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990 PART 23—ENDANGERED SPECIES CONVENTION Subpart A—Introduction Pt. 23 50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–01 Edition) Service agent, or other game law en- 23.36 Schedule of public meetings and no- forcement officer free and unrestricted tices. access over the premises on which such 23.37 Federal agency consultation. operations have been or are being con- 23.38 Modifications of procedures and nego- ducted; and shall furnish promptly to tiating positions. such officer whatever information he 23.39 Notice of availability of official re- may require concerning such oper- port. ations. Subpart E—Scientific Authority Advice (c) The authority to take golden ea- [Reserved] gles under a depredations control order issued pursuant to this subpart D only Subpart F—Export of Certain Species authorizes the taking of golden eagles when necessary to seasonally protect 23.51 American ginseng (Panax domesticated flocks and herds, and all quinquefolius). such birds taken must be reported and 23.52 Bobcat (Lynx rufus). turned over to a local Bureau Agent. 23.53 River otter (Lontra canadensis). 23.54 Lynx (Lynx canadensis). 23.55 Gray wolf (Canis lupus). PART 23—ENDANGERED SPECIES 23.56 Brown bear (Ursus arctos). CONVENTION 23.57 American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Subpart A—Introduction AUTHORITY: Convention on International Sec. Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna 23.1 Purpose of regulations. and Flora, 27 U.S.T. 1087; and Endangered 23.2 Scope of regulations. Species Act of 1973, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 23.3 Definitions. 1531 et seq. 23.4 Parties to the Convention. SOURCE: 42 FR 10465, Feb. 22, 1977, unless Subpart B—Prohibitions, Permits and otherwise noted. Exceptions Subpart A—Introduction 23.11 Prohibitions. 23.12 Requirements. § 23.1 Purpose of regulations. 23.13 Exceptions. 23.14 Foreign documentation. (a) The regulations in this part im- 23.15 Permits and certificates. plement the Convention on Inter- national Trade in Endangered Species Subpart C—Appendices I, II and III to the of Wild Fauna and Flora, TIAS 8249. Convention on International Trade in (b) The regulations identify those Endangered Species of Wild Fauna species of wildlife and plants included and Flora in appendix I, II or III to the Conven- 23.21 Criteria for listing species. [Reserved] tion. 23.22 Procedures for amending the appen- dices. [Reserved] § 23.2 Scope of regulations. 23.23 Species listed in Appendices I, II, and (a) The regulations of this part apply III. only to wildlife and plants listed in ap- Subpart D—Public Participation in the De- pendix I, II or III to the Convention, velopment of Negotiating Positions for listed herein in § 23.23 for the conven- Meetings of the Conference of the ience of the public. It should be noted Parties to the Convention on Inter- that many species listed in appendix I, national Trade in Endangered Species II or III are also listed in part 17 (en- of Wild Fauna and Flora; Federal dangered and threatened species) or Agency Consultation part 18 (marine mammals), and are sub- ject to additional regulations in those 23.31 Purpose of regulations. parts or in part 216 (marine mammals) 23.32 Notice of meeting of Conference of the or parts 217–225 (endangered and Parties to the Convention. threatened species) for species under 23.33 Notice of proposed negotiating posi- tions. jurisdiction of the National Marine 23.34 Public meetings. Fisheries Service. 23.35 Notice of negotiating positions. (b) [Reserved] 990 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 12:29 Dec 14, 2001 Jkt 194207 PO 00000 Frm 00990 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\194207T.XXX pfrm09 PsN: 194207T U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior § 23.4 § 23.3 Definitions. BRAZIL In addition to the definitions con- Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento, tained in parts 10 and 17 of this sub- Florestal (IBDF) do Ministe´rio da Agricultura, Palacio do Desenvolvimento, chapter, and unless the context re- Setor Bancario Norte, 13° andar, 70000 quires otherwise, in this part: Brazilia—DF Brazil. Appendix I means the list of wildlife and plants called ‘‘Appendix I’’ and at- CANADA tached to the Convention (see § 23.23 for The Administrator, Convention on Inter- the list). national Trade in Endangered Species, Ca- Appendix II means the list of wildlife nadian Wildlife Service, Department of the and plants called ‘‘Appendix II’’ and at- Environment, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A OH3, Canada. tached to the Convention (see § 23.23 for the list). CHILE Appendix III means the list of wildlife Servico Agricola y Ganadero (SAG), and plants called ‘‘Appendix III’’ and Ministerio de Agricultura, Santiago, Chile. attached to the Convention (see § 23.23 for the list). COSTA RICA Convention means the Convention on Departmento de Pesca Continental y Vida International Trade in Endangered Silvestre, Ministe´rio de Agricultura y Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, TIAS Ganaderia, San Jose, Costa Rica. 8249. CYPRUS Management Authority means a na- tional management authority officially Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Re- sources, Nicosia, Cyprus. designated by a party to implement the present Convention, including the ECUADOR granting of permits or certificates for Ministe´rio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, Convention purposes on behalf of the Quito, Ecuador. party. Party means a country for which the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Convention has entered into force, by Bundesminister fu¨ r Erna¨ hrung virtue of ratification or accession. Landwirtschaft und Forsten, Re-export means export of wildlife or Rochusstrasse 1, 5300 Bonn-Duisdorf, Fed- plants that have previously been im- eral Republic of Germany. ported. FINLAND United States means all of the several states, the District of Columbia, the Maa—ja Metsatalousministerio, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Bureau of Nat- Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Amer- ural Resources, Hallituskatu 3 A, 00170 Hel- ican Samoa, the Virgin Islands, Guam, sinki 3 A, Finland. and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Ministerium fu¨ r Land, Forst und § 23.4 Parties to the Convention. Nahrungsgu¨ terwirtschaft, der Deutschen The following countries are currently Demokratischen Republik, DDR–1157 Ber- parties to the Convention. The name lin, German Democratic Republic. and address of the management author- GHANA ity is included under the name of each country. This list is for the conven- Department of Game and Wildlife, P.O. Box M 239, Accra, Ghana. ience of the public, and does not pre- clude the application of regulations in INDIA this part 23 to importation, expor- The Director of Wildlife Preservation, Gov- tation or re-exportation to or from ernment of India, Ministry of Agriculture other countries. and Irrigation, Department of Agriculture, Krishi Bhaven, New Delhi—110001, India. AUSTRALIA IRAN The Bureau of Customs, Department of Busi- ness and Consumer Affairs, Canberra, Act Department of the Environment, P.O. Box 2600, Australia. 1430, Tehran, Iran. 991 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 12:29 Dec 14, 2001 Jkt 194207 PO 00000 Frm 00991 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\194207T.XXX pfrm09 PsN: 194207T § 23.11 50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–01 Edition) MALAGASY REPUBLIC SWITZERLAND Direction des Eaux et Forets et de la Con- Office veterinaire federal, Thunstrasse 17, servation des Sols, B.P. 243, Tananarive. 3005 Berne 6, Switzerland. MAURITIUS TUNISIA The Conservator of Forests, Forest Service, Direction des Forets, 36, rue Alain Savary, Curepipe, Mauritius. Tunis, Tunisia. MOROCCO UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Comite´ National de l’Environment, Direc- Not available. tion de l’Environment, Ministe`re de UNITED ARAB EMIRATES l’Urbanisme, de l’Habitat, du Tourisme et de l’Environment, Rabat, Morocco. Not available. NEPAL UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND Not available. Department of the Environment, 17/19 Roch- NIGER ester Row, London SW1P 1LN, England. Ministe`re de l’Econo´ mie rurale, et du UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Climat, Niamey, Niger. Chief, Federal Wildlife Permit Office, U.S. NIGERIA Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, 18th and C Streets NW., Not available. Washington, DC 20240 U.S.A. NORWAY URUGUAY The Royal Ministry of Environment, Presidente del Instituto Nacional para le Myntgaten 2, P.O. Box 8012 Oslo-Dep., N— Preservacion del Medio Ambiente, Oslo 1, Norway. Ministerio de Education y Cultura, Sarandi 444, Montevideo, Uruguay. PAKISTAN ZAIRE Mr. A.M. Khattak, Inspector General of For- ests/Member Secretary, Government of Le Commissaire d’Etat a l’Environment, Pakistan, Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Conservation de la Nature et Tourisme Cooperatives, Under-Developed Areas and Boite Postale 12348, Kinshasa/Gombe, Land Reforms (Food and Agriculture Divi- Zaire. sion), National Council for Conservation of Wildlife, Bungalow No.: 4–G, St. No.: 51, Subpart B—Prohibitions, Permits F.6/Islamabad, Pakistan. and Exceptions PAPUA NEW GUINEA § 23.11 Prohibitions. The Conservator of Fauna, Department of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 2585, (a) Unless the requirements in this Konedobu, Papua, New Guinea. part 23 are met, or one of the excep- tions in this part 23 is applicable, it is PARAGUAY unlawful for any person subject to the Not available. jurisdiction of the United States to commit, attempt to commit, solicit an- PERU other to commit, or cause to be com- mitted any of the acts described in Direccion General Forestal y de Fauna, Natalio Sa´ nches 220, 3er. piso, Jesu´ s Maria, paragraphs (b) through (d) of this sec- Lima, Peru. tion. (b) Import. (1) It is unlawful to import SOUTH AFRICA into the United States any wildlife or The Secretary, Department of Planning and plant listed in appendix I, II or III (see the Environment, Private Bag X 213, Pre- § 23.23) from any foreign country. toria 0001, South Africa. (2) It is unlawful to import directly into the United States any wildlife or SWEDEN plant listed in appendix I or II (see Lantbruksstyrelsen, Vallgatan 6, S–551 83 § 23.23) taken from the sea beyond the Jonkoping, Sweden.
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