Public Document Pack Investment Board Date: Monday 20 July 2020 Time: 10.00 am Public meeting Yes Venue: This meeting is being held entirely by video conference facilities Please click here to view the meeting Membership Councillor Bob Sleigh (Chair) Portfolio Lead for Finance & Investments Nick Abell Coventry & Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership Councillor Wasim Ali Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council Councillor Mike Bird Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council Paul Brown Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership Councillor Tristan Chatfield Birmingham City Council Councillor Steve Clark Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council Councillor Karen Grinsell Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council Councillor Tony Jefferson Non-Constituent Authorities Councillor Jim O'Boyle Coventry City Council Councillor Stephen Simkins City of Wolverhampton Council Sue Summers West Midlands Development Capital Gary Taylor Greater Birmingham & Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership Quorum for this meeting shall be four members. If you have any queries about this meeting, please contact: Contact Carl Craney Governance Services Officer West Midlands Combined Authority Telephone 0121 214 7965 Email
[email protected] AGENDA No. Item Presenting Pages Meeting Business Items 1. Apologies for Absence (if any) Chair None 2. Declarations of Interests (if any) Carl Craney None 3. Minutes of last meeting Chair 1 - 10 Business Items for Noting 4. Investment Programme Update and Dashboard Linda Horne / Ian 11 - 28 Martin 5. SQW Update - Presentation Andy Morgan 29 - 32 6. Very Light Rail (VLR) - Presentation Colin Knight 33 - 50 7. WMCA Collective Investment Fund (CIF) - Nick Oakley 51 - 54 Dashboard 8. WMCA Brownfield Land and Property Nick Oakley 55 - 58 Development Fund (BLPDF) - Dashboard 9. WMCA Revolving Investment Fund (RIF) - Nick Oakley 59 - 62 Dashboard 10.