Names of Middle-Earth

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Names of Middle-Earth NAMES OF MIDDLE-EARTH COLIN CHAPMAN - VERSION 1.7.2 MALE NAMES OF THE BEORNINGS: mond), Rich (Richard), Rob/Robbie/Robin (Robert), Rod/Roddy (Roderick/Rodney), Rowlie (Rowland), Sage Beorn (Warrior), Beran (Bear), Beranald (Bear-Old), (Sage), Sid (Sidney), Spike (Spike), Stan (Stanley), Stew Beranbold (Bear-Bold), Berangár (Bear-Spear), Beran- (Stewart), Ted/Teddy (Edward), Terry (Terence), eo grim (Bear-Fierce), Beranhame (Bear-Coat), Beranhelm (eobald/eodore), Toby (Tobias), Tod (Todd), Tom/ (Bear-Protection), Beranhere (Bear-Host), Beranmód Tommy (omas), Wally/Walt (Walter), Wes (Wesley), (Bear-Spirit), Beranmund (Bear-Hand), Beranor (Bear- Wil/Willy (Wilbur/Wilfred/Willard/William), Win/ One), Beranwine (Bear-Friend), Grim (Fierce), Grimald Winny (Winfred), Woody (Woodrow). (Fierce-Old), Grimbeorn (Fierce-Warrior), Grimbold (Fierce-Bold), Grimfara (Fierce-Traveller), Grimfast FEMALE NAMES OF BREE: (Fierce-Loyal), Grimgár (Fierce-Spear), Grimhelm (Fierce-Protection), Grimhere (Fierce-Host), Grimwine Ada/Adel (Adela), Aggy (Agnes), Ash (Ashleigh), Aud (Fierce-Friend). (Audrey), Avi (Avis), Babs/Barb (Barbara), Bell/Bindy (Belinda), Berni (Bernice), Berti (Bertha), Bev (Bev- FEMALE NAMES OF THE BEORNINGS: erly), Daisy (Daisy), Darla (Darlene), Dawn (Dawn), Dee (Deena), Dora/Dot/Dotty (Dorothy), Edi (Edith), Beornhild (Warrior-Battle), Beornwyn (Warrior-Joy), Emmy (Emily), Fay (Faye), Fern (Fern), Flo (Flora), Gertie Beranhild (Bear-Battle), Beranwyn (Bear-Joy), Grimhild (Gertrude), Hattie (Harriet), Hayley (Hayley), Hazel (Fierce-Battle), Grimwyn (Fierce-Joy). (Hazel), Hettie (Henrietta), Holly (Holly), Ivy (Ivy), Joy (Joy), Lily (Lillian), Lindy (Belinda), Marge (Margaret), Milly (Emily/Mildred), Minnie (Wilhelmina), Myrtie FAMILY NAMES OF BREE: (Myrtle), Poppy (Poppy), Robyn (Robyn), Rosa (Rosalin/ Rosalind/Rosamund), Rose/Rosie (Rose), Sage (Sage), Appledore, Birchdown, Blackthorn, Butterbur, Butter- Tilly (Matilda), Trudie (Gertrude), Violet (Violet), Wilma cup, Dogwood, Ferny, Goatleaf, Gooseberry, Harebell, (Wilhelmina), Winnie (Winifred). Heathertoes, Honeystalk, Mawseed, Milkflower, Pick- thorn, Rushlight, istlewool, Whistletree, Whitebeam, MALE NAMES OF DALE AND ESGAROTH: Whortleberry. Alwis (All Wise), Asabiarn (Divine Bear), Bard (Battle MALE NAMES OF BREE: Axe), Biarn (Bear), Bondi (Peasant Farmer), Booth (Shel- ter), Brand (Flaming Torch), Brander (Fiery Sword), Dag Al (Alden/Alvin), Alf (Alfred), Andy (Andrew), Archie (Day), Delling (Shining One), Einar (Lone Warrior), Eric (Archibald), Arnie (Arnold), Art/Artie (Arthur), Ash (Honorable Ruler), Erland (Stranger), Farman (Travel- (Ashley), Bail (Bailey), Barliman, Barnie (Bernard), Bernie ler), Gus (Staff ), Gustaw (Lord’s Rod), Hakon (Of Noble (Bernard), Bert/Bertie (Albert/Egbert/Herbert/Osbert), Birth), Hallam (Dweller at the Rocks), Halstein (Rock), Bill/Billy (William), Bob/Bobby (Robert), Bran (Bran- Halward (Defender of the Rock), Hamar (Hammer), don), Charlie (Charles), Cliff (Clifford), Cris (Crispin), Harald (High-Old), Holgeir (Spear-Like), Ingemar (Fa- Dale (Dale), Del (Delbert), Ed/Eddy (Edgar/Edmund/ mous Son), Ingar (Son’s Army), Iwar (Battle Archer), Kell Edward/Edwin), Ernie (Ernest), Fred/Freddy (Frederick), (From the Well or Spring), Knut (Knot), Lif (Beloved), Harry (Harold), Herb/Herbie (Herbert), Howie (How- Lunt (From the Sacred Wood), Odell (Wealthy), Olaf ard), Kip (Kipling), Larry (Lawrence), Len/Lenny/Leo (Ancestor), Ranulf (Wolf-Like Advice), Ric (Honourable (Leonard), Mat/Matty (Matthew), Morty (Morton), Ruler), Roald (Famous Ruler), Rutland (From the Stump Nick/Nicky (Nicolas), Oz/Ozzie (Osborn/Osbert/ Land), Sigurd (Victorious Guardian), Skip (Ship), Stig Osmond/Oswald/Oswin), Perry (Peregrin), Ray (Ray- (Wanderer), Storr (Great Man), Sutherland (From the Southern Land), Swain (Youthful), Tate (Jolly), or FEMALE EASTERLING AND VARIAG NAMES: (under), orald (under-Ruler), orburn (un- der Warrior), Tor (under), Tore (under), Torwald Ana (Mother), Katun (Woman), Kuzu (Lamb), Mareke (under-Ruler). (Snake-Sister), Markiz (Snake-Maid). Oyna (Dance), Tîgeke (Arrow-Sister), Tîgkiz (Arrow-Maid), Yileke FEMALE NAMES OF DALE AND ESGAROTH: (Wind-Sister), Yilkiz (Wind-Maid). Asta (Star), Astrid (Divine Strength), Brenda (Flaming MALE NAMES OF THE HARADRIM: Sword), Dagmar (Day Maiden), Dagna (New Day), Erica (Powerful Ruler), Gerda (Protected One), Gudrun (Divine Abaan, Adnan, Al Tufayl, Amr, Amro, Aqil, Bakr, Dirar, Wisdom), Gunnhild (Maiden of Battle), Helga (Prosper- Ghasaan (Ardor), Haarith, Haashim, Hannad, Hudhafah, ous), Hulda (Loveable), Inga (Hero’s Daughter), Ingaberg Hudhayfah, Huthayfah, Ikrimah (Female Pigeon), Jibran, (Hero’s Daughter), Ingaborg (Hero’s Daughter), Inge (He- Jubayr, Khaldoon, Khuzaymah, Lubayd, Marwan, Maazin, ro’s Daughter), Inger (Hero’s Daughter), Ingrid (Hero’s Mus’ab, Muthanna, Na’man (Blood), Nawfal (Sea), Nizar, Daughter), Kelda (Fountain), Liw (Protection), Raghild Qusay, Sufyan (Rock), Ubaadah, Ubayy (High Self-Es- (Battle-Wise), Ronalda (Powerful), Run (Secret Lore), teem), Udayl, Umar, Umaarah, Umayr, Utbah, Waqqas, Signy (New Victory), Sigrid (Beautiful Victory), Sigrun Yaman, Yazan. (Secret Victory), Solweig (From the Strong House), o- ra (under), orberta (Brilliance of under), ordis FEMALE NAMES OF THE HARADRIM: (Spirit of under), Walda (Spirited Warrior). Da’d, Firyal, Hind, Khawlah, Mawiyah, May, Nusaybah, NAMES OF THE DRUEDÁIN: Ramlah, Rudaynah, Rumaylah, Rumaythah, Sawda, Su- hayr, Sumayyaa, Tamadhur, Yusraa, Usaymah. Bhân-goru-Bhân, Bhôn-rema-Bhôn, Bhûn-daro-Bhûn, Dhân-moru-Dhân, Dhôn-bari-Dhôn, Dhûn-garo-Dhûn, MALE NAMES OF ROHAN: Ghân-buri-Ghân, Ghôn-rumi-Ghôn, Ghûn-mera-Ghûn, Rhân-duri-Rhân, Rhôn-damu-Rhôn, Rhûn-bamo-Rhûn. Aldor (Old One), Baldor (Bold One), Baldred (Bold- Counsel), Bregdan (Braided), Brego (Lord), Brytta (Be- MALE NAMES OF THE DUNLENDINGS: stower), Ceorl (Peasant/Freeman), Déor (Brave), Déor- brand (Brave-Brand), Déorgar (Brave-Spear), Déorhelm Brac (Free), Cadarn (Strong), Cadoc (Battle-Sharp), Cant (Brave-Protection), Déormund (Brave-Hand), Déorthain (White), Caradoc (Beloved), Garnoc (Dweller-by-the- (Brave-Servant), Déorwine (Brave-Friend), Dernfara Alder-Tree-River), Geth (Dark), Gormadoc (Over-For- (Secret-Traveller), Derngar (Secret-Spear), Dernhelm tunate), Gorsad (From-the-Mound), Madoc (Fortunate), (Secret-Protection), Dernwine (Secret-Friend), Dúnhere Melmidoc (Servant-Fortunate), Marroc (Striving-Rule), (Hill-Host), Elfhelm (Elf-Protection), Elfwine (Elf- Sadoc (Battle), Saradoc (Amiable). Friend), Éadig (Blessed), Éadmód (Humble), Éoblod (Horse-Blood), Éogar (Horse-Spear), Éohere (Horse- FEMALE NAMES OF THE DUNLENDINGS: Host), Éoheort (Horse-Heart), Éomer (Horse-Famous), Éomód (Horse-Spirit), Éomund (Horse-Hand), Éorl Berthoc (Wealthy), Cadi (Pure), Dera (Wild Spirit), Dicra (Nobleman), Éoman (Horse-Man), Éorcanstan (Jewel), (Slow), Heled (Good-Wound), Modron (Mother), Sath Éored (Horse-Counsel), Éothain (Horse-Servant), (Arrow), Sarf (Snake). Éowine (Horse-Friend), Erkenbrand (Noble-Brand), Fasthelm (Firm-Protection), Fastred (Firm-Counsel), MALE EASTERLING AND VARIAG NAMES: Fengel (Embracer), Folca (Of the People), Folcred (Peo- ple-Counsel), Folcwine (People-Friend), Fram (Firm), Böri (Wolf ), Edgü (Good), Gizik (Storm), Göktîg (Sky- Fréa (Lord), Fréaláf (Lord-Remnant), Fréawine (Lord- Arrow), Kargî (Spear), Kemik (Bone), Kiliç (Sword), Friend), Freca (Hero), Frumgar (First-Spear), Fulgar Kustîg (Bird-Arrow), Maltök (Beast-Strong), Margöz (Foul-Spear), Fulgrim (Foul-Fierce), Fulor (Foul-One), (Snake-Eye), Öldür (Killer), Sacal (Beard), Yaban (Wild), Fulthain (Foul-Servant), Gálmód (Licentious), Gamling Yiltîg (Wind-Arrow), Yumruk (Fist). (Old Man), Gárbald (Spear-Bold), Gárulf (Spear-Wolf ), Gárwine (Spear-Friend), Gléobeam (Harp), Gléomer LOSSOTH NAMES: (Music-Famous), Gléomund (Music-Hand), Gléothain (Music-Servant), Gléowine (Music-Friend), Goldwine Aadákti (Bone), Ájolaš (Fierce), Beaivegirji (Day), Bivt- (Gold-Friend), Gram (Fierce), Gríma (Mask), Grimbold testit (Fire), Bivdu (Hunter), Borri (Beast), Botkkuhit (Fierce-Bold), Guthbrand (War-Brand), Guthláf (War- (Snow), Dálvi (Winter), Dieselolju (Sun), Fális (Whale), Remnant), Guthmer (War-Famous), Guthmund (War- Fielbmá (Silent), Guolli (Fish), Idjabargu (Night), Jielti Hand), Guthred (War-Counsel), Haleth (Hero), Háma (Blood), Luládat (Wind), Luoppal (Water), Mánná (Home-One), Helm (Protection), Héostor (Darkness), (Child), Oaivámu (Chief ), Váibmu (Heart). Herefara (Host-Wanderer), Herubrand (Sword-Brand), Herumer (Sword-Famous), Herumund (Sword-Hand), MALE DWARF NAMES: Heruthain (Sword-Servant), Heruwine (Sword-Friend), Holdred (Loyal-Counsel), Holdwine (Loyal-Friend), Anar, Balin, Beli, Bifur, Bláin, Bofur, Bombur, Borin, Bu- Horn (Horn), Léod (Prince), Léofa (Beloved), Léofara rin, Dáin, Dori, Durin, Dwalin, Farin, Fíli, Flói, Frár, Fre- (Beloved-Traveller), Léofred (Beloved-Counsel), Léofwine rin, Frór, Fundin, Gimli, Ginar, Glóin, Gróin, Grór, Hanar, (Beloved-Friend), Léonere (Scholar), engel (Embracer), Kíli, Lófar, Lóni, Narvi, Náin, Náli, Nár, Nói, Nori, Óin, éoden (People-Ruler), éodred (People-Counsel), Ónar, Óri, Póri, Regin, orin, ráin, rór, Vidar. Walda (Wielder), Wídfara (Far-Traveller), Wulf (Wolf ). FEMALE DWARF NAMES: FEMALE NAMES OF ROHAN: Dís, Hón, Kóna, Már. Déorhild (Brave-Battle), Déorwyn (Brave-Joy), Dern- hild (Secret-Battle), Dernwyn (Secret-Joy), Elfhild (Elf- HOBBIT FAMILY NAMES: Battle), Elfwyn (Elf-Joy), Éohild (Horse-Battle), Éowyn (Horse-Joy), Gléowyn (Music-joy),
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