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1Brandsearchedon Theweb.* “Delivering news and information. At home and around the world.” • “Des nouvelles d’ici et de partout ailleurs.” Great Home, 10 Mins to CFB Trenton! 16 HARCOURT ROAD MLS® 2111501 DAVID WEIR BA, CD #1 Office Broker, 2001-2010 Top 1% in Canada 2005-2010 www.davidweir.com 613-394-4837 Royal LePage ProAlliance Realty, www.thecontactnewspaper.cfbtrenton.com Brokerage July 22, 2011 Serving 8 Wing/CFB Trenton • 8e escadre/BFC Trenton • Volume 46 Issue Number 29 • International paratroopers splash down in local waters By Jed Devenish The picturesque landscape of the Bay of Quinte, Sandbanks Provin- cial Park, and 8 Wing/CFB Trenton’s Mountain View Detachment were used as drop zones for military paratroopers from around the globe. The second annual Exercise Quinte Dipper, held last week, brought military jumpers from six nations to 8 Wing/ CFB Trenton for week-long exercises in parachute and competitive military training. Approximately 60 foreign military parachutists from the United States, United Kingdom, Poland, Chile, Ger- many and Mexico, joined 40 Canadian jumpers to create global understanding of how each country’s airborne operates and conducts operations. “The exercise was started as an in- itiative to enhance the Canadian Forces Land Advanced Warfare Centre’s ca- pabilities and staff understanding,” Rick Ruthven explains Capt Christopher Nobrega. Canadian Forces Land Advanced Warfare “Parachuting, like any other skill, is con- Centre (CFLAWC) stantly evolving and in order to maintain our currency and relevancy we must not potential opportunities or synergies that only look internally at what we do and can be followed-up in future training, how we do it, we must also look at what exchange, symposia and/or visits.” external agencies – both Allied military Co-operative weather and the and civilian – are doing.” beautiful waters of the Bay of Quinte Last year the initiative was taken to and Lake Ontario made it a perfect week conduct training and also invite foreign for jumping out of an airplane. Along nations in order to better understand with water jumping, participants also how they operate in relation to Can- performed land jumps, helocast training adian Forces (CF). (jumping out of a helicopter into water), “It is an effort that in effect kills two and conducted military competitions, birds with one stone – unit members such as kayaking, rain shooting and complete annual training and as a re- blindfold navigation. This year’s Quinte sult of having foreign units participate, Dipper was also noteworthy because it it enhances our own knowledge,” said included the introduction of a static- Capt Nobrega. “The intent of Exercise line square-canopy (or precision) para- Quinte Dipper is to provide a water chute jump in addition to the regular jumping venue and showcase the unique round-canopy (non-precision) jumps role CFLAWC performs within the CF that were conducted. (Top) Foreign and Canadian paramilitary begin their decent from a CC-130 to our allies.” Foreign jumpers arrived at 8 Wing/ Hercules above the Bay of Quinte during 2011 Exercise Quinte Dipper. “This will be done by establishing CFB Trenton on July 9 and conducted (Bottom) Beachgoers at Sandbanks Provincial Park got some lucky entertainment face-to-face interaction and identifying Cont’d on page 2 as jumpers splashed down in Lake Ontario waters just off the beach. Choose wisely. #1 Brand searched on the web.* RE/MAX dominates organic search in Canada. *Comcast 2008 Choose 447 Dundas St.W., Trenton www.trentvalleyrealty.com 41 Main St., Brighton 613-392-6594 1-800-567-0776 613-475-6594 remax.ca 2 - The Contact News July 22, 2011 Rick Ruthven Canadian Forces Land Advanced Warfare Centre (CFLAWC) (Top) Participants at this year’s Exercise Quinte Dipper partake in helocast training. (Right) A look from below as a parachutist descends onto the Bay of Quinte. Cont’d on from 1 such training – last year’s Quinte “This year we built on last year’s Dipper led to initializing exchange event and had jumpers attend from refresher training on dry land and parachute training with Polish and Chile and Mexico for the first in the pool. Land jumps were later Ukraine land forces. Jumpers from time,” stated Capt Nobrega. “At conducted at Mountain View De- CFLAWC attended a two-week the end of the activity we award- tachment. The first water jump Polish Basic Parachute course last ed Canadian Parachute Wings to was into the Bay of Quinte on July year, which was again repeated this each of the foreign jumpers and, Best Best 13 followed by helocast training. year. Members of CFLAWC also via shared presentations, captured a Quality Only P lace To Price The event concluded July 14 with travelled to Ukraine to co-ordinate snapshot of how each nation con- he SMITTY’S Go a water jump into Lake Ontario, exchange training and will attend ducts military training in general “T WAREHOUSE OPERATION ” culminated by the Skyhawks (the parachute activities in that country and military parachuting more spe- For NEW or GOOD USED Appliances Canadian Forces parachute dem- later this summer. cifically.” Smitty’s has been keeping customers happy for 28 years in the appliance onstration team) doing a show “Apart from ensuring that CF- Canadian Forces Land Ad- business. This proves Smitty has the Best Price, Selection, Guarantee, Quality & Price plus Same Day delivery, seven days a week. Smitty plans to jump onto the beach at Sandbanks LAWC stays current with world- vanced Warfare Centre located at 8 be around for another 28 years. Now he has in-house financing at Provincial Park. wide developing trends, exercises Wing/CFB Trenton is designated NO INTEREST. These are just a few of the many reasons to visit Smitty’s for your new or used appliance purchase. “It was really great to see and like the Quinte Dipper gives the as the army Centre of Excellence for Best Best Best work with folks from the differ- unit credibility both internally and static-line round, static-line square Selection Guarantee Service ent countries who do what we do,” externally,” further explains Capt and military free fall parachuting. expressed Capt Mark Smith, who Nobrega. “It also allows us access It teaches basic, jump master, and participated in the activities. “It is to foreign schools, personnel and instructor courses in four elements: SMITTY’S KING OF APPLIANCES very interesting to see how other training agencies that, if needed, arctic and cold weather; mountain 613-969-0287 Open Evenings & Seven Days AWeek units in different countries con- the Land Force can tap into for operations; aerial delivery and heli- River Road-Corbyville (just N. of Corby’s) duct their training and operations, specialty training outside the CF.” copter operations. The centre is re- especially if you ever have to work Exercise Quinte Dipper fin- sponsible for the control, packing, together in the future.” ished with a celebratory barbecue maintenance, and repair of all para- According to Capt Nobrega and presentations as members from chutes and associated equipment the advantages do not end there. In all participating nations exchanged for the Army and its Search and terms of the benefits of conducting gifts. Rescue technicians. Companion Animal Care Hillcrest Animal Hospital Serving Quinte for 4 decades Drs John and Sue Marinovich Mike Steen DVM • Fiona Gilchrist DVM and staff have been serving the dental Adrianna Sage DVM • Gregg Ogilvie DVM community of Quinte since 1994. We offer complete dental care for all ages. Orthopedic Surgery | Medical Services |Dentistry Pet Foods | In House Lab Your health comes first. New Patients and same day emergencies New Customers Always Welcome always welcome! Food Services 613.394.2953 613-392-3939 17532 Hwy 2 West,Trenton Beside Tim Hortons 257 Dundas St. E., Trenton www.quintewestvet.com 613.394.4811 Welcome K8V 1M1 July 22, 2011 News The Contact - 3 After a decade, wind remains strong in the sails of local school By Jed Devenish Quinte SailAbility celebrated its 10 year anniversary with a very special guest. The Honourable David C. Onley, Lieutenant Govenor of Ontario, was the honoured guest at the anniversary cel- ebration of the sailing school located at the Yacht Club at 8 Wing/CFB Trenton on July 19. Quinte SailAbility, a sailing school for persons with physical or developmental disability, was proud to welcome Lieutenant Govenor Onley, who has lived with polio and post-polio syndrome since the age of three, and has cham- pioned disability issues on many fronts, for many years. Lieutenant Govenor Onley spoke of the importance of Photo: Patti Gower the school and the lack of accessibility individuals with dis- abilities face every day. He unveiled a plaque commemo- The Honourable David C. Onley, Lieutenant Govenor of Ontario, (far right) poses with Quinte rating the 10th anniversary and took time to speak to each SailAbility sailors, volunteers, board members and staff at the 10th Anniversary celebration. and every student that was present at the celebration. “The highlight of the day for me was how Lieutenant gram is developed for each. Some students enjoy recre- to sail by themselves,” adds Mr. Fletcher. “Also, we have be- Govenor Onley went out of his way to speak to each and ational sailing and others aspire to race. Everyone finds come very skilled at transferring the individuals in and out every one of our students,” praised Dennis Fletcher, presi- the freedom and joy in independently navigating a sailboat of the vessels. We can do it in roughly a minute, whereas dent and co-founder of the program. “It is extremely im- in the beautiful Bay of Quinte,” he added. most other schools take much longer. Our techniques are portant for the students to see and talk with someone with The school started with just two vessels and now there now being adopted at schools all over the province.” a disability who is very successful in life, specifically in a job are currently 14 in the fleet, including training, racing and Quinte SailAbility has always been located at the yacht not necessarily designed for someone with a disability.” coach boats.
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