ARCH 2315 Exam I: Study Review Part I: Identification of Buildings and Sites

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ARCH 2315 Exam I: Study Review Part I: Identification of Buildings and Sites ARCH 2315 Exam I: Study Review Part I: Identification of buildings and sites. The Identifications on this review are correct; some identification on your daily study guide for lectures are incorrect. Follow THIS review, not the study guide for dates, locations, architects. Part II: Context Images: these images form the cultural context we have talked about (think SPEAR). Part III: Study questions for both the ID and Essay questions on the Exam. Exam Review: Monday, February 7, 5-6 pm, AG 214. Format of the Exam: Part I: 20 to 25 Identifications (ID), 1/2 point for each piece of information. Some Identification will be listing or giving information. Most Identification will be of buildings and sites. In dating these buildings and sites, you may round up or down to a year ending in “0” or in “5”. For example, Palazzo Medici dates to 1444. You may date it to 1440 or 1445, as long as the date you give is within five years of the true date. NOTE: Some identification will be identification of motifs, definitions of words/terms, etc. Part II: 3 Short Essays, 10 points each. Images for these questions will be taken from the IDs in Part I and from the Context Images. Part III: 2 Short Essays, 15 points each. Images for these questions will be taken from the IDs in Part I and from the Context Images. (note: point distribution may differ slightly on the final version of the exam) EXAM REVIEW: Monday, February 7, 5 p.m. AG 214 (our regular classroom) I will lead this review, but you must study before you come. I will not answer actual factual questions. We will discuss and clarify issues from the study questions on this review. Dome, Florence Cathedral (Duomo) Palazzo Ruccelai Florence, Italy Florence, Italy 1420 1446 Brunelleschi Leon Battista Alberti Palazzo Medici St. Peter’s, plan Florence, Italy Rome, Italy 1444 1547 Bartolomeo Michelangelo St. Peter’s, plan Rome, Italy 1506 Bramante San Andrea, Mantua Mantua, Italy 1471 Leon Battista Alberti Pazzi Chapel Florence, Italy 1441 Brunelleschi Tempietto Rome, Italy 1502 Bramante House of Raphael, also known as Palazzo Caprini Rome, Italy 1512 Bramante Belvedere at the Vatican Rome, Italy 1505 Bramante Campidoglio Laurentian Library, vestibule Rome, Italy Florence, Italy 1537 1524 Michelangelo Michelangelo How is this Mannerist? St. Paul’s Covent Garden London, England 1631 Inigo Jones Queen’s House, Greenwich, England (directly across river from London) 1616 Inigo Jones Place Royale, Place des Vosges Paris, France 1605 Unknown Chambord Loire Valley, France 1519 Unknown Above: Chateau Blois, Staircase by Francis Ist Blois, France 1515 Unknown FYI: Right: the San Giorgio Maggiore American version of the Staircase. Venice, Italy Note it’s a mirror image. 1565 Biltmore Estates, Andrea Palladio designed by Richard Morris Hunt for G.W. Vanderbilt in 1892 Villa Barbaro Maser, Italy in the Veneto 1557 Andrea Palladio Villa Capra (Villa Rotunda) Vicenza, Italy, in the Veneto 1566 Andrea Palladio Palazzo Porto-Breganza 1540 Vicenza, Italy Andrea Palladio Examples of Mannerism from: Palazzo del Te Mantua, Italy 1524 Giulio Romano The Five Roman Orders. Be able to name and draw each of these. Context Images San Giamano, Italy, hill town in the region of Tuscany. Note: This is not a castle fortress; each tower is the residence of a single, wealthy family. The town is surrounded by a defensive wall, and within the walls there is a combination of Dome, Florence Cathedral, single story and two-story residences and shops, along with section cut showing pointed these towers, each the residence of a single, wealthy family. arches and double shell construction. House of Raphael (Palazzo Caprini) Diagram of proportions that regulate the composition of the elevation. Tempietto, plan Villa Saraceno, section and plan Villa Rotunda, section and plan View of a villa in the Veneto. How is this image related to the idea of ‘sacred agriculture’ in our readings? An example of trade during the Renaissance. This one shows the trade of the city of Venice Why are these two images important to the understanding of how the Renaissance occurred? Centers of Learning during the Middle Ages St. Paul’s Covent Garden, showing larger urban plan that was originally intended. Vitruvian Man Place des Vosges, Paris Study Questions: In all of these questions, apply ‘spear’ where appropriate. In addition, compare the images in this review and contemplate of the ways that architectural ideas evolved during the Renaissance. 1. Can you explain the political and economic conditions that allowed the Renaissance to occur? 2. What role did Medieval centers of learning play in the Renaissance? 3. Who was Vitruvius, when did he live, and what is his significance? 4. What is the significance of Da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man”? 5. Why did the Renaissance happen in Italy? 6. Using the images in this review, can you trace and explain the development of the Renaissance Palazzo in Italy? 7. What is the structural and symbolic significance of the Florence Cathedral? 8. Can you name and describe the five ancient building types? 9. What is a precedent? Can you identify precedents for the buildings we studied? 10. Can you ACCURATELY DRAW the five orders and identify the elements that constitute each order? 11. Can you write a formal analysis of the buildings shown in this review? 12. What is the Veneto? What part did it play in the development of the Palladian Villa? 13. What is the significance of the Palladian villa in relation to the ancient villa as described by Pliny? 14. Who was Pliny? 15. What is the symbolic significance of the Villa Capra (Villa Rotunda)? 16. What is the significance of St. Paul’s Covent Garden? 17. What is the significance of the Tempietto? 18. Can you compare Bramante’s plan for St. Peter’s to that of Michelangelo’s? 19. As Renaissance architectural ideas spread to Northern Europe, in what way were they adapted to regional traditions? 20. Brunelleschi, Alberti, Bramante, Micahelangelo -- what is the significance of the order of these names in relation to the Renaissance works that we studied? 21. Can you name, identify, and DRAW the several MOTIFS of classical architecture that we have studied thus far? 22. What is mercantile capitalism? Why was it important to what we have studied thus far? 23. What is Mannerism? Can you define it and give examples? 24. What is “formal analysis”? 25. Regarding the reading on the Renaissance villa, what is the idea of “sacred agriculture” 26. What is the architectural and symbolic significance of Inigo Jones’ St. Paul’s Covent Garden? These are only some of the questions that you should consider as you study. Read your textbook carefully, as well as your class notes, in anticipation of other questions..
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