MAF is extremely grateful for the generous partnership of the ISTAT Foundation and its COVID-19 Relief Grant.

“Aviation is the swiftest means of delivering test kits, resources for improved hygiene, and medical professionals to provide training.”

4 • THE ISTAT FOUNDATION INTERNSHIP PROGRAM The ISTAT Foundation Internship Program assists in the development of aviation-focused university students to become part of the aircraft trading industry and generate qualified employment candidates for ISTAT member companies.

In 2020, 10 students were matched with ISTAT member companies for internships, and $14,960 in internship stipends was awarded to these students by the ISTAT Foundation.


Thank you to the ISTAT member companies that participated in the 2020 ISTAT Foundation Internship Program: China Aviation Valuation Advisors Fontainburg MTU Maintenance Lease Services TrueNoord Zeevo Group Zephyrus Aviation Capital

“Through my internship with Fontainburg, I have gained a great amount of knowledge and experience of what the leasing business is like in the real world. This opportunity gave me a chance to see what I want to do in the future, and what else I should learn to be prepared. Spending the summer under the guidance of professionals who are willing to share their knowledge is meaningful, and this experience opens a new door towards my future”

Jiahe Tian, Fontainburg Intern placed through the ISTAT Foundation Internship Program

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 • 5 SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The ISTAT Foundation Scholarship Program helps 67 STUDENTS SCHOLARSHIPS FUNDED people develop careers in aviation by offering scholarships to university-level students around the globe who are REPRESENTING academically qualified and in need of financial support. 25 COUNTRIES

In 2020, the ISTAT Foundation awarded 67 aviation-focused university students from 25 countries scholarships for the 2020-2021 academic year. A total of $450,000 $450,000 was awarded. TOTAL AWARDED

NORMAN C.T. LIU EXTENDS COMMITMENT FOR GREATER CHINA SCHOLARSHIPS In 2016, Norm Liu, then Chairman of GECAS, made a personal commitment of US$100,000 to the ISTAT Foundation to form the “Norman C.T. Liu Greater China Scholarship Fund.” This was a five-year commitment to award US$20,000 annually to students at the Civil Aviation University of China (CAUC), Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Beihang) and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Each year, 8 CAUC students and 8 Beihang students were each awarded US$1,000 and 1 PolyU student was awarded US$4,000, which cover a significant portion of tuition fees.

With his initial commitment set to end in 2020, Norm has generously committed an additional US$100,000 to the Fund for the next five years 2021-2025. Since its inception in 2016, the Fund has been able to support 85 students in the China region and will double the amount by the end of 2025.

“We are extremely grateful for Norm’s additional and continued scholarship support in this important part of the world. Developing human capital is crucial, and my objective is to enhance the ISTAT Foundation’s reach in Asia, Africa and Latin America on this. The generous contribution from Norm, especially in today’s environment, is a great step forward towards achieving this goal.”

Peter Huijbers, ISTAT Foundation Chair

6 • THE ISTAT FOUNDATION “This scholarship has given me more time to pursue my goals of becoming an aerodynamics engineer. Thank you, ISTAT Foundation.”

Ahmed ElShafei, ISTAT Scholarship Recipient from Cairo University “I would sincerely like to thank both the ISTAT Foundation and the community at large for “I would like to express my sincerest their support. I aspire not to just gratitude to my benefactors, the Foundation, succeed academically, but to as well as the ISTAT community. I hope that make a positive impact on the in the near future I will be able to give back aviation industry, especially during to the community and aid the next generation these very challenging times, and of leaders in our industry.” I believe this scholarship will allow me to do just that.” Patrycja Krzystyniak, ISTAT Scholarship Recipient Shauna Bracken, from Lewis University ISTAT Scholarship Recipient from Dublin City University

“I am grateful to be a member of the ISTAT community. This scholarship has “With the support of the ISTAT Foundation, allowed me to focus more on my education I believe I will be very successful in pursuing and will open doors to professional an ESG-related career in the aviation experiences and relationships in the community in the future.” aviation industry.” Like Yang, ISTAT Scholarship Maria Camila Valencia Heredia, Recipient from NYU Shanghai ISTAT Scholarship Recipient from Universidad Pontifica Bolivariana

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 • 7 ISTAT UNIVERSITY PROGRAM 34 The ISTAT University Program provides students an overview of GRADUATES the many facets of the aviation FROM finance and leasing industry and 14 COUNTRIES exposes students to real world concepts and methodologies.

In 2020, ISTAT U 1.0 had 12 graduates and ISTAT U 2.0 had 34 graduates across 14 countries – Australia, China, Germany, India, Ireland, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Oman, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, the United States of America $75,000+ and Venezuela. WAS INVESTED IN THE ISTAT U PROGRAM BY WAY OF PROGRAM The ISTAT Foundation extends its sincerest DEVELOPMENT AND TUITION congratulations to: SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS

ISTAT U 1.0 Graduates Cristian Santos John Brooks Srikanth Venkataraman Yiran Wang Jiahe Tian Maria Kaselow Xinzhuo Li Yiru Zhang Jifei Jiao Nidhi Trambadia Xuanyu Bai Yu Xin

ISTAT U 2.0 Graduates Adeife Ayomide Olayinka Chan Sook Chong, Jean Mengyue Yang Weihang Zhong Jide-Omole Chun Tik, TSE Michael Dunne Yi-Lin Su Ahmed Akhtar Ali Felix Baumgartner Mohamed Ali Mohamed Zafer Amir Munawar Alexander Erich Kaegi Grant Wilhelm Holve Al Riyami Hussain Andrew John Heneisen Handong Xu Mohamed Qadir Shehab Basil Florian Gygax Harry Fontalvo Saheed Benjamin Dermot Lin Chuanwen Sharatulain Norwawi Patrick Hayes Tim Kuehn

“The ISTAT University (ISTAT U) Program allowed me to network with different people already in the industry. ISTAT U gave me a better, more in-depth look into the aviation industry.

Grant Wilhelm Holve, ISTAT U 2.0 Graduate


GRANTS PROGRAM The ISTAT Foundation Grants Program offers aviation- related grant funding to non-governmental, not-for- profit organizations around the globe that advance commercial aviation. “The support of the ISTAT Foundation In 2020, with the help of $145,000 from the for Access students studying BSc in ISTAT Foundation Grants Program, 20 aviation- Aviation Management at DCU is warmly focused organizations were able to deliver on welcomed, especially during this uncertain their missions and strengthen their futures through inspiration and education. and challenging time for the aviation industry both in Ireland and abroad. This year’s grant recipients include: This commitment from ISTAT is critical Aerospace Center for Excellence Challenge Air for Kids & Friends, Inc. in enabling young people from socio- Cranfield University CT Aeronautical Historical Society economically disadvantaged backgrounds Dublin City University Educational Trust to pursue their dreams and experience EAA Aviation Foundation, Inc. Irish Aviation Students’ Association college life without financial constraints or Intrepid Sea, Air Space Museum worries. For that we are extremely grateful Irish Aviation Foundation Museum of Aviation and we hope to continue to grow the Museums at Mitchel relationship between the ISTAT Foundation National Aviation of Fame OPAS Foundation and DCU in the years ahead.” Polarworld e.V. Reno Air Racing Association — Jason Sherlock, Director of Development of Dublin Pathways to Aviation City University (DCU) Educational Trust San Diego Air & Space Museum Spokane Turbine Center Wings of Hope, Inc. Women in Aviation International

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 • 9 HUMANITARIAN AID PROGRAM The ISTAT Foundation Humanitarian Aid Program showcases how the aviation community can join together to aid those in need. In 2020, 15 organizations $125,000 across 6 countries – Australia, AWARDED IN HUMANITARIAN Ireland, Italy, , the United AID GRANTS Kingdom and the United States of America – received humanitarian aid funds. “We can never truly measure the impact This year’s humanitarian grant of one interaction in a community, but recipients include: what we know to be true is that this ISTAT Aerobility, UK Foundation Humanitarian Grant awarded to Angel Fight New England, USA Aviation Without Borders, USA us will have a long-lasting impact on us, Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust, UK as well as the communities we serve. With Flying Angels Foundation Onlus, Italy Flying for Life, South Africa this Humanitarian Grant we will be able to Irish Community Rapid Response, Ireland continue to serve the isolated communities London Air Ambulance Limited, UK Lucy Air Ambulance, UK in Limpopo in this coming year 2021. Mercy Air, USA Thank you for being a part of our mission Mission Aviation Fellowship, UK North Country Life Flight, USA to bring hope, help and healing. Together Northern NSW Helicopter Rescue, Australia we can reach many more people who are in Royal Flying Doctor Service Victoria, Australia Wings of Hope, USA desperate need of our help” — Maxine Holman, CEO, Flying for Life (South Africa)

10 • THE ISTAT FOUNDATION AIRLINK UPDATE In 2020, the ISTAT Foundation was able to continue its commitment to Airlink with a grant of $115,000 to support their vital efforts in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises worldwide.


+5M 638 528K $2.9M People Helped Responders Sent pounds of supplies in transport/logistics costs Aviation's Global Impact through Airlink

49 NGOs Assisted 17 PeopleAirlines Helped Engaged

NOTABLE RESPONSES COVID-19 BEIRUT GULF COAST 30 countries reached EXPLOSION HURRICANES 109 responders sent 36 responders sent 189 tons supplies sent 38 tons supplies sent 354 responders sent 4.9M people assisted 173,258 people assisted 61,463 people assisted $2.05M saved $284,784 saved $264,093 saved

A I R L I N K F L I G H T . O R G A I R L I N K F L I G H T . O R G

ANNUAL REPORT 20202019 • 11 FORE A GOOD CAUSE THE THIRD ANNUAL SOUTH FLORIDA THE ISTAT AMERICAS GOLF TOURNAMENT GOLF TOURNAMENT On 1 March 2020, The ISTAT Americas Golf The ISTAT Foundation hosted its Third Annual Tournament was hosted in conjunction with South Florida Golf Tournament at Plantation ISTAT Americas at the Wolfdancer Golf Club in Preserve Golf Course & Club in Plantation, FL. Cedar Creek, TX. $91,263 RAISED IN SUPPORT OF THE ISTAT FOUNDATION THANKTHANK YOU! YOU TO OUR 2020 MAJOR EVENT SPONSORS

ISTAT Americas Golf

South Florida Golf Tournament Sponsors Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsor

Golf Hole Sponsors


330 North Wabash Avenue Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60611 USA +1.312.321.5169 [email protected]