Archaeoacoustic Approach to the Rotunda in Bény

Irén Lovász, Paolo Debertolis

IRÉN LOVÁSZ, PhD is an associate professor in the Institute of Arts Studies and General Humanities at KRE University in Budapest, . Her research has included ethnomusicology, anthropology of religion and music, sacred communication. She is also a professional singer, applying traditional singing in voice therapy.

PAOLO DEBERTOLIS, M.D., aggregate professor at Department of Medical Sciences, University of Trieste (It- aly), President of Super Brain Research Group1(*) ABSTRACT: We would like to draw the attention to a medieval sacred place in in the Carpathian basin, where unusual sound phenomena can be experienced. We focus our research on the „12 Apostoles’ Rotunda” of Bény. The settlement used to belong to the Hungarian Kingdom for cen- turies during the Middle Ages and also continuously until the first part of the 20th century. Now it is situated in the southern part of . Recent studies suggest that the rotunda was already built by the 10-11th century, which raises more questions about who built it and for what purpose. The unique feature of the Rotunda are the 12 mysterious vaulted niches within. Each of these niches strengthens different resonances, which gives a unique sound to the human voice there, according to our hypothesis they were very probably tuned on purpose. In 2016 and 2017 fieldwork was undertaken to test the ro- tunda’s archaeoacoustic and resonant properties. Equipment, methods, results with our conclusion are described in this paper.

KEYWORDS: acoustics, resonance, rotunda, niches, medieval, Central Europe

Introduction (90%) belonging to ethnic minority nowa- days. e would like to draw the attention to Wa special early medieval sacred space According to the previous concepts on the of Central Europe in the Carpathian basin, origin of the building, it was purportedly where unusual sound phenomena can be ex- built at the beginning of the 13th Century1, perienced. We focus our research on the 12 together with the Premontrei Monastery and Apostoles’ Rotunda in Bény (Bína). The Abbey in the neighborhood. settlement used to belong to the Hungarian Kingdom for centuries during the Middle Ages and also continuously until the first part of the 20th century. Now it is situated in the southern part of Slovakia, closed to the present Hungarian border. The settle- ment is populated mostly by Hungarians

Fig. 1 – The location of Bény (Bína) in Slovakia today.

(*) Note. SB Research Group (SBRG) is an international and interdisciplinary team of researchers, researching the archaeoacoustic properties of ancient sites and throughout Europe and Asia (www.sbresearch- 1 Cervers –Molnár Vera: A középkori Magyarország rotundái. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1972. 39.


the Northern one you can hear the highest sound.”

Our hypothesis is that there was probably a

Fig. 2 – The rotunda together the abbey placed in front of it. definite awareness of resonance and the conscious application of artificial niches into the architectural construction in order to improve sound quality thus serving spir- itual purposes, since „niches, recesses or al- coves were used as natural resonators”3 in medieval architectural construction.

After discovering its marvelous mysterious acoustics while giving a solo concert in the neighboring abbey, initial fieldwork was carried out in 2013. Oral history as an an- thropological method of study was used and Fig. 3 – Some of the 12 niches within the Rotunda local people were interviewed to understand local legends relating to the rotunda. A Recent studies however, suggest that the ro- priest now in service in Bratislava, who was tunda was built already in the 10-11th cen- born in Bény and spent all his childhood in tury,2 which raises more questions about the village said that sitting and singing in who built it and for what purpose? There is the niches to find which of them his feet no consensus as archaeologists and art his- could reach the floor, was his favorite activ- torians have different theories. The Ro- ity as a small boy. tunda uniquely features 12 mysterious vaulted niches. Each of the 12 niches Unfortunately, we discovered the rotunda’s strengthen different resonances, which give acoustics had changed after some construc- a unique sound to the human voice there. tions, reconstructions and renovations were All of them are little different in size, and carried out during the centuries, as de- according to our hypothesis they were very scribed bellow. probably tuned on purpose.

In 2016 and 2017 fieldwork was undertaken There is a rumor in the village, shared also in partnership with Irén Lovász and Paolo by the former local priest: “The niches are Debertolis to test the rotunda’s archaeo- tuned as if you sit in the first one from the acoustic and resonant properties. South and put your ear to the wall, you hear the lowest sound, and at the last one, from Historical Background

2 Szilágyi András: A Kárpát- medence rotundái és Dvanastich Apostolov v Bíni In: Valeková, Anna centrális templomai, Semmelweis kiadó, Budapest, (ed) :Ranostredovekásakrálna architektúra Nitrians- 2008. 249. keho kraja: Zborník zo seminaára a katalóg ku Németh Zsolt: A Kárpát.medence legkülönösebb vystave. Nitra, 2011. középkori templomai, BKL Kiadó, Szombatheely, 3 2017. 103-119. Reznikoff, Iegor: The Evidence of the Use of Sound Resonance from Palaeolithic to Medieval Sabasosova, Elena – Havlik, Marian: Rotunda times, in: Archaeoacoustics, Lawson, G. and Dvanastich Apostolov v Bíni- dokumentácia od- Scarre, C. eds. University of Cambridge, Cam- krytych murív s vyhodnotením nálezov. 2010. bridge, 2006, 80. Sabasosova, Elena – Havlik, Marian: Rotunda


Bény (Bína) is located on the right side of After the importance of the city of Eszter- the river Garam, 17 kms North from Eszter- gom in Hungarian History, Bény should be gom, the first medieval capital of the Hun- considered as an important small village, garian Kingdom. Esztergom is 46 kilome- especially given it is located 17 kilometers tres northwest of the capital Budapest. It lies North of Esztergom on the eastern side of on the right bank of the river Danube, which the river Garam. forms the border with Slovakia there today. Its cathedral, the Esztergom Basilica is the Historical records first mention the village, largest church in Hungary. Esztergom is written as Byn in 1135. Earlier the Romans one of the oldest towns in Hungary. The built a fortress here, and Emperor Marcus first people known by name were the Aurelius wrote his famous diary in this re- Celts from Western Europe, who settled in gion in 173. According to local knowledge, the region in about 350 BC. A flourishing proved by archeological excavations, Bény Celtic settlement existed there until the re- used to be the Northern limes, border of the gion was conquered by . Thereafter it Roman Empire. Later, King Stephen, the became an important frontier town of Pan- first king of Hungary, gave the region to nonia, known by the name of Salvio Man- Bény, son of Hont. It was already Géza, the sio, or Solva of the Roman Empire. Slavic father of St. Stephen, who invited the Kraut people immigrated into the Pannonian Ba- knights, Hont and Pázmány to stay in Hun- sin at about 500 AD. The Magyars (Hungar- gary on their way to the Holy Land.4 It is ians) entered the / Carpa- also possible that the rotunda was built by thian Basin in 896. In 960, the ruling prince Byn himself or by his descendants at the of the Hungarians, Géza, chose Esztergom centre of genus for the leader. 5 as his residence. His son, Vajk, who later came to become Saint Stephen, the first The great system of escarp or redoubt with king of Hungary, was born here around 969- 5 kilometers in its inside diameter, was the 975. In 973, Esztergom served as the start- biggest and strongest that time in Europe. ing point of an important historical event: Finally it lost its original function during the during Easter of that year, Géza, the ruling 11-12th centuries, it was left empty. But one prince sent a committee to the international can still find remains of it around the vil- peace conference of Emperor Otto I in lage, about 1 kilometer from the rotunda. Quedlinburg. He offered peace to the Em- This military post might has been the gath- peror and asked for missionaries. And it ering basis of the army of St. Stephen the might be a crucial point for us! first Hungarian king, before going against the tribes of the pagan leader, Koppány. There was a church also built by the Ger- Very probably it was the place where Ste- man missionaries from around Passau be- phen I was given his first sword as a symbol tween 973- 1000 in Esztergom. The center of his puberty-ritual or of age of discretion of the hill was occupied by a Basilica dedi- as part of an ancient rite de passage ages 21 cated to St. Adalbert who, according to leg- in 998 AD. (There was a monument erected end, baptized St. Stephen. Stephen's coro- a few years ago in front of the abbey for the nation took place in Esztergom on Christ- memory of this historical fact by the proud mas Day 1000. local citizens of Bény). During the time of early Christianity every 10 villages was or- Bény dered to build a church and several rotundas were built in this time. According to some presuppositions, one of them might has

4 Szilágyi 249. 5 Szilágyi, 249.

ARCHAEOAC OUSTICS III 113 | P a g e been the rotunda of Bény. But we do not part of Czechoslovakia. Since then it has share this idea. We argue in accordance been part of Slovakia and officially called with the latest literature6 that it was already Bína. built at the end of the 10th century. There was bomb damage during World War II, which revealed the medieval walls be- The Rotunda hind the baroque facade and an additional room was added to the south of the rotunda In 1217 the Premontre Abbey monastery in 1945. was founded in Bény in the Romanesque style. An earlier built rotunda stands in front of the abbey today. The patriarch of the ro- tunda is the 12 Apostles. (Though it easily might have got the name of 12 apostles af- terwards).

Fig. 5 - The Rotunda after the Second World War.

From 1961- 1978, a big archaeological ex- cavation and reconstruction was undertaken by Slovak archaeologists.8 All traces of the baroque design including its windows and crude electric wires were removed. More

Fig. 4 – The rotunda today recently, Slovak archaeologists, Elena Sabadosova-Marian Havlik undertook ar- During the Turkish invasion of 16-17th chaeological studies and reconstructions Century the rotunda was damaged. The vil- between 2006- 2012, 9 was also supported lage got empty, uninhabited. The rotunda by the Hungarian ministry of culture. After became the filia of the neighboring Kéménd 7 the last renovation the so called “original” at the beginning of the 18th Century. In structure was finally reconstructed: The 1755 it was reconstructed in the baroque ground became 40 cm deeper, with all the style, however it was given a new interior, niches equally positioned 43cm above design and ornaments. Much of the early ground level. Was this the original case or medieval roman style was lost, for example not? If we listen to the memory of the priest a new baroque window was cut into the wall who grew up playing and sitting in these which would have originally been closed. niches, then we must say no. During World War I. in 1918, Czechoslo- vak troops occupied the area, and the region The structure of the rotunda reminds us also became part of Czechoslovakia. Between of Saint Donatus in Zara, Dalmatia (9th cc). 1938 and 1945 Bény once more became Although this one in Bény is much smaller. part of Hungary. Then until 1990, it was

6 Sabadosova-Havlik 2011, 141, Németh Zsolt 9 Sabasosova, Elena – Havlik, Marian: 2010, 2017, 103-119. 2011. 7 Haiczl, 95. 8 The first excavation was led by Alojz Habovstiak,1963, 1978.


The size of the rotunda: inner diameter: 720 set in the extedra, in the 13th and greatest cm, 12 niches: 80-82 cm, the excedra 360 niche. It might also have served as a Chap- cm. ter –house, in which monks met daily to dis- cuss business and to hear a chapter of mo- In this structure there was no separate sanc- nastic rule. But it should be noted that the tum, but the whole rotunda itself served as acoustics of this rotunda supports chanting, such. It either shows that there was a differ- singing, and not the spoken voice! ent type of Christianity in the region before the 10th century or the liturgy and In this respect, it differs from churches, ba- proxemic attitudes changed so radically by silicas with naves, typical of the 2nd millen- the first millennium and consequently there nium. There is also a presupposition about is a lack of knowledge about. In this region using the special acoustic power of the during the 5-6th century, Arian Christianity space of the rotunda, for healing, initiating was the main religion and still had some ritual purposes” where the human voice had power among the avars after the 7th cen- tury10 an important role. Since medieval monks used magical practices and techniques to enter altered states of mind, and likewise helping others to achieve this, something very different from normal daily experi- ences.”11 The Shape of the Rotunda The rotunda has historical and architectural value, its shape was widespread in medieval times. A great number of parochial churches were built in this form in the 9th to 11th centuries in Central Europe and ex- amples can be found throughout Hun- gary, Slovakia, , , Aus- tria, , Dalmatia, , and the . It was believed to be a structure descending from the Roman Pan- theon, however, it is rare to find such exam- Fig. 6 – The Rotunda’s interior ples in former Roman territories. They are far more common in Central Europe. (Note: As far as the structure and shape of the ro- Bény is located at the Northern border of the tunda in Bény is concerned, it is suitable to Roman Empire). Generally its size was 6–9 serve ritual and ceremonial purposes of spe- meters inner diameter and the apses were cial democratic communities with equal directed toward the east, sometimes 3 or 4 members. All the members of the commu- nity (lets say monks) could see and hear the others while looking and turning to the mid- dle, to the central point of the rotunda, or to the leader of them, who might have stood or

10 Németh Zsolt, 118. 11 Németh, Zsolt, 121.

ARCHAEOAC OUSTICS III 115 | P a g e apses were glued to the central circle and Constantinople, Jerusalem, Rome and Ar- this type has relatives in the Caucasus.12 menia. 14 Other ancient rotundas and round shaped sacred spaces are also considered, There are about one hundred rotundas in the from the shape of Zuart’noc’, and its rela- Carpathian Basin. The greatest most recent tion to Syrian and Mesopotamian monu- summary of them was written by a Hungar- ments, of the same type to its obvious pro- ian author who undertook a deep study of totype in the martyria of the Holy Land, their origin along with related archetypical above all the Anastasis Rotunda. Com- buildings of the type. 13 Several types of ro- pleted by 336 to shelter the traditional site tundas are found in the Carpathian Basin, of Christ’s burial and resurrection, this within the former boundaries of Medieval structure formed the focal point of Christian Hungary. Many of them still stand today. In Jerusalem, and indeed, of medieval Chris- tendom more generally.”15 The book stud- many places the ancient foundations have ies the structure of the rite, revealing the im- been excavated and conserved. Rotundas of portant role chant plays in it, and confronts six apses, a most interesting form, are found both the acoustics of the physical spaces in Hungary, in Ukraine and several places and the hermeneutic system of reception of in . There is no possibility here of the religious services. The result is a rich mentioning all the archetypical examples of contribution to the growing discipline of round shaped sacred architecture of the sound studies and an innovative conver- world from The Church of the Rotunda gence of the medieval and the digital. Pent- in , built as the "Tomb of Ga- cheva made remarkable studies on the lerius" in 306, to the Hall of Prayer for acoustics of Hagia , the cathedral of 16 Good Harvests, the largest building in the Constantinople itself. of Heaven, construction completed Whatever the origin of the rotunda form, the on 1420 during Yongle Emperor who also symbolic meaning of the archetypical round constructed Forbidden City of China, Bei- shape is related to the universal meaning of jing. perfect completeness, wholeness, oneness, unity, deity. It also expresses power and no- There is much literature on ancient build- bility.17 In rotundas and round shape sacred ings from all over the world that discuss the sites it is possible to feel the positive energy significance of the rotunda’s shape. To re- and esthetic effect on the mind and psyche, construct sonic and spatial experiences of as the ancient Greek authors have contem- the past, a new multidisciplinary collection plated.18 of essays explores the intersection of lit- urgy, acoustics, and art in the churches of

12 First main publication on the topic in Hun- 15 Pentcheva V.,Bissera: Introduction in Pent- garian: Cervers –Molnár Vera: A középkori Ma- cheva V.,Bissera(ed.), 11. gyarország rotundái. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1972. 16 Pentcheva V.,Bissera : : Sound, Space, and Spirit in Byzantium, Pennsylvania State 13 Szilágyi András: A Kárpát- medence rotundái University Press, 2017, http://hagiasophia.stan- és centrális templomai, Semmelweis kiadó, Buda- 2. (2018.01.03.) pest, 2008. 17 Szilágyi , 144 14 Pentcheva V.,Bissera (ed.): Aural Architecture in Byzantium: Music, Acoustics, and Ritual, 18 see: Marcus Vitruvius Pollio: de Architectura, Routledge 2017. inLacus Curtius: Vitruvius on Architecture,


Materials and Methods Physical phenomena was measured using a Geiger counter to detect radioactivity and For recording two dynamic high-end micro- UV imaging to detect magnetic fields as phones both extended over the audible band these can influence the state of mind. The (Sennheiser MKH 8020, response fre- purpose was to research common character- quency 10Hz - 60.000Hz) with shielded ca- istics found in ancient “sacred” sites as dis- bles (Mogami Gold Edition XLR) and gold- covered in our previous research. In fact plated connectors together with a digital many medieval structure are built over portable recorder with a maximum sam- veryancient sites with peculiar physical pling rate of 192KHz (Tascam DR-680 of characteristics (Debertolis et al., 2011 - TEAC Group) at 24bit were used. The mi- 2017). Every aspect of the niche was ex- crophones were placed in a number of posi- plored to search for different resonance tions in the Rotunda, but the best recordings characteristics. were obtained when the mikes were located in the centre. Before recording a spectrum Results analyser Spectran NF-3010 from the Ger- man factory Aaronia AG, was used to detect We observed that all the niches have a dif- any electromagnetic phenomena present ferent depth, but the same height and dis- which could influence the results. Praat pro- tance from the ground. This aspect create a gram version 4.2.1 from the University of different resonance at different frequencies, Toronto and Audacity open-source program so the 12 niches act as the tubes of an organ. version 2.1.2 for Windows and Linux were used to analyze the various recorded audio So there is not a singular frequency of reso- tracks. nance, but various frequencies of resonance very good for both male and female voices. The rotunda was tested by male and female The extension of resonance is wide and the voice from several locations; within every result is to amplify all singing voices. But a niche and within the central area of the Ro- requirement to achieve this is to have a tunda. No electronic or synthetic tones strong volume. The spoken voice alone were used for testing, only the natural voice does not stimulate the structures resonance, to recreate as far as possible the original re- there is just a little reverberation coming verberation and resonance. A drum was also from the . used, (its frequency response and extension were identified and used in previous re- In the silence a constant frequency of 20-21 search) using a protocol for testing temples Hz can be heard and is accompanied by two (Debertolis et al. 2012-2017). The music peaks at 48db and 56-57Hz at 50-51db. and songs used to test the acoustical proper- These frequencies are not found in the sur- ties of the structure ranged from simple rounding area (Fig. 11). Because similar- tones and musical scales to Gregorian characteristics were found at other sacred chants and romances of the XIII-XIV cen- sites, we have assumed they are most likely turies. To establish the environmental originating from a subterranean water sound characteristics (infrasound) a record- source deep below the surface with the vi- ing was made in silence. brations concentrated in the Rotunda. Such frequencies affect the mind creating a sense

Book IV.Chapters 8. http://penelope.uchi- vius/5*.html2017. 12.30.)


Fig. 11 – The constant peak of underground noise.

Fig. 7 – The Sennheiser microphones positioned at the centre of the Rodunda.

Fig. 12 – The surveys inside the rotunda (left) and outside the Ro- tunda (right). There were a lot of natural magnetic fields on the ground (all electric devices were switched off).

Fig. 8 – Every niche was tested by voice and drum.

Fig. 13 – The Rotunda’s interior; UV image (above) and after soft- ware analysis measuring velocimetry of air molecules (below). This shows the presence of small natural torsional magnetic fields inside the Rotunda.

Fig. 9 – The imaging operation with UV camera

Fig. 10 –During the chanting some harmonics were produced without a single resonance frequency, but with a lot of resonance Fig. 14 – Radioactivity - inside the Rotunda which acted like an amplifier for the voice. is double that of the outside.

118 | P a g e ARCHAEOACOUSTICS III of sacredness. Using various devices, the acoustics even now. The optimal acoustic presence of magnetic fields inside the Ro- effect is achieved if the singer sings in the tunda was measured to confirm the presence centre of the chapel, where the reverbera- of water. The main power switch which pro- tion from the dome and the resonance from vides electricity to the building was turned the niches have the maximum effect. The off so that accurate measurements of the- structure of other rotundas in the region and magnetic fields could be recorded. We dis- beyond were compared to that of Bény, covered a number of magnetic fields inside, none featured the same design feature of 12 but none outside or in the neighboring area niches, which makes it unique. We can (Fig. 12) therefore conclude the structure was built with an acoustic scope as a sacred temple By imaging the UV band it was possible to and its architect had great knowledge of evidence the natural spiral magnetic fields acoustics. We can also assume it was built originating from the movement of under- over an earlier sacred site, because it has ground water (Fig. 13). Software analysis some natural phenomena inside which are was made using Dante Dynamics (Canada) not found outside. This is typical of very an- software. cient sacred sites we studied in Europe. This along with its acoustical properties make it Radioactivity looks very different inside worthy of broader research from experts in and outside the Rotunda that is contrary to architecture, art history, acoustics, early what is found in normal structures. Outside music, and we hope this can be undertaken the Rotunda, natural radioactivity slowly in the near future. From our side we can swung in a range between 0.08 to 0,14 consider these results as preliminary, but µSv/h (microSievert/hour) within a normal perhaps stimulating other researchers to range. Inside the Rotunda radioactivity was continue the research. double that of the outside, around 0,28 µSv/h (Fig. 14), but below danger level (0,4 µSv/h). There was no difference if the Gei- ger counter was placed close to or distant from the floor, so we can suppose it was not related to the floors material, but very likely due to the movement of underground water.

Discussion and Conclusion

Analysis was carried out on two separate occasions over two years. No single reso- nance frequency was found within the struc- ture, rather there several frequencies were obtained. Through sound analysis we found that each of the 12 niches have different res- onances which strengthen and enhances the both male and female voices. All niches are different in size and according to our hy- pothesis they were tuned on purpose. The niches function like organ tubes each with a different resonant frequency. Despite nu- merous renovations the Rotunda has perfect


ACKNOWLEDGMENT Proceedings of Conference ‘Archaeoacoustics II: The Archaeol- ogy of Sound’, Istanbul (Turkey), Oct 30-31 Nov 1, 2016, pp. We are grateful to the following people for their support, infor- 137-148. mation and help during and/or organising and managing our field- P. Debertolis, D. Gullà: “New Technologies of Analysis in Ar- work and study in Bény: Dr. Imre Molnár, (Pozsony/Bratislava), chaeoacoustics”, Proceedings of Conference ‘Archaeoacoustics Himler György (Párkány/Sturovo), Tamás Molnár (Pozsony/Bra- II: The Archaeology of Sound’, Istanbul (Turkey), Oct 30-31 Nov tislava), parish priests: Dean András Nagy, Sándor Kassa, András 1, 2015, pp. 33-50. Szalai, representatives of the local museum and people: Gyula P. Debertolis, D. Gullà: “Healing aspects identified by archaeo- Koczka, Katalin Koczka, Szabolcs Kremmer (Bény), Dr. István acoustic techniques in Slovenia”, Proceedings of the ‘3rd Interna- Horváth (Esztergom). A sincere thank you to Nina Earl for her tional Virtual Conference on Advanced Scientific Results’ (SCI- support in editing this text. We are grateful to Daniele Gullà, vice- ECONF 2016), Žilina (Slovakia), June 6-10, 2016, pp. 147-155. president of Super Brain Research Group (SBRG), for analysing P. Debertolis, D. Gullà, F. Piovesana: “Archaeoacoustic research the imaging aspect of the Rotunda. in the ancient castle of Gropparello in ”, Proceedings in the Congress “The 5th Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas” (ARSA-2016) Slovakia, November 9 - 11, 2016: pp. 98-104. REFERENCES P. Debertolis, N. Earl, N. Tarabella: “Archaeoacoustic analysis of Xaghra Hypogeum, Gozo, ”, Journal of Anthropology and V. Cervers –Molnár: “A középkori Magyarország rotundái. Archaeology, vol.1 no. 5, June 30, 2017. In press. Akadémiai Kiadó”, Budapest, 1972. P. Debertolis, D. Gullà: “Archaeoacoustic Exploration of Monte- I. 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Németh: A Kárpát-medence legkülönösebb középkori P. Debertolis, D. Gullà, F. Richeldi: “Archaeoacoustic analysis templomai II., BKL Kiadó, Szombathely, 2017. 103-119. of an ancient hypogeum using new TRV camera (Variable Reso- V. Pentcheva,Bissera(ed.): Aural Architecture in Byzantium: Mu- nance Camera) technology”, Proceedings of the “2nd Interna- sic, Acoustics, and Ritual, Routledge 2017. tional Virtual Conference on Advanced Scientific Results” (SCI- V. Pentcheva,Bissera : Hagia Sophia: Sound, Space, and Spirit in ECONF 2014), Žilina (Slovakia) June, 9 - 13, 2014, pp. 323-329. Byzantium, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2017, P. Debertolis, N. Bisconti: "Archaeoacoustics analysis of an an- 2. (2018.01.03.) cient hypogeum in Italy", Proceedings of the Conference "Ar- V. 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Havlik: Rotunda Dvanastich Apostolov v Bíni of the ĦalSaflieni Hypogeum in Malta", Journal of Anthropology In: Valeková, Anna (ed): Ranostredovekásakrálna architektúra and Archaeology, Vol. 3 (1), 2015, pp. 59-79. Nitrianskeho kraja: Zborník zo seminaára a katalóg ku vystave. P. Debertolis, D. Gullà: "Archaeoacoustic analysis of the ancient Nitra, 2011. town of Alatri in Italy", British Journal of Interdisciplinary Sci- A. Szénássy: Felvidéki Árpád-kori templomok lexikona. I. A ence, September, Vol. 2, (3), 2015, pp. 1-29. Nyitrai kerület- Szlovákia, Komárom, 2005. P. Debertolis, M. Zivic: "Archaeoacoustic analysis of Cybele's A. Szilágyi: A Kárpát-medence rotundái és centrális templomai, temple, Roman Imperial Palace of Felix Romuliana, Serbia", Semmelweis kiadó, Budapest, 2008. 2nd edition 2009. Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology, Vol. 3 (2), 2015, pp. N. Tarabella, P. Debertolis: “Archaeoacoustics in Archaeology”, 1-19. Proceedings in19th International Conference and Assembly of the P. Debertolis, D. Nicolić, G. Marianović, H. Savolainen, N. Earl, Experts of the Foundation Romualdo Del Bianco “HERITAGE N. Ristevski: "Archaeoacoustic analysis of Kanda Hill in Mace- FOR PLANET EARTH 2017 - Smart Travel, Smart Architecture donia. Study of the peculiar EM phenomena and audio frequency and Heritage Conservation and its Enjoyment for Dialogue", Flor- vibrations", Proceedings of the 4th Conference ARSA (Advanced ence, Italy, 11-12 March 2017: 240-246. Research in Scientific Areas), Žilina (Slovakia), November 9-13, 2015, pp.169-177. P. Debertolis, N. Earl, M. Zivic: "Archaeoacoustic Analysis of Tarxien Temples in Malta", Journal of Anthropology and Archae- ology, Vol. 4 (1), June 2016, pp. 7-27. P. Debertolis, D. Gullà: “Preliminary Archaeoacoustic Analysis of a Temple in the Ancient Site of Sogmatar in South-East Turkey.