Expedition Field Techniques INSECTS and other terrestrial arthropods by George C McGavin Published by Geography Outdoors: the centre supporting field research, exploration and outdoor learning Royal Geographical Society with IBG 1 Kensington Gore London SW7 2AR T: 020 7591 3030 F: 020 7591 3031 E:
[email protected] W: www.rgs.org/go December 1997 Reprinted 2007 ISBN 0-907649-74-2 Insects 1 Expedition Field Techniques INSECTS and other terrestrial arthropods CONTENTS Introduction Section One: Planning and Preparation Section Two: Safety in the Field Section Three: Conservation Section Four: Collecting Insects 4.1 hand searching techniques 4.2 butterfly and aerial nets 4.3 sweep nets 4.4 beating trays 4.5 light traps 4.6 flight intercept traps 4.7 pitfall traps 4.8 emergence traps 4.9 water pan traps 4.10 lures and baited traps 4.11 suction sampling 4.12 extraction techniques 4.13 aquatic sampling techniques 4.14 taxa-specific techniques 4.15 canopy techniques 4.16 collecting in caves 4.17 collecting from live animals 4.18 making your own equipment 4.19 data recording Section Five: Killing Methods 2 Expedition Field Techniques Section Six: Specimen Preservation 6.1 field preservation 6.2 long term preservation 6.3 posting material Section Seven: Specimen Identification Section Eight: Epilogue Section Nine: Equipment Suppliers Section Ten: Sources of Information Section Eleven: References Insects 3 Acknowledgements I am very grateful to many friends and colleagues for all manner of useful advice and discussions. They are listed below in alphabetical order; Mark Collins, Jon Davies, Bob George, Clive Hambler, Peter Hammond, Ivor Lansbury, Darren Mann, Chris O’Toole, Adrian Pont, Jim Reynolds, Gaden Robinson, Tony Russell-Smith, Malcolm Scoble, Steve Simpson, David Spencer Smith, Phil Taylor, Mike Wilson, Shane Winser.