Pacific Theater of the Cold War 1949 — China Chair: Luyi Peng JHUMUNC 2018

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Pacific Theater of the Cold War 1949 — China Chair: Luyi Peng JHUMUNC 2018

Quadrumvirate: Pacific Theater of the Cold War 1949 — Chair: Luyi Peng JHUMUNC 2018

Quadrumvirate: Pacific Theater of the Cold War- China

Topic A: Defeating the Nationalists and Consolidating a New Communist Government

Topic B: Establishing China’s Place as a Regional Power

Committee Overview four tools listed in order to promptly implement solutions. It is extremely important to remember It is June 1949, and the withdrawal of the that each and every delegate represents a Japanese after World War II has left the fate of character, or historical individual, rather than a China in the balance. The Chinese Communist specific country. Every directive, communiqué, Party under has evolved from press release, and portfolio request must disorganized guerrilla militias into an organized accurately reflect the viewpoints of the character. fighting force capable of turning the tide against Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist Party. The Communist Party must now make the final push Quadrumvirate to gain control of a unified China and defeat the Organization rival Nationalists once and for all. However, even as the end is in sight for a decades-long civil war, China, Japan, South Korea, and USSR will new powers are rising in the region under an even be functioning as a group of four committees, with more precarious conflict: the Cold War. Will interconnected crisis elements, in which all China become one of these new powers, and will debate in the individual committee rooms will it do so with the help of potential Communist impact the other three committees. While there allies in the USSR? Or, as Korea threatens to split are specific concerns that affect each room in half permanently and the Japanese begin to individually and with which delegates must rebuild with the help of the Americans, will the concern themselves, just as important is the new China crack under the pressure of facing too international politicking and debate behind the many rivals at once? Only you, the delegates, will closed doors of the other three committee rooms. decide the fate of China in the Pacific Cold War. Every decision made by each of these Quad committees will impact the other three, making for a multifaceted crisis elements and discussion, Parliamentary Procedure as well as the potential for multilateral agreement and conflict. Standard MUN parliamentary procedure will be adhered to in this committee, but may be altered at the discretion of the chair to reflect the Delegate Biographies current state of the crisis. Delegates in this committee have certain abilities and powers that Zhou Enlai became a Communist in 1920s can greatly affect debate, and subsequently, the when he was studying in France, where he became course of events. This committee will be following an organizer for the CCP abroad after its founding procedures similar to that of the General Assemblies, which includes maintaining a speaker’s list and having moderated and unmoderated caucuses. However, there will be a variety of crises that will require the use of directives, communiqués, press releases, and portfolio requests. The committee may use the


in 1921.1 During the , he rose as a representation purposes. He was a member of the prominent figure in the CCP, and his loyalty to the Politburo as well as an Secretariat in 1949.6 CCP and Mao was unquestioned. Having organized the Nanchang Uprising in 1927 and briefly served as the director of the Central Peng Dehuai became a soldier when he Committee’s military department, Zhou has was seventeen in 1915 and joined the CCP army in military experience. However, his real area of 1928. He is a skilled military leader, having once expertise lies in politics. After the Long March, served under a local warlord and then Chiang Kai- Zhou became the party’s chief negotiator. In face Shek, whom he broke off relations with after the of the Japanese invasion, Zhou practiced generalissimo’s purge of leftists in 1927 from the restraint. When Chiang kai-Shek was captured by KMT.7 Shortly after his split, he began fighting for his dissident commanders, who wanted to the Communists and organizing numerous execute the KMT leader to stop the civil war, Zhou peasant uprisings against the status quo. He later convinced them otherwise. Instead, he negotiated became a senior military commander under Mao. for Nationalist support in fighting the Japanese, When CCP became the dominating party, he and Zhou was vital to the formation of the United became a member of the Politburo in May 1945. Front.2 When the People’s Republic of China was Peng had always been a straightforward, decisive, founded, he was among the twelve members of and coarse military man. He was known for the Politburo, the actual center of power that resisting multiple Mao’s orders and fighting issued order.3 He has his sights set on becoming successful wars under adversity. In broad premier of China. strategic planning, he inclined towards frontal and unexpected attacks regardless opponents’ strength. 8 Liu Shaoqi joined the CCP when he was trained in Moscow in 1921. He was actively involved in underground activities and labour Gao Gang was among the founder of the organizations in early CCP years.4 Liu too is an revolutionary base and a leader of the experienced politician and governor. He has held Northeast region.9 Gao joined the CCP in 1926 multiple important positions in the party, and over the next decade became an integral part including Politburo of the Sixth Central of the Communist guerilla forces in Shaanxi. He Committee member (1934), secretary of the is known for aiding the establishment of a Central Secretariat and vice-chairman of the guerrilla base along the Shaanxi- provincial People’s Revolutionary Military Council (1943), border.10 He was a member of the Politburo, and acting chairman in place of Mao during peace Chairman of the State Planning Commission, the talks with the Nationalists (1945). Liu is military leader and the political commissar of the renowned for his talent as an orator and heavily industrialized Northeast Military Region theoretician. His most famous works include in late 1940s.11 His leadership position also “How to be a Good Communist” (1939), “On brought him into a negotiation with the Soviet Intraparty Struggle” (1941), and “On the Party” (1945).5 He is considered the party’s top theoretician and spokesman for party affairs. His skill may prove useful for propaganda and media

1Wang, Yi Chu. “Sun Yat-Sen.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 13 Oct. 2009, Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 28 Apr. 2017, 8 Domes, Jürgen. Peng Te-huai : the Man and the 2 Ibid Image. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 3 Dietrich, Craig. People's China: A Brief History. 1st 1985, p.5-14. ed. New York: Oxford UP, 1986. Print. 58 9 Teiwes, Frederick C. Politics At Mao's Court : Gao 4 Moise, p81. Gang and Party Factionalism In the Early 1950s. 5North, Robert C. “Liu Shaoqi.” Encyclopædia Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1990, p.35-40. Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 18 July 10The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Gao 2016, Gang.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia 6 Vohra, p187. Britannica, Inc., 26 Feb. 2016, 7The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Peng 11 Dehuai.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Yao, p.215.


because of their occupation of Manchuria.12 Gao 1928. After he returned to China in 1930, he was named one of the six chairmen of the State served as Director of the Propaganda Department Council. of the CPC, Secretary General of the Committee of Newspapers of the Central Committee of the Kavalam Madhava Panikkar Party, and Editor in Chief of CPC’s Newspaper (representing Jawaharlal Nehru) “Red Flag” and Truth. In 1934, he was elected Kavalam Madhava Panikkar was the first member of the CPC Central Committee, and Indian Ambassador in China during Chiang Kai alternative members of the Politburo of CPC. He Shek’s time in 1940s and the first Indian then participated in the Long March and served Ambassador to the PRC.13 His represented India important positions in the Political Department.17 under Jawaharlal Nehru, who held a certain level He is also a skillful negotiator, and his experience of muted admiration for the revolutionary China in politics qualifies him for many roles, one of as it prioritized the need of peasants.14 He is which he is interested in is ambassador and important as a liaison not only between the CPC diplomat. and the Indian government, whose recognition of Communist rule of China would aid in legitimizing the CPC, but also western countries Zhu De is one of China’s greatest military such as the U.S. and Great Britain, which are leaders and the founder of the Communist army. unlikely to come to the negotiating tables by CPC In 1926, he became an officer in the KMT army, request alone. hiding his Communist ideals and affiliations. He participated in the 1927 Nanchang Uprising, an event which marked the birth of the Red Army. Deng Hua joined the CPC in 1927. Having After the uprising was crushed by the KMT, Zhu participated in the Long March, he is considered and his troops fled south, where they joined forces an experienced veteran of the party. During the with Mao and his troops. Together, the two Civil War, he formed the Eastern Task Group and leaders established the Chinese Soviet Republic, had outstanding performance in fighting the KMT which Zhu helped defend with his growing Red in major battles like Pingjin Campaign and taking Army.18 During this time, the two were close, to over Hainan Island.15 Thus, he is well-respected the point where commoners would refer to them for his military genius. Although he aspires to play as “Zhu-Mao,” seeing them as one collective unit a greater role in Chinese political negotiations instead of two separate leaders.19 Zhu’s fighting abroad, he has been described by peers to be style can be characterized as guerilla warfare. He somewhat hot-headed, at least in comparison to preferred to wage wars of attrition against subsets other Communist members such as Zhou Enlai. of the enemy forces instead of large-scale He has been a close associate of Peng Dehuai confrontations and battles. To Zhu, securing the since 1928 and Lin Bao since the early 1940’s.16 countryside and winning over its populace was essential to success—more so than battles to hold large cities. 20 In 1949 Zhu was named Wang Jiaxiang went to Moscow’s Sun Yat- Commander-in-Chief of the People's Liberation Sen University in 1925 and joined CCP there in Army (PLA).

12 Wortzel, Larry M. Dictionary of Contemporary 17 CPC Encyclopedia. "Wang Jiaxiang: 1st Ambassador Chinese Military History. Edited by Robin D. S. of New China." Wang Jiaxiang: 1st Ambassador of Higham, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999,98-99. New China. CPC Encyclopedia, 15 Aug. 2011. Web. 29 13 Lewandowski, Susan. “The Journal of Asian July 2017. Studies.” The Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 38, no. 2, . 18The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Zhu De.” 14 Zachariah, Benjamin. Nehru. London: Routledge, Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, 2004, p.197. Inc., 3 Apr. 2008, 15 Tucker, Spencer. Who's Who in Twentieth Century Warfare. London: Routledge, 2001. Print, p.320. 19 Bianco, Lucien (1957). Origins of the Chinese 16Wilhelm, Alfred D. The Chinese at the Negotiating Revolution, 1915-1949. Stanford Press. p. 64, note 10. Table: Style and Characteristics. Washington, D.C.: 20 Ibid National Defense UP, 1995. 71-72. Google Books. Web. 30 July 2017.


GuangZhou from 1922 to 1923. He was active in Yun many of CPC’s early campaigns like the Nanchang Chen never had a formal education Uprising and the Autumn Harvest Uprising. He growing up. When he was a young man, he went took part in the Long March, while being a into hiding as a union leader with the Communist commandant of the Red Army College. During the underground in the late 1920’s. Unlike many Civil War, Chen fought in the Dabie Mountains other members in this committee, Chen is a leader region, in the important Huai Hai Campaign, and with little military experience. However, he in the city of against KMT. remains a highly influential member. He was elected to the Politburo in 1934, only nine years after joining the party. Highly trusted, Chen was Zhang Wentian was educated in assigned by Communist leadership to help lead University of California, Berkeley and influenced the underground movement in in 1934, by Western education before he joined the CPC which at the time was still held by the KMT. Other in 1925 then attended Sun Yat-Sen University to significant accomplishments of his include his study Marxism. During the early CPC years, trip to Moscow in 1935 with a Communist around 1935, Zhang was one of the four delegation. Chen is remains highly suspicious of Secretariat, tope of the CPC hierarchy, but he Western countries.21 In May 1949, was gradually relinquished his power to Mao from named head of the new national Central Finance 1939. His power decline was obvious as he ranked and Economic Commission. 12th of 13 in the 7th Politburo yet reduced to Alternate Member in the 8th Politburo. He is interested in diplomacy and international affairs. Lin Biao was China’s foremost military and political leader. When the Communists relocated to Shaanxi, Lin became president of the Li Fuchun joined the CPC in 1922 and Red Army Academy, ranking just below remained a supporter of Mao since 1931. In 1937, important military leaders such as Zhu De and he became Central Committee’s Secretary Peng Dehuai. As a good strategist and a decisive General. Later, He was also a member of the military man, he fought many successful battles Politburo of Communist China, which made the against the Japanese and the KMT, thus was actual decisions in China. His service in the honored as one of China’s ten marshals. However, Political Department characterized his career.23 in 1938 he was wounded in battle, and he spent He mainly dealt with information flow, the next three years recovering in the Soviet organizational issues, and economic planning.24 Union. When war with Japan ended in 1945, he was elected to the 44-member Central Ni Zhiliang Committee. After civil resumed, he returned to Ni Zhiliang was a PRC diplomat and PLA the battlefield, scoring a pivotal victory against lieutenant general. Having Graduated from the Nationalists when he secured all of Manchuria Whampoa Military and participated in the Long under Communist control. His forces were largely March, Ni was a senior PLA officer, Deputy responsible for the fall of Beijing in January of Chancellor of the Military and Political Academy 1949.22 of the Central-South China Military Region and Deputy Commander of the Garrison Command. However, Ni recognizes the Cheng Geng attended the famous importance of diplomacy as part of military Whampoa (or HuangPu) military Academy in conflict, and he is interested in positions such as

21Wudunn, Sheryl. “Chen Yun, a Chinese Communist 23 Huang, Jing. Factionalism in Chinese Communist Patriarch Who Helped Slow Reforms, Is Dead at 89.” Politics. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge UP, 2000. The New York Times, The New York Times, 10 Apr. Print, p.124. 1995, 24 Guo, Zheng. "Li Fuchun (李富春)." 李富春. The Central People's Government of the People's Republic a-chinese-communist-patriarch-who-helped-slow- of China, 16 Aug. 2008. Web. 29 July 2017. reforms-is-dead-at-89.html?pagewanted=all. . Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 18 July 2016,


ambassador.25 secretary of South-western China Bureau in Chongqing in 1949. Aside from his nominal military command position, he was heavily Hong Xuezhi was an important figure in interested in the land reformation, and territory the PLA. His early military experience is obscure reorganization, setting his eyes on becoming but by 1945, Hong became the chief of staff of the minister of finance.28 Third Division, New Fourth Army, which was active in the Dabie Mountain region. During the Civil War, Hong was deputy commander of the Ren Bishi had been a member of the CPC 15th Army and political commissar of the 16th ever since 1922. Having been through the Long Army. He was experienced in directing the March and multiple early revolutions, He was logistics of war. 26 elected to the Politburo after the 7th National Party Congress and to the Secretariat of the Communist Party of China in 1945.29 He was an Su Yu joined the CPC in 1926. Having important figure in the Communist Party. He was participated in the Agrarian Revolutionary War, more involved in the economic and land reform, Anti-Japanese War, and the Civil War as the and died soon after the breakout of the Korean deputy commander of the East China Command, War. However, he was involved in he was an extremely experienced military man. communicating with Soviet about their assistance He was known for his clever strategies in the Civil to Chinese heavy industry.30 War in Huai Hai Campaign and Menglianggu Campaign, in which he destroyed the elite KMT’S 74th Division. In Huai Hai Campaign, his army Having been educated in Japan and alone destroyed four Nationalist armies. Towards Moscow, he was a founding member of CPC and the end of Civil War, he became the commander represented Wuhan in the First National People’s of the Northeast Border Defense Army, which Congress. He was more involved with the political later became part of the PVA. Chairman Mao side as well as the party affairs as a member of the initially considered him to be the commander of Politburo since 1945 and the president of the PVA, yet his illness made him unable to accept the Central Party School of the CPC in since appointment. 27 1932. He also represented CPC in important events, for example, negotiation with KMT after anti-Japanese War and signing the United Deng Xiaoping was one of the early Nations Charter.31 founders of the Chinese Youth Communist Party when he was working and studying in France. Peng Zhen Having been through major Communist activities Peng Zhen rose to power and became a like underground political work in Shanghai, member of the Politburo in the Communist Guangxi Uprisings, the Long March, and Party’s 7th National Congress in 1945.32 On the liberation of his home province, , Deng same year, the party also organized the North was the political commissar of the 2nd Field Army East Bureau (NEB), in which Peng was supposed during the Civil War and was appointed the first to lead the mission of liberating and rebuilding

25 Tsui, Chak Wing David. China's Military 30 Meyer, David A., Megha Ram, and Laura Wilke. Intervention in Korea: Its Origins and Objectives. "Circulation Of The Elite In The Chinese Communist United States, Trafford , 2015. Print. Party." Journal of East Asian Studies 16.01 (2016): 26 Wortzel and Higham, 111. 147-84. Web. 27 Li, Xiaobing. China at War: An Encyclopedia. 31 Liu, Qian. "Dong Biwu Biography (董必武生平)." Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-Clio, 2012. Print, p.429- Communist Party of China News (中国共产党新闻). 430. People (人民网), n.d. Web. 29 July 2017. 28 Dillon, Michael. Deng Xiaoping: The Man Who . &Ltd, 2015. Print, 103-105. 32 Chung,Yen-lin. “The Relationship between Zhou 29 (People's Republic of China Country History Enlai and Peng Zhen (1928-1976) 周恩来与彭真关系 Encyclopedia (1940-1999)中华人民共和国国史百科全 之研究 (1928-1976)”, Institute of Modern History 书(1949-1999)). Beijing: Encyclopedia of China Academia Sinica Bulletin (42),2014 November , House (中国大百科全书出版社), 1999. Print. p.261-302..


Northeast China.33 However, he was excluded by China had been ruled by emperors, and his colleague and went back to Beijing in 1947. As Chinese history had been divided into time true to the roots of socialism, Peng strongly periods called, “dynasties,” referring to the ruling believes in the importance of the common people. families until the Xinhai Revolution in 1912. To him, local governance is just as important as Towards the end of the , the empire national governance, for the microcosm makes up began to decline. The central government the macrocosm. He is happy to serve and actually gradually lost its power and wealth to local prefers positions such as mayor or municipal administrators,35 leading to rebellions like the politician over Politiburo member. Taiping Rebellion from 1848 to 1865.36 At the same time, the Qing policy of isolationism began to falter when it faced imperialist military Li Bai joined Chinese Red Army in 1930 aggression. Beginning with the Opium War and became a wireless technologist. During the (1839-1842) with Britain, the Qing experienced Anti-Japanese War, he was sent to Shanghai to set horrible defeats to Britain, France (1883-85), up a secret radio station. When the war ended, he Japan (1894-95), and the Eight Nation Alliance was hired by KMT. However, his actual identity (1900-1901)37. These defeats made the Qing was a CPC spy. He was sending large amount of Dynasty adopt drastic western industrialization, KMT information, including KMT’s whole military modernization, and constitutionalism.38 defence line across the Yangzi River, to the CPC Despite this effort to strengthen China, these until he was arrested by KMT’s secret intelligence. reforms only weakened Qing’s position and Although, according to newspapers, he was exacerbated conflicts between the loyalists and executed on May 7th, 1949 by the KMT34, this is the revolutionaries, an action that led to actually a cover up to prevent further breakouts of revolutions.39 Eventually, the Xinhai embarrassment for the Nationalists. Li has Revolution forced the Qing or Manchu emperor to actually escaped and returned to the Communists abdicate on February 12, 1912,4041 and establish with valuable information about the enemy. the first Republic of China, one that would be fraught with internal conflicts and regional warlordism.4243 Topic A: Defeating the Nationalists and History of Conflicts between and Communist Party of China before Consolidating a New WWII Communist Government A leading figure among the Xinhai revolution was philosopher Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Sun’s vision for a modern China called the “Three Historical Background Principles of the People: nationalism, democracy, and people’s livelihood” was widely popular. He Beginning of Modern Chinese History was a leader of the Revolutionary Alliance that

33 Chung, Yen-lin. “Peng Zhen’s Role in the Disputes Des Boxeraufstands. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags- of the Northeast Bureau of the CCP and His Anstalt, 2001. Print. Subsequent Relationship with Gao Gang, Lin Biao, 38 Edwin. 41 and Chen Yun, 1945-1997(彭真和中共东北局争论)”, 39 Esherick, Joseph, and C. X. George Wei. Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica Bulletin Introduction. China: How the Empire Fell. London: (91),2016 March, p.99-151. Routledge, 2014. 4. Print. 34 Xu, Yan. "Li Bai: The Eternal Electric Wave (李白: 40 Rowe. 37 永不消逝的电波)." People's Daily(人民网). People's 41 Li, Xiaobing. A History of the Modern Chinese Daily (人民网), 05 June 2001. Web. 29 July 2017. Army. University Press of Kentucky. 2007.13, 26–27. . Understanding the Inscrutable Chinese. Singapore, 35 Moise, Edwin E. Modern China: A History. Essex: World Scientific Publishing Co., 2005. Addison Wesley Longman, 1994. 32.Print. 43“The Chinese Revolution of 1911.” U.S. Department 36 Rowe, David Nelson. "The Decay of Imperial of State, U.S. Department of State, China." Modern China: A Brief History. Prince, NJ: VanNosyt, 1959. 23. Print. 37 Preston, Diana. Rebellion in Peking: Die Geschichte


helped topple the Qing Empire. However, this (1926-1928), a military campaign to consolidate alliance was composed of numerous groups control over China.53 bound loosely together by an anti-imperialist Tensions boiled over to the point of civil ideology, and once the common enemy of the war between the KMT and CPC, marked by the Qing empire was eliminated, they fell into conflict Nanchang uprising on August 1st, 1927. The with each other.44 Sun served as the first urban uprisings were terrible failures, for the CPC provisional president of the Republic of China lacked trained soldiers, and CPC activities were from 1911-1912 before he resigned, and driven to rural areas.54 Despite this, the persistent representatives elected Yuan Shikai as his CPC was able to recuperate and spread its successor.45 Yuan soon declared himself the holdings. On November 7th, 1931, the Soviet emperor, further disintegrating China and Republic of China was proclaimed,55 with a marking the beginning of the warlord period.46 population of 10 million people and its During this turbulent time period, the Chinese headquarters set up in the , Jiangxi Nationalist Party (or Kuomintang, KMT) was Province.56 However, this location would not be reorganized by Sun while the rival Communist permanent as Chiang Kai-shek would wage his Party of China (CPC) was formally established. last anti-Communist campaign in 1933 before 4748 Sun died in 1925 and the KMT leadership was Japan officially invaded. In what is called the gradually passed to generalissimo Chiang Kai- “Long March,” 200,000 Communists—including shek.49 He led the KMT to reoccupy Beijing in Mao Zedong—relocated their headquarters in the June 1928,50 thus ending the warlord period and Northern province to escape the unifying China.51 Nationalist Army by hiding in the countryside. However, as he gained power, Chiang still had to The march took a year, from 1934-1935, and the face another growing threat, the CPC, particularly Communists trekked some of China’s most the Red Army led by Mao Zedong and Zhu De.52 difficult terrain, losing 90% of their members Although the CPC and the KMT made an alliance during it. However, the march solidified Mao in 1924, the relationship between the CPC and the Zedong’s position as primary leader of the CPC, KMT deteriorated under Chiang Kai-shek. and people hailed the survivors as the “Heroes of Politically, the KMT began to suppress the CPC China,” inspiring myriad peasants to join the and even drive them underground. A breaking Communist effort.5758 However, the Long March point came in on April 12th of 1927, the date of the to the northern province Shaanxi also brought the Shanghai Massacre, in which KMT elements CPC closer to the Japanese invading in violently purged CPC organizations in Shanghai Manchuria. as part of Chiang Kai-shek’s Northern Expedition

44 Ibid 45Wang, Yi Chu. “Sun Yat-Sen.” Encyclopædia -massacre/. Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 28 Apr. 54 Moise. 64 2017, 55The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Chinese 46 Moise. 46 Communist Party (CCP).” Encyclopædia Britannica, 47 "Party's History." Kuomintang Official Webstie. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 18 July 2016, Chinese Nationalist Party, n.d. Web. 17 June 2017. . 56 Chang, Jung, and Jon Halliday. Mao : the 48 Vohra, Ranbir. China's Path to Modernization: A Unknown Story. 1st American ed. New York: Knopf, Historical Review from 1800 to the Present. 2nd ed. 2005. 100 Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000. 57 Russon, Mary-Ann. "Today in History: The Long 122.Print. March of the Red Army in China." 49The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Chiang International Business Times UK. IBTimes Co., Ltd., Kai-Shek.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia 16 Oct. 2014. Web. 04 Nov. Britannica, Inc., 20 July 2016, 2017. 50 Vohra. 133 58"China Profile- Timeline." BBC News. BBC, 24 Oct. 51 Ibid 2017. Web. 04 Nov. 2017. 52 Ibid. 137 . 53G. Kucha & J. Llewellyn, “The Shanghai Massacre”, Alpha History, accessed 04 Nov. 2017,


World War II and Japanese Occupation Nationalists Amidst the backdrop of Chinese infighting, the Japanese army was gaining more and Securing Control of and more territory in during Key Locations World War II (WWII). Starting from Manchuria The primary goal of this committee is to and moving southwards, Japan penetrated ensure the complete Communist takeover of deeper into China. Japanese invasion and China, and in order to do so, it is necessary to occupation posed a common enemy to both the drive Chiang Kai-shek and his army out of the Communists and Nationalists, forcing Chiang mainland. As stated before, the KMT has been Kai-shek to come to the negotiating table and considering as a possible retreat location, forcing a temporary pause to the civil war. From so it’s up to this committee to push them into exile 1936 to 1945, the CPC and the KMT banded there. together in the , Chiang Kai-shek is a trained military understanding that the ceasefire would only last commander, having headed the renown as long as the Japanese threat existed.59 In the Whampoa Military Academy and served in the early stages, the collaboration was ill; while the armies of multiple countries, such as Japan. KMT was fighting the Japanese army, the Although the KMT has been losing numerous Communists were busy sabotaging and battles lately, it’s important not to underestimate expanding their territory, which they called the enemy. After all, Chiang Kai-shek nearly “liberated areas.”60 In the War of Resistance annihilated the Communists in the takeover of Against Japanese, the CPC made contributions in Jiangxi and subsequent long march. “Operation 100 Regiments,” in which Peng However, the People’s Liberation Army Dehuai participated without consulting Mao, and (renamed from Red Army after WWII) has proven the guerilla warfare between 1940 to 1943,61 when itself to pose a formidable threat. The guerrilla the Japanese were enforcing the “Three All warfare tactics used against the Japanese and in Policy” of “kill all, burn all, loot all”.62 From 1937 the civil war so far have proven to be effective. The to 1945, the CPC had expanded in both territory People’s Liberation Army (PLA) have operated in to north and central china as well as membership accordance with Mao’s Ten Principles of War, to 1.2 million in 1945.63 With Japan’s defeat and which are the following: the termination of WWII, internal strife arose 1. Attack isolated enemy forces first, attack again, and the civil war resumed in 1947 after strong enemy forces later. brief American intervention by General George 2. Take towns and rural areas first, take big cities Marshall.64 later. 3. Wiping out the enemy's strength is the main Post-WWII Resumption of the Civil War objective, not seizing territory. The CPC and its Red Army won a series of 4. Only attack enemy forces that can be battles, slowly but surely inching towards Beijing. completely overcome. By 1947, Chiang Kai-shek and the KMT were 5. Fight no battle you are not sure of winning. already discussing Taiwan, an island off the coast 6. Have courage in battle and no fear of sacrifice of southern China, as a possible point of retreat or fatigue. should the Communists take over the mainland.65 7. Attack the enemy when he is on the move. Although the Nationalists received foreign aid 8. In cities, seize all weakly defended from the United States as part of its agenda to battlements. Wait before attacking strong contain the spread of Communism, this support enemy lines. ultimately proved useless against deterring the 9. Use captured arms and personnel to encroach of the Communists. reinforce. 10. Rest, train and consolidate in short intervals. Next Steps in Defeating the The enemy should be permitted scant

59 Moise. 85. 62 Fairbank, J. K.; Goldman, M. (2006). China: A 60 Chang and Halliday, 221. New History (2nd ed.). Harvard University Press. p. 61 320. ISBN 9780674018280. 63 Vohra. 174. ected-works/volume-2/mswv2_06.htm 64 Ibid.179. 65 Ibid


breathing space.66 China for the Communists against the Although Mao never had the extensive military Nationalists background of Chiang Kai-shek, there are other Communism strives to serve the working CPC leaders, such as Zhu De,67 who have had class, commoners, and peasants that have long formal training. Given this, it’s safe to say that the been oppressed by the status quo. China is still an PLA is relatively well-organized and has officers agrarian society, and most Chinese belong to equal in skill to Chiang Kai-shek’s leaders. these lower-rungs of society. By this logic, the Additionally, during the Japanese threat, the CPC CPC has sheer numbers on its side. However, in received American military tutelage for a year in order to maintain this revolution, this committee . American officers, feeling reassured of must see that popular support for the civil war the relative lack of Soviet representatives there remains strong and increases. and underestimating Communist aspirations, There are two components to achieving this goal: instructed the Communists on strategy and eroding trust in the KMT and earning the loyalty weaponry (Williams, 1:25:54).68 Communist of China’s masses. The former has been largely military might has been assessed and accomplished by the KMT itself. In the , acknowledged by the world superpower, which Chiang kai-Shek’s initial policy of eradicating the should encourage delegates to pour their Communists before addressing the Japanese resources and energy into making this final threat, dependence on Japanese investment, and stretch. declaration of war against Japan made the KMT Shaanxi is located in the northwest highly unpopular amongst the popular masses interior of China. It’s from this base that the and played right into the hands of the CCP.69 In Communists have been expanding their addition to foreign policy failures, the KMT has territorial holdings. Obviously, in order to win solidified its control by using nefarious methods, this war, it’s necessary to secure key locations in such as partnering with Shanghai gangsters such China. Although the Nationalists originally had as the Green Gang, mismanaged the economy into the benefit of control over cities—which have the hyperinflation, and turned Chiang Kai-shek into a resources necessary for sustained warfare—at this dictator.70 While this has benefitted the CPC point in the conflict, the Communists have taken platform greatly, delegates should consider other Beijing. Beijing is the most important city in tactics this committee can use to further cement northern China, for it is the current capital of the public distrust in the KMT, as there are still plenty Republic of China, the Nationalists government of Nationalist supporters in China. seat. Geographically, it is situated just a little It’s not enough to show the Chinese why inland of the coast of the Pacific Ocean, and the the KMT is a poor choice for China. Rather, this Port of Tianjin (fmr. Port of Tanggu) provides a committee must strive to further convince the maritime gateway into Beijing. The importance of masses that the CPC can steer China down the controlling waterways cannot be underestimated, right path towards national strength and for it’s through these channels that cargo—such as modernization. During the second Sino-Japanese supplies, medicine, and weaponry—can reach War (1937-1945), the CPC used anti-Japanese troops most effectively and cost-efficiently. Other nationalism to gain the support of those important Chinese cities include , disillusioned with the KMT’s policy of non- Shanghai, and Chongqing. However, because aggression with Japan. Other than fostering Shanghai is further south than the other two, it nationalism, the CPC implemented moderate may be harder to take over since it’s farther away land reform policies that confiscated land from and closer to the Nationalists. landlords and wealthy peasants and distribute them among the poor—a policy which proved Gaining the Support of the Population of advantageous.71 Occasionally, such actions have

66"Red Red Army." The Economist. The Economist 69 Selden, Mark. The Yenan Way in Revolutionary Newspaper, 27 Feb. 2015. Web. 04 Nov. China. Harvard University Press, 1974. 2017.. Britannica, Inc., 20 July 2016, 67LOC. CIT 68Williams, Sue, director. China, Century of 71Munro, Ross H. “China Is Still Stigmatizing ‘Rich Revolution. PBS, 2002. Peasants’ of the 1940's.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 13 Oct. 1977,


been accompanied by public humiliation or even support the CPC off of its promise to improve shaming of the wealthy and elites. This group of their lives—could lead to dissent and rebellion. people may prove as a valuable scapegoat for Internal fighting and rebellion must be avoided at Chinese peasants to direct their frustrations all costs, for they would only weaken the towards. On the other hand, in the cities, the monolithic force that is the Chinese Communists Communists have been successful in recruiting and drive up expenditures, since the Red Army students and intellectuals with their ideology. would have to fight the KMT and suppress revolts 72Delegates should keep this in mind as they on both sides. Land reform policies enacted so far formulate strategies to turning the masses against have transferred power away from wealthy the Nationalists and their supporters. landlords and peasants, and since the elites are our scapegoats, one possibility this committee can Balancing Military and Economic pursue is to increase taxes on this group. Now that Resources while Pursuing the Nationalists the Red Army has also captured Beijing, taxing In order to prevail in this war and bring urban residents may be useful as well. this bloody chapter of Chinese history to a close, What matters more than how much land the CPC must have the resources necessary to the CPC holds is how it uses it. Any urban areas maintain and push through the last military held by the Red Army must be exploited to its full efforts to expel the Nationalists from the usage. A special point of interest this committee mainland. This means managing economic should consider is Manchuria. Manchuria was resources. Because the KMT began to run out of crucial for the Japanese conquest of Asia, and resources, it began to lose territory. If the same Japan heavily invested in and developed were to happen to the Red Army, it would spell Manchuria. Manchuria is rich in natural disaster for the CPC and destroy its fighting resources, being one of the largest iron and steel chance. centers of Asia from 1932 to 1944.74 Iron ore and The most expensive factor in winning a its processed form, steel, are crucial to war is weaponry. Luckily, the Soviet Union has industrialization and military activities. They can been providing the CPC with support in the civil be used in military weaponry and machinery, they war, handing over confiscated Japanese can be used to built railway and increase weaponry from WWII. Allegedly, the Soviet transportation and troop mobility, and they can Union has given the Chinese Communists be exploited as an economic resource to fund war upwards of 700,000 rifles, 12,000-14,000 efforts. In addition to mineral resources, machine guns, 4,000 artillery pieces, 600 tanks, Manchuria has sufficient coal resources for and 679 ammunition stockpiles.73 With this influx industrial activity too. It’s no secret why the of arms, the CPC has been able to lower military Japanese army and Chiang Kai-Shek saw expenditure and advance against KMT forces Manchuria as a strategic advantage. Now that the faster than expected, but this committee cannot Communist forces control this vast region75, this simply depend on foreign ammunitions committee must see that it is used to its full donations. Although the Soviet Union’s support is advantage in the context of winning this war. important, this committee should brainstorm independent cost-effective ways to continue the Trying to Form a New war effort and boost the Red Army’s strength. Communist Government in The majority of CPC-controlled areas are rural lands. Most Chinese peasants are relatively Control of China poor, so taxation policy must be juggled carefully. Determining the Power Structure of the While the CPC needs a source of revenue to fund Communist Government the war effort, overtaxing the already displeased Once the CPC ousts the KMT and solidifies Chinese peasants—many of whom came to 74 Rodgers, Allan. "The Manchurian Iron and Steel still-stigmatizing-rich-peasants-of-the-1940s.html. Industry and Its Resource Base." Geographical 72 Chen, Yongfa. Seventy Years of Chinese Communist Review 38.1 (1948): 41. JSTOR [JSTOR]. Web. Revolution (中国共产党七十年). Lian Jing, Taipei, 75Dull, Jack L., and Cheng-Siang Chen. “War between 1998. Nationalists and Communists.” Encyclopædia 73Tanner, Harold Miles. The Battle for Manchuria Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 3 Nov. and the Fate of China: Siping, 1946. Bloomington: 2017, Indiana UP, 2013. Print. between-Nationalists-and-communists.


its control over mainland China, it must declare provided a means for the CPC central authorities and set up an official government. Since this to execute whatever policies they adopted, while committee is pushing towards complete giving a voice to locals. As this committee creates Communist takeover as quickly as possible, it a new China, it should consider how much it must also determine what the future power wants to model its new government off of that of structure of the government will entail. The CPC the Chinese Soviet Republic. However, many of had a prototype rule in the Chinese Soviet these policies were scrapped with the onset of Republic, where a governing system modeled off Japanese invasion in order to forge a larger of that of the Soviet Union was established. coalition. Soviets had power taken away from Although it is fairly evident that the them, and non-Communist adherents were given government should be headed by a secular leader more voice. One of the reasons the Chinese Soviet to serve as president or prime minister, this Republic failed was that the CPC was unable to committee should consider the structure of the effectively govern such vast territories of rural government below this head. While several area, which it was accumulating rapidly against Western countries have a system of checks and the Nationalists. As this committee hammers out balances in the form of loosely dependent the structure for a new China, it must discuss how executive, legislative, and judicial branches, this it can improve upon the model it once had. may be impractical if the CPC wishes to solidify its Questions such as the degree of local rule and control over all of China, which has historically commoner say, typically in the form of voting always been mired in local warlordism and rights, should be posed and debated. autonomy. Given this, allowing too much voter freedom for federal politicians could be Setting Priorities for the Government dangerous. If ousting the Nationalists is this (economic, military, diplomatic, political, committee’s goal, then whichever government etc.) structure is adopted must ensure that it is Economic turmoil has contributed to virtually impossible for dangerous dissidents and rebellions and revolutions around the world, so loyal Nationalists to gain seats in any legislative it’s imperative that the government adopt policies body. that bring economic stability and prosperity. In In terms of a judicial system, in order to order to simultaneously maintain internal control ensure stability, an independent judiciary may over China and repel invaders, China must not be practical for China. The CPC’s goal is to industrialize. How it should do so is a question ensure its dominion over the country and provide this committee must seriously consider. The a better future for the Chinese people. An typical model for industrialization of countries is independent judicial system can create a process of gradual accumulation of capital and bureaucracy and deadlock, neither of which purchase of heavy machinery.77 This model has benefit the development of the country. Thus, this proven to be relatively successful, but in a rapidly committee’s members should think of ways to changing world, and with such a large gap create a system of courts and prosecutors that are between China and the other global superpowers, both qualified but also reflect CPC values. it may be prove to be a bit too slow. This However, questions about governance on committee could look towards the Soviet model, smaller scales cannot be ignored. The Chinese which primarily focuses on the conversion of Soviet Republic Constitution of 1931 established capital gained from the sale of agricultural four levels of local governance in descending products into heavy machinery.78 When order of power: province, county, district, and formulating an economic development plan, township. At the township level, eligible voters consider various factors such as China’s large were allowed to elect a representative body called population, which could prove to be a large soviet, whose members then elected a five to manufacturing labor force, agricultural struggles, seven member presidium or township executive and technology. committee, headed by a chairman and vice- With tensions rising between US and chairman.76 This hierarchical, organized structure USSR satellites, this committee should prepare

76Zhong, Yang. "Local Government in CCP-controlled 77The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Great Areas." Local Government and Politics in China: Leap Forward.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Challenges from below. Armonk (N.Y.): M.E. Sharpe, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 20 July 2016, 2003. N. pag. Print. 78 Ibid


for the possibility of warfare throughout Asia. If and Dalian in the Liaodong Peninsula to the this government wishes to be a major player in the Russian seaport of Vladivostok. The Liaodong socialist bloc, then it might be expected to Peninsula was seized by the Russians at the end of contribute to transnational military efforts should the 19th century and then exploited by Japan they arise. On top of that is the necessity for self- during the invasion of Manchuria and subsequent defense. The first matter on this topic should be puppet regime of Manchukuo. In August of 1945, the formalization of a largely guerilla-militia PLA the Chinese Nationalists and USSR signed a into a formal military. For example, delegates treaty that stipulated that both parties would have should discuss organization for armoured troops, joint control over the railway.80 However, the air defence troops, public security forces, and future of this railway remains unknown with the worker–soldier militias. prospects of likely Chinese Communist takeover. While it’s important to improve traditional army The USSR may agree to joint ownership with the and naval strength, this committee cannot forget CPC, or it may use the fragility of a newly- the new, deadly technology that has been established government to attempt to demand developed in the past decade. Since the U.S. pull control over it again. The railway holds dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and significant economic importance, which makes it Nagasaki, nuclear war has been a threat lurking an important diplomatic tool. the backdrop of all international conflicts. At the same time, the United States is Although the International Atomic Energy another power that cannot be ignored. The US Agency (IAEA) has been established to prevent aims to shape the new China into US’s friend, if such escalation, paper treaties ultimately do little not ally, without massive input like fighting to prevent annihilation. Currently, the only another war. Therefore, for the delegates, it is country in the world that has the capability to very important to work on two ends, minimizing detonate this weapon of mass destruction is the US’s aid to KMT while maximizing USSR’s US, although the USSR is supposedly secretly supplies to CPC. developing its own atomic project.79 The paradox of nuclear war is that the more nuclear weapons Consolidating Communist Ideology and one state power has, the less willing a rival power Media/Self-Representation is willing to wield its own. This committee should In order to usher in a new age for China, consider whether China will seek to develop the new government must have a solid vision of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons as a possible its ideology and path for China. Originally, the deterrent against foreign powers. party started off as a small network of elite In order to be considered a legitimate intellectuals that attempted to win over the urban government, it is necessary to have international proletariat, but after the KMT purges and CPC recognition and acceptance. As the world gears up headquarters relocation, it expanded its base to with the onset of the Cold War, it’s imperative that include peasants and commoners.81 Members of this committee establish foreign alliances quickly. this committee should see that they are in The first state to extend the diplomatic hand is the agreement with its intended audience among Soviet Union (USSR). On a fundamental level, other goals. both the CPC and USSR trace their roots back to Once this committee has a detailed image the same Marxist-Leninist ideology. As countries of the official CPC, it should attempt to categorize themselves as “capitalist” or “socialist,” consolidate its own self-representation and win it would be logical for this committee to align over the hearts and minds of the Chinese masses itself into the Soviet satellite sphere. A robust with this vision. An effective means of alliance could provide benefits militarily, consolidating a positive image for itself is through politically, and economically. media control. Propaganda is a powerful tool, and However, it would be naive to assume that such a it’s been employed by the KMT in the past. During friendship would be immune to conflict. One WWII, the KMT would issue anti-propaganda potential point of contention is the South posters against both Communists and the Manchurian Railway, which connects Port Arthur

79“Atomic Diplomacy.” U.S. Department of State, U.S. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 7 Feb. 2011, Department of State, Railway. 80The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “South 81 Ibid Manchurian Railway.” Encyclopædia Britannica,


Japanese invaders alike.82 Now that the CPC has captured Beijing and become more official, it would not be unreasonable for this committee to adopt the same methods once used against them. Through propaganda, this government can ensure the image it wants to paint for itself will be transmitted throughout the country. Topic B: Establishing Next, this committee should consider the means by which it will spread its message and China’s Place as a Regional consolidate its media representation. China is Power vastly underdeveloped, so any ambitions to use means such as television or film are unreasonable as of now. However, the CPC does possess a radio Note to Delegates: Topic 1 must be station that it can use to its full advantage. The completed before moving on to Topic 2. Shangbei Xinhua Broadcasting Station, formerly known as the New China Radio, was set up in Introduction 1940 and is the first radio broadcasting station of After establishing the CPC as the 83 the CPC. Although telecommunications in the legitimate government of China, it is time for countryside is still underdeveloped as of now, if China to expand its power and influence in the China is to transform into an agrarian to an Pacific region. Many nations in the region are still industrialized country, then developing such recovering from the military and political effects technologies is necessary. This committee should of World War II, so there is a plethora of nations brainstorm ideas into how to most effectively use trying to establish preponderance. It is imperative existing and developing technologies to its for China to become the hegemon. advantage.

Questions to Consider Ways of Establishing Power 1. What strategies will you use to Typically a nation can gain power through eliminate the Nationalist threat? armament, military expansion, alliances, economic strength, political ideology, and 2. What are your priorities in establishing culture. China can use both hard and soft power and consolidating a Communist to rise in the Pacific. Hard power is the ability to government? coerce a nation to do something it would not typically do. Examples of hard power are war and 3. Which countries will you focus on when economic sanctions. Soft power, on the other establishing foreign relations? hand, is the ability to persuade or attract a nation. Examples of soft power are healthcare 4. How do you keep the military and institutions and universities. Soft power is helpful defense of China strong even while the in establishing influence in the region. In a similar war winds down? way that you convinced Chinese citizens to adopt Communism, a combination of hard and soft power can be used to convince citizens of other nations to become Communist.

Other Nations and Powers

Other nations will be trying to establish regional preponderancy as well, while other nations will be attempting regain control after a World War. These nations will be much easier to

82“Japanese Occupation (1937-1945).” Millions of 83Miller, Toby (2003). Television: Critical Concepts People All of One Mind Vow to Exterminate the in Media and Cultural Studies. Routledge Publishing. Japanese Enemy, 16 Dec. 2016,


dominate or influence. The future goals of a competitor being the United States. The Soviet nation largely depend on how it fared following sphere of influence spreads far across Eastern World War II. The so-called “winners” (USSR for Europe and into Asia. They support the example) will be seeking supremacy, while the communists in the ongoing , “losers” (Japan for example) will be trying to having ensured them the territory of Manchuria stabilize and recover from the war. and many of its resources88. Although they Alliances are a great way to balance other support the communists, a fully independent countries’ powers. Balance of power is the process Communist China would surely not be ideal for in which independent states, seeking to preserve them. The Soviet Union is immensely powerful their security in an environment of anarchy, and seeks to expand its power further, so they will combine in ways to ensure that no one state or undoubtedly try to make the Chinese group of states emerges preponderant. If Country Communists subservient to themselves. The A is gaining power, Countries B and C will ally in overall goal of the Soviet is to counter the order to counter A. If Country C gains too much American influence in East Asia by installing a power, balance of power says that Country B strong Communist regime in China. While the should leave its current alliance and ally with A.84 CPC is seeking Soviet’s help to consolidate their This is the ideal scenario to maintain the balance, stand in mainland, Soviet will be carefully but as political scientist John Mearshimer stated, balancing their input without direct a weaker country should not oppose a more confrontation with the US. powerful country for its own security and survival.85 The safest thing to do is to either ally or State of Japan completely be absorbed by the hegemon. So the Since the late nineteenth century, China more powerful China becomes, the harder it is for has had a tense relationship with Japan to say the them to resist your demands. With this said, least. Industrialization and expansion during alliances are still a vital tool in foreign affairs, but Meiji Japan (1868-1912) led Japan to challenge remember to think about the true intentions of the regional hegemony of China. The first Sino- your allies. If you would like to meet with a Japanese war (1894-1895) resulted in a delegate from another committee to discuss humiliating defeat of the Qing Empire, in which alliances, etc., write a note to the crisis team. China was forced to give up Taiwan to Japan. During the early twentieth century, Japan pushed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics its economic and territorial claims in China. To The Soviet Union has been a supporter of name a few, China was forced to accept Japanese the , but it has shown economic claims in Shandong and Manchuria, that it will not hesitate to cast them aside in order accept unfair trade treaties, and allow Japanese to pursue its own interests. The Soviets took garrisons to station themselves in Jinan and control of the lands of Mongolia and Tannu Tuva Qingdao.89 During the second Sino-Japanese war without consulting China, expanding Soviet (1937-1945), Japan committed several war crimes power at the expense of Chinese86. They also against the Chinese, namely the Nanking pressured the Chinese Communists to join the Massacre and human experimentation in Unit KMT in the hopes that a more unified China could 731. Post-WWII, Japan changed drastically under better protect from other imperialist influences, the Allied Occupation, which stripped the advancing Soviet interests87. Despite suffering Japanese state of de facto rule. The Supreme enormous losses during World War II, the post- Commander for Allied Powers (SCAP), led by war Soviet Union stood as one of the most General Macarthur, occupied the nation. There powerful nations on the planet, with its only real are two phases for American Occupation in

84 Stephen David, “Contemporary International 88 “The Chinese Revolution of 1949” Office of the Politics” Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. Historian, Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public 2017. Affairs United States Department of State, 85 Ibid. Boundary Disputes. (New York:Praeger Publisher, 1990), 82 89Spence, Jonathan Dermot. The Search for Modern 87 China. Third ed., Norton, 2013. nce1917/ch9.html


Japan, the first is the Radial Stage from 1945 to communists fighting. 1947. During that period, the Allied Occupation imposed military, economic, political, and social Republic of China (exiled to Taiwan) reforms. The country lost its military capabilities, Finally, aside from the major powers, the and many high ranking officials were put on trial delegates cannot forget about the KMT, who are for war crimes—with the notable exception of looking to retreat to Taiwan. Although a complete Emperor Hirohito, who was left in power as a comeback of KMT seems unlikely at this point, figurehead to control the masses. The country was the delegates can still decide whether to prioritize forced to return all of its wartime annexations and occupying Taiwan or consolidating the defence in paid reparations to the Allies. 90 Furthermore, the Southern China. In order to occupy Taiwan across purge also extended to decentralize political and the strait, several important port cities and economic power by dismantling zaibatsu, which islands have to be taken to push the front line are major corporations so powerful that they closer to Taiwan. Kinmen will be critical island to control major significant parts of Japanese be considered if the delegates choose to prioritize economy. Following these radical changes, the US Taiwan. However, the delegates should note that then focused on democratization and reviving the the newly founded Republic of China does not economy. 91 have any fleet or marine force. 93

Republic of Korea Prior to the first Sino-Japanese war, Korea Other Ways of Establishing was a tributary state to the Chinese empire. In Power 1894, the Japanese aided a coup d'etat in Korea. The subsequent installation of leader loyal to the Militarization Japanese helped precipitate the Sino-Japanese An arms race denotes a rapid, competitive war.92 China attempted to defend its satellite, but increase in the quantity or quality of instruments ultimately, it was forced to end the tributary of military or naval power by rival states in system. From 1910 to 1945, Korea was occupied peacetime. Arms races are ideal ways to express by Japan as its colony. During WWII, like China, hard power dominance against rivals. It is easy to the Koreans were victims of numerous Japanese assess which country is the hegemon in an arms war crimes. The Korean peninsula became an race: the nation with more new cutting edge area of interest and contention after World War weapons is more powerful. History has seen II. The Japanese were no longer in control of the many arms races - for artillery, guns, ships, nation. Despite Korean calls for immediate submarines, planes, chemical weapons and more. independence, the Korean peninsula was divided As technology becomes more advanced, so does at the 38th parallel. The Soviet Union backed and weaponry. The Second World War was no occupied the communist North while the United exception as the nuclear age began with the States supported and backed a democratic South. demonstration of the new technology with This created polarization and increased tension catastrophic effects on Japan. 94 between the Soviet Union and the United States. Since World War II, only one nation has In 1946, it became illegal to cross the 38th parallel possessed nuclear capabilities - the United States. from either direction. South Korea experienced a The atomic bomb revolutionized warfare. With similar situation as China with nationalists and just two atomic bombs used between Hiroshima

90“Occupation and Reconstruction of Japan, 1945– Economist, The Economist Newspaper, 31 Oct. 2009, 52.” Office of the Historian, Office of the Historian, State. Republic of China Fights For Survival.” Warfare 91Smethurst, Richard J. “The Allied Occupation of History Network, Sovereign Media, 6 Dec. 2016, Japan: 1945-52.” Japan PLACES, IMAGES, TIMES & articles/history/allied-occupation-japan-1945- 94 Staff. "Arms Race." A+E 52?page=3.> Networks, 2009. Web. 04 Nov. 2017. 92J.J. “Stuck in the Middle Koreans and the Koreas .


and Nagasaki, 120,000 Japanese were killed. employing villagers. Within days Japan surrendered unconditionally, and the United States emerged in a position to Spreading Communism lead the post war Pacific. It is a threat to all Early communists such as Marx and Lenin nations if the United States alone possesses this have stated that the natural enemy of military capability. Nuclear weaponry should be communism is capitalism. If satellite nations in the focus of this arms race.95 the Pacific became capitalist, this could be seen as Delegates should consider increasing the number a threat. Communist countries are less threatened of military personnel, increasing the production by other communist countries. This is an of current weapons technology, and developing argument behind the “balance of threat” foreign new weapons. This is the dawn of the nuclear age. policy ideology. The intentions of another Nuclear capabilities greatly increase the power of communist country are rarely contradictory to a nation. Resources should be allocated to nuclear your own. Communism can be spread by the use research and the obtention of nuclear scientists. of hard and soft power.

Strengthening the Economy Economies post World War II were evaluated based on production and growth. The Soviet Union industrialized rapidly allowing it to Conclusion exceed pre-war production levels. Due to both internal and external factors, Japan’s economy Delegates should make use of crisis notes, strengthened and grew. The Civil War private and public directives, and portfolio bankrupted China. We as a committee need to powers. Nothing is off limits. Be creative. focus on strengthening the economy and gaining Remember—history does not need to end the revenue, while keeping to our communist same way it did in the real world. Have fun, and principles. The war had little effect on the citizens see you soon! or industry of the United States because most of the fighting occurred in the Pacific. Many US Questions to Consider competitors fared significantly worse. This meant 1. Which countries are China’s greatest that the US began producing half of the world’s threats, and how can these threats be industrial output. The US economy grew at a mitigated? phenomenal rate.

In the modern age, economic prowess has 2. How can China increase its influence, become synonymous with power. This committee internally and externally? should consider ways to strengthen and expand the Chinese economy. Great ways of doing this are 3. How can China fight off threats of through investing in resources, reducing capitalism? consumption of foreign goods, encouraging local manufacturing, discouraging corruption, and

95 Staff. “Bombing of Hiroshima and 2009.


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