GLUTEN-FREE FOOD LIST (Formulary) November 2017 Every month you may select up to _______ units of prescribable gluten-free food from the following pages. Your Dietitian* or Community Pharmacist** will confirm the monthly number of units you may order. Please write the items you wish to order on the ‘Gluten-Free Food Requirement Order Form’*** and hand the completed form to your Community Pharmacist to place your order. ***Copies of the Order Form and the most up to date version of this Gluten-Free Food List (Formulary) are available at: ish%20Gluten-free%20Food%20Service.pdf Other useful information is available at: services/pharmacy/gluten-free-food-service Your *Dietitian Your **Community Pharmacist KEY GF Gluten-free WF Wheat-free (approved by ACBS as suitable for individuals with established gluten-sensitive enteropathies with co-existing established wheat sensitivity) If you require a large print copy of this Food List or have an enquiry, please contact the Formulary Assistant on 01463 706806 or email
[email protected] Lead reviewer: Formulary gluten-free review group Approved by: Formulary Subgroup of NHS Highland Area Drug & Therapeutics Date: November 2017 (Amended December 2018) Committee Version: 7 Review date: November 2018 Warning: document uncontrolled when printed 1 Contents Page SUMMARY 3 SECTION A Bread, rolls, buns and baguettes (non-fresh) 4 Fresh bread, rolls, buns and baguettes 5 Home baking: Bread mixes and flour 6 Pizza bases 6 Pasta 7 Crackers and crispbreads 7 Baking aids 8 Breakfast cereals 8 Manufacturer’s contact details 9 This Food List (Formulary) is a list of prescribable gluten-free products that can be ordered by patients in NHS Highland.