Genetic Testing Medical Policy – Genetics
Genetic Testing Medical Policy – Genetics Please complete all appropriate questions fully. Suggested medical record documentation: • Current History & Physical • Progress Notes • Family Genetic History • Genetic Counseling Evaluation *Failure to include suggested medical record documentation may result in delay or possible denial of request. PATIENT INFORMATION Name: Member ID: Group ID: PROCEDURE INFORMATION Genetic Counseling performed: c Yes c No **Please check the requested analyte(s), identify number of units requested, and provide indication/rationale for testing. 81400 Molecular Pathology Level 1 Units _____ c ACADM (acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, C-4 to C-12 straight chain, MCAD) (e.g., medium chain acyl dehydrogenase deficiency), K304E variant _____ c ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) (e.g., hereditary blood pressure regulation), insertion/deletion variant _____ c AGTR1 (angiotensin II receptor, type 1) (e.g., essential hypertension), 1166A>C variant _____ c BCKDHA (branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, alpha polypeptide) (e.g., maple syrup urine disease, type 1A), Y438N variant _____ c CCR5 (chemokine C-C motif receptor 5) (e.g., HIV resistance), 32-bp deletion mutation/794 825del32 deletion _____ c CLRN1 (clarin 1) (e.g., Usher syndrome, type 3), N48K variant _____ c DPYD (dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase) (e.g., 5-fluorouracil/5-FU and capecitabine drug metabolism), IVS14+1G>A variant _____ c F13B (coagulation factor XIII, B polypeptide) (e.g., hereditary hypercoagulability), V34L variant _____ c F2 (coagulation factor 2) (e.g.,
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