Breaking the Ice: the Role of Civil
The failure of the 2009 Protocols to establish and develop diplomatic relations between Armenia and Turkey has largely overshadowed the success of civil society organizations in advancing the normalization process over the past decade. This report aims to help address this imbalance through a detailed account Breaking the Ice: of the United States Department of State-funded “Dialogue-Building between Turkey and Armenia” project, implemented by the Global Political Trends Center (GPoT) of Istanbul Kültür University, Internews Network, Internews Armenia, the Yerevan Press Club and CAM Film between September 2010 and December 2011. The Role of Civil Society and Media in Including an introduction that analyzes the current “frozen” state and historical background of Turkish- Armenian relations, Breaking the Ice: The Role of Civil Society and Media in Turkey-Armenia Relations presents the writings and reflections of the dozens of Turkish and Armenian journalists and students who participated in the project. The output of the Dialogue-Building Project demonstrates the continued, if not Turkey-Armenia Relations heightened, importance of civil society and media-based initiatives in the Turkey-Armenia normalization process, post-Protocols. Susae Elanchenny & Narod Maraşlıyan Since its founding in 2008, GPoT Center has played an active role in rapprochement and reconciliation projects between Turkey and Armenia through organizing numerous exchanges, roundtable discussions and conferences with the participation of leading Turkish civil society activists, academics, journalists and retired diplomats. For more information on these projects and GPoT Center, please visit ISBN: 978-605-4233-80-9 Breaking the Ice: The Role of Civil Society and Media in Turkey-Armenia Relations An Evaluation of the “Dialogue-Building between Turkey and Armenia” Project Susae Elanchenny & Narod Maraşlıyan April 2012 BREAKING THE ICE: THE ROLE OF CIVIL SOcietY anD MEDia IN TUrkeY-Armenia RELatiOns Istanbul Kültür University Publication No.
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