J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-25-04-20 on 1 October 1915. Downloaded from



HIS MAJESTY THE KING has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following promotions in, and appointment to, the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, for distinguished service in the Field:- To be Additional Member of the Military Division of the Third Class, or Companion, of the said Most Honourable Order;- Lieutenant- John Hennessy, M.B., Royal Army Medical Corps. War Office, October 29, 1915. His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve of the appointment of the uudermentioned Officers to be Oompanions of the Distinguished Service Order, in recognition of their gallantry and devotion to duty in the Field:- Henry Arthur Bransbury, Royal Army Medical Corps. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Bertram Sibbald Finn, New Zealand Medical Corps. For conspicuous devotion to duty in the Gallipoli Peninsula during operations from August 6 to 9, 1915, when he worked day and night with unceasing zeal and without rest, evacuating the wounded. His work was carried out under continuous fire, on one occasion the dressing station being heavily shelled for an hour, and many assistants and wounded being hit. Owing to Oaptain Fiun's efforts the wounded lying in the more exposed positious were got into a place of greater safety. His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to confer the Military Cross on the undermentioned Officers, in recognition of their gallantry and devotion to duty in the Field:- AWARDED THE l\fILITARY CROSS. Captain Edward Bruce Allnutt, Royal Army Medical Corps.

Temporary Lieutenant Allan Noel Minns, 39th Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical on September 30, 2021 by guest. Corps. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty at Sulva Bay, Gallipoli Peninsula on August 30, 1915, when attending to the wounded under heavy shrapnel fire: Another officer who was assisting him was killed. Lieutenant Minns later returned to the dressing station, took out twelve stretcher squads and brought in twenty-four wounded men. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-25-04-20 on 1 October 1915. Downloaded from


Temporary Lieutenant Harry Bertram Walker, lLB., Royal Army Medical Oorps, attached 9th Battalion, York and Lancaster Regiment. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty near Armentieres on September 25, 1915. A battery was being heavily shelled, but he proceeded at once to attend to the wounded at one of the guns. While doing this the next gun was put out of action, all the detachment being killed, but he continued to attend the wounded till the arrival of the Field Ambulance.

DISTINGUISHED OONDUCT MEDALS. His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Distinguished Conduct Medal to the undermentioned Non-commissioned Officers and men for acts of gallantry and devotion to duty whilst serving with the Expeditionary Forces in France and Flanders, tbe Dardanelles, and Turkey in Asia. (Third Supple­ ment to the London Gazette, No. 29252, dated August 5,1915.) No. 7766 Private W. R. Fitch. For conspicuous gallantry and initiative on April 26, 1915, at Ypres. Private Fitch was marching with a column of transports which was under very heavy shell fire. 'The driver of a cart was shot, and the horses started to bolt, when he with great courage stopped the horses and brought the cart along, thereby averting a block and .congestion of traffic, which under heavy shell fire would undoubtedly have led to great loss of life and stores. No. 7266 Oorporal J. E. McNeill. For conspicuous gallantry on the night of May 15-16, 1915, near Rue du Bois. He repeatedly went out, and brought in wounded mEn under a heavy fire, and showed the greatest bravery and devotion to duty. Protected by copyright. No. 18257 Serjeant J. Percy. For conspicuous gallantry throughout the campaign, especially at Festubert from May 16 to 18, 1915, wben he worked continuously night and day under incessant fire bringing in the wounded. Serjeant Percy has shown great resource and courage under heavy fire and has set a fine example of devotion to duty. No. 6480 Private W. Steedman. For conspicuous gallantry and ability on May 13, 1915, at Ypres, as Orderly to a Medical Officer. He was indefatiguable in attending to the wounded. In the heaviest fire he always went out to anyone reported wounded, and when the doctor was killed opposite a wide breach in the trench, he at once went out and removed the body. Single.handed he arranged, later on, for the removal of all the wounded during the night, and gave a splendid example of devotion to duty. No. 11492 Serjeant K. W. Stoner. For great bravery and consistent good work throughout the whole campaign,

frequently under a very heavy fire, and notably on May 24, 1915, during the heavy http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ fighting near Wieltje. Serjeant Stoner always showed conspicuous coolness and ,courage, and gave a fine example of devotion to duty. The Director-General in recognition of the credit which these gallant actions reflect . on the individuals concerned, and on the Corps, has directed that the privates shall be promoted to the rank of Corporal as vacancies occur. His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia has been graciously pleased to .confer, with the approval of His Majesty The King, the undermentioned rewards for ,-gallantry and distinguished service in the Field. (Second Supplement to the London . Gazette, No. 29275, of August 24, 1915).


No. 11628 Serjeant T. A. Fullam. on September 30, 2021 by guest. No. 2484 Private W. A. Last. No. 7604 Private D. Wolfe.

MEDAL OF SAINT GEORGE, 2ND OLA~S. No. 14077 Oorporal F. M. Harris. No. 18576 Staff-Serjeant W. Lamkin. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-25-04-20 on 1 October 1915. Downloaded from


MEDAL OF SAINT GEORGE, 3RD GLASS. No. 9939 Corporal A. Burns. No. 7766 Private W. R. Fitch. No. 6805 Private B. P. Thorpe.

MEDAL OF SUNT GEORGE, 4TH CLASS. No. 7695 Private T. Emmerson. No. 3311 Private W. Hanson. No. 1249 Private T. Markes. No. 20802 Private H. Wilkinson.

ARlYIY MEDICAL SERVICE. Colonel Henry O. Trevor, on completion of four years' service in his rank, is retained on the Active List,lunder the provisions of Article 120, Royal Warrant for Pay and Promotion, and to be supernumerary, dated October 26, 1915. The undermentioned Lieutenant- to be temporary Colonels whilst holding the appointments of Assistant Directors of Medical Services:­ Dated July 23, 1910.-Alfred E. C. Keble. Dated August 18, 1910.-George S. McLoughlin, a.M.G., D.S.O. Dated August 19, 1910.-John D. Ferguson, D.S.O. Dated August 22, 1910.-Henry N. Dunn. Dated September 8, 1915.-Edward W. Slayter. Dated September 13, 1915.-Nicholas Tyacke. Dated September 22, 1915.--Harry A. Hinge. Protected by copyright. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Dated August 8, 1910.-Major Alexander M. Mclntosh, M.B., to be temporary Lieutenant-Colonel while acting as Assistant-Director of Medical Services, Lowland Division. . Dated October 1, 1915.-Reginald Anstruther Farra.r, M.D., to be temporary Major. Dated October 4, 1915.-Major Francis S. Irvine, M.B., to be temporary Lieutenant- Colonel whilst Commandant of the Training Establishment. . Dated October, 9, ;1915.-Surgeon Captain George S. C. Hayes, Reserve of Officers, to be temporary Major whilst in command of a Field Ambulance. Dated October 20, 1910.-Major Thomas Mackenzie, M.D., The King's (Liverpool Regiment), Territorial Force, to be temporary Major. Dated October 26, 1915.-Captain William F. Christie is granted the local rank of Major whilst serving as Senior Medical Officer at the Straits Settlements. Dated October 27, 1915.-Temporary Major George E. Miles, to be temporary Lieutenant-Colonel. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Dated October 29, 1915.-Captain Robert E. Kelly, M.D., F.R.C.S., Royal Army Medical Corps, Territoriall!'orce, to be temporary Major. Dated October 30, 1910.-Temporary Lieutenant Robert Tait McKenzie, M.D., to be temporary Major. . Dated November 4, 1915.-Temporary Major J. F. W. Silk, M.D., to be temporary Lieutenant-Colonel. The undermentioned to be temporary Captains :­ Dated October 1, 1915.-William Mervyn Crofton, M.D. Dated October 4, 1915.-Benjamin Holroyd Slater, M.B., F.R.C.S. Dated October 7, 1915.-George Davison Laing, M.D.; Harold Upcott, F.R.C.S. The undermentioned temporary Lieutenant,s to be temporary Captains :- Dated August 9, 1910,-Edwin J. Wyler, M.D. Dated September 9, 1910.-Nigel P. Boulton, M.B.

Dated September 16, 1915.-Stanley P. Stoker, M.B.; Oliver C. Link, M.B.; on September 30, 2021 by guest. Ernest E. Holden. Dated September 17, 1915.-William C. Horton, M.B., F.R.C.S.Edin. Dated September 18, 1915.-James Wilson, M.B., F.R.C.S.Edin. Dated September 21, 1915.-William H. Sutclifie, M.B.; Roy W. Russell-Jones, M.B. ; Trevor H. Wilkins. Dated September 22, 1915.-Daniel J. Mulholland, M.D.; Reginald B. Heygate; Reginald C. Verley, M.B. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-25-04-20 on 1 October 1915. Downloaded from


Dated September 23, 1915.-Percy Gully; George D'R. Carr. Dated September 26, 1915.-David H. Hadden, M.B. Dated October 30, 1915.-Joseph Alan Longley, M.B., F.R.C.S.Edin. Temporary Honorary Captain WaIter Seymour Armstrong, from the Australian Voluntary Hospital, to be temporary Captain, dated October 15, 1915. William Martin Flack, M.B., is granted temporarily the honorary rank of Captain, da,ted October 21, 1915. The undermentioned temporary Honorary Lieutenants to be temporary Honorary Captains whilst serving with No. 1 British Red Cross (Duchess of Westminster's) Hospital:- Dated October 15, 1915.-J. S. Burn, D. M. Stone, J. Erlank. Captain Robert G. Archibald, M.B., from the seconded list, is restored to the Establishment, dated October 5, 1915. The undermentioned to· be temporary Lieutenants :­ Dated June 24, 1915.-David Eardley Fenwick, M.B. Dated July 5, 1915.-Donald Meek, M.B. Dated August 12, 1915.-James Boyd, F.R.C.S.Edin. Dated August 19, 1915.-Arthur Leonard Anderson. Dated August 21, 1915.-Clifton Eric Tucker, M.B. Dated August 24, 1915.-Hugh Frederic Wickens, M.B. Dated August 26, 1915.-James Charles Donaldson Simpson, M.B. Dated August 29, 1915.-Geoffrey AIden Barss, M.D. Dated September 21, 1915.-Gordon Stuart Terry. Dated September 27, 1915.-Mark Basil Lindsey. Dated September 30, 1915.-Michael Gilbert Dobbyn, F.R.C.S.I. Dated October 1, 1915.-Herbert Melville Green, M.D.; Samuel Shuttleworth RendaU, M.B.; Alien Bathurst Brown; George Dewar, M.B.; J ames Todd, M. D. ; Protected by copyright. Andrew Cassels Brown, M.D. ; David Robertson MacGregor, M.B. ; Edward Augustus Bullmore, F.R.C.S.Edin.; Alan Edward Stafiurth; Sydney Walter Fisher, M.B.; Wilfred Wood Wells, M.B.; John Braybrook Binns; WaIter Colquhoun, M.B.; George Reid Hannon; David Davey Rosewarne; Henry Cross; William Ernest Amsden WorIey; Nicholas Elrington; John Burke; Gordon Dill Latimer, M.B. ; Richard Harris Oliver, F.R.C.S.I.; Clement Woodthorpe Chaplin, M.D.; WaIter Osborne Arnold, M.B.; John Elliott; William Rolland, M.D.; Arthur Thompson; John William Burns, M.D.; Michael William Robertson, M.B.; John Edward Prentis; Arthur Ernest William Idris; John Braithwaite, M.B.; Hugh Davies­ Colley, F.R.C.S. ; Hubert Shearwood Roberts, M.D. ; Alfred Edward Stevens, M.D. ; John Ferguson, M.B.; Samuel Alexander, M.D.; James Brereton-Barry; James Thompson Carson, M.B. ; Hugh Paul Helsham; Alfred Dorriforth Vardon; Francis William Mason; William Edward Sawers Scott, M.D·; Edward McCulloeh, M.B. Edmund Howard Barrett, M.B.; John Davidson Smith, M.B.; Thomas Blandford Watson, M.B.; WaIter Sidney Hart, M.B.; Neil Keith, ~'LB. ; John Healey, M.B. ; St. George Eyre Harris, M.D. ; John Charles King; James McIlraith, M.D. ; Thomas http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Walmsley Heywood; Henry Edward Jones, M.B.; Lionel Lewis Phillips; Edgar Baldwin; Edward James Tyrrell, M.D.; Henry Chisholm Will; Leonard Augustus Moore, M.B.; Edgar Arthnr Shirvell; George Edward Stephenson, M.B. ; Cornelius Thompson, M.B.; Thomas Goodsall Copestake, M.B. ; John Maundy Biggs; Tbomas Forsyth, M:.B. ; Hillyard William Haydon, M.D. ; Reginald Anthony Eastmond, M.B. ; William Gardiner MoConnell; William Craig, M.B.; Gwilym Ambrose Williams; Charles Marshall Stallard, M.B.; Daniel Wright Ritchie, M.B.; Alfred Griffiths, M.B., F.R.C.S.Edin.; Charles Edward Percival Husband, M.B.; Sidney Herbert Longhurst; Edward Lanigan; Frank Briggs Cullen. Dated October 2, 1915.-William James Rutherford, M.D. Dated October 4, 1915.-Arthur Gerard Cheyne Irvine; Alexander Girvan, M.D. F.R.C.S.Edin.; Kingsley Chisman Pitman; Alfred Hamilton Rentoul, M.D. ; Francis Dugon; Reginald Prynne Marshal!; Idwal Wynne Jones, M.B.; Andrew Fergus

Hewat, M.B. ; William Shipton, M.B.; Thomas Woodman, M.D.; Cecil John Marsh; on September 30, 2021 by guest. Frederick Leonard Sessions; Oswald Pitt; Ian Maclean Frazer, M.B. Dated October 5, 1915.-Thomas Edmund Dobbs; Alexander Murray Drenham, M.B. ; James Templeton; Alfred Darlow; Norman Macphail, M.B.; Roger Michael Wright, M.B. ; Robert Svensson, M.B. Dated October 6, 1915.-Henry Deedes Nutt MacKenzie, M.D. Dated October 7, 1915.-Gordon Stonehouse; Henry Richmond, M.B.; Martin Turnbull, M.B.; John Hyde Iles, M.B.; William Landsborough, M.B.; Hugh Barr, J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-25-04-20 on 1 October 1915. Downloaded from


M.B. ; Thomas Burns Dakin; William Forsyth Gibb; Hugh Oecil Addison; James Huntley Legge, M.B. ; George,MacKenzie Miller, M.B.; Thomas Bolster Newman; Wilson Astin, M.B.; William Elliot Randal Dimond; William Hardy Fleetwood; Harry Mewburn Brown, M.B.; Esmond Tetley Willans ; Lionel Page; David Thomas Price, M.B. ; Archibald Naismith, M.B.; John Wilson Miller, M.B. ; George Clement Neilson, M.B. ; Ronald Dingwall Hodge, M.B. ; William Hamilton, M.B. ; Frederick Orampton Merrall, M.B. ; Andrew Muir, M.B. ; Thomas MacHardy, M.B. ; William Frank Lydstoue Day, M.B.; John Allan Robertson Wells; Robert Dick Buchanan, M.D.; William Linnel Partridge; Thomas Hall Gandy, M.B.; Henry Oarson Smyth ; Robert Ohichester McMillan, M.B.; George Bertrand Lucas; Hanley Alison; Edward Laurence Pilbean. Dated October 8, 1915.-Sidney Smallbroke Depree, M.B. Dated October 10, 1915.-John Oolley Pounden, M.D. Dated October 12, 1915.-Frederick Charles Tucker. Dated October 13, 1915.-Ronald William Oarmichael; John Arnold Jones, M.B., F.R.O.S.Edin.; George Henderson, M.B. ; Francis Joseph ,Morrin, M.B. Dated October 14, 1915.-Harold Douglas Wyatt; Alfred Clarence Norman, M.D. ; Francis Reinagle Barwell; Bernard Edward Augustine Batt, M.B. ; Ooram LLewellyn Stuart James; Francis James Alphonsus Keane, M.D.; Reginald Woolsey Stocks; Eber Oaudwell; Robert Frew, M.B. ; Frederick Alexander Anderson, M.B. ; Herbert Mitchell, M.B. ; Wi1liam Fothergill Wilson, M.B.; William Lockhead Scott, M.D. ; Godfrey Bateman, M.B.; William Edward Ooulson Musson. Dated October 15, 1915.-William Joseph Greehy. The undermentioned temporary Honorary Lieutenants to be temporary Lieutenants :- Dated October 14, 1915.-Gervase Oharles Wells-Oole; Gordon Doulton East; Protected by copyright. Harold James Bower. Dated October 18, 1915.-Walter Francis Moore, M.D. The notifications regarding the undermentioned temporary Lieutenants, which appeared in the Gazettes of September 20, 1915, and October 5, 1915, respectively, are cancelled: - John I. J ohnson. Clark McKerrow. Lieutenant James Clark McKerrow, M.B., from the Prince of Wales's Volunteers (South Lancashire Regiment), Special Reserve, to be temporary Lieutenant, dated June 24, 1915 (substituted for the notification which appeared in the Gazette of July 13, 1915). Temporary Oomelius Hermanus Hubertus Ooetzee, M.B., from Royal Field Artillery, dated October 10, 1915. The appointment to a temporary Lieutenancy of Fraser B. Gurd, M.B., is antedated to May 25, 1915. The name of temporary Lieutenant Arthur Lowry Robinson is as now described, http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ and not as stated in the Gazette of October 14, 1915. The undermentioned to be temporary Honorary Lieutenants :­ Dated July 30, 1915.-Gerald Struan Marshall. Dated October 13, 1915.-Geoffrey Marr Vevers. Dated October 18, 1915.-Eric Gordon Baker; George William Huggins; Francis Keene Marriott; Gerald Evan Spicer. The undermentioned temporary Lieutenants relinquish their commissions :­ Dated September 19, 1915.-Ralph G. Dainty. Dated September 21, 1916.-Leslie H. Skene, M.B. Temporary Ilieutenant George Fox relinquishes his commission on account of ill­ health, dated October 19, 1915. Temporary Oaptain Lewis E. Barnett, M.B., F.R.O.S., relinquishes his commision on transfer to the New Zealand Medical Corps, dated October 8, 1915.

The undermentioned to be temporary Quartermasters, with the honorary rank of on September 30, 2021 by guest. Lieutenant :- Edward John Harris, dated October 4, 1915. Harry Humphrey Taylor, dated October 12, 1915. Frederick Richardson, dated October 12, 1915. John William Mayne, dated October 18, 1915 J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-25-04-20 on 1 October 1915. Downloaded from


WARRANT OFFICERS, NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, AND MEN. The following promotions to complete War Establishment, will take effect from the dates specified:- To be Serjeant-Majors_ No. I Rank and Name Date Remarks 8288 Qmr.-Serjt. Andrews, M. 5.6.15 IWith seniority next below No. 8287 Serjeant-Major , W. E. Maitland.

To be Quartermaster-Serjeants. 103 Staff-Serjt. Steer, G. P. .. 27.7.15 10360 Toms, C. J. 31.7.15 10638 George, F. 4.8.15 12065 McKnight, A. A. E. .. 10003 Elmer, H. 21.8.15" 10936 Lake, H. T. 6.9.15 1962 Canty, A. J. 12535 Oliver, T. E. 16.9:15 16301 Lane, E. A.

To be Staff-Serjeants. Protected by copyright. 19272 Serjeant Lee, W. J. 27.7.15 19303 Green, R. T .. , 1848 Martins, A. V. 31.7.15" 19863 " Mattison, W. H. 2147 "", Hampson, W. C. 4.'8.15 4882 Summers, F. G. 18675 Partridge, A. C. 1094 Alloway, H. B. 10887 Humphrey, W. A. 21.8.15" 1097 Herbert. R. 19530 Reece, W. E ... 27:8'15 17889 Dyke, W.E. 1305 Prince, H. M ... 6.'9.15 Special for valuable service " in France 18/R.A.M.C. /790, A.M.D.1. Dated 3.9.15. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ 17102 Harvey, D. .. 17553 Morfitt, J. R ... 16.9.15 15022 Woodward, F. To be Serjeants. 997 Corporal Corbett. T. F .. 14.7.15 18979 Bushnell. S. R. 27.7.15 l As being in possession 5260 Bew, A. J. ) of A.F. C. 344. 18666 Janes, J. 31. "7.15 18734 Wilson, S. 20007 Oliver, G. 4.8.15" 20708 Smith, W. 20504 Aitchison. J. W. 20145 Davies, H. G ... 18908 " Dart, W. H. 13.8.15" on September 30, 2021 by guest. 18921 " Doling, W. H. 21.8.15 17820 Pec'kham, H ..• ., 1509 Warren, A. 27.8.15 2221 Coleman, G. } Special as clerk. 5235 Botten, G. H ... 6.9.15 6954 Fallaize, W. E. Special as drill instructor. 408 Kniep, O. 16.9.15 19031 Leahy, J. " J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-25-04-20 on 1 October 1915. Downloaded from


To be Corporals.

Rank and Name Date Remarks

11026 Private B~mnett, B. .. .,. 27.7.15 7611 Kerry, W . .. .. 4039 " Clements, T. A. .. " 5711 " Chester, J. .. .. 31.7.15" 6067 " Flynn, T. J. .. .. 6107 " Deacon, J. .. .. 4.8.15" 20527 " Totty, G. .. .. 20048 " Walker, G. .. .. " 20483 " Weate, J. .. .. " 20164 " Shaw, H. .. .. " 412 i " Cunnington, S. .. 10.8.15" 6840 " Steedman, W. .. 13.8.15 lInaccordancewithCorps 7766 " Fitch, W. R. .. .. 21.8.15 , Order No.71 ofthisdate_ 534 " Allan, H. J . .. .. 513 " Robbins, W. H. .. " 6115 " Manchip, E. J. .. 26.8.15 6129 " McDermott, J. ., 27.8.15

6285 " Powell, E. .. .. Protected by copyright. 6305 " Goswell, A. W. .. 5.9.15" 6390 " Wyatt, P. .. .. 6.9.15 6495 " Bennett, W. H. ., 6568 " Casey, L. .. .. " 19859 " Hicks, L. A. .. .. 16.9.15" 6350 " Hewson, E . .. .. 6802 " Ball, A. C. .. .. " 6812 " Musgrave, R. C. ., " " "

These promotions are subject to the conditions laid down in paragraph 35, Standing, Orders, R.A.M.C., 1914. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/

t. AWARD OF ARMY FORM C. 344, The undermentioned have been awarded Army Form C. 344 on completion of three years' training in accordance with paragraph 330, Standing Orders, on the dates specified :-

No Rank and Name Date Remarks

1973 Corporal Elliott, W. .. \ 20.3.15 4936 Strange, H. E. 5106 " Clarke, A. E .• , on September 30, 2021 by guest. 5200 Private" Breeze, J. H. .. 29.7.15" 1797 Mudge, W. 5097 W oodfield, J. H. 6103 Corporal" Allen, W. G ... 7.8.15" 5866 PrIvate Toms, F. H . .. 2150 Corporal Fraser, E. G ... J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-25-04-20 on 1 October 1915. Downloaded from


NURSING SECTION. The following appointments to the Nnrsing Section of the Corps will take effect from the dates specified :-.

No. I Rank and Name I Date Remarks 7904 Private Bray, T. I 26.7.15 6363 Herbert, L. M. 7620 Kirkwood, G ... " .. / 5090 " Hayward, R. .. 4.8.15" 527 " Graham, A. 7459 Dundas, A. D. .."1 10705 " Megeary, L. 7637 Dexter, J. T. 18334 Barclay, A. 5344 Busson, T. 2268 " Danks, T. 5265 " Flook, R. J.

15392 " Slater, J. Protected by copyright. 5138 " Ransome, D. " Reappointed. 5842 " Moore, J. F. 9.8.15" <')375 " Barwick, J. H. 11.8.15 <')258 " Dring, B. C. .. 13.8.15 6155 SeweIl, P. Reappointed. 19902 " Crampton, R. T. 16040 Hammond, M. J. 14.8.15" 10028 " Hodge, T. 10587 Marshallsay, G. " 10714 " Rhodes, T. 10674 Stoker, H. 7812 Thorpe, G. W. 7689 Baylis, A. E. 16.8.15 17969 Newman, B. 2814 Rawlings, A. 2&83 Vick, W. 18896 " Hunter, D. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ 7691 Chaplow, T. 17689 Copley, A. 10647 " Bond, F. W. " 16504 McCrory, H. 35 Gerathy, A. 17956 Purdue, P. 19816 Hall, P. 6450 " Evans, J. H. " 6082 " Forrester. W ... 17.8.15" 7597 " Holmes, W. S. 7698 " Smith, H. J ... " 4749 " Headdock, C... 19.8.15" ~0649 " Sims. E. J. 23.8.15

20231 Morgan, A. on September 30, 2021 by guest. 20531 Morgan, W. 20082 Miller, J. 20616 Holway, A. 20632 Gibbon, A. H ... 18267 " Lyon, J. O. Reappointed. 6983 Lloyd. F. F. .. 6024 Tuddenham, S. G. 25.8.15" Reappointed. 10062 Helm, A. 27.8.15 " J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-25-04-20 on 1 October 1915. Downloaded from


Nursing Section-Continued.

Xo. I Rank and Name Date Remarks 10355 Private I Larkin, T. 27.8.15 10489 Meadley, W. 10097 Micheal, J. 1557 Newman, J. 10358 Penn, T. 2291 Quigley, A. 10387 Tunstall, W. 1821 Turney, E. 5094 Wilson, G. " 10234 " Whitaker, R. .. 6837 Starns, W. A ... 1.9.15" 7675 Hughes, E. 18901 Milford, T. 7206 Soden, Y. 5872 Carleton, T. 18680 Murphy, T. 7666 Holme, W. 7729 " Hobbs, F. 2486 " Chubb, E. L. W. " Protected by copyright. 1471 " Cove, E. A. 13214 Renway, C. 10174 Stockbridge, T. R. 10706 Mitchell, A. 2.9.15 5379 Harvey, F. 7045 Jones, L. 4021 " Shale, J. 5460 " Gee, H. J. R. .. 3.9.15" 19717 Collins, H. 4354 " Bowman, A. " 7625 " Stallard, W. G. P. 10481 Hiscock, H. J. 6653 Jones, M. 7.9.15" 5065 Robins, F. J ... 4509 Simmons, N. H. 4501 " Smithson, E ..• http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ 7470 Neale, H. 7273 " Baxter, H. 9.9.15" 5660 Laurent, F. C. 475 Mc Queen, J .•. 2047 Nesbitt, W. 2038 Neville, M. 18476 Rodwell, F. G. 2537 Gray, E. P. 11.9.15 5004 " Grey, C. 4460 . Saunders, A. A. 1067 Laversuch, R. L. 13.9.15" 5812 Duncan, J. 10035 Ingram, S. J ... 20345 Richards, S. R. on September 30, 2021 by guest. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-25-04-20 on 1 October 1915. Downloaded from



The following advancements in rate of Corps Pay will take effect from Sep~ember 18, 1915 :- To BE ADVANCED TO THE THIRD RATE (AT 8D.). As Orderlies.

No. Name No. Name No. Name

19642 Dale, J. C. 19661 Gill, E. 6421 Page, J. R. 4470 King, A. 4940 Holway, A. L. 6108 Houghton, A. 19421 Pegler, J. 1832 Judd, H. 18967 Smith, W. 14904 Bonser, G. W. 6378 Miles, F. E. 4393 Hargrave, T. B. 380 Hort, L. J. 5881 Moth, J. C. 16506 Lark, C. 6826 Morgan, A. W, 1679 Gray, A. 18472 Waller, G. 2084 Titchener, F. S. 17178 Ingmire, G. A. 17564 White, W. H. 2222 Baker, W. H. 5006 Cronley, A. C, 19959 Gale, F. W. 5361 Orr, R.


As Orderlies. Protected by copyright. 7237 Varnals, J. 14901 Smith, J. W. H. 10489 Meadley, W. 20559 Sims, E. 18056 Yates, E. 10097 Michael, J. 20106 Worrall, A. 1859 Green, W. R. 10358 Penn, T. 20499 Fisher, A. A. 6384 Hill, W. 2291 Quigley, A. 20278 Webster, F. 19487 Devall, E. 10387 Tunstall, W. 20062 Thacker, B. H. 19868 Harris, A. E. 1821 Turney, E. 20301 Flackett, L. 19797 Hughes, A. J. 10234 Whitaker, R. 7609 Gillingham, H. 58408 Kay, J. 5532 Lawrence, F. E, St.H. 7346 Armstrong, W. L. 7441 Cousins, A. E. 982 Mathewson, T. S. 309 Turner, A. J. 6000 Quantrill, J. S. 1572 Butterwick, W. 5842 Moore, J. F. 7071 Taylor, B. 10705 Megeary, L. 8271 Greengrass, B. J. 6803 Lee, W. 19999 Dodds, D. 8760 McFarlane, J. 2960 Tittley, F. 18543 Lawson, J. 7707 Sheppard, E. E. 6814 Jones, H. 14388 Astley, J. 7422 Butler, F. W. 4786 Squires, R. T ..

17407 Howard, H. 6244 Dewey, R. J, 8440 Whyman, R. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ 256 Rains, J. W. 10062 Helm, A. 5066 Brown, T. 18055 Rushworth, N. 10355 Larkin, T. 7242 Potter, S. J.

To BE ADVANCED TO THE THIRD RATE (AT 8D). As Clerks. 18125 1 Dickinson, L. C. 11 I To RE ADVANCED TO THE FOURTH RATE (AT 6D). As Clerks. 10466\ Rowley, L, R. \ Whelan, M. 4553 Davies, R. W. 6616 Brain, W. T. 11 104476197 Fairlie, E. 6925 IISmith, F. W. 7274 Macrow, B. T. 8443 Herrick, W. T. 11 on September 30, 2021 by guest. As Cooks. 52761 Oakley, A. S. IPeachey, A. w. 4759 \ Peters, R. A. 1544 Farrow, J. 11105262339 Marston, E. 5757 McSweeney, W. 3640 MacDonald, W. 2377 Allder, W. 1454 Headington, A. 11 These advancements arEl subject to the conditions laid down in paragraph 35- Standing Orders for the Royal Army Medical Corps. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-25-04-20 on 1 October 1915. Downloaded from


RE. POSTING TO CORPS. The undermentioned N.C.O.'s rejoined the Corps on the dates specified;- No. 15312 Staff·Serjeant G. Gillespie, August 2, 1915, from Colonial Government. No. 19478 Serjeant A. Pollitt, August 2, 1915, from Colonial Government. No. 10003 Staff.Serjeant H. }j]lmer, August 7, 1915, from Territorial Force. No. 10710 Quartermaster·Serjeant J. Moore, August 15, 1915, from Colonial Governmen t. AMENDMENTS-CORPS ORDERS. In Corps Order dated July 28, 1915, the Corps number of Corporal J. Knight, promoted to be Serjeant, should read 18417 and not 18714.

PROMOTION CANCELLED. The promotion to the rank of Serjeant, notified in Corps Order dated June 21, 1915, of No. 17787 Corporal A. H. Whyatt, is hereby cancelled.


ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. 1st London Casualty Clearing Station.-Lieutenant Alexander Urquhart, M.D., to be Captain, dated September 25, 1915. . 1st London Sanitary Gompany.-The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Captains:

Lionel W. Hignett, M.B., dated August 23, 1915; Henry Holroyd, M.B., dated Protected by copyright. September 15, 1915; Daniel M. Taylor, M.D., dated September 29, 1915; Charles J. D. Gair, and to remain seconded, dated June 19, 1915. 2nd London (City of London) General Hospital.-Major Theodore D. Acland, M.D., is seconded, dated October 16,1915; Ernest Cranmer Hughes, F.R.C.S., to be Captain, whose services will be available on mobilization, dated October 31, 1915. 2nd London Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Charles E. Williams to be Captain, dated September 19, 1915. 2nd London Sanitary Company.-Lieutenant Herbert Beeney to be Captain, dated October 6, 1915; William Hugh Hill, M.D., to be Lieutenant, dated October 11, 1915. 3,'';; London Field Ambulance.-The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Captains: George W. Greene, M.D.; dated September 11, 1915; Alfred N. G. Jeans, dated September 27, 1915.

3rd London General Hospital.-Lieutenant George Finch to be Captain, dated http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ April 1, 1915. 4th London Field Ambulance.-The date of promotion of Lieutenant John A. Watt, M.B., to Captain is April 1, 1915, and not as stated in the London Gazette of September 17, 1915; Lieutenant Alfred R. Spencer, M.D., to be Captain, dated April 23, 1915. 5th London General Hospital.-Philip Geoffrey Doyne to be Lieutenant, dated August 16, 1915; Serjeant.Major Albert Arthur Lippold, from the 2nd London (City of London) General Hospital, to be Quartermaster, with the honorary rank of Lieutenant, dated October 23, 1915. Scottish Horse Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant John E. Lascelles to be Captain, dated June 10, 1915. 1st Scottish General Hospital.-The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Captains, dated October 1, 1915: Herbert J. A. Longmore, M.B. ; Douglas W. Berry, M.B.; Cameron M. Nicol, M.B. on September 30, 2021 by guest. 3rd Highland Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Douglas H. Scott, M.B., to be Captain, dated April 1, 1915; Charles Gunn Skinner to be Lieutenant, dated August 25, 1915. Lowland Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance.-The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Captains: John R. Herbertson, M.B., dated September 30, 1915; Stuart S. Meighan, M.B., dated September 30, 1915; Thomas C. Houston, M.B., dated October 2, 1915. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-25-04-20 on 1 October 1915. Downloaded from


Lowland Oasualty Clearing Station.-The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Captains: Adam Rankine, M.B., dated June 30, 1915; Stuart Robertson, M.B., dated June 30, 1915; Lieutenant Stephen A. MacPhee, M.B., to be Captain, dated July 9, 1915. 1st Lowland Field Ambulance.-Robert Armstrong, M.B., to be Lieutenant, dated October 11, 1915. 2nd Lowland Field Ambulance.--Lieutenant William Grove, l\LB., relinquishes his commission on account of ill.health, dated October 21, 1915. 2nd Northumbrian Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant John P. Race to be Captain, dated September 22, 1915; Major John A. Kendall, M.D., from Attached to Units other than Medical Units, to be Major, dated October 17,1915; Captain Olifford O. Pickles relinquishes his commission on account of ill-health, dated October 21, 1915. 3rd Northumbrian Field Ambulance.-J ulius Barnett Sinson, M.B., to be Lieutenant, dated September 18, 1915. North Midland M01£nted Brigade Field Ambulance.-The datelof appointment of Lieutenant James Mitchell Mitchell, M.B., is August 17, 1915, and not as stated in the London Gazette of September 20, 1915. . North Midland Oasualty Olearing Station.-Lieutenant Henry O. Bevan, to be Captain, dated September 23, 1915. 1st North Midland Field Ambulance.-Thomas Edmund Ashdown Carr, M.B. (late temporary Lieutenant, Royal Army Medical Corps), to be Lieutenant, dated September 17, 1915.

2nd North Midland Field Ambulance.-Captain Alfred C. F. Turner, M.B., to be Protected by copyright. temporary Major, dated August 20, 1915. 3rd North Midland Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Arthur E. Tait, M.B., from 2nd East Anglian Field Ambulance, to be Lieutenant, dated October 23, 1915. South Midland Oasualty Olearing Station.-The date of appointment of Lieutenant Astley B. Prosser, M.B., is April 27, 1915, and not as stated in the London Gazette of May 17,1915. Lieutenant William A. Higgins, M.D., resigns his commission on on account of ill-health, dated October 24, 1915. 1st South Midland Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance.-Arthur Charles Oakley Brown, to be Lieutenant, dated October 4, 1915. 1st South Midland Field Ambulance.-The announcement of the seconding of Quartermaster and Honorary Captain William H. Kimpton which appeared in the London Gazette of August 13, 1915, is cancelled. 2nd SOl~th Midland Field Ambulance.-Captain Kenneth D. Wilkinson, M.B.,

from Attached to Units other than Medical Units, to be Captain, dated April 1, 1915. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ East Lancashire Oasualty Olearing Station.-Captain Charles H. Crawshaw, M.B., from 2nd Western General Hospital, to be Captain, dated October 24, 1915; Captain 'Thomas P. Kilner, M.B., from 2nd Western General Hospital, to be Captain, dated October 24, 1915; Lieutenant Edward A. Williams, from 2nd Western General Hospital, to be Oaptain, dated October 24, 1915. 1st East Lancashire Field Ambulance.--Lieutenant William L. Oockcroft, to be Captain, dated July 26, 1915. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant Sydney Workman is seconded for duty with an Infantry Base Depot, dated October 16, 1915. 2nd East Lancashire Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Emor R. Cooper, M.B., to be Captain, dated May 25, 1915; Lieutenant William Clegg-Newton, to be Captain, dated September 10, 1915. 3rd East Lancashire Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Frank K. Tomlinson, M.B., to he Captain, dated April 1, 1915; Lieutenant William Calverley, M.B., to be Capt~in, on September 30, 2021 by guest. dated September 20, 1915; Lieutenant James Cowan, to be Captain, dated June 3, 1915. The date of promotion of Lieutenant Frank G. Prestwich is May 24, 1915, and not as stated in the London Gazette of October, 1, 1915. West Lancashire Oasualty Olea1'ing Station.-The undermentioned: Lieutenants to be Captains: William P. Motiet, M.B., dated May 28, 1915; Harry D. Levick, M.B., F.R.C.S, dated July 10, 1915. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-25-04-20 on 1 October 1915. Downloaded from


1st West Lancashire Field Ambulance.-Major Creighton H. Lindsay, M.D., to be temporary Lieutenant-Colonel, dated August 24, 1915; Serjeant-Major William Hamilton Bell, to be Quartermaster, with the honorary rank of Lieutenant, dated October 30, 1915. 2nd West Lancashire Field Ambulance.-The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Captains: Sydney Sharples, dated April 1, 1915; Joseph H. Mather, dated July 1, 1915; Leonard S. Gaskell, M.B., dated June 1, 1915; Serjeant-Major George William Hamilton, to be Quartermaster, with the honorary rank of Lieutenant, dated September 1, 1915. 3rd West Lancashire Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Francis S. Fletcher, M.B., to be Captain, dated April 1, 1915; Captain George B. Robinson, M.D., from Attached to Units other than Medical 'Cnits, to be Captain, dated October I, 1915; Serjeant Richard Gordon !theU, from the 1st West Lancashire Field Ambulance, to be Quarter­ master, with the honorary rank of Lieutenant, dated October 30, 1915. 1st South Western Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant William A. Milner to be Captain, dated October 10, 1915. South Wales Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance.-James Ernest Dunbar, M.B., to be Lieutenant, dated September 24, 1915. 2nd Welsh Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant David T. Lewis to be Captain, dated July 7, 1915. 1st Northern General Hospital.-The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Captains, dated October 1, 1915: Sydney Havelock, M.B.; Charles H. Keay, M.B.

3rd Northern General Hospital.--Lieutenant George E. Martin, J\:LB., to be Captain, Protected by copyright. dated July 1, 1915. 2nd East Angl-ian Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant James Simson, M.B., to be Captain, dated April 1, 1915. 3rd East Anglian Field Ambulance.-The date of appointment of Lieutenant Roy D. Langdale-Kelham is August 20, 1915, and not as stated in the London Gazette of October 1, 1915. West Riding Casualty Clearing Station. - Lieutenant Peter McEwan, M.B., F.R.C.S.Edin., to be Captain, dated October 12, 1915. 1st West Riding Field Ambulance.-Major WaIter Lister to be temporary Lieu­ tenant-Colonel, dated October, 1915; Captain Harry B. Sproat, M.D., to be temporary Major, dated October 1915. 2nd West Riding Field Ambulance.-Major Charles W. Eames, M.D., to be temporary Lieutenant-Colonel, dated September 17, 1915. 3rd West Riding Field Ambulance.-Major James Mackinnon to be temporary http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Lieutenant-Colonel, dated September 18, 1915. South Eastern Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance.-William Williamson Kerr Duncan to be Lieutenant, dated September 25, 1915. 2nd Eastern General Hospital.-Lieutenant-Colonel Edward F. Maynard, M.D., is restored to the Establishment, dated October 21, 1915. Wessex Oasualty Clearing Station.-Paul McKenna Terry (late Major, 1st Wessex Brigade, Royal Field Artillery) to be Major, dated October 6, 1915. 2nd Wessex Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Ernest H. Scholefield, M.B., to be Captain, dated October 14, 1915; Captain William Blackwood, M. B., to be temporary Major, dated October 23, 1915.

1st Western General Hospital.-Lieutenant Ralph Lamb to be Captain, dated on September 30, 2021 by guest. May 23, 1915 ; Lieutenant Charles P. Brentnall to be Captain, dated October I, 1915. 1st Southern General Hospital.-David Rutherford Dow, M.B., to be Lieutenant, dated October 8, 1915. 2nd Home Counties Field Ambulance.-Lieutenant Ernest M. Morris to be Captain, dated April I, 1915; Captain William E. AIston, M.D., to be temporary Major, dated September 12, 1915. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-25-04-20 on 1 October 1915. Downloaded from


3rd Home Counties Field Ambulance.-Major James Barkley to be temporary Lieutenant.Oolonel, dated August 1], 1915; Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Charles Killick, M.D., F.R.C.S., to be Captain, dated April 1, 1915; Lieutenant Horace T. N. Merrick, M.B., to be Captain, dated April 1, 1915.


ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Lieutenant David Mackie to be Captain, dated April 1, 1915, with seniority next below J. Taylor (substituted for the notification which appeared in the Gazette of .July 26, 1915). Lieutenant (on probation) Alexander L. Mackenzie, M.B., is confirmed in his rank.

ATTACHED TO UNITS OTHER THAN MEDICAL UNITS. Lieutenant William D. Frew to be Captain, dated April 1, 1915. Lieutenant Dugald C. Bremner, M.B., to be Captain, dated April 1, 1915. Lieutenant Joseph S. Townley, M.B., to be Captain, dated April 1, 1915. Lieutenant Norman G. H. Salmon, M.B., to be Captain, dated April 1, 1915. Lieutenant Charles G. Brentnall, M.B., to be Captain, dated April 1, 1915. Lieutenant Lewis O. Bruce, M.D., to be Oaptain, dated April 1, 1915. The date of promotion of Lieutenant Ernest B. Keen to Captain is April 1, 1915, and not as stated in the London Gazette of August 26, 1915. Lieutenant Harold F. Oomyn, M.B. to be Oaptain, dated April 24, 1915. Lieutenant Wilfrid A. L. Jackson, M.B., to be Oaptain, dated April 26,- 1915. Lieutenant David E. Evans to be Captain, dated May 10, 1915. Protected by copyright. Lieutenant Samuel Shepheard to be Captain, dated July 31, 1915. Oaptain John Litbgow, M.D., to be Major, dated Angust 1,1915. The date of promotion of Lieutenant Thomas Carnwath, lVLB., to Captain is August 5, 1914, and not as stated in the London Gazette of October 4, 1915. Major Arthur C. Hartley, M.D., is seconded, dated August 22, 1914. Lieutenant Ismay D. Stubbs to be Oaptain, dated September 6, 1915. Captain William F. Roe, to be Major. dated September 9, 1915. Edwin Teynham Roper to be Lieutenant, dated September 9, 1915. Lieutenant Robert L. Wood, M.D., to be Captain, dated September 12, 1915. Lieutenant Wilfrid A. L. Jackson, M.B.,IITom 3rd North Midland Field Ambulance, to be Lieutenant, dated September 13, 1914. Lieutenant John K. Brownless to be Captain, dated September 16, 1915. William Charles Dillon Hills to be Lieutenant, dated September 29, 1915. Lieutenant Gerald W. C. Hollist to be Captain, dated September 30, 1915. Lieutenant John Macquarrie, M.B., to be Captain, dated October 1, 1915.

Frederick Robert Henry Laverick, M.D., to be Lieutenant, dated October 7, 1915. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Basil George Ewing, M.B., to be Lieutenant, dated October 17, 1915. Captain Morris Wilks, M.B., from 1st South Midland Field Ambulance, to be Captain dated October 23, 1915.

BIRTH. DAWSON.-At Dalhousie, N. India, the wife of Major F. W. W. Da.wson, R.A.M.C., of a son. on September 30, 2021 by guest. DEATH. FORD.-Captain Ernest George Ford, M.B., late R.A.M.C., died at Wolston, near Coventry, on October 7, aged 40. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-25-04-20 on 1 October 1915. Downloaded from


EXCHANGES, &c. The charge for inserting Notices respecting Exchanges in the Royal Army Medical Oorps is 5/- jor not more than five lines, which should be forwarded by Oheque or P.O.O., with the notice, to Messrs. G. STREET and 00., Ltd., 8, Serle Street, London, W.O., not later than ths 22nd of the month.

Captain R.A.M.C., into bis seventh consecutive year in India; volunteered for Persian Gulf, East Africa, &c., and passed Board for admission to Royal Flying Oorps; never been on sick list his whole service, willing to exchange with any war-worn officer requiring a rest and complete change. Apply" KEEN," c/o Holt & Co., 3, Whitehall Place, London. Protected by copyright. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ on September 30, 2021 by guest. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-25-04-20 on 1 October 1915. Downloaded from


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